Truth of God Broadcast 1163-1164 Chicago IL Pastor Gino Jennings Raw Footage HD!

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everybody that was able to make it out so you can get a chance to hear the words of the Lord as it was preached in the days of the Apostles God brought me out of darkness because I was in gross darkness and God blessed me to come out through the teachings from the man of God pastor Jennings I'm thankful how God let me repent of my sins and bless me to be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ and how God blessed me and filled me with the gift of the Holy Ghost so you're in for a treat this evening because you're certainly going to hear the words of the Lord so we thank and praise God for all things so again we thankful to the Lord for him allowing us to be here today we thank God for our pastor being here with us Chicago as minister Williams saying you're in for treat and what you should not do is let this golden moment in your life pass you was giving you the opportunity now to get right with him you do not know this may be your last go-round so seize the opportunity to get right with God now at this time it is my pleasure to present unto you our leader teacher and guide the Apostle pastored you know generous Thank You brothers and sisters you may be seated thank you greetings brothers and sisters as we always say we bear witness there is no god but one there is no god with him there is no God besides him there is no God equal to him we associate none with the God of heaven and earth he have no rivals he have no partners there is no two more with the one he's just God alone and God that we represent don't need help when he made the earth he made it by himself when he made the heavens he made it by himself he didn't have two little gods helping him out he's God alone we are grateful to be here for the first time in Chicago I've been to Illinois many a time come into Illinois many a time but I only been in Chicago once and that's now and I'm so grateful to be able to hang out with you for these two days and just rumble with you for a while one thing about Chicago's just like everyplace else fuller religion for love variations of beliefs full of churches full of preachers of all races and I thought New York had a lot of churches I was out today looking for churches because I want to open up a church here and I know I have preachers who don't want us to open no Church here because I have told people all around the world to leave their churches some get upset when I tell them that but Church supposed to guarantee you by teaching that when the Lord come that you will be well prepared for his arrival anybody can run around the church and jump and fall out and knock people over and lose your fake eyelashes and you lose your hair pieces and I want to see is your belief lined up with Scripture [Music] we're the only preacher you will find on social media or television that's not getting paid to preach the gospel I'm not paid to preach I got a job I'm a working man I got a wife and seven kids and I work taking care of my family I we me and my wife didn't have kids so the church can take care of I didn't marry the church for that cause men who get a check from the church there's just certain things they're not gonna preach and the reason why they won't preach it because they are afraid of losing members they don't want to offend their family their wife the sons their daughters their uncles their cousins that's why church is like the Mafia think of it most time when you have the old man as the bishop who's next in I'm his son he don't care whether his son is a sinner or not he don't care if his son is a homosexual he don't care if his son is a church baby make up I'm out all right I said they don't matter to him what interests him is long as the church can stay in the name of family family churches are not God's church did you hear what I said spirit is thicker than blood the church that started on the day of Pentecost by Jesus Christ well jesus said upon this rock I build my church so if Jesus said I'll build my church the church should not be named after your bishop while your church called Jones memorial temple Church of James and James Oh Riley housing jesus said upon this rock I will build my church no man including your pasta I don't care if he's your husband your slap-happy grandpappy or your daddy no man is the founder of the church there's only one church and only one that started the church and Jesus is he are you getting what I'm telling you so the church is not set up by family the church is set up by Scripture that's why many folk don't like me and I don't care if you don't ain't come to Chicago to make friends I come to save your soul from hell you know that's why many fun I were preaching very offensive preaches that's sent by the Board of Directors don't preach against sin you see most of your PAP passes our Board of director preaches that's why certain subjects they avoid they don't preach nothing that hurts you you and your second wife can be on the choir and you and your third husband can be on the choir and a man can bring his Deacon boyfriend to church and you can have a dyke for choir director preacher in the pulpit with manicured nails and a knee a ring on every finger and got his hair with a little miniature jheri curl and a man he's somewhat sweet and touchy and am i right I said holiness touch everything can hide behind the label of Christian and get away with it anybody called themselves a Christian ninety-nine point nine of every gay demonstrating demonstration of going in America eighty percent of them always say they're Christians even Trump go to church and he no more Christian than I'm used to Matisse and so church let's talk Chicago what is the purpose of church and have the preachers forgot the purpose of church in the days of Noah the ark was built for the saving of the people the purpose of the church is to save your soul don't misunderstand me it takes money to run anything that's without question but God have never sent a preacher since you've been gone to preach how to get rich are you getting what I'm telling you yes it takes money to pay bills it takes me gonna take money to buy a church here all these people writing me like I'm Nelson Rockefeller pass agendas set up a church in Chicago setting up a church in Brazil set up a church in England set up a church in Africa I get letters all the time acting me to set up churches and I get in a pulpit and for the love iane people hit a letter then I tell them you know these folks must think I'm rich I'm old school I roll up my sleeves and work and if we want a church here we all gonna have to work so you can leave the devil's house that you're in but that's the churches that you come from the pastor's here in Chicago in the same predicament that's why I look at the church and look at woody preached every Sunday he'll tell you look at the neighbor next to you and say neighbor now it's your time then apprentice a look at the left look at the left look at the left look at the left look at the left like he's an auctioneer and say neighbor now is your time and if that's not enough he said touch the neighbor keep your dirty hands to yourself why are you always touching people Church is designed for to teach you about God teach you who is God teach you what is God's purpose teach you how to live in a manner that pleases God and teach you how to xscape help are you getting what I'm telling you the wave preachers got you believing is that sure salvation hang on how much money you give so the preachers say oh the Lord just spoke to me and then he let out a fake tongue huh hell of a shot above us all you know your pastor and send them is your uncle and some of them is your husband because some of them got a husband and wife Minister you know like Bonnie and Clyde husband is the bishop wife is the secretary and daughter is the treasurer you mean to tell me you ain't got sense enough to realize that's a family business that's not a church that's a family ran business that's why anything going in the churches here in Chicago in the world look at the pole pitch now they are open for so-called praise dancing hip-hop in church rapping in church gay men all in the pulpit you got more sugar in a pulpit that you have in your system what happened Oh mothers in the church now are doing the same thing that they used to get on to young women about the old preachers look like helps rings on every finger process hair bracelets everywhere chains around a neck like a neighborhood pimp they don't preach Jesus TD jakes creflo dollar and all these televised evangelistic Hustlas they don't condemn yourself shirt supposed to speak against your wrong not be quiet about so wrong I've lost so many folk a dose as it passes Jennings you always condemn things you sound mean I'm not mean I think I'm a pretty good fella I thought my father was me when I was a child when he took that belt and introduced it to my by well what I done earned me a beating if we sin and we are sinners should a preacher complement it should appreciably quiet about it and what got the preacher so quiet because you make them rich you buy they cars you pay their mortgage you pay their rent you bother them jokes you buy them houses you buy them suits you do the picture tell you the Lord just spoke to me and said there's $10,000 in the house and the Lord saying give it back to you I will 10,000 fold God ain't told that street hustler nothing listen I'm from the hood you know you from the hood you got to know how to mix it up now coming from the hood if you from the hood you know how so where you see it the hustle have came and touched and what made it so bad these men have no fear they boldly said the Lord told them to tell you this and tell you that man you you ain't got no fear for you to lie on God riches on television to tell you if you want to bless and trace your hand on a piece of paper and Senate all look at the gimmicks push your hand on the television put your hand order any of you touching everything but how to get right you want to touch something tonight we gonna touch some Bible we're gonna get down to bible scripture let us look at religion let's look at scripture any woman that's a wise shopper do not buy the first washing machine she see she investigators test them out open the dryer looking she may she may do more than what the store want her to do get in there and start spinning and if she started asking questions sometimes the sales men you know get get on the defense but a wise woman don't want to waste her money a wise person don't want to waste a religious time going to church for years just to wake up later on to find out for 10 15 20 25 30 years this man been lying to me this man been preaching things to me that never exists in the Bible I can't ask him no Bible questions if I ask questions about work he preached he claimed that I'm the devil and a church troublemaker and all I want to do is know whether you telling me what's right or what's wrong [Applause] but because religion have been designed by Satan to do what to hold all people of all races ignorant blind deaf and dumb the greatest day of your life is when God opened up you understand [Applause] I listen when God open up your understanding now you look at church different I can't that's why I'm glad for the telecast it makes people look at church different I got thousands of letters people writing me all the time fast Jennings I'm not going to church no more I quit going to church I got a group in Australia now an entire group I talked to them before I came here we don't have a church in Australia they wrote men said we want to give you some land and build a church for you because there's nothing down here so I called him ask them how many it is there's about 40 of us we all stopped going to church ever since we found you on YouTube we ain't crazy really going to church black white brown yellow red Hispanic Asian all around the world want to be a part of the truth of God message this message have given people hope in church again because people had lost hope in church because of the mess they seen in church the junk they seen in church because the preachers know better than the center church supposed to represent God so that mean if it represent God there must be some strictness there must be some discipline in church church with no discipline you do what you want you party say you're a Christian you drink say you're a Christian you go to clubs say you are Christian you celebrate Christmas and say you're a Christian and you know it ain't nobody coming down your chimney in Chicago not in Chicago dressed in bright red at that to be a target are you listen to the old troublemaker all right let's get your Bibles open let's open the book of pain I work on the fear of the Lord and the book of Joshua if I come from a family of eight very close family my father Ben passed away now for 27 years my mother I believe she'd be 87 or 88 the end of this month god bless her heart but I come from a very disciplined comical family at that because we all get together we have a ball but we was taught balance another words not too much of something not too little of a thing but the right amount of everything and the first thing that should be on our list is the fear of God whenever any child or children in any household lose fear or respect for their mother or father that household got to fall apart and if you look at the homes of the world I have seven children my wife and I four boys and three girls I'm not raising four boys for me to be scared of them later we're not raising got three girls so they can become adults and then all of a sudden they're gonna cuss their mother out what drive children to do this when the fear for their parents and the respect for their parents leave so then the homes fall apart why do you think the churches are in the predicament that they are in because the fear of God is God any time a man listen we buy and build churches all around the world and people that follow us by the thousands can bear witness not at no time have ever came to them and say if the Lord told me to tell you to give it X amount of money no we need a church I come and tell the people all right look let's get down to business let's get some money together let's sacrifice an X amount of dollars and let's buy a church so we can fight the devil in it that's being straight up with you you're not looking at a thief I haven't stole a dime from God's people since I've been black and I've been black 55 years I'm not a thief a fair guard too much where your fear guard is just something Jew ain't doing what make us preach so hard so the fear of God can come back and the people of the earth if the churches start to fear God the things that came in to church the preachers and the people were thrown out of the church when the fear of God come back in church you won't have gay men in the pulpit no politician will be able to use the church as a platform to run for office fear of God come back in church you all have an all-white church you won't have an all-black chest you all have a church that's centered around one race when the fear of God is in the church that's when the fear of God is in the church you won't let gay men sing on the client am i right you are let them in the church yo Oh show and let them come in so they can get right let them come in with the sugar so the Word of God can put salt on them well there's many gay men came in first rich they came in like this you know and then as the Word of God started working on them they walk started to change [Applause] they started straighten up what's keeping our people in sin and when I say our people I mean the human race the churches are not teaching nothing to pull us out of sin the churches are passive weak and they're so focused on prosperity what is prosperity true prosperity is not your car it's not your bank account it's not your house true prosperity is the wisdom and knowledge and understanding of who God is that's what prosperity is I don't care about what you drive I don't care if you got a house in your toilet it's big as this stage and your legs dangle off the edge when you die what can you take with you now that you came here and negative shall return so when these preachers told you Oh God send me to preach to you how to get rich he's a liar God sent men to teach you how to get right not how to get rich TD jakes ain't nothin but a hustler Cressler open a nothing but a hustler Joel Osteen the cotton candy preacher why he wouldn't hurt nobody the Bible hurts our flesh when the Word of God is preached right it hurts your flesh that's why most people they go to churches where the preacher don't hurt them then send the preacher Jessica truth of God kitchen are you getting what I'm telling truth the god take a right to your gut [Applause] understand this there is no purgatory you're not gonna be on the eternal cloud because you ain't bad enough for hell or you ain't good enough for heaven Act two things lie in front of us heaven or hell there is no in-between it's heaven or hell so then whatever religion family that you profess ask yourself have you been watching a telecast you know what I'm bout to action is your religion in your body boy that's the question that I've made millions think I'm the world you were Christian 14 15 16 34 35 different ways African Methodist Episcopal Christian about this Christian a Lutheran Christian in clinic coastal Christian a non-denominational Christian a apostolic Christian a Protestant Christian a Catholic Christian a Christian Scientists a Christian mad scientists are Jehovah Witness who don't know who Joe holder is they just know how to knock on your door with a comic book and interrupt your breakfast a Buddhist Christian how did y'all become all of these different ways if God is your father and Obama has said have we not all one father hath not one God created us so if God is our Father should we be what God is talk back to me Chicago we should be what God is and whatever God is not then why should you be that the religion of men the Baptist was not started by God the Memphis wasn't started by God nah denominational wasn't started by God this religion they call themselves Pentecostal and all that stuff that stuff wasn't started by God because God wants us to be what he is and if we be what God is well brothers can be some change in us God says be holy for I the Lord your God am holy now some had written me and said I'm trying to start something new listen this was written for I was born where you receive the Holy Ghost I noticed you didn't receive a Baptist Ghost you ain't receive a Apostolic goes you didn't receive a Lutheran ghosts or Pentecostal ghosts look at what the Bible called the prophets it was called holy prophets look at the Apostles they was called holy apostles no apostle in the Bible total his belief was called apostolic apostolic is the acronym that mean invented that came from the word apostle just like Christianity is an acronym that came from the word Christ crisis in the Bible kristin is a person who try to live like Christ that's in the Bible but is no religion in the Bible called Christianity that one listen to the old troublemaker now if you get mad and leave come back tomorrow the problem with us we don't read we're gonna judge and jump and shout and fall out and throw a chicken fat somebody posing as a preacher jumping up in the air tell him go ahead go hey he's going don't rush him go ahead take God is going and you never asks no questions if you gonna profess all these religions let's how can we have a family discussion tonight because we gonna have one even if you don't want to now I say this I say like Paul I say this not to offend you a clue condemn you how many here our Baptist or were Baptist raise your hand were what how many here were apostolic how many here were Pentecostal how many here were not nomination how many here were Catholics how many here who Muslims how many here were Mormons let me see ya now you just demonstrated what I'm talking about will one family under one God so how do we become so many religions and the question is who told us to be these different things who told us to be this I just like going to a bank and arguing with them because they won't give you interests and they ask you do you got an account here and you tell them no who would you argue with them for who told us that God was a Baptist or Methodist or Pentecostal that's why you see me over the median over television encouraging viewers around the world question your bishop question your pastor I don't care if you get up and spit in challah and throw his hands overs is knock on this door better well and the Bible is out of religion and if we tell you well well dr. so-and-so I don't want to hit on about doctor I want Bible chapter and verse when is not in the book stop being dedicated to it stop being loyal to it while we have been bamboozled led astray for years under the heading of religion you don't be in no religion because everybody is black what kind of stupid reason is that that's the case when a black man break in your house let him in there why he's black when you hit that lock pin pink honey why come on breaking it oh he just wanted us now you ain't gonna do that are you am i right you don't beer no religion that cuz everybody is like what kind of food reason is that so what have man done in his weakness and his ignorance man always try to make God like him so the European what did he do he made everybody in the Bible white that's why you see all these religious pictures on stained glass white Jesus white Mary might white Joseph and a white this white angels what everybody black religions come along to counteract black Jesus black angels angles with afros and sideburns angels look like Jim Kelly that used to hang out with Bruce Lee got long sideburns angels from the hood and engines from the suburbs I'm glad God it's not like men why is it God won't let no race label him to be like them because he know man and his stupidity will think you're superior to another man you let me cut a white man Israel bleed just like a black man and when the white man died and the black man died notice how you both go to dust you don't find racist worms am i right you don't find the ones down there don't bother he'll man got a white guy right under him I want to take my time and soak your little that's right this is how bad religion has messed us up so my motive my god-given objective is to pull people away from the tradition of men from the customs of men from the lies of men from things that men have taught that have never been in the Bible and we shout it over it we screamed over it we haul it over do you know so much stuff taught in church actually never exist in the Bible how many of you heard when Jesus come Gabriel gonna blow the trumpet raise your hand how many heard that do you know that never been in the Bible they've never been in the Bible that Gabriel gonna blow anything how many of you heard there are five minor prophets and five major it never been in the Bible how many of you heard that Paul died at Nero's chopping block it never been in the Bible Paul's death that's not even in there how many heard that Peter was crucified the hair down and feet up Peter's death does not exist in the Bible how many heard there are five minor prophets and five major the Bible have never caught no prophet minor or major tradition how did these traditions go on for years because preachers have become hand-me-down men what do you mean you know if you got a brother older than you and he grow out of his clothes he handed out you know I wore my brother's hand his down and he hand his down and hand his down and when I got it not what I was happy with it - man help me down teaching is teaching that ministers got from Dave bishop who got it from their bishop who got it from their bishop who went through religious seminary school or should I say cemetery school and they preach philosophy and the Scriptures is clearly against philosophy give me the book of Colossians if you will in the book of Colossians chapter 2 don't worry we'll get the Joshua follow me in your Bible if I go too fast raise your hands and stop me out get in reverse and pull over and park and unload scripture on you I want to soak your little get this in Colossians chapter 2 when at verse 8 follow me Colossians chapter 2 and out the eighth verse what is the first word the Holy Ghost say to us through Paul beware what beware that's a warning call chapter and verse again in the book of Colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 whenever you write walk by anybody house and you see that sign beware of dog listen I'm not gonna stand there and see is the sign telling the truth and look for though the moment I see the sign that says beware of dog i'ma keep moving just in case it is one I don't want to be found by him the Bible says beware beware lest any man lets who any man your father any man your husband any man your brother any man your uncle any man your cousin any man your employer any man any man your friend any man see when it come to the scriptures there is no favoritism if the scripture says beware lest any man then everybody Under the Sun that's a man fall under this scripture and you and not let your friendship be more closer to you than God's Word because let me tell you something when you start leaning to the word don't be surprised who you won't get a fight out of man your family may argue with you your former preacher may argue with you the worst shows you whether that man represent God or whether he represents the devil listen beware do you have any man spoil you know what that's any man spoil you know anybody that spoiled a child that spoil love to have their way and when you take a child that spoiled by a mother and when that shall go to Grandma and Grandpa house who won't spoil it because they can grab my house is disciplined see mama may let that child run across the couch in the shoes and going the frigerator you know don't wash hands sometimes a young experienced inexperienced mother may do that may not pay that close attention and then mama take that child of Grandpop and grab my house that shall lift with leg to go on that couch ground my look at it and that child's frozen lure take God why discipline when they go reach for that frigerator after they came outside ground props here I know no go wash them hands discipline discipline brains structure this is what don't exist in church symbol there is no structure there is no discipline there is no guidelines the Bible is a Book of Discipline the Bible brain structure in church these modern and hypocrites they call themselves Christians I remember Kirk Franklin they gave him an interview one time and he said well are there actions there's any last thing you want to set your viewers he said well I feel as though it's too many rules in church and if you have too many rules in church people can't see the love of Christ no whether it's rule there is love you don't have rules you gonna have folks going to hell and then sin and they gonna be just like Israel was rose up to play Church now is a big religious playground Jesus is not singling Church and God is not represented in church beware lest any man spoil let any man spoil you through philosophy through philosophy and vain deceit vain tricks after the tradition of me wait a minute who brought philosophy after the tradition of men Oh after the tradition of heaven the tradition of men a tradition of God the tradition of my only ghost tradition the tradition of men philosophy is that the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world come from the world and not after Christ not after that's what makes me freak so hard the break of men's philosophy men's theory that women gays can preached women can be bishops now when I preached that passage in as you hate women I don't hate women I'm married to a fine of god-fearing woman it's just a Bible hand structure if you'll have women preachers in the Bible why are they in your church if you don't have Deaconess women that say there were deacons in the Bible how did they get in your church if you have nobody in the Bible well Bible calls women missionary why you call women missionaries [Music] if you don't have a woman in the Bible that says she was a pastor why is your wife your assistant pastor right I don't hate women I hate liars if you don't having a battle where they say the woman is an evangelist one of the female event is going running a revival in your church if you don't having a Bible where Jesus drove a woman to be an apostle how do you have a woman who is an apostille in your organization if you don't have a woman in the Bible baptizing people why is it you baptized by one if you don't have a woman and the Bible that's called the bishop why you got a female bishop as an overseer beware beware what time is it they're still early if you want to leave you think I'm anything different in person as I am over to add think again I'm not tied to a dollar that's watching precious so freely that's right I'm an independent feature my objective is that bring your attention to God's eternal word before you die get it right before you die don't waste your time again mad at me save your energy I didn't write the Bible I challenge your pastor I challenge Oh preacher if he's saying justified the holiest thing justify him is that book not his church organization change your loyalty be more loyal to God than you are the organization look at you you loyal to the UPC your lawyer to the p8w your lawyer to have a style you are loyal to penny coaster you are a lawyer to nondenomination let me win we just ain't nothing we we nothin crossed the ball it's right nondenomination you a lawyer what is it when we come bringing Bible you don't accept it but a preacher tell you anything under the Sun and none of it is in the Bible and you say Amen glory to God hallelujah cha da hooba-dooba gotta get a uber in the top hey gotta get a taxicab Gloria [Applause] what make these preachers so good and cotton you you don't ask no questions you run along to get along ain't goin along to get along with nobody only thing I want to get along with God and if me getting along with God make me not get along with you I fight the whole city of Chicago if I gotta stand alone then gotta stand with me colonel Chicago come on back to Bible you know the stuff that's in the church is not in your Bible stop going along to get along you don't have a woman preacher in the Bible not one and yet you go to chuggers where the women get up there and preach and act like men and then the men get up they're supposed to preach and they act like women everything is backwards the woman sound like the man under torture murder learn the truth surely man and a man praise the Lord everybody hello everybody praise the Lord terrific God everything is back what I said am i right its back and people go home and complain about it amongst themselves because they see the evil and yeah you go back to the same church the following week and why you think the preacher don't change long as you got your money you ain't given one reason to changed that's why I tell the people leave the church because the preacher live he's living off for you and when you leave your church that's the preachers collard greens walking out his chicken wings is leaving this shrimp is leaving his egg noodles are leaving him at his pastas leaving this pair is a shot ribs and lima beans and candy yams he's leaving because now you left and he gotta get a job and go to work and he's too lazy to work that's why these men preach prosperity they don't want to get a job isn't it amazing how these men can get up and tell you look the Lord told me I need a new jet creflo dollar did got sixty four million dollars it's like that there was another false prophet did it about two or three months ago he got on television and on social media showed pictures of three jets he didn't have he said I don't warm all out for the name of Jesus sake he said now the Lord is moving on me to get another one and the Lord want me to spread the gospel in this jet well we spread the gospel and I don't own no jet if I had money to get a jet I sell it and take that money and be buying churches like a farmer planting corn it's amazing how people fall for every foolish scam and you know who's my greatest fighters in the world them they claim they save because there's some in the Bible they don't want to obey it is hard for some people to accept they've been lied to all day life it is hard for some people to accept you mean to tell me pastor Janice Myra I ain't never been in the Bible you've been walking around with a four dollar bill for 14 years and you thought you had money you've been lied to all your life I've my mind suppose preaching that one day in the old man about 77 threw his hand up he said pastor Jenna's I got a 38 special can I go kill my false prophet I said brother you can't do that he said I know I can he said but the think of it I followed this man almost 20 years I gave them thousands and thousands of dollars and I found out over half of the stuff he told me never exist in the Bible and most of these preachers know it that's what makes it so bad they know it the Bible says what beware Chicago glory to God look out lest any man spoil you through any man spoil you through philosophy what else and vain deceit vain vain fantasy men who just tell you stuff to make you feel good make you feel happy it's all about a height this is not about height this is about learning being spiritually educated so you can know how to represent God how to serve God how to live for God so when the Lord come you don't be left behind because it's all heaven or hell it isn't nothing else you got ain't gonna accept you because of your looks somebody look better than you darn gonna accept you because of what you own somebody owned more than what we do beware look out that's any man spoil you through philosophy philosophy I mean to see vain deceit after the tradition of men vain deceit Benny Hinn come blow this twenty thousand fall out at the same time maybe maybe y'all may be ready here I mean like what's up ain't nobody falling you couldn't get Benny Hinn in here do you think this wouldn't come teach to this size a few hundred people that's too small for him to him that's not enough to fill up his jet don't you know if only one person would it came here at this meeting I still would have been here pounding on their soul takes God to put the love of a soul in a man before we had a church in the area called Fredericksburg Virginia often give this testimony we have one number one old mother she passed away doubt it was before I even had a car I wasn't already or at the time either I was catching a train I was on Amtrak every month for 10 years going all the way to Virginia preach it to one person 10 years God taught me if you can't value one you can never value 110 years didn't have a church there then for a pulpit podium I used the bookcase and the book still was in it we were meeting her house in the basement coming off the train I would leave praise service no one in there she you not I tell him praise serves her though I'm glad for everybody does here only one person in the film she had get up and sang and testify and I would say there's another testimony I said all right thank God for all of you that are here all of you that have often let's give up I pass the pan a hug she put her money in and she pass it back to me I put my money in it I bless her off and I said all right thank God for all of you that came out tonight I said we got to speak all with you Phil I love you I said I'm going to introduce to you our brother and our Menace our pastor Pastor Genesis then I leave from the front and come from behind come to the pulpit all right greetings everybody 10 years on the train every month preaching to one soul these men wouldn't do that no they don't care nothing about your soul if you sick first they want they one death they won't even call you they send you a letter with a pack of brown envelopes and say don't forget to send your money they don't care the love of God is not in them the love of money and selfishness is in them that's right go back to the book of Joshua everybody all right all right follow me like a Joshua now chapter 24 yeah at at verse 14 listen now therefore fear the Lord all right Chicago now therefore fear the Lord give chapter and verse again Joshua chapter 24 Joshua the twenty-fourth chapter and read verse 14 verse 14 now therefore fear the Lord you know where you fear the Lord your fire subduing things for him that you never thought you would do you will fire yourself obeying things he said that would appear to be out of character to others why would appear to be out of character to others because they may not be used to see you live this way or dressed this way or conduct yourself this way I was in Harrisburg last week we had a jam-packed crowd and baptized 34 and few weeks before that I was in England that was here Europe Church was jam-packed and we baptized 28 and let me show you how God worked they came all the way from Cyprus went down in water came from the Philippines went down in water came from Holland went down in the water came from Nigeria came from the Congo came from Rome and one gentleman came from Iran and he gave a testimony that stuck with me he was born and raised Sunni Muslim he said I never heard of pastor generous never heard him in of him in my life he said I was raised Sunni all my life he looked like an Italian but he was an Iranian brother he said I was taught to recite the Quran he said but I heard so much talk about Jesus I had a lot of questions about Jesus that nobody can answer and they say one day he said this was his first experience with the Holy Spirit he said he knew God was real he said a voice spoke to him and said fine jano jenna's he never heard my name into earth say look he said he knew he wasn't going crazy he said he heard it again fine Gino genna's he said she know Jenna's he went and good with it the truth of God came up he said when he watched message after message after message every question he had about Jesus was answered every question he came from Iran went down in water in the name of Jesus Christ he said now I walk through this holy way see I don't care what she was raised God is a God that bring you to the straight path and there is no path straighter than his listen now therefore fear the Lord this is what I want to teach you brothers and sisters I want to do what preachers and society undone it was common years ago for mothers and fathers to teach children that God is first and I read I said it was common that the old school parents taught their children even if the parents wasn't living right I mean even if they were sinners they told them all right they had a saying God don't like ugly do it in other words they was couldn't fear in the kids they'd let them know how God will chastise you or upper man you for your wrong now it dwindled so the subject have you noticed the subject in church have shift years ago the subject in church was all about God God was the center of worship God is not the center of worship now the love of money wealth prosperity that had taken over church and God is obsolete nobody hardly talks about God no more nothing is taught about consequences for sin so if there is no teaching all consequences for sin then I become no longer afraid of doing wrong look at the chain reaction if I'm no longer free from going wrong I have no conscience if I have no conscience there is no will to repent if I have no will to repent this because I don't feel no remorse for wrong if I feel no remorse for wrong I don't care if I'm going to hell do you see the chain reaction so the fear of the Lord must come back in church and the church must be put back in order that's right the church is not in order it's not God's church it's bishops church did you hear what I said it's not God's church it's just like a reverence check yeah you see if he represent God he won't let you call him Reverend someone say what only one in the Bible was called Reverend got away with it and that's God the Bible say holy and reverence in his name it's his name you don't find the Bible where it says Reverend Peter Reverend Paul Reverend John Reverend James so stop calling your so-called pastor Reverend will you call him a river you call him God Psalms 111 and verse 7 follow me in your Bible give chapter and verse again Psalms 111 and we're at verse 7 says what the the works of his hands severity the works of his hands are Verity a Verity at judgment and judgment or always commandments are sure all his commandments are certain they stand fast forever and ever and done in truth and upright yeah now at verse 9 all right he said Redemption on to his face and redemption to his people yes commanded his covenant forever then what holy holy and reverent and reverent is no that's what you call your pasta holy and reverent is his name why you call your pastor Reverend if I got near Eben's here I'm gonna take your tide away from you that's right if you hear your name is a reverend bill you just built when you leave here but it that's all Reverend John or Reverend Cunningham you just John it that's all that's it no Reverend don't you call no preacher Reverend only one can better title reven and get away with it hold on God the Bible says holy a true man revered is his name and ain't your pasta no that's not its opacity I see I want to educate you real good amen all right let's go back to where we were back in Joshua chapter 24 and verse 14 yes now therefore fear the Lord therefore fear the Lord and serve hey observe them him know them I've served hell I wanted to be good in case I got any undercover Trinitarians you down there got the Father God the Son God the what what is this what why do you abuse your body my god man I hurt just keep doing it God the Father God the Son of God the Holy Ghost III r-13 what well god is father daughter son God Holy Ghost God is 3:3 what he's three father son Holy Ghost what about Alpha Omega beginning and first last is was is to come the Almighty Lord God Almighty shallow I am that I am the rock the highest Immanuel Lord of Hosts L yah allow him Jehovah you three-in-one lion here's no Trinity no where did they teach she come from Rome came out of Italy ain't come from the Bible I started with the Catholic Church it ain't a profit or in the bible that told you God is three only one the first commandment is hear o Israel the Lord our God is what one Lord what are you getting what I'm telling you What did he say here now therefore fear the Lord fear the Lord fear represent respect honor and reluctant to do wrong because out of fear of consequences so who said we fear fear the Lord should we not fear Him they gave us breath and can take the breath for the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away so look at what we do to our temple that's made to represent God we smoke and corrupt the house that God gave us we drank you know you smoking Christians that go to church and you drive all the way to church the cigarette inside of your mouth just sagging going up yonder and then you pull up to your club that you call church and then it's several people outside getting your last drag speaking to one another the Lord you better hurry up put the rest of it I just claim you represent Christ you don't represent Christ your cigarette sucker cigars is like a pipe smoking joint smoking laia you ain't nothing but a sinner you're a Christian why you got a bar in your house am i right with how do Budweiser and Jesus what they got in common you took my Bud Light Jesus said he's the life you thought she was a Christian did yeah well I go to church every Sunday so do roaches they spend the night and make babies in church I'm kidding them cuz you go to church every Sunday bar in the church they never made nobody a Christian it's teaching and then live by like teaching that conform you to be like right so look at what you call being a Christian today you go to the party Oh Dave Friday all day said until you come to church God's not dead he's alive and I wish Chicago wait a minute how can you do both the Bible said you can I did sweet and bitter water from the same fountain one half of you is trying to dance and the other half is trying to shout I don't know how you can put I can't do that that's right how is it the church you go to rent the fellowship hall out to the neighborhood for a party high in the world you preached Jesus upstairs in the neighborhood dance downstairs your church is nothing but a club God said my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people when that preacher stands for God he don't allow nothing to go in that church that violates the book they don't even allow the community to have an event if the events file ate the Bible even if they him $50,000 for that event he has turned down the money in upholder scriptures amen [Applause] we just turned down seven million dollars man we need that money all these triggers we need to build we got to finish the new campus our organization wanted to rent our gymnasium that's where we're using temporarily while our main auditorium and lower order term is being remodeled we use our gymnasium and our organization wanted to lease it wonder in it offered us over a hundred thousand dollars a month a seven-year contract man that's over seven million dollars but I had a letter given to everyone who showed interest for rent to whom it may concern' letter I said this is our belief is holiness the First Church of our Lord Jesus Christ stand on the principle of Scripture fold this cause these things are not permitted on this property one no Christmas celebration not even Christmas decoration no Christmas plays no Christmas song while passing Janice the baby never told you Jesus was born December 25th so why do you keep lying but you keep lying for no Halloween anyone with common sense no doubt satanic no Halloween parties you can't hang no rainbow flags oh no no fashion shows oh we're effuse so when I read I will memorandum they got back with us and said we respect your beliefs but we see we have to move on and I remember Catholic gentleman called me a pastor dinners are got a meal with you oh here we met down at the campus he said I heard that you you turned down this this contract you took my over seven million dollars in seven years you could have this church paid off I have a few minutes left over cuz the way you build turkeys and buy chickens I said yes he said you mean to tell me you willing to turn down that money over what you believe I said the Bible says he that gather riches not buy right dies of food he said I got a I got a new respect for you he said because I want that money he said I'm telling you I could not turn down that money I can walk away from all the money in the world you know why nothing is richer than my lord [Applause] nothing he this is why so many people who say they save dang save you look at these preachers these Devils they say they love money and they hate God that's right cause if you love God you will not put money in son of God you will do right by the people with the money you help these preachers build schools build churches and then when it's all over you get years of lies lies lies lies lies I thank God for holiness [Applause] the book says now therefore fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity wait a minute how shall we serve Him and sincerity I want that to come back in God's people amen let's mean business about church there's many things that we don't know we are victims of bad teaching that's why I don't blame the people I blame the preacher I can't blame a man or woman if they don't know a lot of us are doing the best we can but we're serious and don't know and will do better if someone took the time out to tell us the Bible says do what and serve Him in sincerity serve Him how in sincerity man you think I'm traveling like this for fun next week I'd rather be in our Detroit they're begging me a passage and open up a church open up a chance I thought of the man who loved this message he passed away he lived in an area called Martinsville Virginia he said pastor Jennings I know you're not wealthy and everybody begging you to get a church he said if God's gonna provide for us up here and laughing like that never told me what he was gonna do all I know I got a package with some pictures and deeds he took money out of his pocket and bought a church to the attention of passage I called him I said brother I got a package you say you got it I said yeah they're all good what you think I said I don't know who Church is it he's all yours I said I want you to flap and look at it I went and bought it he said you're too busy take you to lawn and said I want he said people are pulling you all around the world man people are pulling you all around the world he said we need a chair chair and I had to dig in my pocket and buy it I just want you to come look at it you know you got to love this and you gotta trust that preacher and a lot of previous is jealous because thousand trust us because they know we're telling them right even sinners know and it shuts people to see so many men coming to church you know men don't come to no church churches are woman's hangout that's right so it shops people they see a whole army of young men men from the Bloods men from the Crips men from different games I don't care who you are the best gang you got is called holy amen you find a bunch of men in Islam you don't find them in church because the church is not offering them the discipline they need our men need discipline they're killing themselves in the streets of Chicago mirror themselves for what nothing killing over stupid things arguing over a girl arguing over street corner that neither side own the government hold it and they fight over it [Music] arguing over arguing over the color scarf in the color shirt when man fear God man will respect each other if you don't fear God you won't even love each other it is the understanding listen to understand who you are and what you are you have to understand who God is and God will bring you into the knowledge of yourself when you're ignorant of God you are ignorant of yourselves and one less ignorant of self don't know the purpose God's agenda for him so what he dude little coming to church is more than singing jumping shouting beating drum banging tamarins making pound cake and selling fish Dennis and that's what you get from most churches good cake fish you don't get no message but you get a full stomach of food fool in the stomach and poor in spirit going to God now therefore and therefore for the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and in truth wait a minute serve Him in sincerity and in a lie and in truth now if I'm going to serve him in truth I better evaluate my religion what I'm professing because the Bible said they professed a good profession before many witnesses so if I'm gonna serve Him and truth then I gotta find out what is the truth some of us can't handle the truth you can't handle the truth so we're gonna found out what is the truth jesus said dine word it's true if preachers will stop writing out of salmon and just stick with the word they're telling the truth go to your church and thank your preachers preaching he got this big old notebook and he's up there reading from the book well I was used for a text today the light that turn green what's in a while he don't even talk with the voice God gave them you know he don't talk like that well uh whenever hey light turn green is what Allah and he spent about 30 minutes to tell me what a traffic light does do what I'm telling you know spend about a lo more tell me what Jesus agenda is for my life show me how must I live for him show me how God can get full glory of non-being what good is going to church with a Bible under your arm if you don't have nobody that takes you that book that you carry because don't you know the more you read sometimes the more confused you become that's why the Bible says how can you hear without a preacher how can he preach except they be sent it takes God to open up the man understanding that he may understand the scriptures listen I never been a Bible College in my life I never had a Bible course since I've been born never took a Bible lesson since I've been black how you know so much I have the best teacher God is my teacher and brother when you got the best teacher he can give you more than what any cemetery school can give if I would have went to men's school I would have came out of Trinitarian I woulda came out messed up I would have came out worrying about whether God is white or black or yella I wouldn't know who God is I would been focused on a tradition of men and we've been a traditional preacher but when you get what God have in you God make you go against tradition you stick to what the Word of God says no what now therefore fear the Lord fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity who are you serving brothers and sisters friends and enemies who are you serving not only who what are you serving do you know who God is what is your God where is your God what's his name that's justifiable questions isn't it what is your religion who started the way come from who's the founder what kind of church you in there's only two churches right or wrong there's only two churches true church or false Church you win one of the other how is Jesus being preached in your church I said Jenna what do you mean there's only one way to preach Jesus ah no it isn't in the book of Philippians chapter one Solomon in the book of Philippians chapter one and we're starting at verse 15 follow me some indeed preach Christ I told you give chapter in verse again Philippians chapter one and we're at verse 15 some indeed preach Christ Jesus even of in Vevey me and strike strike and some also of good will they mean well the one preach Christ of contention one preached Christ so they can start an argument not sincerely they told me what they doing supposing to add affliction to my bond and they come in town or run a week revival Oh Reverend Reverend Lucifer get Reverend devil they two friends go around and rub Bible all week long and then when it's over they split the money get back in that back room count all that money down man down oh they have a week service and a different liar every night and notice each man every night have you noticed all of their messages are the same prosperity you mean to tell me all this sin and evil that's in the world and the only thing that the law got time is the sin men to tell us how to get rich brothers and sisters the greatest riches is the book you carry the rich is the wisdom of God that lies in the book now I don't care how much gold is under the earth if you don't have skill to dig it it stills there it doesn't matter how much rich and wisdom and knowledge and understanding is in the book if you don't have knowledge you can dig it up so you can understand how valuable is the contents of the book that you carry Bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us all right but the other other preach Christ out of love knowing that I'm set for the defense of the gospel what what then look here gift wrapped in verse 9 Philippians chapter 1 and add verse 18 what then notwithstanding notwithstanding every way some way every way some way every way every way whether in pretence whether in pretending whether in faking or in truth or donut right Christ is preached doujin every way not a folk didn't even know that was in it you go to church and the preacher got that organ going and he's preaching with the organ to excite you and if the organist changed keys to preach a change keys have you seen it he's a faker and a performer that's God preacher don't preach while music is playing no he don't need it so say what led you to the music help him guard preacher helpful to come from above that's right from the Lord that made the heavens and the earth that's right here's anointing for the come from God half what then what then notwithstanding notwithstanding every way in every way you can think of whether in pretence whether in faking whether in pretending or in truth or in reality Christ is preached that's something to think of so Christ is being preached in the different ways and these different forms but he's preaching more and pretences than in truth because if you preach Christ in truth you don't have enemies and I got enemies all around the world death threats and people threatened me if I come today town they're gonna kill me and I love it like that cuz then I try to get there quicker religious organizations tells me you come here we'll run you out of town and you this umf this and you son of a-- this and these are all Christian people they claim they could Hebrews your lights told me they want to do they're angry I'm worried about all that stuff I don't move me I don't move me my god man I'm an independent free man huh I haven't got so many threats I can't Ku Klux Klan even threaten you man I thought them fellows been retired got a letter from the Klan out of Memphis Road men told me you make us want to take out our sheets you come here we're hanging you in our backyard I felt so touched and when I got that letter I told my secretary find me a place in Memphis so we can hold our youth conference there I told the Klan I'm coming and you better show up with your sheets come to the Word of God I don't have sense enough to be afraid of you you're born of a woman like I am you got to bow to God like I do or your goat I feel like anybody else come on back to church and come on back to the film God Chicago Oh everybody boss sweep Chicago been baptized wrong you all walk around claim you see bow your head raise your hand you from the hood you know what this means any time a man got you like this that man is about to do something hearing got no bit is doing to you bow your head and raise your hand the devil gotcha by the way I've never told you bow your head to raise your hands and accept Christ right where you are you that done it you was lied to God had never told though by the whole of preachers hand and prayer sinner's prayer no such prayer exists in your Bible you hold the hand of some old dirty no-good preacher pray a sinner's prayer and the preacher said repeat after me Lord Jesus a lot of you sincere I know you get the crying and your fake eyelashes get loose your mascara running all down sometimes grown men they turning red snot dripping from your lips Oh Lord Jesus I'm a sinner coming to my heart wash me save me cleanse me in the name of Jesus Christ and then a preacher said your your save my friend you'll save my friend don't forget send me $20 five $20 because your salvation is so cheap that's all it's worth that's right you know more save than that duck come baaack like a pitbull that's right if you see a barking duck you better run am i right I said no sinner's prayers in the Bible none well past dinner that was baptized Father Son Holy Ghost Jesus said Doherty did not Jesus endured in the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost he said dude in the name I'm a father I'm a son I'm a husband but if I tell you do something in my name are you gonna say father are you gonna say son are you gonna say husband Matthew 28:19 there was told to do it in the name of the Father Son the Holy Ghost nobody was being baptized there they were just told to do it acts 2:38 is where it was done that's right Bible says in acts 2:38 then Peter said to them repent no join the church reap it no get on the mourners bench and get several different works of grace repent no I opened the church home and open the church doors and give you a home repent no accept Christ as your personal Savior rip it well you know dinner choir start singing in the background for you I am pray and in a preacher keep working on you do you want to come to Christ my friend do you want to come to Christ my friend all crisis calling you right now he's calling you right now he's calling you right now right now you come up you know our Williams laughing we grew up together you see me work with him on a telecast he used to be a Trinitarian yes he got saves too many times he can't count [Applause] Williams used to run see a lot of young people never heard of old Reverend Knight but the O'Hair's know oh I can code you just say you can't lose with the stuff I use Williams used to go after Ike the mole shambo shambo chance a shot a man somebody's waiting to run after chef Brett Wales was a false prophet loyalist and a three guard man and this man will fight me tooth and nail about the baptism I kept telling him the baptism the name of Jesus Christ was a right he have those fingers in my face what about the blood what up I mean he argue with me tooth in there for years until one day I took the Bible and jammed him good he took a scripture through it all helped put the sleeper hold on him he had to tap out and before you know it he went down in water this fake salvation if you bow your head raise your hands and did all this other junk I mentioned and yet thought you were safe you wasn't safe since the day you done it preach a lie to you he gave you monopoly salvation that's we're not really money that's Jenna do you mean to tell me I'll never was saved you not say that all until you gotta just like the Bible you ain't saved because you feel good joint make you feel good amen amen these other folk don't want to say it man they don't want know they smoking but many of you can bear with look I've made you feel good didn't it and yet you was out there acting like a fool and you went to some church and got a monopoly salvation bow your head and raise your hand and sinner's prayer went to the Catholic Church and took your church into an upright bowl and a priest Thomas um and I'm gonna fall and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost you sitting there my child they save your child is wet that's right your child is not saved your whole body got to go in water amen give me the six shop of the book of Romans Romans chapter six and we're at the first verse what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid I'll show it that are dead to sin live any longer their end or you know there's so many of us that was baptized into Jesus Christ was baptized into his death therefore therefore you're buried we say all sprinkled with him we are buried with him don't like daddy Grace Church you got that church that's called the house of prayer for all people here in Chicago bishops 'i'm grace daddy grace them church they don't believe in put you in water they take a big fire hose shoot it up in the air they get everybody dressed in white robes they shoot it in the air and then everybody come out in the fire hose you know like you're doing the hood when it's hot you can't get a swimming pool you're turning the spring you get that water hide your old man and get in there daddy grace them get a fire hose you know like they used to doing the six of these shoot black folk you know shoot your direc you shoot it up there and everybody come out when the water falling say you baptize if that's the case when the thunders a thunderstorm come just go in the rain that's right weather that devil make fools out of you all the time all the time do you hit a Bible talking therefore we are buried with him sprinkle with him buried with him poured with him buried with him how are we're buried by baptism into death you've got to be buried your whole body got the gold down in water in the name of Jesus Christ according to acts 2:38 then Peter said unto them repent now I'm telling you Chicago Chicago the whole city the host and some of them baptized just in the name Jesus that's wrong some of you baptized in Jesus name that's wrong so I said what yes there's more than one Jesus in the Bible you got the brother of Jacob whose name is Esau and Arabic his name is ISA ISA and Arabic is named Jesus you got Moses Minister Joshua because there are no J's in the Hebrew language Joshua is pronounced Haas schewe Yeshua yeah sure in English it's Jesus but you only got one Jesus Christ you got another one in the New Testament car Jesus justice who was a laborer with Paul then you got one who was a Hebrew a Jew who was named Bar Jesus the Bible say he was a false prophet who was a Jew named Elias the name was barred Jesus so you just can't be baptized simply the name Jesus cuz you've got more than one Jesus in the Bible the Bible said whatsoever you do in Word or in deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus you got to have title and name title and name the Apostle Peter used title and name know what then Peter said unto them repent repent all right Chicago you got to repent for your wickedness for being a Baptist repent for being a Methodist repent for being a non-denominational repent for being a Pentecostal repent for being a Lutheran of promisin and a so-called apostolic and all this religious garbage that the devil recycled and blew on your doorstep that's right you got to repent repent because you helped build these churches we all helped it we gave money to it we expand it but you came and said we want to build a school we gave her money preach and I say the Lord told me that we need a new trust Church we need a new church we need a new church hip come about show total Oh hold up oh no total bottle toast toast and jelly now you thought it was in a spring you yelled out news of Holy Ghost laugh the devil using them thank the Holy Ghost that's the devil are you listen to the old troublemaker then Peter said unto them see I'm a very plain raw preacher Hostel Paul said heaven to having this hope we speak with great plainness of speech I'm not trying to con you I'm not trying to Duke it we call a speed of speed that's why people respect us all around the world I had a young man gave me his testimony in Harrisburg he's their pastor Dennis that's the first time I've been to church in years he said I quit Church and I hate church he said but since my friend told me about you he said I'm starting back coming out I said where are you going he said right where you see me you say you couldn't pay me to go nowhere else he said if I wanted to play I just do anything he said but brother you main business he said I'm a young man he said I can see you not playing I said because God had planned listen it get hot in Chicago I have no plans to go to hell this thing about fearing God I fear God and if God says that he gonna send you to hell he mean business God said where the worm don't die we are the world that mean he's gonna take your physical flesh and by His divine power make your flesh so it will never be burnt up but it will fall and burn as long as God made and the flames of hell is the anger of God taken out upon man's body throughout eternity a lot of us gonna go to hell because you're too proud to come out of your religion you too proud and drop your title in church then you are gonna hell being a bishop you're go to hell being a deacon you're go to hell being assistant pastor pack your choir robe up get off that choir get off that organ in that false church get right with God and stop playing Church stop following these men because you love them know God more do you love these liars [Applause] don't go to check the cost your family is a member there that's no reason your first priority is to follow God your first priority is to save yourself the Bible says save yourself from this untoward generation then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you who every one of you who every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin were remission main removal now a lot of preachers taught you born a sinner that's wrong nobody been born a sinner everybody been born in sin singular sinner is one that commit multiple acts of sin what did a baby do so Hollywood is men conclude you born a sinner nobody been born a sinner everybody been born with one sin it's it inherited sin well we inherit something it hand down what sin did we inherited this sin of our first father Adam huh for the Bible says nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the image of him that was to come so when Adam fell and came short of the glory of God sin made his introduction into the world and every human under the Sun was born and lust and shaped into iniquity and that one man brought sin into the world Jesus come to counteract that sin and by his blood he can take it out of the world well pastor Genesis people on the cross he wasn't baptizing he went to heaven he was taught that lie to huh alright let me straighten that lay out just in case you want to get on a cross in the book of Saint Luke you don't lie I say the thief went to heaven you don't know the Bible at all no more than I'm Huckleberry Hound thief they never went to heaven no well if thieves say he wanted to go there he did not we did didn't even ask Jesus to take him dad I want to show you how to preach this done miss read this that's why I love to detail this throw it a go so you can know just shouting about alright follow me in your Bible Chicago in the book of st. Luke chapter 23 Luke chapter 23 I'd read verse 40 and verse 40 but the other answering rebuked him all right here you had the thieves up on a cross and Jesus was there also all right but the other answering rebuked him the other LAN tournament because angels they'll not fear God do your not fear God thing thou art in the same common condemnation yeah and we indeed justly for we receive the due reward of our deeds yea this man has done nothing amiss she just didn't do nothing and he said unto Jesus all right I want everybody to follow me and hear me and watch how it contradict your reverend your bishop your husband your brother your uncle your grandpappy your liar and he said unto Jesus look at what the thief said to Jesus Lord Lord remember me no take me into heaven remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom no take me into heaven when you go Lord remember me when thou comest into thy know take me into heaven where you go Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom you had a preacher's lie remember I want to break the scripture down so plain so now when your shout you know what you're shouting about that's right you know a lot for love the shout behind those chairs you know hold on to that ones here so they don't fall over God come on inside I be said unto Jesus what Lord reload me get the language of the back way as I often tell you over-the-air remember if someone is asked to remember you're asking them to think of them not take you physically somewhere listen Lord remember me remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom now what did Jesus say and Jesus said unto Him verily I say unto thee what today today shalt thou be with me in paradise you see passage in is right there he took him he did not how he gonna take him not even Jesus went there that day that's right that's right when Jesus was on the cross he went to the great after but yet jesus said and Jesus said unto Him verily I say unto thee today shut up Beavis be with me in paradise they're not even Jesus with the paradise that day he was still on the cross after he died he went to the grave and when he went to the grave he stayed there three days and three nights and the third day he rose and said all power is given unto me and in heaven and earth but when he came on back he appeared to his witnesses and stayed around then later on he ascends above all heaven but he said today today shalt thou be with me in is how how did he remember the peace he meant God ain't no one going up before him no because the Bible said no man hath ascended up into heaven at any time but he that came down and the thief was a man that's right not only that the thief was flesh and blood and the Bible said flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God that's right in order to get in you got to be changed from water to immortality and we ain't changed yet we're waiting on a change that's right [Applause] don't just read the Bible break it down open it up - go ahead gotta make it rain jesus said today shalt thou be with me in paradise how are you gonna be with me today need a mr. thief paradise is wherever God is so how was it he was with Jesus physically no because he never requests physically no he asks remember me that meaning salt think of me me of course when Jesus come back for the church I want him to remember me that's right take a laziness for me so will you come you can say come be blessed so how do you foresee God call me brother remember me when thou comest don't you want God to remember you Chicago Jill Tokuda you want God to remember you I saw what the man was accent II don't forget about me that's right I don't want God to forgive me amen because he's coming back you know the preacher said he's coming looking for his church the Bible didn't say that no the Bible never said he's coming looking for a church the batterer said he come presented to himself a glorious church will you look for something you lost it he lose it that's right God is coming for the same thing he left here he left for holy people he's coming back for holy people amen God people is a holy people you remember how to old folks you to say I'm in a holy sanctified Church you know a sanctified me set apart you got to be set apart for the Lord's using that's right God didn't make us to drink smoke gamble battle two images and battle two idols so you got pictures of a white Jesus and a brown Jesus in a yellow Jesus and then you that got a cross with an image Hornet throw that mess in the trash that's not Jesus maybe one of the Bee Gees or someone who played with Jimi Hendrix but it ain't Jesus throw it in the trash what about a few black throw in a trash no images holding this will put you on a straight path that's right then Peter said unto them repent all right Chicago amen hey want to set up a church here I wouldn't look in today I mean we went looking for some churches today real estate agent took we found one - beautiful you know down the church and ain't got it down to bite with a mint but I had to trust God that the people will love God enough to work along with us that's how the Lord bless us with our international headquarters campus when we was at Frankfort Avenue that building was 18,000 square feet we've been outgrew it for years and we didn't have no money and I went looking looking around the city closed down several public schools so I wanted a public school because they had the square footage that we wanted I know so much of red tape I didn't realize it was so much of red tape in that didn't work out then it came over the news that the Catholic Diocese was closing down 40-something campuses in the city because the priest kept misbehaving there were bad men so the Catholic Diocese reached out to us and the church built a state agent told me I said well line up some campuses she said we had the money I said don't you worry about that I knew we didn't let me see him we looked at all the campuses but one thing they didn't tell us was how long those closed those churches was closed so a lot of them was beautiful on the outside but was like a bombshell on the inside I mean I'm used to getting the job you ain't no church gonna be moving ready but at the same time I don't want nothing to like a survival series from World War two either so then I went to where we are down and that was the only campus that was still occupied but the membership was so small they couldn t use the main auditorium so I looked around everywhere don't pay him no mind he's just talking to the camera man and I look they wanted three point was 3.5 million we didn't even have one man I kid you not we didn't I gave him off I think it was 2.6 I think it was I'm making an offer hey hey no money and they accept the offer then they wanted to stay in windows I didn't mind cuz we didn't want them Looney Tunes no way I told him take him but you gotta reduce the price so by the time the price came down it was think was down the 2.4 I signed agreement ourselves now we didn't had no money and I'm not joking we had our international complication at a high school in Delaware close to 2000 people that I told the church about the campus I told them what they want and I said to everybody do you want it they say yes I said I want everybody to sacrifice a thousand dollars a person let's buy it now remember we had no financing at the time the first finance company that we tried to get turned us down because of what we preached against now the first time I ever heard of a finance company worrying about your belief they just want your business but they've turned us down because we preached against homosexuality my secretary guys had hey I said don't waste your time we want to argue with them that's their right let's get another financial company the next financial coming they went to our website so our beliefs first they said yes we can take care of it then they saw what we stood for they say well we have to kind of back out I said all right I'll keep praying third financial company came in and said well we don't care what this man believe we just want his business so amongst all the sinks and that's how we have bought churches through the years amongst all of us we raise about a million dollars plus cash and at the time of settlement they had the figures wrong and said we had to bring seven hundred and seven thousand dollars to the table they wait till we got to the table to say we had ran close to a million we had to check for about seven hundred and thirty or seven hundred fifty thousand something like that and they read the figures I gave them to check they still wait a minute fastest energy about three hundred seven thousand show I said according to the figures y'all gave us and they all had the compass here it's our mistake listen hey go make mistake almost three hundred thousand they say well we can't go throughout I called the secretary I said I need another three hundred thousand dollars then we got it she said oh yes she said the way the church have cooperated we got it and some left over I said I need you to give it to me ASAP and we was able to give them the money down before we bought the new campus I had to trust God I sold our old headquarters signed agreement of selves and before we even have financing for the new church I sold it I kept trusting God and everything fell in the hands of God so beautifully [Applause] but we went and looked at three churches yeah I mention why did I know his big Randall was this big man huh I went to the south side then I went to the West looked at the different churches and beautiful Lutheran campus I saw was a Lutheran campus Church school administration building and a living quarters I don't want to live there let it be good for old folks they wanted 1.5 and it went down to 495 and I know we can get it less than that I looked I said I said he said which one you think I said this this one will work the school I said we can actually hold service in this gymnasium of the school while we finish working on the actual church but new rules on the building and whatnot school everything is maintained so beautifully I'm gonna trust God I'm calling I told my real-estate secretary call the people this the real estate company here I want to get an inspector get in there to inspect it before I make them an offer I'm gonna make them an offer and I'm telling right now we don't have the money you can believe God with me can't you but I'm telling you leave your churches you got to have somewhere to go all right if you get a chance you ride by and look at the campus it looks pretty good 64 write this down all of you 64 16 south wash washed in nor was it called Washington no that's where you wash it now wash it now 64 16 South washing now now that's we're just saying hood now man now I want y'all to look at it check it out let me know what you think there's a beautiful place sit right on the corner plenty of ground and there's something to work with to shake up this entire city and we're gonna try to get it God be our helper I need y'all to pray with pathogenesis we here which a car go to work with Chicago because the car go need the fear of God and them to be placed on the right path there are preachers in this city from different organizations who was reaching out to me already wants to work along with us leaving their churches leaving all type of religious people is writing me from all around the city West South he all pots want to be right want to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in fact if you're not baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you're not saved that's your car go it's time for you to get on the right path starting tonight and if any of you want to be right and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so you can be holy and be ready when the Lord come if your main business it want to be right stand on your feet if you want to be baptized and the official cago you'll want to be baptized the right way down on your feet then that wonderful all of you that are standing you see them back there holding them sighs go back there where they are go back there with them everybody gotta be baptized the right way everybody must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ if you don't you're never been born again we'll be back tomorrow God willing at 11 o'clock everybody followed them to baptism so you can get baptized the right way all of them right now is going to be baptized that's what everybody got to do I mean everybody got the door if you don't you're not safe you're still a sinner this is God's way of doing it my god back Garang let's let the world see them let them see you might and people say that we making these numbers up no no these people are coming they want to be right no man is born again unless you're the pen of your sins and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ if you want to go back with Jesus you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you must do it not save and never had been saving less to do it everything in town got to do it well I'm a Christian you're not a Christian unless you obey acts 2:38 reading the Bible says then Peter said unto them repent rain but I'd be better if you're bad hey listen if you're a Baptist I know you was baptized wrong because Baptist don't baptize the right way if they Catholic you have not been baptized the right way if you're Pentecostal they don't baptize the right way everybody must repent my gonna love the whole auditorium is almost dark that's right repent I be baptized every one of a few baptized everybody come on back tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock it'll be a blast from the past and a bra for it all what is our repent repent and be baptized every one of you every one of many of you sitting here you ain't baptized in the name of Jesus Christ you were sent up oh yeah your Center you will set up because the Bible says repent and be baptized every one of you who every one of you who ate a card in the name of Jesus Christ anybody else wouldn't be baptized stand on your feet anybody else want it if not all right brother Gordon you go with brother estimate so you can help go ahead say God because we got a large catch and this is the way it is everywhere we go in the world hundreds hundreds want to be right listen when Jesus come and the Bible said blessed and holy is he to have part in the first resurrection when Jesus come I want to feel my body going up thump still on this earth and Mister first resurrection I'm in trouble the Bible says what repent and be baptized when you repent you're sorry about your own look at it black white and Hispanic and brown and yellow and Asian going down in water this is the Lord Steyn overtake God in his marvelous in our eyes the Bible says reap it all right she listened Chicago do this for you it is for you everybody got to do this repent repent and be better how much every one of you how in the name of Jesus Christ how I raised for the remission of sin or does it get your sin washed away then what did God promise and you shall receive the gift of the holy girl I for the promise is unto you I know I to your children I know I to all that are afar even as many as the Lord our God shall call thank you for listening brothers and sisters my god almost the whole auditorium is gone come on back tomorrow don't you go to your church tomorrow don't you even make an attempt he'll go to your church tomorrow be back tomorrow at 11 o'clock and hear the word of God preached let us all stand under him that is able to keep it from falling a present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy only wise God our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you him be glory and power both now and forever brothers and sisters let us say Amen they've had tomorrow at 11 o'clock God be our helper thank you for listening brothers and sisters we
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 103,899
Rating: 4.769196 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jennings, Gino Jennings, Truth of God, First Church, TOG, Holy, Holiness
Id: m_X7V-Til2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 29sec (7469 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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