First Office | House Flipper

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hey guys Wells night here and welcome back to another season season two of House Flipper I played this a while ago uh and since then it has gotten quite a few updates and DLCs and stuff like that uh with another one coming in roughly a month or so so I figured this was a good time to give it a try also uh house flipper 2 is actually supposed to be coming out later this year as well if you're unfamiliar with this game basically you buy houses you renovate them do a bunch of interior design and building decorating type stuff and then you resell them that is essentially the game in the nutshell um I have not really done anything this is our little starting office slash house you do need to have one place that is considered your office this is it um I cleaned out the trash and cleaned up all the dirt and stuff but uh it's still pretty bad so we're gonna renovate that today also uh when you start house flipper you have a whole bunch of jobs in your email uh and also if you have the DLCs you go to the map of jobs and you've got a whole bunch from the various DLCs from the game and what those do is unlock the houses so that you can purchase them and renovate them and do whatever you want the jobs themselves are more like a checklist they say like oh you need to install these floors and paint the walls this color and stuff like that I went ahead and I did all of those because since they're like a checklist and they tell you what you have to do there's not really a whole lot of creativity involved that I didn't want to include those in the series so if you're wondering how I have 937 thousand dollars and also how uh all of my perks are mostly completely upgraded it's because I did all the jobs before I started recording this episode so uh today I want to renovate our little office we're not going to be here for long we are going to sell this place but I do want it to look considerably better than it does now so let's just get rid of some things here um we can't sell our laptop uh we'll just let it fall on the floor for now that's fine uh but we're gonna get rid of basically everything else I think and then let's get a new door so we can go with a front door there is a variety of different ones I think we'll maybe go with this one this seems fairly nice and we can just put this in here give ourselves a new front door looking fancy so let's tackle the bathroom next and we're gonna go uh I think I want to go with kind of like a green theme for this whole place I mean we only have two rooms we got the bathroom and we got the living room slash mini kitchen slash stuff and things so uh let's go floors tiles and let's find kind of a nice sort of greenish tile something maybe like this that could be nice [Music] we'll do something real simple [Music] and then I think for the we're gonna paint the walls a shade of green but I want like a very kind of light green like maybe spring grass this should this should work pretty nicely I think this is a pretty light green right uh yeah yeah that'll work we'll go with this um now for the video uh for the series we're gonna do a lot of this one together because it's a really small house but once we get into the bigger houses uh I'm going to be doing a lot more uh editing and cutting like I'll renovate a big part of the house and then I'll show you the progress uh also when you first get a new house there's a lot of like trash to clean up and dirt to scrub away and all that kind of stuff and I'm gonna cut a lot of that stuff out as well because I don't want these videos to be like an hour and a half long um also for those of you who are concerned about it don't worry this is not the hermitcraft is still a thing this is the this is the side series to as filler stuff between hermitcraft episodes because good hermitcraft episodes take a long time to make so don't worry about that but anyway we've got our bathroom here uh let's go with a shower [Music] um actually I think it's under you know what let's do this let's just search for shower what are what are the options we have [Music] um I think we want to go pretty simple for this place maybe we go like [Music] this shower right here that should just fit [Music] get this thing installed it's just a little too big the fact that it sticks past the window bothers me uh more than it should okay let's try a different shower maybe we'll go what about this one is that one gonna be too big as well yes that will also stick past I guess we'll just go with the basic shower which is not super fun but uh I guess it's fine although this would also maybe be an option now that one just straight up won't fit at all yeah we'll just go with the basic shower this is why these videos take forever because it's a lot of like trial and or this is why I'll have to cut a lot of stuff out because a lot of it's like trial and error like you plug in a thing and hope that it works and then you decide you don't like it and you swap it out for a different thing this it's just uh you know it is what it is um but if you won't have if if you like house flipper and you like what you see uh the game is available on Steam um apparently there's a version on mobile as well but I've never played it and I've heard it's not as good uh so steam would be the way to go but anyway we'll get our shower installed and it will it will just fit with the window there get all the bits put in does it take a little while to install these sorts of things as you can see but there we go we have ourselves a shower now we need a toilet and uh you know what let's go with this one it kind of fits the theme of the the green sort of uh bathroom that we're going for here there we go definitely need some toilet paper put that right there and then because this is by European Developers radiators are totally a thing um [Music] this isn't really a thing we have in the U.S I mean I'm sure they do exist in some houses but I've never seen a towel radiator apparently it's a very European thing but that's fine uh okay let's look at Windows blinds and let's just go with something fairly simple Maybe this but like green yeah I'm not a fan of that color green uh maybe like a dark green window not really oh this might work now I don't think I like that either let's go the dark green let's see how that looks we're going for Full Green theme Here [Music] yeah that should work and then last but not least we need a sink and I think we're just gonna go with this one to match the toilet there and then we'll have a nice little bathroom that is kind of themed so to speak uh okay mirror let's go with something simple maybe something like this [Music] yeah that should work now we need lights uh let's get a ceiling light of some sort I'm thinking uh it's a bathroom so probably something like this that like right here give us some light and then we also want a light on the wall above the mirror so something along these lines I think we'll just put that link right here so there we go that all seems to look pretty good and then we need a bathroom door and we got some options uh I think we're going to go with maybe this one uh although I don't really want a window I would prefer to not have a window in fact um maybe this one although that is again going to have a window can I get rid of the window doesn't look like it okay so that leaves us with basically one bathroom door option and that's this one uh and we'll just change all the wood colors to black because it will also then kind of match our front as well we'll just put that right there so here's our bathroom that will do okay now uh floors in here I think we want to go with some sort of hardwood floor so let's just see what we have probably I think all the the hardwood floors are under panels [Music] um we got some options I kind of like these Light Beige ones Maybe [Music] yeah let's go with these um give this a try and just see how it looks yeah I think that's pretty good we'll go with that there we go so we'll have a nice little kind of hardwood floors in here and then for the walls again I think I want to go with another color of green but we'll go with a different one this time this time maybe something a little bit more subtle than the spring grass go with like uh [Music] faded lemon young flower bud this should work I think this is very barely green [Music] yeah that's a much more neutral green we'll go with that that should work nicely [Music] and then we'll fill in these little bits and since it's just a pretty small little place we're gonna keep it really simple and just paint the whole room this one color I think because that seems a sensible thing to do I really do like house flipper a lot it's a very chill kind of relaxing game not a whole lot of stress and split the you know sudden decisions or anything you don't need crazy reflexes you don't need to think on your feet you just kind of sit back and you know paint the house you draw happy little wall patterns or something along those lines uh but let's see we'll get all of this painted we're almost done [Music] all right there we go very good [Music] okay that should do nicely so this is all painted uh now let's move the laptop just for the moment up onto the windowsill just to get it out of the way we need a desk and we got some options um I'm thinking something [Music] nothing simple maybe something like this what is this mahogany let's go Cedar and just see how that looks if we put that right here yeah that'll do nicely and put our laptop down and then we're gonna need an office chair of some sort we have a variety of different options I think I'm gonna go with this one because brown and green will go nicely together let's just scoot you over just a teeny bit so it's more centered now we need a bookcase and I'm leaning towards something tall and thin how's it this is that too wide no that will actually do quite nicely uh but does it come in sooner it totally does excellent so let's just put that right here and then we're gonna need a bed and I wouldn't mind if I could find a sofa slash bed like a bed that that is very similar to like a sofa something uh something like this perhaps but I think we want to stick with cedar so everything's a consistent theme uh Cedar drawers cloth cover will go green and then the pillows will make all of those whites something like this that should work out fairly well although we're gonna have to move the radiator or I suppose I could just do this we can just put it there yeah I don't actually hate that okay let's get a radiator uh actually you know what let's get a vertical radiator that's a thing now vertical radiator here we go let's just put that right here uh radiator we'll go with this one and put it right about there that should work that way we still have our Radiator in here but it doesn't take up nearly as much wall space and we actually have a little bit of room right here to do something with uh so let's look at drawers and we want to keep we want to go very simple here something like this how big is that now that should actually work quite nicely put that in and then we need just like a little kitchenette um so let's just go furniture kitchen again we want to keep this really simple so I'm leaning towards maybe something like maybe the Goosebump sets something like this cedar cedar cedar put you there and then we need a [Music] sink [Music] if it come does it come with a sink is there a sync version I was standing actually this will this might work better [Music] is that going to be too big oh I think that's going to be just a little bit too big yeah that won't quite fit okay so we're gonna have to go with uh the sync version there we go put that right here and then I just want a dishwasher and there is actually a nice little thin one that should fit pretty much perfectly right there so that'll do nicely and then we probably want like a mini fridge like just a little guy uh put it here but then there's no counter space at all can't really fit it there maybe we just go without it [Music] probably fine we'll go with a microwave [Music] just a little microwave oven which we will put right there okay there we go uh I think this rug knee this room needs a rug so let's find a nice decent sized rug that is green this could maybe work I I definitely want shades of green in it this could also work how that large is way too big a big is medium [Music] that'll work that'll work nicely okay now it's just decorations so we can do a variety of different things uh let's go first to accessories office get ourselves a little uh organizer type dealio let's go get a document Shelf put that there [Music] and get another documents holder like right here [Music] and then maybe some like books decorations let's just search for books [Music] and there are quite a few that we can get so let's put one there [Music] let's do one there [Music] and then maybe we'll just do a couple of these like sets like so that's not centered let's see if you can scoot it over just a teeny bit there we go that should work uh we need some wall decorations for sure so let's just see I'm thinking maybe like pictures paintings that sort of thing maybe we'll go with paintings I'd like to find something that's relatively small how big is this perfect that is exactly the size I was hoping for and I think we'll put it like right there and then we need lights um so let's go lights ceiling and I think maybe some sort of like ceiling fan would be the way to go [Music] if we can find something maybe this one how's that look it's a little big but I don't hate it let's maybe bring it this way just a little bit [Music] yeah that should be good oh and we need a light over here for sure uh maybe like a desk light if I can find something that works here we go that'll do let's put that like right about there [Music] that should be good and maybe we do like a wall s of some sort uh wall lamps what do we have here maybe There's Something Real Simple like this uh go with like a cream color [Music] just put that there [Music] get some extra light over in this corner where the offices uh and now we need curtains so we'll go windows curtains and blinds I think we want to stick with curtains that are inside the windows maybe something nice and simple like this make it like a dark green with a light green highlight that's kind of nice [Music] I think that'll actually fit the theme pretty well yeah that will do quite nicely [Music] or maybe it would have been better to go with the light green with the dark green highlights but I think it's fine this is this is perfectly okay so there we go we have like a nice little office house now um we could do a bunch of stuff outside as far as like garden stuff um but for a house this small I don't think it's really good it's really worth it so I'm just gonna I just mowed the lawn and I think I'm gonna call that good I do however want to change the way the outside of the house looks because right now it looks really bad it looks like it's run it's falling apart uh so we can do one more thing here if we go back to walls we can go I think it's under wall panels there's a whole bunch more of outside panels now so you can change the color of uh your house which is great this actually didn't was not a thing uh in the game for a very long time uh so let's go let's just search for outside and see what pops up yeah we got a lot of options so let's go outside wide green go with maybe like a like a green green or like a dark green yeah I think I like the dark green and then we're just gonna get a whole bunch of these and start throwing them onto the house [Music] and once it's all done this will actually look like a fairly nice little place instead of being a place that looks like it's about to fall apart you know last thing we want is the safety inspector showing up and condemning our little office but now that we've renovated it a bit it will be over yeah we're gonna need more of these panels I can tell you that right now that's fine this isn't going to be enough but that's okay so let me finish getting the rest of these panels in place here and then we'll see how it looks okay there we go the house is now green and looking significantly better than it did at first I also decided to add a plant because why not uh but this is now our office until we're able to buy something better which is what we will be doing in the next episode we have a whole lot of different houses to pick from 77 in total they range from itty bitty tiny houses all the way up to massive 709 710 square meter houses which is pretty large so yeah I'm looking forward to it I think it's going to be a great time but guys that is going to do it for today if you enjoyed the video you know what to do links in the description below so check that out as well otherwise my friends thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Welsknight Gaming
Views: 28,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Welsknight, Welsknight Gaming, Wels After Dark, House Flipper, Let's Play House Flipper, House Flipper Game, House Flipper Let's Play, House Flipper Gameplay, House Flipper Playthrough, House, Flipper, House Flipper Steam, Let's Play, Gameplay
Id: 6GVYZsptcm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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