How to Fly a Helicopter in 6 Minutes! [Airbus EC120B!]

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everybody Brian chase Kevin Nelson here we're with our ec120 number 82 to that go tell you I wanted to walk around tour with Kevin Nelson the man the myth the legend [Music] so this is enough to hop into a helicopter and get yourself killed absolutely brief most concise version of how to fly what are these controls why is that so yeah real quick here we've got three major control points to fly a helicopter obviously a pilot sitting here it would have his left hand or showing you left hand here right hand here and feed on there now there's all sorts of navigation communications but we're not going to go into that sure obviously a rated pilot needs to know the rules and regulations of communication things like that on a moderate that kind of stuff but we're just going to talk about the physical movement or the body of the helicopter all of you at home sit in your death chair watching this YouTube video or whatever it is we're going to talk first about this thing it's called it's called the collective it's a collective lever and it goes up and down it doesn't go left or right you know it does have a throttle where you're doing the engine we're just talking about moving a helicopter so moving up like this we're down okay so you go up the houses get smaller you go back down the houses get bigger okay so you go up like this for a little while the people that you see next to you have now become why is it called the collective a collective moves the pitch of the blades that we're going to show you that collectively changes the pitch they all change the same amount they're for popping us up straight up in here okay next thing I'm going to talk about the cyclic like like the cyclic right hand like this it hardly moves in flight you know it's it's you're seeing this kind of movement it's not going like this the Red Bull rolling over helicopters right but you saw flying yeah that is the frisbee steerer imagine a frisbee on top of my thumb as I move this left right for when you throw a frisbee with a slight left ant I can't - yeah right you throw it's gonna turn to the left okay this is steering my frisbee when those blades are all spinning it's just a frisbee up there just think of a frisbee and if you throw it with the nose up on that frisbee it's gonna take off if you tilt it down it's gonna kind of nosedive to the right left so that's just controlling the frisbee at your frisbee controller but it's called a cyclic because it cyclically changes the pitch of the blades individually as each blades at a certain point in a spin [Music] blades to tilt your older offers your aggregate frisbee that is made up of three blades ending around at 400 rpm independently minuscule e changing their pitch okay I just move it where I want to move the helicopter and that will tilt you forward back right you know right and you can go forward laughing you can go in a circle okay thank collective collectively change pitch cyclically tune it now this one's the interesting one this were our feet set so these are not rudder pedals has a lot of airplane they sure look like yeah they do control the is driving those rotor blades so I'm creating a torque in the airframe okay and what's that break ground from the friction of the friction of the ground the skids on the ground yeah I don't have another holding myself steadies her it's gonna unwind this airframe would start spinning the opposite direction of those rotor blades so out on the end of a moment if you engineers out there in the audience at the end of a moment arm we've got a smaller road that's turning or is working in a horizontal plane instead of the vertical plane okay so I have to push these pedals depending upon what I do with the collective the more up I do with this the more I have to push the right pedal in simplest terms a countersteering that's right if I go down with the collective I'm gonna have to write and apply some left so as you pull up with the helicopter you have to add I have to add right in this vise in in certain manufactured helicopters in certain parts of the world it's the other way around you lift up you gotta push left I can put a guy in here who flies other helicopters gal and I have to remind them you just keep the nose pointed where you need to point it in front of you but the more I pull the rapid more rapid I do this I'm adding torque I've got a counter or anti torque that with my aunty torque pedals those are anti-torque pedals cyclic collective anti-torque pedals both hands both feet combined with my brain are in process that's why I helicopter flying is a lot of fun yeah you do this now you can have an autopilot or whatever that that can do this stuff but your hands flying it you're always flying it guys that I know that hours flying airplanes go that's the most fun I've ever had in aviation it's gold I'm looking forward to three minutes that's how you fly a helicopter come on out and we'll actually show you one let's do it thanks for watching everyone please like and subscribe to our channel to see more of these videos I if I gave somebody the controls after giving them that little spiel set them in there even you an airplane guy I'm gonna be taking the controls away in a hover and in less than 10 seconds and that helicopters going to be doing this a lot of finesse and usually it's just lightening up your fingers [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Chase Aviation Company
Views: 36,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Fly a Helicopter in 6 M, flighttraining, becomeapilot, pilotlife, aviation, helicopter, helicopters, airbushelicopters, airbus, eurocopter, ec120B, ec120, aircraft, aircraftforsale, how to fly a helicopter, flight lessons, learn to fly, test flight
Id: TUHmJi7ef8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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