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hey guys we're watching Lord of the Rings and I know this movie is really old it's actually close to my age that's what it is yeah so honestly I always seemed it and it's kind of funny because I always got it confused with Game of Thrones but we're excited to see what it's all about so we have no knowledge of this we are new to this hopefully the fans of Lord of the Rings can be as nice as the Game of Thrones fans if that makes sense because we know it's very popular so we're brand new we have no idea what a ring means we're gonna get started this is one of the First videos for the full reaction Early Access week early access on the patreon if you've seen us on YouTube right now you didn't know about it link is in the description to our patreon guys it is on there I guarantee you will not be disappointed now let's get right into it it began with the forging of the great rings I'm done he poured his cruelty his malice and his will to dominate all life but there were some who resisted this is I like how a sorcery for it I do yeah I like it too it's making sense right now they fought for the freedom of Middle Earth oh oh my goodness I think that's that thing yeah of course that's him goodness oh no that's Overkill how in the world [Music] oh crap oh he killed them [Music] to everybody oh wow the enemy of the three peoples of Middle Earth Was Defeated or did like all his yeah I'm about to say because he was probably connected to like the ring so everybody else disappeared because he died who had this one chance to destroy evil forever oh my are easily corrupted and the ring of power has a will of its own it ensnared a new Bearer that's crazy why you sound like that Gollum I think I know who that is it's funny I know who that is and I haven't watched this ice yeah I think I know what that is but ew what's this a Hobbit Bilbo Baggins of the Shire [Music] so hobbies are clearly not not people no I would say not humans right that was a really interesting that I like that yeah I'm gonna like this series that's gonna be interesting I like that you're late a wizard is never late from their Baggins wait they dumb I think they was gonna be laughing like that [Music] this is nice look at that I'm not gonna I don't think I would mind that but then again I feel like they stink no it's whatever you did you've been officially labeled a disturber of the Peace I'm I'm done this is like a funny family movie I like it it's pretty funny yeah I think it's but you know what I think it's like Harry Potter because you know Harry Potter was like that and then it got real dark and serious as it continues so am I like this so far better [Music] 111 years old what because he got the ring I mean I know but like I thought it was because they're not humans because they could be a little older but you yeah you're probably right probably is the ring because remember that other thing that had at first it said live for 500 years just tease thank you oh yeah it's so cute though because you know like he's so short so that's how high his ceiling should be he'd probably come with me if I asked him I think it is hot photos still in love with the shower already I could sell Frodo if he wants an adventure he will go so yeah and I don't even know why I just feel like he is he's young and I need a holiday a very long holiday and I don't expect I should return so as he said he's dying or no about the ring I think it has to do with the ring so [Music] I saw the way his cheeks was moving and I knew he was about to make some stupid stuff [Music] fireworks [Music] oh I'm cracking them no these fireworks stuff though [Music] oh no that was crazy no that was so dramatic I would have thought that was a dragon too swooping down on me like that like what the freak jump s oh wow wow okay so right it's different types of last names but they're probably all One race I'm gonna explain but I get what you're saying yeah yeah yeah have things to do he's about to show them the ring what is he doing why is he doing this in front of everybody like that I regret to announce This Is the End going now I bid you all a very fun farewell oh I get it now yeah I want to see it first of all thank you so like how do you use it right right the ring makes you keep it I already figured that out on the movie already like I mean yeah of course you have the ring you see how he thought he put it away he wants to give it away but he can't he has to keep it right yeah my my precious yeah I'm about to say the I feel like the ring is controlling him right now it is of course it is do you want it for yourself do not take me for some conjure out of cheap thanks I'm sorry but that was funny I'm trying to help you I'm sorry but that was funny because why did he really get on the skin because I would miss you look how tall he is bro the ring must go to Frodo you're not gonna give it to him there's no way did he even leave it no like I know what gave me powers but like so what do you think you get what I'm saying I just wanted to put it down but my thing is like the Wizard's gonna pick it up so what's gonna happen right he's a wizard break so he probably seen something where Maybe something else but did someone out of sight where are you going there are some things that I must see to what things Christians right because the way he was about to pick it up and he saw that keep it secret keep it safe yo this is not I like this I like this yeah obviously like I feel like that right because I'm like they give us the backstory but even with your watches like you really don't even know I think something I think him dropping the ring or him giving the ring away maybe has some effects and people have been alerted or know and they're always saying remember like when they was giving like the whole backstory they kept saying like like the ring know what it's trying to do great great Batman the other one just shrink yo it just shrunk it forms to your hand there's no packages right here those people are probably trying to go get the rain down maybe that Frito got it just like you said like they did were alerted or something yeah why are you going for free though I meant to say Frodo is it secret is it safe why does he look like that would lead them here oh my goodness oh yeah oh I would use this ring from a desire to do good but through me it wield apart to great and terrible to imagine yeah he he knows he's powerful so he went dare touching because he don't know what he gonna do I'm done all right come on all right this got intense real fast oh wow freak nothing important that is I heard a good deal about a ring and a dark lord and something about the end okay so we heard everything he needed to go with him because he go you can't nobody can know never put it on for the Agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power always remember further the ring is trying to get back to its Master listen the goal is to just Oh I thought if you touched it that's what would happen yeah I think I think you have to put it on for it to take an effect I believe but the goal is to just go away right now but we'll see what happens there thank goodness they went away I think Gandalf is gonna try to do something though he just wants the goal for them is to just get away that's what I was trying to say Gandalf the Gray rides to ice and God seeking my console well that is why you have come is it not the great eye lidless wreathed inflamed the I so when he was destroyed was something left of him his spirit is still there we do not know who else maybe Maybe I'm seeing it so maybe it just wasn't the ring then maybe he's just getting Visions randomly they preached the shot they will find the ring and kill the one who carries it oh no cause why was I learned about this wait wait wait wait and when did Saruman the wise abandoned reason for madness yeah oh yeah bro something happened to him or something's control him or because he clearly something's controlling him he's clearly not acting the way he should be because he wasn't expecting him to do this I gave you the chance of it willingly with you all right like why he's spinning him though hey [Music] oh my goodness this movie is crazy first off he's spinning my man around let's just mention that second flew him up to the tower not knowing if he's gonna die or not that's what's kind of scary but the main thing is right you what you mentioned he touched the thing he's clearly seeing visions I think indicating that his old friend is not no longer his friend anymore Mr Frodo Frodo I thought I'd lost you he's terrified yo he's seeing it he'd be scared as crap like he seemed like he's not confident it could possibly happen what the heck wow and then the mushrooms the week before yes nah people selling food during this time I see why they'll react like that because you can't just oh no huh shortcut to what the mushrooms yo what is there a problem like I mean you know they own a mission man access to food is scarce is that off the road quick I don't know why I look like the like it was I saw it I saw it yeah that's why yeah well they're small oh yeah you're right they're really small dumb oh no this course look like that got red eyes like dang oh no no no no no no no no no put it on is making him do that [Music] oh trolley even if still have it on because like I was smart like they said the ring makes you do what it wants so yeah we were right you don't have to have it on the ring is a thing itself like the the people it find and all that right it's on purpose right basically yeah Sam and I must get debris right Huckleberry furry follow me um I didn't mean to screw you I'm sorry right because I'm like wait what is going on I didn't expect that so I didn't expect that to happen they small for a reason no no no no no come on you got it no way no way no way yeah I said come on now all right youngster oh he meant no offense it's my job to ask questions okay okay they should be good there it's just I don't want those black writers he hobbits so he's rooms available Mr uh Underhill my name's under Oh I thought you're about to say his name what do we do now [Music] I saw his laugh maybe it was that follows him nothing but stare at you since we arrived oh yeah I can tell by the hoodie please no we'll buy the hood dangerous folk they are wandering the Wild what his right name is I've never heard but round here he's known as Strider no I don't think ranger I don't think that's the same as the Black Riders that's after them should I do about it removed on his mother's side yeah he got a guy there he gonna save him he's true oh did he just drop the ring yes [Music] he put it on oh my bro well it got on because he was catching it and now they're on their way there literally like we like bro everything bad is happening in this movie everything we think is gonna happen happens I see that's the eye that's the eye dad's the eye oh my goodness that makes so much sense that has to be the eye what I love you from Saints they some tough friends they always there to protect them though yeah [Music] okay okay all right okay yeah there's no breaks in this movie I love it oh look at their little house oh no no maybe it's a it's a trap oh it's a trap there's a trap you're right you're right right that's not them that's the wrong place bro they just won't kill them right in these days yeah well first off all rip to whoever that was that's okay yeah okay I'm just making sure okay okay cool cool cool cool but is that how far are they you get what I'm saying I'm saying they can't be can't be for all blinded by that good question one by one Falling Into Darkness well right cause the rain they got control the Rings and because of the evil ring is making all the other people that got Rings evil right yeah but where is he leading us driven down Master gamji to the house of Elrod why do they call Hobby when he first name master I don't know I don't know all I know is right now they're going to the elves where Santa is black oh it's trying hard not to you Lord he believes in him because when the other ones we have work to do Jesus and that's why that's why when the other wizard got there he did he didn't want to use it because exactly he's alive yeah you're right and when he was about to touch it he got that Vision so yeah ripped them all down bro they crazy and them things are ugly yo this movie is good I like this I want a lot I I like when movies are long but they don't feel long it's not supposed to feel long right like every moment there's no dull moment and if it is it goes right back up what are you doing Tomatoes sausages nice crispy bacon we saved some for you Mr Frodo put it out you fools put it out that's nice it is idiots oh man it's crazy because he wasn't even originally with all four of us he was like by himself he was supposed to be by himself oh yeah and then the other one was eavesdropping he was supposed to be all alone and I got four idiots three idiots with them like geez I mean I know they protecting them but they making mistakes man right bro he's about to put the ring on I don't know because how can they realistically defeat that it's no way too short [Music] foreign that was so nice see how they protected him yeah I know dang bro I really hope that happened to them I think something about him putting on the ring is gonna protect them though no like rain gives you power but it corrupts your mind yeah oh now ew what in the world knows what the humans look like no way oh my goodness what the heck bro all right you really did get it right I Was Made he actually got stabbed crap I don't know if he's gonna be able to beat all of them for real I mean I think he's like trained for it because oh right here right I think he is yeah no he's a ranger he is but I'm confused because why those are supposed to be humans why he look like that I think I might have been wrong oh this is beyond my skill to heal he needs Elvish medicine crap come on they need to hurry up to the elves right that's exactly where they were going wait okay well we have subtitles on guys so you so it says Nat Naz gals screeching I could be wrong I don't think those are humans oh they're trying to go to war okay okay I'm just making sure what they doing come on with that why I wanna look a little different though oh that one big is that a baby that they made or a thing okay I'm sorry uh they making whatever they are and I guess that's supposed to be like the strongest one that y'all look big as crap I call it a baby like I'm like why are you calling it a baby Shadow one wraith okay see see he got stabbed with it's because he got stabbed with that boom maybe they were humans I don't think they're humans Kings for a lot to weed it may have to slow the poison hurry yeah but I'm saying but he got it's because of that sword he got stabbed with so maybe they are humans they just got turned into something like you said yeah we must get him to my father I will never think the main character is going out like this no I mean we barely got even to know him though they really can't get away from them they always know where you at yeah I mean he has the ring and they know who it is now too so [Applause] they don't like water did she not expected okay what the heck she had to have a plan because I'm about to say ain't no way she just said yeah come get him wow okay she got some nice elf powers that was tough that was a good that was a good save right there yeah I was about to say I don't know but she would like sacrifice herself to save him I don't know and it is 10 o'clock in the morning candles yes what the to his room he does not uh Power I'm done I'm done okay that was a nice Escape I like that they showed that because I was a little confused right like how he just got there and then what happened to the girl no but you heard again all said though he right he not listening to him yeah they said nobody can really conquer that ring right so welcome to Rivendell Frodo Baggins ah so beautiful look at that all right it looks so inch of course the elf place is really nice what the he did say he was going to the house he did he did say that I was surprised at first I'm done that agent seems is finally caught up why am I say because why he actually look older now yeah the ring was keeping him alive like me and they was keeping him young just keeping him alive and young now he doesn't have it so we did what we set up to do the ring will be safe in Rivendell oh man all right I I I can see it already what what Something's Gonna Change or you know I'm saying the ring is gonna make them do something else so I mean we both have to be an idea because they're so after him at the end of the day right right so I feel like it's going to be more to it that's all I'm saying it's evil cannot picked against part of the elves we do not have the strength to fight both Mordor and ice and God I figured the elves are really magical but they're probably not as powerful as are strong you know yeah so they don't have the the force to defend both of them at that yeah yeah is that is that Ned's start oh I'm sorry I just got hyped because of men the ring survives I was there I was there three thousand years ago so how long do owls live oh my goodness whoa I'm just saying because if we're saying all the elves are old when they all have been there to see it or always be well I think it's depending on yeah I think it's dependent on what they are constant Into the Fire so basically like they knew he could have destroyed it and no he got he got the boss smirk one should have ended that day was allowed to endure oh my goodness bro really that just pissed me off the way he said no he was like right no that is one who could you not the one who could reclaim the Throne of condor oh that's the one that helped him the camera just went to finish time oh wait no this is someone different really why are you just staring at him no more than a broken animal all right like at least put it back how you found it why do you feel about you are a sealed over there oh oh the elf literally was saying like that person stole lives but he's an exile so I think he can't really do nothing and obviously there I was about to say here they clearly like each other right yeah but she could live for a long time yeah I know but we don't know how long he was so yeah they can live forever oh no I think he's saying like if there was to get together or something she will lose her immortalness that's crazy yo we're so good man a gift to the foes of my dog why not use this ring no don't die in here too please don't call them dead are your lands kept safe oh my God Miss he's stupid too yeah I mean I don't know why he acting like that that's what happens when you don't know stuff you can't just wait Oh I thought he knew I thought he knew no the ring must be destroyed yes please can that wizard like fly up to that place [Applause] I don't think that was smart to do now you saw how you just got a vision well seeing the black eye I mean the eye one of you let's do this I think I'm gonna have to be Frodo I don't know the ring must be destroyed and I suppose you think you're the one to do it and if we fail what's that [Music] yeah I was waiting for this for them all to be going against each other and this with the ring once you've got to speak up a little Frodo I will take the ring to Mordor that's what the I don't know oh because the way Durant was just speaking up speaking to me even though it was like yeah it seems like he's doing the right thing I think something's gonna happen I have to send this home tied up in a sack to stop us anyway you need people of Intelligence on this sort of fashion oh really anything and you want me to think of yasu when I think of intelligence okay so a bit you shall be the Fellowship of the Ring right [Music] it's called so light made by the elves yo he really looks so old now as light as a feather Ah that's you let me see you put it on that's crazy light as a feather before hard oh no right hopefully he don't get the temptation just my own Dreams yeah it's uh just hide it from [ __ ] no very much like hold it again no no no no whoa no that just scared me what the heck yo that just scared me I'm sorry for cursing but he needs to come [ __ ] down he needs to calm down I did not think he was gonna get that hype over that ring bro it turned him it's a [ __ ] monster oh my goodness guys are we over exaggerated do we part like there's no way you can tell us more of exaggerating at that little part like that really caught us off guard bro I'm sorry whatever [Music] look I'm wondering like how would they attack them you know or I guess they're just going so fast but they just would have got injured Spies of Solomon spies a passage South is being watched we must take the past of characters [Music] yo they walk they walk fast teleport up to that mountain they've been walking for days probably Hobbit's worship put it down put it down hold on man bore me put it down oh man give the ring to Frodo yeah relax don't let it overtake you as you wish I think you do have to touch it first for it to really I think it could gravitate towards you just by looking at everybody but I feel like if you touch it that's when I think it's I think you touching it makes it worse but babe don't make it like I didn't say that when it's near you you'll be gravitated towards it I know but I feel like it's easier to to raise it that was such an unexpected enemy like he was coming to you for help bro that's so weird it's a mountain defeats you will you risk more dangerous roads think you can see all that [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness we're gonna pass over the mountain let us go a minute let us go through the mines of Moria you see what they're all doing you know what they awoke in the darkness shadow so all the people that's traveling with them is trying to bring the room closer to where they basically live so they can benefit off of it basically it will go through the mines and then I feel like he knows about I don't think he knows how to confront it to him I'm done I mean it's crazy because it literally says speak the word and I think it's because it's in that language just happened that's why he didn't know because I'm a little confused like if he left them there he would know yeah you talking about don't worry what's in the water I thought they was about to walk in there what the heck is that no what freak is that oh my gosh into the vines no thank you oh thank you I mean they're trapped but like bro that thing was about to crawl out and chase them what the column that was the first one who had it what it's good what was set loose oh set loose my heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play good good before this is over yeah I kind of feel what you said when you were like your surprise Frodo said something like that because getting all Gandalf is getting advice of not looking at it from one way because Bilbo was not like he was all he had the right to take it you know right like I don't know how to feel about him being aware of all these things and it's like he has gave people advice but it's kind of I think he's just letting it play out in a sense you know because I think even a part of even having the rain there's a party that can control yourself they are coming of course of course it was him oh I don't know if that's a good or bad thing you know bro he always touching something yeah we know like why was he touching it um throw yourself in next time and witness of your stupidity wow that was really harsh I mean that was pretty harsh I'm not going live but that's like this third zombie he messed up oh no the Orcs the Orcs oh my goodness OH Close the Door where's too many of them they oh my goodness there's too many of them there we are them things are so ugly I thought it was about to be that other one right now you're talking about as a baby all right they're gonna have to get out big Bond cave troll like you know like sometimes I'll be thinking like some of these creatures proportion Wise It's not fair to go in a fight with them [Music] bro he can't fight for nothing [Music] oh my goodness no Bernina light them up yo he always getting stabbed literally [Music] I was thinking about like what type of character development he gonna have but like bro really [Music] ain't no way because I've never known a character main character to get stabbed twice that bad bro are you kidding me [Music] [Music] okay he's alive how right huh the pretty good I actually did I forgot they just never showed that he put it on goodness yo that was crazy oh I forgot he had him right but why his reaction seem like all dang I just got killed like I think that thing orders them and they're just telling them to move back because whatever that is I think it's worse well run run yeah that's the only thing they could do at this point who said that demon who sent that demon though or is it just there oh come on come on really now they can't even get across they took too long it doesn't I mean you can this is downwards I know but geez but you will have to like run in my opinion I mean they need like a little Head Start actually falling they gotta jump they got a job [Music] okay okay I can't do that that is like no no but I don't I wouldn't do that either like I would be so scared walking down getting closer but that whatever that thing is is like following them wait that's what he said remember in the book and they were on the mountain and Gandalf was like oh they want us to go in there that's where the Shadow and the fire yeah and then it sort of fire in the shadow and then in the middle so the black two eyes yeah really tough shall not pass this is why why you had that whip crap that was smart I know what he did at first but that was good that was good I was like like no no no no no no no no no no come on come on no come on no yeah I can't leave that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't bro why don't you helping him please look at your fools fly you fools like I said like to me it's like you're not dead he's not dead he's not dead I didn't I didn't accept it yet I don't know nowhere I don't know I don't know I feel like he was the wisest one and he said okay fine I want to go through here let's go through here knowing that life wasn't doing this is the way the ring wants them to go I don't know it's just why would he allowed it doesn't make sense to me there's no way he does it just doesn't make sense here's one wolf she won't ensnare so easily I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox right clearly you don't right you have entered the realm of the lady of the wood you cannot go back I just I don't know because I know it's multiple movies so I'm wondering how this one's gonna end right [Music] this is how overall how the ring could have been destroyed and it wasn't honestly I think this movie is just going to show how the ruler of that one ring yeah how he's basically going to come back in power because honestly if they really distort it I mean why would the movie continue I think it's it's it's showing us a lot of characters is going to come up in the future if you get where I'm coming from 100 so like all these people are oh like these are the L witches and stuff like that go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil she like reading their she she was reading their minds Frodo of the Shire I can't see it it's long since we had any hope so what should I manipulate them I think she was just reading their minds like they said they said about her staring into her eyes they said something like that before they got there is he saying that based off her reading his mind he's saying that yeah because of the hope that he but he can't see it but she read his mind and said there's still hope so I think deep down he does hope that he'll get it back but that was just his little thought will you look into the mirror what will I see even the wisest cannot tell but a mirror shows many things there's always something like this in a movie where you look in the mirror or your reflection and you see something um you don't see what's happening oh my goodness that was intense dang it is what will come to pass if you should fail oh yo that's scary that's not fair it is already my daughter Lord you would have a queen not dark but beautiful and terrible okay [Music] um don't give it to her yeah I don't like that voice afraid to do it what is it she's talking about somebody's gonna try to get the ring to yourself sorry yeah Sylvia is terrifying right now I'll see how she did not expect this movie to be this scary it is creepy especially the last scene I don't like that one of the halflings carries something of Great Value bring them to me alive unspoiled of course and that's exactly what he just saw I mean well yeah he did see all that but I don't I don't know I don't I don't know because usually I would say like oh I feel like but I don't know what's gonna happen how are they really gonna go against them and right because he was really about to give the ring because there's no way that in this movie they destroy the ring there's no way one thing I will say about this movie it was made in 2001 yeah it's pretty good and it's not that bad like something is like iffy is like okay I'll give it that because 2001 but then like for the most part a pretty good job Shadow under threat has been growing in my mind I hope it's not something I feel like it's not one of them the whole time I think it's him the one with the long hair where's Frodo he clearly don't want to be the ring bearer he did not Frodo did not ask to be no ring bearer he didn't ask for this of course not I ask only for the strength to defend myself why do you recoil I am no Thief you are not yourself he's asking for the ring and I wasn't about to say maybe it was him or though the whole time I was really about to say maybe it was him or the other one you'll betray us you go to your death and the death episode [Music] they do seem like it because what the wizard was saying when he said what path are we taking when he acts Frodo and he literally said that path and they literally like I don't know I don't know it's just weird because like when he had the ring on why does it look like that I don't know thank you not where that looks like where salaron would be that could have been way more dangerous I'm just saying but no for real okay it's taking bar man where is the ring stay away I think because of what the girl told him I feel like now he thought he can't trust nobody basically I said that right and it's like I don't know to me it's like is that what the ring wants you know [Music] see that's literally what they saw that's really what he saw when he was looking in the water yeah I know [Music] I know I just pee This is the End y'all know so obviously the ring don't get destroyed but we about to see what happens hopefully he knows hopefully he'll get caught [Music] [Applause] to get him to it and so he can hold all the power of the Ring he's leaving yeah he was not even trying to run into them he just wanted to leave really really what are you doing [Music] I'm just surprised if he gets there all by himself you know it's trash compared to him it's so funny though because when you even really think about it when there's a whole bunch they're like just set for distraction you know that right yes that's what I knew I knew he was Gonna Save Somebody he was gonna come back and help [Music] man I just find it so unfair like all them things yeah there's a lot of it is a lot it could have been long I wasn't like 50. oh yeah oh my goodness bro y'all can't help y'all gotta run okay I knew you're gonna say that those there go balamer right whatever his name was I don't know how to say it oh you still got fight in him he tough oh my goodness another lost known they gotta run they gotta run no because that's what that that's what the wizard said he said bring all the halflings oh really I think because other than that they would have just killed them right let's go the whole time where's the other one let's go it was three of them with Frodo [Music] yes yes that's what I'm talking about that's how you do it he was a good man he couldn't help himself with the ring he was a good man and he told him that he tried to get the ring and that's a good and honest man and he fought till he died all you have to decide what's wrong to do with the time that is given to you he ain't got that much time with us so I mean he don't got that much time but that definitely Gandalf's words definitely helped out go back Stone of course you are and I'm coming with you oh my goodness you're gonna have to save him now [Music] that's a friend right there a promise don't you leave him some ways kimchi and I don't mean to I don't mean to do I mean if he that is more dangerous going by yourself man it is more it is the fellowship has failed has it really failed though listen how was it good I feel like actually this is going to end on the Cliffhanger uh it is because there's no way Frodo is about to do something in this little bit amount of time the role that can be spared behind we travel life that is handsome Oak so now that I'm now that we're really finger there's no way there's any conclusion at this oh my goodness like I said great yeah great movie oh yeah so you know I kind of from my perspective this is better than Harry Potter I think the movie was good so oh man um guys the story of this movie um I don't know I don't listen I don't know how y'all feel about reviews but it's not gonna be a big review um especially with the Cliffhanger I think the only thing I can say is I feel as though was gonna happen now is what we've already known you know we already know who they're going we already know what um the three people are doing the fellowship whatever the rest of the fellowship is and we already know where Frodo was going you know what I'm saying so there's really no Theory there could be I mean if they fail I think I think we explained it a lot while we was watching it too yeah we didn't pause it I just feel like overall like maybe the wizard isn't dead maybe he's not oh get off yeah oh yeah I don't think he's dead I don't think I feel like he's I don't think again I don't know if I believe that yet because like there's no way and I think this show is just going through I think the show is showing a lot of Temptations I feel like this movie was depicting a lot of Temptation Of course and not that ring and I think I love the concept but yeah I love it yeah I feel like it's great I could go really deep to like what I think is the message behind it but like I find it really interesting I feel like there was really no dull moment there was a lot of parts to laugh at and also seriousness like I like how smooth the movie went like I feel like nobody who was outside of the main character took too much away from what's going on which I like like it was very like yeah this is what's happening and they're traveling like yeah I feel like it was very extreme yeah from the beginning which I do like I love the backstory I love it and when the knowledge I know I think the Hobbit does go back in time even though we're not even though we haven't finished the Rings The Hobbit goes back and shows what happened you know what I'm saying so that's cool too maybe I hopefully I enjoyed our reaction and you know we'll be watching the second and third and you know y'all can let us know if y'all want us to do The Hobbit so yes we're really enjoying this series um look forward to more reviews on more of the Lord of the Rings movies because we're definitely finishing this series and we will see y'all on the next one perfect [Music]
Channel: Mair & Sophie
Views: 221,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yl8x9nqQscc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 4sec (3724 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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