FIRST CLASS on THREE Airlines in ONE DAY! (Which is best?)

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United American Delta which has the best first class we'll find out today as we fly all the way across the country in one day taking a flight on each of these three Airlines hello jet Setters right now we're in San Francisco on our way to New York we're flying all three major U.S airlines today in order to find out who has the best first class is it United American or Delta here's the plan we'll fly from San Francisco to Chicago for breakfast on United from there we'll grab lunch on an American Airlines flight to Miami before wrapping up the day with dinner on Delta to New York's JFK you might be wondering how we settled on this sequence of flights well we set some rules for ourselves first each flight has to be long enough for a meal second each leg needs to be on a similar type of airplane and third we intend to make this transcontinental trip in a single day this was a challenging itinerary to build and we weren't sure whether it would even work out thankfully I'm not traveling alone today instead Suzanne is with me now which leg are you most excited about I can't tell you yet because I'm coming into this with a complete open mind we'll just see how it goes we kind of each have our own favorite Airlines but today we're a black slate well the first one is on a 757-300 the true flying pencil what do you say we go to the gate and check it out let's do it all right our first leg will take three hours and 50 minutes to cover nearly 1900 miles on board this 20 year old airplane this will be the longest of today's three flights we got to the gate about 20 minutes before boarding plenty of time to check out the nearby United Club but as nice as that would be first class tickets here in the U.S at least domestic ones do not include lounge access so there will be no lounges for us today we made a video highlighting the biggest myths around domestic first class myths like that like lounge access I'll link to it below and for even more videos like that one be sure to subscribe so you don't miss our weekly videos most of the airport was quiet at this early hour but our gate was bustling and boarding began right on time about 40 minutes before departure hopefully the rest of the day goes as smoothly United put a whopping 24 of these first-class seats in their 757 300s that's going to be a ton of work for these flight attendants storing my backpack was no problem under this seat and we also carried suitcases on thankfully there was plenty of room up here there's loads of storage under the armrests at this seat [Music] with 38 inches of pitch here there's plenty of leg room and my window seat 4B offers not only one but two windows while there's no seat back entertainment on these airplanes here's something we're not going to see on the other airlines today an in-flight magazine not sure whether I enjoyed the root Maps or Fleet description more water was offered as a pre-departure beverage but coffee is what we really wanted mainliner dawn patrol service Chicago thank you so much in the air it's 3 hours and 43 minutes an on-time departure was a welcome first step for this day-long adventure here's hoping the rest of the flights operate this smoothly [Music] foreign once we were in the air I turned on my iPad again there's no seat back entertainment on this bird streaming movies were available through the United app which you'll need to download before departure to use on board unfortunately the flight Maps weren't working but there was some interesting information about our trip anyway Wi-Fi was also available it's eight dollars for Mileage Plus members and cost ten dollars if you aren't part of this free program so it really makes sense to join [Music] before our trip United sent an email inviting us to pre-order meals past me chose the egg scramble with ham and vegetables with the hope that future me now present me would be happy with it and I was often breakfast is criticized as a weak offering among Airlines but have had some truly delicious breakfasts on board Airlines recently and this was pretty good Suzanne chose the tomato and kale baked egg white pastry which she really liked too foreign we made great progress across a truly beautiful part of the country a swath I saw much closer when I traveled on Amtrak's California Zephyr I'll link to that video below the flight attendants worked hard on this trip and they had to with 24 people to serve In First Class unfortunately though that meant we did not see them very often had to wait a while for more coffee as we flew over Chicago began our approach into Chicago O'Hare Airport my mind started to shift to our next flight how would American Airlines do we'll soon find out United Airlines the books next up American let's go so we're on three separate tickets today because obviously it's three different airlines so making these connections these connection times are pretty pretty key it looks like we're okay here in Chicago we'll see about Miami well also we did not check any bags just to make it easier and try to stay behind security the whole day we had about 50 minutes to make our way from one end of O'Hare to the other first fly down what'd you think of United Jeb well so far they're the one to go so American and then Delta we'll find out who the winner is and thankfully we made it to the gate in plenty of time 737 Max for this leg this one-year-old plane looked a bit fresher than the two decade old 757 that brought us here from San Francisco and we're scheduled to be on board for two and three quarter hours boarding began on time and this new cabin includes 16 first class seats [Music] and it was easy to find space in the overhead bins for our suitcases [Music] foreign there was room under the seats for our backpacks too with 37 inches of pitch they're a little smaller than the seats on the last leg but also offer plenty of nice storage areas our flight attendant apologized profusely for the fact that our airplane had been catered late and she could only offer US pre-departure cups of water instead of having more to offer we should be closing up here in the next few minutes and pushing off the gate it should be rather short taxi out to the runway we're not expecting any delays for our departure 2 hours and 30 minutes time today at 35 000 feet are pilots optimism about a short taxi time at O'Hare was unfounded it took us 40 minutes to get out to the runway that was time we really needed to make our connection in Miami and well there's nothing we can do about it now these seats do not offer in-flight entertainment but they do have a Nifty feature for holding your device in place that's nice because it allows you to use the tray table for work or feeding and continue to watch something at the same time and if you don't have anything downloaded it's possible to stream movies onto your device Wi-Fi was available to be purchased 19 bucks for the whole flight but it was Blazing fast [Music] unfortunately the cabin felt a little dirty that's too bad it seems like perhaps the old emphasis on significant cleaning between flights may now be a thing of the past service began with warm nuts and a drink you'll even get the whole can on American Airlines I pre-ordered the charcuterie plate and Suzanne selected the Greek salad there were also tons of other special meal options available right from the pre-ordering interface her salad was fresh [Music] and my charcuterie plate was far more filling than I'd expected to get a hot meal on American Airlines you'll need to be on a domestic first class flight longer than three and a half hours but I don't mind saying this was a really nice meal I cleaned my plate after all foreign [Music] just before landing our flight attendant offered hot towels little touches like that that don't cost the airline too much money but really go a long way in making the experience feel a bit more premium our approach into Miami started off fine but thanks to some crowded airspace we ended up having to go around and make a second attempt again that was time we needed to make our connection over to Delta we'd also discovered that we'll have to go through security again because there's no way to connect from the e-gates where we'll land over the H Gates where our Delta flight will be behind security well that's lunch on America Now it's dinner on Delta let's go you can imagine airports are designed to make connections within an airline so transferring from an American flight to a Delta flight is a little bit more complicated well we're out of security we're our land side now which means we'll have to pass through security again only the second time today which is pretty impressive for three flights last and final Flight of the day did Ulta Save The Best For Last we'll find out let's go so it's been about 12 hours since we left our hotel in San Francisco how are you hanging in there Jeb I'm getting a little uh a little tired not gonna lie we finally got to our gate about 15 minutes before boarding began now here's hoping the flight's on time arguably the least exciting plane of the trip this is a 737-800 at 23 years old this was the oldest airplane we flew today but Delta works hard to keep their Interiors Fresh So it felt nice for the two hour 37-minute flight up to JFK here we go last flight of the day kind of happy about it I'm not inside we found 16 first class seats with 38 inches of pitch and finally a seat back entertainment screen however unlike the other seats our backpacks barely fit under here we had to force them for the first time foreign that's the tray table in there these seats do not offer the same level of storage you'll get over on United or American [Music] in addition to bottles of water at each seat we were offered a traditional pre-departure beverage on this flight I opted for a gin and tonic Apex screen offered tons of choices and in my opinion at least it's heads and shoulders above any streaming option we've got four great crew members back there with you and the two of us up front will do everything we can if you goodnight stay and comfortable on our way up there so again good evening and welcome on board we'll talk to you on the decent end to Kennedy foreign the sun disappeared quickly flying over Miami is always a highlight no matter the time of day [Music] [Music] Wi-Fi was available for fifteen dollars and was extremely fast I'd pre-ordered the beef short rib while Suzanne opted for the vegetarian Choice she's a sucker for chickpeas both were extremely tasty and filling we continued our trip up the East Coast our flight attendants were constantly in the aisles checking on passengers and appeared quite excited about their service but the lights of New York soon appeared below us and we were on the ground right on time we made it but there's more and with that Delta flight behind us let's figure out who has the best U.S first class among these three Airlines best way I know to do that with the Jeb score let's break it down we'll look at the five factors that influence the experience of a flight naturally this is all extremely subjective but we'll give it our best shot considering the lounge the seat the food the in-flight entertainment and the service there's no winner for the lounge since none of these Airlines include lounge access with their domestic first class tickets for that head over to Alaska Airlines next to the seats Delta comes in third for theirs although it was the most well padded their seats have far less storage both in the seat and under the seat than the other airlines the seats on United American were similar in the amount of space and storage provided but we'll give American the win for the fresh and modern feel of their seat as well as that handy device holder let's talk food we had a ranked American last since they did not offer a hot meal the other airlines offer hot meals and flights of similar length and even though it was tasty and I ate it all Americans cold charcuterie plate left me hungry United takes the second place here with their basic but tasty breakfast and that leaves Delta the winner with their full pre-departure beverage service and delicious dinner now on to the in-flight entertainment American and United were pretty similar both offering streaming entertainment to your own device but we'll give the edge to United for offering well-priced Wi-Fi the obvious winner is Delta because of their seat back entertainment you can't beat that convenience and lastly service United comes in third for service this day which was no doubt due to the early hour and large first class cabin but I sure would have liked to have had more coffee Delta comes in second but American is the winner our flight attendant was incredibly engaging and went out of her way to introduce herself greet each passenger by name and provided friendly efficient service so will you tally that all up it means the winner of this U.S domestic first class comparison is [Music] Delta between now and the next time [Music]
Channel: Jeb Brooks
Views: 1,018,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first class, united airlines first class, american airlines first class, delta airlines first class, delta air lines first class, first class comparison, delta v american v united, best first class, domestic first class, usa first class, delta first class, American first class, united first class, united first class food, delta first class food, american airlines first class food, travel vlog, flight review, airline comparison, trip report
Id: hVxAMkEg1P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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