THE LORD OF THE RINGS: The Fellowship of the Ring EXTENDED VERSION I Reaction After Reading The Book

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[Music] hi welcome to reacts with Jax I'm Jax and today I'm reacting to Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring the extended version I cannot even tell you how excited I am to see this because even though I watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy when I was in Middle School so many years ago well maybe not that many years ago but yeah so many years ago um I have been reading Lord of the Rings and and so I am now going to be able to watch the extended version which I've never seen before this one is way longer than the one that I saw and I'm going to be able to compare it to the book now just because I've been reading them does not make me Lord of the Rings expert there is so much information in here tolken developed his own world I mean this is really a unique culture with its own language and then I I think there might be more than one language I mean he even kind of built out some of the orc languages and and then and then the elves it's just all so intricate so I cannot wait to watch this movie and see Peter Jackson's interpretation of this world from a perspective where I now know the source material and what's really cool is that I've been watching all of the MCU movies and I didn't know any of the source material this is the first story on my channel that we will be watching together where I actually know the source material that it came from so uh this will be really fun I'm so excited to watch this and I'm excited to go on this journey with you and the rest of the fellowship let's get started much that once was is lost for none now live who remember it I love that line it began with the forging of the great Rings Immortal wisest and fairest of all beings that's gadriel right the dark lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring I think they're explaining this very well one ring to rule them all one ring to find them they fought for the freedom of Middle Earth oh god oh the Orcs they're not as scary in the book I'm telling you tolken has a way of making everything seem light-hearted when he narrates through a hobbit but the power of the Ring could not be undone yeah well everybody gets tempted by it not Lambie he would never that isor son of the king took up his father's sword I love how this is shot because it looks a little bit mythological it's almost like a very dark and dangerous fairy tale the lighting looks very ethereal oh that's a cool shot with the smoke the ring passed to isor the ring of power as a will of it own but do you think the ring is sentient similar to the Infinity Stones the rolling of the r oh my gosh the ring came to the creature golum the ring came to smeagle and it turned him into Gollum poor thing rumor grew of a shadow in the East I think they're doing such a fantastic job introducing us to this world the drama of it the history so that by the time Proto gets this ring you have an understanding of what he has abandoned golum but something happened then the ring did not intend the ring did not intend see I think they're a bit sentient time will soon come when Hobbits will shape the fortunes of all I'm very okay with that if you could live in any of these worlds where or any of these lands where would you want to be hitan seems like a lovely place all the Shire does I don't have subtitles my goodness how do I get subtitles cuz obviously I can't understand what they're saying unless I can read it I didn't know you could read There and Back Again a hobbit's tale a Hobbit's tail H look at that writing how long would that take that would take forever you can't quickly construct a note with that kind of penmanship Hobbits must seem of little importance being neither renowned as great warriors I'm seeing lots of pigs but very little sheep it has been remarked by some that Hobbit's only real passion is for food oh I would so be a hobbit in this world developed a keen interest in the Brewing of Al what about the Brewing of tea it is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life I agree Bilbo Applause to that Frodo the door oh my God Frodo get the damn door what are you doing with your life froto stickle bats stickle bats look at that set well it's just a forest they put a camera there it's not like they planted the trees for this unless they did a wizard is never late nor is he early he arrives precisely when he means to I must be a wizard then little young your uncle Bilbo's birth a birthday party half the shy has been invited and the rest of them turning up anyway yeah why not just invite everyone look at that so beautiful I love that they're kind of showing he's going through the same distress as Gollum but not quite as bad oh and they don't show it it's up to something but you know what it is every time I hear up up to something I think of the way seever Snape said that up to [Music] something oh my God they're so [Music] cute you haven't eded I loved how they chose to tell us that gollum's life was extended and then they throw that line in it was l down by my father what say we open one just tea thank you I wonder what possessed Hobbits to wear shirts and pants but not shoes the music some cheese here it's not quite as happy as before dragons just te thank you all right so ominous this the music I love how they're setting this up not at home yeah I feel you oh look at that cake oh my God what kind of oven do you put that in a big one why would Hobbits need an oven that big our first glimpse of Mary and Pippen no no the big one big one why would you go for the big one it says in the ground sry this was your idea you know the way this is shot it kind of looks like a liveaction cartoon it's very colorful everything looks kind of flawless I think they did such a great job with all the visuals today is my 111th birthday happy birthday I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve [Music] oh I suppose you think that was terribly clever how did he get up there he's bigger so maybe he walks faster and he's a wizard you will keep an eye on Frodo won't you two eyes as often as I can spare them I'll keep my eyes on him for the next 3 hours if you want oh I got to laugh at my own jokes cuz I don't think anyone else will lamby will but he's kind isn't that isn't that old now oh this camera angle great my preious it's been called that before not by you isn't it called that by everyone who gets corrupted by it the ring must go to froo it's late the road is long yes you're just going to leave all those candles burning in your house the ring is still in your pocket good job Gandalf huh I've thought up an ending for my book and he lived happily ever after to the end of his days I love that I haven't reached the end of token's book yet but I hope that's foreshadow I hope that's how the Lord of the Rings ends I love that when he gives up the ring it's like a FR start for him I wonder if they're going to continue with this theme of looking up with the camera anytime someone is experiencing potential corruption from the ring cuz so far we've seen that with everyone God I hate hearing people scream let me look it's the black r writers are they the nascal this music it feels so tense so he does go and study all the old texts the one ring it should be an Al of my kingdom all those who follow just destroy it I wasn't expecting that voice to be so high I love this conc what goes on beyond our borders keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you that's not always how life works of the golden ale oh I mind who you're sweet talking knows an idiot when she sees oh does she I haven't gotten to the end of that story yet I assume they get together cuz I think I remember that from the movie but I'm not entirely sure it'll be fun to read it is it secret she safe well it's not a secret cuz people are coming for it it's not safe cuz it hasn't been destroyed hold out her hand that thing's going to be hot oh okay it's some form of Elish I can't read it is it Elish language is that of mordoru which I will not utter here common tongue it says one one ring to rule them all one ring to bring them all and in the darkness B them that's such a great poem ring Ys above all else to return to the hand of its Master you must never find it that was a beautiful explanation I I think this is a phenomenal interpretation of this world so far what did you hear nothing important that is I heard a good deal about a ring and come along Sam wise keep up be careful I don't like that they kind of reduced Sam's loyalty to an accident like he wanted to go with Frodo and froto didn't even know he was planning to go with him well that's the way it was with Mary and Pippen too and froto thought he was going to have to take this journey on his own and I understand why they are doing it this way they have to like unfold the story and keep the pace and all of that wood elves the elves I loved this part of the book I didn't know they filmed it oh they're leaving Middle Earth I don't know why it makes me sad yeah I just love that Gandalf was able to reject the ring and he values and Gandalf the saon God as Superior to him but he's not it was in the S under my very nose and yet you did not have the wit to see it Gandalf do not let him put doubt in your head you did good pantia is a dangerous tool Salon why should we fear to use it as far as I remember there were a certain amount of wise that were sent to to Middle Earth with the goal of destroying the ring and they're part of this group but they were told not to use the same type of magic as Saron sweetheart all the doors are unavailable to you right now not seriously think that a hobbit could contend with the will of s I do actually there are none who can it's literally your job to do that so the fact that you're giving up on it is sad come on Gandalf we must join with him Gund NOP the way of pain Sam we're still in the Shire what could possibly happen Mary it's froo bin hello froo get off and Sam why are you forgetting Sam you've been into farmer maggot's crop you might want to take some of it with you you're going on a very long journey and and those three bags of potatoes that we left you last week and and then the mushrooms the week before Oh my God you're such thieves o that was close oh my God I mean considering everything going on in this world that's like the least of your worries getting smushed into a pile of poop like we just saw Gandalf being tortured by by what he thought was a friend you're on the road got to get off the road oh my God G I actually don't have a problem with the worms that was like the the the least of all of those insect problems are the are the nine really not capable of feeling the ring when it's right there I don't remember if that scene was in the book no because the four of them were on ponies heading through the Old Forest to Tom bombadil's house in the book I don't think they ran into the nine until they reached the princing pony get the Rope get the Rope fro why is fro the one [Laughter] behind I guess it creates more tension I love the sounds that they use to communicate that the nine are there that's so creepy which is great because they're supposed to be horrible I love this oh look at all the horses is Bill in there Sam's horse Bill who gets let go when they go to the minds of Maria and we're not sure what happened to Bill yet because Gandalf said he has a good chance of surviving just as good as they do Gandalf not seen him for 6 months what do we do now improvise oh that's right he doesn't know where they're supposed to go oh that's big one this my friend is a pint it comes in pains that fellow's done nothing but stare at you since we arrived oh look it's Aragorn son of arthorn oh my God this is so cool around here he's known as Strider what a great shot I love how this story so generational how how Aragorn's ancestor had that now it's froo froto was given the ring by his family member this is a very family oriented story he's over there thr he's my second cousin they're SE I forgot about that they second cousins I forgot that they were related it's very family oriented oh my [Applause] gosh no there is no trinket you carry I carry nothing indeed I can avoid being seen if I wish oh he has no fear of fire I know what hunts you let it go oh I don't want anything bad to happen to this poor man can't I'm not going to look cuz if I don't look it didn't happen the music is so epic this makes me want to read the book again oh I am curious what Bilbo saw when he would put on the ring because Frodo would see them and obviously the eye but we never really got to see what what Bilbo said saw I'm assuming he didn't see anything too horrifying I'm kind of surprised that the the nine can't sense that the ring isn't right there don't they feel drawn to its power I mean that was a cool shot I was not fooled by it I was the first time I saw it think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fer he's foul enough I love that no he's not I agree with you fro us it's Bill it's Bill the horse hi Bill let me says hi look at that camera shot he they they were so far away they must have had walkie-talkies to be like in action supper he knows about them and dessert it bothers me that he said nothing about dessert [Laughter] I appreciate that he's providing you with second breakfast look at bill being a total champ right now oh look it's Harry Potter's dad it does make me wonder in the Harry Potter series though if someone went hunting one day in the forest what if they really did kill a wizard that was temporarily transformed into an animal what orders oh God they're so scary why are they so scary cuz they're evil Oh no you're going to piss off the ants doing that oh God are strong my Lord they are so scary how did I watch this when I was a kid and not have nightmares just from those shots alone oh God that's so scary but that was such a great shot I love how they're taking their time to really build them up like there's not a lot of action right now but you can hear the the clinking of their armor the crunching of their of their feet it just it adds to the intensity of everything oh they're standing in front of him wow oh the fact that he's willing to take on all nine at the same time knowing that no man can take on the the witch King is so brave of him he's been stabbed by a moral blade oh we're where's Bill he'll never there's bill I love that bill is just with Sam every step of the way Sam loved that horse Sam loves three things Frodo Bill and rope he was a big fan of rope okay this is getting too exciting I need more chapstick I wonder how long the makeup application took for each of these Orcs that's a really intense costume right there and look at how many different Orcs they have he's passing into the shadow he'll soon become a wrath like them how many other people have they turned into wraiths like them or is froa the first one you know the athas plant athas King foil King foil know it may help to slow the poison hurry Sam go on your own with wraiths all around despite the fact that you were just attacked by them go through the forest did you find it so you should probably tell Sam that he doesn't need to go looking for it I have barely read anything about her so far I was really surprised that she wasn't really in the first book very much considering how big of a character Arwin is here so this was originally glorfindel's character if I'm saying that right which I'm prob proba not because everything's said with a an accent that I don't have gosh the editor is doing a great job with the scene I can't even imagine how much footage they had and they just edited that into one cohesive one cohesive horse chase you better not you better not absolutely not give up the if you you want him come and claim him I feel bad for their horses cuz we know their horses are not evil do we know that though cuz their horses look kind of evil their horses are the real victims in this situation good job but don't Let froto Die you're going to need him for like two more movies kand yes I'm here look at that beautiful set two more hours and you would have been beyond our AG Gand off I was so focused on the set it didn't occur to me that he got away from Saron there is only one Lord of the Ring he does not share power no he doesn't okay if Gandalf can take an eagle to rivendel why can't they just take the Eagles to Mordor I'm assuming tolken would have an explanation for that well it's not how the story needed to go this was how the story needed to go welcome to Rivendell Frodo bagin thank you Lambie and I are happy to be here even though you did not welcome us personally that is so cool and the angelic music I love the strong theme of friendship in this story makes all the other stuff worth it Bilbo oh I love that they start bringing in the Shire music The Shire has come to rivendale this is wonderful I meant to go back wonder the part gosh look at how much he's aged that'd be tough to experience rapid Aging in such a short period of time araman has crossed Orcs with Goblin men he's breeding an Army in the C of that's what those bigger ones were gandal the ring cannot stay here well yeah you got to destroy it it takes the a long time to get to that conclusion I must say just destroy it oh it's Bor lamb it's Bor it's legalis oh my God this is so exciting gly oh this is so cool it is in men Place Our Hope thank you Gandalf men are weak excuse me men is failing the haven't the elves overstayed their welcome in Middle Earth it is because of men the Rings survives I was there Gand then why didn't you put it into the fire I don't see you I don't see you getting it in there elron does he have a d on the end of his name Eland elron don't worry I've only seen this movie and read the books have ended that day yeah it should have Elon but you let him walk away you let him walk away and you blame the race of men lamby and I do not accept that blame line of Kings is broken there's no strength left in the world of men and did you destroy your ring I think not who could reclaim the Throne of gond mhm he turned from that path a long time ago uh he can turn back did I remember everything right he has a ring of his own right Elon du I think there is a d on the end ah oh my God the steward of Gondor and the king of Gondor meet the shots of N I like Boromir he's such a good man and I feel like he really represents how even the best of men can be tempted by the ring and has to be destroyed no more than a broken an they're kind of making they're kind of like making it seem like he's not an incredible man like there's a little bit of something going on there and it's an interesting interpretation I interpreted Boromir to be a pretty great person but you know what he does go after the ring and his brother doesn't I really enjoy that they're focusing on bringing a love story into this as more of a as I wouldn't say it's a central theme but it's definitely a stronger underlying one none can escape it you will unite or you will fall I vote you unite if I have a say in it good job you did that was phenomenal I saw the Eastern Sky grow dark but in the west a pale light lingard su's Bane is found he's getting closer to it don't touch it the one ring answers to saon alone this is no mere Ranger he is aror son of arthor what a trip that the steward of Gondor wants to use the ring the same way iser wanted to and the air is like no we can't use it cond needs no key well it's convenient for you to say that do you all like the way they're interpreting B's character I interpreted him as being a much more morally sound person who genuinely thought the ring could be useful to saving his people as opposed to being kind of like tainted by the power of the ring and then having the greediest part of him coming out good job gimy I appreciate the effort and I didn't really think he was turned by the ring until he had been spending more time with Frodo but I'm curious what your interpretation of it was do you think do you like the way they're portraying bores of Mount Doom only there can it be unmade unmade H to Mordor and cast back into the fiery Chasm from whence it came well you would know you were there One does not simply walk into Mordor the infamous meme what happens when saur takes back what he his see I like the fact that they're all getting a bit corrupt by it now this part makes sense interesting they've been exposed to it for like what 2 minutes and they're already getting angry Frodo was carrying it for so long Bilbo had it for what 60 years how long did he have it El Ron looks so disappointed he's like oh yeah it's got to be fro I love that Gandalf does not want Frodo to be burdened with this I do not know the way I think he needs some help you guys I will help you bear this burden F Gandalf's the first one to say yes isn't he like the last one to say yes in the book If by my life or death I can protect you I will what a great line and you have my bow and my Axe and you have our support we'll give whatever we we'll bake cookies we'll bring snacks we'll take care of Bill you need people of Intelligence on this sort of mission Quest I agree very well said a someone who is equally as articulate as him nine companions you shall be the Fellowship of the Ring against the nine wraiths BL glows blue when Orcs are close and it's times like that would make you hate the color blue me thrill shouldn't all of them be wearing that or is that an incredibly rare commodity my olding I should very much like to hold it together this is a scary part I remember this scared me so badly when I was a kid that really was scary I'm sorry I brought this upon you my boy I'm sorry you must carry this burden that must be scary for froto cuz you're looking at the kind of pain you might one day carry like he's still obsessed with that ring and this is going to change Frodo and you who travel with him no oath bond is laid to go further than you will Bill's the true star of this movie The Fellowship awaits the ring bearer lead the way Frodo [Music] that really puts into perspective how far they have to go and that journey to see them so tiny amongst all that landscape sorry [Laughter] oh oh no they already said the birds the birds are spies of the enemy Against the Wind gosh you have to be so aware of your surroundings to know that birds are flying against wind I've never once in my life thought a those birds are flying with the wind are they bats or Birds I think they're crows I wonder if this was CGI well yeah it had to be right we must take the pass of K that way looks worse give the ring to froda the fact that he rubs his head which kind of makes it seem like he doesn't think froto is much of a threat like he could take the ring from him if he wanted I guess that shows that Boromir is kind of plotting something even subconsciously if the mountain defeats you I love that legless is just walking on top of the snow I thought Boromir was in the front and he was using all of his will to like create a path through the snow so the hobbits could walk I was impressed with Boromir in the books because he really did seem to be very self-sacrificial in hopes of making other people's lives better and they're making him seem so touch and go here like sometimes he's a good person sometimes he's not I don't know maybe that was just my interpretation that he's a far better person than they portraying him to be right now wow let us go through the minds of Moria let the ring bearer decide you should give Frodo all of the information he doesn't know both doors are invisible when closed their own masters cannot find them where's Bill oh there he is gosh he was walking up that mountain with you I didn't see him in the snow it Merit on Starlight and moonlight let me speed things up for you friend oh no you have to speak it in Elvish or speak friend and enter what do you suppose that means I don't know the elvish word for friend oh I would have been locked out I love the effort and the enthusiasm got to get situated we're clearly going to be here a while M's are no place for opponent even one so brave as Bill bye-bye Bill come on Bill oh bye-bye bill so for those of you worried about Bill Gandalf whispered to him something that I assume was magical information and then said bill has just as much of a chance of getting home as we do now we know these people make it home or at least some of them do speak friend and enter what's the Elish word for friend m melon I I should have known that cuz it's like a melon Master elf you will enjoy the feed Hospitality of the dwarves red meat of ripe meat I have such a fear of deep sea creatures who doesn't they're terrifying and they always want us dead in movies oh my God oh my God oh my God lamb me how did the ring not come off of him like what if what if that creature had just swallowed the ring quietly now it's a 4 day Journey to the other side 4 days you have to stay in here for 4 days in a tomb with a bunch of dead people and they murderers are still in there great here's hoping that theme of friendship still plays very strongly in here was that the Horn of Gondor oh there's something down there yeah it's gum you know yeah that's right you know now the ring has drawn him here he will never be r his need for it wow pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance P to pity that stay's hands yeah froto never has much sympathy for smeel many that live deserve death some that die deserve life can you give it to them froo I think that's one of my favorite lines in all of fiction we cannot get out shadow moves in the dark don't stop backing up stop I know what's going to happen I know we all know what's going to happen oh maybe nobody heard uh-oh normally I embrace a musical drum but uh not in this case you know what's so great I just realized is that by Gandalf reading the accounts of how they died they're basically saying that the very enemy that they're about to face was able to get rid of an entire civilization and now they have to face that same enemy it really builds up the drama before you even meet the villains let them come there is one dwarf yet in Moria who still draws I love how Brave gimle is oh I mean it's one thing to have to go to battle it's another thing to have to go to battle with things that look like [Music] Orcs oh that's terrifying that's terrifying oh Bor Mir the hobbits aren't even prepared for this I mean they were play fighting with borr but they don't have any training come on oh God he's shot in the head and he's still alive that's a slow death I think think I'm getting the hang of this he's very Rapunzel from Tangled using a frying pan as a weapon oh God God ly use your magical dragon Lamy powers to keep Frodo alive okay oh but he's wearing the Mythril but that would still hurt I'm not hurt good job Lamie I know your power saved him you are full of surprises Master baggin H so are the minds of Moria but not in a good way oh to the bridge of kadom to the bridge of kazad Doom it's strange hearing all these names pronounced oh God can you imagine if you tripped you'd really need good running skills they need Tom Cruz for this Running Scene did you really need all of you there's like nine of them oh gimly ready to take them all on look at how scared Gandalf looks I kind of wonder how much Fate has to do with this world and the fact that Saron the leader of the Wizards had become corrupt and Gandalf faces this balro and transforms himself spoiler into the white Wizard and I kind of wonder if that would have ever happened had saon remained true to his to himself and not turned evil because as he turns evil there's a need for a new leader a come on you can do it you can do it I love that legalis saves him I love how all of the music feels so different for each each land they're in each mythical creature they're encountering what a teeny tiny little Bridge why didn't you just H why didn't you just make a little bit of a bigger one why that doesn't even have railings that's a hazard right there a safety hazard I am a servant of the secret fire go back to the shadow shall not pass i' love a doormat that says that fly you fools the fact that the balrog is lit with fire and he's falling and he disappears into the darkness because there's just no end to that falling it's so terrifying when you see gandal falling after him I hate that Gandalf has to go through such a painful an a terrible transformation process but I also look at it like he becomes a greater version of [Music] himself I thought they handled that all very well I'm curious if they use they either that great sorceress lives in these W the same forest for all these sets or if they had to go location scouting for a bunch of different forests you're coming to us interesting cuz she speaks to each of them individually I love how they're doing this once they enter the forest I have the eyes of a Hulk and the ears of a fox your bow has been turned against you legalis oh they skipped over one of my favorite Parts when they tell um gimly he has to be blindfolded for he can't know the secrets of lloran and they all agree to be blindfolded even legalis who's been wanting to see this forever and you know what this dwarf says to that what is yeah well I speak a different language too I am Groot nobody knows what I just said Realm of the Lord cbor and of Galadriel calborn I thought it was celorn okay I'm learning new things caliborn huh I'm never going to remember that well I don't think I'm going to say caliborn very often do not let the great emptiness of kazad Doom fill your heart gim I love how kindly she speaks to gimy and how much gimy respects her what now Becomes of this Fellowship without gandal hope is lost wow you are such a downer oh my God thank God you didn't write this story welcome Frodo of the Shire one who has seen me high I think she's the best casting for an elf I mean my gosh she plays this Ro beautifully she's so ethereal your feet would get so dirty and the bottom of your dress would get so dirty I guess She Glows so maybe she doesn't have to worry about that kind of stuff this is like Tony Stark's Vision in the MCU I never noticed all the different parallel themes and Harry Potter and the MCU I guess a lot of fictional stor have similar Concepts even if it's completely unintentional I do not deny that my heart has greatly desired this see it's not just men that are [Music] greedy I passed the test I will diminish and go into the West good job it's a bit of a haunting concept thinking about the elves that were abducted and tortured and mutilated like the first B of elves that had to become the Orcs bring them to me alive and unsend what does that even mean unspoiled couldn't you just say alive May these cloaks help Shield you from unfriendly eyes we're friendly so we'll always be able to see you lers Elish way bre I wonder if there's a recipe to make that one small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man how many do you eat four oh I love the boats I love that they had the budget to do this story right and for you Sam wise gamji Elvin rope made of Heath line rope oh he forgot rope didn't he I think he forgot rope on the journey I just remember he was obsessed with rope I give you the light of erendan our most most beloved star this feels so beautiful and ethereal and kind of Haunting I asked her for one hair from her golden head she gave me three that's kind of when gimy and legalis become friends right I don't recall when their animosity towards one another starts shifting but I do love their friendship oh God I was just thinking that's such a beautiful Forest [Laughter] [Music] look at that foot who how does one build that that seems like it would take many generations and a crane and like modern day construction material I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength Master dwarf recover my bring no heat to that you love no don't listen to him Mary he's spreading lies about the dwarves where's Bor here uhoh SpaghettiOs oh and the ring music is playing I have really been loving this journey with the soundtrack it's so informative as to what's going on with the characters they're all afraid for to let that fear drive us to destroy what hope we have don't you see that he's mad if you get rid of the ring you have nothing to fight against Sauron dies only for the strength to defend my people oh he's throwing W you'll take the r to saon you will betray us oh I hate that the ring poisons people Proto you might need to take it off now sweetheart or not and we'll just go on this little journey to meet Sauron I wonder if when he meets the the Eye of Sauron he feels the heat of the fire or if it's more just a visual oh God M taken B man where is the ring is he kneeling to him I would have gone with you to the end to the end of the [Music] line yeah Aragorn son of arthorn that was a beautiful scene I loved that oh my God oh my God oh gimly with that axe damn run fro go hey hey you over here look at them being the most amazing friends gosh I love that you can hear the sound of the Orcs before you even see them Bor Mir for a win the hor of Gondor don't me I love that they rush to his Aid oh look at all those Orcs my God why are there so many of you look at you go Mar and Pippen [Music] everything's going to be okay oh my [Applause] [Music] God damn oh that went right through his leg oh what why this fight scene is so [Music] phenomenal oh my God it's just a flesh wound to him look at that he doesn't even care there we go good they took the little ones forgive me I did not see they failed you all no you haven't you fought bravely yeah you kept your honor I love boromir's character so much we'll not let the White City fall nor our people fail people our people my king I love that these are all such great people being corrupted by the ing doesn't change that it's supposed to corrupt you it's like so evil gosh what an emotional scene put it in your pocket get in the boat wait for Sam go to Mordor it's a nice easy to-do list all you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you it's one of the best lines in all of fiction I Gandalf has some true winners going to M alone of course you are and I'm coming with [Laughter] you wow he sinks Like a Rock doesn't he I made a promise Mr bro don't you leave him Sami and I don't mean to I love that at the Crux of this story is friendship that's what pulls you through everything in life this movie it takes such an epic story and treats it with so much care he's wearing the I don't know what you call those they're clearly for battle hurry FR and reach the Eastern Shore look at how beat up he looks oh God and we're on movie One Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands don't worry lamby and I will look after him not if we hold true to each other we will not andom Mar and Pippen to torment and death that's right they have to go save Mar and Pippen I'm so excited for the next movie travel life let us hunt some orc let us hunt some orc [Music] indeed I love how happy gimy is to fight the Orcs this was incredible I know they had to change so much because it's a movie and you have to change things for a movie because movies are told differently than books every medium of Storytelling telling has its own style I don't suppose we'll ever see them again I think you will Mr fro I agree with Sam I'm glad you're with me yeah this would be terrible to do alone plus you would probably have died I think they transitioned the story of this book into this movie at least the first one so perfectly there were a couple of moments here and there that I really loved in the book that I would have loved to have seen in this movie but I understand why they made the changes they did that was the end directed by Peter Jackson so that was Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring oh my God this was wonderful I hadn't seen the extended version before and I don't remember the original version enough to know what parts were extended and what parts weren't but overall I just thought this movie was such a beautiful interpretation of a very difficult story to tell you know when I was reading this book what really struck me about it was the fact that tolken took his time with this story he took his time with all of the characters he explained everything so beautifully he was also explaining the vast history of Middle Earth and a lot of these characters while he was telling a very succinct story and I always thought that this was quite a slow laxidasical and very enjoyable read but when I think about how they have to transition the pace of this story and the intensity of it into a short film I mean it's short it's long for a film but when you think about how much content is in this book and this is just the first one I'm so grateful that they took their time with this story and didn't choose to make it just 2 hours you know the fact that they give you well over 3 hours to tell it is so wonderful and I loved all the casting I loved gimle in this I mean some of my favorite things in the book were the friendship I've said that every time we watch a movie I always say that the friendships are my favorite part and it's true for books as well it's what made me fall in love with Lord of the Rings it's what made me fall in love with Harry Potter the fact that you have these main characters that are surrounded with such incredible friendships and and so there were two parts of the book that I really loved um well three but one of them I didn't think was going to be in here and that was the part where they go to Tom bombadil's house which is this magical kind of mythical representation I think he's a representation like the the physical embodiment of the countryside which Middle Earth is a lot of Countryside and so he's kind of like a mythical creature in the Old Forest and that was in this right around the time that Mary Pippen Frodo and Sam would have come across the first of the nasal and I I'm probably saying it all wrong because they had they had they were rolling their RS they were saying saying everything with really beautiful accents I was not used to that I'm like used to reading it reading the names of everything in this book and I was saying things very differently um so my pronunciation is going to be completely off but right around that time is when they were they were going through the Old Forest on Little Ponies and they come across Tom Bombadil who I loved and um so that was a beautiful beautiful scene I didn't expect them to put that in here though because I didn't remember it from the movie and also I feel like it's not really essential to the to the core plot and I'm very aware that with all of the details they did such a fantastic job of keeping this about the destruction of the ring you know they they started off this story with giving you backstory about the ring I would argue the ring is probably the main character of this even though most people probably say froto I think the ring itself is the main character even though it's an an anate object with a little bit of magic and maybe some some uh awareness as to its surroundings because it does seem a bit sentient to me but um there were two parts of this movie that I was a little bumped that they changed the first part was the fact that Mary Pippen and Sam didn't happen to go with Frodo they chose to go with froto they realized froto was planning to go to I think it was Rivendell I can't remember exactly what he was planning to do in the books but I do remember he was planning on making this journey he was kind of wrapping up his life Gandalf had said you don't need to leave right away you can like take your time and go but still go fairly quickly and Sam Mary and Pippen all realized this was happening and secretly they kind of planned to go with him but they didn't tell froto so when froto was like okay by the way I'm leaving they're like oh wait we're going with you because we're your best friends and we're not going to let you do this alone and actually froto was like horrifyingly unprepared for this journey it was Mary Pippen and Sam that were the ones that like packed a bunch of necessary stuff I I can't remember if it was Mary or Pippen that like brought the ponies so that they had something to ride on the way to rivendel or at least to the prancing pony cuz I think they lost their ponies when they got to the prancing pony anyway so that was a part that I really missed out on the fact that you know they were just the best of friends to froto but I thought they did a Wonder ful job of showing the strong themes of friendship in here even though they changed everything and I can completely understand why they changed what they did because you know you have this incredibly large cast of characters that you're trying to introduce to an audience that might not know the source material or might not have read The Source material in a really long time and I like the fact that you first meet Bilbo and then you meet Frodo and then sometime later you're introduced to Mary and Pippen and each of them got their own individualized entrance into this film and introduction to the audience so I actually really liked the way they did that because in a book you can introduce as many people as you want cuz you can just go back a page if you don't remember someone's name or you know the the way you have to tell a movie is so different so I didn't mind that they changed it I just kind of missed the fact that froto Sam and Pippen were so heavily involved in the planning of leaving for rendel in the first place and the next thing that I kind of missed out on but I I don't mind that they changed it it was just one of those things that I wished I could have seen it but I got to experience it in the book was when they go to lth laan the elves are like oh uh we're not friends with dwarves and we don't want a dwarf knowing the layout of this Forest so we have to blindfold gimy and the others are like if he's blindfolded we will be blindfolded and uh uh what's his name um Orlando Bloom what's his character name oh darn I can't remember legalis legalis is like but I've been been wanting to see lorian my whole life you mean to tell me I have to be blindfold and they're like yes and and and he's so disappointed and he's a bit bitter about it but I feel like it was a bonding process and the fact that gimle was so enamored by um by uh Kate blanchett's character lady why am I forgetting all of their names I literally just spent 3 hours with all of these characters like gadriel God memory like a steel trap so he was so enamored by gadriel and I just thought that that was so impactful because of how the elves treated him at first where they were so untrusting of him and it just creates quite a ju position where you really see them starting off as enemies but you realize they're not enemies like they just have history behind them and gim's appreciation for gadriel and legal's growing friendship with him it's just so great in the books and I do think that they handled it very well in this movie we saw legalis saving gimle in the minds of Moria when he pulled his beard and he was like not the beard I loved I loved it I thought they treated this story with so much care so much respect I loved being able to hear all of the names of things that I've been reading for a while and hear their interpretation of everything it was great and I'm so curious to know what you thought about this if you've read this let me know if you've read the books are you just a fan of the movies are you a fan of the books and the movies are you just a fan of the books and you don't think the movies did these books Justice I think so far this was phenomenal and by the way thank you so much for letting me know that you wanted me to watch the extended version I didn't know there was an extended edition so this was this was great I got to see some new things and got to revisit a world that I haven't been to in probably 20 years I don't know when these came out but I was very young at the time and I have a newfound appreciation for them now that I'm adult and also now that I've been able to read The Source material so I am going to be watching the next movie I'm so excited about it cuz I've already read that book and then hopefully by the time I get to the third book I mean third movie I will have finished the third book I have a lot of reading to do but that's okay cuz it'll be fresh in my mind so thank you so much for recommending to me thank you so much for being here and hanging out with me today I had so much fun with you make sure to subscribe hit that Bell notification and like this video If you enjoyed this content it really supports my channel and I appreciate it so much I hope you have a wonderful day and I will see you all next time bye
Channel: Reacts With Jax
Views: 144,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction
Id: uNM-I0vVPmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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