First Day of Preschool Virtual Teaching

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Hey everyone, it's Sheryl from Teaching 2 and 3  Year Olds. I just finished my very first online   class for the school year of 2020-2021, and if  you've been following me for a while you know   that we will not be starting school at least  until November. I think it's still up in the air.   So we're starting the year online. I had a  little bit of online experience last spring,   so that really helped. It kind of boosted my  confidence so that when I was planning for   this new school year, I had a little bit more  idea of what to expect. So today I met with my   students for the first time online, and I thought  I would share a little bit about what we did. Now   I have told you all: simple, simple, simple, and I  remembered that as I planned. So I have my laptop,   and we use Zoom, and then we put them all in  a waiting room, and then when we're ready to   start our meeting we bring them into- into the  meeting. And so I thought I'd show you some of   the things I have. I have our class mascot, this  is Barney, and the children haven't met Barney   yet because they haven't been in the classroom.  So I was just- I'm sharing how Barney will be   here when they come here, and that he  wanted to see what we were doing too. It is so good to see you all on our very  very first meeting! And I'm Miss Sheryl,   and Miss Susan is here, and this is... this  is Barney! And Barney loves to go to school!   I'm in our classroom today and barney is too!  And then I also had a very simple book. Now I've   told you all that I love doing interactive books  when we're in the classroom. Books that get the   children to participate. Same thing with online,  I chose a book that had flaps. This book is Toes,   Ears, and Nose. And so each book- excuse me, each  page has a flap, and beneath my scarf is a nose,   and so I asked them to touch their nose.  And we just went through the whole book,   very short, very simple. Toes, ears, and  nose. Can you show me where your nose is?   Where's your nose? Can you touch  your nose? Under my hat are two...   one... two ears! Can you point to your ears?  Can you wiggle? Can you wiggle your ears?   Do you have ears? And my coat protects my back.  Okay reach way behind and touch your back.   Touch your back! Another thing we did was we sang  Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star. So we're gonna start   off with Twinkle Twinkle Little- do  you know what this is? "I don't know"  It's a star! A star, it's not a circle! It's  not a triangle! It's not a square! It is   a star! So I have my music that I'm going to  turn on I'm going to get it on here and...   here we go! And if you know  the song you can sing with me! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.. Twinkle Twinkle  Little Star, how I wonder what you.. And   I created these little star sticks.  Now last year I had the wooden sticks,   but so many of you said we would love to have some  of this too, that I decided to create a printable,   and I just published the blog post, so I'll  put the link in the description if you'd like   to make your own twinkle sticks. So I just  printed it on card stock and I taped it to   the back of- I used an 8 inch craft stick,  but you could use just a regular popsicle   stick too. I just like the larger ones because  they're easier for the children to hold, and   I got these on Amazon and the link is in that blog  post as well. So right now I'm holding the stick,   but eventually I'm going to give them their own  prop box. They're going to come and pick it up   and they're going to have their own star, and they  will hold it with me when we sing Twinkle Twinkle.   And then the other song we sang was The Wheels  On the Bus. ... something you might know this   song, do you know what this is? It's a bus!  Do you know the song The Wheels on the Bus?   Do you know that song? And you can make the wheels  go round! Let's try that, can you make it go round   and round round and round? I'm gonna make it go  faster! The wheels are going faster! And now slow!   I have a song that's going to talk about,  that's going to sing the wheels on the bus.   All right, let me get my music  on again, let's try this. The wheels on the bus go round and round... A   door! The doors on the bus... uh oh it's  raining outside! Get your windshield wipers up!   The wipers on the bus go swish swish...  oh you're gonna love this one! The horn!   Beep beep! The horn on the bus goes beep beep...  This is another free printable that I have   on the website, I'll put the link to this in  the description. I picked out the ones that   were the song that we used, and I just had  the songs, I created a playlist on Spotify   for today. I like to have it ready to go. So I  had two songs, the twinkle twinkle little star,   and the wheels on the bus, and I will put  the links to the specific songs that we used   in this blog description- excuse me, in  this video's description as well in case   you'd like to use them. They're the same ones  that I used in the classroom. I love them,   there's lots of different versions so whatever  one you choose is fine. And then we just had- um,   we had a goodbye song, the same song that we sing  in our classroom during what the end of the day,   which some of you asked me what it is and it's  just basically I go to each child and when they're   in the classroom I tap on- Barney taps on each of  their heads and it's "goodbye Elsie, goodbye Sam,   goodbye Reese, we're glad you came today." And  then you just do that for every child. So I did   that in the meeting. That's how we ended it.  My goal is for them to become familiar with me   and that way when we do get the green  light to come back in the classroom,   they will feel like they know me, and they'll  feel a little bit more like they know some of   the things, because we're going to sing these  same songs in the classroom when they come in.   We're going to sing the same good  morning song, the same goodbye song,   I'm starting it right off now as much as I  can to be as familiar... to be as... very   similar to what we would do in the classroom.  So the whole thing lasted about 20 minutes,   and the one other tip I wanted to give, I told the  parents when we do the zoom meeting to rename it   so that it has the children's name there. And that  helped so much, because I could see the names,   because I'm still getting to know them. And I am  so happy that you joined me today! Oh, I almost   forgot one thing! Our goodbye song! This is a fun  part. This is new to you so I'm gonna sing it,   and I'm gonna say goodbye to each of you.  Ready? I'll start with Miss Susan. Goodbye Miss   Susan, goodbye Sam, and goodbye Elsie, we're  glad you came today! And don't forget Barney,   we're glad you came today! Okay I hope  we'll see you on Thursday, have a good day! And then um one more thing was that  they brought a favorite stuffed animal.   I found this is if nothing else, this  is comforting. We do this at school too   ,so they brought their stuffed animal  and I suggested that if they wanted to,   they could use this as their snack time. So  several of the children were either- they   were sitting at their table and they were eating  while they were participating, and I found that   really helps too kind of keeps them a little  bit more focused. So those are the tips that   I would give for our first day, first week. We'll  actually probably do it like this for two weeks.   The themes that I'm using are very similar to  the themes that I'd be using in the classroom.   This week was kind of All About Me, just getting  to know each other. Next week we're going to be-   the next two weeks, we're going to be moving- or  maybe a week, I have to look back at my schedule-   we're moving into apples, and so it'll be very  similar, but I'll change out some of the songs   and the book will be more theme related. And it  went really well! You know that feeling on your   very first day, no matter if it's in the classroom  or if it's onlin,e you're always so relieved   when you're all finished, you're like yay! We  did it, we survived, and it was great. So those   are my tips for my first day of virtual teaching.  I was telling my husband this morning this is my   21st back to school. For 20 years I've had  experience having a regular back to school.   21st year I had to learn something new, but I did  it. You can do it too if you haven't started yet,   and I will share more tips on what's working,  what's not. I also am putting everything I'm   doing for my virtual teaching is all in one blog  post, it has everything that we've done since I   started in the spring. I'll drop that link in  the description as well. Thanks for watching!
Channel: Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
Views: 63,258
Rating: 4.9157157 out of 5
Keywords: toddlers, preschool, early childhood, education, teachers, virtual teaching, online, back to school
Id: YyytK02WjlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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