Cabin cruiser cook and fishing trip!

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from one thing to the next we go back on the boat that's right because we got a doodad here we have a couple doodads some really fun toys we bought a grill that's designed for boats it's gas operated and the mounting points that we got slide into like a pole holder so we had these on the boat there are three of them they're lined across the back and for now instead of like cutting a hole and putting a new one in we're going to figure out where to mount these because we'd like to move it around the boat and kind of try a few places out to see where we love it also huge thanks to omaze for sponsoring this episode i'll elaborate more in a minute but be sure and check out forward slash fsg our custom link like this put those screws back in it and then we'll clock this so it's straight up and then we'll have a grill here you want your grill to swing out over the water so it's not dripping grease in your boat the other thing that we have is we bought a cutting board where you can like clean fish on it's got a little receptacle for your knives and i'm thinking that's probably going to go on this pole it does have openings in the back which you'll see in a minute where you tilt it and then anything you're cutting especially if it's fish or something it'll it'll go out there but for now i think we ground up whatever tools we need and see if we can temporarily get this stuff mounted so we can go on the water because it's a beautiful day in texas we are about to present to you guys erin's new pride and joy that would be this guy this is a magma grill which he has been eyeballing since before we even found a boat like a cabin cruiser he has been wanting one of these grills and showing them to me online for probably close to years he's wanted one for a really long time yeah i wanted one for the malibu no he doesn't have a cabin we still like to go out and cook yeah well yeah we've we've used um a just like dollar store small rectangle grill on the malibu a handful of times and now we're excited to actually shoot some of those adventures for you guys because turns out y'all like boat stuff and that stuff is fun to me so let's do it exactly you've already gotten a glimpse at the grill here is the awesome cutting board that magma sells so this is a really thick super well built cutting board that has a measuring device where you can see how long your fish is that you caught and the back side is open so that whenever you're cleaning fish you can hang this over the water and drain all of the liquids that you don't want in your boat into the lake these guys can mount anywhere on any of the handles or rails on the boat so you can mount these anywhere which means we can mount our grille and our cutting board anywhere we already have ideas pretty fun stuff it's a gas grill there's a regulator this stuff is really high quality i thought this was neat it's great it's designed for marine applications so you spin it and it locks in so if you're on rough water that's not going to be moving around and falling off and dropping your hot dogs in the fire dropping your hot dogs in the water in the water or if it slid it could go into the fire but the way this one mounts it's pretty slick this is where your gas goes through but before you do that you screw this guy on the screws on there and then it's got this eyelet goes into here and then this goes in the rod holder what i really liked about it is you've got the ability to swing this in the boat or out of the boat or however you want get it exactly where you want it so that's pretty cool and i also love that all this stuff is removable if we want to put some rod holders in the malibu or say on the outside of the race trailer or on the little trailer that we pull for dragweed this stuff you just take with you so it's not it's not like you're permanently installing it on one thing that you're going to do you take it everywhere so that's super cool so this guy was around 300 260. i want to say it was like 2 80 with shipping and everything this mount for it was like another 70 bucks but that thing is super high quality i mean this is not cheapo junk stuff and then i believe this with the mount again shipping all this came from amazon but i think i paid 170 for this which seems like a lot of money for a little cutting board but i liked it it's what i wanted so when it showed up i thought you know it looks like it's built to the quality but i don't feel bad for spending that amount of money yep it's super nice cool well i can't wait to get this stuff installed baby yeah and we made a good point i think we're gonna put the grille on this side seems to be more room there's a seat right here so if we have passengers it's gonna get in the way of if it were mounted over there temporarily we're gonna put it on one of these cleats and also she pointed out that the outdoor shower is right here and she wants to take a shower while i'm cooking i would like her to be able to do that this is definitely not a permanent solution because you want to have access to your cleats but as far as it goes tonight uh we're not going to be tying up to a dock so that doesn't matter i think ultimately if we like it here what we'll do is buy one of these that installs in the boat and cut a hole and actually install it in the old boat but this would be a really good way to figure out if we like it in this location that seems to bottom out i wonder if this uh this bar is too skinny yeah when it's large enough that's definitely bottomed out our rail is not big enough we have a couple options we can wrap tape around there a few times that would take up the gap or washers uh washers on here yeah that would work while aaron goes to grab washers let's thank our sponsor for this episode which is omaze you guys hit the link in the bio to learn more about this because this is pretty rad you know that we're huge fans of these early four-wheel drives you guys could win a 1973 fully restored international scout it's got fuel injection and it comes with twenty thousand bucks cash you can spend on whatever you want it also comes with a signed copy of sunday drive which is brett eldredge's new album he is a huge supporter of the children's hospital that the campaign is supporting which is monroe carell jr's children's hospital enter for your chance to win and at the end of the day your money has gone to a great cause pediatric cancer research which is a huge gift and a really neat opportunity to win a really cool vehicle be sure to check out our custom link forward slash fsg now let's get back to work on the boat that one's in i should have put the grill right there see what it looks like what if i just move that around i think it's cool there so let's put the regulator on let's go get a gas bottle see if she'll light up a little pilot button can't see it but it's there huh hot sweet it's going babe you can't see it in the camera but i can see the heat like waves on you fuser plate back on that's ready for the lake ready for some food that'd be fine we're like right there we need to load some food in case we don't catch any fish certainly need some vegetables yeah i might want a beer too might give me a beer we'll lay the anchor and take the keys out and maybe have one or two beers family want to go to the lake you ready you ready to go we're loading up then you're ready to go let's hook the truck up cool we got the cummins generator all loaded up along with our random bugatti kit seat oh geez this thing's awesome now i think we're good to go knock her down [Music] [Music] i guess i should put the camera down and get on the boat the blower's been going for a minute so we're going to turn it off to lessen draw on the starter that may not be the right way to do it but fired up boat sounds good back here turning water you unhook it for me it's hard for me to get down there [Music] still parking this is not a huge boat but let me tell you something when you go from a 21 foot ski boat to driving this everything changes that bow is so huge and it's super heavy compared to what we're used to and it just takes us a little bit of getting used to different set of skills trying to figure out if that's a rod knocking or a lift or going bad no bending tops not up so it's just sitting here rattling like crazy craig parked time to go get on the boat let's go [Music] all right let's go pick her up a little bit closer watch that bow up there [Music] onward if you've never been to cedar creek i lake recommend you not come here we have too many boats on the water not really almost 30. [Music] i'm not a sailor but i think that's okay [Music] well i just took probably my last swim in our lake for this season it was pretty chilly this one found his cowboy hat and uh he's casting he's uh he's getting ready to catch some stuff i'm just sure of it oh yeah he's really really i'm excited fishing pole we've got a little park that we go to locally and it's a hike in type situation and i thought you know what if i'm gonna buy another rule i'm gonna get something like hyped with this is it perfect it does kind of funny [Music] so um aaron just brought this up from the cabin i forgot that we had gotten this hilarious little shark fin life jacket for finley and i think he wants to go swimming because he keeps wagging his tail at me and like trying to jump in so let's put this on him and give it a try buddy let's try this do you like it do you feel secure how do you feel you go swimming now you seem kind of stoked are you going in jumping let's go come on go ahead i mean don't know if i jump in he'll jump then but there you go oh my god that is so good that is so cool that is so perfect did you like it that was so good here this can be yourself come on there you go okay yeah you went for a good swim your life jacket is so good you love it it's so good i bought this kit at walmart some boots it's got those springs on it the reason for that is to stick this nasty stuff real stinky stuff finley thinks it smells like freaking dessert luke i guess you uh smash that stuff down in there there's more stinky stuff swivel if you've never fished with catfish it's important that you know that they will twist on that rod until they pull themselves out of it that's why you have a swivel i don't know if that's true that's what i was taught we're about to lose our light goodbye son here is our catfish set up we've got our weight we've got our swivel and we've got our stinky stuff well since our sun has set now we've got our pole out waiting for a catfish aaron has just decided like em it's time to cook something because if it gets dark then it's not gonna be as much fun to cook on our grill right there so he's gonna start cooking up some dinner and then we will wait for catfish and we'll cook late and if we catch something we'll cook it breakfast or breakfast let's get some onions it's like my grandmother used to grow so those are gonna be super tasty here is asparagus so probably what i'm going to do and also add broccoli in the cooler i'll cook the veggies first just right on the grill season them up and then i'm going to make a rub for the pork loin we'll cook that up the way i'm going to do that is with this awesome dude give us a pan for the boat and this is a beautiful cast iron pan ignore the spider web but i mean that thing is just seasoned to perfection and so we'll do is we'll cut that pork loin up in some small enough chunks put in here fry it get it just right we'll have that with our veggies and that should be really good and we get to use our grill which i'm jacked about yes i am too and it went at least you dropped the foldable item i thought that was screwing in and it totally wasn't paid more attention this time keep going okay cool finley's so exhausted from his swim i'm excited about this [Music] knife holder which i'm excited about here guys can i explain to you guys how much fun this is to be cooking on our boat my two favorite things so aaron watches a lot of youtube and what he watches is not automotive most of what he watches is catch and cooks so people that go and catch fish and forage for food in the wild and eat it and he loves that and uh this is something that he's very passionate about which i love because i love to eat it's so fun it is so fun cranking this bad boy up [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh it's so beautiful oh that is hot and she's glowing okay we'll get those done and then we'll put some meat on awesome babe cooking on the boat oh dude i've been waiting for this i know we've been so busy we haven't had time to be on the boat hey what you making now so we're gonna do a rub for the pork paprika sugar is a pretty good idea all right some salt in there onion powder and chili powder oh my chili what's going to happen is i'll put this on the pork loin and because of sugar it's going to create kind of a crust and it'll caramelize and be super good i'm happy yum sweet just divide this thing up it's awesome tell us how the veggies are doing good they're sizzling maybe a little bit of oil came out of there lift the fire up a little bit smells like it did you guys see these bugs this this is exactly what we're doing okay let's uh try this out yeah so we've never used this that lifts out of the way i filled this tank earlier so if i move this lever see that flapper coming open that is the wick where the alcohol is close it that kills it open it you can light it there's a i'm sure right there so that's lit oh sweet yeah it's definitely lit so close that we have heat let's try it out okay look at these veggies let's take a gander can i try one that looks cooked maybe a little bit overcooked but that's okay yummy that was good i love asparagus so good babe i'm gonna try a little tree yeah that's good so our oil is hot now huh it sounds like it's hot it's cracking oh yeah it's good alcohol stove for the wind that's denatured apple we picked it up from walmart from the paint department that's what people say works in here so no electricity using our stove [Music] coins off [Music] well aaron has finished his dinner i am still savoring mine what a lovely evening even though we didn't catch any fish which we still might you guys will know if we do because i'll fire the camera back up but i think we're just gonna kind of snuggle in and um see you guys when it's coffee time in the morning super sweet evening on the vote looking forward to the morning [Music] sun's coming up on the monday we slept really nice up there we didn't drift in the night that's good it's a little island over there and i'm gonna make some coffee because it's coffee time then i'm gonna fire the generator up because this phone has like six percent hers has zero totally dead so we'll get this open [Music] been on light this morning maybe i'll use all the alcohol last night well she needs coffee clearly i finally got this going and what i did is i just open it up lit it and then close this back down so we have hot water with coffee [Music] and we wait three minutes feels like winter it's pretty cool i think when i woke up it was 61 outside which is perfect sleeping on the boat to catch some breakfast good job our pole last night i don't know if we had a fish on it or not but it was tangled up under the boat somewhere so i'm gonna assume there's about a 40 pound catfish yeah it was huge i'm sure just swam around the motor a whole bunch to break our line yeah i think that's what happened yeah i bet so just starting here mr captain pilot cook graves i'm gonna try to make some biscuits or some croissants or whatever comes out of that can oh yes wrapping them up to the very dirty cockpit i'm going to cook some bacon in here i'm a little bit nervous because this area is so nice i don't want to get bacon grease and everything but i'm going to do it anyways sleeping dog it's a little bit noisy in here you hear stuff rattling around it's because i fired the engine up i was concerned that the battery was getting too low so i fired it up let it run for a little bit anyways out there cleaning oh it lit that time sweet make some bacon i smell these out here oh the biscuits yeah they smell like they're cooking hopefully not burning yeah we should check them they do smell kind of hot oh they're getting a little hot on the bottom this is really weird but i'm gonna flip this whole thing over they're cooking though thank you that's awesome nice croissants sizzling that's good i'm gonna make some mashed potatoes for breakfast i know that's weird but i'm gonna do it anyways so it's gonna be the uh little instant potatoes it'll be good i think here's what i'm thinking and some potatoes and eggs it's kind of like a quiche right let's do it probably gonna need all these put some eggs in there put some water in there bacon grease and our keys thingy [Music] okay so we got our potatoes and our eggs in there put them on the grill i'll try to put that handle in there so it'll still close some nice except for that handles plastics keep an eye on it she's getting it real clean we're just saying that the bugs were so bad last night we still see a little bit in this corner that she has to deal with but uh it's a lot of work keeping the boat clean if anybody has any tips that's right i saw on amazon they've got this pump that pumps lake water out and you can put a water hose on it and spray it in the boat and i think we're going to buy that because well the outdoor shower is there and it could do the job we're wasting our water we've only got 30 gallons so it'd be nice to pump up some seawater and or in this case lake water so aaron went to go check the pole and we have the most adorable little catfish hey little dude finley do you see that fish hope you grow to be a big fish well we caught a fish okay the sun's come out enough for me to have courage to get in the water i'm going to swim thinly into the little sand bar over there so we can go haunting because it's 11 and uh we got on the boat around 5 pm last night so he's been waiting a while so i'ma swim him to shore let's go it really doesn't seem to mind it okay are you ready let's go you're excited you ready oh it's chilly you ready let's go good boy good boy all right off we go [Music] everybody it doesn't seem like that lifejacket slows them down any i found these on the island i didn't catch it a big big vine just growing a whole bunch of them that's cucumber is it it's shaped like a squash might be this knife is nice and sharp wow it smells sweet it smells like a cake yeah it's a melon sometime you fish eat it what you got i'm really burning biscuits yeah some quiche thingy not made with potatoes and eggs oh babe that looks super yummy i'm excited and we have the korean pancakes thank you we'll see how it is finley did these cook in bacon grease yep no anything cooked in bacon grease is going to be delicious let's see about this guy it smells really good breakfast time yum really good it's kind of fluffy and savory so i buy these at walmart they're like 4.99 they're so nice if you're camping or in the race trailer or the boat you get all the seasonings you have to carry a bunch of different stuff but we did carry a bunch of different stuff don't judge me even though i didn't make a fancy meal i still brought all my stuff hey pork boy last night was really tasty yeah look at her she gave herself some more burnt ones i don't care just yummy then look see the inside's still flaking perfect i tried to pan past your bathing suit really quickly there are lots of places you can see girls and swimsuits this one might not be that place no it's not nice all right i've got the boat all cleaned up and it is time to take down the grill and the cutting board so aaron's gonna disassemble it all [Music] right ready for the next adventure wait you forgot the little brown pillow that's very important [Music] very nice very good you forget things but i'll do stuff like that i'll do stuff i don't flip up pillows i'm like cowboy i'm to go home soon we'll be in the bahamas or down the coast spending days on the boat if you guys watch these videos that'll help us be able to do that it'll be really fun if you're wondering where that line goes that's really nice there's a button on it if it gets knotted up or something you can come down here everyone's going to dock the big boat a little bit intimidating you remember what robert said right yeah only approach it at the speed you're willing to hit it there you go that's all you need to know this is a pretty protected little cove over here so i want to drift it sideways well you can do that you just got to let me spend more money we can get some side thrusters like a real big boat a little bit of power looking good [Music] you guys are thinking about getting a big boat yeah man go get you one they're cheap i just found one on craigslist a couple days ago and it's 4 500 bucks it's a c rate it's 30 feet it's got 2 350 chevy engines as long as you're willing to work on them i think it's a well worthwhile expense you can't get it too deep on the lake because it will float to whatever side it wants to she comes down the ramp emily has backed trailers since she was probably well 18 years old he's on boats our entire life and he's gotten really good at it let's go up there and see if we can stab this thing yeah we definitely need some bellows or something's leaking water because that is a bunch of water for one night out wrenching on the boat is mandatory so yeah and it's fun got him good to go well that was an awesome adventure first time having an overnight and making all of our food on the boat that was really fun even though we didn't catch any fish to cook we will next time still fun having food on the boat also huge thanks to omaze for sponsoring this episode we really loved working with you guys be sure to check out the link in the description forward slash fsg thanks y'all oh we hope you guys enjoyed this episode too um once we bought the boat and did the first few boat videos so many of you said that they wanted to see more boat stuff so we will be filming our adventures on the boat and posting them along with all the automotive stuff and a little aviation stuff dropped in here and there that's right like i was saying earlier i found a sea ray for 4 500 bucks got two uh 350 i think it's 30 feet long two 350s and uh the cool thing that we're learning right now is if you've got a big boat this time of year you can still use it the malibu would have been too cold not that much fun but this one i mean it's got a cabin so you go downstairs warm up come back out enjoy the weather it's super sweet it's good get you one so we buying another boat well we might buy it and flip it or at least repost it and anyone you guys will buy be fun i like i see it anyway the avengers continue y'all we'll see you guys on the next episode later
Channel: Flying Sparks Garage
Views: 686,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cabin cruiser, cooking on cabin cruiser, catch and cook, cooking on yacht, yacht life, magma grill, fishing, cooking
Id: famqpULC2Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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