We Broke Up - Stories from Flying the Nest Podcast #1

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all righty i think this is it this is the start what are you getting me into steve i have always wanted to do a podcast and i it feels so good that we are all sitting down here i am so nervous by the way why are you being so nervous this is fun see this is why i married stephen he always gets me out of my comfort zone yes and i think doing a podcast is probably the scariest thing you can ever do coming from the the girl that uh uploads videos to youtube no i think what podcasting is scarier why why is it scary because you're talking like to a gigantic microphone it doesn't make you feel like you're on like radio or something this is yeah radio sounds scary but you're like the podcast queen like you listen to oh okay jess listens to the most randomest podcasts in the world i don't i trust you like you know what sounds random is i'm pretty sure my first podcast that i ever listened to i'm pretty sure it was 10 years ago 10 years ago so this is 2010 we're what yeah university just 2010. now it makes me sound even worse at the type of podcast it is try guess what do you reckon i listened to i think what was like the topic do you know yeah what do you think jess's first podcast that you listen to like what do you think the topic is something about spiders or something like some interesting thing i don't know she just she listens to something so weird sometimes i can think of that like i can sometimes wake up in the morning because jess falls asleep listening to podcasts i wake up in the morning she's like i just learned about porta potties and i'm like what are you learning about this and then we go for our morning coffee and then jess is like this is the history of porta way too potty information on why we can poop outside at festivals yeah i know it goes like a 30 minute session of me talking your ear off while we walk about the randomized topic but what do you think my first podcast i think i know what it is spiders which is kind of close is that actually what was it is the topic youtubers no it wasn't youtubers oh so it's not no my first oh no you actually yeah i don't know what it is is it a twilight fan fiction podcast it was a twilight championship so i was so obsessed with twilight like when the first movie came out i was like oh my gosh what is this found the books read them all i would walk to work reading a book like would you ever walk down the street and see someone reading a book no yeah when you left uh and you had to cross the freeway yes i'll cross the freeway reading this book like glue to it and then i got so into it i must have googled about it found this podcast and like they would break down each chapter about twilight and like when the fourth book came out they're like oh my gosh i can oh wait i don't want to spoil anything if anyone's not seen twilight i definitely recommend reading it i think you can skip so that was my first podcast 2010 so this is like so podcasts were invented i think with the iphone well i'm curious i don't know how they did it so all i remember is it's three people i didn't listen to it on a phone i don't think i don't know how i found or anything you guys need to find this podcast and send it to us yeah it's a twilight fan fiction it was a guy and two girls and they were very very into twilight and that was my first podcast and then i remember getting back into podcast now we're going to 2015. so this is when i think podcast started getting popular like that app came right oh yeah we just lost our lights that's this is join our train wreck of a um podcast guys we have never done one of these before that's right anyone listening they can't visualize the light just picture magenta light slowly turning on to a hundred percent cool oh yeah perfect um so it wasn't okay my guess for you was ear biscuits by retin link because i think that was my very first podcast i listened to the lights have gone on we need them no chatting what is that all right so this is what i remember when i got back into podcast it's 2015. stephen and i were in costa rica oh wow and we were volunteering with sea turtles and the reason that we're volunteering there was um there's poachers that come and they take the turtles from the beach yes and basically what we're there to do is to then go and collect the eggs so the poachers don't steal them and then we would build these huts and then we would like create fake turtle nests yes put the eggs in there and then lock up the cage overnight yes and um if we're talking poachers in the middle of costa rica in the middle of nowhere these poachers we got told had machetes didn't they yeah and they're like oh okay yes this is a story for another time you 25 year old can you just go wait on the beach by yourself at 1am and there could be someone with the machete coming for cetera ever told me we'll have to do a story on this one basically our job was you'll do three-hour shifts in the middle of the night by yourself and you'd have to go on the beach and sit in front of the huts just in case poachers came so the first shift i go out there it's 1am and i sit there and i just start picturing like this guy in the bush coming out what is this so i ran up and got stephen so he came and did the shift with me and he shifted straight after so instead of a three hour shift we're doing a six hour shift yes oh we were wrecked for those so times a week wheel there oh my god i mean it was an amazing experience but wow and so in the middle of the night i was so scared that i'm like i'm not sitting outside the like the hut waiting for the poachers yeah like steven we're waiting inside the hut we locked ourselves inside the heart for six hours every night and we would like so smart though and we would lie in the sand surrounded by turtle nests listening to my favorite podcast which is stuff you should know which is where i learned about porta potty no i think you told me about that podcast and that's when i first listened to podcasts which was on the um the cruise yeah yes yes which produces this one the catamaran sorry oh the catamarans was like two years ago that's when i listened to the first yes it's from you and that's why i told me about them well podcasts are so good because like if you're traveling yeah you're like on a plane or a boat or something it just like makes time go so fast i love them real quick i think mine was cereal i think was it cereal the murder podcast said i think maybe that put podcasts on the map it's kind of like how um what's with murder and everything um uh what's the motor show on netflix uh steven avery oh i'm making him making him murder i feel like when that came out on netflix everyone was like have you seen the show you need to subscribe to netflix are you saying we should start a serial killer podcast rather than a fly in the nest the stories podcast uh yeah okay maybe we need to start this whole thing again but it takes a lot speaker speaking of it i think we need to welcome you guys to the flying the nest show no no what are we calling fly of the nest i'm your host stephen with my beautiful wife jess over here and we've got our tag along sister cleo who's going to be joining us uh we think we're going to give her some jobs maybe look after the little podcast jump in and say some funny stories but what do we want to do at the start of every single podcast can you guess cleo this is the one thing i planned nothing is planning a little theme song i don't know i know we don't have a theme it's not a theme song and they're not thinking of one it should go did a little little little podcast that's so good if someone is a musician that watches or listens to this yes we need a theme song please that's your guess okay that's my guess we need to at the start of every show and everyone that's listening some ginger beer michelle what about banana bread how was that banana bread oh it was amazing lots of bananas cheers cheers guys all right and if you're listening at home cheers something cheers to the cheesy podcast also if you're listening at home the thing that we just popped is um steven's over drink bundaberg ginger beer if you've been following for a while you'd know stephen is a little bit obsessed i don't think anybody knows about this drink on our channel at all so if you are new around here which probably you all are because this is the very first podcast we would really appreciate it if you could subscribe to the podcast give it a bit of a rating i think you rate podcasts yeah you rate podcasts and leave us a little comment um it's found pretty much where all good podcasts are found so spotify will be on the apple podcast app on youtube if you want to watch yeah this is a video podcast as well so if you are listening to this go to our youtube channel our second youtube channel yep stories from flying we still don't know the name of our own podcast so that is going to be where it is and at the start of every podcast we just want to chat about what we've been up to this week jessica what have you been up to this week i feel like back in the day i could have had like the most exciting story of what i've been up to this week but um this week i made jam if you guys are just joining us this is like what we're filming this on what is the date today it is the it's the 23rd so we made this jam a few days ago because we're trying to get this out like every like second week and we're gonna film it pretty much a couple of days before it comes out but you made jam i made jam it smelled weird but tasted good clear did you try the jelly i have not tried this yeah you tried the jam no i have no oh yeah i haven't given you i made your whole jar what is it my little mystery box [Laughter] if you're watching at home steven just opened up a cupboard and took out my famous jam and cleo was now gonna taste it very merry pop and star like the thunderbird came out of there three bundabergs and some jam so stay till the end of the podcast there may be something else spoilers there's nothing else in there yellow button for the record all right really yellow um where's my scone and cream oh you know you just tasted it you were supposed to bring it down do you smell it oh yeah what does it smell like it's like honey oh yeah oh yeah honey she's currently tasting it so she's putting the spoon optional no it tastes good no it doesn't like is the biggest one it's really good you like it like i could just eat it out of the jar well you get to take that one home you get a price for being on our first episode [Music] okay no more about that okay you may jab yes i may jam was it fun yeah yeah that's there's not much to say it's had a taste of approval by cleo and uh i enjoyed it i enjoyed it with wisconsin cream and we gave some to ashley and heidi and hugo enjoyed it didn't he he did yes i've honestly had the most boring week just to add to your boring story i've been literally locked up in this room which was the office is the podcast room and been pretty much spending 12 hours a day getting this flying the nest academy launch i've been like wanting for years to put out an editing course remember i filmed it two years ago in melbourne and yeah we scrapped it so we filmed it thank you so much to everyone that has supported and enrolled in the course there's been so many of you and that is pretty much what i've been doing all week is editing it so we've both had very boring weeks clear what have you eaten please spice up this segment oh okay so i did i'd like to go out on the weekend with a few friends it's like why are you late these guys like to stay indoors so i go out on a saturday okay or just you know a few drinks with friends i need to go to the toilets go to the toilet a porta potty yeah that's it and all the cubicles are like locked and then there's one with no lock and i was like i really need to go to the toilet so i asked this girl and she's like i was like oh do you mind opening like holding the door and she's like yeah yeah sure so but she comes in with me so i'm like oh i can't say anything now and then she just you know he goes yeah was it once or two this has got to be the most random place to me to like fly the nest up it actually was it was so random i was like oh yeah i was here stay around and then you know i hold it for her because she needed to go so did you hold it inside or outside inside it just was bad oh my goodness do you remember her name no shout out to her and thank you for holding the door for claire yes thank you i really needed to go please if you do see this which you may not please write in we need to have a phone call with you oh my gosh she should be our first guest oh my gosh yeah please get in touch with us what can we confirm what we what was click wait we need to know what cleo was wearing and she needs to confirm oh yeah okay so don't tell she has to tell us that we know it's her and then does cleo fold or does clear scrunch that's the deciding factor okay that was way more interesting than ours it's my little story well what we're gonna do is for like every episode we're gonna have like a topic of the show and i think this topic of the show uh we kind of want to share untold stories from flying the nest and we thought what would be great is to start off with untold stories from before flying the nest so this is what we started flying less in 2015 2015 so we're gonna go way back to 2005 2005 2005 yes five years before i listened to the twilight podcast just to put everything into a timeline for everybody so what happened in 2005 in 2005. stephen and i dated for a month and then he broke up we're jumping straight into this we're jumping straight into the story of the day i thought we're just gonna like talk about high school and stuff but then we're just my husband broke up with me so if you knew around here steven and i met when we were like 13 years old in high school and we became very very good friends and then in 2005 we were in year 11. steven do you even remember how you asked me out how i asked you out yeah how did you ask the first time the first time i can't i kind of remember okay being at our friend's house and did you come over with a rose oh my gosh it was like the bachelor oh gosh dana's so cute can you rip us so i think he came up with a rose and asked me out yes and it was very teenage romance yes because after a month i was at home i thought the relationship was going fine and i was sitting there on msn if it's like a messenger where you chat to people just think facebook messenger but that's it nothing else and the cool thing about msn is that you had your own name but people didn't only just have jess it would be like jess and then it would have like your friends names that you love i don't remember this and she'd be like jenna's awesome steve is my boyfriend like stuff like that or something yes exactly that's it in high school we call it steven i know i've heard this so i log into msn and um i noticed steven's online but instead of having jess and a rose and that's probably why i was a rose because he gave me rose when he asked me out because the story suddenly goes very uncute and very mean because i go on msn and it said jess and instead of a rose there was a wilted rose and i was like oh my gosh there's a wilted rose what is going on and what have i done so i jump on there i can't remember the conversation but it kind of went along the lines of hey no kind of where are you and i cried all night oh stay make me sound so bad so now we're on the podcast why did you do it stephen oh wow we're jumping like straight into this yeah this has turned into couples therapy i'm getting a bit sweaty it's like springtime's come on why is it just me i need like a super ginger ginger beer she got more nervous now by the way just so you know if anyone's um heartbroken about this a year later he asked me back like i won his heart back he knew he made a mistake and we've been together ever since and what's that just just give me a little bit of goodness wait what how long have we been together um uh like 14 years or something like that a long long time yes okay so people want to know why i feel nervous telling the story okay so when i was in high school i dated a few people before you yeah had my first girlfriend in you're nervous yeah yeah i basically was a rebound okay that was a nervous laugh okay so i dated this one girl and we we went out for three months and she dumped me and i think that was the first time steven like really liked someone you know you're like i think i remember this girl yeah she was a blondie as well yeah yes yeah really tall really i remember her but do you want to hear the story i don't know would she listen to this i won't say any names no i don't think names no okay so we dated for three months and this was classic high school i thought i was in love yeah he was in still upset so there was this girl we dated for three months so of course perfect amount of time to fall in love in high school and we went to the school ball together she dumped my ass at the school ball and i was yeah that's how he learned how to dump people because then later he don't know msn do we have [Laughter] so she dubbed me at the school ball and i was like heartbroken i think like at the after ball i was just a mopey mess i remember doing like nothing so then i think it was a month later he needed a rebound that's me i'm glad you get like some money out of it so yes me and jess i well we broke up for well we dated from i can't even talk you make me so nervous how long did we dig for oh so then we dated for a month he broke up with me and then we stayed good friends so i'm a nice person so we stayed good friends and then the next year on graduation night he asked me out again i remember how you did that yes because it was like midnight and it was halloween and he asked me out and i said yes i'm pretty sure he went like do you want to go out with me that's like back in the day how people would ask people out yeah and then people ask people out these days they're on tinder and they swipe they just keep hanging out with them and then maybe it'll be five years down the track and then they'll be oh do you want to go out um yes i remember so we went out well he asked me out and then the next day he came over with his brother's new pet puppy was so excited we went diesel we took him for a walk got home and then your mom came home and they're like oh make sure you don't take diesel on a walk yet he hasn't had his vaccinations and we were like oh and like thought we'd kill diesel cause we were like oh my gosh we've taken him for a walk yeah he sniffed other people's like yeah he was so nervous but he's fine and um the relationship has blossomed ever since and no other breakups have happened because there's no more msn there's no other way to break up true maybe i'll see if i can find my login somewhere well i'm glad we've gotten that story out of the way i did not expect us to jump like straight into that how about some just like fun high school stories okay i have a fun high school story i feel like so this i don't know if i've told you this one before cleo that stephen is involved in the story so i'll kind of tell my point of view of the story and then you jump in with yours you're gonna try you'll remember this one okay it's a fun one so we're in year 12. we were all hanging out with our friends and it was like 11 20 and one of our at night and one of our friends were like oh my goodness i could so go for mcdonald's right now and then we were all like yes that sounds amazing but the issue is that none of us could drive yet and at midnight at our mcdonald's after midnight you couldn't walk in the proper name knackers yes so at 12 o'clock the maccas closes and the only way you could get some more mackers is by driving through the drive-through so we knew we had 40 minutes to get to the mcdonald's otherwise we would not get the mcdonald's right okay so it's about holding that mcdonald's so that was too it was like a cheeseburger we had no money oh yeah yeah no uber it's the best thing no no exactly so um we knew it was like a half an hour walk away so we start walking and i'm like you're looking at the time and we're all kind of dawdling and talking and i'm like we're not going to make it stephen and our friend jen i'll name her she won't be mine this is not the ex-girlfriend no this is a good friend of ours steven we're not good friends with the ex oh i suppose he ended on good terms um you might have ended a good time um yes so we were walking to mcdonald's and steven and jen were like oh my gosh you guys are dawdling so much you know what we're going to run and we'll meet you guys there and i was like trying to choose who should i go with and then i was like oh i can't be bothered running you guys just go ahead so stephen and jen bolt to the mcdonald's they run run run run around that mcdonald's and um this is the story i heard anyway so then they get to the mcdonald's and they run inside and there's like a minute left until they closed yeah and what happened so i'm taking over the story yes so we were very jealous so we went up to the drive-thru and i think this was before when you could walk through the drive-through now it's like it's a health hazard you can't go anymore and we walked through the drive-through i think we were like i'm pretending they're a car i pretend he will come and then we get up they were like can we just order some food and we're trying to get some food for them so like uh we like clothes in a minute i just have all this food for free all the food they're about to throw in the bin yes so i don't know if this is a mcdonald's thing i've never worked at macca's before but they just gave us like quarter pounder meals they gave us big macs chips drink i don't even know why they gave us drinks like that stuff sustained in there and you know what they did they didn't save it for us i remember they said they just lied out under this i remember just lying up like looking at shoving mcdonald's in their face i didn't even believe it and were you still walking too so i didn't know this was happening we're walking to mcdonald's so we're still doing mcdonald's while they're lying out having like the best mcdonald's feast of their life yeah and so now track like jump back to our part of the story so i'm walking a little bit part of the story the dawdling part um so it gets to like 10 past 12 and i'm like you know what we're not going to make it so we all turn around and i love them like stephen and jen they're gone who cares about them we don't know whether you say we did save you any you didn't even make the effort to come towards us so we turned around i'm pretty sure we texted you because this was back in the day when you had to pay 30 cents a text message for some reason i can't even remember having phones involved in the story yeah so we're walking back home and i see this limo drive pass and i randomly went to my friends how funny would it be if stephen and jen just jumped out of that limo right now the limo pulls up and stephen and jen walk out of the limo whoa yes i i always think this is that day when you have the best luck in the world how does this why haven't i not heard this story before it's because i chose to dawdle so we ran to mcdonald's got our free knackers we're sitting down like having the best time of our lives shoveling like chips and like burger everything into us looking up at the stars and then we're like where's jess and was it lisa and nicky i don't know yeah okay sorry sorry okay people from our high school yes i made up those last names and then we were just walking back and this was just before our school bowl and we saw like a chrysler 300 scene limo so it's during a time where there was a lot of school balls happening and alex was like i don't know a month or two away it was coming up so mean jen went up to him said let's go up to him and said hey can we please have a lift like we're literally going from one suburb to the next suburb and um you know maybe we'll book you for the school ball so he's like oh i'm not supposed to do this but sure just jump in the back oh my god and then we just drove off and then just got dropped off on the side of the road and in front of all of us and i'm just and how funny is it that when i saw it for some reason i was thinking how funny would it be steven and jen walked out of there and they did yeah no they ate it all oh you hate it all cause they took too long and then i'm pretty sure the story ended up with us seeing some gnomes running down the street oh that was such a good story i totally forgot about that it's like my favorite like memory from school is that day even though i wasn't even involved in it just like just the you guys just had the perfect night yeah we honestly had the perfect night and i wish we had phones back then like smartphones to take photos because there's zero proof that this ever happened we could have just just could have just made this up but yeah it was a good night okay so we don't we want to do reader questions but this one is kind of like snuck into the whole subject of um school so we had to sneakily ask questions because no one knows about this podcast besides like you oh yeah i know about it we told hunter she's excited about it she needs to keep that secret if you don't know who hunter is she's our baby girl she's gonna she's currently sleeping and i'm watching her on my phone one time we'll have her as a guest don't worry yeah we'll need to get like another podcast set up for her and shoot with me [Music] but anyway so where do we super sneaky to get some questions from you guys so on our flying the nesters community group i was like oh we're thinking of doing a q a this weekend do you guys have any questions about our relationship pre kind of flying there some people like oh yeah that sounds great excited to see the youtube video surprise sorry all right so if you guys do have reader mail questions what we're going to do is you go to flyingthenest.tv podcast i think that will be the easiest way to remember it if you head there you can send in some questions for the next podcast which of course will be coming out in two weeks time and we've got some reader mail which we sneakily got from you guys so this was just for the first episode but caitlyn ferguson said what was your first date slash favorite date together oh i remember our first date so i was very excited steven said that he wanted to take me out for dinner and we went to is there a rose it wasn't probably probably he's a very like rose boy you know he likes to give out flowers we call it romantic type yes he's very romantic um so we went out for dinner and what we where did we go for dinner we went to a place uh it would have been nearby it was like a really probably like a crappy local restaurant you know no didn't we go for indian no no crappy restaurant okay it's a crappy recipe so we thought it was very fancy because we're going out to dinner because this was the first time that we were ever going out to dinner yes because we'd been friends for so long and we'd hang out all the time like go to the movies go like there there's nothing this do you want to go on a date like this was the most formal thing i was dressing up so i got all dressed up it was all so exciting and then we went out and we had our dinner and then we went home we went to sienna's like people aren't gonna know these places okay italian restaurant okay we were doing at the berlin restaurant and it wasn't sienna's birthday is coming up can we go to sienna for my birthday can i open that up when did i used to always go to sienna's for my birthday what happens to that it's sizzlers now all these people not from perth are going to be like cool story about all these restaurants we don't know that is why i wasn't going to say the restaurant that we went to but if you all want to know it was oscars at carmine oh it was oscar's caramel so that was our first restaurant date with anyone that works there it was a crappy restaurant um so we went out to eat to be honest the food was not that good there but i apologize it's probably changed since then to perth restaurants can you guys please leave us a good review on the podcast um yes so we got home and we were gone for like 45 minutes and my mom so i came home and my mom's like what's wrong like you're already home and i was like yeah we just went out for dinner she's like what you were so fast we thought like if you went out to dinner you go out to dinner you eat your dinner you go home you didn't like stop and chat we didn't know that that's what you're meant to do so literally our date was 45 minutes long yeah i remember you telling me that you came home you bears like yeah oh yeah i do remember that that was a cute little date i enjoyed it though and then our favorite date favorite date i think i know the favorite days oh is this for steve's birthday one time you like christmas wasn't involved in the limo in a surprise party oh you're missing two you're mixing two birthdays together but those two birthdays are really good so for my birthday one year we went up to if anyone is a perth local we went out to the fancy classy restaurant of hog's breath those curly fries are good curly fries are good but nothing else on that menu sorry probably good stuff that it's made there we're very good at picking restaurants clearly so i think it was my 18th birthday maybe we went out for dinner and then when i went outside there was this limo there i feel like we're like really into lumos for some reason yeah we were back in the day they were like whatever yeah yeah all the um so i go outside and then there's a limo there and stephen kept really wanting me to go and like have a look at the limo he was like come on look at the limo like how cool is the lemon i'm like i don't want to go near the limo like i stopped so hard to do the limo get inside the limo literally and i'm like okay so i walk up to the limo and then out pops all my friends and it was a surprise birthday party amazing someone would do that for me that's so cute and then the other story we were talking about with the crown was for his 18th birthday so it's both of them yes yes so then we went out to the crowd and it was our first time we had ever booked a hotel for those who are not from perth crown would be like maybe one of the luxury hotels in perth like very expensive very like i think you saved up four weeks to go to go there back in the day would have been so so expensive and so we went to book in and then they're like okay so we just need to like hold some money on a credit card before you check in and i'm like we've never traveled in our life by the way this is no travels no nothing first hotel yeah i didn't know what they were talking about i'm like credit card i don't have a credit card they're like well then you can't check in but the whole time and so i'm calling my parents being like mom and dad can like use your credit card like just to do a hold like i'm not spending any money i'm pretty sure you called your parents and they were like what are they up to like no like 18 year olds in a hotel room you're like no that's not a good idea exactly and so then we realized right at the end that she just needed a card like a debit card was fine oh so like oh my god we stressed for hours you didn't know what happened and you cried to me i cried yeah what happened was i had our friend staying and he didn't know so then we all checked in and then we're like surprised friends are here and then we went to the casino went out to doing stuff yeah no that's two separate birthdays oh here we go they're not so fancy are we seeing it at the crowd for their limos no but that person paid for it we did pay for it i think huh are we chris i think paid for it chris paid for us to go to the crown i don't think so i don't know but yeah i feel like that's just merging stories yes so confused now all these restaurant random restaurants just got to come to perth when you can when the board is open and then you can give you a really good list of restaurants you should check out hog's breath what was the other oscars start i feel bad i know i'm so sorry if you do work there apologies all right any more questions hayley johnson by the way the whole time i realized you're calling it reader mail shouldn't it be listener mail i don't know yes they're listening okay what if they're watching oh watching mail watching all right listener mail haley johnson said at what point in your relationship did you know that you wanted to marry jess oh please when tell me okay so i i wanted to add to the story when i asked you out because i'm gonna make me cry i think i'm gonna cry i remember the moment he told me keep going what what no can you tell no no you tell your story first no you cleared no okay you tell your story doesn't what no i'll just start the beginning of it but then i want to hear leo's side i remember when claire realized that stephen loved me do you remember that yeah with the teeth with it no oh yeah yeah yeah but if you go first what you explain cleo so the time clear goes wow i really realized steven loves you and why okay so it was the moment when he got his wisdom teeth out and he was high so high and jess had two drugs from like i yeah from drugs yeah from my life i remember this and then so jess was doing something and i had to take steve to the car and steve gets in and he's just looking for jess and he's looking out the window like where's jazz like you know so hi yes you did you were like this we did record out the window and just staring like his face is squished to the window looking for jess and i was like that was the moment when i was like he really loves chester i actually have videos of it too because i snapchatted the whole time of you looking out the window i should send that to you we'll put some little show notes on there where we can pop it up somewhere you guys can watch it okay so i wanted to start like just the beginning of the story so i don't know if you remember cleo but in year 12 so what 2007 2005 see how much young you're four years younger so i've been year five was it two thousand five two no two thousand and what are we talking about now wait what yeah you're twelve we're very daily in our pocket we throw dates all around yeah eight i think if you're in year 12. okay i remember you guys leaving high school i was like no don't leave me i don't ever remember you being at our school i wasn't you i came into it and then we left so when we were in year 12 clear was in year seven she was about yeah oh yes yeah yeah very important part of the story i'm sure [Music] [Applause] keep going steven i'm regretting starting this podcast with you okay in year 12. i don't know if you remember but mom and dad said we're going to move to queensland yes i think i remember yeah you don't remember you're looking at me no i remember and i was just like it was the worst thing it was all my friends you know yeah yeah so i asked us out graduation night and i think we were going to move i think in february of 2008 yeah it's a date so i mean i think one of the reasons i asked you out because i think i totally believe and i think i still believe that now is like you should chase happiness like no matter what if you think there should be an end to it like chase that happiness and it was happy i was gonna be happy with you so that's why i asked you out even though we could potentially of moved to points i forgot you were gonna go why didn't he go yeah why didn't we go remember we're gonna move to christmas island like two years ago yeah he just loved to move now they always love to announce that they're going to be reflective and then it never happened yes where was i going with that story i was your happiness and you were chasing it okay i chased the happiness and um yes so i definitely believe and then of course we didn't move to queensland so then like we were still dating which was amazing so i'm actually kind of glad mom and dad said that because maybe i wouldn't i mean i'm sure i would have asked you out but that like pushed you to go for it push me to go forward never even knew this yeah neither yeah i have that cheesy story about when i remember i told you and you're like you should have said that at your wedding so yeah so i was saying to stephen one time at school i think it was like when just before he asked me out like properly asking out for the second time and i remember on the bus on the way to stephen's house or something and i was randomly thinking because i was like i really want to go out with stephen and this must have been like maybe two weeks before he asked me so we must have like known like things were like going on and we were like oh i think we'll maybe date and i remember going on the bus and thinking i just wish i could like talk to my future self and go jess will you end up marrying stephen yeah i was thinking that that's so cute yeah and then what's with you guys in like having really good wedding speeches or not and not using the content but i think i forgot about it until recently and then i was like i remember sitting on the bus and thinking will you marry steven in the future yeah oh cute that's cute alyssa holmes elsie apologize people do you ever argue can i please answer this yeah they do not argue at all and even when they do it's like not even like a fight they just go they just disagree and then they're like okay done i yeah it's they never people always ask us this and i'm like always trying to think like what do they mean by argue because stephen and i've never had like a massive fight no anything like that yeah but it could be like so stephen doesn't like when people are in his way so if i'm in his way so they just get in his way more and he's like like he's literally like jess can you get out of my way i was like what do you mean i just started hugging here if i try to get out of this room which is so cramped i don't think i could because it's like that so yeah we don't fight but it's so funny because we know what gets eaten on like on each other's nerves so they do it more but then for some reason it makes so yeah i think cleo answered the question we really just do not fight but i think that's mostly because we're both not confrontational people i think it takes a lot to get us angry yes definitely i think just i don't know i'm not a philosophical person or yeah but he's always chasing that happiness yeah very chilled personalities yeah yes very chill personalities yeah but i mean i think life's just too short to argue plus i do think that if you find the right person you don't argue as much i don't know i don't know it's hard because steve and i've only ever really dated each other besides the girl at school that breaks even should we get her on next week why did you break my heart you mentioned we got a little fancy thing we can call people we can't call people we can but i think that is all the questions for the moment and i think like is there more stuff to chat about or is that how do we end this i don't know thanks for listening everyone yeah thanks so much for listening i think seeing as there's so many wedding speeches you guys could have done do you reckon next time we chat should we chat about everything that went wrong with our wedding oh yes that could be kind of fun that is a good topic so um definitely if you are new around here because this is so fresh it would we'd really appreciate if you guys just hit subscribe like download the episodes give it a little rate give it a little comment um yeah everywhere apple podcast spotify and then just send us send us a message if you do watch it or listen to it we'd really appreciate it yes know how we went because you know how i think we went nope can we just test quickly before oh that would be good okay okay okay all right they gave us a little podcast song on here so this is the end of it but we want someone to do tiki taki podcast for us if you can yes so this is the um this is the what do they call it like the audio not the like the standard audio that comes on here so pretend that this is our outro but it's actually stolen from our rode mic software okay all right thanks so much for watching or listening bye [Music]
Channel: Stories from Flying the Nest
Views: 43,422
Rating: 4.9817934 out of 5
Id: _ApLTdIQ3s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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