First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1542-1543 June 12th, 2021 Saturday Eve Jackson MS Live Stream.

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if you leave him that's your problem but god is there and uh we're running to make it into the first resurrection to see god face in peace we're not here for to make friends you're not here to please family members you should be here for the saving of your soul stick with the word of god all the way into the end thank god [Applause] we thank god for the remark from the minister at this time the most important thing that we got that we can hear is the word of god so as you just said in prayer we introduce it to some and presented to other at this time the man of god pastor general jennings thank you brothers and sisters greetings brothers and sisters as always we bear witness there is no god but one there is no god with him no god besides him no god greater than him there is no god equal to him he is and shall forever be god alone we thank him for being the true sender of holy prophets and of holy apostles we are indebted to him for his guidance his mercy one of the greatest days of our life is when god opened up our understanding that we might understand the scriptures we thank god for eldon mclennan keeping jackson mississippi in remembrance of the word of the lord every week amen we thank god for hell the butler being present he's also one of our brothers here and jackson mississippi he's been ill and but we thank god for him being here this evening i thank god to see him laugh at brother minister brandon from the memphis area and brother minister shabazz from mobile alabama as always be glad to see old williams here we thank god for all of you [Applause] we thank god for all of you that are here uh as it has been announced we have started a new work here in jackson mississippi and this is our temporary meeting place today me and the brothers was out driving around the city looking for something that we can put the people in permanently i found a vacant bank and i like the way it looked and i called my church real estate agent and i took the name down off the sign and she was able to contact the owner we was able to go inside and we gave him an offer today so he said he'd get back in contact with us on monday and i will see whether he accept our offer the church that was given to us in chicago we had a beautiful successful meeting in chicago baptized quite a bit there been what two weeks ago now about two weeks ago didn't have no standing room at about seven to eight to ten different elders and bishops from different churches all the different testimonies that left their churches some quit pastoring stepped out the pulpit uh some came from indiana other parts of illinois some from kentucky some from ohio the word is pulling the people i mean it's pulling the people so uh even though we are grateful for the church that was given to us it just can't hold the people uh so we were blessed uh that sunday evening me and the brothers was to go look at a methodist campus that went up for sale was church and a school but a rainstorm came through chicago and didn't do us no good so we came on back to philadelphia the next day but my church real estate agent flew into chicago for us to look at the property she was in chicago yesterday and got back today and contacted me she said pastor the place is just what you would want i got pictures of everything that you would want me to get pictures on and and uh they had one price i gave them an offer price and present that to chicago so i wait to hear from them next week also we gave an offer price and on a building for the church in minneapolis minnesota they counter offer me so i accept their counter offer so hopefully we got three offers in one agreed two and two we waiting on so this is what has taken place not just here in america but abroad as brother minister shabazz said we're not traveling to just say how you doing i know how i'm doing down here in jackson mississippi it's hot brother amen so you know that i have no plans on going to hell do you talk back to me mississippi glory be to god so we are thankful when we the day that we came down here in april to establish the new work here in two days we baptize 112 souls in two days when i came here of april of this year 112 souls repent of their sins and went down in the water in the name of jesus christ think of it in two days some men been pastoring in mississippi 20 30 and 40 50 years and having baptized 10 people in 30 years when i first came to jackson mississippi it was december of 2019. we baptized 92 souls in two days when i first came here so as you can see brothers and sisters we mean business we mean business i'm telling the people all over the world leave your churches if you don't want to go to hell leave your churches these churches were started by men these religions were started by men to keep you in bondage keep you serving the devil but trick you and make you think you're serving god the bible says this they profess that they know god but and works they deny him think of it they profess that they know god which means this they claim to be christians they claim what they are teaching will point you to christ lead you to christ lead you to christ connected to christ but when it come time to teach you really what to do they get on god's side right then in works they deny him that's right meaning they deny the reality of christ so i'm not traveling around the world for fun the borders of the various countries around the world get ready to open back up and we'll be back overseas we had a bishop came to want to walk with the truth of god who was under td jakes and uh he started a ministry and and uh he met me about last week last week was in colombia south carolina weren't we time go by so fast it was jam-packed there in colombia and many were baptized in the name of jesus christ in the columbia south carolina area and me and the bishop got began to talk and even the bishop got baptized he said i don't want to wait till your acts who want to be baptized he said i want to be baptized before you get in the fulfill so i uh we stopped having our discussion i called the minister into the office minister jones i said you baptize him right now he's ready he went and got baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ he said pastor jennings i sent a memo to our entire church organization he said i confess to all of them that we all was baptized wrong and he said i repent for teaching you're wrong that's wonderful isn't it you have a very large church and myrtle beach south carolina another large church in virginia beach another large church in cincinnati and another large following there in the country of belize and south america so god willing if it be the lord's rule in november we'll be having an introduction meeting in south america god willing november of this year if it be the lord's will and beliefs thank god and i got a gospel already lined up amen i don't have to go in the room and gather that stuff we keep it handy all the time it's already ready you know folks we got the best thing in the world there's no maybe it's all about it the best thing many don't understand us i'm not mean i'm not mean at all my mission was given to me from god that's plain and simple preach the gospel to every creature save your soul from the hellishness that is being preached under the heading of religion i'd ride around jackson mississippi and see the false churches lined up like cockroaches baptist methodist presbyterian lutheran now the nomination of catholic knights of columbus morningstar eastern style seven of enemies apostolic pentecostal baptist this methodist that free will baptist which means you're free to do whatever you want think of it religious people are traditionalists that's right and when you are a traditionalist it is hard for you to accept change that's right if you've been taught five plus five is eight and you know that's not the truth and you've been taught all your life five plus five is eight and then somebody come tell you the truth brother sister five plus five is ten it's gonna be hard for you to accept that truth because you've been misled for years to believe five plus five is eight regardless of how true it is that five plus five is ten for you to accept that truth you first gotta humble yourself because to accept the truth that means you got to go against what you've been taught that's right and you may have gotten that teacher teaching from your mother from your father from your uncle from your grandfather from some religion and when you go against that teach him to accept the truth of the equation or about the matter going against that teaching also is a admission that i was taught wrong and that's a hard pill to swallow oh yes yeah oh yes that's why many folks say that man is mean he's hateful look how rude he sounds i'm like the old country grandpop you've been going to church for years you're like a spoiled child who parents let you do everything you want to do give you all the lollipops you want give you all the sugar you want let you play church you ain't got to wash your hands and then run across the couch with your shoes on spank your child child hit you back and you say uh ain't that's cute oh it take god but when that child get in the house of grandma and grandpa where rules are set discipline is set order is set now that child is forced to conform that's right because there's no longer the atmosphere that patronize its misbehavior it's no longer in an atmosphere that condone its disrespect that's right so now the child's in an atmosphere that is not used to that demands obedience respect and the rule of law that's right o red beach are the most high god that's what holiness is that's right it demands to be confirmed not to this world to this world thank god but be transformed by the renewing of your mind because there's a law now that's right and it's the law of god not the law of genogenous that's right so you wish your breath to get mad at me buddy i didn't write this i was on a hot day like this i would like to be in my swimming drums that's right out there on the beach laying out there witnessing the world when you oh yes i'm pretty sure a day like today you would like to be somewhere just chilling oh yes hey man with your shorts on and tank top a man with a nice ice cold daiquiri wouldn't you that created one hand and a rolled up piece of weed in the other am i right certainly you would oh nice or or crack a can of ice cold budweiser or some champagne on the rocks you would like to do that right to do it that's why folk don't want holiness that's right holiness is the representation of god's thinking holiness is the representation of god's character that's right holiness is the representation of god expectation that he have out of the entire human race holiness doesn't allow the infiltration and the delusion of the thought of men to be mixed into god's teaching at all when men's ideology and men's philosophy and man's theory try to work his way up and creep up into holiness wholeness crush it that's right and drive it out that's right that's why when you watch the truth of god many people are shocked and write me by the thousands i have never seen a religious program that give bible for everything i believe that the word of god is good enough for everybody and everything that's right that i don't have to make up nothing yes i don't have to pre-plan no sermon never been to bible college since i've been black and i've been black for 58 years and i don't believe i'm gonna change any colors so mississippi everybody and i mean everybody i thank god to have a holy message and with the holy message god give us holy results i'll be embarrassed to be down here in mississippi or in any other state telling people i've been preaching for 30 and 40 and 50 years i haven't baptized three people in 10 years lord god don't send men to do nothing no when god sent you there's a calling not just attached to you but when he sent you he sent you with the mission that's right don't you hear when he told the apostles go in all the world and preach the gospel every creature all right god i feel the thing in me now picture to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that don't believe it will go to hell that's it hallelujah so i have a gospel i have a gospel i have a gospel hallelujah that was given to me from god i didn't get it from the college i didn't get it from there you know glory to god from the university hallelujah i got it from god getting it from god and make me thunder against the whole world hallelujah amen i go in any town any village any country in the world by god permission i don't care if it's three people god will give the truth of god more results in one day then men been preaching in the city for 60 years that's right why because this thing is of god that's right i want to crush the tradition of men that's it and i want to enforce and reinforce god's tradition as i said earlier many people are afraid of change yet they claim they save who ever heard of being born again and change don't come with it i wouldn't say well i took a bath did you change clothes no did you change your underwear no had the same underwear on all week long why are you bragging you took a bath and the flies are still visiting upon thee amen what of god said if any man be in christ he is a new creature what he is a new creature now you got to have a teaching to transform you that's right i don't care how much you want to be saved without teaching that come from god to transform you from what you were to what god wants you to be then you're held hostage in a stage of ignorance and religious stupidity that's right in the midst of being sincere you're held hostage ignorant blind death dumb faithful going to a church loyal working in the church giving money to support the church just to find out years later the very religion that you're patronizing never exists in the scriptures at all that's right i want you to just think of it think of it go back and check your income taxes see how much money you gave to support a religion that never exists in the bible think of it jackson mississippi you hear me preaching this more over over there my god people are writing me by thousands constantly telling me you make me think deeper than i ever thought before it's not me it's god that's preaching this in me that's right amen yeah you can't credit me many of you are baptist and methodist and presbyterian and lutheran apostolic and pentecostal and non-denominational and you have never thought to ask yourself that god tell me to be these things these things and yet you're leading praise service collecting offering carrying the bishop briefcase like you're a secret agent giving him water like he preaching he didn't do nothing amen directing choirs singing on a choir playing organs and drums and guitars some of you are deacons and elders and bishops and ministers and little half-pride evangelists and a quarter of an inch pastor that's right up preaching trial sermons feeling like you something because now you're a junior elder something that's equal to a three dollar bill amen think of it you've been hoodwinked oh yes you've been bamboozled you've been led astray that's right and this is being done all in jesus name that's right going to die one day this wouldn't make me firm against false prophets oh yes when god instruct noah to build an ark it was for the salvation of the people to escape the judgment of god is that the truth well don't you know the purpose of church is supposed to be that the word of god is preached that you might escape the hell fire that's coming which is the judgment of god that's right [Applause] church is not designed to make a preacher rich church is not designed for a preacher to become wealthy as a result of preaching no churches is that listen you want a limousine get a job and go to work and buy it you want a mansion fight get a job and go to work and buy it i said i shall buy it that's right church supposed to prepare you then meet god that's it all right let's go to work in the bible i want you to take i want you to follow me i want to take my time and soaking i want to listen i want you to listen good night in the book of saint matthew chapter 15 we'll start reading you that are watching around the world follow me in your bible that's right all right come on williams matthew chapter 15 we'll start reading at the fifth verse but ye say whosoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift yes by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honor not his father or his mother he shall be free yes thus jesus said thus have ye made the commandment of god have you made a comment give chapter and verse again matthew chapter 15 we'll start again in verse 5. thus have ye made the commandment of god the order of god the regulations of god the rules of god the statutes of god thus have ye made the commandment of god of none effect of no good by your tradition by your tradition ye hypocrites you can't leave that part out no way those that hold the tradition above god's commandments what are they ye hypocrites what world did he say well did isaiah prophesy of you prophesy of you saying this people draweth night to me with their mouth honor me or draw not to me with their mouth and honor me with this me with their lips but their heart but their heart is far from me that's what i want to bring to jackson m-i-s-s-i-s-s i-p-p-i today that's right hallelujah we have a lot of mouth service that's right i don't blame no churchgoer because if you don't know something i can't charge you because you are innocent victims of bad teachings that's right we always misled oh yes lied to you and some of the lies was our relatives that's true our own fathers uncles grandfathers and because they were family members we thought it would be godly to help them yes or take god and support them as if flesh and blood won't lead you wrong that's right that's why family churches are no good no good you need god's church amen god church is built by the spirit of god yeah i don't care you you desire your family to be saved but uh my wife is not the first lady no and my son is the treasurer and my nephew is the secretary that's right keep all the money in the family when you're in a church like that having you wake up to the fact yet you in a family business amen thus thus have you made the commandment of god commandment of none effect now hold it by what by your tradition holding on to your tradition your tradition preachers holding on to their tradition water down the reality of god's commandments that's right what is their tradition that's right regardless that the bible says repent and be baptized get me and hear me every one of you in the name of jesus christ [Music] and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost for the promises unto you add unto your church and unto them that is the far off even as many as the lord our god shall call that's the commandment that's right that's something you've got to do but the tradition of men that the churches hold on to foul your head that's right raise your hand yeah accept christ as your personal savior yes join the church hold a preacher's hand and pray some cheap unscriptural sinners prayer that nobody prayed in the bible that's right nobody nobody ain't nobody in the bible praying that's right or the preacher is blind to matthew 28 19. when jesus said do you therefore teach all nations baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost and the preacher out of blindness misunderstanding just like the one that thinks five and five is eight that's right he misunderstands matthew 20 and 19 and he takes somebody in water and just repeat what jesus said but don't do what jesus said that's right jesus never told nobody baptized father sign the holy ghost he said do it in the name in the name of the father and to do it in the name you got to know the name so you can obey the scripture and then when i know the name i don't have to mention the titles that's right i'll call that name that's right and i'll blast the name of jesus christ upon creation that's right are you getting what i'm telling you thus have you made the commandments of god have you made the commandment of god god's commandment of not effect i'm not in fact by your tradition god commanded i suffer not a woman to teach know the use of authority over the man but to be in silence with all subjection that's right that's god commandment that's right written in 1st timothy chapter 2 verse 11 and 12 and verse 11 and 12. let the woman learn and silence before when you hear this right away the hypocrite said i smell chauvinism no that's inspired scripture that's right the bible said all scriptures are given by the inspiration of god it is profitable for doctrine for doctrine in other words the word of god is divinely inspired and nobody wrote anything when they own a pain on their own accord no what if god says let the woman and adam was not deceived what happened but the woman being deceived was in the transgression they ignored that commandment that's right and hold to their tradition that's right women bishops women elders women pastors women evangelists women assistant pastors that the bible says what they said of god oh hallelujah we're going to make it more harder than what it is now amen i want you to look at the church you came from the church that tricked you the church that lied to you the church that you've been patronizing the church that you were minister in the church that you want to acquire in the church that you play the instrument in and sees that church lined up with the bible that's right and if that church ain't lined up with the bible face the fact if you're still here you're going to hell if you leave there you got a chance to be saved amen hallelujah jesus said what thus have you made the commandment of god hallelujah already god thus have you made the commandment of god he made god's order of no effect of not affected by your tradition church tradition your tradition and holy ghost tradition that's right the apostle paul told the church in the book of second thessalonians chapter 2 follow me in your bible give chapter verse again second thessalonians chapter two we're at verse nine on the tradition of men that's right versus the tradition of god that's right second thessalonians two and verse fifteen yes therefore brethren therefore brethren stand fast that the apostle paul is talking about is the tradition or the teaching that jesus gave the apostles right which is holy ghost tradition that's right that means the standard of god the orders of god the doings of god that he taught his apostles so the church would know how to be governed that's it that's what the apostles doctrine is that's right when the bible says in acts 2 42 they continue steadfastly steadfast in the apostles and the apostles doctrine that mean that the apostles stood fast in the teaching of jesus and the teaching of jesus was the lessons that was outlined to the apostles to govern the church that's right that the church may know how to function that's right what how to baptize how to do it what's the evidence of holy ghost that's right how to lay hands on somebody that's it how you use oil when it's come time for prayer that's right how to serve the lord suffer should we use a tray of glasses or should we have one cup that's right what are you doing laying the foundation he told us what's in the church yeah he said first in this church apostles ah that's right what is that that's right that's the tradition of god church tradition is it ain't no apostles now god has set so many no apostles now ain't no prophets now the bishop is the head of the church come tell me that i slapped you over with the bible that's right i won't just knock you over i slept you're over with the bible that's right i got bible what god put in the church that's right and i dare anybody to tell me god took out what he put in first first corinthians 12 and verse 28 follow the old troublemaker now first corinthians chapter 12 and verse 28 listen and god has come god not geno jennifer god not williams no not elder mclennan that's right not butler that's right no not brandon nelson and god wait a minute who's the boss god who's the head of the church god hallelujah who's responsible for the teaching of the apostles god who's the author god who's the finisher of our faith god who does the church belong to god who runs the church god who's the boss of the church god hallelujah hallelujah are you listening to the old man and god god had sex out of the church for his apostles he did what god had said some in the church first apostles god hath set some in the church first apostles no god took him out god had set some in the church first apostles no the board of directors make apostles god had set some in the church first upon them oh your mama had a dream and you became an apostle by your mama dream god had said something in the church first upon you no the bishop make you an apostle by laying hands on you god had said something in the church first up the apostleship come from god that's right that's right amen hallelujah that's right and if god sent god me god authorized he's sent by authority to represent authority and brand new the policies of a king that's right amen that's why i i'm an ambassador you know that's right everywhere i go around the world i bring the policies of a king that's right and the king that policies williams hold my policy book oh yeah that's why i can't bring you my opinion my idea because it don't mean nothing i got to bring you the policies of god the tradition of god the order of god the doctrine of god the commandment of god that's right that's right god had set some in the heart set some in the church first apostles that's the first office in there that's right that's the first office if the governor church that's right apostle secondary prophet thirdly after that miracle yeah then gifts of healing helps help governments government diversities of tongues diversity of tongues so god said all these things in the church but when you're whole to your tradition and ain't no it ain't no apostle no bishop no elder it's reverend no that's church tradition that's right reverend cunningham that's right reverend brown reverend williams that's right doctors doctors awarders we bring before you are dr water and that old fraud fake of a poor excuse of a preacher he'd get up not even in his regular voice yeah he come before the church and said let the church say man that's right let the church say man again that's right oh i was glad when they shouted me to me let us go [Music] that's right that's right am i right amen what is that thus have you made the commandment of god a what of none effect by your jesus amen he's not a preacher no not a preacher tradition of men tradition of men you hold on to that that's right well you hold on to your tradition laying aside the commandment of god listen at this and listen at this listen at this in the book of saint mark chapter seven and at verse eight i want you to follow me in the bible listen again saint mark chapter seven we're at verse eight for laying aside the commandment of god wait a minute amen what they do with god's commandment laying aside that's right you've got to be a first-class usda choice hypocrite amen to hear god commanded don't you know god command you to be baptized that's right i want to say that's genuine teaching know what hey god command listen god command you to repent and god command you to be baptized that's right hold what you got and give me the 17th chapter book of acts i want to get the commandment and i want the commandment to be baptized and everybody that don't do this will burn in everlasting hell that's right let me just educate you your tradition is bow your head raise your hands and you came out to church somehow you saved you no more saving a duck and smoke crack and lay square eggs amen you ain't never been saved no your tradition is hold the hands of a preacher yeah and repeat a sinner's prayer and that old jerry curl head fake elder tell you repeat after me lord jesus i'm a sinner wash me cleanse me white as snow and then the preachers say why are you holding your hand or while you're looking at them on television if you said these words you're saved my friend you a liar that's a lie you can get mad that pastor jen is all you want but uh when you get mad you come on back tomorrow morning don't you go to your church you need to waste your time and go to your church that's right you want to get right with god you come on and do it like the bible said and stop playing church that's right stop playing church that's right you mean business do it right if you don't mean business stop playing church because you're going to go to hell god knows that's right what did he say acts chapter 17 and that verse 30. and the times of this ignorance god winked at but now commandeth all men wait amen amen at the time of this ignorance god winked that meaning god had mercy on you when you didn't know no better that's right but what but now command is all men god command god commandeth all men command how much oh man everybody all men everybody everywhere everywhere to repent repentance is a what god commandeth all men everywhere to repent all right now let's get baptism acts chapter 10 we'll start at verse 44. i got some folk fighting me now that's geno jennings baptism your food that's that's a fool i didn't write the bible that's right well left up the genogenous i wouldn't care if you're baptized never what would i care that's right i didn't write the bible that's right my job to simply tell you what's right i don't care if you're somebody grandmother mother or grandfather if you bow your head and raise your hand you never will say yes if you pray to sinner's prayer never will save you that's right if you say you got baptized and the preacher said father son the holy ghost you're not baptized that's right if you join the church the bible ain't never told nobody to join the church that's right i never was baptized you're not saved oh yes you've been a center 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 68. amen and god still got you living that's right you know why god got you living to show mercy upon you that's right they give you a chance to get right that's right right now right now right here that's right [Applause] hallelujah take off hallelujah listen at this act chapter 10 we'll start at verse 44. all right well peter yet speak these words the holy ghost fell on all them which heard the words i want you to hear this i want to show you that baptism of the commandment that's right while peter yet spake these words the holy ghost fell on all of them which heard the word and they have the circumcision which believed were astonished as men acts chapter 10 i started at verse 44. while peter yet speak these words the holy ghost fell on all of them which heard the word and they have the circumcision which believed were astonished as many as came with peterborough because that of the gentiles also was poured out the gift of the holy ghost how did they know they had the holy ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify god yeah then answered peter vanessa can any man forbid water that's my question amen even if you do have the holy ghost speaking in time yes but you're not baptized in the name of jesus christ you still ain't completely born again that's right jesus said verily verily i say unto you except the man is born of the wars and of the spirit when you're brought up the water you're baptized in water in the name of jesus christ when you burn up the spirit you have the holy ghost speaking in tongues like they received it on the day of pentecost and the spirit of god gave others that's right when you're born of the water and of the spirit that's when you're born again that's when you have the new birth anything else there's a bundle of recycled trash that came out of hell and it came from hell and your creature vomited up right in your corporate then answered peter don't answer peter can any man forbid water or repeat that god can any man forbid water that we should not be baptized that the holy ghost as well as we then what and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord so he commanded them to bow their head and raise their hand accept christ as a personal savior he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord he commanded them the prayer sentence prayer he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord he commanded them to join the church he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the lord amen be baptized in the name of the lord and the lord's name is jesus and he's the christ that's right thus the best have you made go back laying aside back in mark chapter seven and verse eight follow me in the bible for languages in the bible mark chapter seven i'm at verse eight that's what for laying aside the commandment of god laying aside god's commandment ye hold the tradition of men your holy tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups yes and many other such things like you do yes and he said unto them full well he reject the commandment of god oh you reject god's commandment that ye may keep your own tradition and that's what got me fighting religion that that's right they got the tradition of women preachers they got the tradition of first lady in the church they graduated all type of tradition of praise dancers all up on a stage that's right amen dance them to worldly music they got their traditions supposed to be christians and yet they sponsor a cruise where so-called christian saved women lay out there with bathing suits and so-called christian men out there bless god with swimming trunks that's right that's right and you claim you say he holds the tradition of men you claim you're a same woman with hot pants yeah a same woman and a bikini that's right a same woman with skin tight low-riding jeans amen a same brother with shorts that's right a saved brother with his head dyed and earrings in his ear yeah a saved woman looking like a neighborhood go ahead am i right for laying aside the commandment of god ye hold the tradition of beauty amen beauty is vain that's right give me james amen in the fourth chapter of the book of jeremiah and the 30th verse you hold your half naked tradition and the preacher come out of hell and say what you like god ain't looking at you outward god just look at the heart that makes hypocrites feel good feel good when he tell that lie a hypocrite go off in that tongue that's right yeah hell hit you you're gonna be a higher your gardener that's right let's see what the word of god said jeremiah chapter four and verse thirty god ain't looking at you out but he looking at the heart you liar that's a lie god ain't looking at your outward as well as the heart why in the world will he tell a man in the 11th chapter first corinthians is a shame for him to have long hair long hair is outward your heart don't grow hair that's right i was that what i would god it ain't it don't matter how you look that's a lie that's a lie can you imagine pastor jennifer standing before you and a blood red pimp suit yellow shoes big old blood red hat with a peacock feather pink hot pink gloves my lord we rang before you our brother pastor generals and i come up with the pimp with the pimp scroll [Music] i'm inside saying greeting to you what's up everybody just pimping that's right go ahead brother am i right amen how did we as a religious people become so dirty oh yeah and so filthy that we call any garbage church that's right how did we get this blind amen many of the old timers the same thing they used to chastise young people about now they're doing it themselves oh yes grandma that's it mini skirts that's right grandma got her back out grandma's showing her cleavage grandma wearing a hot pack that's right grandma look like a rather street prostitute yeah oh yes the same thing that she rebuked young girls for doing yeah she's doing what he's doing look at the old men you didn't wear an earring when you was 15. you wait till you get 55-65-75 now you got an earring in your ear and a hearing aid at the same time that's right that's right hey get your earrings through there and keep hitting up against the hearing aid keep making your battery have a shortage amen you should be you should be staying up all night praying yeah trying to go back with god that's right that's why god sent my big mouth to warn the world lord thank god they ignored noah they didn't believe the message that god gave noah either but it rained just like noah said that's right amen and god sent noah ahead of the flood god sent us ahead of his coming that's right you better get right with god or die and go to hell that's right there is no in between no it ain't no purgatory oh no it's right or wrong it's it it's heaven or hell that's right are you listening to what i'm saying that's right i don't care how much money you got i don't care what you own i don't care what you drive how cute you are woman if you've got so many curves until an entire ant colony can't go up and down your body and it take them three years and just get every groove you got when the ant reaches destination if they bow without god you and your curves gonna burn in hell that's right hell uh everlasting hell yes are you too cute to go to hell are you too built to go to hell brother who thank you a god gift every woman out here do you think you're that much of a gift you're too good to go to hell let us understand something god is not impressed with not a rich man or a politician or a democrat or a republican or a liberal living god told everybody everywhere to repent everywhere he ain't made no acceptance there is no message for rich folk and a separate message for poor folk different methods for white folk that's right separate method for black folk god commanded everybody to obey regardless go ahead brother oh you gonna come do it that's right you gonna do this that's right oh you're gonna lift up your eyes in an everlasting hell jeremiah chapter four and while you're burning you're gonna remember that you heard holiness that's right you're gonna remember that's right you're gonna remember you heard holiness and while you're tossing and trying to put out the flames of hell hallelujah song or we'll take god and never hit the bottom you're gonna remember that you heard holiness when god told you to repent that's right you was too arrogant and too self-righteous to obey it he said repent repent be sorry about your cigarette sucking that's right living together not marrying shooting dice playing cards going to your jackson mississippi bar drunk all night going to your club throwing your money at some storm wearing looking go ahead just shook up behind he now took all your money and you can't even take care of your wife and children because the got your money down in the sun go ahead are you getting what i'm telling you go ahead man hallelujah you see why the preachers won't preach this they say i'm too militant no i'm not too militant god just sent me to preach everything that's right i say everything everything what is that jeremiah chapter 4 and verse 30. all right and when the heart spoils what will thou do though thou closest thyself with crimson though thou dockesty with ornaments of gold your deck yourself and ornaments are gold look at you look at you you got your big earrings and chains all around your neck looking like a miniaturized version of mr t that's right huh that's right rings on every finger many folks might be patrick jennings why you don't wear a wedding bag because the bible's picked against against rings well how folks gonna know you're married act like it that's right the wedding band don't make don't prove nothing to nobody no act like that i said amen act like it that's right and when those women if you think a wedding man make that man committed to you oh yeah one man if you think that wedding band you wearing make your wife committed to you it never did and it never will that's right that commitment got to be in here that's right if it's not in here it ain't nothing but a decoration that's it and whether or not spoiled when thou art that's the problem with people yeah and that's why they're so upset with pastor yenning because i got a gospel that beat you and you spoiled because the church you go to the word of god don't beat you the preachers play with you that's true you better stop it you you want to be saved be a good christian love your neighbor stop doing that brother that's right amen am i right spoiled we come along from the hood like jesus did from nazareth come along with scripture that's right repent [Music] be baptized in the name [Applause] tell them tell them brother tell them and that's what you're not used to that's right that's right hallelujah i came up old school we done wrong our father went and got that belt come here that's what i'm used to oh yeah young people today this is what they used to job go in the corner time out time out i'm out i'm out that's right just the way you spoil little johnny with that cheap timeout foolishness yeah it's the same way your pastor yeah that's right your time out is all what you've been doing that's right taking time out to play chat oh yes we come along with god everlasting word breaking up the church play that's right with just nothing but years of the tradition of men that's right that's right always hang on and when they are spoiled when it's far what will thou do praise his greatness nobody closes myself with crimson though about devastating with ornaments of gold you get yourself deck up with gold nobody rents our face with painting paint makeup that's right got your lips all red rouge on your face yeah eyelashes yeah about an inch and two inches long that's right like you got a fan on your eyes that's right huh that's right what's wrong with the eyelashes god gave god every dumb ignorant stupid foolish worthless trend that come out yeah your daughters do it your mama do it oh yeah grandma endure it got them long eyelashes on eyes and got cataracts that's right that's like you got a mop on your eyes amen we teach our women love the way your lord made you when you love the way god made you you will realize beauty you can't go online and order a box of beauty no beauty is not you can't get it from amazon no you can't get beauty from walgreens that's right you can't get beauty from cvs that's right so take that cheap horse hair that you call a wig and let the hair that god gave you cover your head and then put a hat on that that's right get rid of those fake eyelashes that's right love yourself go ahead if your lips ain't that color get that paint off your lips yeah god said when thou are spoiled and when they are spoiled spoiled what will thou do you spoiled amen spoiled well pastor jennings my preacher don't preach against it i know because he look at it that's right my bishop don't tell us we gotta wear a long dress i know he don't because he'd love to see your thigh that's right he wants to see your calf that's right he'd love to see that tattoo on your calf and when you walk that image just moves that's right my preacher don't tell me that there's anything wrong with having my blast down to here what's wrong with pastor jennifer if you got it flowing well if you got that attitude and don't you fight off a rapist that's right if that's your attitude don't fight off no rapist amen the holy ghost said and when they are spoiled i go through the airport young girls with their pajamas on that's true night clothes in the street that's right wearing night gowns that's right in the street that's right that's right and you lovers let this garbage go under your roof no more control of your house yeah fathers have drunk that's right he's not respected as a man because he don't live nothing to deserve respect amen he got an earring in his end cussing out his wife oh yeah beating up his wife then go to church on sunday so glad i'm here so glad i'm here jesus now he's on some old quartet group i'm going up young that's right [Music] hey a bunch of drunks drunks amen preacher you have your drunken cortex groups come in your chest yeah your church's supposed to be holy oh yeah your church is supposed to be sanctified high in the world a bunch of brown lip cigarette sucking joints smoking beer guzzling jerry curl head half naked drunken men can come in a holy sanctified church that's right just to entertain the people that's right god church is not a place of entertainment amen god said my house that's right shall be called a house of prayer or take god for all people all people ah amen the holy ghost and when the lord spoiled what will you do all right correct glory glory hallelujah what will do what you gonna do now amen some of you about some of you are adults look how spoiled you are half naked out here half naked i had a woman in her 80s one day came after service and shake my hand she said i've been watching you for five years she said i agree with everything you preach young man she said but i can't wear them long dresses like an old woman i said mother how old are you she said i'm 83. my lord i said and you don't want to wear a dress like what she said like an old woman [Applause] i said i hope you be ready amen when jesus comes amen you got one foot in the grave one foot halfway out the bed one hand right in your wheel and the other writing your own obituary column that's right and when the heart spoiled don't you know you are alive today amen so you can prepare yourself to meet god that's right that's right only the reason why you're still living yeah you ain't living for no other reason you ain't living because you lucky you didn't survive that accident because you wasn't lucky that's right you didn't get shot and lived because you're lucky you ain't od and still hell because you're lucky you didn't get stabbed up and still breathing because you're lucky god stating to cut you off they give you extensions time that's right give your time then when you fail to respect the time that's it that god give you god say all right all right i may as well just cut you off that's right you don't want me you don't want me that's right when that will spoil what you're going to do nobody closes thyself with crimson hold yourself with crimson though thou digest thee with ornaments of gold though thou rest our face with paintings in vain shall thou make thyself faithful all that stuff is in vain your lovers will despise it they will seek thy life let's go back to where we were now back in saint mark chapter seven still at verse eight all right yeah now mark chapter seven i'm at the eighth verse i'm so glad for this message for laying aside the commandment of god no wonder why so many hungers are coming from all around the world amen you don't hear and i'm not saying it uh as because as a puffed up man i'm saying because it's true yeah you don't hear this kind of preaching nowhere on social media on radio no on television no they are scared to obey what god said god said crowley that's right now fear not lift up your voice as a trumpet trumpet show my people that transgression in the house of jacob they said that's right i fight the governments of the world white house dog house red house black that's right i don't care who you are that's right amen when it comes to the word of god i was made a preacher oh yes then made a preacher i'm sent to do one thing stand for god and fights the powers of hell that's right that's right this thing about seeing god is real business oh yes ah oh yes all right son for laying aside the commandments in saint mark chapter seven we're at verse eight the commandment of god god's order ye hold the tradition of men as the washing of parts and cups and many other such things like you do yes and he said unto them full will you reject the commandment of god reject god's commandment that you may keep your own tradition and for moses said honor thy father and thy mother and who so curseth father mother let him die to death now are you in the church today where they are holding to tradition more than bible that's right are you going to a church where they're tradition they respect it more than bible that's right have you ever had a bishop and you understand it came open you went to bishop and say bishop we are doing such and such a thing and the bible says such and such a thing and bishop said well we don't do it like that over here but bishop the bible says i don't care what the bible says that's right this is the way a minister of satan that's right talks like that because god preaches hold up scripture that's right all right that god and when that scripture hits him it makes him conform yes it makes him change that's how he made the commandment of god back in saint matthew 15 and verse 6. thus have you made the commandment of god have you made god commandment of none effect by what by your tradition all right jesus you you hypocrite yeah well did he ask him did isaiah talk about you saying this people draw nigh unto me with their mouths all night you get you bring a bunch of lip to the lord oh church i want to be on god's side some folks say i've been praying for god to bring me to the truth and then when they hear this message which is nothing but 100 percent truth something comes they don't want to obey that's right like giving up that second wife and that second husband yeah they got that second and wife and that second husband are living together not mad right away they say well pastor jennings you mean to tell me don't bring me in it no i don't mean to tell you nothing don't even call my name that's right don't even call my name amen the tradition of men's and get all the wires you want some of you got bishops that got more than one wife some of you your daddy got a second wife hey man his first wife is living which is your mama and his second wife is living which is the so-called step mama and he'll turn out he's god's sin he's a child of the devil that's right are you listening if you're a preacher here today you got another wife and your first wife is leaving you're a false prophet you're deceived by the devil you're led by the devil and you're going to hell unless you stop that's right seven chapter book around romans chapter seven at verse one that's what no you're not brethren for i speak to them that know the law i speak to them that know the law now that the law has to mean law have power over man as long as he lives over the man long as he breathes for the woman which hath in husband husband bound by the lord if the husband be dead if the husband be dead prison be dead lame if the husband be dead but if the husband be dead be dead if the husband be dead no he lost his social security but if the husband be dead he lost his pension if the husband be dead lost his job if the husband be dead on the picket line if the husband be dead ripple got a charlie horse dead broke his foot dead broke his leg broke his arm dead stuck in traffic dead that's right but if the husband be dead you're gonna come back the bible you got this to do oh yes you got this to do any preacher don't preach this he's a liar and a deceiver and a jackson mississippi hypocrite that's right the holy ghost but if the husband be dead the husband be dead she is loosely in the lord of her husband then you're free from the law of the husband so then if if well the husband lives look how plain it is don't come to me at the service pastor you mean to tell me i didn't write this no that's right i didn't write this oh no romans chapter seven now we're at verse three well pathogen is who wrote this hold that give me the last chapter of the book of romans and i believe about verse 20 verse 22 and let's see who wrote this romans chapter 16 and we're at verse 22. i tortillas i tortillas who wrote this episode who wrote this epistle salute you in the lord solution not i know jennifer's who wrote this i tortillas who wrote this who wrote this all right tortillas who wrote this epistle salute you in the lord and what the tortillas write in the seventh chapter of the romans and verse three so then if if all the husband lives your husband is still breathing i don't care if you're breathing in jail breathing on the respirator breathing in the electric chair breathing while they're putting lethal injection in them that's right breathing in another state breathing in another country breathing living on a farm breathing underground in a cave so then if if wall or has been living while your husband is still alive she be married to another man you still got and now you're married to another man she shall be called an adulteress no she shall be called a christian she shall be called an adulteress a christian an adulteress he shall shall be called saved she shall be called an adulteress born again an adulteress an adulteress she's on the choir she shall be called an adulterer she's the preacher's daughter she shall be called an adulteress preacher's knee she shall be called an adulteress a grandmother she shall be called an adulteress your mama she shall be called an adulteress amen hallelujah explain it's in your bible give chapter and verse romans some don't like to read it because they're going to see it that's right chapter and verse romans chapter seven and we're at verse three give chapter and verse romans chapter seven and verse three if you don't get out that second marriage or you living together not married and you don't heard this message preach when you die you're going to burn in hell god knows that's right yeah yeah yeah just tell me is that breast worth going to hell over go ahead brother is those thighs so warm and cushiony [Music] it's worth going to hell over amen no no it's not worth it that lap dance worth going to hell over oh no you better hear this warning mississippi and the rest of the world that's right you better hear you better hear it now you better hear so then if your chapter in verse romans chapter seven and verse three don't even ask me about it after service i didn't write it didn't write it you may not tell me it doesn't matter what you think that's right i didn't write this that's right well we got kids kids are innocent victims of your adulterous relationship that's right he got to take care of those kids but long as his wife is living and his name is really mr brown and mrs brown is crosstown amen and now here's a second miss brown come along and yet her name her maiden name is miss black yeah hey miss black that's right every time you said i'm mrs brown and the real miss brown live every time you use his name oh yeah use a liar that's a lie if your name is on a checkbook yeah you are a liar oh yeah if your name is on the bank account use a liar that's right if your name is on the ds of the house you a liar that's right what's your name mrs brown liar god they're causing god eyes they ain't your husband that's right you riding somebody else's car my lord you shifting somebody else's gears and you're moving somebody else's stick right go ahead brother [Applause] go ahead amen go ahead brother it's pretty quiet pat pretty quiet well the real mrs brown stand up that's right every time you introduce her this is my wife that's a lie that's a loss you still paying child support and alimony to your first wife elia amen amen the holy ghost romans 7 and verse 3 show that 10th chapter of mark amen 10th chapter the book of mark quickly quickly remember what i'm working on that's right they hold their traditional tradition they reject the commandment of god to hold their tradition that's right i know it's tight i didn't write this well you can't have more than one wife in passage in this church use a lie ain't got no traction trying to soften the blows that's right that's what you're trying that's why they try to blame it on me you're trying to soften the blows that's right i'm pretty sure somebody's on the internet now there he is preaching that same thing some somebody posted on the internet when i was preaching him pastor janice me and my second wife listening to you ha ha ha ha ha that don't fall that don't phase me no that's just like telling noah we ain't coming in the ark before you know it that's right [Applause] amen [Music] the one belief about the rain didn't stop noah no your one belief about the scriptures don't stop my mouth at all at all you see i'm not after your money i don't care if you give a million dollars per person i tell you the truth and knock you over with your checkbook in your hand that's right that's right i don't care that's right what if god say you came in the world yeah and second you shall retire shall return i don't give two cents about your money no mind laboring is to get you to meet god and escape the consequences of hell that's right do you see what i'm telling you that's right and you go find some lazy worthless bum that pose as a preacher down here in mississippi did i tell you what you want to hear yeah uh you know that's for back then i got my second wife being my wife didn't work out so i sought the lord did he go in some fake spirit that only worked in the neck oh glorious gloat glory and the lord gave me my wife and sister susie she even got her husband still living too now what do you think about that i'm her second husband and she's my second hallelujah and the lord loved us both yeah he love you he love you enough to send you to hell that's right you gonna obey just what god said old man young man grandma grandpa young man young woman i don't give two cents what you think yeah if god said it that's it you've got to obey it that's it that's what make the truth of god different from everybody that's right we have no respect or regard for no man's tradition that's right we believe only in what god said that's right all right give me jesus and attempt to book a mark quick so i can knock off saint mark chapter 10 we'll start reading at verse nine all right right therefore god has joined together let not man put asunder yes and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery i got another bottle of water real quick all right and he says unto them yes whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another give me one quickly please all right whosoever shall put away his wife whoever put away his wife and marry another communist adulterer against her against whoever whoever whoever anybody here don't know whoever mean raise your hand amen go ahead put your hand up that's right come on come on put your hand up oh everybody understand what whoever means that's right that got me ain't got williams too they got you with me too you're one of them whoever's that's right whosoever got you that's me too you knew it got you down oh yes oh yes whosoever that's me also and he says unto them whosoever adultery against her yes and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another she has committed adultery amen that's plain you better read that again saint martial anyone got distracted when he was giving me the water saint mark chapter 10 verses 11 read it again and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife all right viewers amen you fall under the whosoever whosoever what are you doing back in moses day moses let you do it because of the hardness of your heart that's what jesus said from the beginning it wasn't so so and you can't jump on moses that's right one greater than moses was here and that's jesus himself amen real quick and he says unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her yes and if a woman shall put away her husband if a woman get rid of a husband and be married to another she committed adultery all right that goes for everybody in here that's right this is what you got to do now to get right with god this is what you got to do acts chapter two and verse three lies will get ready to obey everything i'm preaching and come out of your churches get on god's side follow this message so you can escape the burning flames of hell that's right you fanning now you can get some relief but ain't no relief from the lake of fire oh no listen acts chapter 2 and verse 38 then peter said unto them repent all right all right all right mississippi are you ready amen you that bow your head and raise your hands you ain't baptized you're not saved you ain't born again no the bible won't say join the church you're not saved you're still a sinner that's right well confess your mouth and believe in your heart you are saved you are not or not it said you shall be you say you are that means you got some more to do that's right any of you that was baptized father son the holy ghost you're baptized wrong you ain't never been baptized you just got wet that's right you got to do it like the apostle preacher captain verse said what acts chapter 2 in verse 38 then peter said unto them repent when you repent you're sorry for your sins sorry for doing you're wrong yeah you feel that conviction in here that's right you've got to repent and be baptized every one of you how much in mississippi every one of you i'm after the entire state not just the city of jackson i mastered the entire state that's right hey man let me follow on i'll be going to hattiesburg i want to get in there and then and knock that city over amen i'm not just stopping in jackson i want to go in hattiesburg i want because the telecast we got is covering bracket entire state of mississippi wonderful and everywhere it's covering thank god i want to go there and smash everything that's not like god and open up a holy ghost station there that's right smash it crush it knock it over burn it downward by amen amen what is that then peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins get your sins watch the word you got to do this and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost wow how do we know it for the promise is unto you promises to you and to your children oh and to your children unto all that are far off and what even as many as the lord our god shall call bible says the lord has spoken have called the whole earth from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof anybody want to get right get right take advantage of this why you're living and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ and get right stand on your feet this afternoon amen stand on your feet come on [Applause] wonderful where's my baptism team at where's my baptism team please stop talking back there with my baptism team at all right all of you that are standing go right to the back please you see that brother and that sister there all of you that's standing go right to the back i told you victory has to be the truth of god it just has to be wonderful don't repeat to god it has to be oh yes come out of your churches come out of your churches everything got to come out of the church all right come on back tomorrow don't crowd up the back if you've never been baptized in the name of jesus christ you're not saved you're still a sinner right now you've got this to obey it's a commandment amen after you repent of your sins and go down in the water in the name of jesus christ you've got to come out of the church you're in leave that trash leave it don't look at it don't even drive by it stay away from it that's right you drive by you may be tempted to go back in there amen i'm walking the truth of the gospel that's right amen isn't that beautiful look at all them souls wonderful look at all of them who can say this is not the truth amen can't change it who can say this is not right amen [Applause] amen i was talking to my brother elder randy butler and elder mclennan and they was telling me how they have never seen nothing like this in all their life i remember other mclennan was talking one day here in jackson last time i was here he said in 40 years in his 40 years time he only saw three people get baptized in the name of jesus christ in 40 years there's a famine in the land oh yes not for bread no for water but for hearing the word of the lord we thank god for this hallelujah we thank god for this all right come on back tomorrow don't you go to your church don't go tell me you got to be there with the preacher let him be there by himself when i got the key send it back to him or drive by the church and throw it on the steps tell me something about some keys nobody cared nothing about what keys you got i'm the preacher's driver jump out let the car go on his own let him fend for himself wonderful are you listening to the old man what a goddess snatching every excuse you could come up with come on back at 11 o'clock tomorrow let us all stand all right uh brother brandon you get ready get yourself ready show the brother where the baptism is make sure y'all direct the people the right directions get them prepared for baptism i want to thank the brothers that have been coming back and forth from mississippi uh not mississippi for memphis helping uh elder mclennan and i thank the brothers and sisters here they've been helping elder mclennan every every week elder butler once he get back in health he also would be one of the elders here and jackson's speaking also and him and elder mcclendon will be rotating thank god for them both all right we're going to close out we're going to ask uh elder brother to close us out with prayer be back tomorrow at 11 o'clock and again at five elder brother gracious god and bless in the name of the lord jesus christ we thank you lord god again for the gathering of your people we thank you for the word on this day lord god thank you for the souls that are about to go down in your name father god we ask them oh god that you will feel him oh god with your precious holy ghost we have to know god that you keep us oh god carries to our various destinations lord god and bless us oh god to come back again lord god looking for a word from ohio in the blessed name of our lord jesus christ we pray amen and amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 160,069
Rating: 4.8601027 out of 5
Id: 0WEhMq3-91k
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Length: 84min 21sec (5061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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