Building the Sniper Hideout! - DayZ

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today we embark on a New Journey to become one of the most ruthless sniper teams in dayy taking on the many groups that dominate This Server all while remaining hidden in our secret sniper Hideout all right I'm finally in the server and it's a fresh wipe everything is gone and everyone has to start from nothing as for my plan well I'm teaming up with my good friend Tommy and we're going to become a sniper team we're going to essentially be sniper only build a little hidden sniper Hideout and maybe get some kind of Revenge or do a small raid uh we'll just see um to make things harder though we've only got 72 hours to play 72 hours isn't really a long time so we need it to be fast and efficient and so I went on the hunt for some gear oh yes here we go gun first gun of the wipe it's not a sniper but it we get us started oh there we go there's our first sniper though M24 not bad but no scope I to find a scope and some ammo okay SWOG I didn't really expect to end up here but here we are and honestly I really don't think I'm going to be the first person here zombie kill the guy I need to look [Music] fast give me the sniper okay we're out of here I'm dipping you might have teammates he did have a dvl though which is a suppressed sniper it's not really very good but it does sell for a lot so maybe we go to Trader with this and meet Tommy with some decent gear acquired I headed off to the Traer to meet up with Tommy but before we go any further with this video let me tell you about today's sponsor R Shadow Legends the sponsor of today's video is a tactical RPG with over 800 unique Champions incredible visuals and intense PVE and PVP content sounds good right well let me tell you more with Halloween coming up now is a great time to download the game you'll find a selection of Halloween Champions a few nicer to look at than others Madame sess has a great visual design CI the Lost bride has an interesting lore behind her character and little missan well just look at it there's a bunch more Halloween themed Champions to choose from along with the other 800 plus characters so why not at least check them out further this Halloween there will be treats and tricks rewarded through the ridard download the game now copy and paste your player ID and then head over to Red yard. from October 15th to November 10th to explore the haunted graveyard where you can gain in-game items as well as real life prizes from epic and Legendary Champions to Amazon gift cards with a total value of $20,000 on top of this if you are an existing raed player you can also head over to the ridard where you will find a special promo code that you can earn a small in-game gift consider it R's Halloween treat to you so don't wait any longer download the game now using my link in the description or scan the QR code on screen for some insan bonuses like epic Champion Talia a skill to and XP booster when you're in come find me under the n exclu and if you're fast enough you can join my clan now back with our story we were heading to the traitor to meet up with Tommy for the very first time all right I'm at the trator all right where are you Tommy there he is the man of the hour yo y yo you look like you're ready to roll you got the boony Hat got the Mandana got the sidearm pistol oh he's got a golden deagle no you're not having it I don't want it we should sell it we need to get sniper outfits now that me and Tommy were together it was time to focus on the mission and so we started selling everything we had in order to buy some stuff we needed so I'm literally now M24 only this would include a full camouflage outfit in order to help us blend in as well as some ammo supplies and food supplies and when we felt comfortable we left the tra to go on the hunt for some players and what better way to find players than g a vantage point point on one of the tallest buildings on this map yeah bro you take these and like kind of be my Scout I guess considering you haven't got a scope see if you can see anyone the idea behind sitting up here was to see if we could spot some players who were hopefully trying to build a base and if we could kill them well then we could get the Head Start we needed I see someone was that a zombie or a player that's a player that's a player oh that was well [Music] low I've hit him damn it dude unfortunately I wasn't able to take out that first player and for the next while the surrounding area fell to little dead but in Day Z things can change very quickly oh got the orange Bri you shoot first I can't see that two up the hill two up the hill see them yeah I can't even see that far [Music] over running away from it oh wait no one's at top of the hill dead oh my God was shot we have to push we have to [Music] push that you shooting yeah that was me yeah dark wonderer got ground the guy's team me managed to run away but we managed to get this guy's body and it had a few things before long we were back on top of our building waiting for our next victim which didn't take long at all I see him I see him far side in the car park is that our guy yeah yeah yeah I [Music] missed nice no no no leg broke leg broke leg broke good shot Tommy a poor guy poor guy did you full kill him uh I'm going to be honest my my Crosshair is bigger than his actual body is that far away from me my eyes so it's f hold dead hold dead nice shot bro nice shot this guy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but he gave us a decent amount of stuff to put towards selling at the trader well it's some cables well get them gloves on mate but it wouldn't be enough for the starter Beast we needed that's when a king of the hill popped up and we were interested Survivor C should we go for that it's getting foggy and it's rainy we can't really see much up here where is it uh let's see that's not too bad it could be [Music] worse it's foggy oh yeah it's not being C okay just don't push the crate straight away [Music] okay okay charcoal it's good oh bad not bad I think that might be enough for a starter Bas I think so got a green key card maritan guard house isn't that on the way back to Traer yeah it is okay is this the key card yeah it's in it's not M [Music] number okay golden AK ooh another charcoal that sells for a good M we can take these guns to sell right let's get out of here before someone comes yeah go go go go go go with a successful King of the Hill and key card under our Bel we headed over to the trailer to see if we could get the things we needed to start our sniper hide [Music] on bro there's so many people Traer man all right let's sell up Tommy see how much money we get and then buy what we need to get a stter base done all right I got 50k oh my God yeah that is crazy but yeah let me get a plot pool workbench wood shed and a code lock medium kiss kit will that do yeah yeah yeah okay right I got everything for a starter B in my backpack I got some storage and I got all the tools we're going to need to build oh perfect all right let's go find somewhere with us now obtaining everything we needed to get our first little be down all we had to do was find somewhere to build dude look at that [Music] tree like look at that one with all the branches coming out of it oh yeah dude this tree here with like the branches coming off it's kind of cool yeah if I put if we put a square in that tree like up a bit yeah it could work right yeah yeah I say we go for this this tree right here where they base location chosen all we had to do was claim it with the plot pole and then place our very own shed that way we can store away Loot and be somewhat safe okay we'll put the workbench there and we'll put our little medium keys right here it really wasn't much at the moment but before before long we would have an entire sniper hide [Music] on after taking a very short break we came back to the welcome of some shots nearby oh I'm going for that oh I see them I see them they're at a be Fortress building back at the door now dead dead nice shot dead and although the shots only took us to one guy it was a nice little warm up to get us back into the action uh J no way and after getting some nice loot from the body we would Depot in base before heading out to SWOG military base once again but this time for another King of the Hill that's 0% [Music] captured surely someone goes for this well as it turned out no one actually did come for this event except for a helicopter which Flo nearby but no one actually pushed us so this event was free for the attacking once again and the look we got was good including a key card which when we got back to base we would go and do as an opportunity to get some more gear Rodan camel [Music] building very poor very poor not horendous though all right let's go back to B we've got enough now to like buy more storage and everything so we're doing all right after doing the key card we would head back to base and it was here that I would gather all the valuables in order to do a trailer run ready Tommy yeah it was at the trader that we would sell up everything and use the money to essentially buy anything we needed to start our sniper hideout all right I got everything we need to start our little Hideout B okay 1.6 to all right we're going to building this tree when we got back to base from the trader we made a quick Depot before grabbing our hatchets getting to work cutting down trees in order to start building our sniper Hideout up in the tree we need to start with the floor right yep so we should be able to place this up here somewhere it's good yeah that's that's the best thing oh my god oh that's so good that's so good so we need stairs going up [Music] now that works right oh Tommy look at us I think we need one more floron out this [Music] way bro this is sick progress on the base had been made but we were far from finished we needed to add all the walls and get the first level complete so that we can move [Music] in looking good just got to get I think I want to put a window two walls and a floor so we need quite a bit more building done building this much meant we were tearing through our tools incredibly fast so another trailer rum was on the table I would need to buy hand saws hatchets and sharpening Stones if we wanted to be able to move into our base before logging off for the [Music] night after obtaining the bare minimum we would need to complete the base I left the Traer to head back home where a surprise was waiting for us dude you cannot see our base at all it's so hidden you cannot see it there's a guy on our B told me there's a guy in our BS where outside at the shed multiple three L I'm fighting them yeah yeah one dead no he's noted out oh one above above the base to the right the right pushing me pushing me pushing me the other one's bandaging fall Dead Fall Dead Fall dead nice nice nice we're still getting [Music] raed oh at the front again at the front full Dead full Dead full Dead one more one more somewhere oh I'm getting shot at Tommy you need to push out push out push out watch out yeah yep he's on the right side on the Rock somewhere okay I see him where where where oh yeah yeah I see him nice good kill I watched that okay one body's on me this guy's name was Tipsy key card they were off to do a key card with a three-man squad on our doorstep we need it to be faster we need needed our base complete and we needed that extra [Music] security and then if we just do that no one can get in they can see in but they can't get in with the Bas complete and secure we removed all the stories from our shed moved it into the treehouse and then it was time to call it for a night all right bro I think we're done for the day good night God bless and I'm going to bed good night the only question remaining was would Tipsy and His friends return okay day two and oh no we're red no way oh that sucks that really sucks okay I've logged up with everything I need so to rebuild so I just need to go to Trader to get a code lock fortunately I had logged out the previous night with everything we needed to rebuild in the event of an offline raid and boy oh boy was that a good call as it turned out but we were still missing a code lock in order to rescure the base so another Traer rum was needed luckily we still had the shed placed so I could Depot our valuables inside in order to make a risk-free trip to the trader all right back at the trader just got to get a code lck and a toolbox charcoal [Music] okay I think I've got everything we need to rebuild let's get back to base this time on the way home I would not have anyone waiting for us and could Depot inside the shed before making progress towards resecuring our base wood guard door craft oh thank God okay we're sealed before I continued with the morning I had another door before picking up a key card which I wanted to do before Tommy got online come on come on come on game come on we're about to do it ooh that's good go go go go go go just get me out of here man oh I hate doing that stuff solo man on the way home I would also be fortunate enough to find a hel crash and when I so calm suppressor that's all right and although I didn't get too much I returned to base safely and wait out the night for Tommy's return hello hello there it was from here that me and Tommy would head into nadbor in search of some building tools but we got a little distracted car driving on the road car driving at me where where where where where where on me right now coming I see I see I see the front window's gone front window's gone where they driving to now Bill don't know where they've gone oh they've stopped they're out [ __ ] okay I'm dead here probably I'm running they're actually so geared yeah one's on behind they're behind them oh me me me yeah I hit him okay nice nice I've lost s he's behind the shed I've hit him yeah yeah he's on con finish one full Dead full Dead full dead go go perfect perfect how many were in the car I don't know at least two I'm dead I don't that was in front of me just run back but I'm trying to flank around here get eyes on the truck from a different angle okay yeah yeah truck's clear I think one dead on the car with Tommy dead and me on ammo and more and more people getting involved with this fight we had to make a decision if this was even worth it anymore we had killed a few but for every one we killed there seemed to be two more so I pulled back to make a new decision should I should I just dip out this fight well I'm one and a half away it's your call though I got a gun as well pointless fight I would they know they haven't killed a suppressed sniper yet you know there's so many other shots here now too like there's just so many third parties I think it might be worth like just leaving this fight we got a few nice kills with the decision made to pull out of this fight I return to the Bas to see of my gear set it was here I would meet back up with Tommy along with our third teammate edin and make the decision to push a king of the hill to see if we could get some new loot that way swick scrapyard where's that a vehicle starts there too that's close we should go for that someone's cing it it's 18% comes comes yeah he's so Ked he knows I'm in there now go go go he's hit once I'm hit once he might be running out push he's dead nice okay guy on the C Point still yeah yeah pushing pushing pushing pushing us on me somewhere he is he's on he's on the left somewhere hit once hit once on on Con on con finish him finish him hold dead P dead hold dead I'm dead I'm dead left I no scoped him he's dead get in the building Lo hold on I'll check if this guy's dead yeah this guy's dead as well after clearing the King of the Hill of the current occupants we grabbed all the gear we could before making a small stash nearby it was going back to cap it that we ran into issues he broke my leg though get in get in oh oh more suppressed shots bro we need to get we need to move a raid but got damage get that get that I can't grab anything right now I got the r got the r what do we do what do we do is that can you walk on oh my God oh my goodness bro I need morphine or something we have so many shots to the point where it was freezing my game we decided to pull out of this fight I had a broken leg so it was a losing battle it was on the way back to base that we would have our first encounter with our neighbors oh behind two guys on me right now on me right now they're right on me straight to Ed need help dead head shot one nice nice nice oh my God that was disgusting don't see the other on ad on ad dead dead dead dead that was so laggy but is there another not that I know well dead that has to be the guys that live here this guy didn't really have much I am Lil Z remember these names because well they're quite important later on don't know who these guys are I think they might live in the shed though at at the time this encounter didn't mean much to us but later these guys would make a grave mistake and we would take full advantage in the meantime though we had a lot of loot to Depot and it was during this process of putting the loot away that we heard the beautiful sound of the most feared sniper on the server let's go oh that's a shay or a b or something we have to go for that go go go go go there it is there it is he's in the field right now I see him it's off to the right yeah I see him I see him he's on his own no there's one more there's two right car car car double bar it double bar it oh I see him I see him on the hill I'm going for the kill yeah you still still I hit hit he's on full Dead full dead nice okay one more one more where's the other one there was one more are we pushing up there Ed push it I'd push it I'd push it okay let's do it bro let's do it I'm coming down I'm might have to follow you cuz I didn't see it no we're going to be so in the open here I'm getting shot at direct me just direct me way further left way further left minute I've got he's in the base you close the door I hear it I hear it I hear it Tommy don't go oh car coming car coming straight for us I got the bar I got the bar he's coming straight for us just run just run just run just just run just run guy behind you guy behind you [Music] there he's lag broke me leg broke me edin take this and run edin just take this and run quick quick quick quick quick car anything bro you broke his leg leis no way I'm broke as well you need to kill him I've got a splint I've got a splint fix my leg he's dead I've got him nice nice nice got himy you're a legend no way 600 me shot and I got him they're both dead up there you broke his leg leis no way I think Ed got his leg Yeah I took a few I took a few shots I'm going for it I'm going for it I'm going for it right I'm back on this body I'm back on this body got a jug there's another guy here car on me car on me no I'm dead I just got smacked bro just get out of there with that baret I may have died but we got one baret out of that fight and that's all we would need to become one of the most powerful snipers on the server with it safely secured inside our base we had nothing to lose and Tommy was still working his magic he might be jumping out Loose he might jumping out watch out Loose he's dead no he's not I hit him again he might be dead he's dead he's dead he had a jug well there will be more guns in there there's nothing on the car I'm going for the bodies wait this pouch just has so much in it yeah wait my body had a sr25 and stuff on it where's that gone nothing in the car and that is why you should never give up in Day Z we had just won a fight that we should never have won and although we only got one out of the two bars it was still a massive success we would take the car back to be and it will become useful for a trailer run later on dude get me in the P get me in the P oh my god dude I'm so [Music] loaded bloody hell man after winning this much gear from a clan it was only right that we upgrade the base in case they followed us home we could not risk an online red as our BAS was still fairly weak [Music] this is going to look good ooh look at that [Music] view I have a cool idea I have a sick idea [Music] ooh that's [Music] cool that's perfect then we have like a little Peak outside oh that's [Music] nice this looks good [Music] yeah oh that's [ __ ] perfect bro works and just like that the base was basically complete but to end the night we decided to do a few of the key cards we had collected through the day and use the loot that we got to head to the trader that way we could buy all the extras we would need for the base to be fully complete and then I would be happy to log off just got another got a small k [Music] k we can put this little small kiss here after getting back to the base from the trader I placed down all the extras we had purchased before crafting and placing some extra doors for extra security and moving all the loot upstairs well day three our final day but one of the most disastrous starts we would continuously die over and over and be sent back to the coast over and over I'm dead being sent back to the coast like this wasn't exactly the best for morale when we were starting out for the first time on day three the last 2 days had been extremely good and well this was just getting us a little bit down I'm I'm dead if I'm being brutally honest I was considering quitting we had basically achieved everything we wanted to this wipe apart from our raids and to be honest I couldn't see us doing a raid within the time left we had but that would all change when a king of the hill spawned at nadbor military base uh vehicle helicopter I don't see it oh yeah I see it it's uh it's quite low oh they're circling the mission could be a clan here all right we need to get a little closer now see see what the percentage is [Music] on 82 there definitely a clan Captain it has to be our group if we can just [ __ ] swoop in and get the crate that'd be so good 's B back yeah yeah Ellie floating should try and make our way in now bro y rush it [Music] okay we got to keep cover from the helicopter oh where he's dead nice geared yeah full black suit with the king of the hill now captured we had to make our move we had already killed one guy and with the amount of shots going on we knew there was multiple groups here if we played our cards right we could swoop in and take the loot along with the helicopter that spawned in the middle oh one guy hit once where at where at he's on he was on a body down down there Le down left he's hit once head shot he's really weak guy in HQ dead yeah nice I saw him oh behind yeah behind behind behind in the field he's hit again hit again in the field nice we killed him yeah that's the one a head shot that's the one head some killed him who killed someone killed himin we need com on on me on me dead dead dead dead I killed him nice bro an arm that's good arm I will happily take that one my God this guy had another jug L someone needs to come grab this guy's jug and stuff I'll grab it yeah okay should I risk it yeah do it bro I can cover you but to what extent I don't really know okay cover me [Music] boys oh my God I'm off our luck had finally turned around and day three was finally back on track and it was about to get a whole lot better because as I left in the helicopter Tommy and edin were about to find a gold mine with a C4 and the helicopter maybe doing a raed would in fact be possible so I took the helicopter DET trador with the intention to try and sell it for another C4 in order to read our neighbors from earlier but that didn't really go to plan I've touched down follow 11 the eag landed yeah I know in fact the best offer for the helicopter was kind of insulting oh hell no I need like 100k at least man my man tried to buy a helicopter for 4K 4K and with no other offers we had to op for Plan B which was to use the helicopter to try and find bases which were a 1 C4 red go check that shed see what they got tell me what storage they got right and just let me know what stories they got in there it's also worth noting that when we came and sced at this Bas there was an air drop coming in nearby [ __ ] there's another hel here all right well oh there's three hel's here now including me oh God oh my God that black hog it just took so many shots what the hell is going on don't know what these two H are doing oh the the just got RPGs the hel just crashed out it just got RPG out of the sky after witnessing something insane we didn't want to end up in the C fi so we continued scouting bases to see if there was one that was viable oh there is a little base down there on our left look but that could be that could be two bases or two doors oh man got any storage no no all right I'll pick up and after having no luck we decided to fly home and it was here that our neighbors would make their biggest mistake yet need to find a way of hiding our helicopter I really wish we could land it on our tree but I don't think we can can we oh oh get a shot at got a shot at yep from the right I'm here it's going to be our neighbor I say land like half a kilometer away let's flank them from the if we run right right now no left I mean it had to be our neighbor who else could it be who would be here at that split moment this was a bit of a wild guess at the time but we felt it could only be them as they were the only base close by so we decided to Camp outside their base to see if we could hear them inside and well got a little more than we bargain for car coming loose car coming yeah they're pulling up pulling up pulling up should we wait yeah yeah until they open the door please don't see me he's lock in the car yeah one's in the base other guy coming what they're in dude hi oh another guy out another guy out where he's dead he's dead nice he's dead he's dead covering the door I'm covering the door need the bandage where you shooting yeah well this was a little embarrassing the biggest whiff of my Daisy career had just occurred and we were just about to find out exactly who this was uh I am Lil say I told you to remember their names and this is why but this was just their first mistake wait I got a car key on me no way no way dude no way it is thear key here no but I'm going hold the door admin [Music] okay going to go Parker off the road I decided to drive their car away in order to beat them out if we could make them open a door then there was a chance we could read them if it was a twodo red we just needed to get by one and with them being so close to our base all we had to do was run down the hill and grab the C4 before they made it back and that way we could get inside their base they just had to make the silly mistake of opening one of their doors again roof r r r dead dead dead oh my God I'm getting the C4 I'm getting the C4 they've left the roof hatch open are they on the roof right now is this dead body on the roof yes full dead on the roof it was ni again's time I needed get in rbas grab the C4 and then I could use their car to boost on the roof and use their hatch to get inside come on game yes yes bro I'm in I mean I'm placing the C4 I can't do anything bro you're on your own in there okay here we go arm breaching charge it's set okay I'm going to come outside now it's getting faster okay just need to make sure they don't close this flipping roof get out of there yeah oh my God I did not expect it to blow that quick that scared me there's loot my God there's actually they didn't leave the shed open no what's in here to be honest there wasn't too much in this bit of the base I guess they had it all inside that locked shed and unfortunately we didn't have enough to rid it so we left some traps inside the base before grabbing all the loot we could and then taking it back to our base it was somewhat of a raid but I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if it was a successful one in the meantime I grabbed the helicopter and took it back to our base this time not getting sniped by our neighbors right there oh it's so [Applause] [Music] good look at that right outside the sniper hideout and with our checklist now fully complete I guess it was time to say goodbye to the server but how do we end this thing well the B well at least that was the plan because it didn't end too well and well that's it boys well I hope you all enjoyed this video don't forget to download R using my link in the description or use the QR code to get some insane bonuses I'll see you all in the next [Music] one
Channel: Xclusion
Views: 751,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz movie, dayz base building, dayz tutorial, dayz base raid, base raiding dayz, dayz building base, dayz standalone, dayz pvp, xclusion movie, dayz xclusion, xclusion, xclusion dayz, Moving Base, Mobile Base, DayZ Moving Base, Rust, Rust Moving Base, DayZ Truck Base, DayZ Truck, DayZ Sniper, Sniper, Sniping, Hideout base, Base build, Sniper base
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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