First to Escape the UNBREAKABLE Box Wins! (TRAPPED INSIDE)

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so i challenge my brother to see if he can escape this unbreakable box before me we're both going to be put through a series of challenges and if we win we get a weapon the more you win the better the weapon make sure you're the first to escape or else the consequences will make you regret accepting this challenge good luck brandon all right brandon you got the lotion ready for my feet i'm winning i don't know what you're talking about you know it's unbreakable right it's only for strong people it's unbreakable for you but i'm breaking through it all right all right guys i want this to be a safe game all right i want this to be nice and friendly shake hands hey please shake hands guys or we can't begin the challenge just shake hands get in the boxes and just remember once you step foot in these boxes you are not allowed to get out unless you break out or you quit okay oh okay yeah i'm breaking out of this all right guys i'm going to be giving you guys your first weapon but first you have to answer this question hey hey how many yards are in a fight brian in a foot yeah what the heck half a yard nope a third of a yard fran is right yes sir what the heck was that how long did you get to keep the spoon for three minutes dude i don't need the spoon you're good yeah yeah yeah that didn't hurt okay whoa whoa before you get to start with the spoon can you give me a chance at rock paper scissors and if i win i get a spoon too you know keep it fair okay on shoot rock paper scissors shoot yes time starts now i guess this is where i'm trying to break out from some reason they gave us a spoon oh there literally doesn't do anything can i get the earmuffs guys i need this it's a little too loud yo can i switch out the spoon for like a sledgehammer no people are driving by like what the hell is going on i feel like i'm just wasting energy that i'm gonna need later on in the video on a spoon all right this is useless progress you've made at this way you'll be out of here by new year's really 30 seconds left three two one give me the spoon give me the spoon that you think that did absolutely nothing all right well that was your first challenge you probably saw a spoon does nothing to a unbreakable box but i think the next weapon will probably do you a little bit better okay in order to get your next weapon all you have to do something very simple you have to put this skewer through this balloon without popping it what you have 30 seconds to do it wait wait wait wait wait this is gonna pop for sure all i'm gonna say is there's a way your time starts now i'm scared i don't think it's possible 20 seconds okay and that didn't work i need another balloon maybe if we just go fast oh never mind yeah i don't think this is possible oh i win i didn't no no no no no no no actually a type no i got it oh i got it that was literally a tie i watched you guys do it the same exactly i agree you guys both get the weapon oh it's a claymore imagine putting a claymore yo guys brandon was like a scar-h heartbeat sensor kind of guy and grenade oh he was one of the ones guys he was the ones that you didn't want to run into in the game okay you guys ready for your weapon yes okay guys your weapon is a screwdriver oh and you have three minutes starting now dude i see these videos and people get like chainsaws and sledgehammers get there no way like oh wait wait here we go it's kind of like i'm a barber and i'm giving like a skin taper like a fake watch oh god yeah i hit it like that oh not a bad tactic 30 seconds down i will say brian's making more progress with his hand let's cheat something no okay you guys have a minute 30 left by the way what the hell is brandon doing through oh my god what is his tactic i can't tell you i'm through the woods i ain't got a hole oh my gosh i actually got a hole stop stop hey i made some damage brandon what about you all right let's take a look brian does have a little peeper hole here i wouldn't say you did much with the screwdriver but what do you mean you can see something behind there i like got through the whole wood but it's hard to get through the outer shell of this box it's so hard this might actually take us like five six hours that's what i heard from whoever built this so i'll tell you what you're in the lead you did a lot more than brian oh we can't get out i want to go see no you can't get out all right okay guys in order to get your next weapon all you have to do is guess what i'm saying i'm going to be speaking some gibberish okay gibberish gibberish you guys know that language because not a real language i'll start with you brian okay guy leech hen her what'd you say i said guy leech pen her kyle chester nope you have one more try kylie jenner oh my gosh let's go okay brian oh my god you do a little more destruction with that than a screwdriver wow this is sick don't go yet brandon you want that baseball bat i really want it you have to guess what i'm saying okay knit flick sand shill netflix and chill get my back oh my gosh bro could they get any easier than that i knew yours from the second anthony setting that's how you know i lost feelings you both now have a baseball bat you have three minutes go it's not really doing much i need those headphones this is so tiring 15 seconds this is gonna do damage it's gonna make it easier but time to break you through the case three two one stop stop stop let me do that all right let's see uh how much progress you guys have made we can still use our hands okay i'll allow you tell me i'm in the lead literally neck and neck right now oh my gosh you guys did a lot but the weapons you guys are getting are going to get a lot stronger you should probably uh save your strength i wish i told you that before the baseball bat challenge but i knew i said i should have saved my energy all right brian uh how was this like what were you thinking when you first got in here is it harder is it easier do you think you're gonna get out eventually i'm not gonna lie i really thought it was gonna be way easier this is very indestructible it's possible but as you can see took off the plywood layer and now i see a fence so we definitely need some better weapons to get through that fence do you think that you're going to be brandon 100 all right brandon do you think that this was going to be harder easier i knew like when they said unbreakable it would be hard but dude this thing is like like it's actually unbreakable unless we get like some crazy weapon that we haven't used yet all right we heard from phase ruggy and broadest see how confident you guys are when i hand you these new weapons what oh no this is gonna make real damage to the unbreakable boss just kidding just kidding that's not your weapon but this can get you to your next weapon you guys are going to use your whatever blasters to shoot down as many targets as you can you have five shots who wants to go first i will keep in mind if you miss i get hurt just a reminder i'm in face clan so i don't miss just a reminder you don't play cod anymore damn he got me did that hit you you have two shots left at least try to hit one oh my all right last one i'm just going for it miss baby you knocked down zero targets there's still three targets standing here so brandon all you have to do is knock down one i'm getting a call from um face temper oh what's he saying yeah i'm kicked from faze oh brandon this is your chance to take your brother's spa in phase all you have to do knock down one target no sir no sir since none of us hit a target we're gonna go one by one and the first person to hit one gets the next weapon so oh good hell yeah baby all right well brandon now has a very big advantage i don't know what the weapon is though for winning the last challenge you and only you will get my good friend crowie wow ah crowy how are you there has to be a way that i could get one too now you have three minutes go i gotta make the circle bigger because how the hell am i gonna escape from this i'm not the size of a hand oh my god yeah this will help i'm gonna actually just try to make the hole bigger so when i do get through it i can actually fit all the way i feel like michael scofield right now don't worry he only has two minutes and 20 seconds left come on lincoln needs you blink blink blink ryan is doing no progress by the way you know what though i feel bad for brian give him a crowbar what really [Applause] stop stop stop didn't know that would do that much damage look at me boys come on now brandon first of all holy look at this i'm not stressing about the wood part or the metal part the freaking wire that's tough you'll be happy to see what your next weapon is guys before we continue i want to give 10 people watching this right now a hundred dollars in the comment section down below all you have to do is be subscribed and comment down below done and i'm gonna be picking 10 people to send a hundred dollars to just a little surprise while we're trying to break out why not in order to get this axe you need one of your subscribers to respond to you within 90 seconds the first person to get a response in a minute 30 seconds gets the axe for a full three minutes but the second person to get a response only gets the axe for two minutes bro i don't even need the minute and i have to get a response i know what i'm gonna do you have 90 seconds ready set go all right instagram i'm going on my request i'm going on the most recent requests here's a group chat i could accept okay i'm done i got it oh my gosh it's done he's so smart and i have like i have about like 20 replies actually wait wait i just got a response right now too he said huh all right brandon you get the axe for a full three minutes hey man shout out to my subscribers thanks for replying so fast brian you have to wait one minute before you get your axe leaving you with a total of two minutes with the weapon i'm still fine with it time starts now let's go oh look at that look look he's getting through man i gotta get that axe it's stuck are you kidding me oh that's three two one go stop goodness almighty holy crap wow you got through the chain brandon did you get through the chain wow my gosh all right let's down with the next challenge i need you guys to start getting through the chain link fence so that your next weapon can actually be utilized so you have two minutes start getting through the fence okay oh it's still hard even with the tool mate for it bro this is hard what is this made out of oh my yo this is dude it's kind of like a task and like a manga you guys have a minute left by the way you need to get through three two one give me the scissors now i know the tools could get through the metal but the hole is not big enough for me to fit through so i got to start going down hitting over here so i could actually step through it all right i'm waiting for the next weapon i'm assuming the next weapon's going to get us through so i'm assuming you need to shut your mouth i'm assuming you guys need to both shut your mouth okay listen to the next challenge because man it's about to get real hot in here no no yeah yeah yeah you guys are going to be taking a spoonful of this ghost pepper sauce world class he deliciously painful if none of you drink water in the first 60 seconds you both get the weapon but if one of you takes even a little tiny little chaos of liquid you do not get your weapon by the way guys try your absolute best oh that's getting us out this is your final weapon and there will be no time limit it's just the first person to escape oh three two one go brian and go brandon go right now spoon 30 seconds hey yo hey no why do we always have to have something hot 20 seconds ah yo i swallowed it down the wrong hole five four three two one you're good to drink thank you look at my face oh my gosh i bet you really want to get out of that hot box right now right oh he saw it down the wrong pipe for sure you guys think you keep going you think you still have some strength to get out the box or what dude my whole body's in pain it's not just my lips and my tongue okay guys your next weapon is the uh this chainsaw escape this box okay i'm rooting for both of you and there's no time limit first one to escape guys by the way you are free to use any weapons anything i'm here to hand them to you whatever you guys want give me the ads give me the apps what's a good weapon oh i feel like i need a strategy guys i have no strategy right now i'm just gonna hit it out of the way oh i'm going for it [Applause] i was right here i just went for it the hole was not big enough bro i just freaking went for it i thought i had it that was neck and neck i feel like look at that how did you fit through there i made my body like a twig and i just like flying like a snake slithered out all right all right guys well it's time for the foot massage you deserved it you earned it oh that was tough hey that was fun brandon go take off your shoes and socks man the lotion's cold go deeper bro like yeah i want like a shiatsu massage that was called you really thought i was gonna lose in a strength competition to my little brother keep in mind we didn't shower after so this is really kicking all right guys just drop a like on the video show love to my brother for winning we'll see you all with the next video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 6,287,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: JuWh-gDq24U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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