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So now, let's exchange fake compliments. Let's make some meatballs but this is special meatballs, okay? This is Swedish Meatballs. It sounds so high class, right? This is popularly visited or usually eaten after shopping on a one popular furniture or home store, I just went there once but they are opening very near here in our place. But anyway, let's make the specialty. This is your Swedish meatballs that can be just easily make. You can partner it with pasta, potatoes and rice. We're going to make all of that because I know that you always want many options. But anyway, let's start with the meatballs. So I have here half a kilo of ground beef and half a kilo of ground pork. My apologies since I just put it together when I arranged it on my refrigerator. But it's half beef and half pork. "Can we use beef only since we aren't allowed to eat pork?" Sure! "We have many pork, can we just use pork only?" Sure. "Can we just use chicken only?" Sure. If what beef you're available with, my mistakes saying it's beef. On what grounded meat you're available with, let's be happy with the things that we have. I have a point, right? So now, let's mix it. Your grounded meat. I have here 2 pieces of eggs, you just put it there. I have here breadcrumbs, fine breadcrumbs. You can also use Japanese breadcrumbs if you don't have fine breadcrumbs. 2 tbsp of good all-purpose flour, I'm using La Filipina Unchlorinated All-Purpose Flour. It's very important that there is a binder. So your breadcrumbs and your flour, those are binder so that while you're cooking the meatballs, it won't become soggy. This is salt and thyme, dried thyme. If you have fresh then use the fresh one times two the amount of your dried thyme. So you just put it there. This is ground black pepper. This is soy sauce. This is garlic powder. So there. When you put it all together, just mix it. So you just mix it. I wash my hands, okay? I didn't wear gloves because I want to really feel what I am mixing. You can also use mixer with paddle attachment if you want. Just until the ingredients mixed with each other very well. So just a tip, it's better if the meat or ground meat you use is chilled so that it'll be relaxed. Your grounded meat is into you. When we have problems, you just need to be chill, right? So that you're relaxed and you're easy to go with. Just like your meat, when relaxed, right? It would absorb the ingredients you put for it to taste better more quicker. So just mix it. I'm using an ice cream scooper. Dear, can you get the ice cream scooper for me? The small one because I don't want to touch the handle of the drawer especially that you're touching raw meats to prevent cross-contamination. Thank you, dear. So we have a small ice cream scooper here, this is a #20 ice cream scooper. So that your meatballs would be distributed equally. So there, just scoop it like that and then you just form it circularly. You should exercise, right? While you're forming it circularly so that you'll be inspired more. 1 I like using this rather than weighing it one by one. This saves me a lot of time. Okay, you form it circularly. When you feel that it's already sticking on your hands, we have here a bowl with clean water. Just soak your hands on the water a bit. So that you'll be circularly forming it smoothly, right? "Can I prepare that in advance?" Yes. And then just cover it with clean wrap. You put it inside the refrigerator. And then you may just cook it on the following day. Actually, it would be more firm. Just don't freeze it because when you freeze it and you cook it right away, there's a chance that the inside wouldn't be cooked. When you really need to put it on freezer, you thaw it first overnight inside the fridge before you fry it. We're going to pan fry it today but you can also bake it. There it is, right? So I will form all of that circularly and I will remove my pasta from fire. Oh! Just in time. I will remove it from the stove, I will just wash my hands first and then we will be cooking this next. Alright, so I'm ready to pan fry my meatballs. Just very simple. You just get some oil. into the pan, right? Don't put too much oil and then you just arrange your meatballs. I'm just putting it on the sides first because the tendency is the middle would be hotter because the fire is on focus there. So that it won't get burn easily. You arrange it nicely, right? So that it would be pretty on the picture. While you're cooking, you post it. "Cooking Swedish Meatballs." Oh! You take a picture but kidding aside. The reason why you're arranging it nicely is because for it to have an even distribution of heat. Your meatballs would be cooked evenly, right? So do not overcrowd, your meatballs must have physical distancing. So after that, you're gonna flip it and do not hurry on flipping it early. It must be removed from the pan automatically. So there, just like that. And medium flame. Don't put it on a high flame because you want to cook it up to the inside. Do not attempt to: "Can I half cook it and then I'm going to cook it the following day" No because there's a chance that your meatballs might be spoiled easily if like that. So just medium flame. Okay, so we're just gonna leave this for a moment. We'll just leave this, okay? Not to ignore and not to be not cared. It's different, right? We're gonna go back here. I'm going to slice some of my vegetables so I have here potatoes. We're gonna make this buttered potatoes. I won't remove the skin anymore because I like the rustic feel that our potatoes have skin. So you just slice it with the size similar to each other. Maybe half a kilo or just estimate it on how many people are gonna eat. I won't soak this on water anymore because I'll cook this already immediately. So we will be having multi-tasking for now. So there, it's already okay. Just cut it like that. You can also use marble potatoes if you have that one and then you turn on the flame. Let's have here on the orange one we will have a color coding for now. And let's go back here. You want that crust, you see that crust. But for example: "We don't like that Swedish Meatballs. We want to have the Sweet and Sour sauce." You go on our video library, go to Sweet and Sour Pork and you make the Sweet and Sour sauce. You serve it as broth for your meatballs with a lot of rice or you make the Yang Chow fried rice also. Right? So I have here my potatoes and then into that pan. I'm going to put some butter, this is salted butter. You just throw it and some olive oil, good olive oil. So that the butter won't get seared, you put a bit of olive oil and then you just throw your potatoes. You just put it there. You'll leave that there until it crust and it would be soft, cooked. For the sauce of my meatballs, you will be needing also onions. So I have here 2 pcs of onions. It's a bit, red onions. Actually, it's better to use shallots. The smaller one than this and if it's a bit bigger so 1 pc would already be enough. So there, you don't need to slice it beautifully as long as you refine it, so there it is and then you have here also, flat leave parsley. Even the ordinary parsley, it would already be okay. You can also include the stem actually. The stem of parsley is also tasty and smells good. Okay, let's check this. Now, how will you know if it is already cooked? First, it has two ways. You're gonna press it like that, if it's already a bit firm then it's already cooked. So you will see this one, it's already firm. It is nearly cooked. This one, it's still a bit soft so let's cook it more. Those softer ones, you put it in the middle. You put some rosemary on your potatoes. Just keep on cooking it. Season it also with some salt. So I'm going to continue cooking this: the meatballs. This one, it's nearly cooked already. So I'm going to get a plate. So there. You just put it there and then you set the others on the stove. I will use another tong. People would say that I am having cross-contamination again. So another tong while cooking. You mix your potatoes and then I'm going to give you a tip on how you can prevent this from becoming dry. So that it won't get dry, I'm just getting a cover. You just cover it like that, okay? So that it will remain moist and tender and juicy. So basically, it will remain delicious so you cover it like that because if it's exposed from air, it would be dry. Alright so this is done. You will see that it has form a very nice crust. It can be a bit more but basically it's nearly cooked already. It has form a very nice crust, look at this and then, it's already a bit tender. I will not taste that for now because I know that I'll just get some burn. So I would be waiting. So let's continue cooking this and then when it's cooked already, we're going get back on it and I also have a surprise recipe. Bonus recipe for this episode. So now, we're already finish on cooking some meatballs. You leave it there, cover it and then you will see that these are the fats that came from the meatballs. You have two options, you may discard this already or what I do: I will get a bit and I'm gonna put it on the potatoes because these fats are very tasty. Okay, and then I'll reduce it a bit. I will just discard a bit. Just put a bit on your pan and then now, we are ready to prepare the sauce. To prepare the sauce, just get some butter and then you put your shallots. Just put your shallots there and then into this, we put 2 to 3 tbsp of All-Purpose flour. If you want the sauce to be really gooey, you put 3 tbsp. If you want it to be just enough, just still runny. 2 tbsp is enough. We're gonna put 2 1/2 so that we're just in the middle, right? You cook the flour first. You cook it first to make sure that your flour wouldn't taste isn't cooked and then you put 2 cups of stock, you can use chicken or beef stock. "I don't have stock" Then just use water. Just put it broth cube just like what we did. Water with a bit of broth cube, right? And then you put a cup of cream. So there, right? Just simple as that, you just mix it until it becomes gooey and as promise to you, we made another bonus recipe that you can really use meatballs. Why don't we make Spaghetti & Meatballs? So for the Spaghetti and Meatballs, so there, so I have crushed tomatoes. Egg garlic. So this one, I'm just mixing this while I wait for this to become thick. There it is, right? So bring it into full boil for 1 to 2 minutes to make sure that you fully activate the starch and of course, you're gonna taste it if you need to add more salt or pepper. It's god. I'll just put some black pepper. Okay, perfect thickness. Not too thick, not too thin but again if you want it to be more gooey than this. You can add more flour, make it 3 tablespoons and the meatballs, you're just gonna put it there. So since we have bonus recipe, I'm just gonna put half of the meatballs here that's why it look so free and then you simmer it just quickly just for the flavor of the sauce stick with your meatballs. On my pan this side, I'm going to put some olive oil and some garlic. You just sweat the garlic until aromatic. This episode is grandeur since we cooked many foods, right? And all of the foods we cooked are all high class. Swedish Meatballs, Italian Spaghetti. What is it again? Spaghetti with Meatballs. There it is, right? All are grandeur, you put some parsley. Turn off the flame and then move here. Once this is aromatic, you put the crushed tomatoes already. You can put herbs, you can put oregano. You can put basil, you can put thyme. Any herbs you want to put but today, I'm making it simple. Just this: garlic, tomatoes, some parsley because I actually don't have basil. I don't have fresh basil, right? There's none. Because I just think of it now to have this as bonus recipe and then you put your meatballs. Just as simple as that. And then I'll put this a bit sugar, just about 1 tbsp of sugar to balance the acidity and then we season it with salt and pepper. What are you looking for more, right? You already have Swedish Meatballs, you can go on Italy. If your child doesn't want to be on Europe, the child prefers Hong Kong then make Sweet and Sour Sauce, Yang Chow Fried Rice. It's already all, right? So there, you already have it all. So just be happy, right? Let's taste it. Delicious. Parsley. I know it! I'll put it a bit of chili flakes so that there is spice. A bit of chili flakes and you have two options. You may just put your pasta here or you may just pour it on your pasta. It would just depend on you, okay? So for me, I'll pour it on my pasta and I'll put it parmesan cheese. Alright, so now let's try. It's just as simple as this. You can have some potatoes. So there it is. Potatoes and meatballs or you can do Spaghetti and Meatballs. It's just very easy to make, right? Can you believe it on yourself? And then I haven't made Sweet and Sour sauce anymore so that you can just watch it on Sweet and Sour Pork video. And then cheese, right? If you want to put cheese on this one, this food wouldn't mind at all. It would just depend on you. Of course, let's taste it. I even get wine because our tasting for now looks so high class. So let's try first the Swedish Meatballs with the potatoes. Actually, the potatoes is optional. On it's own, it's very delicious. It's very moist. We still haven't cooked rice, right? There is still none. So let's just have potatoes so that you're really like on Europe. I'm speechless, it feels like I'm having a date on a restaurant. This is for the person I dating, the person I'm dating just went on the comfort room. It really feels like that, right? Let me have a taste. Let's taste if the person I am dating is good on ordering. I feel jealous with what the person I am dating ordered, we should've order food for sharing. So I would taste this already, I will just let the person I'm dating order for himself of herself. You know, this is the type of food you would not thought that is 2 in 1. That you know that you aren't stressed upon cooking this. It's so delicious. That feeling that you've just opened a can of crushed tomatoes, you make saute the garlic, you toss the Spaghetti and you put the meatballs. Definitely restaurant style. And my wine. You may also be, "Can I order the Spaghetti alone?" "Nothing else." "Nothing else, right?" Because I already have what all I need in front of me. "Those times, right?" You can have white sauce if you're already fed up on the red one. You put it some Pasta and then. This is meatballs to the highest level at all. So there are no fake compliments anymore. So run to the supermarket or let someone buy you grounded meat. Make this already because you should make yourself and the people you're with happy already, right? So happy cooking, take care and hope to see you soon :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 786,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rix0raUN548
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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