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so let's prepare another seafood recipe this is fish fillet with tofu perfect week or simply and i have here the fish fillet i'm using bangoons because so this is the bang was actually and then i cut it into smaller pieces and what i'm doing here caught mulan with flour and you deep fry it you know fish foreign is nice for this dish no so it deep fry momonayan the bangus and then the tofu until golden brown okay so this is golden brown you set it aside [Music] can i reuse the oil of course yes you can reuse the oil so katulognito you see it's cloudy now because there is flour we coated the bamus with flour traces of flour so lily now ulityan so you can reuse it of course and then i i've heated my my pan my skillet this is a stir-fried dish so you can also use a wok i'm just using this kasegus video high flame put it on high flame over high flame and then you saute first the garlic [Music] the onions [Music] this will give your dish a very nice flavor and aroma ayanna in the overpowering [Music] a uh and then this is shitake mushrooms [Music] gisa mulan [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then you put brown sugar one to two tablespoons i start with one tablespoon contain black vinegar the black vinegar is optional acidity just a splash of black vinegar i am glad guys it's fine okay and then this is bell peppers so basically you're you're preparing a slurry so in mix momona sila together you dissolve the cornstarch first and then you pour it in there [Music] as simple as that let the sauce thicken [Music] [Music] this is uh spring onions and titikman kupo if i needed to add more sugar [Music] lager [Music] [Music] put some black pepper [Music] and then again and fish i'll i'll be needing the help of this one [Music] so this is now your fish fillet with tofu [Music] then you put this is good sesame oil [Music] so let's get some rice and this is your fish filling with tofu let's try it [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] using this one simple recipe so happy cooking and take care [Music] you
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 184,236
Rating: 4.9489007 out of 5
Id: PCC1hIV9fhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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