First video | CLASSROOM TOUR!!

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel i'm sorry i can't give a straight face i've always wanted to say that but it's just not it's really just not me but let's try it okay friends and welcome to my channel haven nation i am a second grade teacher in oklahoma this is going to be my first video and we're going to do a classroom tour gosh where do i even begin there's so much so much in this room but let's start with these because i feel like this might be confusing at a glance so these are little dividers that we have to enable our students to sit in groups which i absolutely love it's been so awesome at first we had them all spread out in single desks you know they couldn't really interact with each other and so i love having this so that they can interact help each other collaborate whatever they're super awesome it's just like plastic stuff with ppc we have our class jobs i do this by their class number and i change them out weekly i love having jobs gives them a sense of responsibility and ownership of their classroom this is our math center display which now i kind of mainly just do it on the smart board just easier first bulletin board when you walk in are objectives next is our word wall which are our high frequency words or sight words um from our curriculum it's just a second whiteboard that i have in my room i printed all these off which also in the decor bundle and i put these adhesive magnets on the back and every week when we have our new words i print them out laminate them so i can use them for years to come and i put all the adhesive and i can cut these in half so i can get the most out of them but yeah that's our world of our word wall we have our wow work just where i display work that we do in class that's really amazing this was a raised salt glue painting activity that we did you can see among us every word birthday display obviously i don't want to get too close because i don't want you to see names and birthdays not that i don't trust you but you know confidential in my area and i'm clearly kind of a type b teacher i'm not the most organized but i'm also not the least organized you know pretty decent i have a friend sitting with me right now unfortunately but that's why that desk is there i have these adhesive dots as seen on my tick tock they're from amazon they are linked in my amazon storefront they're really awesome because it comes with these markers and they can write during small group on their dots and it erases perfectly they're so durable i've had them on since the beginning of school they aren't coming up or anything which is amazing um it just makes small group time so much more engaging and interactive they love to write on the table it just is amazing and people said on my tick tock oh they can just write on the table but if they're writing on the table they're going to be writing everywhere so the dots just kind of help isolate where they're supposed to right g and i have these like matching chairs to the dots because i'm extra and it just worked out perfectly they're also linked on my amazon stream my desk i've got my leveled readers organized these crates are also from amazon linked on my storefront they've been amazing to organize my leveled readers and i just got oops i just got these from also that rainbow decor bundle and i made them custom you know to our units um all the labels are customized again this is not my rainbow decor bundle this is shayna voss on teacher paid teacher on this level behind my desk i've got curriculum all my teachers guide books and everything we need for the week i have reading here math here this is our little prize bin for if they win a game or something like that have some personal items in here and some snacks of course this is just all random stuff i love this little organizer that i got off of amazon as well you can tell i'm an amazon teacher and that's why i chose to be an influencer with them but it came black and i just spray painted it purple to match my room and i've got these labels you guessed it off of my boho rainbow decor bundle so that's been awesome i love having everything so organized obviously i have other things in there than what their label says but you know type b once again this is what behind my desk looks like on the top shelf black crate they actually came in a pack of six also from amazon which is amazing um it was only like 50 and you get six of them i use this for student mail boxes i just got some little filers and when i grade stuff i put them in that student's file and then every thursday i send home thursday folders with their graded work in there these have been super awesome to organize a bunch of different shelf is basically all curriculum i've got reading curriculum here math curriculum over here different folders for the different units we do here and their textbooks science books of course i've got a space for my cricut cricut is a teacher's lead card also from amazon which is linked so amazing for keeping yourself organized with all the papers you have to mess with on a weekly basis i just took the knobs off and i made these labels off of that core bundle and i have every day of the week so you can see next week i'm already organized for like what we're doing each day um i have next week's stuff stuff i need to copy stuff i need to grade and then back door i have our school-wide behavior management slash positive behavior reinforcement strategy that we do um basically their time at our school they belong to a house each letter and color is a house and they belong to that same house the entire time they're at our school as well as the teachers i'm in the house of norma but every house is named after a constellation in outer space so we've got sculptor hydras indus the s stands for self-discipline h stands for honesty i stands for invincibility norma erp sorry purple is inclusiveness and equilious is empathy so say for instance um i'm in norma but i'm caught being or having self-discipline i'm being very respectful doing my work as my teacher says and just i know i want to play with my friends and stuff but it's not the appropriate time so i'm showing self-discipline and so when a kid gets one they put their name on it and even though they were showing self-discipline if they're in the house of norma they're giving norma a ticket because you're always adding your points to your own house but you want to still be showing all these like just because i'm in normal doesn't mean i'm only being inclusive i want to show all of this and i can get points for displaying any of these qualities so i don't that's kind of hard to explain but at the end of every week we add up a point the points for each house and it's like a school-wide competition it's really fun they love it each week we have different vocabulary words and i staple them up there you can see there's nothing there now because it was friday yesterday and monday is a new week of vocabulary words so i'll put those up when we go over them reading bulletin board um just like to highlight you know certain skills or things that we're learning in reading so got a noun anchor chart verb anchor chart title setting characters plot you know all that stuff making predictions because i want them to be able to reference that while we're here we've got one ipad charging station and another ipad charging station those are really nice um and we've got our math manipulatives so much it's so unorganized and i really need to do better but this is technically my desk but i don't use it i use my teacher table that i showed you with the adhesive dots on them and it's really crazy back here so i've got my you know my mini fridge my microwave that i never use because i eat chick-fil-a every day but you know it's good to have it just in case um got pictures my husband and i my dogs and my family um i keep the water jugs to refill back here i've got all of our class snacks yeah i don't use this space for this and i've got this cabinet for storage also crazy and clearly type b just extra stuff that i don't want to look at in this drawer i keep themed folders you know for century because you know you need all the hand sanitizer this year this is also very tight beef this is what my desk looks like from afar that i never used but this is its main purpose i have a tray here for math center work extra pencils hand sanitizer a tray for morning work kleenex this is where they turn in their thursday folders and our reading center work this is our little mirror of affirmations i also got this off the decor bundle um these didn't come like this i made them out of her editable labels you could say see it says you are unique talented valued loved and all down the mirror it's just little affirmations that they can come over and read and say to themselves when they're feeling down this is our math center cart i put what we're doing for a hands-on center in here extra math games here and just paper i've got my calendar which was also from the decor bundle i love it it's so cute i have this is where they can find their absent work whenever they're gone so say i'm gone on friday i'm gonna go look in my friday folder and see what works this is my overhead like projector docucam type thing so if i'm doing something along with them like their math journals i could just open it up and it reflects onto our interactive board and it looks disgusting right now i rug i am asked about constantly it is from my amazon storefront everybody loves it i love it so much my admin was super sweet and when i first moved in they said you know ask us before you buy big things and we'll see what we can do first which is i've heard pretty rare so i think it's amazing that they love this rug i just said hey this rug is on amazon what do you think if it's too much it's okay but they were like no absolutely we can do that for you everything we just went over from afar this is my smart board but it's not really a smart board it's like an interactive board which is kind of sad because you can't like ride on it like normal but i just got this garland from hobby lobby and duct taped it on for christmas but then i kind of liked it so i just kept it okay my number line in my alphabet also from the boho rainbow decor bundle and i'm just going to tag that so that you can use it if you want it super beautiful there's different um types of alphabet letters you can use this was my favorite because you know second grade they need help with handwriting levels of understanding posters in front of our smart board because this is primarily where i teach so um by the end of the lesson i can say okay show me your level of understanding level one is i need help don't understand yet two is i'm starting to understand i can do this with some support three you i mean i think you get the signals have been a lifesaver especially the bathroom and pencil and you know obviously question tissue because when i see them just raising their hand normally and i don't know that they just need to go to the bathroom then i will call on them and they have to ask me but if they just put a one up on their hand when they raise it i know they have to go to the bathroom i don't even have to stop what i'm doing i can just nod to them yes go schedule cards also from the bundle also editable i love that so they can look and see they don't have to ask me what we're doing next they already know these doorbells were a big hit on tick-tock and they are great classroom management so basically you have this big one this is where the sound comes from plug it in it's also plugged into my each doorbell has a different noise that it makes and we have gone over what each sound means when it goes off so if i were to do this one the blue that means line up that's when they hear this sound freeze is this sound carpet is the sound cleanup is the sound and it all comes from that thing over there and you can adjust the volume so that it's not too loud and other teachers can hear right on my anchor charts i had a easel but it was just in the way my classroom wasn't meant to be a classroom it's like a resource room so there's just like not a lot of storage and places to put stuff like that so i just write on my anchor chart with a curtain rod a magnetic curtain rod thing and i just hang my anchor every morning i write them a to-do list so they're not asking me hey like what are we doing next they can just look up here because if that's the case then 17 kids will be saying what's next i'm done what do we do next what do you do next every five years for math time i have two teams um pokemon team and avenger team obviously i let them pick their own names i wouldn't name them that um when one group is on the carpet with me learning the lesson the other group is at their seat doing something and then they switch just to get more small group instruction in but my kids have an issue with blurting out so i made a blurred out game and i did them in their maths groups so basically if someone from the pokemon team blurts out without raising their hand they get a point and if the avengers do they get a point um the team with the least amount of points at the end wins that day and then whoever wins the most amount of days by the end of the week gets 10 minutes of free time during silent reading time on this has been working so great and it's so simple i get a lot of questions about where i got this bookshelf and it was already in here when i moved in but i spray painted it pink because it needed a little life brought back to it that's my step stool that i have to use to write on the board a lot because i'm 4 foot 11. this is another one of those crates that came in a pack like i was talking about before with the student mail boxes i put clipboards in there so that they can come grab them and come to the carpet when we do work off here we have reading buddies and our reading nook i got this canopy off of amazon i got the rug from walmart um in the pillows just random places um i just wanted them to have a cozy place to read or even just take a break if they're having a rough time or something they really love going here when they need a break okay so this is my class library and you're seeing it on its best day and before i just didn't have a good system for keeping this organized and orderly and it was stressing me out and they were not taking care of my books so i organized it as best i could and then now i use one of these crates again from amazon and i pick out books monthly and those are the books that we can use for the month and then i'll disinfect them and the next month i will switch the books out because when they were having all of this to pick from they were just throwing them back in there picking a new book every five seconds and it was just crazy um i used this black crate to organize indoor recess games also destroy no big deal our math bulletin board and this has pretty much just stayed the same because these are just skills that we just really need more help on so i use it or i just keep it up there for their reference this is to help with skip counting telling time keywords to look forward to know to add or subtract um some vocabulary odding now these bulletin boards were tough because this is brick it's not actual bulletin boards i had to tape and hot glue like bulletin board paper up there hot glue a border it's been really difficult i hope i never have to take them down because it was so hard sorry this thing is hanging down i normally have lights on i don't have them on right now but we keep our lights off for the most of the day like half on half off with these lights just because this lighting in here is so harsh okay this looks a little crazy over here but we've got like educational games over here white boards we use during that time almost every single day and we also have erasers for them to use and they clearly have taken great care of them and little pockets this is where i organize our reading centers i got these boxes off of amazon and i have them all labeled with everything they need in there so they know if i'm abc order i'm coming and grabbing abc order tub and doing it this wasn't a dojo store before but it was as of this week because my kids have been nuts and they needed some incentive so we do class dojo and they can cast their points in for any of these prizes whenever they're ready this is our writing center i just put some you know key things for writing and also headings are all from that decor bundle more anchor charts related to writing around it um these were our old center tubs i need to get rid of them um oh they took that out of the trash can i was trying to throw those away anyways those are my new ones because they destroyed these this anchor chart has been a lifesaver we went over things that we should tell an adult things that we can handle things to let go because i had a lot of tattling but they also needed to know when you should tell an adult because if you tell them not to tattle and you just leave it at that they'll think everything is tattling but if someone's being bullied someone's hurt or someone's sick or someone's fighting you know anything serious that needs to be told that is not tattling so i made this chart for them to reference if they need it i made this door display um when it was christmas time which i've lifted up now because it's still winter time and it's still snowy so um obviously spread kindness not germs comes from the coronavirus but um our elf would bring every single day a note to someone that they were caught that was caught being kind or doing something selfless so i just posted up those up on our door whenever they were we still have these hooks for our backpacks and they are also editable labels i put each one's name on there so they know where to put their backpack every morning that's about it for our classmates for my classroom tour i hope you all enjoyed it if you're from tiktok i hope you enjoyed seeing more in-depth explanations of my room and how it works um leave your suggestions down below what you want to see from me for my channel because like i said i'm still very new to this and i need all the ideas i can get so i hope you liked it please be nice if you didn't just keep on moving if you didn't the internet terrifies me but anyways like and subscribe if you haven't already i love you guys and i will see you next time by the way i will link my amazon storefront and everything because that's where mostly everything is from so go put it on your wish list if you're a student teacher because that's where i got all mine okay now i'm leaving bye
Channel: Haven Presley
Views: 15,370
Rating: 4.952096 out of 5
Keywords: Teacher, Classroom, Classroomtour
Id: Wqjn8Gpg9S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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