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Hi everyone! This afternoon, let's make another dish that we love to prepare during occasions or simply something special for lunch or dinner. This is Embotido On making Embotido, you can choose variety of meat but the most popular is pork. So we are using 1 kilo of pork here, this is 80% This is ground pork, 80% "What does that 80% means?" 80% meat, 20% fats. Because you can't just use pure meat because the inside of your Embotido would become dry. If you don't like pork, you can also use ground beef or ground chicken. As a tip when you're using ground chicken, make sure that you'll have the thigh part ground. Okay? Because the thigh part has layers of fats which will help keep the Embotido moist. If you use breast, the result of your Embotido would be too dry. So first, again, this is your ground meat. How easy to make this? Just put everything into the mixing bowl. Again, if you can't find the recipe. It's just on the top of the video Just click see more and you will see the list of ingredients. So this is your ground pork and then I'm putting salt. Our salt is 2-3 teaspoons. I will start with 2 tsp because there are people who can taste easily on eating. If you feel that 2 tsp is still tasteless, you can make it 3 tsp but again me, I start with 2 tsp of salt. This is paprika, 1/2 a tsp of paprika. The paprika will give it a little bit of spice but for example, you don't have paprika in your kitchen or you can't find it on the supermarket, don't stress yourself anymore. Again, if you don't have any, don't seek for it anymore so that you won't be stress. You may not put paprika also. And this is flour, I'm putting 1/4 cup of flour. Just a reminder, the flour here is not an extender. Because it has two things. We have the so called "extenders" and when you say "extenders", those are for your mixture to be more in quantity. For example: this Embotido will produce you 6 pcs of the large size Embotido You want to make 8 pcs simply because you want to earn more. That's the time you will put extenders. "What are those extenders?" It could be breadcrumbs or you may also have additional flour so that the yield of your Embotido would rise. But again, the texture isn't that beautiful if it has many extenders because you won't feel the texture of the meat anymore, okay? This quantity of flour in a recipe, we use this as a binder. When you say binder, we put the flour on the mixture or on the recipe so that your recipe, your Embotido will hold. It will hold and it won't automatically break. Again, binder and extender are different. The flour, we put as a binder. Okay, All-Purpose Flour. Sugar to make it tastier and then I'm putting pickles, chopped pickles to make it tastier also. It's just cheap because this is I like using local brands so this brand is Ram. R-A-M It's very affordable. And this is evaporated milk, to make it tastier and creamier. Many of our viewers living abroad, they can't find or they rarely find evaporated milk. You can use heavy cream or thickened cream, it can also be. And this is pineapple juice, okay? Whenever I make tocino, tapa, even in my longganisa, I always put pineapple juice because pineapple juice is very acidic. What it does, this is a natural meat tenderizer. Again, natural meat tenderizer. It's a secret, okay? Don't tell it to everyone. So pineapple juice, I'm using DOLE Unsweetened Pineapple Juice. If you can't find pineapple juice since in some cultures, in some countries, pineapple juice is very hard to find. You can use fresh pineapples, you just have to grate it. Okay? So pineapple juice. Chopped carrots. And then I have here also onions. If you don't like red onions, you can use white onions as well. Cheese, grated cheese. This is just a cheap cheese, processed cheese. You don't need to use very special cheese and you have to be careful also because if you use a type of cheese that is very salty, you need to estimate it or you reduce your salt. Black pepper. This is Vienna sausage that I chopped. You can also use hotdogs or you can also use ham or if you don't like to have processed meat, you may also remove the sausage. It's just that we're used to put sausage when we're making Embotido and of course eggs, eggs are also binder. Okay. And of course, when you do Embotido, I'm use on using my bare hands. Okay. You just mix it. You will see that on making Embotido (Meat Loaf), it's just like you're making cake. On what I taught you, you just mix it until the mixture is smooth and well combined. Don't tremble, okay? Don't suffocate it. When you suffocate it, it would separate. Seriously, okay? What will happen here when you overmix it, you will squeeze the meat. Okay? Let's say that you're trembling, you are squeezing the meat. The natural moisture and fats present in the meat especially that it's ground, it's meat are really open. You will squeeze it so during the cooking process, you will see that your Embotido would get watery. You will be wondering if where the water came from, it actually came from meat. Okay. So you just want to mix it just until it is combined. It's also the main reason why we have flour because the flour will actually absorb the excess moisture in the meat. So when you see that the mixture, you can't see undissolved flour anymore. Okay. You stop mixing it already because again, when you squeeze it, the inside would get dry, your finished product would become soggy or crumble. Okay? Now, of course we have different taste. Some people want the Embotido sweeter, some people want it more salty. Some people want it spicy. Depending on what you want, you may add it the seasoning of your choice. Just get a bit and then you fry it or you heat it on the microwave for you to taste if there are more adjustments needed. Okay. So the next thing I'll do, I will wrap this but I'm going to wash my hands first. Okay, so now I'll show to you how to prepare the Embotido or how to mold the Embotido. First, you will need a plastic like this. If you can't buy a plastic like this, you can use a clean wrap or if you don't like to use plastic in cooking. You can put it directly on aluminum foil or you can also use a parchment paper, okay? So you open the plastic and then this size, this is a bit large Embotido. 1 cup. So this is a 1 cup measuring, 1 cup measuring cup. Okay. And then you just put it here in the plastic. Try to keep it as clean as possible so that when your customer opens it or when you cooked and fry it later, the plastic would be clean and then you just press it evenly, you just push it like that. You can also put boiled eggs, you may also put boiled eggs on that. Whats the only bad thing about it when there's boiled eggs is when you overcook it, the yolk would get dry and then you just roll it, okay? You can notice that it's a bit loose. This time you'll use the foil, put it in the middle of foil so that you can form the perfect Embotido. You roll and then you're gonna twist the tip. Okay, you just twist it like that. Oh see! So that you can compress it. Right? It's just easy, right? Then into the steamer, I'm going to do one more. I don't know what's the size of this plastic. This is only the available one I find, I guess this is around 8 inches. Again, open the plastic. Because you know, lockdown cooking is all about using what is available in your kitchen. So just like what I've said before, if there's none then don't be stress because this is a time for us to be very resourceful. You can find things that you can use in replace with the things you're not available with. Okay and then you put it like that, push it like that. You see it's very nice, you can really see the texture of your ingredients. And then you wrap it with the aluminum foil. You twist. 1 kilo can make 6 pcs of this large Embotido right? But I'm going to show you because using this recipe, you can show a lot of love to those people that'll eat this, okay? Because you can't just make Embotido but for the Embotido, I will set this on my steamer already. Okay, you set that for 30 to 40 minutes. Just leave it. You can also make Hardinera. Hardinera is like an Embotido on a llanera. It's famous in the Quezon Province or in some places, I think they call it "everlasting". Right? So you need a llanera. First, you need to brush your llanera with butter. You can also use margarine or it can also be oil. Okay, and then you put banana leaf. You put it banana leaf and then you brush it. And then you put because we serve this upside down. It looks better if it's serve upside down. You put your vegetables. The banana leaf, we're using that in place of the parchment paper. You can also put raisins. Sausage. More pineapples. So there I'm just using whatever is available that I found on the pantry. More raisins. The Embotido, you may also put raisins on that. About half a cup if you want and then you just put your meat filling. I will just level that. When you say level, it's just like this but don't press it hardly because again, when you press that too much, you will squeeze the meat, the natural moisture would get out. So like that if you want it upside down. If you want to serve it like that, you may put more toppings above. Sausage. I'm just showing you the different ways of preparing it, okay? Pineapples. You can put, this is the bell pepper to make it colorful One more sausage. And then you can press that for a bit. You can even put raisins on it, right? Okay. And then into the steamer as well. Put it on to the steamer. I won't cover it with foil anymore because my steamer, I'm using a bamboo steamer so there are no dripping that happens. The excess steam is not dripping because the bamboo steamer absorbs it but if you're using a stainless steamer, it will have condensation so the water on top will drip. You may just cover it with foil, okay. I'm putting it into the steamer. Just like the usual, 30 to 40 minutes. And lastly, I'm going to show you that you can also make this as meat loaf because in one of the cookbooks that I was reading the other day. The cookbook called Embotido as a Filipino style of Meat Loaf. Why not, right? Just using one recipe, you can already make many variations. What I did here: the bacon, I line it here on the loaf pan. It's nice to do this when you are accepting orders. Okay. And then you put your Embotido butter but of course, when you're already selling that, you aren't gonna say to your customer that the filling you use is the Embotido. Let's say that the first one the customer ordered from you is the Embotido. The customer have become repeat client as the customer find the Embotido ordered from you as delicious. You may offer the customer the meat loaf and there's 70% to 99% chance that the customer will like it. Why? Because the flavor is familiar. In the food business, that is very important. The flavor should be familiar for your repeat customer. So this is a new dish but the familiar flavor is there because you're actually using the same paste. Okay. So remember that because many of you have started business already. I can see it from your posts. Okay. And of course, the tip is you just keep on testing and practicing and then you're gonna fold that and when we fold that, we are following an alternate technique on folding. Okay, it was caught in between. You just fold it. It's very fun. right? You can call this meat loaf or you can call this pork galantina. This one just needs you have oven. There it is, right? The bacon will not only add flavor, it would also moisture on your recipe. So what I'll do: I will bake this at a 350° F oven for also around 35-40 minutes or until the top turns brown, okay? And then I'll continue steaming this. After that, I will show you the finished product. So after cooking it for around 30-45 minutes, your Embotido is already cooked. I actually made some this morning so I have some here. If you can see, it's already cold because Embotido isn't advisable to be eaten when it's just nearly cooked. You want the juices to re-distribute. Actually it's tastier when it's cold or when you chill it overnight. So you can easily take it out, I just let it cool at room temperature. You will see that your Embotido is very nice and firm, right? You're just gonna fry it on a cooking oil. Okay, we 're just rolling it on the cooking oil. It would drip out for a bit because of course, there is cheese. But this one, you may just eat it directly. You may have it as filling on your bread since it's already cooked, okay? And then let's get the Hardinera or Everlasting from here. This is it and this one is what we made a while ago. On our one recipe, we are able to prepare 3 pcs of Embotido. 1 Llanera of Hardinera or Everlasting. So see how nice and moist it is and 1 meat loaf, this is our meat loaf, bacon wrapped meat loaf. I'll just turn the fire into low so that it won't get toasted quickly. Okay, so I'm going to take the Hardinera out of the Llanera. Look how nice it is. It looks so beautiful, right? If you want upside down, just for a moment, I'll just roll this. I'll just remove a bit liquid. It's normal that it has liquid when it's still hot. So I'm going to serve it upside down. So there. So on where you find it beautiful to look at. On the one where the original top faces or upside down, you choose. You may also fry the Hardinera for a bit and then this one, you brown it. Look at the meat loaf. It looks so pretty, right? I will put the Embotido here, I'm going to recycle the leaves. So that is what I'm telling you of many ways to display your love just by using a single ingredient. What are those many ways? You can have that as filling for your lumpiang shanghai you may use to wrap it on Wonton wrappers, right? And the nicest thing you can do on that is for you to make it as business whether you want to make the classic Embotido. "Oh my! A lot of people have sell Embotido on our place already" Then make this one, the Hardinera or you call it the Everlasting. "A lot of people have already sell that also, we want something special." Then make this one, right? Pork Meat Loaf. Okay. So when the sides turned brown, you just want it because actually browning the outside or the exterior of the Embotido adds flavor and texture, okay? So there, you just put it there. There it is, right? And then dinner is serve. Again, let's recall what those are what we made. We've made a simple Embotido recipe and we are able to make classic Embotido out of it. A Hardinera or Everlasting and a Meat Loaf. Remember that when you know, you can. I'm looking forward to see you again next week. Meanwhile, you cook that one, you taste that one, add your personal touches. Add your secrets on the kitchen on that and make your family and friends happy and make yourself happy. Fulfilling and you can earn money with. See you again and take care :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 1,349,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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