First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1600-1601 November 6th, 2021 Saturday PM Live Charlotte NC.

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yes my god [Applause] [Applause] yes my god yes sir [Music] my god i thought anything hey greetings brothers and sisters and friends and to my loyal enemies [Applause] this is the truth of god again [Applause] you that are watching around the world we're here live this evening out of charlotte north carolina amen looks beautiful to see the many jam-packed in here to eat the same grub to all of our beloved brothers and sisters and to our guest ministers that are present and to the millions that are watching i say like the scripture says it is good for us to be here we are indebted to the one true living god for his divine wisdom and his perfect and infallible understanding of all things he's a god that have no errors [Music] and it's impossible for him to make mistakes god have no partners we we associate none to be with god equal to god greater than god amen we bear witness there's only one true living god that made heaven and earth and christ is he [Applause] we are blessed this evening last time i was here some years ago my secretary got the wrong room and it couldn't hold everybody we got the right room this time and still can't hold everybody but we are thankful to god as this year is moving along very quickly before i go any further uh my wife who desired to be here but got stuck in washington dc with my daughter but today is my wife's birthday and i want to say happy birthday sister jennings may god forever keep you and preserve you that when the lord come you along with many others will be counted worthy to go back with our lord in peace that's our desire isn't it somebody said i'd be glad when i see the lord wait a minute let us just have a clear understanding going to see the lord [Applause] but everybody's not going to see the lord in peace the book of scripture says every eye shall see so the wicked and the righteous the holy and the unholy you're going to see him but uh everybody won't be ready to go back with him now let me just update our brothers and sisters that are here that are watching of the progress that is taking place around the world 2021 has been a i guess a year of mixed emotion for many of us progress surrounded by death work of the lord forever increasing but uh the word of god is being preached i received contact this week how god is doing such an excellent job internationally our minister reached us out of singapore minister pastor demetrius and uh there are many preachers along with their congregations have a desire to walk with holiness and we have some ministers in a foreign country that we have to interview some more now a pastor in this congregation come to walk of this truth out of israel a pastor in his congregation out of cambodia a pastor in his congregation out of malaysia and several pastors in their churches out of the philippine islands and uh it just keeps growing everywhere they're coming from asia they're coming from switzerland we got mail pouring in out of damascus out of vietnam out of central africa south africa in the congo out of ethiopia god hath sent this message back and he's sending it back where it was before and the beautiful thing about it is we didn't take no shortcut we didn't have to put on a fake healing meeting well they didn't have to blow on nobody they fall out we didn't have to wave our hand over nobody and all of a sudden they need a back catcher to catch them [Music] and we didn't have to change doctrine [Applause] steadfastly [Music] and we won't change to get one member and we won't change to keep one member i want to say to all the brothers and sisters of the first church of the lord jesus christ in monroe louisiana we'll be making settlement soon now on the new monroe louisiana temple also to the new location in jackson mississippi we'll be making settlement there on our new temple in jackson mississippi all of our brothers and sisters in johannesburg south africa we went there one time and had a mid-week meeting on a wednesday and a thursday and baptized close to 300 souls in two days well the lord have blessed us found the temple seating about 600 or more i believe with the school and administration bill and uh where we make settlement on that our inspector have already inspected the property and uh we've been making settlement on that now in about a few more weeks also god willing so ladies and gentlemen as you can see even though there are countless of enemies that don't like it it's just as easy to stop this as it is for a cat to swallow a tsunami or if they garden you know they ain't happening i'm glad for minister juan here he gave me his testimony he was a baptist preacher baptist pastor and he heard the truth of god message of holiness went down in the water in the name of jesus christ and minister harris baptism and uh he left the baptist organization started taking the stand for holiness he said you know i consider you my pastor i say all right well we'll get a chance to talk to him some more he also desire to walk with the truth of the gospel this is a tight wall every preacher every pastor every elder i don't care what you call yourself god only have one church [Music] [Applause] set up religion theology philosophy various teachings to appeal to the wickedness of the human family not to change the human family because the lord says if they have stood in my counsel and have caused my people to hear my word then he would have turned them from the evil of their way and from the evil of their doing the problem with the churches you're not hearing god's word you're hearing the word of some old reverend some old jerry curl head false prophet you're hearing seminary school messages theology have corrupt church have crept in church and have rearranged church until the thinking of god the intelligence of god the standard of god the way of god have been moved out of church and the ways of men have took over because it feels better [Applause] sounds better put a bigger smile on your face encourage you to ignore sin got you believing you're going to heaven anyhow you know when i came out of falsehood that was the song we used to sing you know you can sing alive quick as you can tell one song we used to sing i'm going to heaven anyhow ain't nobody going to heaven anyhow in fact it's more easier to go to hell someone say what pathogens i'm living all i know wonderful what is more easier to be lost than to be saved think of it [Music] already god how many things did adam do to get put out to god how many to go back with god he spoke by the apostle paul born in tarsus in the city of cilicia set under the feet of god emilia who taught him according to the perfect manner of the law and god merely himself was a doctor of the law a pharisee meaning a believer of the spirit world the apostle paul came out the first tribe that gave israel their king he was the benjamite came out the tribe of benjamin who was the youngest son of jacob grandson of isaac and great grandson of abraham the apostle paul was made in apostle called and sent by god not elected by a board of directors he said i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles ben made an apostle his information was given to him from god not from the university not from the college not from seminary school being that he had information from god everywhere he went he brought people the thoughts of god that was opposite from what paul would bring you know that's what god do to his preaching he make him bring what he normally wouldn't bring in fact he make him preach against his own self anytime a man say he's of god and he don't preach against himself he's up the devil are you listening hey hallelujah to god every godsend preacher preach against himself for the apostle paul said when i would do good evil it's present he was an apostle what you mean paul when i would do good my will is present that's right my feelings is present what i think is present amen so what i got to do the same thing that god didn't put in me have to bring myself under subjection i be cast away holy what do you mean unless you be a castaway you know when you are on a ship and your ship get wrecked you're a castaway you're stranded to impale say lest i be cast away lest i be stranded but when you're stranded you're stranded left somewhere stranded where in hell so i know many of you that are watching now you don't like me and i don't care if you don't i'm not trying to win a popularity contest with nobody [Applause] i am sent they do the will of him i'm not sent to do the will of them amen i'm sent to do the will of him that sent me holiness is the way of god holiness is the thoughts of god holiness it's the teaching of god i just want to answer the millions of questions what is holiness is that a new religion no no no no no no holiness is older than the universe itself ain't no religion can make that claim every religion was started by some man holiness had no start that's right that's right [Applause] that's right all right listen to the old man that's right holiness had no beginning no beginning god before the foundation of the world meaning before the world was a purpose for man to be holy you better go to work in the book of me figures i just want to itemize this what is holiness you know many apostolics was criticizing me first for using it but now they starting to use owen said holiness and apostolic is the same thing well if it was then i can read holiness but i can't read apostolic that's right holiness is the thinking of god for man's behavior that man behavior may be transformed and he reflects the characteristics of god he think the thoughts of god and he lived according to the purpose of god are you listening that's how god chose us in him in him all right let's go to work when let's establish what is holiness and then let's establish who is holy that's right are you listening in the book of ephesians chapter 1 all right viewers you get around your television and your computer hey man tell your girlfriend bennett she's already there she might as well just stay around a little bit longer to hear this and then after she's done then holiness will tell her what to do that's right bishop you that got your second wife you and your second wife might as well gather around the campfire that burn holiness that's right you'll find out what holding this have in store for you and your adulterous husband amen you that profess all these religions and you brag about being baptist methodist presbyterian lutheran branimites hypnotized jubilees hematites goodwin nights honor nights johnson night and some fools declare themselves even to be jenna knights i want to kill everybody that's right non-denominational pentecostal jehovah witnesses five percenters mormons muslims whatever you claim my question is to the world who started you that's right who came with this authority to make this first declaration and then told you [Music] to be what you are that's right [Music] did it come from heaven how is it that everybody claimed to be the children of god but yet very few wants to be what god is that's right to my hebrew israelite brothers as god of hebrew oh pastor jenny you say jesus christ is god jesus was the hebrew came out the tribe of judah that's right but was god in hebrew jesus christ was god and god was not a hebrew the son of god his flesh that body was a hebrew came at the tribe of judah but god is before hebrews that's right [Applause] before there was any jews god [Applause] and by her making a child in david house now and the son of god is called son of man what you mean son of man the man is david and david was the father of jesus that's right someone said what david was jesus father yeah in the book of saint luke chapter one and verse thirty-two follow me in your bible well i thought jesus didn't have no fire father earthly father he did and he didn't that's right he didn't have no earthly father by a man laying with mary but he had a father by coming from a descendant that's right i want to take my time and soak him amen let's go to school now let's get some bible let's see listen at this new chapter one we'll start at verse 31 and behold thou shalt conceive in thy word thou shalt conceive in this one shall call his name jesus yeah he shall be great he shall be great shall be called the son of the highest shall be called the son of the eternal father that's right that just hit you didn't it did it again he shall be called what he shall be called the son of the highest he shall be called the son of the eternal father the highest is the eternal father the eternal father is god god is jehovah your holy is the i am that's right amen mary wasn't god mother no no mary was the mother of the earthly tabernacle that god was in that's right [Music] the earthly tabernacle was a body the body was a house the house was a man-child the man-child was human and the spirit that was in it was divine that's right are you getting what i'm telling you he shall be great he shall be great and shall be called the son of the high and what and the lord god shall give unto him and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david that's what the title son of man means that's right son of man that's right he come from the house of a prophet that's right and that man was david david all right let's go back to your fingers now i want to take my time and atomize this holy business that's right come on william in the book of ephesians chapter one and we're at verse four parliament according as he has chosen us in him hold it i just can't read this stuff i see too much that's right all right let's atomize it precept upon precept and then we've got to do it the way the world advises it that's why he said lying upon line upon life online so that means you just can't read one line and keep going yeah you got to look at it lying upon line and then when you look at it line up online you got to break it down here a little and very little a little listen at this in ephesians 1 and verse 4. that's what according he that's right not according to as they according as he according to as he he who god that's right has did what hath chosen us or selected the human family in him in him before the foundation of the world and what that we should be holy all right holiness holy holy is before the world walks that's right all of my guests that are here from various religions catholics episcopalians protestants klansmen black panthers nation of islam mormon muslims masons elks eastern stars falling stars that's right over there that's right whatever you want to call yourself who is the founder of your religion that's right did god speak to your founder and gave your founder his religion all right when god give out anything for the people to live by yeah he tell the people to search the scriptures search the scriptures why do he tell us to search the scriptures to verify that's right to certify and after you're verified certified now you can justify that's right that's right you go to scripture to certify it they justify it and you get all your information from scripture you know there's a lot of people write me and get angry because i run to scripture for everything everything some say you're mighty narrow-minded you're so narrow-minded why don't you go to the library i think about no library you mean to tell me the intelligence of god ain't good enough for me amen well what's in the library give me colossians colossians let's warn us about the usage of man wisdom that's right in colossians chapter 2 and advocate follow me follow me give chapter and verse colossians chapter 2 and verse 8. that's what beware that's a warning right there right there warning that's right warning beware give chapter verse again william colossians chapter 2 and at the eighth verse colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 beware look out lest any man spoil you through the philosophy any man any man suppose it's your father any man your uncle any man your husband any man a twin brother any man a slap happy grandpappy any man amen beware beware be well as any man spoil you because he's rich any man amen play for the panthers any man play for the hornets any man i'm in charlotte i'm right here in your town that's right i don't give two sense how rich you are that's right you know nba players nba players and nfl players and hockey players and soccer players many of them watch this program many of them stop in the church yeah amen sometimes i don't know him sometimes brothers came to me do you know that's such and such and such you know he's a millionaire he's a bald player i look at him and tell him what i care what jesus that came in that's right now if jesus walk in i drop at your feet oh yes otherwise in that use nothing but a human being to me that's right and rich people die just like poor people amen i don't care who you are god set one thing for everybody that's right and everybody got to do the same thing in order to get into the kingdom of god yes listen beware unless any man spoil you beware beware does any man spoil you hold it hold it right there when meat is spoiled there's no good no good it's been ruined that's right and this is what have happened in churches your church [Music] somebody blow on you fall on the floor that's right uh my son sent me an article from africa you know i heard of a lot of hypocrisy but this was one that not only take the cake it took the cake and threw it out the window now what i'm about to tell you is the epitome of tryfulness and the sadness of deception a young false prophet in africa i wish i knew his name can you pull it up real quick son why why you sitting there and say can you pronounce his name because this broadcast covers africa and i want to get a hold of this false prophet in a biblical sleeper hole amen pastor christ penelope of south africa amen says and they got pictures of him doing this and people criticized me for condemning false prophets i want to show you how these worthless no good things will get the people to believe anything and the false prophet's success of deception hangs on your ignorance that's right remember that that's right no false prophet can successfully trick you unless you're ignorant that's right the more ignorant you are the more he can use you this false prophet in south africa sits on his member's face and on his member's head and said the lord told them to pass gas upon them listen and he convinced them that if you take the smell home the lord will make you rich and they got pictures of them i mean i'm not making this up pictures of this man sitting on his member's head then there's another false prophet in africa all the women is laying on their stomach in front of the false church and the men is in back of the women holding their ankles and the men is on their knees with their behind up in the air and the bishops or elders or pastors got on the false prophet's roads with belts beating dement beating the men the sad thing that got me thundering and hitting hard is men and women let these triflings [Applause] come in the name of jesus and make the fool out of you that's right you mean to tell me you want to be rich that bad that a man can pass gas sit on your husband's face he's a poor pit pervert that's right that's right that's right where did these men get these antics they love watching the false prophets from america that's right in jamaica brother minister gary emailed me and sent me a news report that's what a preacher is he's a divine journalist but the apostle paul said who has believed our report overtake god unto whom is the arm of the lord revealed a false prophet in jamaica the police arrested him he was going to sacrifice along with some of his parishioners about 144 people murdered them my lord to believe they're doing god's will about three people got killed within the false church the police caught him arrested and they complain about me speaking out against the false prophets the bible says to his preachers well loud spear not ain't that what he said that's right besides criticizing me for speaking against false prophets you have to ask yourself why is there so many men quiet that's right about the false prophets cry around spirit not because the bible sounds the alarm in isaiah chapter 58 cry aloud spear not cry aloud and take it easy cry a loud spare not no cry out loud and be cool cry aloud spare not cry loud and don't hurt their feelings cry aloud spare not that's right don't spare them it doesn't matter if they cry don't spare them spare none doesn't matter if they put a contract out on you don't spit it [Music] if they send hit men from africa to america what do i care spend don't spare them that's right that's right cry out loud spend night don't take god lift up thy voice like a trumpet lift up your voice like a coward lift up thy voice like a trumpet no like a coward like a trumpet be scared like a trumpet hallelujah what make these men so quiet because you viewers have paid your pastor off that's right paid him to shut up that's right paid him to turn his back that's right long as you pay his gas his rent his mortgage buy his cars buy his suits he ain't gonna speak out against your wrong no no no no no i wouldn't care if you give the church a million dollars every hour i'll tell you the truth while you're writing the check that's right why because everything in his life is temporary yes only god himself is eternal cry around spirit you know a trumpet player a lot of times he wants to work the vowels on that trumpet to try to hit a note that he never hit before that's right can you find that trumpet player trying to hit the highest note yeah that he or she can trumpet represent a wake-up call that's right hang on that's right that's what god make his preacher he's a wake-up call come to interrupt your sleep yeah cry loud spread that lift up your voice at the trumpet and show my people their transgression wait a minute you're speaking loudly to do what and show my people them their transgression you don't like the fact you're wrong no you love the fact you're wrong that's right and you love it when nobody say nothing that's right that's why a lot of you watching me can't stand me because what we preaching oh yes oh yes but the bible says do what and show my people their transgression that's right so come on amen amen shout out show my people their transgressions i don't care hallelujah and think that you're a child of god because you white i don't care if you black and you think god look like you what do i care that's right he was born of a woman like everybody else that's right and just like the devil gave you a job to do jehovah gave me a job to do and so my people said [Applause] that's right president biden hey buying biden buying amen miss harris biden you say that your faith is what got you through many things in life and none that'll be it has but when it comes to men loving men and bless god women love and marry loving uh want to marry women your faith have detoured oh yes [Music] oh yes because if you truly was a christ-like president amen amen when the majority will beg you for same-sex marriage christ within you yes we'll say no that's right that's right that's right amen it's alive they got the right to love like anybody else that's not love that's not love that's right all right listen that's right the prophet isaiah say what and show my people their transgressions show them hallelujah so the baptist preaching you can't be a baptist and get in the kingdom of god that's right show all my people their transgression unless you repent of your sins and go down in water in the name of jesus christ you ain't never been saved that's right how many people they're transgressing every woman that claims she's a preacher she told a lie on god that's right amen that is only one in the godhead that's right so show them the transgression i know them the era that's right they mistake show them their sins that's right that's right and that's why you people love these false churches because the false prophet will not show you oh no no he won't he paint over it that's right he'll ignore it that's right why he looking at the money you gave him yes i don't give two cents what you give that's right as long as i'm on good side in good times with god yeah that's what mattered to me would say to the seniors being on a good term with a dollar no what's good is money if you're going to hell that's right that's here right brother you have a god that stands before that's right [Applause] and god don't care what you own that's right who cares about your size house that's right who cares about what you drop amen who cares about what you own [Applause] go ahead brother go ahead [Applause] who cares how cute you think you are that's right that's right you don't look that good to keep the worms from crawling on you that's right [Music] [Applause] don't spare them that's right that's right the preacher either preach the word or get out the pulpit that's right they're not you scared to stand for god you stand to correct your house you scared to correct your wife hallelujah get out the pulpit that's right cry aloud and you black christians who think in order to be right with god all black folks are jews all black folks are devils that don't obey god that's right that's right that's right amen i don't care if you've got a chain around your neck no with the so-called star of david that star ain't gonna get you in the game no no we'll take that star and blast it back to hell that's right cry aloud even david had to obey god that's right if david didn't obey god david with the hell of the truth amen amen and when you preach like this according to the obedience of god yes yes you're mean that's right yeah arrogant yourself righteous that's right yes thank you the only one right that's right no i think and know that god is the only one right that's right cry aloud hallelujah you can hate me all you want but before you get into the kingdom of god you're gonna have to be holy that's it you can try to dodge this message all you want but you're gonna come back to bible that's right let's come on back to the book of the figures real quick now back in ephesians chapter one and verse four according according as you have chosen us in him now let's remember god chose us to be in him that's be before the foundation that we should be holy god intense that's right god purpose god's agenda god's thinking was for man to be holy that we should be holy now this is the reason why you want us to be holy now the i want us to be holy but there's a reason behind it that's right follow me in your bible in the book of leviticus chapter 19 and we'll start at verse 1. follow me in your bible leviticus chapter 19 and we're starting at the very first now i want to show them the power of holiness that's right how invincible it is yes and what it is that's right how it's a protective shield yeah come on son in leviticus chapter 19 and at verse 1. what is it and the lord spake unto moses saying the lord speak unto as the arabs call them moussa moses saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of israel speak on all the congregation of the children of israel and say unto them say unto them you shall be holy for what reason for i the lord your god am holy that bring me back to my question you that bragged and said your baptist methods presbyterian lutheran pentecostal non-denominational aryan nation black panthers klu klux klan masons elks uh i don't care what you call yourself mormons five percenters no presenters two percenters zero percent muslim mormon yeah jordan witness protestant yes christian science polytheist meaning idol worshipers that's right that god at any time told you to be any of this any of this besides arguing with me and cussing me out listen to me and follow me that's right dead god the father of creation amen advise any of you that's making these claims yes did he give you permission to be this that's right to profess this yeah if he did not if he did not where did you get your rights from that's right that's right where did you get your authority from yes you claim to be these religions because your mama is one right you claim to be these religions because your your father is this that's right but your mother isn't god no and your earthly father isn't god no in most cases your father and mother done the best they could do according to what they knew that's right but don't ever fail to realize there is a greater knowledge that's right higher than your father that's right higher than your mother that's right for no knowledge in the world can connect you with god better than the knowledge of god himself that's right that's right and the lord spake unto moses saying the lord the lord glory to the lord hallelujah the lord spake unto moses saying talk to moses saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of israel to all the descendants of abraham and say unto them say to them ye shall be holy you're what ye shall be holy hear what ye shall be holy what is the reason for i the lord your god am holy amen amen raise your hand don't be afraid i'm not going to hurt you the word is the word how many here are catholics many are non-denominational pentecostal apostolics lutheran yes mormon muslim hebrew israelites five percenters nothing nothing nothing are you listening amen what if god says what ye shall be holy for i the lord your god and my baby stand flat-footed that's right and blessed to all the powers of the world that's right that's right if god said that's right for you to be something how can you be or show years of loyalty to other things amen all right all of you that are watching and you're not holy not holy i want you to encourage you to go to your pastor that's right an accident bishop why are we why do we say we apostolate yeah amen why do we say we're pentecostal why do we say we're not denominational why do we say we're baptists where do we trace our origins to that's right who told us to be this who was the first baptist who was the first apostolic who was the first methodist who was the first pentecostal who was the first catholic right and then when they tell you who it was ask them to give your bible for it that's right that's right because jesus said he that believeth on me as the scripture out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water what are we doing we are encouraging the whole world to come back to the bible that's right that's right i'm back to the original thing that's right they don't need to fight with me fuss with me and cuss me out i didn't write it and i didn't tell you to be holy no the lord spake unto moses saying he know jenna said it the lord spake unto moses said they know jenna said it and the lord spake unto moses saying the lord the lord speak he know jennifer said nothing that's right you gonna come back with the word and do what the word of god said an interview that fight it after this you take your bibles off the pulpit and throw it in the trash because you have proven to be an unbeliever that's right that's right that's right if god said it god said i believe it amen if god said it i believe it that's right the lord spake unto moses saying amen you mean to tell me your bishop know what's best for you thank god we got generations of pentecostals in our family what do i care that's right your generations know what's better for you than god than god i'm going back past generations that's right before there was generations before there was creation there was god that's right amen that's right and the lord come on back the bible amen everybody come back everybody come on back and the lord that's right who said it and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of israel and say unto them ye shall be holy what is the reason for i the lord your god am holy all right amen genesis 1 27 yes all right he's holy he's holy he purposely man to be holy before the world was that's right now look how he want to implement amen holiness genesis chapter 1 and verse 27 that's why so god created man in his own image [Music] amen but what did god say he is he's you shall be holy for either lord your god am holy what did god say he is for i the lord your god am holy back in leviticus 19 in that verse and how did he make man so god created man in his own image [Music] and what did god say he is speak unto all the congregation of the children of israel and say unto them ye shall be holy you see how the bible harmoniously the lord your god am holy god is what am holy god is white the lord your god am holy hi did he make man so god created man in his own image and what and in the image of god created he him male and female and god blessed them and god said unto them be fruitful and multiply wait a minute hmm i have god god made man and his own in his own image then it said male and female and female created he them created he them and god blessed them now the blessings that god gave man he ordained and man will have a lifestyle that's right now that's right god made man in his image in his own image read it son so god created manny in his own image hold it let's define that yeah all right because most think image is just shape right fashion you can have the shape of a thing and still don't have the image of it that's right what do you mean a homosexual had the shape of a man yeah he don't have the image of god that's right he has the shape that he's a man right but god made man in his image is broader than shape for within adam was the character of god that's right when god took man from the dust of the ground he fought man in the same form same fashion same shape same image in the similar tomb that will be utilized in the future for redemption that's right that's why adam is the first one to be called son of god god give me the book of luke that's right adam is the first one to be called son of god in the book of saint luke chapter 3 and verse 38 follow me in your bible luke chapter 3 and verse 38 which was the son of enos which was the son of seth with the son of satan which was the son of adam which was the son of god [Music] all right the reason why he was called the son of god because there was no earthly father that's right the only father was the originator of time god the eternal father that's right have we not all one father do you hear this in the book of malachi in the book of malachi chapter two and at verse two getting this amen half we're not all one father hath not one god have not one god created us for one god one god not a trinity that's right one god one god one not two one god one god created a created adam in his image that's right so when he made man from the dust of the ground holiness created the shape that would be the sample for sacrifice adam's first state of being was dead that's right amen so wait a minute the bible says he became a living soul that's right now think closely of what you just quoted so if he became a living soul what was he before he became that in the book of second estrus chapter three and at verse five he had to become a living soul he was already in another stage that's right before he came alive that's right listen in the book of second estrus chapter three and at verse five then i when i believe the book of erasers he made adam without soul yes quickly now and gave us a body unto adam wait a minute give chapter verse again second estrous chapter three and we're at verse five no first oh go back to genesis back to jesus let's see when you breathe into adam yeah and then we go to second estrus yes i gotta make it harmonious in genesis chapter two and at verse seven listen and the lord god formed man of the dust focus on the language of the book and focus on the language of the book focus on the language of the book and the lord god formed man dust of the ground the first thing that came from the ground was man's form fall he fought man from what of the dust of the ground from the material of the ground that's right the material of man is dust that's right dust is dirt dirt is equal to the dying of grass it wither yes and soon fade away that's right so one part of man came from below that's right earth listen and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground and what and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life the other part of man came from above that's right because life is a gift that's right james said every good gift every perfect gift come from above come down from the father of life of whom there is no valuables no shadow of turning so god first made a fall right and then for that form to be activated breath which is the spirit that's in man nostrils came into me john chapter 27 and that verse three in the book of job follow me in the bible joe chapter 27 and read verse three and like all the while [Applause] and the spirit of god is in my nostrils and exhale god that's right amen what do you mean the presence of god is the presence of life that's right the presence of god is a gift of life that's why no man can take your life that's right he'll kill you no god said i can't i kill you i make a lie i make a lie what do you mean if god do not intend for you to die that's right at that time they can do whatever they want that's right that's right daniel was in the lion's den was it time to die no hebrew brothers was in fire that's right it wasn't time to die when god says it is time to die yes he says i kill see now that i think you look at it the book of deuteronomy in the book of deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 39. and there is no god with me there is no second one that's right i kill what i kill i can't and what else i do someone said i don't understand pastor jennings you say a man really can't take your life let me give you understanding the bible said destroy not him or rather don't fear him that can destroy the body afterwards can't do no more if you destroyed the body did you destroy the man why did you destroy the temple that's right right in the book the man was in that's right in the book i'm saying matthew chapter 10 and verse 20. when i say god when he say i kill he can destroy body and soul and fear and then body and soul is destroyed that is the complete death that's right of that human being that's right for the word of god says fear not him and fear not them which kill the body that killed the body but are not able to kill the soul not able to kill the soul what was breathed into man but rather fear him which is which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell he's able to do what which is able to destroy both sides and body in hell that's the true killing that's the true killing the true destruction that's right other man all right let's go back to genesis and get adam did we go to estrus back in genesis chapter 1 and verse 27 then after that go to the book of ecclesiastes we'll first see how man arrive and then we see the separation where man go back yes are you listening to what i'm telling you in the book of genesis chapter 1 and verse 27 so when god made man in his image and god is holy yeah god intended for man to be holy and sanctified that's right the first state of man he was dead genesis says what genesis chapter two and at verse seven that's why and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground then what and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and and man became a living soul the form was there before the life was there that's right form first breath after that's right before the breath came it was formed with no breath and if it was formed with no breath his first stage was just dead why would god create a dead man first pastor jennings because adam's beginning represent your ending that's right [Applause] first man dead has to become alive right that shows where we have to go back that's right naturally that's right it also shows what god intended for the human family that's right how they should be in him but the bible says he have chosen us in him chosen us in him chosen us in him so when he made man and man's first stage was just a farm no breath so that farm was dead showing you god's original purpose for a holy people how they must be in him that's right they said you're dead and your life is hidden with christ in god that's right wonderful wonderful brother the true image of god it's bigger than shape oh yes you must take on god's character that's right to take on the characteristics of a thing you need to be around it you need to be around god that's right [Applause] that's right to take on god's character i advise you hang around god that's right [Music] all right listen that's right now here he made adam and he became a living soul mean he became a living being that's right all right let's see how he was before he came alive in the book of estrus second estrogen in the book of second estrous chapter three now we're at verse five that's what and gave us a body unto adam we gave a body unto adam without soul without life that's right that's right that's right body without life that's right so the breath came from above and the man form came from the ground that's right so when you die the same place where your body came from it goes back in the book of ecclesiastes the same place where your breath come from that's where that goes that's right there's a separation from breath or spirit and body of man that's right separation man body ground god breathed into him that breath come from above that's right and the same thing happened when you die in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12 and at verse seven and what then shall the dusts return to the earth amen shall the dust return to the earth as it was wait a minute as it what as it was as it was and where does the breast go and the spirit shall return unto god who gave it spirit is your breath that's right it returns to god to go back in the presence of god who did what who gave it amen holiness the intelligence of god the purpose of god that he instilled in man that's right so adam's first state of being was holy holy man and sanctified for he was set apart set aside do god's will do god's agenda fulfill god's purpose in the garden of eden that's right to keep man holy and to keep man sanctified he implemented a holy rule that's right a law of sanctification yes plain and simple and the lord god commanded the man he came listen here now in the book of genesis chapter 2 we're at verse 16. the lord god ordered the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat don't you let every tree of the garden you can you can eat that but of the trees listen here here here now but of the trees god i want to take you to bible school tonight amen of the tree of the knowledge of the knowledge of good and evil of goodness i shall not eat of it don't you eat it for in the day that thou eat is totally thou shalt surely die all right let's strip it down and take it apart touch not the tree the tree the tree of the knowledge of the tree consists of knowledge of good and evil and evil holy would a tree why would the knowledge of good and evil come from a plant are you all listening to what i'm telling you why would the knowledge of good and evil come from a plan first of all before any tree come into being that first must begin as a seed that's right knowledge is information that's dropped as a form of plant seed before any plant grow the seed must take root when knowledge is given whether that knowledge is good and evil information must take root and when it take root that information begin to grow within him and her and they expand in the knowledge of whatever information they obtain that's right whether it's good or evil just like it takes water to nurture the roots of a tree meaning the consistency of water it must be the consistency of information to nurture the heart so they can be emotionally tied to the evil or the uh or the knowledge of good and evil and the mind so they can constantly be thinking about the good and the evil and when that knowledge grow in him and her they become more and more good or more and more evil showing the sprouting go ahead man all the information within him and her and the more information you obtain the more evil you can perform that's right in the book of second estrous chapter eight and verse 41 second estrous 8 41 for as the husband man soweth much seed upon the ground as the husband man that's the farmer amen plant much seed upon the ground and planteth many trees that many trees and yet the thing that is sown good in its season cometh not up and what neither do with all that is planted take root now evil is like [Applause] a vine that a woman don't want in her flower got that's right for her to properly expose of that vine she have to get it by the root that's right sometimes the vine is so wild she gonna be out there a while sometime on her knees that's right showing her zeal that's right her determination to pull it out sometime to get the vine of evil out of self that's right man come on zeal within one right will cause them to fall on their knees go ahead go ahead so god can you pull it out that's right preset that's right upon princesses lying upon line because a lot of the evil come in the form of religious teaching that's right [Applause] we become ignorantly loyal to it yeah internally dedicated to it fighting god and don't even know it in the book of second esther chapter seven the knowledge of good and evil comes from a tree meaning it comes from a source of life that's right right what kind of tree are you eating from what fruit are you digesting in your church what kind of fruit you're eating all right plants that's in your church were they planted by god all right the bible says those plants which my heavenly father has nothing my heavenly father have not planned it shall be rooted up what by the incident said unto them listen to this listen at this matthew chapter 15 and verse 13. begin that verse 12 at verse 12 yeah then came his disciples and said unto him know us now that the pharisees were offended after they heard this saying jesus it made him upset that's right i'm pretty sure there are hundreds now already got the thumbs down on the website that's right upset upset and noah style that the pharisees were offended notice doubt at the pharisees were offended they were upset after they heard this saying they heard what you said but he answered and said but jesus responded every plan already hallelujah you couldn't get him to change his stance no every plant every plant which might the spirit has not planted did not plant shall be rooted up hey viewers they listen they god plant the baptist stretch amen go ahead brother because the word of god says every plan which my heavenly father hath not planted shall be rooted up all these man-made religions that god planted amen you non-denominational you pentecostal you promising amen i was watching cnn news they said a woman preaches stuck on start a church pole dancing church wow look at a lot of men in there that's a lustful church pastor yeah amen i guarantee when that man go there he said you know it's very lovely that's right that's right that's right any old piece of trash now is called jet amen and any piece of religious garbage people claim it represent christ they don't represent christ in the book of second estrous chapter 7 and verse 41. listen even so now even so now seeing corruption has grown up what corruption has grown up corruption is grown up and wickedness increased wickedness increase and the righteous have prayed for the ungodly the righteous have prayed for the ungodly therefore shall it not be so now also now [Applause] when you see the wickedness viewers just tell me was your religion the planting of the lord that's right that's right all right you say you have the salad did the lord plant the women preachers there you say there are a number of apostles now the planting of the lord said first in the church apocalypse he planted that that's right you said there are not none when did god root that plant up that's right the passing of the lord says second in the church prophet he planted that when the lord pulled that plant out the body that's right you said your wife is your assistant pastor when they guard platform in such a position that's right [Applause] that's right you got deaconess when did god ordain women to be deacons amen we're dealing with the planting of the lord you say your organization is the only organization right when they god plant your organization in the scriptures that's right which my heavenly father has not planned yeah back in matthew chapter 15 and verse 13 the teaching that's it that god did not plant that's it in his church shall be rooted up he's going to send men to plow that king that's right and rip the roots up with the shred that's right that's right that's right that's right riding through the field of religion [Applause] [Applause] that's [Applause] [Music] hallelujah riding over the class man ripping your sheets and your hood that's right riding over the black panthers while you got your fish in the air that's right riding over the aryan nation while you got the swastika on your heart every place [Applause] every player every player which my heavenly father has my plan heavenly father has not planned it shall be rooted up who plants you hypocrite amen you religion that god sneaks and your ignorance took the scripture that after you take up any serpent it won't hurt you and you think that means to take snakes up in the mountains of west virginia and dance around with them and then you get bitten and die and go to hell that's right that's right i don't mean that your food food that's right that's not the planting of the lord no way god don't plant dumb fruit that's right god don't plant life here that's right that's a real plan here this is like what the planting of the lord is lord right but now you got fake plants that's right feel like this that's right they even get a bit of artificial scent that's right what did the bible call it solomon said having a form a voice of godliness a form of church that's right but deny the power thereof someone said what pathogen we don't deny the power thereof we believe in the holy ghost that's just that one of the acts of the power that's right that's right you're gonna have the holy ghost speaking in tongues and still deny the power thereof that's right because when you deny what the word of god says you deny the power thereof that's right that's right having the holy ghost is not enough no you can speak your tongue until you fall out rose to the church and knock everybody over like a like a bowling ball amen and the pens fall if you fight one thing in the bible you deny the power thereof then you reject the counsel of god against yourself that's right every plan which my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up that's why your second wife got to leave yes yes that's why your second husband got to leave that's right that's right every place that's a plant that god didn't plant that's a plant your pentecostal church said you can have your apostolic church said you can have your non-denominational church you can have said you can have you got your baptist farmer who claimed he's a preacher up there telling the church god spoke to me and told me that my wife is sick and she can't take care of me so therefore he'll look at sister gretel as their sister gretel god spoke to me and told me to tell you that you're my wife and then sister gretel another phony plant get happy and say he called my shot that's right you got your second wife you can't be a part of the truth of god long as you hit that second one no way [Applause] [Music] i don't care if you speak more than all the corinthian church that's right that's a plant there that god didn't plan that's right every plan i'm at every plan which my heavenly father has not planned the whole waiting ceremony is not the planning of the lord that's right your wife ain't dead yet that's right that goes for you out there amen my wife she's not dead you're true but she is dying she ain't dead amen you're correct i i go to the hospital on every wednesday and i look at my wife and she's on the machine and the respirator is still functioning now look at the little beep you see it going that's right i told my wife that well we give the machine some time to shut down that's right hey jack is she dead no no no that's not the planting of the lord the planning of the lord hear this viewers i know you upset now you bunch of heathen butchers this is it right here but the incident said every plane every teaching which my heavenly father has that come from the lord shall be rooted up we gonna break it up break it up we're gonna break up your white jesus we're gonna break up your black jesus that's right you're gonna break up your yellow jesus and your brown jesus that's right don't break up your christmas we're gonna break up your easter every planet hallelujah israelites now yelling about me all over social media pastor jennings don't believe god is black you're right i don't no i believe god is a spirit god it's the spirit [Music] what color do you believe he is i don't know what color he is well uh revelation told us his color give me revelation chapter let me strip that apart just in case i got any undercover hebrew israelites are scared to open their mouth yes revelation chapter 1 will start at verse 12. man this is not the blackness of god this is the function of holiness right here that's right i'm gonna take it apart here that's right what god how the apostles saw the lord and it is not the lord's complexion that's right it's the lord's function that's right you just couldn't see that but i'm gonna take it apart amen isn't that this revelation chapter one will start at verse twelve all right and i'm trying to see the voice that spake with me i try to see the voice that speak with me i'm being turned i saw i saw seven golden candlesticks seven golden candlesticks representing the seven churches of asia it wasn't just called a candlestick but it was called gold gold candlestick letting you know the church is precious now the power of a candlestick is the flame of that candlestick and if there's no flame on that candlestick that means there's no light there so if the seven circles of asia and there's no light in that church there's no flame in that church there's no power in that church god is not in that church because john said won't come after me that's mightier than i who shall baptize you with the holy ghost and that with the fire because the fan is in his hand and he shall thoroughly purge his floor right there hold it right there right there now when the bible said the fan is in his hand he shall thoroughly purge his floor this is what you apostolics taught and this is what you pentecostals taught that when the bible said you shall thoroughly purge this floor you taught that when the people's on their knees saying jesus jesus jesus and spitting all in the mouth that's god purging you your food that's right that's right thank you ain't nothing but slobs that's right [Applause] that's right purge me the truth it's spitting it obeying the truth it's spitting and obeying the truth [Music] and then the preacher said don't wipe it yes he's purging he's slobbing that's right that's right that's spit and clean no it's common for your saliva glands to overreact when your mouth is constantly in motion that's right if you're a persian why are you getting mad with someone spit in your face the bible said they spat on jesus that's right and they said they purged on him no way fairly perish his flaws two words i want you to recognize purge and floor what is the flaw it ain't what your feet is on no fail and purges floor floor represent that which is beneath you who is beneath god we are we are we are the fall that's right the bible says heaven is a song and earth is a suit school hallelujah oh you're listening that's right [Music] [Applause] damn that's right meek under the feet of the most high that's right that don't mean spitting on the floor of your checks no amen and these folks leave a puddle a slob you see evidence god was there yeah i came out the same thing i remember when i was a kid praying for the holy ghost and i thought man everybody else spitting i'm like and i'm like wait a minute i couldn't muster up enough spit [Applause] all right so i kid you not i was on my knees and i specifically remember i'm looking at these folks calling on the lord and slobber hanging from their mouth as a child i remember i was like i ain't got enough spit i remember just leaning up to the chair and just listen i was gonna work that thing out and then when i worked out enough spit so it could handle my mouth i was looking around here saying jesus jesus your spit ain't got nothing to do with the holy ghost no no way god need to clear your dirty clean your dirty heart that's right purification of a necessity that's right [Applause] thoroughly purge the floor meaning thoroughly clean his peeps the fan is in his hand what does a fan do brang in his hand mean his powers in his hands that's right what's the result of a fan when what is his wind it came from heaven on the day of pentecost at the signing of rushing mighty wind [Applause] you see they they read this stuff but they can't analyze this stuff they take things literally that's right listen back in revelation 1 and verse 12 let's break down what god looked like and i turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned i saw seven golden candles seven golden encounters six representing the seven churches of asia all right and in the midst of the seven candles one like unto the son of man one like unto the son of man notice what it says like like he came from the house of david from the tribe of judas from the generations of shem the brother of ham and japheth noah's sons who did the son of man he was born of a woman consists of flesh and blood that's right the bible says head of the scripture said that christ coming from the seed of david out of the town of bethlehem where david was he was the son of god according to the flesh first time the book of romans looking at verse one quickly now romans chapter one the apostle paul went down to galatians and said even so we was chosen abundance in the elements of the world when the fortress of time was come god sent forth the son made of a woman made under the law to redeem him that was under the law that we may receive the adoption of sons and the first chapter the book of romans began at verse three curse concerning his son son jesus christ that was of the seed of david which was concerning his son jesus christ our lord our lord which was made he was what which was made it was what which was made something about jesus was made and something about jesus always was that's right amen the spirit of him always was but the body of him had to be made which was made that was it made that of the seed of david according to what according to the flesh according to the flesh david according to what according to the flesh that flesh didn't come from heaven that came from david's seed and david neville was in heaven that's right that's right that's right so after he made that flesh and blood then he took it on someone said god became a man that's one of the biggest lies you ever told god ain't never became a man no someone said but the word was made flesh how can the word be made it says the word made flesh the word wasn't me no when did the word made flesh word means speech that's right he spoke flesh into being that's right bible said in the book of john 1 1 in the beginning was the word the word was with god that didn't mean another god was with him when the bible said the word was with god to let you know he's a god of his word that's right then they come back and say and the word was god wait a minute the same thing that was with him was him and the word was god get read the whole verse saint john chapter one and verse one and what in the beginning in the beginning and what in the beginning what was it was the one in the beginning what speech that's right that's right i'll say what you mean pastor janice in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth he spoke and brought the non-existence into existence and brought the invisible and made it visible that's right he being the invisible creator of the visible yes are you getting me that's right he being the invisible created visible that's right and then the invisible put on what was visible and the invisible demonstrated his will indivisible that's right the visible died and the invisible came out that's right it went to the lower part of the earth that's right i'm just talking about spirit and flesh human and divine that's right are you getting what i'm telling you in the beginning was the word the word introduced the beginning that's right the word introduced time that's right because when the beginnings start time was activated that's right because god is eternal and there is no time attached to eternity that's right all right in the beginning was the word and the word and the word was with god that's where you fool say that mean there was another god with him they say that no there was no another god with him and deuteronomy 32 39 speaks plain that's right because i said the word was with was with the word was with and then moses spoke plain and deuteronomy verse 39 see now that i even i am he now god talking see now that i even i am he and there is no god with me there's no god what there is no god with me what is it in the book of saint john and the word was with god i went to deuteronomy and there is no god with me thank god and the word was with god deuteronomy there and there is no god with me thank god and the word was with god and there is no god with me hallelujah one book says no god with them another book says word with god with god now watch john go and clear it up and tell us what the word was and the word was god was with himself that's right [Applause] they say well the bible says the word was made flesh i agree but it doesn't mean that god became flesh no the word made flesh how did it do it he spoke the flesh into existence existence you can hear the word speaking flesh yeah look at a moving prophet moving on problems to prophesy that's right under us a child is born we're talking right son is given the government shall be upon the show the name shall be called wonderful accounts of the mighty god everlasting father the prince of peace of the increase of the government of peace there should be no end what happened the word that's right getting flesh prepared to be made right sacrificing an offering that what is not but a body that's thou prepared me word making flesh the lord said unto my lord throughout one of those deep statements yes sit down on my right hand until i make that in that footstool rather than a fool who said the lord and my lord that's too your food the bible say heroes of the lord our god is one one when it says the lord the bible said no you the lord that he is god when he said my lord that means my son so the lord was in my lord that's right what do you mean the lord of heaven and earth was in my lord that flesh that came out the house of david that's right that body had the title lord and the spirit had the title lord and the body got this title from the street spirit give me a bible for that pathogen and jesus said all things that the father had mine all of it [Applause] that's right and the word was made flesh so what can you hear this in saint john chapter 1 and verse 14. that means god became a man no it doesn't mean that let me make it more plain first timothy 3 16. first timothy very familiar scripted that folks quote it but didn't give me give me uh first timothy 3 16 and give me flip in the second chapter yes first amen i want you to follow me and i want to atomize this and focus on the language of the bible get this first timothy chapter 3 and verse 16. what is it and without controversy shut your mouth up great touch your mouth that's right without consciousness that's right i stop all this talking if you don't know what you're talking about leave it alone that's right you got men all over the air all over social media trying to talk about god and just butchering it butchering it make a mess the bible says what i'm controversial shut up that's right tell your bishop to just go somewhere shut up that's right amen when he said jesus is a god and the father is a god do what without conscience [Music] that's right [Applause] what is it great is the mystery of god this is something everybody don't know that's right a mystery is not ordinary it's extraordinary that's right what was it god was manifest in the flesh that's what it means that the world was made flesh it was made flesh god was manifested when the thing is manifested is heard that's right it's seen god manifests his will god manifests his name god manifests his power god manifests his teaching god manifests his healing god manifests his purpose god manifests his agenda that's right god manifests his authority where god was manifest in the flesh he did it what in the flesh he manifests his name where in the flesh his authority where in the flesh title where in the flesh power in the flesh teaching where in the flesh switching where in the flesh soccer where in the flesh stockton where in the flesh god was manifest in the flesh he didn't say god was flesh no he was manifest in it in the flesh and while he was in that flesh what happened justified in the spirit where they got the spirit justified with the flesh done scene of angels the angels got glad about it preached unto the gentiles and the apostles preaching to the gentiles and then after they preached and what was the result believed on in the world and what received up into glory to god hallelujah hallelujah went on to gloria now in philippians chapter two chapter two what did he do with that flesh who being in the form of god wait a minute god's form was god's shape god's true it was god fashion god fashion was god figure god figure was god's image and god's image was the lamb or the sacrifice set aside to redeem us that lamb was called the son that lamb was called a prophet that lamb was called an apostle that lamb was called a minister that lab is called a servant that's right that lamb represents the church because with many members but one body that's right go ahead brother what did he say who being in the form of god he was in a farm who've been in a farm who being in the form of god being in a form of god robbery to be equal with god for you to be equal to god you've got to be god because god said who is my equal that's right saith the holy one say jesus christ was god that's right not his flesh that's right but the spirit of christ that was in the prophets that was god but made himself of no reputation and make himself of no reputation i took upon him the form of a servant oh that form he used to serve that's right and what and was made i got to show you that flesh was not god because god in me that's right anytime you have made there's a power higher than you that's right the spirit was higher though greater than the flesh and was made in the likeness of men and the likeness of man being found in fashion as a man what did the flesh do he humbled himself what do we got to do and became obedient what we got to do he humbled himself what we got to do that's right that's right the flesh was our example that's right none of the prophets can leave a better example than jesus could leave no no none of them none of them so god was manifesting the flesh and then that flesh was a pattern that's right a pattern an example of good works because no one can show you how to please god better than god that's right so god took on flesh and left a holy example sanctified example when men try to show you they will fail they will slip up they were arrows they will come short so that's why god did it himself that's right because that way nothing about the son of man will come short that's right to let you know you got the act you got us you got an example to live up to for even hearing too were you called in first peter chapter 2 and verse 21 you've been here until you call it because christ also suffered for us what leaving us an example what did he do leaving us an example why that ye should follow his steps amen he wash feet and then say ye oh ought to watch when these false prophets say you ain't got to watch feet you that lie you off to do it that's right you know jesus said you off the wash what another species you have to watch each other one another he said you have to wash one another you see one another feet and each other feeds two different things when you watch one another's feet i'll watch jones jeans watch harris harris wash hair hair watch that brother but when you watch that starts watching one another feet but when you watch each other i'll watch jones and jones watch mine that's wrong that's wrong that's right if i then your lord and master better get bible for this saint john chapter 13 and read verse 14. if i then be your lord and master and your ruler have washed your feet and that wash your he also ought to wash one another's feet he just said you ought to do it shut your mouth and do it for i have given you an example wait a minute why did he do it i have given you an example that in the church now i have given you an example no it's not in the church now we ain't got to do it that's one of those plans that was taken out i have given you an example you don't believe in washing feet you don't oh so you're trying to tell me what jesus said ought to do you ain't got to do i have given you an example why don't we got to do it that you should do as i have done to you if he said you should do it shut your mouth and sit down and get busy that's right all right preachers now that mean this preacher appreciate preachers that mean this please explain to me if one of the mothers is not able to come to church how is it you can go to her house just you and her and serve the lord's supper and wash your feet amen how can a preacher serve the lord's supper and wash your feet right who gonna wash your feet preacher that's right that's right the lord said if i was in your lord your lord and master i've washed your feet yeah you also ought to wash one another's feet they got to be in exchange that's right they got to be more than one there to do one another one not each other that's right one another you also each other not one another me if i if byron is at one of the ministers and i send byron to a mother huckabuck house someone said who's the hucklebug i don't know i said bye bye and you go on the mother huckleberry he said well pastor jennings she want the lord's supper what i look like is overseeing where you going to serve it and wash your feet now wait a minute we're going to watch byron feet that's right that's right we're going to break bread and serve it to him yeah amen amen someone said well he ain't got to take it the bible said plainly about jesus after he had sup him he took it that's right then gave he to his disciples you see how this thing got to be done right that's right not a tread glasses you old looking loving shot glassing folks you got to have one cup because that's all jesus had because they represent one body one body wait a minute passage these are modern times these are modern times and their german was more germs back then than it is now that's right you can't look at it from a kernel perspective you got to look at what that wine represents don't you like ryan represent that blood and that's where the new testament was that's right before the new testament was ink and paper it was in liquid form this cup and it was stored in the body of the son of man that's right give me the first corinthians first corinthians chapter 11 and verse 25. verse again first corinthians chapter 11 and let me show you where the new testament was before it got written first corinthians 11 and verse 25 that's what after the same matter also he took v cup and what when he had sucked when he had chap saying this cup is the new is testament new testament where is it in my blood where's the new testament at in my blood where's the new testament at in my blood that's why when they preached him inside out came blood and word of the new testament ran out that's right that's right in order for the testament to have affected testitude had to die that's right when a testator died he gave the scriptures power power whoever take god that it didn't have that's right after the testators died amen go back to the book of ephesians chapter one begin at verse four quickly son back in ephesians chapter one and verse four holiness according as you have chosen us in him this is what god purposed for you viewers are you that are here that's right he never purpose for you to be anything else so stop telling me what it is amen pastor general is you hold it well no then stop being it that's right plain and simple i was planning to talk for 30 years you waste 30 years that's right well pastor jennings i'm a apostolic preacher i'm happy for you now show me in the bible where god is an apostolic preacher then i'll be one that's right well the apostles was apostolic read it where it says that it says that apostolic came from the word apostle that's nice just show me where god set it down that's right i'm happy about your explanation i guess one bible amen that's like seventh-day adventists came from them that misused the first chapter of the book of genesis right they didn't rest on the seventh day or before you know it seven day adventists that's right baptist they hijacked john the baptist occupation who was a baptizer and they went around saying oh i bought pentecostal because it was assembled on the day of pentecost then on the day of pentecost was not the starting of the pentecostal church pentecost means to eat it was the feast the high feast of the passover that the jews had that's right who told you to be what you are come on come on now don't get mad at me because we are plowing up your religion with bible that's right you gotta plant that jesus didn't plant that's right my job is to rule it out every planet how many plants every plant every plant you can stand in front of your religion all you want but i'm trying on that i'm on the track i'm attracted that's right i'm riding the track and you can stay right there that's right right over here that's right only a church hey man you're always here amen every plan which my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted up every plan you show me that god told you to be anything else other than holy just show it to me then i'll become it that's right so will i pass you over oh yes good man amen amen just show me where god told you to be anything else then hold it then holy amen the religion of men the ideology of men the philosophy of men the theory of men have formulated religion to oppose the infallibleness of god that's right that's exactly why men went in religious business to oppose yeah god says ashamed for a man to have long hair man join some religion let your hair grow wrong let it flow man got a man bun man got a ponytail you look at him walking up the street you think is a woman that's right that's right the bible says god made the woman for the man and now the woman want to walk like a man that's right speak to a woman how you doing sister what's up that's right god bless no voice amen amen they love these cheap religions that give you freedom of sin that's right that's why you like it that's right that's right if holiness you better go back to the book of revelation i got to finish that up yeah and man what god looked like i got to finish that up what just came to my mind back in revelation chapter 1 and verse 13. across the black theory that's right that's all it is it's a black theory amen that goes for you white brothers and sisters too that got all this little white jesus in your house a blind haired blue-eyed hippie from woodstock who played the guitar with jimi hendrix i wanted the beach boys in your living room that's right yes that's right after one of the beach boys or one of the beatles you got john lennon in your living room that's pretending that he's jesus amen and before you start your day you walk around the kitchen with your coffee and that picture just a picture in your bedroom or in your living room or around your kitchen and you look at it like a fool like a fool talking to the picture with your cup of maxwell house looking at the picture good morning jesus that's right good morning jesus jesus oh jesus listen i don't hope you give me a good day just talking to the picture like a fool that's right jesus i hope you give me a good day today me and my boss oh my job last week jesus jesus would you please help me today that's right and then when he or she really leave they may kiss the hand and kiss the pig all right jesus i see it when you get back that's right that's right now you let that picture say all right i guarantee you won't come back in yet house no that little white jesus is no more your savior than your little black one amen get that idolatry trash out your house that's right that goes for any of you here they gotta cross around your neck with an image on it ain't nothing wrong with the crossbow when you got an image on it who told you jesus looked like that like that get that religious trash off your neck get it out your church that's right [Applause] amen amen god preachers kill polytheism that's right yeah oh yes what is it back in revelation 1 and verse 13. and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the son of man second to the son of man the same shape same form same fashion yes that he had when he was here on earth but he didn't have the same nature that's right here on earth was flesh and blood in heaven that's a glorified body or eternal it's a body but it's glorified that's right meaning is spiritual that's right no longer than natural yes all right clothes with a garment down to the foot what did he do and good about the paps with the golden girdle yeah his head his head and his hair and his hands were white like wool white as white as snow all right you black brothers and sisters you said the bible says yeah wooly hair hey said that go back and read it right his head and his hairs were white like wool oh yeah wooly hat well white like wolves oh amen it compared the color of his hair not the texture no look at what it compared the color to his head and his hairs were white like wool eyes wall is one texture as white as snow snow was another texture that's right they compared the color the whiteness of his hair to the whiteness of wool and to the whiteness of snow that's right pop the texture color color there was a man named gideon blessed be the name of god and god told them to separate the x amount of men whoever drank water laugh a dog and look to the left and look to the right getting had too many to go to battle yeah and man and god dwindled them down amen uh and then gideon used a excellent example he used a fleece laid the fleece out and wanted to know lord if you're gonna give me this i want this fleece dry and around it wet with duke he came and it was so and then gideon reverse it i want the fleece wet and i want to round it dry he came back and it was so god established his prayer twice because out of the amount for two or three witnesses to let him be established so god established that uh gideon will have the battle that's right so here you had a fleece now and the bible says what in isaiah 52 has of his head and it is like as white as snow yes snow you know wool is the covering of a lamb that's right and if there's chop the book of isaiah it says what are we like sheep have gone asleep all the way like people have gone turned everyone to his own way and the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all focus on the language of the bible god laid upon him that means the spirit laid upon the lamb the spirit laid upon the son of god god laid upon the son of god or the spirit laid upon the flesh descendant of us all he was oppressed he was oppressed and he was afflicted it was a fact that he opened not his mouth he didn't talk back he has brought as a lamb to the slaughter oh amen amen he's brought as a lamb he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before his sheer is his dumb brought as a lamb to his murderers that's right you know when you kill a lamb you murder it murdering the bible says they have murdered they killed the prince of life that's right amen and as a lamb to the slaughter and that the sheep what and there's a sheep before a series is dumb hold on hold on hold on hold on hold it now hold it now hold it now hold it now hold it now you know when a sheep about to be sheared the war is about to be removed that's right that's what happened on the cross that's right the sheep was sheared the spirit removed the wool off of itself because the spirit was in that body give me isaiah 45 15 quickly now yeah give me isaiah i 45-15 to tell you where god was located that's right this now isaiah isaiah 45 and verse 15. what did he say son of god that highest i said he do what highness thyself he hid himself in the lamb he hid himself in the wool he hid himself in the sun he hid himself in the body so the sheep the wall had to be shared mean removed to the spirit stepped out the body came out the lamb the shepherd that's right left the lamb that's right left the lamb there on the cross and went to the lower parts of the earth and stayed there three days and three nights preaching to the spirits that was in prison well pathogenesis why couldn't he use the body to preach to the spirits because the body can only be in one place at a time but the spirit can be everywhere because when he preached to the spirit that was in prison that started from the death of adam that's right the flesh was local yes sir the spirit was universal are you getting what i'm telling you that's right all right his hand and his hairs were white like wool why is what as white as snow that means the sacrifice when they offer up their body once for all through the eternal spirit they offered up the lamb they offered up the flesh they offered up with the son of god who atoned for our sins right here on earth and his eyes was a flame of fire his eyes were what were as a flame of fire eyes was compared that's right to the flame of fire all right jesus said if i tell you earthly things you don't get how can i tell you heaven let's analyze fire yeah that's right let's analyze fire that's right then you will understand what you get from his eyes that's right now do you understand let's look at fire from the natural perspective you got a nice good fireplace it's comfortable yeah make it sleepy too oh yeah make it good and drowsy but if the fire go beyond the fireplace that's right start burning down the walls and you start running now on the characteristics of the fire change it goes from being a comforter to consume humor his eyes his eyes were as a flame of fire that's what god is good give chapter verse again uh in revelation chapter 1 and verse 14. his eyes and his eyes were as a flame of fire from god you be confident and that same god come to consume yours he said the comforter will come that's right that's the holy ghost that's right he comforts you he keeps you when you don't have no one to console with no one to talk to spirit spirit of god step in comfort comfort you comfort your heart that same thing that comforts your heart come to consume your will that's right burn out everything in you that's not like him that's right but he's a comforter and a consumer you know you can look at a person's eyes and tell whether they love you or hate you oh yeah but your eyes are the light of your body that's right you can look at a person's eyes and tell whether they welcomed you or whether they want to keep you away yeah are you getting what i'm doing that is i i we're as a flame of fire has a flame of fire that's right and his feet wait a minute his feet what like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace feet like fine brass rats mean he's a deliverer now fine brass feet is like fine brass you know to be delivered you must be taken from that's right so you got to take a journey hey man that's why his feet is like fine brass in the book of numbers israel rose up against moses yes and spoke against moses and god sent fiery serpents upon them that's right then god instructed them make me a fiery serpent isn't that this in the book of numbers number chapter 21 and that verse eight make a fire reception and set it up upon a pole put it on a pole and it shall come to pass that everyone that is bitten when he looketh upon it shall live yeah and moses made a serpent of brass moses made a serpent of breath and put it up upon a point upon an apartment it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man that's right when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived oh wait a minute they was bitten by a serpent that's right then they was told to make a serpent from brass a brazen serpent now in the natural if you get bit by a snake that have venom what do they do they get venom get venom to fight the venom in you that's right they was bitten by a serpent that's right and then they had to make a braise and said freezing serpent and put it on the pole whoever looked at the separate will be delivered from the bite that's right jesus come along later yes and say it as moses and as moses lifted up the serpent and in the wilderness in saint john chapter three and verse 14. moses lifted up the spirit all of us was bitten by the serpent that's right that's why we was conceived in lust and formed in iniquity yes amen and we was bitten by the serpent so now here comes jesus that's right you need spirit to fight spirit that's right you need the power of god to fight the devil that's right that's like they looked at the serpent was delivered from the bite you got to look under jesus to be delivered from the enemy that's right back in the book of revelation quick so i can knock off back in revelation 1 and verse 15. and his feet like a defined brass as if they burn in a furnace and his voice is the sound of many waters oh his voice is the sound of many waters meaning he speaks with authority he's troublesome to you that's right and he had in his right hand seven stars hold it he had in his right hand what seven stars the seven stars were located where and he had in his right hand his what his right hand now hold it right there hold it right there seven stars represent the seven angels that were sent to the seven churches of asia in the natural the star reflect the sun at night you don't see the sun no but the stars of heaven reflect the light of the sun that's right amen you don't see god but uh the preacher is supposed to reflect the light of god which is the wisdom of god and the knowledge of god in the midst of darkness that's right what is the darkness the wickedness of the world that's right are you getting what i'm telling you and he had in his right hand seven seconds 15 now we're at verse 6. what thy right hand oh lord glory to god thy right hand o lord has become glorious in power literally no speaking in symbolic terms that's right that right hand no lord become glorious in power thy right hand oh lord right hand oh lord dashed in pieces of the enemies going around smacking the enemy no but it's powers destroying the enemy that's right and in the greatness of thine excellency greatness of that nexus that has overthrown them that rose up against them ah glory to god amen all right back in uh ephesians back in ephesians chapter one and verse four in him are you in him are you in them holy this is the knowledge of god the wisdom of god to understanding of the will of god the preaching of the agenda of god that your life may evolve around the thinking of god that's right the integration of men's opinion is unwelcome that's right and the infallible thinking and infallible wisdom of god that's right man must agree to all what god said yeah oh yes if god said be holy every preacher better tell you you better be holy that's right i said every preacher every preacher i don't care who you are don't go telling me how long you've been professing what you've been professing who cares that's right right that's right god spoke plain according as you have chosen i sent him before all right hey hey hey hey television viewer and you that are here you said god chose you well what did he chose you to be then why are you claiming to be something else well pastor jenna's labels don't matter if it didn't label why did god put a label on himself on himself that's right that's your dumb opinion again that's right i'm leaning to your own understanding amen god labeled himself that's right god labeled themselves he shall be holy for i the lord your god am holy god labeled himself himself you got that much education you got that much understanding are you so deep and so spiritually motivated you're going to tell me well labels it doesn't matter use old food and in isaiah chapter 62 and verse 12. listen and you sit at the table that's right one container is labeled pepper one container is labeled salt another container is labeled sugar that's right if it matters for your food why are you that food to think it don't matter for your soul that's right that's right that's right grab that container son give me the salt and if you bring pepper you're going can't you hear can't you hear me can't you read can't you read i want this out that's right god put the wholeness on the table you ain't got methodists now i'm asking you can't you read can't you read that that's right i'm asking you now can't you read can't you read amen god put holiness on the table and you went and got hindu well can't you read you read amen wonderful wonderful god put holiness on the table you ain't got a can of apostolate can't you read that's right ye shall be holy for i the lord your god am holy holiness is the rules and regulations that god set that's right to govern the whole universe and in isaiah chapter 62 and verse 12. and they shall call them the holy people no they should call them the apostolic people they shall call them the holy people penny cost of people the holy people over witnesses the holy people the mormon people the holy people amen amen and you look at pastor jennings as if i wrote the bible that's right you want everybody to be what you are me me pastor jennings pastor jennifer my lord let me go hood on you for a few minutes listen jack if we left up the g and we left up the o.g i wouldn't be holy no no no i left up the g i wouldn't be holy no way no i'll be out there with you that's right [Applause] [Applause] strip everything that's right that's right [Applause] amen that's why when a child is born proof that it came from the womb it has what is called after birth the mother water break and the child come into the world and the doctors have to clean up the residue of the placenta that's right off the body clean it up and then it weighs the child because the child gains some weight in darkness you are out there in the womb of the world covered in the placenta of sin that's right [Applause] and you gain weight that's right and god wants you to lay aside let us lay aside every weight of fear and the sin which would so easily beset us and run with patience patience the race that is set before us you don't run quickly because you overlook too much that's right run take your time that's right hallelujah take your time and do what pastor jaden jesus said learn of me learn of me that's why we made our mistake we many of us repented of our sins was baptized in the name of jesus christ to see the holy ghost and gotten to herod but we didn't take time to learn of him that's right amen well pastor jennings you're right how could i learn of him where i was we wasn't being taught of him yeah so you just went in survival mode that's right and as a result of such conditions you've done the best you can backslid and what seed was planted started gnawing on you you better get back to god that's right and then you went church hunting and when you went church hunting you start picking up everything from wherever you went which made you worse right you became more confused and to my sad regret became terribly spiritually used not by god that's right but by the bad information distributed by false prophets so you became a product of falsehood and what falsehood does is start to undo what good it's there that's right falsehood is as powerful upon the human family when they are weak see holiness is not just only to build your character but it's build your spiritual stamina that's right to build up your spiritual immune system you have to have some form of resistance against satan you know the way your parents used to do when you was little give you that castor oil that castor oil that father john's that marketing beast medicine the three sixes holiness is rough tough it demands you give god attention that's right there is no compromising god there is no bargaining with him he says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ you say well i bow my head and raise my hands he didn't take to do it no raise your head up and put your hands down and do it like god says that's right he says we are buried with them by baptism you stink off to a catholic church and preacher throw some water on your head heaven yeah god didn't tell you let a preacher throw water on you he said buried buried you go to a church and say well i got baptized father son of holy ghost that's what jesus said do he did not did not jesus said go therefore and teach all nations to baptize him at the name of the father son the holy ghost in the name of the father son the holy ghost is not father son the holy ghost so when you go down the water and come up and the preacher said father son the holy ghost don't get out the water yet that's right don't you get out the water yet white he ain't finished that's right when he going to get you out there oh hey bishop you didn't call the name when the father was in the holy ghost i'm still waiting to hear it what's the name bishop what is the name of the father son the holy ghost you took me down you ain't calling no names right father's no name son has no name holy ghost is no name he's follower because he created everything he took on the title song because he offered up a body once through the eternal spirit his holy ghost because he's the keeper of the church and the power of the church and the disciplinarian of the church and he's the preacher in the church that's right but who is it jesus all right charlotte charlotte charlotte charlotte charlotte amen and all of you that are here from surrounding areas that goes for all pastors all mothers all choir members all bass players drummers horn players if you play a washboard in your church or two spoons together that's right if you're the harmonica blower if you got a tub with a big old string on it tied to a broom [Music] this is for you too acts 2 and verse 38 if you are homosexual that's right all right am i right harris yes you got this to do this to do follow me and get me acts chapter 2 and verse 38 acts 2 38 then peter said unto them repent no bow your head and raise your hand and accept christ as your old personal savior peter said unto them repent join the church repent no touch the tv screen and pray a sinner's prayer and say lord jesus i'm a sinner coming to my heart wash me as white as snow repent that's what you did didn't you win yes i did you do that do you even know i can't even count it pastor so many times so many times all at home at home you did it and it didn't help you it didn't help me pastor still was on your way to hell still was on my way to hell pastor isn't that wonderful my are you on your way to hell with william all right now he ain't on his way now hallelujah now are you no you're helping the lord everybody that was baptized father son the holy ghost was baptized wrong that's right your mother your father your family everybody that's right that's right you didn't understand what jesus said that's right you didn't understand it he said it and the devil blinds you to it that's right jesus said go in there foreign teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father that one word the preachers went running that's right that one word you overlooked baptism his wife his mama is children sometimes the daddy got so anxious he baptized his whole family wrong wrong that's right innocent victims of misunderstanding that's right i want you preachers to hear this because you didn't do this many of you amen and you and your entire congregation got to go back in water or fight it and die and go to an everlasting hell that's right now you may say i'd rather obey jesus than obey peter that's what they say let's let's start that out would you please before we close let's see what jesus said about that in saint luke chapter 10 and verse 16. you don't mind reading that would you say saint luke chapter 10 and verse 16. never so kind to read it for us i'll read it gladly pastor saint luke chapter 10 and verse 16. he that heareth you jesus said to the apostles he that heareth you hey you that said you rather obey jesus than obey the apostles look at what jesus said about this he that heareth you he's talking to his apostles he that hear you here it's me and he that despises you don't obey the apostles despises me you reject jesus and he that despiseth me what despiseth him that sent me you reject that flesh you reject the spirit that sent that flesh that's right that's right that's right amen now go to church now go to church amen go to church now i'm preaching yeah if you're a pastor visiting here tonight you get up in your pulpit tomorrow and keep telling folk be baptized father son the holy ghost you're a false prophet and a lie after you heard this and you're on your way to hell that's right your congregation and your old daddy that's right amen matthew 20 19 says what do you therefore and teach all nations and do what baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost there was no baptism being performed there he told him go do it go do it now let's see where it was done where it was fulfilled acts chapter 2 and verse 38. hear this viewers then peter said unto them repent no join the church repent us in his breath repent bow your head and raise your hand accept christ as your savior repent amen god wants you to be sorry about your sins that's right well you're sorry i ain't got the fight with you no someone said i'm going to be what jesus said because what jesus said is in red letters what about the bible they ain't got no red letters that's right that's right that's how blind you are what jesus said is from genesis 1 1 through revelation 22 last verse that's right oh that's the words of jesus yes why because the bible said all scriptures are given by the inspiration of god god and it's profitable for doctrine for reproof for correcting instructions and righteousness that the man of god may be perfect third day furnish on all good works then peter said unto them repent you got this to do you got to repent for having those women preachers repent for smoking repent for gambling repent for lying repent for living together not marriage repent for wearing uh your walgreen hair and your leaves stick on nails that man gotta repent for wearing dresses and that was repent for wearing pants whatever holiness speak against and you did it get it you gotta repent you're doing it that's right that's right you gotta repent for being gay yes that pastor got to repent for flying that rainbow flag and it ain't representing noah no it's not no no repent amen order in the church that's right that's right some of you out there now sitting with your cigarettes in your pocketbook and your inside pocket or your glove compartment of your car yeah right now came always here smoking and then put a bunch of lifesavers chewing gum and tic tacs in your mouth halls and everything else and nobody will smell your cigarettes that's right what you got to do for smoking repent you and your boyfriend is here you're living together yeah oh yeah what you gotta do repent all right shaq that's right all right repent what you gotta do for shacking up repent well pastor jenna is the only reason why i'm there because he promised to marry me and uh it's been three years now i don't know why he won't do it because you're giving up free goods that's right in his eyes he's thinking let freedom ring in the house in the house of a solitude that's right can't think about marrying you no and all your goods is free that's right if you shut down your grocery store perhaps you rethink things yeah and stop supplying him that's right [Applause] amen [Applause] amen repent amen the holy books then peter said unto them repent all right you guys living together not married you might as well pack up that's right make this your last night that's right fellow that's standing around the wall you came tonight but your girlfriend didn't want to come because she don't like what i'm preaching you know you and your girlfriend sit on the bed and look at us and she's smoking and you turned us on and you're like oh you watch that old crazy geno again all he do is put everybody in hell you're just mad cause you're on your way that's right that's right that's right but repent then peter said unto them repent i'm telling you you may as well stop blaming geno jennings i'm telling you right now from the depths of my heart i doubt i am not responsible for this that's right amen i played keyboard for over 45 years and was offered to be a millionaire playing in one of the top jazz millionaire clubs in the world amen i was in high school offer 24 000 a month and some folk don't make that a year yeah they offered me 15 000 cash up front yeah if i would just sit back they gave me the choice of the piano that i want oh glory to god amen but you know the lord just having a way of just ruining your life but when god ruined your life it's for your good that's right and who would you god it had the atmosphere that i liked you know 1930 40 atmosphere had the upright bass player of my choice the drummer with his brushes had a horn section saxophone trumpet with the mute in it a few trombones baritones i know a lot of men don't play baritone sacks too much i have baritone soprano alto and i knew how to make them coordinate together certainly [Applause] hey that's right carter i was baptized in the name of jesus christ had the holy ghost speaking in tongues i would go in the music room after school is over they wanted me to join the jazz band but i wouldn't so when i got in there i got the jazz band musicians because i never knew how to play it by music but god gave me a year and i can play any style under the sun and i played any stuff and uh so i would go in the music room and some of the band musicians would sneak out come in the back room where i was and i just arranged a rhythm right off the top of my head and my music teaching mr mayor here come back looking for everybody he said y'all must be in there with gina i said mr mayola you go out and let us let us do what we're doing ms maoli said gina you gonna pass up 24 000 a month i said miss mayola i can't do it amen i couldn't do it i repented of my sins and was baptized in the name of jesus christ at six my mother and father didn't send me to the water amen god bless me to understand what it was i came through speaking in tongue at 11. wonderful when i was 13 was when i first stepped in the prophet amen and preached acts 2 38. amen i've been preaching for about 45 years preaching i've been pastoring going on 38 years i've been baptized over 52 years i had the holy ghost over 46 years [Music] now i'm only 58. amen you had those numbers up that'd make me over 100. so god put me in this he stripped me of my youth young man coming up i love the box and also took mixed martial arts and did it well coming from the hood i held my hands of great joy and satisfaction that's the lord all right all right coming up in the hood we were box slap box body box gave us joy but we did what was called a fair one fair one mean best man win after that hell we go shoot the hoop together we didn't beat you up then pull a gun out on you aren't you ready amen amen god stop hallelujah in my youth wonderful never smoke i never found it appealing it stunk never drink liquor was not attractive to me never drink why i had a ruler in my house yeah his name was ernest he was my father i didn't come up in a home of drinking and smoking and cussing in foul language i didn't come up in a home like that what holy teaching they knew they helped that yeah amen my mother was my father was stricter than my mother i'm glad to see my mama made this trip how you doing mama you all right my father didn't believe in christmas but i can depend on mama amen all right she we wouldn't get a tree to mama did it the slick way don't get a tree but buy them gifts my father would tell her i told you jesus ain't born in the 25th of the summer and if you don't stop celebrating that christmas josephine you're going to go to hell but we can depend every year that my mother would be a heathen gardener and she was a good heathen [Applause] hey man she brought us much gifts and much stress father will tell all of us all right y'all keep it up now and hell you're going to lift up your eyes so eventually mother chief came around no more gifts but coming up in falsehood i'm glad i didn't come up in the truth because coming up in falsehood gave me a better appreciation for the truth amen sometimes coming up in falsehood you only see things one side of the fence you'll be blind to a lot of reality out there or you're naive that's right and a lot of people that come up in the truth is naive to what's out there and therefore but their naivety sucked them up out there that's right because they overestimate themselves to underestimate what's out there that's why we come right down to earth among our brothers and sisters and tell you exactly what's out there we just don't preach jesus to him crucified that's right we teach you what's out there but we teach what's out there in here because in some ways what's out there is also in here that's right that's right don't say it pastor jenna wait a minute you mean to tell me what's out in the world as in in church if you don't believe it is you haven't read the bible let me read the bible if you read the apostles teaching when they preach against sin they was going up against the church that's right i remember on one occasion paul went among the corinth and the brothers were sleeping with their mom with the mothers it is reported commonly somebody said what get this second first corinthians chapter five and then verse one it is reported coming wait a minute how often was this being done get chapman verse again first corinthians chapter 5 and that the first verse not sinners that's right baptized jesus christ holy ghost that's right he's the messiah up mahaya amen amen church church yeah that's good first corinthians 5 and verse 1 it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the gentiles i'll let you know all fornication is not the same fornication that's right the language of the bible says such fornication that means you did a particular kind of fornication that not even the uncircumcised dead that's right so all fornication is not the same thing there's some fornication that come under the heading of abomination and you can commit an abomination yeah and yet you can commit just fornication that's right that's right are you listening a man and woman ain't married fornication that's right a man and a man that's the fault that's a kind of fornication but it's abomination abomination man do you get me that's right clarity god it is reported commonly how often commonly not once a year that's commonly it was regular that there is fornication among you and such fornication judge folk that's right that's right church food i bought say if you found fornication in the church that's the devil's church is this the devil's church is it amen it is reported commonly this was this was common that there is fornication among them someone said well they couldn't have the holy ghost to do that what kind of narrow mind do you have who told you that who told you you can't have the holy ghost and sin who told you that i told you that the apostle was walking with jesus that's right and sin and sin jesus looked at peter get this behind me satan saved satan well pastor jennings he wasn't saved yet all right let's get the second chapter galatia when he was saved when he was saved right i'll get you before he was saved and i get to happen second chapter book of galatians let's see how the apostles got wrong in galatians chapter 2 we're at verse 11 come on real quick but when peter was come to antioch i would stood him through the face of paul said when peter came to antioch i stood him to the face because he was to be blamed for before the certain came from james the qualification of a bishop is to be blameless that's right because he was to be blamed you see we love to go into the nook and crannies of the scriptures that's right amen i don't look at the apostles above what's written i look at them according to what's written that's right and when you look at them above the what's written you blunder yeah because the scripture even apostle paul said let no man think no higher than they ought to think but think soberly that's right all right for before the certain came from james he didn't eat with the gentiles yes but when they were calm he withdrew and separated himself fearing them which was the circumcision and the other jews dissembled likewise with him and so much that barnabas also was carried away with their dissimulation but when i saw that they walk not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel if you don't walk upright what are you doing what are you doing pastor dennis are you saying when they didn't walk up right they was up the devil no i'm not saying that but let's see who we're saying give him the book of john first john chapter three and then verse eight and what he that committed sin is of the devil amen he that committed sin is of the devil now what did paul said the apostles did but when i saw that they walk not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel they did what they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel they wasn't living holy right there that's right and when you don't do that what the john said you are he that committed sin is of the devil let's close out again with acts 2 38 let's go back then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit anybody want to be holy and sanctified tonight and get it right and be baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet count on your feet now if you want to get it right count on your feet if you want to get it right so you look at here look at this one all of you that are standing all of you that's standing go right where they are all of you that are standing hallelujah without those doors they're in the back and on the side do you see this do you see this everybody got to be baptized come on come on come on charlotte charlotte come on who will take off hallelujah everybody got the dog [Applause] harris and jones both of y'all go baptized i said this is what everybody got everybody this is what god do with the truth of god everywhere come on you got to repent and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ your father your mother your sons and daughters and you got to pack up and leave the false church you're in so you don't burn in hell when god comes that's right pastor got to do it mother got to do it that's right relatives everything you might as well come on come on and keep it coming people coming come on amen god correct god hallelujah amen you viewers that are upset i want you to look at that that's right it's the lord's doing again hallelujah everybody got this to do hallelujah everybody everybody the lord tell what i say the one i say to all of you everybody i think of the comment one young lady made she didn't think that we would accept them he said pastor dennis i hope you read this statement she commented on one message he said i want to be a holy woman i hear you teaching holding she said but i got dreadlocks tattoos lesbian life she said i'm out here and i don't believe i believe if i come the mothers in the church won't accept me and then people won't accept me and you won't accept me i told her over there you come on in here we will accept you that's right come on hallelujah you can't scale a fish till you catch it that's right you get many of these dumb apostolics a woman they're coming in with pants and they're telling you can't come in here or they'll stop her at the door and make her put on some baptism clothes dress what you gonna make her put it on for just for her to take it off when she go home that's right we preach the word of god when god hits your heart god strip you that's it that's it hallelujah are you listening hallelujah i tell the mothers don't don't bother them when they come in with pants on lipstick don't you say nothing to him that's right what do you mean don't you go do god's job that's right god say that's it you leave them alone that's right wonderful what good is the center throwing all that off she ain't repented right that's right she ain't sorry about wearing it so what's going to happen she's going to go right back to it if she come in with hot pants just keep her away from the brother seeing it i don't want no brother get in the spirit [Applause] see a lot of these churches besides helping the people they've done more damage yeah so a lot of people that come from these churches i got a tough job in repairing them that's right because they lock a lot of these people lost confidence injection yeah and millions are thanking god for this program like one man wrote me he said you gave me hope all over again wonderful wonderful a man 83 years old and said you the first preacher i heard that preached with the bible understand wonderful he said you understand the bible my objective is to help you that you may develop in the body of the lord's bride why are you in the body of the woman the church the bride the wife developing into sons and daughters my job is to feed you that's right why you evolve in the church like a woman that's pregnant she teaching the child before it comes from the womb she teaches the child based upon how she carried her own self the child eat what she eats so you can't eat this anything that's right so i just can't eat anything and then preach to you no so i have to make sure all my manna comes from heaven that's right none from theology schooling philosophy all my manner got to come from heaven not from martin luther king from heaven that's it he had a dream but we're living in a nightmare amen amen i have to lay in the bible there's no sermon written out here ever ever ever never know what i'm going to preach before i get up here that's right i don't i don't be in the side room praying lord give me the message lord [Music] i don't do that no you don't god made me a preacher that's it you keep that stuff in me all the time that's right that's right sometimes my brothers they jump on me and attack me try to see if i'm ready that's right i got some good brothers i'm very down-to-earth with them when williams and huey and shay get together god help him i know i gonna have a fight on mine that's right shade and healed will boost up williams and well he carry out the orders all right brother they go with some scriptures and they tell when why don't you go on and just look look all three of us can stop passing jenna's mouth today and we haven't said you know what and then williams will come to me and shade and hugh is standing back up like this security williams come to me shaking his hand he said i got you now i said you don't give up don't you say i'm not going to give up until i take the word of god i told him good man all right tell them when to bring your scripture yeah brain get scriptured then i take it from him you can see him running down the hallway i'm sorry i love the brotherhood we're enjoying this thing brothers amen god knows we are you know all right we'll give me the correct time brothers [Applause] 9 25 9 26 just like false prophets they never speak the same thing all of my visiting ministers we thank god for all of you all of you come on back tomorrow prayer beginning at 11 o'clock don't you go back to your church that's right don't even stop wasting your time why don't you just stop wasting your time would i just come tonight because i watch you on television and i want to see what you like in person i'm the same way shoot you in person and shoot you over there the only difference is you can't turn me off in person that's right you can get mad and go out there and catch your breath and come on back and pick up where you left off but you might as well face the fact your years of going to church is a waste of time unless you do it like the word of god said that's right all right let us all stand back oh don't forget turn the clocks back one hour tonight don't you go back turn your clocks back one hour come on back 11 o'clock tomorrow morning hit your knees and pray to this one god eternal god in the name of jesus christ we thank you once again for your divine wisdom and a perfect understanding of all things we thank you for the message of holiness that you reveal to your apostles and open up their understanding that they might understand the scriptures we thank you for the many that are here tonight and the many that's going down in water in the name of jesus christ live up to your word and fill them hallelujah with the holy ghost speaking in tongue at the spirit of the living god give utterance give healing to the sick strength to the weak stand by us and be with us and protect us as we go back to our separate destinations bless the remaining service on tomorrow that the word of god will have a free course we can never thank you enough for what you're doing for the truth of god continue to add daily such as should be saved and we'll forever magnify thine great name these blessings we ask in the name of the lord jesus christ the one true god of heaven and earth let every heart say amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 267,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 159min 13sec (9553 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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