Guided Reading | Word Work Stations | Daily 5

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[Music] they're out of here we simply filled in second and said we still teaching baby so much for watching my video today on word work I'm so excited to share this with you today because this is a question that I get probably every single day via facebook Messenger or a cab on Facebook is on my Facebook group and even from my newsletter subscribers they always ask what are your kids doing during word work so I thought I'd come on video and show you exactly two types of activities that my students work on every single week during their word word rotation so let me give you a quick little overview with the types of activities that we do in our work workstation so as I mentioned every single day my students must go to our work workstation during our daily flag rotation now my students are working through yellow fire rotations when I'm teaching small groups and I'm doing guided reading groups that's what I'm doing when they are doing daily rotation so when they are in their yellow consultation and I'm teaching small groups it's imperative that they know exactly types of actually that they're going to do and there is consistency if you know anything about the by now if you know that consistency to me is one of the most important aspects of your community keeping your activity is your expectations extremely consistent create calm organized classroom when you're constantly changing things out it causes confusion it acquirements confusion for the students a new prosper thing they don't know how to do this how do I do this activity I don't get it that's when you get those types of that built have the questions in your classroom when your students don't really understand the types of activities you're expecting them to do independently so that's why I believe being very consistent with the types of activities in your work station will really help reduce the amount of interruptions that you're going to have during guys and because you don't want to be extracted during their school construction which is so so important so I want to explain how my students do work every day during the early side rotation my students having must do and can do I only come to sign up here on the top and I also have assignments in a clear a photo holder that says must you can do the must do is always the same every week consistency every single week I want my students to practice their spelling skills and their phonics sounds for the week now my spelling words poorly the five sound weak so for example if we're working on the look eight sound for our phonics and whether it be bowels accommodations AI a why my spelling words has that skill embedded in the words so my spelling and phonics correlate with each other so when you're practicing your word work I wasn't sure that they're not only practicing their spelling words you're also practicing your phonics and and I also want them to practice their high-frequency words because they get six high-frequency words each week that they have to learn so they also practice those every single day when they go to work work so what else do is I'm going to quickly show you the types of activities that my students are doing each and every day a German word work and I'm actually going to show you more closed off through images and slide instead of pulling them out of my drawers it's just easier to show you images of my students working and the types of activities that you're doing so you have a better closeup of types of activities and then I'll just talk over the slide and I show them to you but the first thing I do want to show you is there must do activity as I said every day they have a must do and they can do now the muscle activity they have to do each day when they go the word work are my spelling cat nap my spelling cabins are a way for my students to practice not only your spelling words not only their high frequency words but also the phonics skills belief so every single as you can see is broken up from Monday through Friday and every day they have a different sensitivity they have to do within their travis book as there must do an activity now this is what it looks like when the students get so what I do is I go to copy the sheets that I want now each day there's different activities there's gonna be anywhere between six to eight different activities on Monday six to eight different activities Tuesday same thing Wednesday Thursday and Friday so the students don't get bored so I switch them up every single week so they're not getting bored with the types of activities that they're doing every day forward work so on Monday we'll just to get example on Monday the first thing you're going to do on Monday if they're going to get rid of packets it looks just like this because I cut it out like this is little people in it they cut it out and assemble it into a book and the first thing on Monday morning is part of their might work on the smart board it says copy your spelling words in your traffic book so they take out they cut their share this book they've assembled it and now they write down their words that they are going to use each day and these words are posted on on my on bulletin board and is there a pocket rod never to be every Monday I change those were about so this was just this is a this one doesn't ask a physicist appear so now on Monday this particular book they had to write their birth to time beach so representative to time Beach they wrote their summer so these were two pages for my Tuesday they were expected to do rhyming words so the wrong time but these particular words worked really well with rhyming so they have to write this on words and then a word that rhymes bowl hole told mold so they weren't wrote one rhyme words but again this perfection it will only work with words that our groups are good for I'm on land a missile must be a sentence superhero so what they had to do was they had to write sentences using this Tyler is pretty simple and again these are a little bit more difficult to be progressive Thursday they had the race friendly letter so that was one of the activities on a friend on Thursday was right in front layer using your spelling words so important that's the whole idea is to infuse those spelling words into their daily writing and then I'm proud a I have two options on Friday I either have a practice test or I have a test paper so if you have you have the option of making them do their actual tests either in the book or you can use them to stage separate and then they can staple an MBI you have to dictate your test but what are you for my students is on Friday mornings and part of your way work they have to test their apartment so each partner tests each other and they write their words in the booklet and the partner traffic for that for that so this is a must-do activity that my students do each energy when they go to word work now I'm loving when they finish their activity let's say they have 10 minutes left in the rotation and I'm still in my final reading group and it's not time to change rotations gas or transition to the next rotation that's when they go to my drawer cart and they do a can-do activity that's wasn't here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to give you a close-up of all the different types of activities that I put in my word workstation for my students to work on every single day as a 10 do activity so I'm going to actually go on camera and I'm going to do more of a slideshow for you to show you some of the activities and the types of resources that I've used within my your cart so you can see that I do not change the amount of the week one or two I'll change out on occasion if there's something like if I'm working on compound words and I have a cute little activity for compound words maybe I'll put that in the drawer and I'll have them work on that but it's very very rare that I've changed out under activities so I'm going to show you a really easy way of an oppressed way really of getting your workstation up and running but how to spend hours and hours changing them out every week because honestly who has the time to do that we just don't have time to change our expectations every week and you don't want in your students in ordering the same type of station you can change them out every month who in sensative you can't do that this is just one way of organizing your work workstation so it's not overwhelming and it's not something you have to change out every single solitary week because we all know there's just too much humming on our sessions every week to worry about changing our literacy stations or you know daily vibration every single that or every single week for that matter so I'm going to go up camera I'm going to show you close-ups of the different types activities and we're going to talk over the slide so you can see exactly what I do for work so to rest o'clock so for this station my student right now is working on a Stamper activity this is a Stanford activity that I put in my word workstation at the beginning of the year where the students are working on short vowel sound um imbalance ound so they stamp this word and picture and then they fill in the vowel sound in the beginning this student is working on a word work activity where he is stamping his spelling words and high-frequency words using my jumbo letter stampers I purchase E is at Michael's or a craft store and then I purchased that clear container as well and I just put the stampers in there and I wrote the letter on the outside of the Stanford so they would know which way to hold the Sam and they stamp them on a recording sheet so this is another word workstation that stays in my word workstation the entire year this little guy is also working on a stamping activity but these are mini stampers again this is an activity that stays in my word workstation all year long he is stamping his spelling words and his high frequency words on the recording sheet that's in the word workstation and I bought those tiny little mini staffers at um I think you see the jo-ann fabrics or Michaels and they were in the little dollar spot area and they were tiny little leather stampers and then I just put them in that little container to hold them and keep them nice and organized for the students to use again this is an activity that stays in my word workstation all year round this next word workstation is another station that stays in my word work area all year long this is just a building words station I have these little letter stickers on these colorful blocks and what the students do is they build their spelling words and high-frequency words on the letter blocks and again this states in the same Center all year long the only thing that changes are their spelling words and high-frequency words every single week so not much to change this little guy is working on using his spelling words and his high-frequency words and he's making believe that he is testing on an iPhone and what the students do is sometimes they write text messages sometimes they just write their spelling words and high-frequency words sometimes they like to partner up during daily five stations and they write text messages to each other on their make-believe cellphones and they use this and I use just a clear clear page protector and they use dry erase markers and they absolutely love that station so again this is something else that sees in my word workstation all year round now this station is something I do change out weekly this is an activity that I actually purchased from Denise Boehm at her tippity stores called sunny days in second grade and it's a great activity for the students because they're working on finding words in a little bottle board that she made up and there's all different months and topics for each particular Bible board and the students love love love them so if this is a great activity that I actually change out almost every week in my word workstation and the students really enjoy these this station is something that I put out when we're working on nouns and verbs this is just an activity of these little tile plastic tiles I purchased from lakeshore and I work I have my students work on this activity where work when we're working on nouns and verbs this is more so in the beginning of the year and I usually only keep this in there probably a month or so maybe a little bit more and because there's all different cards debate that go with a little plastic words so I'll change this out maybe after about a month and a half maybe two months in my work workstation and this is an activity another word work activity that I put out this next activity is something again that I keep out all year long this is an activity that I have these little magnetic puzzle letters and I have a magnetic board and all they do is they connect letters and they make their spelling words and high frequency words it's a really simple activity that's in my work station all year long and as I said I rarely change these out because the words change each and every week so they're building new words each and every week this is one of those activities that I do not keep in my word workstation all year I have these little magnetic words that focus on nouns verbs adjectives pronouns and the students will build sentences they're just magnetic words that I purchased years and years ago and I just put a magnetic on board in the station and the students build sentences using the magnetical the magnetic words and then they record those sentences and words down on the recording sheet this is something I'll keep out for maybe two three months and then I'll change it out and this is another activity that I have there they're similar to the other black activity except this one is called word race where they still out a certain amount of letter blocks and then they race against one of those little sand timers and they spell as many words as they can before the timer runs out and they record them on their recording sheet so again this is another activity that I rarely change out of my word workstation throughout the year so basically in a nutshell that is my word workstation as I mentioned I rarely change out the activities in my word workstation there's usually maybe two or three activities that I'll change out you know every month or so month and a half but overall most of those word work activities stay in there all year round and the students use their spelling words and high-frequency words throughout the year and again just to reiterate they always have their must do and can do activity and again there must do activity is their weekly word work activity which is with reviewing their spelling and high-frequency words using my spelling Cabot's this picture is just an image of one of my students spelling campus booklets and they worked in this particular booklet for a whole week and this was what the end um this would have looked like when they finished it so again there are months to activity for the week on my spelling campus and then there are ten do activities for the week are all of those pictures and images that I just showed you and I would love for you to check the comments below because I'm giving you a free download for you to download for my word work must-do can do poster and I would love for you to check out my selling campus on TPT and give these things a check check these things out on my TPT stores so thank you so much for watching I truly appreciate it I would love for you to give this video a thumbs up comment below and please subscribe to my channel I truly appreciate it thank you so much for watching friends and I'll see you in the next video ah Oh
Channel: Anna DiGilio
Views: 91,803
Rating: 4.9435768 out of 5
Keywords: Word Work Stations, word work activities, activities for word work, activities for daily 5, daily 5 word work, word work literacy station, word work 2nd grade, word work 1st grade, word work 3rd grade, first grade word work, literacy stations 1st grade, literacy stations 2nd grade, literacy stations 3rd grade, word work activity, word work, guided reading word work, daily 5 rotations, daily 5 1st grade, daily 5 2nd grade, Daily 5 3rd grade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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