First Helicopter Lesson - Cabri G2 Air Experience | ICE Helicopters Elstree

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[Music] so these are the pedals here so that's the one not always behind yes it'll always be like that and I'll it upstairs yeah you can do you can follow me through when I tell you to but I feel for ya it'll usually be like that in the hover I've moved yours forward a little bit 30 degrees this is the cyclic move around like that I'm just making sure it moves in all the directions and then this is the collective this particular fiction off that just opposite moving around so that goes up like that and you can see the blades as well increases or decreases Wow and then I'm here that's where the throttle is and that's the part you don't tell you know we don't touch that so if I were to touch that you lived up yes a lift you can lift up now so exactly that's pretty much how you hold it strong isn't it yeah it's different when it's when it's spinning and if your right hand on that one just like that and then remember there's a couple of buttons on here just don't press any of those yes they don't press yeah and the movement is like that that's how much is where'd you rescue out on your knee yeah pretty much like that you're be interested so that on door holders you can leave it for now but yeah I'll do all this so just making sure this is all working so it does a check of all the warning lights that's the red line so just say we've got no oil pressure in the little hair we don't because yet rubbing say dick it has a pump attached to it when the engines running then the pilot starts working then it moves oil around the engine bay the moment number six not running I've got plenty of fuel all the gauges correspond to one another which is good the X about nine degrees outside but I feel like it's probably a little bit colder it feels weak already more like five or six right so everything is looking normal yes this is their kind of artificial horizon at home yeah they're on my side and if you just check your clear round to the right on your side yeah okay perfect boys I'd say I have control is that what I do yeah yeah I'll put mine on as well make sure we can hear each other hello hello so that's ignition to go on [Music] just back it down now turn the alternator on and the clutch so the clutch engages the engine of the rotor system so this is our rotor rpm see because it's not spinning search on zero at the moment actually so it will join up with the with this needle when the clutch engages yeah just so you don't accidentally flipping of life so you'll see that start to come up in a second [Music] yeah just at the moment I don't insist all because it's only in the coal engine sometimes it can be slowed down too much by the rotor blades so we're just modulating it to make sure that the engine doesn't go too low just it's a bit of a cold day and I can see the clutch lights out which means the belts in the back fully tensioned so the engine is now fully driving the road system you've seen the needles have now joined so now explain feel pressure oil temperature sorry to come up as it needs to be up to a thirty in the meantime adjusting to check the ignition to us we've got two ignitions in this one for backup so I'll move it up to 2,000 rpm the engine is just there like up again then they'll turn the other ignition off limit was 1850 so oh well within that economy goes back up again a little bit about 2000 and we need the oil temperature to come up to 30 degrees it's just a little bit damaging for the engine but if you do it once it's not going to kill the engine but if you keep doing it over and over again eventually the engines not really gonna like it as much [Applause] some some do click radio call now just to get the latest information from the airfield q6 right hand wonderful okay okay so put the landing light on make sure this is all working which is we've got GPS on there and it's Wonder for six so basically what that was is he's going to be the pressure setting for the airfield so that we can calibrate this sudden it knows how high we are buzzy level so up to thirty on there now so that's all looking good so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna start opening throttle a bit so you can feel what I'm doing on here if you just loosely hold on to that I'm just opening it very very very slowly so that we got to the middle of the green which is there so I'm gonna test we've got a anti-ice of the engine so I'm just testing that so I'm gonna put it to hot we should see the RPM come down because now the air that's going into the engines a bit less efficient because it's hotter so that's coming down we're waiting let's go up which is and a breakfast just appears so now back to auto then put it on cold so we're turning it off making sure that it works in your position so this should go up that should reduce we'll see that little yellow brick disappear in a second [Music] look there we go back to Otto now I'm going to do is I'm just gonna very gently closed throttle just to make sure that in the event of an engine failing or anything like that that the rotors will slow down a little bit slower than the engine so the engine won't drag it down so what you'll see in a second is I'm going to reduce the throttle and recheck the warning lights come on to the curve the correct point and then I'm going to close it very quickly and you'll see the engine needle which is the lower blue one go quite quickly and the rotor one go a little bit slower I just make sure that works I'm slowly reducing it will get a flashing light here then a solid light then a horn there we go mute the horn close the throttle you see that come down slowly follows and that's what we're looking for every time yep back up again so there's a little switch on here so I'm turning that on you'll see the governor off my has now gone off so it means the governor's on which is the thing that regulates the engine RPM and what you'll see now have one throttle up when this hits 400 automatically you'll feel the throttle take a take over on its own and it will move the RPMs up to the middle of the green so I'm opening it slowly there we go all by yourself and then it will stop there at 530 what we need to do is just wait one of this oil pressure to come down it's just cuz it's cold and cold today so it's a bit more viscous I'm just gonna crack my door very slightly open we're just waiting for that to come to our past about six five six and what is the oil why do over the door I know it's so there's a little string on the door here I don't know if you can see it and so that kind of helps keep the door open a bit and then this thing here if you're kind of flying along you feel like you're pushing it in one way quite a lot putting a bit the force on consistently you can move that in the direction and it's got a little motor in it and it will move it on its own to kind of relieve the forces so what that doesn't just change the radio frequency so it's only it's just for easier down to your hands the collective and that's to talk on the radio to a drum track okay so that's come down now that's all pretty good all the frictions are off everything seen was ready to go you ready well good okay so if you just relax I'll tell them all ready to go we'll take off we're gonna cross over to the bay on the other side of the runway I'm gonna shut my door and look up there okay so stop raising the lever with my left hand squeezing a little bit of right pedal in as well just finding that sweet spot okay so now wherever we're just checking they're all the indication still look normal which they do know lights have come on no warning lights something like that all the indications are still good and the controllability feels normal as well so it doesn't feel like anything unusual is happening yeah exactly so I'm just gonna move us over to the right slightly because I need to turn off to the ripe I need a little bit of space at the tail - and - so the tails now clear - turning to the right I'm using the pedals now to turn to the right very very gently squeezing the right pedal no you-you-you can see the tail that's why we that's why I moved over to the majors to give us a little bit more room than we needed just to be on the safe side helicopter Juliet an immediate run okay so yeah followed me through on that control now make sure we clear the runway left and right which we are always yeah [Music] okay so you can feel how small the movements I'm making are really really really small just keep us here so now there's no turn very slowly to the left just to point out there just looking good sunscreen make sure the way clear the way behind us exactly okay just pull the cycling forward slightly you can see that started in acceleration just gonna carry on accelerating 50 knots we use back on the cycling you probably didn't feel much then very very small making sure we're still clear above clear around and climbing away so you can feel pretty much what I'm doing on the slightly you'll see what I'll do in a second when we make a turn yeah exactly okay so we are clear to turn so really really gently around to the right just like that yeah just so we point down the everyone so we're gonna climb up to 850 feet which puts us 500 feet off the ground so this is the out 50 okay so what I want you to do on the cycling I'll give you control on a second just keep us heading in the direction we're going and remember the web we look out we just look at the horizon that's the best place to look at and you can see that if we if they're pointing upwards a little bit the horizons going to move and if they're pointing downwards the horizon also moves up the windscreen okay so we just want to keep it more or less in the same place you kind of reference it on the bars over here we just want to hold it now follow the m1 and then do a slight right turn to follow exactly cool said we start pointing down over that way lovely [Music] yes I see how the horizons now move down so let's move the sonic forward slightly perfect [Music] so everyday we do small Corrections and then small movements exactly just a sign [Music] [Music] because there's quite busy bit around here so we are constantly scanning looking around just to make sure there's no other airplane two helicopters via local area yeah yeah and that just comes with with experience [Music] minor commits no no this is perfect [Music] that's quite good if you like dudes they can go back to centre exactly yeah okay so I'll take control again so you can just relax nice one again to go Annika Bravo Hotel okay now to read your bio brawn so this is our espied here so the bone we're doing about 60 dogs and what I was explaining before was the if you point the helicopter downwards because I pointing down increase our speed you can see it's just creeping up there but our vertical speed is saying that when descending and our altimeter which is our height is also saying that we're descending so we just need to raise the collective a little bit and that counteract it so now our new attitude which is holding looks like about 75 knots pointed a little bit more down but our power has gone up slightly so what I want you to do is with your left hand is hold on to the collective for me so you can hold on to the cyclic if you want but I'll just give you control of the collective so with your left what we get to do is just reduces the power says 50% so really gently squeeze it down very nice and you can see that now vertical speeders were going down and by descending if you want to stop the descent just pull it the other way so raise the leaver again back up to about sort of 50 to 60 keep up about 60 fairly quickly no not rapidly but yeah perfect and our vertical speed says zero so we're staying at the same altitude which is nicer at about 1,100 this is the m25 yeah so this is a Watford and Arsenal training ground do you support football team okay so what I was talking about with this pool you can just relax now again so let's say that we're pointing this direction sorry we're traveling this direction but we're pointing over in that direction we're still going that way but the balls come out and the stringers come out are you so we step on the ball pulls out to the right so if you put your feet on the pedals for me there we go that brings the ball back in the middle you want our pointing it on the correct direction I'll take the pedals my knees have a go my ground is like pretty much in this direction and we're going to turn around it or move back in the other way [Music] what they cater to our perspective are echoes of yours [Music] so we always make sure that gauges and everything looking good kind of a five or ten minute intervals throughout the flight cool so see how the speeds come back just a little bit so let's increase our speed so I need to yeah so ease cyclic forwards lovely yeah they're just a little bit just to kind of keep us and what you'll notice as the speed increases so I have control follow me through as the speed increases like this I'm not gonna do anything at all I'm gonna leave it where it is watch what happens to the helicopter as the speed increases nothing anything it goes back up again that's called the flat back so it's just the blades getting a little bit more efficient on one half of that they're making the nose kind of climb up so when you increase your speed the helicopter was to do that so you have to kind of move it a little bit more almost exactly so you can have control again and recycling [Music] yeah when it's SAP and it's a day like this yeah we're gonna turn I don't go in front of that very brief idea Julia Rosie can you see that lake over there just on the nose back over the clock so that's pretty much where we're heading the airport's just to the right of that so I'm just gonna start bringing the collective leaver down just to start a descent but if you hold us from about 60 knots that would be an ideal so see how when we do that the speed goes down nice lon lovely and you see the clump of houses just in front of us will aim just to the right hand side of those pretty much follow that on the helicopter it'd be a care of in this way [Music] yeah 60 all the way until we get in the air feel cool a little bit to the left here nice one yeah exactly then also tell ya also time with a collective can you see the airfield prepare so just to the right-hand side of the lay just over where the lake is over there just to the right-hand side of it there's a big open field with a little line through it you know just stay in this direction that is perfect we've just ended and I got back a Juliet my brother got you little helicopter ahead with water by car ready for [Music] the back of the five [Music] it's good so all I've been doing is gradually getting much lower and lower [Music] you have to make me yeah you don't want to do it don't do it with me all right so I'll take a job now you could just relax and I'll just do the final bit of the approach so on this bill we're just in the area that we're landing on and we've just been going on kind of coordinating with the collective pedals and cyclic to kind of keep us down a almost an imaginary line all the way down to the landing site which is that little little square in front of us [Music] [Music] so we've got a slight northerly way Batman attorney to wait just as we get a little bit lower and it's bubbling up to the circle over there [Music] we always like to learn him to wait just a little bit safer you see that right pedals coming back in now the way getting close to the ground using a bit more power [Music] so what I'm gonna give you first is the the pedal and what we're gonna do if you follow me through now the goal is to carry on point to that tree you see that big tree above us so I want to do is you just want to stay pretty much pointing at that if you see that leg up to drifting around to the left like that just squeeze a bit a reputable there's a slight delay it's a little bit too much in and then it will slowly come back round equally if we're kind of going off to the right there yeah just ease back on the right that'll be made to put that pedal in to see he's back on the right pedal and we'll come back round but remember when we go to the left he goes a lot more together to the right okay so all the pedals one do that tree you have control [Music] so just squeeze a bit more right paddling there we go that'll make that'll make us come round and then as you get around as he's back on that nice one yeah so see how it spins quite quick to the left [Music] yes there's a little bit of fine-tuning involved [Music] that's why it's pretty good I'm touching it [Music] really small movements really small Corrections really is not have to keep you would be perfect [Music] [Music] right you can let go I have control of that down so what I look like now is the collective so I'm following me through left hand pretty much we're maintaining our fight here might not move in a huge amount if we squeeze it down and I mean very very slowly down see how we start sinking a bit similarly we speed up a little bit we start going up and the best way to do it I'll probably point us this way because it's a little bit easier see that pylon down at the end yeah if we go up yeah we can see more of that pylon yeah and if we go down we can see less of the pylon yeah so the best way to do it is pretty much stay staring at the pylon and modulating there however much you need as you see more or less so we only want to see about that much of the pylon so I can keep the collective where it is very slight adjustment is more or less staying there we start going up or we can see it before so I'll just pour a little bit then we start sinking and then just catch it back at the center again really really small movements to fine tuning okay so with your left hand or the collective you now have control [Music] and I see you can try making us go up go up if you want so just have a play with it get it and squeeze it gently down [Music] yeah so if you know how squeeze down on the collective nice and gently so just get a little bit low we'll hover a bit lower a tiny bit lower tiny bit lower oh yeah and a bit lower keep going all the way down lots of you landed it okay so we'll go in reverse now so if you do the collective really really gently start raising it up so looking straight out ahead again next face looks yes the little bell on the bottom that's just getting our power kind of up and ready and you'll feel again what we call light on the skids in a second so a bit twitchy - ready to go nice one keep breathing very good nicely done there we go not that have a bit of a change of scenery so now if you'll go with the cyclic which is the exciting one yeah I think you might be alright with that judging by the rest of it yeah so what we're doing with this one is what maintain your position on the ground so if we start if the helicopter so it starts drifting to the left like that will correct it with a little bit of right tiny bit there's a big delay wait for it to do something and then back to center again it's very common to get kind of a phase of going like that oh I need to correct it that way and then you overdo it oh I need to end it that way and yeah it's put a pilot induced oscillation so remember just what do you make a correction let it let it do what it needs to do afterwards and then if you need to kind of make four of a correction then you found it okay so really really really small movement small Corrections honest I don't even control okay I'll take it yeah just very very very slightly okay you have to go I'll take it [Music] yeah it will feel that after right it is just reality its although I remember the first time I call the OKC looking at that my line again good I think you have control at Westfield good so just like that yeah I see how it does stop and then factor Center like that yes yes of a let's move to the left of them goodbye that's right I'll move us back I Patrol [Music] 9,000 contraction that nice a couple minutes don't do too much for the very fine alright so looking out at that tree just over there yeah look at the tree you have control so it's slightly pause yeah that much good oh good yeah that was pretty nice though yeah you drive one more go back in yeah this tree with the cyclic you have control that's right Hanna contractor Juliet across helicopter so I do make sure we're clear behind as well very good so now we just let the aircraft cool down for about two minutes five well no it's the first time you do it it's something completely new so it's always gonna be a little bit but it'll you'll do it I remember doing it you keep doing it you're like why isn't it doing what I wanted to do and then I'll for about ten hours you kind of go oh well that does that does that and then then you get more and more confident with it and you know you it's all about anticipation and you know that whole that's going to do that so I better do that only little bit [Laughter] yeah it's I mean in theory it's just a drop in temperature but to kind of look after the airport a bit more we always leave for two minutes because the longer you leave it yeah it just doesn't want to be good going from kind of very hot operating to very cold so you kind of put in the pit in the middle just to allow it to gradually cool down selectively it is now I'm gonna close the throttle and then I'll just make the clutch which removes the drive [Music]
Channel: ICE Helicopters
Views: 441,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, lesson, flight training, helicopter training, cabri, g2, elstree, hertfordshire, helicopter flying, essex, helicopter essex, london helicopter, trial lesson, exercise 3, air experience, first time flying, guimbal, cadbury g2
Id: 8YAjNsWNH2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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