ITALIAN FEAST Cookbang & Mukbang

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So tonight, let's go to Italy! It's very grandeur, right? It seems like we're just on a beauty contest. Because I'm going to prepare a very simple and quick to make an Italian feast from appetizer to main dish up to dessert. It's very grandeur, right? But it's just easy to make, promise. So first, I'm going to start with the dessert. This is a very popular Italian dessert called 'Panna cotta' It sound so grandeur, right? But if you're to translate it, it means Cooked Cream and you will just literally cook the cream with very simple ingredients. So I'm going to start with, I have here 1 cup of fresh milk. Just full cream milk only and a cup of heavy cream. You can also use all-purpose cream if you don't have heavy cream. This is sugar. This is gelatin powder. If you don't have gelatin powder, you can always use jelly powder but those two are completely different, okay? Because gelatin is from the protein and jelly powder is a carbohydrate. Personally, I like gelatin more because you really get the melt-in-your-mouth feel of the 'Panna cotta' but if you don't have it, don't be stress; be happy on what you have in your pantry and this is vanilla paste, you can buy this from baking supplies store. I like using vanilla paste because you'll really see the bits of vanilla beans. Before you put it on fire, you should mix it first like that and then you set it up. Okay, so you'll just cook that; you will bring it into a simmer. My casserole here is already moving because I'm going to cook a pasta dish also. A Seafood Marinara or you may also call it as 'Frutti di Mare'. Fruits of the Sea, it sounds so grandeur, right? But that's just really easy to make. So I will be multi-tasking. While I'm cooking my 'Panna cotta', I'm going to salt my boiling water. You put salt generously on the pasta water. And then the pasta. Okay. If the packaging says cook for 8 minutes, always cook it minus 2 minutes so it won't be sogged. Timer. So let's cook it 7 minutes because I think the packaging says 9 minutes. So 7 minutes and we will go back on this one. You're going to bring it to a simmer; almost boiling so that the sugar would melt and the gelatin also. So the pasta, make sure to stir it occasionally. And then just keep on boiling it. Okay, you does simmer. Don't boil this already, simmering is fine which means when you see it smoking, it's already okay. Because when we boil it, the gelatin becomes weak sometimes, right? And then I'm going to get a strainer. So when it boil, we'll just strain it to the measuring jug or when it simmer. 'Panna cotta' traditionally is really just plain because you want to really savor. You want to feel the natural creaminess, the natural flavor of your cream but if you want to put flavor on this, it'll depend on you and you really can. You can put instant coffee powder, you can even make it like Tropical Asian Style. You put coconut cream, you may put Ube powder. Right? You can put green tea powder, it would really depend on you but today, since I'm in Italy; I will just make the plain one and I'm going to put different fruit toppings on the top later. As I remember back then on Italy, Many years ago, so I went and eat in a fine dining restaurant in Bra, Italy. Their 'Panna cotta' is shockingly so expensive. The 'Panna cotta' is better since it's loved, right? And there's nothing on it, it's just really the cream. I stated these words, okay? "How many euros is this yet it's just cream only." Just really plain, there's no even strawberry or chocolate but you know that when I taste it, I have really said that "You know in life? Less is more" Because it's just really plain and there's no even decorations yet super delicious. So sometimes when it's just simple, the flavor would really stand out. So just like this, it's very basic. So there it is, you just pour it. So that you will just remove those- just in case that there are some a bit of undissolved gelatin then you can remove it. And then this one, while it is still hot. I have disposable cups in here, it's so adorable, right? You can just by this on baking supplies store or if you want to reuse it, you can reuse it. You may also use your special glass, there would be no problem at all. I'm just using this because base on my experience because your visitors love it sometimes, right? Your neighbors love it. You may give it to them take home, because it wouldn't be if you'll let them have your glass, right? That's why you have disposable containers like this. So there, you just pour it. There it is, right? And by the time this will go into the fridge, you may also put it on the freezer if you're in a hurry. There it is. Let's just consume it all. If you're in a hurry, you put it on freezer, right? When on freezer, it's only 1 hour. When you refrigerate it, about 4 hours. So if you're in a hurry since your visitor is already there, you just put it on freezer. So there, last 15 seconds. This is too exciting, right? Where could I put the tong. I have also kept it. 5 seconds. So there's the timer. Oh my! It's like my alarm clock every morning, let's turn it off already. Let's make remove it. After 7 minutes. Oh wait, I'm too excited. I always get 1 cup of the pasta water when I cook pasta so that I have something to use on diluting it later, so there it is. It's pasta water, okay? This might be drink. You can also drink that if you want but it's too salt and then now, let's make the removal. Let's pour it on the strainer. Okay. I didn't really have it cooked because I really want to use my purple lettuce. So let's flip it there. And then while you don't use this one, you just leave it here. If you really need to put it immediately, you put it on the sauce but if you're just gonna use this later, I suggest you to wash it a bit like this to stop the cooking. Because when you leave it that it's hot like that, the steam will continuously cook the pasta and it would get sogged. you just want it Al dente. The terms sound so grandeur, right? So there. When the smoke is already gone, it means- The smoke is already gone, right? So there, so we'll just leave it there. I always put it on the side because someone might wash their hands, okay? So now, let's cook our pasta and we also have appetizer. So this pasta is called- You may call it as 'Seafood Pasta' Seafood Pomodoro Pasta. Seafood, what is it again? Seafood Marinara or this is the one that sounds so high class. Spaghetti al Frutti di Mare or Fruits of the Sea. I really practice that, okay? So the pronunciation might be correct but if it's wrong, my viewers from Italy. What you should do? Then you correct me, right? So first, let's start with the basic ingredients. I have here my seafood. These are my mussels. I have here shrimps. I have baby squid here. You can put the baby squid on the pasta and also for the appetizer. And then these are peeled shrimps so that when it's eating time and there's someone who doesn't like peeling, they may just have this. So let's start first by sautéing the onions, garlic and tomatoes. When buying olive oil, make sure you see the color properly because that would vary there if the quality of your oil is really nice and of course, the best part. I really attended a seminar on United States before for whole day about olive oil only. You get a spoon and you taste it. You wait for 3 to 5 seconds. So there it is already. Your throat would get itchy. When your throat would not get itchy, it's fake. Okay, so this is not fake and I love it. And it's like a medicinal itchiness, do you know? Good for you. So I'm going to sauté my onions. Garlic. It's still itchy until now so let's have some wine. But you know, good olive oil is really good for you. Me, I use it for everything. Actually sometimes, do you know what? When I don't have lotion anymore, I also use olive oil to rub it on my skin. Even if some chefs would tell me that you know, we really don't use olive oil for frying, for sizzling. I still use it because when I smell it, it's like it's really fragrant, okay? In my kitchen, the taste really become so different. So there, you sauté and of course, season with salt with confidence. You've seen that? You season with salt with confidence. Like you're not really afraid, okay? You feel free because cooking makes you free, cooking gives you a lot of confidence. So there. So you season it. Don't practice too much on confidence because what you are cooking may get too salty, right? So now, I'm going to put Oregano. I'm going to get it here. So this is your Oregano to give your tomato sauce a really good kick. And if you want it to be a bit- You may call this one on this another name, okay? Spaghetti Seafood Al Diavlo. You may may it spicier for a bit. It sounds so high class, right? So we may put this a bit of red pepper flakes. So there, red pepper flakes. If you want it Spaghetti Super Al Diavlo, then you put it pepper flakes more, right? And then you put your, this is crushed tomatoes or chopped tomatoes. When I buy chopped tomatoes, I always look at the label. I want it to be from Italy, it's written in the back 'Product of Italy' because it's really true, I hope our local farmers wouldn't feel sad. The taste of tomatoes coming from Italy is really different but of course, on what you have on hand; you use it. No problem. And then you season it with some salt just to balance My apologies, it's sugar! I already got confused. Just to balance the acidity, a little bit of white sugar. That's it. And then I'm going to let it simmer, I would just simmer that. Just simmer it to bring out all the flavors before we put our seafood. So you're going to let this simmer for around 10 to 15 minutes just to let all the nice flavors mellow down, right? What a term, right? Mellow down is too romantic. But while we're simmering this, let's cook the baby calamari. There it is, right? So to cook the baby calamaris, you just get it; I have a baby squid here and then all-purpose flour, okay? You just toss it in all-purpose flour like that. I will season it with salt later because I want the natural flavor of the squid but you can still put it a bit of salt. Me, I season it with sea salt after frying and then you put it in your hot oil one by one so that it would really be crispy and the temperature of oil wouldn't drop. So there. So it would really spill off a bit. Oh! So it isn't just a bit. It would really spill off. The struggle is real but we love struggles as long as we eat a delicious food. Okay. Keep one hand clean so that if you need to mix- I will just open this. If you need to mix it, right? This is the high-class calamari. You'll see how nice it is, right? It's very crispy. Do you know that on my first time in Italy; I think in Milan or Rome Okay. So when we are already eating on the Italian restaurant, we are still ordering. I have seen something and I have said So there it is, there's Calamares. It's really Calamares because it's Calamares here in us. So when it came, I keep on finding the sauce with the soy sauce, onions and vinegar. But Oh my! They only put lemon juice, sea salt and a bit of pepper flakes in Italy. Oh god! This is it when it's high class. Right? And the partner is wine but it's really delicious. You may also partner it with your pomodoro sauce or marinara sauce. So there. Well, of course. If you want the traditional Filipino sauce of soy sauce, onions, and vinegar with sugar then why not? On where you are happy. So there it is, see. How nice. Okay, just let this simmer so that it's flavor would really mellow down and then let's keep on deep frying our Calamari . Italian foods are really straightforward. It doesn't have any complications; it is not complicated. Hope all the relation is like that, right? They won't put any ingredients that may possibly confuse you. You would get lost or you may get confused, right? They just want fresh ingredients, real honest ingredients that's why their foods are getting delicious just like Filipino foods. Just really simple but has a character, right? Hope everyone, right? Okay Now, you know; I'll taste it to check if I need to adjust the seasoning. Okay, you taste it. So I'll get 1 pc of calamari and I would soak it there. Oh my! It fall down. A little bit more salt. Okay, so the next thing that I'm going to add into my tomato sauce is white wine. So don't worry, you won't get drunk on that. You just want the sweetness. The acidity, the nice flavor that came from the wine right? So for example, we Filipinos love to put vinegar into our dishes so that the feeling of being fed up or the stench odor would be gone. In Italian foods, Western cookery. We love to put- I mean them. I even included myself on them, right? They also love to put wine, right? Don't worry. Again, you won't get drunk and I have wines here yet I don't really experience a lot of problems. I just enjoy wine. So you put your seafood, your shrimps. The mussels. You can use fresh mussels, the mussels I've been using is branched. I bought it from the supermarket; it's pre-cooked, of course. If you're near the market or if you'll use it right away, you can use fresh mussels, you can even put clams. On what seafood you like to put here, you may also put squid in here. I'm not just putting now just to balance it and then more peeled shrimps. Okay, let's not mix it too much for it may get crushed. You may cover that until the seafood has been fully cooked. It takes around 2 to 3 minutes only, do not overcook otherwise your seafood will become rubbery. I have here the pasta water, the one we put away before. Just in case that your sauce is too gooey and then of course, since I am nearly cooking; I'm cleaning up. So my calamari is also done. Make sure you let the oil drain. And then this is the pasta that I boiled earlier; the one we cooked. Let's get the seafoods. Okay, so it's near since our shrimps have already turned into orange. I'm not going to wait for this to fully cooked. I will toss the pasta already because I don't want to overcook the seafood. So you put your pasta. Then you just get a tong. Oh gosh! If you feel like it's too gooey and it becomes too dry, that's the time that you should put the pasta water. That's the purpose of pasta water. We are using that because when you boil the noodles, okay? Your pasta releases starch, okay? That is the good starch and when you mix your pasta water to your sauce, okay? It would help the sauce to really stick on the noodles. There it is, right? The style of pasta water is stick with you. And now, I'm going to turn off the flame because I don't want to overcook the seafood as well as the noodles so that it would remain Al dente and then I'm going to put my parmesan cheese. Always put the parmesan cheese off flame. When you turn the fire off already because you don't want the cheese to separate. There it is, right? There are techniques to avoid separation. So just like here, don't heat your cheese. Right? Meanwhile in life, when the situation is still hot, don't go there already; stay away from it and let yourself be cool so that it won't just easily separate, right? Our life is just like a cheese, very very basic. It's done and of course I would clean up things already and then let's do my favorite part. Tasting but I will try to taste it first just in case that I need to put more any salt. I need to add more salt, I need to add more chili flakes. I'll put it more cheese. Let's put it already. I love cheese because why not, right? There are things that makes us happy and let's go for it. As I observed, the seafoods are a lot compared to noodles. So there, it's already okay. So now, let's taste this already. Now, my favorite part but I nearly forgotten that we have a dessert. So the 'Panna cotta' has been sitting inside the fridge for around 2 hours and as you can see, you may remove that one. Normally, you need to have hot water to remove that but I think that I can remove it like this. It's not required to remove it, it can also just be in the container. Right? This dish is really super high-class. It's just very simple but it's very high class, right? It's high class yet simple, what am I even saying? But you know? The basis for a nice 'Panna cotta' is that when you move it like that, it jiggles but it's very stable, you can relate with it, right? Even though people move it, even though it's shake, it's still stable. Hope everyone, right? Hope that all relationships are like that. It is a result of using very good quality ingredients particularly cream and of course, the proper ratio of the gelatin. So the recipe that I'm giving you tonight, it won't fail you. You may just eat it like this or you can put fruits of your choice. So you can put strawberries and of course, I'm putting my favorite Jolly Peaches. And you can also put- If you want to have a citrus paste, you can put a Jolly Mandarin Orange. How nice the colors, right? Or if you want- you can combine it, why not, right? So you put your strawberries, you put your peaches. So peaches and strawberries, right? You can also put chocolate, Let's taste if it's sweet. It's sweet. And then if you'll plate it for example you have a date. You want to prepare a special dessert. There it is, right? You'll then say that "This is Panna cotta'. "Even it moves, even you shake it, it's still stable just like our relationship". It's very stable, right? Time tested and then you even put mint leaves. You put it on the center because just like 'Panna cotta', our relationship will bloom over time, right? Look how nice. Are you gonna think that you just refrigerate that for 2 hours and the ingredients are very very simple and you may even put mint leaves. Oh my! this one's a bit withered, let's replace it with another one. I put the withered one; you put mint leaves like that. There it is, right? So see. And of course, before we indulge on the dessert, let's have appetizer first; this is your baby calamari. That you can eat with vinegar. Italian Style, just put lemon juice. You can also eat it with mayonnaise, I like it with mayonnaise. These are newly fried. You can also have peeled shrimps that you just toss in all-purpose flour as appetizer. And of course. I don't know but for me, Italian food isn't complete without pasta. So it's always, even in my recipe videos. I'm scraping the cheese since I'm fond of cheese. Even in my recipe videos, I make sure that at least every month; there's a pasta dish because you know that pasta is very elegant; it's very delicious. It's so delicious. What I like to do is to get a crispy calamari and then eat it with the pasta. It's so refreshing and of course, if you don't want Spaghetti, you can use other pasta shapes. You pair it with wine. There is really no rule that if you're eating seafood, it must be white wine when steak or red. No. The only rules you should follow is where you are happy, you drink that one. And then of course, the Panna cotta. There is it, right? Oh see. I should face it to the camera, actually. It seems like it doesn't want to get separated. This is my time tested 'Panna cotta' recipe. This has been made me very happy for more than 10 years and I'm sharing it to you. It's really delicious. It is one of the most simple desserts than you can prepare but the deliciousness of Panna cotta is really straight to the heart. I'll remove this already. It's really really good. Desserts is very- I've been saying a lot of things, right? Because it's really delicious. And dessert is something that really; it closes the night, it closes the event. So to me, I am a pastry chef by profession but I know how to cook. I cook fine but not that too skilled, right? But being a pastry chef by profession, to me; dessert is very very important. That even on midnights or your date has left you. You know that? That the person you're dating with left you and the more hurtful thing, the restaurant bill is also left on you. When the dessert you eat is delicious, you know that? It seems like all your sadness would be gone. I don't know, okay? Since my happiness is just really shallow but for this 'Panna cotta', it's really really so good. And it's so good that I'm going to finish it. The feeling that I get married which would also not happen. Just kidding. This is the dessert I like but I won't make it, maybe one of you that's why I teach it to everyone. Right? So there, I ate it all because it's really delicious. So see you in Italy soon! Cheers and take care :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 884,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, recipe, mukbang, chef rv, vlogs, chef
Id: hHwdELM-xvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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