CLASSROOM TOUR 2020-2021 | first year first grade classroom tour

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[Music] hello welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is emma i'm a first year first grade teacher and today i am giving you a classroom tour of my very first classroom hope that you enjoy it if you are new here by the way please make sure that you subscribe so you don't miss the rest of my videos i am filming my whole first year journey and i have been showing more lifestyle videos just showing you me as a human not just as a teacher i also have a video up on my channel all about how i built my first classroom so how i got all these materials how i created it right before i got my very first classroom i watched an embarrassing amount of classroom doors so if that's you and you are going to be a first-year teacher soon i'll have that video in the description um i highly encourage you to watch it if you're curious about how to build your first classroom without breaking the bank i will also have my classroom setup series um down below there is a whole playlist on my channel i filmed every single day that i was in there setting up and i started literally from nothing and so it is so cool for me even to go back and see where i started versus where i'm at now and i intentionally waited on filming this tour because i knew that things would change once i got kids in there and once i started to realize what worked what didn't work what i needed to adapt and so i have definitely changed some things since setup so i'm really excited to show you my classroom without further ado let's go starting at my door there is this rolling cart right next to my door and this is like my kids saving grace so this is where i store um attendance and lunch count and important things that i need um to like hang outside of my door during the day turn in been my mailbox so they put like little pictures that they draw me in there um honestly i've never used word work um the book hospital if they check out a book and it needs to be fixed the lost and found um notebook paper if they need to write the early finisher drawer this has also been my saving grace i have like color by numbers in here color by sight words just normal coloring pages and i change this every month based on a different theme then the bottom three drawers are math games so this holds this game bump it so they take a board um a container of counters and two dice and they can play this with a partner and then this one just has a bunch of cards that they can play war then going up i've got our special schedule right here so i don't forget this really cute sign from emma in elementary it's a freebie on tpt it is adorable then this is probably my favorite part of my entire classroom and it hangs above my door says you are loved and i made this with my cricut i absolutely love this and i love referencing this and i love that when they would line up this is what we would see before we left um moving over this way i have some mask reminders and then right next to my door i have our morning routine and i printed out um pictures of our actual morning routine so that it's easier for them and i highly recommend this when i got observed recently my principal actually pointed this out and said she loved it um because i used real pictures and it promotes independence and highly recommend our bag of recess toys just uh sitting on the ground this is our girls bathroom and my light rope so we use a piece of construction paper this is my supply closet and honestly it is a disaster um this is like my emergency bag a bunch of math manipulatives my books for them each month just a ton of stuff books that i want to rotate through snacks uh curriculum yep just gonna shut that this is my storage um my closet is great but it doesn't have a lot of room so i pretty much just have a bunch of school supplies um paper these are all my math tools my paper for crafts and then these are full of math games these scrapbook cases from michael's are full of my seasonal books and read-alouds and display shelf books this is full of art supplies name tags snacks these are my kids individual supply bins so each kid has their own bin that's labeled by their number and then inside of that they have a baggie full of like pencils markers glue sticks scissors all their supplies they've got a play-doh this little zipper pouch full of their dry erase materials crayons a math baggie all kinds of stuff in here these are their hooks for their backpack and the lanyards i got these from amazon they would use these for snack and for lunch this is our library return box this is our little sanitation station um pretty much everything they would need to clean anything up right here i stuck my dividers back here so that they were not in the way this is where they turn in their folder every morning these are my student mailboxes this little cart is where i store all of my games so the top shelf has math games that they can play during math and then the bottom two are indoor recess games this is my sink area which is a hot mess but it is what it is i keep my white boards and my clipboards down here so that it's super easy for them to grab and access um my water bottles all go here i sent them all home during break to get washed but they normally go there underneath my sink is a mess um yep and then this one is just full of like my morning choice and dramatic play and all my toys and stem materials pretty much just empty bins of that and then also word work and literacy games in phonics games as well as my dry erase pocket sleeves then we have my art easel this goes with all of my creation stations so this is my area for our creation stations i do have a video all about both of these where i literally walk you through all of them so if that's something that you are interested in i will leave that in the cards but these are all of my dramatic play centers and they find where they go for the day on this pocket chart and then this is my morning choice bins so every morning they can grab a different bin then this is my cool down spot i got this pillow from five below and then this little tool kit that just has a bunch of tools they might need when they are in the cooldown spot moving over here this is my classroom library so my book bins are from the dollar tree this is from amazon it is super dirty and gross but you know it is what it is and i had a really pretty rug here but i had to get rid of it for corona um my display shelf this was left for me and um it's the best i love it these are full of a to z readers we call these are old friends books so these are a a a and then b and then i actually have more in here that are leveled and labeled this is what the top of my library looks like and this is the bulletin board above my library i love it i just made all of this with my cricut and then i printed out clip arts of some book characters and printed it and laminated it after i glued it to black card stock super easy and i think it is adorable these are our little privacy folders so i just taped together some manila folders this is our book quarantine box so i will put books in here when they return it i will clean it and then return it to our library moving this way this is our work display board i made these letters with my cricut and then i just printed out pictures of cute light bulb and laminated at all normally their names are velcroed up there but i took them off so that i could show you and this is where i will put the like writing craft of the month or art project or something [Music] um this is where i keep extra crayons so if they need a spare crown they come get it from here right under here i have my students book bins um they are a disaster but that's real life basically is just this black bookman from target their ketchup folder where they put any work that they need to finish their journals their book baggie their headphones all live in here then we have my messy desk so these are from amazon they are filing um tubs and i love them i labeled these with my cricut so the bottom one has student data running records things for conferences tests stuff like that this one has curriculum or just activities and papers that i really enjoy doing and i want to save and do again and then this one says guided reading but it's not i used to hold my old friends books but it didn't fit them so this now holds um like student work that i want to save and make into a memory book at the end of the year i have this little sign that i just made on powerpoint and i got this from ikea and when i was working with a kid or doing a meeting i would put this on my desk and then my kids knew that meant i am invisible this is the broken girls bathroom button this is from hobby lobby my diffuser my teacher toolbox which i absolutely love um highly recommend getting one of these i thought it was super extra but i use it every single day this hot mess so i've got like snacks this is full of masks uh letterboard letters and things that didn't fit in my toolbox ibuprofen snacks this is um like curriculum curriculum my binders of curriculum um more curriculum it's basically a hot mess my flash cards for sight words this is my sub binder in sub tab so this has emergency sub plans my step binder and then the forms that they would need to do like attendance and lunch count then we have my 10 drawer rolling cart i love this thing i swear by it um so these are the labels that i have on it and then i just kind of sort my papers by the day the grade and to file usually gets pretty full but there's that then i do have a mini fridge and a microwave and a coffee maker um i love these i did not plan on getting any of this but because of covid we had to eat lunch in our classroom and so i went ahead and purchased them and i absolutely love them so this was from walmart this is super old and then this was from i think walmart too then moving up we have this little light which is from target i believe this wreath is actually was in our home my grandma made this from garland that was at our wedding like fake garland obviously and we used to have it on our front door i brought it here because it just makes me happy i've got some cards and some signs from some kids pictures that i had to cover these are my numbers i love them i can't remember where they're from but they are just adorable this is my hot mess of a rolling cart it's a disaster but basically everything i need is up here moving this way i do have some christmas stuff up because i've been filming for distance learning and i wanted it to be festive and fun in the background so that's why it doesn't normally look like that um i have this little you will need sign this is a lifesaver i definitely recommend this and i have a bunch of different things that i can put up on the board and they all have magnets on the back and then i have a different junior teacher of the day every day and i will just put their name up here and i love having a junior teacher every day they all get so excited to see who it is and they are pretty much like everything they are my line leader they help me pass things out they are at the door holder they are the junior teacher this little shelf is a magnetic spice rack from amazon and i usually hold whatever read aloud we just did on it so before we left it was the littlest reindeer i have these um little i don't even know what these are but i have them from ikea they're great i hold a bunch of supplies in them this really ugly stool that i got from the basement my recycling tub moving this way we have my daily schedule my kids reference this constantly even though they can't read they know what it is by the pictures and then i just would move the arrow depending on where we were at in the day highly highly highly recommend doing something like this especially for littles because it's really good for them to understand like time management how time works and moves and then it kind of helped kids to not ask me when's recess when's lunch they could see where we were and how many more things we had to do so love that this is a magnetic 20 frame this is from amazon and i use this as my class like behavior management system so i call these my warm and fuzzies and when they make my heart feel warm and fuzzy by doing something kind or following directions the first time they would get a warm and fuzzy and when we get 20 we get a class party got the date i have this calendar both of these pocket charts are from the target dollar spot and then the calendar was a freebie on tbt i absolutely love this calendar it's so simple and cute i've got some pointers that are from target i believe and walmart and i have my junior teacher of the day do the calendar with one of those pointers got a bunch of brain breaks in here that i've literally never used but i mean it's like super cute just have never done it this is also from target i hold all my calendar pieces these i just made really quick on powerpoint um and i put my learning objectives and then i also use a magic word every day or every week and usually it is a sight word and so it's kind of like go so they are frozen and once i say my magic word they can move and do what i asked them to do but it was jingle bells because it was our christmas day last this is from target i made these color posters and i have a whole video about how i made them on my channel so i will link that for you this adorable rocking chair is from my mother-in-law we have the boys bathroom and this actually connects with the other first grade teacher these are from hello jen jones and me have my cafe and i love my cafe i changed it every month i didn't do it for december because we are remote but this is what novembers and octobers looked like and they really really loved it then we have my objectives board so i pretty much just put whatever curriculum we are working on it's not like super perfect and clean but i just love seeing our work on it so i just made this super quick these are from tpt this is our reading curriculum these are from tpt and then i made these it was in a vlog a while ago above that i have our alphabet sounds and posters and all that kind of stuff um these are lap desks that are from michaels we use these for our lunch because we have to eat lunch in the classroom so they grab a lap desk and then they also grab one of these square spots and that's um how they eat lunch i have some extra scoop rockers in here i do have a whole table with scoop rockers but when there's four here i feel like they kick each other and so i just have two for now and so the rest are in here i've got some more flexible seating in here that is for this table and so if they don't want it they can always go put it back and then last is our square spots i love love love these they are like yoga workout mats from amazon i am obsessed with them and they use them daily up on this board is our word wall i just made these with my cricut these um letters are a freebie on tpt my birthday board above this but i don't want to show you their names and then i have this for flexible seating so when they come in every week they have a new spot and so they just find what their number is and what team they're at for the week and then that correlates with my tables so for example this table with the like i don't know what you call these but the table with these is team two so if i came in on monday and my number was at team two then this is my spot for the week and then they can pick which seat they're at but that's it for the week um so i have that as a flexible seating option i've got some stools these are from five below at a big round table in the middle here i've got um some scoop rockers at this table i have two yoga balls and i also put two chairs here only two people sit here um but i like to give them the chairs as an option because sometimes they get tired of sitting on the yoga balls and i want them to know they can switch back and forth so like they get one whole side of the table and then this is like my normal table and on the bottom of every single chair my floors are so dirty but on the bottom of every chair i have these they're like yoga bands that go on the bottom of chairs i absolutely love these and i feel like it really helps get their wiggles out and that's pretty much it so i will stand at the door and give you a quick pan of the room [Music] [Music] so [Music] so that is going to be it for today's video i hope that you enjoyed it if you did make sure to give it a thumbs up and make sure that you subscribe if you're not already so that you don't miss the rest of my videos let me know any other video requests you have down below thank you so much for watching and i will see you in my next video [Music] bye
Channel: Elementary with Emma
Views: 52,807
Rating: 4.978395 out of 5
Keywords: classroom tour, first year teacher, teacher, teacher vlog, elementary with emma, emma, first grade classroom tour, first grade classroom, classroom vlog, day in the life of a teacher, classroom haul, classroom, classroom decoration, classroom ideas, classroom setup, classroom setup vlog, elementary classroom tour, elementary classroom, first grade classroom setup, classroom inspiration, elementary classroom setup, classroom organization, teacher haul, teacher style
Id: m3ZEsdp1v6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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