I Challenged the REAL Military to EXTREME Hide & Seek!

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today i challenge the military to extreme hide and seek on a real military base but before that they're putting us through an intense obstacle course and the fastest time gets a five minute head start to hide all right guys we're starting with this military obstacle course it's gonna be me versus anthony first and then leslie versus caitlyn and the fastest time gets a five minute head start in the hide and seek this is actually really tough and i'm not trying to make any excuses but i did hurt my back the other day that's all i'm gonna say but i'm still gonna take the dub here i don't want to make any excuses i'm fat so we already know me and katelyn are going to win yeah we're going to try our hardest though don't get up slow down for you guys don't worry and we're going to have three marines pushing us through this thing and guiding us through and make sure we finish it all so hope you guys enjoy it anthony let's go me versus you let's get it yeah i just can't get beat though it's gonna happen also i forgot to mention if you can't do an obstacle you add 20 seconds to your time because some of these are actually tough i'm ready when you guys are three two one go all right thank you there you go there you go oh my god jump over here go come back don't pull it out i reach for each one oh you killed me dude that was tough man i don't even know my score i think it's diet season yo how often do you guys do this i haven't done in a year but it's because we're like a certain rank so oh you guys like prestige master prestige it depends on where you're at you have like red tiger camo yet no i got blue oh blue tiger that was my favorite cool glacier you got it lately you did the glitch together you got into a hacked lobby yeah dude i'ma just say you surprised me bro no i'm really like i did not think you were gonna be able to do those i got three minutes and 12 anthony got 358. so i'm in the lead right now hey you did good i didn't think i was gonna lose but those things are way harder than they look man katelyn and leslie have a chance to beat us and get that advantage in hide and seek how you killed it thank you thank you are you ready i'm ready are you ready i'm ready let's do this win the boys three two one go let's go oh she decided to run put your foot right there oh that was so hard a couple times today we've got caitlin with 550. leslie with five minutes rug with 312. sherman with 358 so the winner today yes let's go baby hey i get a five minute head start and hide and see are you guys ready for this are you ready absolutely come on anyway what were you saying earlier you trained with like tracking or what was that so just like you took all those steps right there i know that you're walking this way you look at your feet you might want to run light dude they are actual trained marines guys this is about to be intense the rules are simple the contestants have 10 minutes to hide and the military has 10 minutes to find us if you get caught you will be thrown into the bunker and the last one standing wins keep in mind these are real trained marines with years of experience so uh yeah wish us luck all right guys it is time for the extreme hide and seek i don't want any of you guys to go easy on us i want you all to tackle us if you find us do whatever you can just to capture us okay got it if you do get found you get put into this bunker right here so you don't want that to happen is it can you wallbang that or not you definitely can't wallbang okay yeah so where are we right now currently located at mount town and camp ellington so military operations in urban terrain we'll be using this as like the hide and seek location and we conduct operations here regularly for room clearing and operations oh man i do get the five minute head start each person gets 10 minutes to hide 15 minutes for me and then you guys have 10 minutes to find us sounds good you guys ready can i say something like we're going against people that train for life or death situations we're like out of luck we don't stand a chance we don't stand like that are we on search and destroy the marines going to the bunker so you guys cannot see where we're hiding they said there's a lot of spiders in there i'm not going to close it all the way but i'll close it enough so you can't peek sounds good okay okay it's two people right here right here all right guys i'm out you're not gonna find me thank you all right three two one go i kinda wanna boost later oh you wanna poop yeah find me later bro i gotta get the fall camo i don't wanna hide over there i wanna hide up there i feel like it's gonna take a while to go up that hill it looks a lot closer than it is so i'm trying to make it all the way up there i'm so out of shape that obstacle course was actually crazy you guys think you're going to find the best move i thought these ones are when i go all right let's find a good spot i see like a four-story building right there hey guys what's good you guys see me pretend like you just we're looking somewhere else all right oh boy i can't look at you the same after they said you look like the african guy dude this literally looks like i'm in a cog map no way this is honestly way too obvious to hide up here maybe i could get like to the top all right you guys ready to go i'm doing something so risky right now i could be out right here first one okay so me and leslie we're gonna just try to travel up there you guys i'm so scared no power we're gonna go run together you guys see how there's like a bunch of bunkers right here i'm gonna hide behind this okay i think this is all a matter of running because the spots aren't the best i don't think we're gonna be able to outrun active marines we have ten minutes to hide one of my shoes on time we have to go up this way i'm out of breath already this is how you know i don't work out can they track my footprints here no i don't think here's my plan guys they're over there they're gonna come clear from here i'm gonna be behind here like this when they come in i'm gonna be hiding i'm gonna wait for them to get past okay if i could execute this perfectly i'm in the clear if i mess up even just a tad bit i'm screwed hold this to go up all the way look at how far that is my goal was to go up there but it is way too dangerous for that okay this is where we're going oh my gosh i'm scared i'm gonna fall this is definitely a scary place to be there's stairs out here will they check these maybe they won't oh i should leave paint okay i'm gonna leave this jacket in one of the other houses that's a good idea that was an iq rug and it makes way too much noise give me a break we got this now that i'm uphill i have to find a place to hide i think i know where i want to hide all the way up there i can hide in that corner and once they get in the house i'll move around maybe they won't hear me i'm gonna leave my jacket for a print i'm gonna put it right here jackets right here they're coming out from there the reason i took the jacket off is so i make less noise because that jacket's really loud right there so they'll think i'm hiding there but in reality i'll be up there but i might as well check out this building dude this is so sketchy we gotta find a place to hide should i hide in like a bush luckily i think i might hide behind a bush you should good luck caitlin i'm gonna go hide over here what do you guys think should i hide here this looks pretty cool okay i have to find my way inside there and i don't have much time i hope this works dude i really hope this works guys what are we doing guys they're gonna come through here i'm getting out right through here if they don't cross this here i'm chillaxing a darker area might be the move i just tripped over that oh my gosh there's a ladder you think someone's camping up there only one way to find out that bush right there is calling my name and let's see if they find me first one of the guys said that he was a tracker so i'm sure he's gonna track my footprint to my location let's hope not you know they could see me that they come from there but we're also allowed to run i wonder where brian is hiding maybe i could close this that'll work i would just hide up here i think i got a good shot keep you guys updated i think the ten minutes are almost done i'm gonna hide up here that way i can see when they come because i have a view of them i found my spot i'm hiding in the corner now it's just a waiting light much heavy ass door anthony's just pacing back and forth i see him over there oh they're coming out i think they're coming out they're here they're all there oh my god they just came up they just came out they just came out oh god oh they're already looking i wanna peek and i wanna look but if i peek they're gonna see me are they gonna see the top of my head he's in here [Music] there my plan worked now i go in here and i hide here because he already checked it yeah i don't think he'll check it again once i see them clear that top building then i have a feeling i'll be safe she left the jacket clean the jacket he saw the jacket my plan worked there he is it's on the backside someone's running right there i think that looks like anthony you guys see him right there i think he's gonna use a tactic where he's just gonna run he's going up now we are in the clear my plan worked i'm a smart man boy now i can make my way into here my plan is if they do come up this ladder i could hide right behind it and even if they check over there i'll be crouched behind this thing i see somebody hey oh come on now wait you can see my shadow right there don't tell me i'm first you're first oh my gosh are you kidding me i suck hey guys i thought i had a good spot it's not fun being caught first brian is the first one out man yes sir even with that five minute head start i'm gonna say you guys i think i got this if they decide to look at the other side first and all the other little ones first then i got this i saw someone run past the window leslie and brian were hiding over there oh look look at the mirrors [Applause] yeah let's go am i the first one you're the second they just got leslie they're on the roof of the building now you guys at least that was in the first one leslie what's your boyfriend's name sherman there's not down there we're missing sherman you got two yeah we got two over here did you clear that whole building yeah clear this one and this one can't steal the price here you might actually win i see them like it's leslie oh my god you guys they're gonna catch caleb leslie snitched leslie snitched a hundred percent because she said they're coming leslie's a snack i did not say anything of course it's me and kaelin man i was minding my own business and then they went for her and all of a sudden i'm a snitch no switch is here leslie's a snitch you guys did not see me you just snitched i hope you don't get put in the same jail cell as me wait a minute we're missing one i had a clear eye of sherman you said you have a clear ivan no he dropped his jacket he's over there then all right see you then and he's off to find more people they went running in there to get her and then all of a sudden they found me huh they weren't even looking for you they were looking for sherman no snitch is here she thinks she gave her away we're missing the last one oh my god he's coming back i know he's coming back i'm screwed all i can do is hide about the time i think so no we're good they blew the air horns did i win at least we weren't the first ones to get caught yes sir you miss me let's go yes oh he is down here what the hell where were you at let me guess you would switch houses didn't you you saw a jacket up there i did i did when you went in out here right that's not funny later guys sherman's the winner sadly i didn't want him to win oh you know what was the worst you went to the porta potty and i was on that corner and i ran bro and i was like looking behind you if you look that would have been done dude my heart broke i had a good spot and he lifted up the thing and my hair was on the shadow on like oh so he saw my fluffy hair on the wall dude i saw you beforehand you did it put my jacket up there so there you go dude i put my jacket down there too because it moves it makes noise when you walk that's why i put it down hey that was insane man oh no all right guys shout out to sherman for winning the challenge a huge shout out to the marines for helping us with this video make sure you all drop a like drop a like subscribe comment all that you know what i'm saying good luck congratulations [Applause]
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 5,114,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: zaCuMcJaPOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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