First Day of Remote Teaching

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[Music] hi guys happy official first day of school i was all ready to start filming because i plan on doing a vlog today and i forgot my camera memory card at home so i went to turn on my camera and there was no card so sorry that this is an iphone vlog but happy official official happy official first day of school let's start off with an outfit of the day so this is my outfit today i have on yet again another amazon headband i have target earrings i have this shirt kind people are my kind of people and i really don't remember where i got it from i have an amazon skirt on and my teaks so this is the outfit of the day so that's what we're going with today anyways today i said is the first official day because this is the first day that i'm doing a google meet with my students i have my google me in less than an hour it is 8 20 and my first google me is at 9 20 and i really wanted to share with you what that looked like but i'm going to be using my phone to play music for my class so i can't just record for you guys so i'm just going to have to show you the befores and the afters and just talk you through it so let me show you first what i do so first this is my remote teaching set up this table normally lives there with these stools and guys no one's gonna be in here for the first quarter of school and i really needed an area where i could teach so i love this because i have a background and if i need to write anything on the whiteboard i can i have my books that i want to read at the beginning of the year i have everything at my fingertips that i need and if you turn around over here you can see everything so i made some of these because of greg smedley over at kindergarten smorgasbord amazing he has these as freebies on his blog so i'll link his blog down below i was like duh i went ahead and made a because stick i normally have the because up there but since we're going to be online i needed a stick this is just a way to get kids to explain their reasoning so when we talk about what's your favorite color my favorite color is purple because blah blah so i have my school device ready so i can have a second screen i have my main computer where i'm going to be using so this is the view that the kids are going to be getting so i like that i'm going to be teaching to stand but i also have a stool if i want to sit down as well i have a few essentials first of all starbucks back there because duh and then i'm going to be putting this lipstick on right before the meat um i'm not going to put it on right now because if i have to go to bathroom and wear my mask i don't want to get that all over i have sticks with the students names written on the back so i can still do random callbacks and call the kids i have my water because i'm talking a lot and then my portable speaker i have my wireless doorbell [Applause] because i plan on using that still as an intention attention getter so when they hear that they cross their hands and look at the screen or look at the camera i am just going to show them what they're going to need that's in their folders if they don't already have it then i just have some markers and highlighters and things are there i have post-it notes i have a place if i need to take notes and then i have some other things like make sure that your camera is on and like yes or no and handheld whiteboards and the whiteboard i made for them to use in class so this is my setup i am just going through my slideshow but i do have my lesson plans right here i only have today's actually a kind of short easy day as far as google meets i only have a google meet at nine and i'm gonna try to be done with it by 9 30 just because i want to try to get into that habit morning meeting is only supposed to be 30 minutes and then we break off into small groups from 9 30 to 11 30 however i'm not starting small groups yet because i'm not sure how we're going to do those yet especially with audrey we need to um kind of get together and see like is she going to take her students on her caseload and then i do the other students or are we gonna do like a mixture because i don't want any kid to have to be online all day i'm giving myself the first couple weeks to not do small groups just because i want the kids to start getting in um in the habit of just showing up for morning meeting and then once that gets into a routine then i'll add small groups again i don't plan on having every kid meet with me every single day it's just going to be maybe a couple times a week for no more than 30 minutes so every day 30 minutes for every kid morning meeting and then small groups once maybe every other day once a week it just depends on the families so morning meeting is live and then they have the rest of the day to work through assignments right now they're just learning how to use altitude learning but everything else is like going to be self-paced since i have some families not doing any of the work until later today and that's why i'm going to be recording all of my google meets to make sure that they're good to go anyways i'm going to go to the bathroom and then check in with audrey she's across the hall but she's going to be joining today's google meet and i'll let you know how it goes if i'm able to remember to film some of this i will and we'll just see how that goes all right so i have my phone propped up right here i don't know where the camera is i have my phone propped up so i mean it might be a little shaky i will try to film some of this morning meeting because i do want to share what i'm doing with you guys and i think that would be really fun so i'm excited let's go ahead before any of us start can we make sure that all of our microphones are on mute kelly and hayden so as you guys are coming in make sure you guys are on mute i know we're super excited because it's the first day of school and we want to be able to talk to all of our friends and don't worry we will have time to do that in just a second so just make sure you're all mute all right i think we're all good so first what i'm going to be doing is the way that i'm going to be taking attendance every day is during the morning meeting so i just have my roster i'm just going to take attendance really quickly eleven all right guys so we're gonna go ahead and get started my name is miss reese and i am your third grade teacher and welcome to third grade you guys are officially third graders you are no longer second graders and i know that this is like the weirdest way to start third grade but i promise i will make it as fun as possible and i'll make sure that we're muted and make sure that we're gonna have a great year you're going to learn a lot and i'm really excited to have you guys back in the classroom so i want to go over a few things and then we're actually going to have some time to be able to talk to each other but just like i said make sure you're always muted because if your microphone is on we're going to hear feedback and it's going to be really hard to be able to hear one another so i actually have you guys on two computers that way i can see you guys on one computer and i can talk on the other computer so if you see me looking down or at the other computer it's just because i'm looking at all of your wonderful faces so i am going to oh i can see all of you guys on one screen over there all right i'm gonna go ahead and share my screen and like i said as we're doing this just make sure your microphone is still muted and then i will give you time later to unmute but just wait for now so before we get started with sharing which i'm sure you guys want to talk to all of your friends which we'll get to in just a second every morning when you guys come in and this will start in a second i'm just gonna pause it every morning where you guys come in you guys can come in up to 10 minutes early don't come in any earlier than that because you're just gonna be staring at a blank computer screen but if you enter and you see this screen you're gonna see in the bottom corner over here there usually will be a timer so even if you pop in a little early you'll be able to see oh i'm five minutes early i still have time to get ready for class so before we go over this one um another thing is that when you see that timer you're also going to be hearing music so the thing about the music is and be able to share the space with me all right so there are a couple things that i'm actually going to skip through just because the first day is always a lot longer than normal so we'll go ahead and put this in maybe tomorrow's morning meeting and again with the same activity we'll go ahead and do that next time really quickly um what you're going to see every single day is every day you're going to come into morning meeting and like i said it should only last 30 minutes the rest of the day you guys are going to be working on your own so after this i highly suggest like walking away from the screen and go take a break you can go outside whatever you're allowed to do you can watch some tv if you're hungry you can get a snack but definitely i know learning from home is a lot harder than learning in school because sometimes our eyes get tired of staring at the screen so make sure to give yourself a lot of breaks throughout the day we're going to have four cards in altitude learning now the steam team the special teachers are having um like a tech help desk so if for some reason you're not able to log into altitude learning so i did it class is over my desk is a mess that's crazy look at all that it went longer than expected just it's the first day of school and i cut out an activity but i have an hour before office hours and yeah most of my kids came i think only six didn't make it out of 24 now officially so i'm going to clean up and charge my computer but successful first day hey guys so again i apologize for not bringing my camera because today was a day i definitely wanted to videotape and vlog and share with you guys so you guys did see parts of my meeting um it definitely went longer than 30 minutes but that's because it's just the stuff i had to do as far as like going over things and going over rules and i wanted to do a um growth mindset activity but i just i didn't have time for that but i was mentioning that today is wednesday so i have my office hours at 11 30. it is 10 30 right now um yeah i took attendance with my roster i think six kids weren't able to make it two parents did message me ahead of time i have a ton of emails from parents and unfortunately once nine o'clock hits honestly like once 850 hits and i hit send i uh unfortunately i cannot answer emails or help people with technical issues our school does have a help desk that they put together so hopefully parents are utilizing the help desk because once my google meet has started i can't help them get in because i'm teaching like i said i'm only doing morning meeting right now live and just going through slideshows and stuff like that i guess other grades are having issues with kids going in the google link um after the google link is over google me is over so we are going to move over to like password protected google meets but we just found out about that yesterday and i did not have time to tell my parents or make a video on it so i'm going to do that like i said i have an hour i am thirsty i'm so tired of talking but i'm going to sit here and make a tutorial on how they need to use the altitude learning platform i already know i have a bunch of emails about them not being able to log in it's very frustrating this is a learning curve so i'm going to make as many tutorials as possible and answer as many questions as possible and hopefully people show up to my office hours but yeah it was good though it was good most of my kids came so i said i have 24 kids so one two three 16 out of 24 came so that's pretty good especially for the first day um but yeah i'm gonna go ahead and go drink some water finish my tea and make a tutorial video for altitude learning and hopefully get all that done so hopefully i'm done by noon because that's when lunch is and then i can start planning so bye guys so i'm living a glamorous life my office hours on wednesdays are in the morning because i'm guessing that once we get into a routine normally wednesdays are early release days for staff meetings so i'm guessing on wednesdays we'll do staff meetings or plcs or ieps but for right now i am in office hours for 30 minutes it just started no one's in here yet so i have my work computer for office hours and my personal computer i'm making a tutorial for my students assignments and answering lots of emails about login issues so be prepared for that like it's normal and be flexible and don't get frustrated because we can't help the technology that's going on but you can just be as helpful as possible do as many videos as you can like to answer anybody's questions so that's been my biggest thing that hopefully is helping people hi guys it is lunch i actually finished lunch a little bit ago but you know me i like my working lunches so i can get done quicker um i am having to upload my tutorial video that i made and then i'm going to make a stream post for altitude learning just think of it as like your facebook wall and then for now until parents and students are really familiar with checking altitude learning i'm going to be also sending it in an email so i can get it in two places i have one parent that i don't have an email so i'll probably call them and see if they have an email and because they're missing a lot of stuff guys i am having so much fun on this altitude learning platform didn't think i was going to love it as much as i do already and i just the kids have all their assignments there it's so interactive they can make videos to share with me and others they can comment in each other's stuff i wish i could explain it without like i can't really share my screen with you because my kids names and assignments are all over it but it's so good i don't know if i mentioned it but we right now are the only state the only state the only school in my state using this platform right now so i don't know if this is going to be a platform that people can eventually start using but definitely a learning curve but i love it so one thing i really like about this platform is that i assign cards and that's what the assignments are called and then i can click on the assignment and it organizes all of the work for me by student and then i can see in all their work even if it's in a google drive link like i opened up a slideshow that i wanted them to edit and so they could just open it and it automatically links to this card so they don't have to submit it to me or anything um the part that i like is now that i'm going through and checking their work there are some students that missed a step so i can either hit move to approved and we're good to go and once i start assigning standards and objectives to it it'll start collecting data on the students these are like ungraded because we're teaching them how to use a platform so for example a couple students did the message board part but they forgot to do their slideshow so i'm able to write a comment just saying like hey don't forget to do the slideshow and then when you do go ahead and resubmit it to me for approval and then i can move their card on their playlist from submitted to an assignment that they have to do so it's really nice because instead of just like google classroom which i thought was going to be so much easier to do but now that they're learning how to use this i in google classroom they send you an assignment but it's going to be harder to push it back to them this is literally they can't take it away from their playlist until they get it approved by me so this is kind of really cool all right so i can show you a little bit better of what i was talking about so i've gone through and i've graded quote unquote graded because these aren't grading but it'll tell you when you have things to look at so i'm on my last card nine students have submitted it but this is nice because it tells you that 18 kids are still working on it and 10 kids have finished it and approved it and then same thing here so this one nine kids have submitted it so i'm just going to click through and then i'm going to approve all of it so it is 307 and i'm pretty much done for the day and if this were a normal day i'd probably be going home and finishing remotely but i am waiting for this video to upload and it's been uploading for [Music] three hours now and it's at 74 and there's 33 minutes left and i'm pretty sure that it froze and i really needed this video to go up today because i need to use it to send in an email so this is very frustrating um i guess for now i'm just going to clean up and prep for tomorrow's google meet but i did not get any planning done for not next week next week i'm already done but my biggest tip is you need to get ahead on planning like more ahead than you think because there's a million more steps it's not just lesson planning and going to make copies and then teaching your kids it's planning making it digital sharing it making any videos of you teaching making any tutorials on how they do it and then you have to edit and then you have to upload and then you have to put it in an email or in whatever message platform you're using and it's just a lot so i'm going to clean up if it's 3 30 and it has not uploaded i'm gonna have to go home and upload it it is kind of a long video it's 23 minutes and i don't plan on making videos that long for teaching but it's also another reason why i want to have my older laptop just be my video editing one unfortunately i started uploading on my macbook air and that's the one that i actually need to take home my macbook pro i could have kept here and had it just continue uploading overnight i don't know but um that's what i'm gonna do all right guys so that video is just stuck on 74 so i'm going to clean up and if it hasn't moved i'm just going to oh my god i remember where i left off i got scared someone knocked in the door and it scared me i'm going to stop that upload and just upload it at home hopefully this is not an issue that happens all the time but overall today was very good um all of my students but two have either come to the google meet or done their assignments for the day so 22 out of 24 kids which i don't remember the last time i had 24 kids it was great but 22 out of 24 kids have interacted with school today i'm hoping that the momentum stays there and they're really excited to come every single day i really love the fact that i set up this table in front of my area i'm really loving this tripod apparently for my phone it came in really handy so another thing i wanted to share with you guys is i got this document camera like five years ago and i've never used it but it plugs into my phone and i'm going to be using it for videos so i will um share more of that when i start getting into my actual teaching videos but um i guess for the very first day some must-haves sticks with your students name on it music wireless doorbell or some sort of attention getter we still need those online and just visual reminders i got these again i'll link them but this was really good um when we start getting into talking more um this is going to help them expand on their thinking and honestly like this was such a good idea i mean i don't mean to be like such a good idea but i didn't even think about it my kids are using this and then taking pictures of their work and sending it to me on altitude learning and that was really cool because i was just thinking they would use this in google meets but they're very creative so i had a very first day of school even though this is sorry i keep looking different ways because i'm not used to talking my phone but this was a very successful first day of school as far as like our first google meet and it's only going to get easier so i would say today was successful i can't believe tomorrow's already thursday so i'm hoping that tomorrow's google meet will be much shorter my office hours aren't until the afternoon so i'm hoping to have a much bigger time to prep lessons and start filming them and now i know not to use the computer that i need to take home so i tried uploading but didn't work i apologize if the audio is weird or if the video's weird filming on my phone but i don't know it's real life so thanks for watching if you liked it go ahead and give it a thumbs up and hit subscribe so you can be notified of future videos um i don't know how often i'm going to be filming videos i have just been filming them a lot because a lot's happening and there's a lot that i want to share with you but um eventually we're going to start getting into a routine and these videos are going to be kind of boring for you guys to see what i'm doing every single day but when there's something interesting to share i will maybe i'll move to um weekly vlogs i'm not sure but for now i'm sharing um when i feel like sharing i guess anyways thanks for watching i'll see you guys later and until next time happy teaching bye guys you
Channel: Jennuine Teaching
Views: 144,176
Rating: 4.8893118 out of 5
Keywords: jennuineteaching, teaching, vlogs, education, elementary, teacher
Id: n_TKZdxFFJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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