10 day adventure on our 5k dollar Cabin Cruiser! Pt1

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on this episode we take our five thousand dollar boat yacht ship and we take it on a really fun camping adventure if you didn't catch the first episode we picked this puppy up for five grand after the previous owner broke the out drive we found a rebuilt unit and bolted it on and had it on the water the next day we've had a blast locally with the vote and now it's time for it to go on an actual adventure it's an annual camping trip where my whole family goes so we won't be living on the boat but we will be sleeping on the boat all week and we're certain to have some boat related adventures in the last episode you saw us packing the boat and the super duty full of all the camping gear we made the 250 mile road trip and now it is time to get this camping party started well we've made it to camp and we got the whole family set up in their tents and in their various places where they will be camping and now it is time for us to launch the boat for our 10 day adventure on the water oh my goodness too freaking cool our friend robert gave us this foldable canoe so that in theory we can be moored out and take the canoe back and forth from land to see the family [Music] the votes in the water you wanna know the craziest thing about this trailer it floats the dang thing freaking floats it's got six tires on it that act as like buoyancy it floats it's crazy [Music] look [Music] all righty time to get aboard the ship we're making it happen y'all we sort of have a dinghy it's pretty cool and he also gave us a small little motor that we can mount to the transom of the canoe so that we can motor back and forth from where the boat is well we jacked the battery out of the bronco to put in our boat and uh it's overkill that's for sure but it'll work i bet i hope what a beautiful evening it works you look kind of sophisticated yeah it kind of goes fast you're so happy about this too your smile is too much he's stoked at him look at him finley you gotta look at your father oh my gosh this thing's so great okay that's cool yeah insta vote for the win it's really fun that's awesome boys realize they forgot the cooler which has beer in it so they're going to shore the bones anchored out right now so they're going back to the ramp which is right over there to get beer you guys had success huh yeah good we're on our first morning adventure to land coffee in hand a little motor running and someone needs to potty absolutely awesome night of rest for our first night on lake ouachita aboard our boat [Music] can go swimming bud [Music] uh well we're getting a light rain this morning we just got to camp where all of our family is over there and uh it's a little rain right now well we've just laid down after an awesome day at camp with the family playing and swimming and obviously it's night time we've laid down and the moon was shining bright at us and now it's time for some rest see y'all in the morning well we tried out the forward birth last night and it was wonderful i really enjoyed it it's a little more cramped than that back bed but i liked it now it is time to jump on the canoe and go have coffee with the family right out there on the point lots of breeze coming through that is for sure it was a constant breeze so nice how did you sleep finley off we go mom's coming up we're going for morning coffee with the family going into full speed mode whoa there's nothing like waking up with coffee and baby snuggles [Music] oh yum all right all done kid snacks on deck braids done and look finley is passed out on her y'all this is really exciting this is something aaron and i dreamt of since we picked this boat up it's full of our family we've got garrett down here hanging out in the cabin he's the only one in the cabin he's just chilling and then i'll take you up here all the elders of our family and robert's the one that gave us the awesome folding canoe so they're giving us all kinds of coaching tips on big boats and we are so thankful for it [Music] and then we have more family in that mastercraft right up there but so sweet we're going for a sunset cruise couldn't be more grateful right aaron that's right how cool is this babe pretty cool [Music] well we've said goodbye to another beautiful day awesome conversation and um memories of our family who have had boats like this in the past um camping overnight on this exact lake it's very very special to hear their stories and we're so thankful for the memories made tonight [Music] it's another beautiful morning we've got beautiful heavy dew [Music] and the big sun coming up [Music] very very thankful for another day on the boat last night was so special having everyone on the boat with us i had my phone out filming of course and at one point i saw a youtube comment pop-up so i opened the app and refreshed the view count and our episode on this boat the first one reached a million views last night i don't know what to attribute it to other than just hitting the algorithm right and maybe a good title and thumbnail but whatever the case is wow what a cool adventure and experience to be able to produce a video and do something that we were so excited about and have it be seen by so many folks and we're so thankful producing videos and shooting everything really kind of it's a challenge to stay present um like last night with the family you know i just large part of me didn't even want to shoot that because i'm like man i don't want to get my phone out i just want to sit with my grandparents and sit with my mom and just absorb this but i just thought you know this is special and this is worth communicating and showing that this is something we value and you know early on when i started the channel i thought if nobody watches this it would be cool to have just like with our niece and building our first cars and doing stuff that means something to us it'd just be cool videos to have for the future and so if you're thinking about starting a channel consider these things documenting things that make you tick and excite you is a pain and it's hard to do and it takes a lot of work to edit the final product but it's worthwhile it really is if you get a million views or not it's worthwhile to have it um and the views are just a huge bonus so all right let's get this day started and go have coffee with the family we've been cruising around on the boat for a few hours it's been an awesome afternoon and uh we just anchored out and we're just gonna swim over to this shore to this cool little beach over there and just explore [Music] this is what it's all about this rainbow and look it just ends right there oh man that is so cool what does this mean had a little rain shower and we've been hanging out on the boat and just beautiful evening of adventuring around the beaches and it's so awesome i can't pay for that it's so beautiful [Music] [Music] one two three [Music] peace another fantastic day in the books good morning hi buddy good morning good morning buddy you coming on board okay good morning good morning good morning hi hi handsome aaron how are you we'll see you soon boat finley's happy [Music] tiny this little catfish we ever did see [Music] well yesterday we tried to pump the black tank and realized that we didn't have the proper adapter so today is the next day and we have a local duty calls guy that is boating up to the boat right now to pump our tank and that will be a new adventure and awesome to have that taken care of [Music] which is the beta most of the sea rays are on that side so i was thinking well let's see right yeah hopefully it'll be a c-ray at some point though yeah we like it yeah [Music] sweet [Music] we appreciate it so say much buddy did you say bye to him gonna keep this duty cool he did a great job yeah that was quick that was awesome it was 40 bucks all right i'm gonna take it down today is a special day because aaron and i are preparing all the food for the family i shouldn't say all the food but dinner uh we're doing smoked pork butt sliders and aaron started the smoker last night so the meat smoked all night and we'll smoke all day and i betcha it's gonna be real tasty all right we're gonna do a little pork sliders with some i put some coleslaw on them i'm making some potato salad with bacon and potato salad so we've been smoking this for probably 12 hours now now we're gonna wrap it up and put it back on there for another probably five or six hours [Music] well i just got back from the grocery store and i bought entirely too much stuff oh well taking it off the boat [Music] all right then let's put a bunch of this stuff away it's been an awesome day aaron has just pulled the pork butts off of the grill take a look at this beauty it's like christmas look better [Applause] all right that is beautiful let's see what happens [Music] what do you think kid looks delicious right i need some because there were so many days of content i decided to break this adventure up into a two-part series so you've just completed the first part so be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss the second part of our adventures which include a crazy storm more adventures with the boat and a very special guest look forward to seeing you on the next episode
Channel: Flying Sparks Garage
Views: 1,201,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bayliner 2855, yacht, living aboard, cabin cruiser, cheap boat, boat restoration, sleeping in a yacht
Id: pw-0gzWxomU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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