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i'm taking you on your first date underwater pregnancy i have to win this i never thought i'd wear this on an underwater date dear rebecca i'm surprising you with a special date first meet me in the backyard love map i am so excited i have no idea what matt has planned for our surprise tape oh my gosh sam fam rose petals wait it's pouring outside oh you left an umbrella that's so sweet i bet he set this up before it started raining and he's going to reveal where our special date is going to be champion this is kind of romantic matt where is he mad here let me hold this oh my gosh oh you found everything okay hey maddie maddie what are you doing here matt wanted me to document this special day rebecca lynn zamolo you're eight months pregnant right now you're getting ready to be the most amazing mom and you really just deserve a special day yet i say a special date i'm excited too for our special date but why are we out here in the backyard where it's raining oh because of this matt you just put your pregnant wife in the pool why would you do that are you serious i spent so long getting ready you look beautiful why did you push me in the pool i'm taking you on your first date underwater pregnancy so get dressed before the day starts i have a few other challenges what no i'm not doing an underwater date maddie did you know about this no i thought i was just documenting this i didn't know he was pushing you in the pool i'm done no underwater don't get changed okay i'm not doing this okay maddie this has to be the most special day and nothing can go wrong for this date so i need your help on the underwater date no i do not want to get wet okay well what if i give you a thousand dollars keep talking i need you to convince rebecca that she has to go on the date with me i'll do it for a thousand dollars and zayn pam's also gonna get a thousand dollars if she says yes you're gonna give the same fame a thousand dollars yeah yeah oh i have to tell rebecca and you cannot tell rebecca can't use that i need help setting up everything underneath the pool it's a date maddie okay let's do it get at it i'll go get the table go go i have a dare with jordan matter that i could get rebecca to go on an underwater date with me he doesn't think i can if i don't i have to shave my head but if i can get rebecca to go on this date with me she is going to get a surprise underwater photo shoot with jordan madder i cannot believe that mac did that i spent hours getting ready for this day there is no way i'm going on an underwater date right now i mean it's pouring rain what is this if you go on the underwater date with me then you and the zam fam will win whatever is in these envelopes love mad ps no peeking so now there's a surprise for me and something for you guys in the zambian but i have to go on the underwater date with him and then it's a prank and nothing is inside there is no way i'm doing an underwater date you know what though last video i gave away an iphone to a subscriber all you have to do is subscribe and have notifications on and congratulations to this winner right here thank you so much what if it's a price like that for you guys no i'm sorry i'm gonna shower and think about it do you think that i should go through this underwater date i'm soaking wet right now ah okay the underwater date is all set now maddie it's your turn to convince you to go on the date oh yeah i'm doing it so me and the zam cam to get a thousand dollars okay i am finally all dried off and after thinking about it i'm not gonna do the underwater date i mean this is definitely a prank i have no idea why what matt would want me to go on an underwater d in the rain hey rebecca hey do you swear that you had no idea matt was gonna push me in that pool i had no idea but are you gonna go on the underwater date no i am not going on the underwater date matt put these here but i think it's all a prank and no i'm not going that says zamfam on it like a surprise for the zamfam don't you want to do the date for them no i don't want to get wet again it took me so long to get dry plus it's raining outside will you at least do the fun challenges matt planned why would i do the challenges if i'm not gonna go on a date like you just said it's raining outside so what else are you gonna do today come on let's have some fun do the challenges i'll do the challenges but there's no guarantee that i'm going on the underwater date challenge number one is the mermaid obstacle course race the winner will be choosing what we eat on our underwater dates i never said that i'm going on the underwater date i just agreed to do these challenges for fun the mermaid obstacle course starts right here at the bottom of the stairs all the way to the top and to the end of the hallway the winner gets to choose which box we eat under one box of spaghetti the other one has seafood i'm pregnant i'm not allowed to have seafood i hope you win then what on your marks get set go go i have to win this i'm fighting for two right now isn't this so much fun no it's actually not ready maybe this was a bad idea to keep up i have never been a frightened mermaid like this i can't get seafood the box is gonna decide i hope you're the winner i need to get rebecca to go on this underwater date with me because i don't want to lose that bet to jordan i'm already tired zamfam no oh my gosh maddie really third place are you kidding me i mean i'm so exhausted how is this a fun challenge are you ready to see what rebecca and i are gonna eat on our underwater date okay i never agreed to the underwater date yet i'm just doing the challenges you know i'm gonna go box one it looks like we're eating spaghetti and meatballs just like lady and the challenge number two is the upside down goggles challenge i've set up different challenges and if you win a challenge you get a point most points wins what are we competing for you're competing for what accessory you're gonna wear on the day i'm not necessarily going on the dates box number one this is the princess pack that's right what's inside that diamond tiara diamond necklace diamond earrings oh my gosh that'd be fun to wear right uh-huh box number two is the clown package no i hate clowns they're my biggest fear well you better pick the right box because if you pick this one you're gonna look like a clown daddy have you used these before no have you no i have they make everything loop upside down it's impossible to know where you're at whoa yeah okay okay oh my gosh challenge number one is the orange juice challenge whoever can pour the most orange juice in a cup in ten seconds wins where's orange juice right use your goggles time now oh how close am i rebecca's pretty close maddie's feeling all over the place am i getting i hear something two one done take your goggles off what oh my god by an alarming amount rebecca won this challenge whoa hey matt it's the orange juice you like the pulp free stuff yeah i don't like pulp at all you liked it last time there are balloons on the floor whoever can pop the most in 30 seconds wins go i don't care if i win these challenges i just want rebecca to have fun so that way she'll go on the underwater date i don't know okay where is everything oh my gosh i am pregnant i feel like i might throw up after this challenge maddie popped two balloons rebecca popped four winning so far this is the putting challenge whoever gets the most balls in their cup wins and go i don't know where the ball's up wait there's one oh did i make it damn fam there's no way i'm going on an underwater date again i was already pushing the pool once rebecca has one more ball where is it where is it who won it's kind of an awkward situation right now because maddie didn't get any balls in the cup but rebecca got one but she made it in maddie's cup so daddy gets a point we're now two to one this is the whipped cream challenge oh i know this challenge is a trending tick top challenge you have whipped cream then you hit it and you have to get it in your mouth and it's easy if you don't have these on maddie i don't know best of three wins oh i feel the whipped cream oh i don't know where it is i'm gonna say closest to their mouth wins oh my god well i guess nobody won on that one but i'm gonna give it to maddie look at that hair shot it's a half a point do i get a point if i lick it from her hair no no no no no no no no no no no maddie got one and a half points but rebecca got two so rebecca you get to choose your own accessory on our underwater dates ah this could be really good we're really bad i might not be going on the date but i still want a tiara and earrings that are diamond and a necklace so you got it rebecca i have a good feeling about this book this one yeah are you pranking no i'm not pranking you i'm maddie i want you to be wearing a tiara on your nose i don't trust you that's it this one open up and see what you're going to be wearing on our underwater game good try maddie yeah let's try maggie matt okay well it doesn't matter because i'm not doing the underwater date really my biggest fear you want me to go on a date like this i look like a clown it's gonna make it pop under there no but look it's like rainbow colors you're having a rainbow baby what a good way to celebrate honestly that is not how i want to celebrate having a rainbow baby okay let's just keep going i'm not doing the underwater date especially if i'm gonna look like a clown on to the next challenge this is the pen toss challenge we each have five pins whoever makes the most pins in the jar wins so what are we competing for now the time of the date the date that i'm not necessarily going to do it's either gonna be 3 p.m or 3 a.m 3 a.m you never said the date would be then with the ghost why do you care maddie i mean you're not going on the day well maddie's gonna be our waiter what maddie why would you agree to that because i want you to have a really fun underwater date but i didn't know it could be 3 a.m know i never agreed to the underwater date yet okay i'm just doing these challenges for fun what's up the stakes i've seen this as a trending tech talk challenge if you can call out something for the other person to do when you throw your pen if you make it in they have to do it so we can like crank each other while we do this exactly i'm in okay sam fam if i make this maddie has to kiss her crush fake shawn mendes thank goodness if i make this i get to decorate the nursery no oh thank god if i make this rebecca has to wear a bald cap on her underwater date what ew if i make this maddie has to use one of my pregnancy tests and facetime connor and tell him that she's pregnant say what now okay yeah i'm gonna grab my pregnancy test looks like you're facetime and connor the show on the pregnancy test hey connor hey hey what's the matter why are you laughing maddie's face just tell them okay connor i have some exciting news for you i'm just going to show you she's saying she's pregnant maddie's pregnant i'm pregnant i just took the test this morning madison you're a little nervous who is the dad is not really important right now but i just wanted to let you know that in nine months she is gonna have a kid like me you're gonna be an uncle yeah congrats connor i'm gonna tell mom nobody tells karen no no no no no no no don't don't don't don't don't don't daddy i'm going no oh no don't worry connor this was just a prank he thinks it's real now karen's gonna go karen on me see what happens next it might be shocking if i make this next one maddie's gonna let me name her baby no i'm not actually pregnant yeah let's go you have a long time until you're able to name a baby okay i'll be here waiting at least it's not my baby if i make this matt has to wear a pink boa on the underwear yeah i'm in agreeance with that i mean i'm not doing the date but if i was what you were wearing a boat oh my gosh you know what i might even go on the underwater date just so i can see you in a pink boat no one wants to see that maybe i shouldn't go on the date then no okay i'll see that if i make this rebecca has to talk for the next five minutes with using only her belly yeah oh no you're lucky i'm having fun on this challenge second thought you don't need to do five minutes just talk to the zam fan hey damn fam baby zamfam coming at you and i just want to give you guys a shout out i'll be coming out soon please comment a name for me because my parents haven't figured out a name and i really need a name so let me just leave you with this oh oh yeah um okay okay that's good i think we've got i instantly regret that now too that was the most disturbing challenge i've ever done in my life maddie's mom now thinks she's pregnant for real for that i technically won actually so i get to choose what time we go on a date at underwater any minnie miney mo if it hot oh my gosh let it go oh my gosh damn fam do you think this is 3 a.m 3 p.m thank god so you'll be underwater at 3 p.m on a date oh not necessarily i'm still considering it but i have to admit these challenges are fun but now what's next this is slide a glass across the table challenge that's not hard whatever you land on you have to wear in the underwater deep i never said i was going on an underwater day but it would be so much fun and underwater date in the rain that doesn't sound fun at all i've already been wet once today why would i want to get wet again also rebecca you're gonna be doing it blindfold blindfolded yep but that changes everything let's try to get to know the space real quick and slide away okay so there's a tourist costume an evening gown a mermaid outfit and a birthday suit matt yes you know what a birthday suit is that's not much yeah it's actually not even the sign remember rebecca you and the zam fan get what's ever inside these envelopes if you go on the underwater date yes we'll see what i'm going to be wearing it better not be my birthday suit evening gown yeah maddie you're up next i'm supposed to wear this in the pool well it's better than the mermaid tail right true you know as long as you're going on an underwater date i will wear a maid outfit oh yeah i haven't said if i am or not all right rebecca you're gonna see what your king is destined to wear on his body you king okay what'd it get i really wanted to see you in a baby outfit that would be so funny yes can i see the envelopes i need to make a decision this is a big decision i said no i said i didn't want to get wet but this could be awesome for the damn family just gave him an iphone it would be cool to give him something else that you are subscribed right now and have the notifications on because if i'm going in you guys better be winning something good it's time for the dates rebecca it is time for your underwater date oh my gosh this one is for you i never thought i'd wear this on an underwater date it's a very unique day oh all right let's get settled in oh man zamfam and once i do this i get to open the envelopes right yes absolutely rebecca oh man oh my gosh rebecca would you like to check out the restaurant i guess i have no choice sure i can't wait all right here we go [Music] it's pretty nice down there but i'm super thirsty there's nothing to drink yeah i'm actually thirsty too hello can i give you guys anything to drink actually i'm pregnant i love some grape juice sparkling grape juice i will see what we have in the kitchen hey can't wait i have a bottle of sparkling grape juice for the lovely couple time to serve them [Music] are you too ready for your entree yes we would love some spaghetti i've been waiting all day for my moment here what is your moment coming right up in the meantime let's have a conversation under the sea [Music] a lot of you commented that there was something inside the box that we thought daniel was trapped inside of but matt said that it was empty i'm wet anyway so i may as well go see if there's anything in there but first it's time for dinner two spaghetti meatballs coming right up [Music] [Music] you were right there was a keypad in the box and there was also a code that said star heart triangle but there was nothing else in the box but you know what the lid we put the lid somewhere in the backyard maybe there is a clue there so we can find out what this keypad does rebecca welcome to your dessert once i start this treadmill whatever you can catch in your mouth is dessert here we go [Music] hmm i'm so hungry right now still good these are kind of a little stale though yeah they kind of are perfect here is the lid damn pam do you think there's gonna be any clues on here let's see look at this triangle equals four this must be part of the code for that key pattern no way star equals eight there was another symbol though there was three symbols what was it look at that heart equals nine there was star heart triangle on the box so the code must be eight nine four what do you think is gonna happen when we enter that code on the keypad i have to let matt and rebecca know oh my gosh zamfam the color came all these kiddos i've never seen this happen what are you doing with that maddie i just found the coach the keypad inside that box there's a keypad i thought you said the box was empty now it is empty what are you talking about maddie well the zamfam said they saw one and they were right the code is eight nine four eight nine four yeah i got this you're gonna go i'm going zfm to all of you guys that saw that keypad and let us know thank you so much matt didn't even see it it was pretty obvious stamping what do you think's gonna happen when we type that code into the keypad and you're sure it's right yes i'm sure it's on this lid there's little tiny clues whoa they're so cute they're little do you think the entity did this do you think this has something to do with finding dinner whoa the code must have unlocked it off the bottom that's all it did it's just an empty box i thought something cooler was gonna happen okay sam fam what do you think the point of that three digit code was if all it did is unlock the box from the bottom of our pool what did the box just open out of here where am i okay rebecca you finished the underwater date and it looks like you had a pretty good time it was okay okay i thought it was pretty amazing but it's time for you to open your two envelopes oh so you can open the one for the zamfam now and the other one once you dry off oh man this better not be a prank it's a thousand dollars a thousand dollars for the same thing yeah all you have to do is you have to be subscribed and comment the best way to contact you on social media so we can get this to you oh my gosh damn fam i knew it's worth doing the underwater drive give wait no this is for the zam fan maddie yeah i'm just excited for the same pants this is so cool and the other you're gonna open this one you want to open it right yes let's go dry out rebecca you're gonna love this one all right rebecca you get to finally open up your surprise i'm just happy that i am warm again i've got my hair done i'm in a sweatshirt all right sam fam what do you think this is you guys already won a thousand dollars now i get to see what my surprise is and it's not a prank it says rebecca congrats you want a pregnancy photo shoot with jordan mata underwater rebecca come on i can't hold my breath forever go put on a red dress put on let's go jordan you're at my house just come on all right i'm time to get changed all good and i got my baby belly ready let's get wet again [Music] because you're in a bathing suit and you're in a bathing suit i think you come in for this photo mat okay oh the dad bought though if that's a dad thought i want a dad thank god [Music] [Applause] jordan says we're all set except for one more photo one last shot i just want you guys to kiss underwater i don't like pda i kiss him but like not on camera a lot or like if i do it it's like really quickly like the only thing that makes me shy okay well we'll get over that phobia let's do it you guys are gonna kiss underwater right now come on all right damn fam that concludes the underwater photo shoot with jordan matter make sure you are subscribed also check out the pictures on our instagram subscribe to me too obviously yeah yes you guys make sure to subscribe to jordan love you guys and let me know what you think of the pictures
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 7,560,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: irst, underwater, date, crush, pregnant, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, Jeremy Hutchins, lexi hensler, pierson, andrew davila, dom brack, sofie dossi, kat hixson, amp, Logan Wodzynski, MyLifeAsEva, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Alex Warren, Lizzy Capri, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf
Id: qU569AtoFe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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