First Thoughts On Turkey - 48 Hours in Istanbul

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Oh Good morning everybody Welcome back to ýstanbul here and turkey very exciting We have someone who's gonna be joining us for the next few trips if you have been here a while, you might recognize her She's my sister This is Cleo who's gonna be jumping on? How is your flight yesterday? Any issues with your flight So it's like basically become a tradition now every year we seem to go on a trip the three of us So the first year we did Europe the second year. We went to Cannes in Queensland the third year. We did Greece are now took Hello Okay, so first thing is we come up for breakfast and we come up with probably the experts on Turkey you guys remember Josh and Ashley From the way away we caught up with them in Bali if you missed that series and we just kind of sat down for breakfast and Ashley ran away and just went and ordered everything because supposedly this is just the best best place So we really have 48 hours to assemble That's why we're putting it all into their hands to let us know what we should go into this If we miss something Yeah a mint on sugar seven many people do yeah, okay, shall we do a big As you've learned I'm sure Alright now, let's drive like ladies the t-point she will say what she thinks Yes why I do like house like a lot of dishes So Josh and Ashley have a ýstanbul card it's about 60 lira and you can just put money on there There's like 260 lira to tap each person on and you just need one for everyone on our crew So jumping on the Tran and heading into the city Okay guys so we have 48 hours here in each sample So you're gonna go and try and see and show you as much as possible to see cure in this amazing city Stop is the grand bazaar. And oh my gosh it is Massive we've just entered I can't even see the ends. It just shocks running everywhere. Alleyways. They're like look in front of us and Yet bazaars pretty much just another word for a market. So it's the grand market and we're gonna walk around I just wanna take it all I have sensory overload right now What's the lightness oh it smells so good in yeah Okay, let's try that Try it. Nothing to one. Sorry and then Judah try some of the sugar free ones. Yeah I've gotta try Turkish Delight here in Turkey. I thought three times. Okay. What have you already the first time? He said this is just original. So I'm guessing it's gonna taste like nothing original Lucky's a plane What is the taste like like flame nothing time has like no flavor Chewy jelly, I'm doing yellow AE taste if I could like a loli loli Okay, so this is like probably the most traditional way Worse Turkish black that was actually super nice is I don't usually like Turkish Delight. Oh Wow, that's really good. Definitely get some flavored ones guys. It's sweeter than I expected. I Didn't even know this was like what Turkish like they look like it's the star shoes and honey It's different to the others. Yeah, does it taste like Turkish Delight or it's like a whole different thing? It's not sweet It's more like a savory kind of nutty. I think I like this the best dude. It's awesome You know Rob to make a wish that your bags are gonna come We came into this coffee shop to run away from the Turkish Delight and they've just given us more Turkish to my head But I'm decided to go for a Turkish coffee Oh, what's Cheers in Turkish Very rich strong kind of gritty coffee. So the cafes cause I'm gonna say it's been here for 60 years Tipping the Turkish Delight Experience you guys see it keep it a try Honestly wasn't expecting it to be like that the grand bazaar I really enjoyed it definitely a good first stop Lots of you guys need to pick up anything I wish we kind of had a house so we can pick up some Turkish rugs Also those lights as well could be really cool in an office one day. We'll start collecting stuff from our travels One about you This city is actually over two continents So there's some of it is on a European side and some of it is on the Asian side So we've actually caught the ferry over the Bosphorus And we've left the European side where we're staying and we've come up to the Asia side And this is where actually dropped a snake so very excited show us around cuz I've been staying here like a month We started Europe and our nature and the ferry was the same price as the the public transport 260 Luna is literally like 50 cents I'm so glad Josh and Ashley were over on this side because when we're looking up things to do in Istanbul There's really not a lot of sight to see on this side This is more for if it's your second time visit or if you have 48 hours Like we do a bit more time to catch the ferry across and walk around this entire you might as well the locals with Some of the shops we have lunch was clear, unfortunately All the luggage has been stolen because obviously the person hasn't gone and returned it back So now she needs to go and get some clothes underwear some essentials It's now like our bad looks being put on to my sister. I feel so sorry for her. I see we have found a Jess store But that's the you not clear Morning guys, it's the next day. We woke up super early and we've come to the Blue Mosque We were hoping to come here before too many tourists come because I know it's such a popular spot But I think this might be the first mosque with other coming too Is it come inside I think because other times we've been visiting during prayer time. Yes so this time we can actually go inside so we're currently waiting to 8:30 and that's when prayers and then we're gonna go and have A little explore inside. It's so beautiful So you don't have to be religious to go inside And yeah, this is the first time we're going to be going inside a mosque I think this is a very special Mass to be our first first one to go inside. Oh Wow the carpet is so Unbelievably plus to walk home So you've got a nice diving shoes? Well, this mosque was built in 1600 and there are Thousands and thousands of tiles and stained glass windows. It is so beautiful. It's quite big. Oh, This roof. It's probably the dome up there. Imagine being able to be inside in pray time watching it. I find our You guys just wait but I need to show you this restaurant has 360 degrees But I think we have found a cafe with the best views in all of Istanbul Honestly, if you disagree, let me know a place that's better because look at this just look at these views This is the tables here Wow, and we have views of the Hagia Sophia Museum just there. I think you found a pretty good spot An insane breakfast but we've now checked into our hotel room. So we're saying at the Golden Horn East and bald Oh, Hotel that we get got a coffee station here bed looks super comfy and this is the view that we have You can see onto the river. I can see the tower that we went up last night just over there I mean we have a bathroom Awesome, so yeah, this is pretty much day. One of our intrepid adventurer. We're gonna be spending the next two weeks with them This is the hotel that you get here in Easton Bowl I seriously can't get over how beautiful Istanbul is like look at this view Wow At least we're coming back for a couple of days after I like this isn't round like it is sorry beautiful Well, you just got like a giant mosque over there. Yeah amazing and views of the Bosphorus All right guys, so we are a little bit excited and we have a few things we probably need to explain to you So yes we are going to be travelling for now two weeks all around turkey with intrepid travels on one of their 18 to 29 youth to us and if you guys Have been following us for a while. You would know how much we love group travel We love meeting new people and exploring a place using a local guide We're very excited because clearing has never done one of these tours before and so we're bringing her along tomorrow We are jumping on a local and heading to my first stop. Okay? okay, so we're about to go and beat our tour group door don't have my luggage and we're gonna go downstairs and meet everyone which Will be really exciting But no news on the luggage So we've gone for the national dish red lentil soup, Steve. You're gonna be I mean clay You're gonna be the taste test off you go please stay right? Spicy is it try it with the bread. So we've got like the traditional bread. Oh, thank you Tastes like a lentil tomorrow we can ascertain. Yeah, it's not spicy. Yes. It is. No. Oh my gosh guys we just had the best meal I've God was like do you want to eat somewhere local like Yes, so he took us to a place the mill came to to us really? No, it was delicious and now we are full ready for bed. And tomorrow we starting the day at 6:30 a.m Yes gonna end the vlog here. I hope you guys enjoyed our 48 hours here in Istanbul. We will be back So I'm sure we miss things to write in comments below what we need to do when we come back to Istanbul But if you are new around here, I think I've said this a few times but the Turkish adventures have just begun We're going here for two weeks to explore before we come back to east and ball. So make sure you hit that subscribe button Give us the thumbs up and we'll see you guys next time. I'm Pretty much jumping on a bus in the city the country Area is meant to be in the area
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 425,242
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Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, heyitsjessvalentine, sparrystake, things to do in istanbul, hagia sophia, turkish food, best food in istanbul, istanbul nightlife, istanbul street food, istanbul travel guide, weekend in istanbul, 48 Hours Istanbul, Blue Mosque, Asia Istanbul, Galata Tower, Grand Bazaar, Seven Hills Hotel, istanbul restaurants, istanbul food, Is Turkey Safe, First Thoughts on Turkey, Is istanbul safe, Turkey Dangerous, what to do in istanbul
Id: QyvF64zyfZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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