Trapped in 100 Different Layers! (UNBREAKABLE WALL)

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this is the ultimate 100 layers challenge there are 10 different walls that I have to break through and they get increasingly harder as I go on I will be attempting to complete challenges that will decide whether I get 10 minutes to break through or five if I make it through the wall with the time given I get the prize behind it which I won't be keeping for myself but I'll be giving away to you guys my motivation to break through these walls is you so make sure you're rooting for me throughout the entire video and let's win you guys some prizes Brian are you ready do I look ready of course you do headband rug is coming out come on your first obstacle your first wall that you are getting through today is a wall full of streamers okay I mean that's still easy so what's my weapon a toothpick it just depends how long I have with the toothpick well to determine that it's your video so we're gonna have to do a challenge I knew it do you think I'm gonna do this without getting a prize oh yeah come on horse listen bro one hundred dollars to start off the video but it's not for you it's for the people back home oh views winning 100 bucks guaranteed so y'all remember squid games we basically recreated with these boxes some of them are hard some of them are soft and if you lose you'll get five minutes so good luck with that all right here we go oh yo this is kind of the right decision bro okay okay okay okay I'm on I'm on I don't think you'd put them right in front of each other so you don't think okay oh two more come on 100 oh come on I may have lost the challenge but I'm still getting through the streamer's wall easy toothpick time baby toothpick time this is the worst weapon you could use five minutes on the clock baby okay I'm ready three two one go I'm surprised you're doing the Pokey method there you go yeah dude this is too easy it might be actually really easy oh wait I broke the toothpick all right I guess hold up hold up hold up let me step through real quick hundred dollars acquired to one of you guys baby let's go dude that was too easy who even came up with this one come on I came up oh sorry good job man I'm not gonna cap that first of all is a little too easy what is this foil of course this is easy to get through all literally one inch punch this thing well if you think that's true and you do get through it successfully you get some airpods oh you know what's crazy your next weapon I actually keep on me at all times like I literally just keep it strapped whoa whoa kind of screwdriver is this it's intense if you lose this next challenge I'm gonna be personally disappointed in you okay let's go and that means more than anything it does so it's crying you're a trick shotter right easy when's the last time you trick shot it like 2012 but it's in my blood true well you have 30 seconds to get all five of those balloons down there and if you do you'll get 10 minutes in three two one go oh it's already looking hard oh oh come on that was close oh oh what come on hey Focus okay okay focus oh that was close okay oh my god oh I have two darts two balloons that's not a dart right there oh you did your best I promise you I'm getting through it in one little stab like that can I start wait not again I already see the other side you should have given me like 10 seconds oh my bro it's been so long on this wall hold on hold up watch your head bro you did that and literally under 30 seconds I mean what did you expect we got air pods we got a hundred bucks that's already two winners well what is this this is what I like to call Saran wrap this will be your weapon for this wall right here I'm saying this out of Cockiness give me 30 seconds all right you said it just remember that okay but if you do win you'll be getting a speaker you'll be getting my fans will be getting you'll be getting a speaker to give to your fans okay sorry I should have let you finish okay all right what's the next challenge baby this is a little game I like to call the clout game clout game okay I'm gonna ask you who has more followers or more supporters or more subscribers whatever it is on all these platforms between two celebrities and if you get it right with three out of five questions you win the game okay fair enough all right you ready bro stop talking and show me the freaking celebrities who has more Instagram followers Katy Perry or Lady Gaga Katy Perry she's an icon correct that's easy bro all right we're moving on to sports okay what franchise has more championships Lakers or the Yankees I love of the Lakers but I'm just gonna say it's the Yankees correct no for real how many do the Yankees have 27 wait they've won 27 World Series yes the Lakers only have 16 championships okay don't say only like that no no who has more subscribers the WWE or Dude Perfect oh I know the WWE YouTube channel has a crazy amount of Subs Dude Perfect has more subs incorrect no no I can't get the YouTube one wrong come on what website has more visits per month Amazon or YouTube oh that's so hard uh who doesn't love YouTube right it's YouTube correct yes yes so can I get to cutting now I got three right you don't want to finish it out why would I want to do that all right let's go here's your weapon and then uh before I get these 10 minutes can you just cut it to one minute I could are you ready for one minute I'm ready go take a door oh and this fell apart so uh hold on hold on wait wait limbo up yep let's go hey all right three for three dude I'm trying to give away 10 prizes to 10 of my supporters so you have seven more walls to go three for three baby no what is next come on this is some duct tape if everyone in the Hispanic Community knows and you should know this fixes everything it does you have a broken car duct tape and this is the weapon you're gonna be using oh this one might actually be tough to get through what is next a Nintendo switch oh come on but with Mario party bro greatest game of all time I'm telling you guys I'm addicted to this game and whoever I give this away to because I am getting through this wall we're playing Mario Party together what's the next challenge you like movies I love movies let's figure that out oh we got a lot of movies here yeah a lot of Classics what am I doing with the movies so you know Rotten Tomatoes so all these great movies we have in front of us broke that's great movies that we have in front of us out of all these 10 movies you actually have to pick the ones that would sum up to 200 on Rotten Tomatoes oh that's hard it is hard but it could be only two of them it could be only three of them it could be all of them together you just don't know and I'm gonna give you a little bit of leeway on this because it's kind of hard so if you get 10 over a 10 under then you still win Ratatouille's gotta be up there for sure I'm gonna guess that this would be like a 70 this is a banger movie as well this is definitely a high one I'm gonna go up to like 80 with this one as much as I love Bob's Burgers I'm gonna say this is gonna be like in the 40 50 should I add one more hold on I'm gonna add one more I'm at Finding Dory all right these are my four you should add up to 200 All I'm gonna say is 2007 Ratatouille on the Tomato Meter 96 percent dang it's a 96 I went over for sure no time to die 83 Bob's Burgers 2022 88 okay I lost so what's what's in Dory just for the viewers out there I think that's gonna be the lowest of them all the 94. okay let's go five minutes on the clock for this Nintendo switch go thinking outside the wall using the other end of the hammer oh there we go I'm finally being put to work in this video there's what I want bro this is the motivation do you really care about your okay I guess you really do bro I got five minutes I'm chilling oh come on oh dude the hammer come on give me my switch give me my switch AKA one of your guyses switched now baby I am 444 right now I am going through all 10 layers for you guys next one next one Ah bubble wrap eh so satisfying dude do you not remember I went through a hundred layers of this this is a piece of cake okay I mean that's kind of hard see what you can do with that one okay but we're competing for a GoPro and these are six I use this GoPro on my trip to Utah and it was better than the main cam so if anyone out there wants to be a YouTuber this gift is for you because I am getting through this you are 100 find out let's see the challenge all right chill I saw this Challenge on Tick Tock basically y'all are getting wet I'm not gonna lie yay each person it has a bucket starting with Brandon his is filled with all this water right here you're gonna be dumping into Papa rug pop rug is going to be dumping into Jay right here Jay if you don't fill up enough water in this cup to the line you guys lose sorry Papa rug you're gonna get really wet are you guys ready yeah everyone close their eyes no oh yeah that one's good all right Brandon start it up oh no oh my God what's up oh oh Jay thank you no no no no no no no no no no no it was so close oh we didn't get it oh my God so guys all that for me to lose Brandon you got the most out of it bro you're so wet five minutes on the clock starting now oh no so you're pushing it start like freaking come on bro can you see Halloween there you go life hack oh we're good oh my gosh I barely got through already getting through that come on brother one more layer if I won't already bro come on that's too easy thank you oh gosh this one looks tough you want to be cocky right no I want more time okay is that a machete huh um machete exactly what it is okay this is gonna be the weapon you're going to be using oh my God anyway that's gonna be the weapon you're gonna be using for all my students and all my upcoming YouTubers once again if you need something to edit on and do your schoolwork oh we got a Microsoft Surface laptop go too okay what's the next challenge bro you're a 90s baby right yeah prove it to me so what we're going to be doing is I'm going to be showing you iconic things from the 90s and if you're a real 90s maybe you should probably get some of these you have to get at least five out of ten five out of ten oh okay has to be the exact name is that a Care Bear incorrect what is it to Beanie Baby a Beanie Baby okay I don't even think I've heard of that what is that freaking like a phone what kind of phone it's a payphone yes dude that's so easy correct okay okay that crazy people just have to like pay to call people this one's kind of crazy because it actually has something we use to this day just not as big it's not an SD card but it's a SD card reader no no I got it wrong it's a floppy disk I have never heard of a floppy disk one out of three what is this a pager yes okay instantly two out of four oh a Tamagotchi yes dude I used to love those bro mine would die all the time you didn't feed it no three out of five baby I need two more growing up this is still to this day my favorite candy they actually discontinued this for a little bit and brought it back oh that's a Wonder Ball yeah easy one more I just need one more right we didn't have email back then but we had a fax machine correct I got it you got it too easy baby let's go okay I get 10 minutes with the machete let's get it 10 minutes on the clock for this one three two one go [Music] oh oh he's taking a hack at it am I getting through you're making little Cuts oh my gosh that's it this is hard 7 minutes and 30 seconds okay wait he's actually getting through tell you what Brian if you can even squeeze through any of these without cutting all of them I'll let you go through really yes looking like you got two minutes left on the clock oh guys I thought this was gonna be like a satisfying cut where I just go straight down dude no oh you might be able to you might oh that's dedication wait does this count I told you it did yeah how much time is left how much time is left it was exactly 30 seconds that was actually tough that's a small hole I did get through a lot though I'm not gonna lie guys for six what do I keep saying I'm going all the way should we move on the video all right so it's looking like we got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten layers of Styrofoam and you have a sledgehammer for this one okay I think that's easy so uh what do they get if I go through this guys we'll be receiving an iPhone 14. 14 the new iPhone bro I'm getting through this easily so what's the challenge here bro you're gonna wanna put your hand right here get ready to play Rock Paper Scissors if I win you don't get the sledgehammer you actually have to use your hands best two out of three okay [Music] Rock Paper Scissors Shoot yes guess you get to keep your Sledgehammer dude I might need some gloves for this one I think you do and you need to take the cover off so before I use the sledgehammer I do want to test the hand method try it out oh oh dude that would have been tough good thing I got the side oh it's snowing doing some damage with this one going back to the hands never mind one layer down you're gonna do try and fit through that lots of power coming out of rug today [Music] how much more time six minutes and 30 seconds this one's actually hard can I use a bowling ball you want to use a bowling ball I just want to throw the bowling ball at it I'll give it to you oh getting towards three minutes can I stub him pop a rug you want to get in here listen Dad we're doing this for the fans okay if we get through that one of them gets an iPhone oh my throat you two minutes left two minutes there you go 30 seconds wow yeah let's go we are seven for seven oh wow okay three layers left let's go Dad thank you all right we got some chicken wire right here many layers of it you're gonna have to get through all this with a bolt cutter but the prize is worth it this thing's super hard to get right now still a PS5 if I've made it through seven I will make it through eight well you already have a headband on so this next challenge is gonna make sense to you we sadly just lost a 2v2 we did but you can redeem it to your fans right now okay what do I do see that headband you got on yeah you're gonna use that as a blindfold Oh no you're gonna have one minute to make a blindfolded three and if you do you will have 10 minutes on the clock in your next wall I actually need this one bro you can see that hold up close okay air ball to the left bro this is a lot harder than it looks oh oh one more time 30 seconds to the left again [Music] 11 seconds to the right come on make me lights monster reader went out no five minutes with the bolt cutters I'll see what I can do should be fine five minutes on the clock starting now foreign oh they're starting to open crucial layers here 40 seconds oh you're getting close no oh come on buzzer beater 10 seconds oh dude it's too sharp four seconds no no no dude guys I would have honestly jumped through it but I would have cut myself for sure how you feeling after that last one I feel good but just disappointed that I lost oh good you take L's you take W's either way you're trying exactly next man 10 layers of wood bro imagine what would you do if I just did and it all just went through we would have ended the video and you would have just gave away whatever we had left at that point crazy oh LV bag definitely is a rare item but you only get it if you get through this layer and what am I using for that for all my Minecraft people out there we are using a pickaxe sorry that will do some damage listen bro the challenge for this one I actually feel bad it's getting late here it's getting really cold you do have a pool right no please don't make me go in the pool bro please let's head on over there what we got two pools one of them has green food dye in it the other one has red pick the right one oh I just put my blindfold on so I don't see but I want this one you get right I'm Gonna Get Right Here We Go why did I go with my shoes what is wrong with me hey you got the right one better chance of getting through that later go ahead Minecraft Steve 10 minutes 10 minutes oh my gosh how do I even oh okay I feel like I need a freaking Chainsaw for this seven minutes and 30 seconds that's like at least three to four layers now looks like oh you're making some room it got bigger here's Johnny 10 seconds left on the clock three two one hey man ah you tried last wall bro the time has finally come this one is made out of purely metal every single weapon that was available to you earlier in this Challenge and on top of that all the weapons you didn't get to use are now available to get to this I'll just get through it oh no challenge no challenge at all and this one's the biggest prize ten thousand dollars if you're able to get through this metal wall ten minutes for 10K okay guys I promise you I'm gonna try my best but I don't even know where to start but let me do it better get started starting now like how on Brian's neighbors hate him after this one guys I'm sorry I'm giving up on this last one I usually don't give up but this is nearly impossible without the right tools it's true all right guys I made it through seven out of ten walls which is not bad not bad at all I tried my hardest on the last three but they were super super difficult so these are the items that we're giving away all you have to do is make sure you're subscribed to the YouTube channel follow me on Instagram at fazerug and message me which item you want and why and I'll be picking seven random subscribers to give these away too hey these are some great prizes I'm not gonna lie hey bro you killed the hosting I appreciate my first time ever hosting one of your videos hey let's go you killed it it was sick let's do a quick overview of what you guys could win if you enter the giveaway so you got right here a Bose speaker easy amazing you guys got a Nintendo switch with Mario Party some airpod pros iPhone 14 a brand new GoPro Hero 11. oh my Microsoft Surface laptop go to and a hundred dollars I forgot about that all right guys make sure you are subscribed and we'll see you all at the next video peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 5,092,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, rugfaze, fazerug
Id: cJyqut3lCec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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