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[Music] yo how's it going guys hello welcome to a video where I know what I'm doing but you haven't heard that one before I know exactly what I'm about to do how this videos gonna go everything is all planned out alright so first of all I should have really changed my skin by now why haven't I changed it I don't know please please give me suggestions for a skin in the comments please alright so today's video what I'm gonna be doing this guy just said Skippy I have more subs than you know this is what I'm doing this is it no let me just ask him what's your channel lul how many subs ok good he logged off he logged off good good good I didn't want to do that anyway so what I'm doing today is basically like I think a few weeks ago I did this bodyguard video where I set a huge bounty on myself and then I set out into PvP I had a bodyguard trying to protect me and whoever killed me got that huge set amount of money now if we look on the richest player on the entire server is a sick way a sixty a sixty a six he wait no yo I know no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no tell me how you're the richest player on PvP tell me how are you the richest player on kit pvp there's no way he didn't do that legit there's no way no you did how did you do it legit tell me how you did it legit you say how did you get the keys how so they're not legit oh yeah I'm resetting your money alright now that we found out that that clearly is not legit take that away from him there we go the second richest player on the server has around 2.9 million dollars and then so on 2 million 1 million 1 million whatever I'm thinking today we get a new richest player on the server so what I'm about to do is something extremely abusive but it's ok because the server's resetting extremely soon and there's not much they could do with it anyway so I'm about to spawn myself in three million dollars for a new player to become the richest for about a week and then the server resets and they're back to normal also since I'm talking about resets um skywalk reset tomorrow Saturday 2:00 p.m. Eastern just not I throw that out there okay alright so let's do this video idea spawn in eco Dave step II three hundred thousand ten thousand hundred thousand million dollars I am now the new richest player on the server but I'm gonna go to the spawn point all right so this is where everyone is we're gonna jump down just like so and I don't want it over here I don't want to over here cuz they can jump from there I don't want to over here ah I think on the bridge wait no time view guide I think I haven't decided okay you probably have no idea what I'm talking about but I'm gonna do it right here so right here what I'm going to create is the sky base for myself we're gonna go up 50 blocks set this wood just like that there we go we want letters on this side no people are gonna see this perfect and then I'm thinking we'll do one more on this side oh my god not that no no no no perfect more ladders and just for the heck of it one more way just like that there we go okay gonna have to do ladders right here as well do you think I can copy and paste this we try it poppy paste oh I can I'm smart oh god no I'm not uh paste no no no no no oh my god oh my god I'm not good at this I am NOT talented paste there paste paste paste more pasting even more pasting and oh god alright that's enough pacing who is this guy haters be true dude I'm not ready for people no go away alright well I'm not really ready for this but this time clearly was ahead of his time so I guess you can just watch me build I guess so the whole idea is you see this guy basting right here I'm going to have a sky base I mean you already knew that but shut up and on the sky vase it will be me myself and I no party cards no help no nothing cuz I don't trust anyone because last time I had bodyguards they try and tell me and you know steal money even though they should be protecting me say yes it'll be me myself and I and this stupid the haters guy I'm gonna bounty myself for three million dollars and whoever comes up here kills me we'll get the money's this guy just knows I'm building should we place a sign and ask him why are you here lololol okay I want to make this a little bit easier for myself so like when they get all the way up here I'll make them do some parkour stuff just like that just cuz you know there's so many ways up I'll die so quick alright let's go over here over here you gotta go over here you gotta go over here you gotta go through one more set of ladders yup yup just like that and then once you do that then then you can do a parkour jump right there can you make that yeah that's easy alright you still make that uh yeah still easy as this has this has this Boop oh that's a bit harder oh you know what I can do though I can make it so you have one more source right here of water and then we'll do some parkour stuff just like so and now there's one two three and I guess I think that's for entrances if I can count oh my god no no no go away Kuwait don't look at it cool cool cool this guy hasn't even said anything I haven't been looking in chat why are you here no dude read it oh oh my god he completely dude oh my God look at it look at it look at it yes alright so I think I'll make it a little bit more tricky for that part just you have to do some parkour just like that is that possible problem we right over here over there back to the ladders and then just tiny bit more there we go perfect alright that should be good I asked you could make it a little bit more annoying for this side though just drop some lava right there alright I think that should be good I don't know if that'll screw things up but oh well I'll make some walls for myself so I feel you know secure boom boom I don't feel very safe but hopefully this works I'll make a little escape route for myself if I really need to so we'll go over here and we'll put one chunk of water just like that I can make that I can do that easy yeah just like that boom in the water and then no one she's gonna know where the water is so then you go over here go over here go over here my second escape route over here down here down here down here down here down here in the water and if anyone Falls they fall in here I'm gonna use this trust me and my escape route is over here perfect okay cool there we go I think God that should be good I think that should be enough why is to start still here what do you want this is my escape route I mean not escape right tower whatever are you gonna talking chat he's even saying anything let me look at chat nothing I just saw it being built so I came okay fair enough I yes oh that is annoying this is annoying here we'll put some stuff just like that so it's better there we go there we go yeah I think that's good I think I'm going to put my chest right here and I'll supply myself you know I don't wanna put my chest here they'll find it they'll find it oh I know I'll put my chest right here no go away kid it's my chest and I'll block it off and then I'll have an axe to like break it whenever I want okay so I think in my chest well first of all I'm gonna supply myself we're gonna start off with kit Overlord for the kit I think that's fair cuz you know I need the best kit in the game you feel me you feel me oh wait it looks like you can't open the chest either way so that's perfect I think for my bow I will do punch three I think that's fair I will give myself eight Enterprise didn't mean to do that eight ender pearls nine oh yes roughly ten my armor is good golden apples are good I'll give myself six more golden apples or got apples and I'll put knock-back one on my sword right okay I think it's time I think it's time I think have everything you actually no you know what no snowballs snowballs snowballs lots and lots of them and we're gonna put these in the chest I think this is all I should get this is all like that there we go oh my god I think people are finding it oh I shouldn't start this before it gets too late alright I need this guy off I need to stay off come on buddy I sort of need you to go away let's just put a sign okay go away there we go why because I said so yes that what are you doing I'm playing a game for someone to be rich $3,000,000 can I help can I help I don't know because you will betray me I mean he's kind of been here from the beginning will you betray me you probably will because you want money he's level one and I'm pretty sure he's poor so yes you'll want the money if you take the money off of me if I do oh okay fine you know what yeah you can help me just cuz you said that it makes me trust them a little bit more okay uh you seem like do you know what you're doing he's knocking people off just keep doing exactly that knock them off and protect me if you couldn't already tell it's step II you're gonna you're gonna read it please okay yo people are finding it people are finding it he said okay you know what fine okay alright I'm gonna give this guy talk powered why am i doing this why I didn't want bodyguards I didn't want bodyguards okay yes there I gave it to him for seven hours take it take it you can talk when you're muted or when I meet it alright oh I think I'm ready I think I'm honestly ready at this point I'm going to simply mute the chat unmanned ish but myself as my owner rank there we go hello hello everyone welcome I am step each teammate yeah yeah you are alright we oh my god I felt that's a bad start okay so so basically we're about to have a new richest player on the server three million dollars bounty skepta my god people are fighting it people are if any people are friend yet bounty is sketchy due to 50 kills me I'm gonna rage dude I can't bounty myself ah listen dude I'm gonna pay you three mil bounty me it if he doesn't all just see come on your way he said okay alright alright okay I gave it to him come on see bounty me for three million do it do it do it there we go there is the three million oh my god this kids actually a trustworthy guy come two cords 9 8 to 10 75 ahh and kill me that's it ok I'm chair of my messages that's all you have to do come to these cords kill me I'm on the tower for 3 million dollars to be richest player on server alright let's go I'm spawning myself in steak that slaw say I'm gonna do and yeah I'm scared okay oh my god people are coming people are coming people are coming - this is scary this is scary this is scary ah people just knocked me off for any time absurd wait I'm gonna be use one more time I'm gonna make a thing right there just like that there we go all right so now I can see when people are coming oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god get off get off get off get off get off get off oh my god oh my god but oh my god oh my god I almost got it on top you would have just got three million dollars of eating off me off it's a lie it's a lie it's a lie II this is not good this is not good Judy pearls he pearls he pearls he pearls oh my god I forgot people could Pearl I don't like this I don't like it I don't like this I don't like this get off get off get off get off get off get off get off get off aah oh my god where my Tina kill all those people are coming from every angle oh my god this is three million dollars is the real one that's the real ones is everyone oh no oh no oh no oh no monkey mate my teammate already died dude but teammate Oh should I tell her my teammate talk talk oh ha ha ha I'm not prepared for this I forgot people can Pearl oh my god oh my god no no no no no get off kid kid no no all right well I died um I didn't actually take I mean I died but it was to our all damaged so like it didn't count I think I don't know I didn't count I forgot that was a thing and I actually know what to do in this current point of time what happened I think there was too many ways up yes yes there was if you get the money what um did he get the money Bounty's yeah he definitely didn't get it it says through million right there Wow um this is a mess where's my teammate what was his name teammate doc where's my teammate go didn't mate I said yes all right ok listen I'm sorry I'm gonna have to get you guys off he has iron stuff you know what just take geared up round to three million dollars all right let's go start okay oh my god oh my teammate that's right I survived I survived how did I survive um I don't I don't know how I survived that but okay well this hasn't gone to plan this is so not well made maybe I get back to my tower let's try it let's try it let me back come you back home you back everyone else go away I want back on my Tower and and says even notes become one oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no people really want this three million no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god oh my god please please I don't want to give anyone three million dollars for nothing I need to get away and then I can restart I need to get away and then I could restart okay default are you serious all my daughter amount of doctors of a default I'm gonna die cuz of a default step you're you okay friends I am surely not okay now I am surely not okay now no oh my god oh my god please man please please Amazon please and please and please and and I'm out and I'm good where do we go now oh my god this is it good ow ow ow what the heck dude what that oh my god I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out I'm out of combat let's go to spawn yay Wow this this oh my god go back to spawn this has not gone to plan okay I'm trying round three [Music] all right so what's this you were saying the fence at our thing where we're in a tower and we tower and it's just powering at our thing that's why you were like this is super urgent I need you to get on yes the tower how is it tower urgent because we're towering it like a game it's like a game but it's like a tower game its origin or a CC tell my version is are people gonna die yes sort of yeah whatever what's the IP it's my server they didn't top net invaded and stop did you just say invaded hams dance ID in there okay nice yes the NPC skin is great scab do you like oh no one can judge oh you too the thing okay I'm on look at our back on okay now yeah joining Q it's okay they're here is the tower we have made it's very professional and here's people around the tower and people are going to try and go up the tower kill us and if they kill us they become the richest player on the server basically that again though I'm supposed to let them kill me no why would you let them kill you you said it's a tower kill that is the tower thing but like you don't want to die right why would you want to well I don't know you didn't explain the rules very well they're going to try and come up and wreck us that's it and that's the rules are you recording this for a video I don't know okay are you then what is it no I'm just one can find you of it you are maybe oh my goodness make up your mind are you alright okay so um Eko give a 60 we'll give you guys a three million dollar bounty just like I have a sixty yeah bounty him for three million bounty bad boy he'll for three million bad boy bounty a sixty four three million how do I do that such parity a 63 million there okay okay kill him no no going game on going game oh no we're not you weren't already came up they come in the box come in the box wait we have to go in the box you'll have to but just in the box for now I mean except if you want to go there instead many people would that's why I'll just cut it up take it up you care enough and why it was like kit Overlord and then like maybe like okay I'm gonna do power three I'm gonna do knock back one on my sword okay I'm gonna give myself some ender pearls oh yeah guys have one more minute before we start can I get myself whatever I want uh yeah but make it fair sixty-four dad apples no okay fine I guess I'm gonna do to maybe five I'll do 20 okay I'm gonna get myself some snowballs again okay make a chest like a chest for like extra loot there they only gonna be able to come in this door ah I stay 60 he's smart yeah like if we manage we can I'm gonna make an escape route over here just in case like we need it and so just be sure no one comes to in this way and right here we're gonna put water there we go so how do we win this game oh I don't there a 60 how do we win me allowed to kill them don't be allowed to kill the whole point what happens if we follow will we die um if you fall the service doesn't count is the bounty so like they haven't kill you to get the three Miller maybe you maybe we kill me I just jump on no no bad what I mean yeah don't jump off but like that you don't okay well can they break this no are they giving it up here that the ladders you don't know but I did wow I'm on like one heart oh my god okay there you go I feel like this isn't big enough yeah and your pearls are you sure I don't know dude I don't know can we just start let's just go the we can go anywhere wait I got an idea what a door you realize as soon as you look up those guys shoot us there's no way we can even knock them back down right there's no winning - okay wait come here come here okay okay ooh smart yeah see mm so there is up here there's so many arrows okay start it what it started oh my god dude the note back it's crazy on this I don't know you ready start okay three two one let's go so AIDS ow I'm logging so hard because okay I'm go inside - we just kill all our oh I don't oh yes you realize we're in Venice bad pleasure II am did you cheat once until work me up pleased to meet you wants to talk for me up leave yeah okay I can't I don't have firm to TPU you do oh we can't /tp we don't have the firm we can just TP do you oh my god I'm actually gonna miss today's this is guys please get in a disable PvP oh great oh wow I'm back here I wait you really do see stable PvP is time to call right right it's my peepees back okay yeah but they'd so much time to be all get up oh good oh my gosh why are you oh hi are you okay yeah this guy oh look I got knocked up again oh my god this is this is a this guy this guy this guy this guy trying to kill what are you guys good yes guys I'm sort of down here people are actually shooting us from there there's not much I can really do about this situation except poke my pearls of something and killing me oh my oh I'm at the top haha try gonna try the guy who almost almost almost almost K ah sorry okay everyone wants to just get three million dollars everyone wants to be the richest on the server that a lot on here it's the nice dreamy land on it number one riches player if you kill any of us oh wow and I'm still stuck down here I can't do anything a terrible climb a sixty shoot him when he gets this weight you know what don't do that I mean don't do that so I shouldn't just let someone kill me right now why would you do that it's three million okay but real dollars right well no but okay just a fine you want me to spawn in three million dollars on your server no okay I thought so I'm getting too much yes yes same do I kill all three yards oh my god I'm gonna die guys guys hey cor oh my oh my god I died I died I died just like did someone kill you I don't know but I'm pretty sure we did say in chat That's not me what I wish I could help I pay off dude I my brain is gone okay I'm just gonna oh my gosh I'm just gonna walk I can't even watch I'm lagging so much skin oh I I died a long time ago what just happened why am i in the hub I don't know your servers a poop servers okay maybe 100k I died but I did miss my go to UK on my boat is a toy
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,068,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, a6d, badboyhalo
Id: 7ws1RR7GxhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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