5 Tips For Flying United Airlines (DO NOT MISS THIS)

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welcome back to zachus i'm so glad you're joining me for another video are you taking a trip on united airlines you want to know these five things i promise you or maybe you don't want to know them okay here we go [Music] all right i'm gonna give you five quick tips on how to fly united airlines and get there and enjoy it and be in control of your trip so you don't get sabotaged and you can control anything that comes up against you on this treacherous territory we call flying on airlines these days are you ready so the first one is going to be all about checking the luggage and seats and stuff like that the second one's going to be about security and boarding then we're going to do snacks and water you want to pay attention to that one then we're going to do entertainment headphones and stuff and then we're going to do charging and then i got a bonus for you here we go let's dig in number one tip number one check in luggage seats all that stuff quick tip here is don't buy your tickets from anybody but united you're gonna look on hopper you know uh travelocity priceline google all that stuff it's just great i use those tools too but when you're ready go to united book directly with them because you're gonna get a better price usually and if anything happens you can go directly to united and they can have the power to solve your problem if you book through anybody else you got to go to expedia travelocity you got to deal with them directly any of the third parties out there and that's nightmare and trust me i'm talking from personal experience i've been flying for many many many years internationally around the world around the country every airline imaginably almost and i'm here to tell you right now i'm telling you these tips because of what i've experienced myself the hard way so once you've got your ticket you check in 24 hours before your flight so if your flight is on thursday at 6 pm on wednesday at 6 00 pm you'll check in you do this for two reasons you don't have to do it but i recommend it because you're going to get checked in and let the airline know you're coming if you're late or something they're not going to give your shade away and two you get to uh pick your seat or make sure confirm that your seat that you selected is so good and usually they will offer you some kind of upgrade um an upgrade to a better seat sometimes great deals for first class it's just good to know your options you know and if you decide to take a check in or something like that you can always deal with that then then you get your boarding pass and you're ready to go that's step one you want to get there a little early and you get to take a carry-on and a personal item now depending on what kind of seat you picked determines if you actually get to take the carry-on with you you in your overhead space or you have to check it at the gate you know it's kind of hit or miss there so they have three seat types they have the economy which is your standard free seat you get to select when you buy any ticket then they have economy plus which gives you extra leg room it's up front and usually you get a little bit of charging which we'll talk about later and then the third one is first class of course so um with economy plus you don't just get extra legroom you get on first but you also get a space above you for your carry-on so you don't have to check it it helps you when you get off it just protects all your stuff you have it with you all that kind of stuff it's usually worth it now united is one of my favorite airlines i flew them every week for almost a year twice a week to houston and back to dallas i flew them a lot and i'm gonna give you a cool bonus one on this one that's gonna help you a lot on upgrades and stuff so hang with me hang with me but basically you get checked in you get your luggage you select your seat and you're good to go so let's go to tip number two security and boarding so security is is pretty standard every airline you have to go through security but if you're first you're gonna get in most airports they have a priority boarding lane which is gonna let you skip that long line and get you to the front of the line and get you through security you're still to do everything if you're not pre-checked though this is a huge benefit especially if you're in a rush or in a hurry or you're late or something like that it's saved me so many times but it's not a must you know if you're on a budget there's nothing wrong with economy or economy plus i've flown flown them many many times many many times in fact most of that year i flew economy or economy plus so really nice planes really nice uh flight attendants crew employees just really great airline i knew a friend that worked for them that i got to work with later just really i really enjoyed them i like them a lot better than american airlines i'll tell you that i had the opportunity to live in dallas to fly american because they're hubbed out of there and thankfully united is helped out of houston so i just had a second option but i i flew american one time to houston and had all kinds of problems not that i didn't have problems with united i got stuck on the tarmac for four hours one time i'm going to talk about that in a minute but they're a good airline they're good airlines so they do their boarding just like most everyone does you're gonna get a group letter or number on your boarding pass whether it's printed or on your app and you're gonna find that group maybe it's group c or group three or something like that and that's how they board they're gonna board all the special needs and kids and handicapped and military veterans and stuff like that military on first then they're gonna board first class then they're going to start on the groups and you're going to look at your boarding pass if you're in group c they're probably going to call group a and then group b and then you'll be in group c this determines what stage you get on the plane but everyone's going to get on the plane so it's not a huge deal a little tip here if you get to the airport and you're really stressed and you want to maybe upgrade to first class you missed it or just weren't sure you can always go to the desk and ask them it's very rare that they'll have anything for you sometimes it's like five hundred dollars but sometimes it's like yeah we'll do it for free or we'll do it for a hundred dollars or something it's always worth asking you you don't get anything unless you ask so it's always good and be nice and be polite if they don't have anything still be nice and be polite i'm telling you it goes a long way tip number three is what i was about to get into once you get through security you can you know take snacks but no water so you gotta hit a store you gotta get snacks and a water and i usually take a coke with me too try to get a big water you know something pretty hefty that you can um you know because you never know what's gonna happen now a lot of you're like oh it's too expensive i'm late i got to run to the plane i'm telling you i've been running before and i've gone by a vending machine and hit that vending machine with my apple pay or something and got the water out because i'm telling you i've learned this the hard way and i'm begging you this is one of the most important tips of this video take a water and take a snack if you can because you do not know once you get on that plane what's gonna happen what i just said i there was a tornado in dallas and i got on the plane and they made us sit there for an hour trying to get clearance to just push off and then they took us off without letting us take any of our stuff and i sat in a tunnel for two hours then they put me back on the plane drove out to take off and got another uh alert and we set out there for three or four hours nothing i didn't have any food or water with me this is where i learned the hard way i never get on a plane without it now they couldn't service drinks they couldn't serve us food all that time we got nothing all the stores closed because it was late i was flying on a late flight so i couldn't run the store after we got off because everybody go down the tunnel because of a tornado or tornado warning so you just never know uh sometimes you get up in the in the in the air and it's the captain will come on and say there's turbulence they can't serve you and they can't get up and you're stuck you don't get the drink service sometimes it you had to circle an airport for a while because of a storm or because of issues you want to be in control of whatever comes and if you have a good sized water and a coke and some chips and peanuts with you you can just put your phone up and kick up and relax you know i promise you that leads me into tip number four snap entertainment and headphones like so many people these days think i'll just take my phone with me even spirit and low budgets like allegiant and uh frontier have onboard entertainment but i promise you i've flown all of them many many times and you can't rely on it a lot of times their wi-fi goes down which a lot of times their entertainment systems go down their music goes down sometimes the whole thing goes down so download hulu download amazon prime download hbo max whatever you use go and download your favorite tvs your favorite movies download the stuff you you want to have with you just in case if you listen to music go get uh spotify apple music whatever download your playlist download your albums podcast audible anything like that you want to have on your phone so that if their system's down or their things not working right or they don't have the content you like you are in control you have your water and you have your stuff to watch and you're like nothing nothing gonna affect me you know i'm here to have some fun because you paid for that trip whether it's business or pleasure and you don't need the stress and and and it's the worst feeling in the world to be trapped in that tube with being super thirsty because you ran through the airport because it was hot or just because you're thirsty or you're hungry and having no control so i promise you download your content and get your headphones you take your airpod pros your air pods your your quiet comforts i highly recommend bose quiet comforts because it just cancels out all that noise the screaming babies the jet all the talking all the stuff you can just like really zone in and enjoy yourself it's worth every penny but whatever you do don't ever ever ever ever listen or play or watch something without headphones it is the rudest ill-mannered immature stupidest thing to do i don't know when this changed because i've flown for many many years and this never was an issue people know how to get on a plane how to get off a plane how to be mannered on a plane but lately it has gotten crazy they now have to make regular announcements on the applied attendance to say hey you need headphones you can't listen to stuff out loud i don't know how many times i've been near someone that's playing a game or watching a movie just out loud like like there's nobody else there come on now you got to be considerate you got to be mature enough to realize you're not the only one on that plane you're all in it together you've got to do things that are respectable mature and mannered to you know be on this flight together and it's just crazy i even have to say this but a friend the other day flew a long-haul flight and their parents went to sleep and left their little kid just watching movies so loud that you could hear every word they were in the front of the plane and he was in the back and finally a flight attendant you know stopped it but it's just ridiculous like that that people think that that's okay that that their needs outweigh other people's like we have to we have to realize that our needs end where other peoples begin we have to be in this together and be considerate and caring for people and if you forgot i'm just ping ping the flight attendant will bring you headphones it's not a big deal sometimes they charge a couple of dollars but usually they'll give them to you for free and um if there's if there's entertainment centers so sometimes they'll just pass them out but just do the right thing there you know and i've got all kinds of gear and travel gear in amazon that you can check out for when you're flying to make your flight even easier and stuff like that if you like cold cold water i take my yeti tumbler or it's like a you know sealed up and i just dump that cold water in there and it'll stay cold the whole flight um i've got a fly flap so if you get tired of like holding your phone up or like you know looking down and hurting your neck it's just this really cheap like 15 bucks thing that goes up on the seat that holds your phone super super cool love it love it love it just a lot of tips and tricks i've found over the years flying i tell you if you fly a lot you start thinking man i gotta do this i gotta do that i gotta figure out that um stuff like that so i'm just bringing it here to you guys hit that subscribe button if you're not a subscriber become part of the zakis nation that's what we do here i give you honest reviews i'm not affiliated with anybody sometimes i use affiliate links but it's just because i found them online and they a lot of people have affiliated systems but they don't know who i am i'm here just trying things or flying and giving you tips to make your life easier it's all about you you you i'm not here to sell anything i'm just here to say hey this is what worked for me and made my life easier and that leads me to tip number five which is charging tip number five a lot of people ask me this can i charge my phones can i charge my devices and i'm gonna say 99 of the time it's a big no and that's because a lot of these planes domestically are older and they didn't think about that back then some of them are you know from the 80s or 90s even early 2000s when before all that was a thing if you get on a new plane you might get one but it's too risky and so what i do is i use a whey carry-on they're a travel company that sells luggage and the beautiful thing about them is they sell a chart a battery pack built in to their carry-on and it's a rapid charger and you can pop it out and it's portable so while i'm walking through the airport i can charge my phone i can pop it out and keep it at my seat if my phone's getting lower i'm watching a lot of stuff if it's a long flight or something to charge my phone um we've done this internationally we've taken it with us because you're you need the security the maps the phone take pictures videos and it kills your phone so you while you're eating or something we charge our phones back up it's just a really great thing i'll put the link down below i love them so much i've been using away travel their carry-on and their big checked in luggage for years now i love it love it love it it's just so nice to have now if you're in first class you're probably gonna have a charging port most first class does but if you're an economy or economy plus it's very unlikely now united is a little stepping up a little bit more here like if you're in economy plus they're saying you will probably have seat power which means they've gone in and upgraded their flights you're gonna have a little bit more of an option there but for the most part it's not worth the risk don't take don't take the chance and here's the big bonus you've been waiting for this is only with united and i found this because i flew them all the time and i happened to be staying with marriott every time i went there that's the company uh the hotel the company set us up with and so marriott and united are united that worked out well they have uh bon voy now as bond boy rewards is what marriott does and you can tie your account with your united rewards account and it gives you all kinds of perks it can give you free upgrades to first class i got upgraded several times because of it it gives you extra points and marriotts extra miles with united so i'm gonna put a link down below not affiliated with them i make no money off this i'm just telling you because i didn't know for a long time and i just stumbled across a billboard and was like oh my goodness i looked it up and linked it and boom man i was earning so many more rewards at the marriott of staying at and miles and the upgrades are crazy cool like they'd be like yeah we'll put you on the upgrade list and sometimes i would get up and get on the upgrade and it's just nothing like it after a long week getting on and first class and just getting to chill out and get a nice drink i don't drink alcohol but you know just getting served like when they do the drink service in every other class it's just like a little tiny like splash of dr pepper or coke or something but in first class you get the whole can you get three cans you can do whatever so stuff like that just kind of you know makes it nice i've only flown first class most of most 99 of the time when i fly long haul like over six hours like from atlanta to seattle or something like that because it's just such a long flight and they do one drink service they give you one little drink for six hours and it's just crazy so i hope this video helps you it's going to help you if you listen to my tips because i've been there and i'm telling you this works these will will allow you not to let things come in and sabotage your day because it will happen you will get delayed you will get canceled you will get stuck eventually and you'll have all this stuff and be like i'm in control and i can weather the storm you're going to have an amazing trip though united is an awesome airline and i'm so excited for wherever you're going whether it's business or pleasure and i really am grateful that you watched zacchaeus and you're part of this zakis journey and become part of the zac as nation the subscribe button right here you can hit that subscribe button and you'll get notified first when i put up videos like this and it's free to do so you just cancel anytime you want to cancel i love seeing your beautiful faces zack is nation thanks for coming along the ride we're almost to 7 000 so i'm so excited about that and hopefully be 10 000 by the end of the year just going up and up and we're just going to keep pumping out content that we know will help you and make your life better i will catch you in the next zaka's video peace give me something give me something give me something give me something give me something give me some
Channel: Zachus
Views: 63,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Southwest Airlines, SWA, Delta, United, American Airlines, Spirit Airlines, JetBlue, Allegent, First Time Flyer, First Time Flying, Flying Tips, USA Flights, Domestic Flights, United Wifi, United Boarding, Alaska Airlines, Fly Easy, United snacks, United Entertainment, United TV, United Luggage, United Fees, United Checkin, Long Flights, How to have best flight, United Air, United Airlines, 5 Tips Flying, First time flyer tips, Things you need to know
Id: 2uSQUEk9eTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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