Face Reveal of Mystery Man in Our New House! Tested Who's Better at Hacks by Matt and Rebecca

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first audition right now we need to book the role but smart mom you all right everybody get changed I'm gonna take this mystery person to the tiny house and we're finally gonna do a face reveal on this put a tracking device on I need to go before it's cold in here she knows how to hack into my house I don't know but I mean we both can agree that it's not Connor no I definitely don't think it's Connor but Matt welcome back to the man Rebecca channel right now I am dressed up as a Blue Man Group but it's because we just did Smurfs in real life to try to trap that person that's in the tiny house right now we have no idea what his real identity is but he said that his name is Connor which is Maddie's brother it could be that's who I thought it was a rebellion so II Maddie thinks it's you actually I don't know who Maddie thinks it is but the girls are upstairs right now I'm getting changed and annual is trying to track down our Z twin who broke into our house it turns out that the game master and our Z twin well bad again and mr. X is good I'm doing like this we are gonna do a face reveal even figure out what his real name is because it probably you know what it is cause we're gonna do a face review this video thumbs up and don't forget to Like and subscribe turn on notifications if you want exactly who this person is right let's get changed right so I finally got the blue off my face I feel awesome right now the mystery person is back in the tiny house safely locked in and I feel pretty good about this Rebecca Maddy what's taking so long all of us on Instagram okay that's all right now all right we all know who this mystery person is okay the count of three just say it one two three no you guys it's Zoe Oh brainy Smurf wearing glasses I mean Zoe doesn't have good eyesight she always wears glasses and when she does it she tried the contact thing and she didn't like it no no no it's not Zoe it's definitely why was it Oreo aurion who is theory Oh Ryan or Ryan no come back with us in the portal there's no way Orion could be here in this realm how do we know exactly Rebecca how do you know we need to figure out a way to test this person before we do a face reveal so we can figure out which one of us is right damn p.m. you guys need to comment who you think it is because we are doing a face reveal after we get done testing exactly Han is gonna take off that mask today oh so Zoe it's not okay okay I just brought this board right here it says who is the mystery person it's 100 percent corner and this is why Rebecca can you just write this down okay I can't forget this sir you said his name is Connor it's Connor number two he's kind of athletic and I think he likes basketball how do you know that okay anything else his hair it looks just like Connor Connors hair yeah it can't be Connor oh you're right you didn't have a tiara he does like his tiara Matt you don't get to be the only person deciding who this mystery person is because I think it's Zoey boom you want to know why because she was wearing glasses oh he had bad eyes so this mystery person has bad eyesight so do i and so does Daniel I think that's enough but Connor doesn't have bad I say and neither does Orion just saying I mean maybe in this world Orion does Oh so the game master said it would be the top recruit Joey is one of the top hacker she was hacker number one of course the game master wants her Maddie since it is Connor I mean just think the game master wants your brother more than he wants you Connor and Connor wouldn't work against us I mean he did once but it was like to save you but the gamemaster is bad right now we need to fix the switch up we need to figure this out but Connors one super suspicious you know that it hasn't been answering any of my calls okay let's try calling him right now just straight up ask him if this is him yeah he's for sure gonna answer the phone out in the tiny house no he won't because the person out there is not Connor all right I'm calling him Sam Vamshi you guys think it is Connor I mean I know he went home because he was home sick but then you got a job at Domino's she does like pizza come on Connor pick up pick up I'm gonna call Connor right now I am going to block what your number my number yeah actually like a pretty call let's see if he picks up if he picks up to you and not me I'm gonna be so mad it must be something he's hiding me hi sorry hey Connor I lost my number it's actually you must not have noticed me I did say my name like maybe he didn't recognize my voice we put this I don't you've been ignoring me like he didn't even answer my call okay Matt try calling him on speakerphone okay circle of trust right now but Kondo hey it's Matt hey Connor come Connor its Matt it's your cousin-in-law Matt get best friends man yeah I can hear you perfectly at Connor I you know what I've been wanting to hang out with you just you know what's up okay so we need to look at the surveillance to prove but that's not Connor because it Connors talking he'd be talking in the tiny house wait I have one more reason why Zoey would be the mystery person what is it an actor Zoey's cover is that she's an actor she's a hacker by night but an actor during the day after exactly that's why she has to be the mystery person like the connections all weird okay they're outside so it's fine we can just figure it out all right well I think it's definitely Oreo Oreo on whatever what I'm worried on it's not him it's definitely hey aurion loves sweets and did you see that person eat the sorbet okay looks sweet okay and not only that by Orianna or not and so do this mystery person both have high-pitched voices it has to be or eon or it could be a girl sim thinking will we be Oreo as a girl let's face the fact the fact you don't have any facts these are all assumption about the mystery person but if we want to find out exactly who this is at which one of us is right we have to dress them yes testing the mystery person in different situations we'll find out if this mystery person is actually good at basketball we'll find out if this mystery person actually has bad eyesight we'll see if this mystery person actually loves sweets right here is the plan we're each gonna test out this mystery person and then we're gonna do a face you feel yes and we're gonna finally figure out that I am right because it is oh it is he's locked in there right he's walked in there why are the sheets down did you do that I didn't do that hold on yes it goes open look look at the boys changer Orianna took the boys changer off or it's Potter you can hear two voice now oh it's got that weird voice it's high pitch like oriented why are you in our backup Smurfs costume this was in case we didn't find a real costume you have to paint it okay you know what Smurfs audition is actually over let's go find out if you got the coat back tomorrow but you have this really great audition if the testing audition it's for this new ninja series that's coming out it's a huge role but you have to be tested on all these different ninja training activities new skills do you wanna maybe challenge him first in his Elodie we're gonna do fortnight fortnight first dance battles you have to play video game buds you guys it's definitely not Conor Conor loves playing fortnight and this person clearly does not that's why they get go eat no he hasn't injured skills don't you remember Conor took out that quadrant at his house I mean listen to the voice though that sounds just like aurilla the person is just pretending to be Braemar zoe is an actor just trust me I'm gonna test him first of all you guys go figure out why our house is so cold and Daniel found cobwebs upstairs leave fortnight already yes all right we're going to the movie theater right corner yes great well I'm gonna check my room to see if anything strange is happening in I mean okay it's really cold it's been really cold I mean everything else seems pretty normal right well while Matt's challenging Connor which it's definitely not Connor I'm gonna do some laundry because my Smurfs dress got so blue make yourself comfortable Connor you've been in here a few times already it's ninja action adventure right now so it's kind of a mix of ninja action and adventure walk okay Sam fam so Daniel said that there were cobwebs here in Matt Steele in the girls go look I don't know weird I mean we just got our house clean B there's no couple of anywhere do you think Daniel was pranking us why would there be come whoops wait do you think this is from that or these cobwebs I can't really tell you just want to take that thing off right now okay you're not gonna get the role-playing like this though you're doing so bad well the real Connor is actually really good a fortnight so you have to do really well I'm guessing and then we'll see what happens and he's also a huge fan of Fay's ruff I knew it I do it Connor what are you doing right well I better clean off this dress because I got so much blue paint over it throw it in there just grab some detergent that's weird why are there egos in the laundry room Matt must have had a midnight snack in the laundry room okay I'm gonna get everything I need to test this mystery person so we can do a face reveal I just don't know why Daniel said there's cobwebs oh you died that was not that good it's pretty bad actually you know what let's go to the basketball court okay I've won more tips okay zam fam so I am giving Zoey the mystery person a test and it's gonna have something to do with sight and so I thought I would grab a black champagne cup with you know his name peanut looks like a little peanut okay basketball court okay my favorite dog you know what that my Smurfs Ollie said yeah shouldn't play favorite okay you know Papa Smurf's not here are you walking like that on purpose one thing that Connor really likes to do is play hoops let's start you off with Connors favorite ball okay okay go and put that in the what's our clock know there are cobwebs and then the lights are flickering on and off I don't see cobweb no but the light flickering on and off and cobbles were there well yeah daniel said there's something wrong with like the power surges maybe you were just imagining it I'm sure I think everything's fine Mattie I mean Daniel was in the blue Bay when he saw cobwebs I just got out of blue paint for a long time for Smurfs yeah smelling all that feet probably just got to you wait do you hear that wait it's not the boys they're outside playing basketball they must have got down with four at night you're right okay let's go out there and spy on them you guys know that Matt thinks it's Connor I don't think it is you know why yeah it's definitely not Kahn it but it worried on Joey let's go spy on oh so close why does he keep saying his name is Connor he's definitely not Connor he's not your brother I don't never talk like that Sam fam comment below who you think it is I have an idea body language shows a lot about a person right why don't we watch how the mystery person walks and acts and we might be able to figure out who it is such a good idea oh okay not Connor he just hit himself in the head with the basketball okay yeah Connor is really good at basketball and this mystery person is not that's why it has to be Zoey look at how he's walking I recognize that from your video story on do you see the little ding your movement the hunched-over chorion did kind of have a movement but there's just no way that Orion got out of the realm I mean Zoey and Connor definitely don't walk like Sam Pham comment below was that how Orion walked all right you know what that's all I really need on the test there Connor since that I know the girls actually have some more tests yeah you probably get the part let's go inside come on Wow well Matt was able to test this mystery person but I am going to test them next and the first test I'm gonna do is vision in the pool okay let's go comment down below if you think that was Connor it seems like it is versus the same exact height but his voice is a little bit high Connor on think has a higher voice it's usually a little bit lower he's gone hey Daniel hey Matt I've been following the tracking device I'd put on RZ twin she's still at your house still her house yeah it says that the device is located near the back tunnel so I think she's still back there I'm buying the back total right now okay well just be careful okay okay thanks Daniel I'll let you know how it goes all right are you ready for your next challenge mystery person hey sexy hey ace the audition yes well this is a last to fall in the pool site challenge win uh explain man well basically I'm gonna be holding up numbers and you're gonna have to tell me what numbers they are while walking across this plank on our pool yep that's kind of the point it's it's a challenge when this is very constricting you could do a face book you're right okay Zoe I mean mystery person see if him you heard that house he twin might be back here maybe go home three to tell me what number okay two steps forward no towels open okay first let's shut the tunnel 13 you said that the packing that makes it quaint old on she might be able to hear she happy Aramis poetry now it's time to go into the deep end tell me the number how many fingers do I have up take four steps forward okay no she's not back here it sounds a little weird oh no no I can't believe it how about now okay I take three steps forward that Zoey I mean clearly they had bad eyesight that's why they fell into the pool but to be honest I almost fell into the pool that was a bad idea do you think it's so a comment below it's a tracking device you see twin knows it Dean you'll probably put the tracking device on her no it's not good for Daniel I'm gonna be doing the sweet versus sour candy challenge because Orion works for the queen of gym so he must love sweets so I have all these candies that I'm gonna be dipping in citric acid super sour and then some sugar-free sweet and the final candy that I'm gonna tested with the Smurfs gummies because this person loves Smurfs alright these are all yours what happened to your voice this way when I wear pink yeah why are you in a new outfit a little way in uh you know I found it kind of fits me better on the lady in the whole escape okay well let's get started with this challenge we're gonna be doing sweet vs. sour candy challenge okay oh you eye candy okay see and while the mystery person is inside with Maddie I wanted to talk about no Maddie said it dropped from their pocket when we were Smurfs in real life and it says take down Rebecca as the mole oh do you think this mystery person is working with the gamemaster right now or are z2n I have no idea but this is a question that I want to ask them okay so first we are gonna start with these copies and in these bowls I have something sweet something sour you get to choose which one and whichever one you don't eat I will do the other so the challenge is just you can't make that nice and easy because you know you Bucky right which do you want to choose how much use this one yeah bless yaha this is gonna be delicious about staying in tune with your senses you know like a ninja stay in tune with their senses Rick Rick okay I just got off a call with Daniel he said that our Z twins here's a twins here right now I don't think she is because I found the tracking device that Daniel put on earth you took it off okay so where is she now that I have no idea we're trying to figure that out okay well when we find our Z twin we need to trap her cuz the vision I had was the game after telling her to take me down you like sweets right eat sweets a lot maybe like with a certain someone who you work for I have one final candy and then you are done with this challenge you're getting closer to finishing the audition okay [Music] you passed the challenge good job ninja senses I think we still have another challenge can you just wait here one second I'm gonna speak with the casting director how did your challenge go it was kind of feel although the person does have like a really high-pitched voice it's cuz a girl sees it's Zoey no no no you don't know that for sure okay well how did your challenge go I think it is Connor but I'm not quite sure when you were playing basketball he was like moving agree on Oh doesn't mean it's wrong though no wait no wait when I did last to fall in the pool they fell in the pool but I don't really know if that confirms it's a Zoey because I mean you fell in the pool doing renegade you know in this right now we are doing a face reveal no matter what are we doing that truth or dare challenge I'm in the wheel rabbit hey so the last part of this audition is actually gonna be a truth or dare mystery wheel you know this already spinning wheel truth or dare we've been a true okay I have a question a truth I want to know why you want to take down Rebecca's thumb below you drop that note out of your pocket yeah you're a liar right now you might as well tell the true master paper is this the note that you found it says wear a mask and say your name is Connor because we're technically onto the second round of the audition already take it up with the casting directors Oh another truth okay I'll ask again now that we have another truth did you wear a mask and say your name is Connor because you got this note right here yes wait why do you spend out wheel again Maddie what do you do we just trust me hmm okay you guys stay here I'll be right give him what do you think Maddie's doing right now I think she might know who this mystery person is but what do you think she's getting it I dare you to drink a glass of milk do we just wait you guys will see no drinking it okay you just give it a second okay if you just keep doing the mystery wheel I can find it what was that [Music] no way okay yeah I recognize that smell you have to do it we have to do it I can't take this anymore [Music] make sure you subscribe to the gamemaster Network because soon as we do phase reveal we have a lot of questions okay you're sure I booked it yeah you bought the wrong okay three two one agent car I'm Robbie Ross
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 7,346,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: face, reveal, mask, new, house, tested, who's better, hacks, matt and rebecca, 24 hours, maddie, daniel, connor, matt, rebecca, man, face reveal, 123 go, fgteev, roblox, game, the labrant fam, suprising, pet, rebecca zamolo, faze rug, sssniperwolf, most, karens, jelly, playing, flight, fortnite, carter sharer, last to, wins, tricks, diy, challenges, hackers, fun, friends, unspeakable, safe, sml, rescue, cloaker, cloak, brent rivera, piper rockelle, emotional, preston, tik tok, best, backflip, 2020, vlog, clean
Id: va9UCSyJE4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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