First Church Truth of God Broadcast September 12th, 2021 Sunday Houston Texas Live Stream

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can praise him and we exalt him because he's god and god alone without him we can do nothing we thank god for the holy prophets and the holy apostles that have gone on before us and we are truly grateful and delighted to have our apostle and pastor gina jennings here today with us we thank god for him as well [Applause] this is a very special occasion for us because we know what we have an idea as to what he's going through and uh for him to take the time for him to really take the time i thought he was probably going to cancel yesterday i was wondering if he's still coming but for pastor to take the time hallelujah might as well everybody just stand and give the lord a handclap might as well might as well just give god praise for him hallelujah man as well god get glory hallelujah thank god you may be seated a lot of people don't understand the importance of a man of god the wisdom that comes from pastor jennings i've never seen it before i don't know if i'm going to ever see it again but we thank god for him it's not easy to stand for god in his last days it's easy to settle because there's a lot of money out there but he's standing for god and look at what god is doing all of you come from different areas different background different beliefs and the one message have read havoc in the world turn the world upside down and god is using the mind of god so please sincerely pray for him you know in jamaica they have an old fable say the car doesn't know the use of his tail until when you don't have the tail we want to appreciate the man of god right now and we pray that he live until 120 years old may god back back his ears hallelujah because we're grateful all of you have your cell phones please be mindful make sure it's not on ring if it's on vibrate make sure it's not vibrating against anything let's be focused and get your hearts and minds ready for the word amen we thank god for all the ministers brother minister williams i thank god for him or to find loyal men today they drop you and run but brother minister williams and brother dana look at them i say thank god they've held with our pastor for a long time from huntington park and they're still here we thank god we have concluded that this is the way of god are affirmed and we are persuaded we are sure that this is the way to god and it's the way of holiness lord this we have searched it know it for your own good at this time we'll present unto you our leader and teacher the messenger of almighty god the apostle pastor gina jennings thank you brothers and sisters [Applause] greetings brothers and sisters as always we bear witness there is no god but one there is no god with him there is no god besides him there is no god equal to him there is no god better than him we thank him for his divine wisdom and his perfect and infallible understanding of all things god alone is the true sender and true teacher of holy prophets and of holy apostles the way of holiness is the best way that i've ever been on the planet earth it is the only way that god placed for us to follow and for the world to obey i thank god for minister wendt and all the brothers and sisters that are here in houston and you that are here from other parts of texas we thank god for this message of holiness because it's gathering up those that are lost this message comes to the lost sheep of the house of israel that those that know the way and even them that don't know the way they have a closer walk with god now we're sorry that we don't have much room but next time we come to houston i won't have it here at the branch location temporary location but we're getting a larger facility god willing uh next year we're looking to go into other parts of texas where the brother's been going where the people have been coming here in the word of god bow mound and other places and get the word of god to you in person and also we are working around the clock as we are in so many other places of the world to open up a permanent temple here not just in houston but in dallas and other parts of texas and the world let me save this and remind all of our viewers that remember next week we will be in dallas texas at the doubletree by hilton and dallas love filled hotel 3300 west mockingbird lane we hope to see you this weekend coming which is september 18th and september 19th god be our helper at the doubletree by hilton dallas love filled hotel at 3300 west mockingburg lane in dallas texas now we hope to see you god willing uh we're going to be pressed for time because as i mentioned that uh we will be burying my sister on next saturday and god willing i hope i can get out of there in time to catch my flight uh to be able to be with you on next saturday evening and also on sunday i want to remind all of you that uh who've been inquiring still in reference to the burial next saturday on the 18th we're asking everybody to be at the international headquarters temple uh try to be there by nine o'clock or by the latest 9 30 on saturday morning which is september 18th from there we're believing to go to the white chapel memorial park uh 140 street road and feasterville trevor trevos pa be at the headquarters temple 5105 north 5th street god willing follow us over and uh we have plant that seed back from where it come back into the dust i come from a very very very extreme close-knit family i thank god that i had a holy sanctified father and have a holy sanctified mother who turned 90 years old this year and uh most of my brothers and sisters all of us were baptized in the name of jesus christ and i all have the holy ghost but three and i pray before they depart this life that god filled them with the holy ghost speaking in tongues it's a wonderful thing to come into the knowledge of the truth of god but it's a better thing to be ready to meet god many people start out but many people don't finish i've been having a holy ghost speaking in tongue now almost 50 years if not more and i've been baptized in the name of jesus christ i repented of my sins at six years old we see the holy ghost at 11. start preaching the word of god by 13. have him backslid not one time what little understanding i had as a child i held on to that i don't look down upon the backslider because the backslider is blessed if they are able to come back to god for god to spare your life and not cut you off out there you're blessed you're not lucky you're blessed amen but i want to say to the backslider god says he's married to the backslider which means this that means he's obligated you know you'd say marriage there's an obligation so god is saying he's obligated to bring you back to him now you don't know what method you're going to use to bring you back for some people it takes pain to bring them back because they're so stubborn so hard-headed and so rebellious so god have to break you out of your pride your arrogance your self-willness and in some cases it might take death you may have to kill something that you love something that you're too attached to and the only thing that may sever ties between you and what you're connected to it might be death but if it takes death to have eternal life then thank god i'd rather have eternal life with god than go to hell don't you all right i want to remind everybody to make plans now and don't wait till the closing year convention get close up on your health but make plans now go to the church website you'll see the dates uh 2021 and be out of here soon and 20 22 will be here god be our helper so to all of our viewers around the world you start making your plans now to be at the international headquarters temple for the closing year holy convocation and uh god willing we look to see you when 2022 get here somebody say how you know it's coming i'm not worrying about that it'll be here it ain't the lord ain't coming yet i can't say that pastor jen and that's your business i can the reason why i can say that because there are things that haven't yet been fulfilled god is not gonna break the word to come he gonna fulfill his word to come and there are events that have to take place in the earth before the coming of the lord that did not take place yet and the word of god says not a scripture can be broken right all right let's go to work in the book of pain all right williams open the bible anywhere and let's go to work in the book of saint matthew chapter 15 and that verse 12. all right follow me matthew 15 and we're at the 12th verse all right then came his disciples and said unto him knowest thou that the pharisees were offended after they heard this saying every heathen every hater of god is offended at what god says when you tell the people the truth of the scriptures give chapter and verse again matthew chapter 15 and at verse 12. i get my greatest fight out of those that claim to be religious them that say they love jesus well well jesus said if you love me you'll keep my commandments you know the bible challenge your so-called love your so-called christianity the bible challenges you know a lot of folk claim to be a christian until they hear this they don't shout as much they don't get happy that often because this thing will challenge whether you committed to god or committed to the devil if he loved me listen that what jesus said in saint john chapter 14 and that verse 15. if you love me keep my you'll go to church if you love me keep my commandments go in the church don't prove you love god roaches go to church and make babies in church that's right that's why it's hard to get rid of them critters but anybody can go to church church now it's a routine whether they go on saturday whether they go on sunday but we got commandments to obey holy commandments the bible says the former treaties have i made a theophilus of all that jesus began both to do and to teach until the day in which he was taken until a day in which he was taken up after that he through the holy ghost here have given the commandments unto the apostles whom he have chosen he gave the apostles the commandments orders instructions guidelines rules regulations and they follow them the apostles follow those instructions to the letter that's right and those instructions are still here for us right now that's right and god knows we are determined to follow those instructions regardless of who like it or who don't like it amen listen at this now back in matthew 15 and verse 12. all right then came his disciples and said unto him know us thou that the pharisees were offended after they heard this saying you know jesus was not worrying about who didn't like the teaching no neither am i i don't read where jesus came to make friends no you know i don't mind making enemies in fact it feels better i'll i'll let god bring me friends that's right you know if god gave you a friend you got a good one that's right amen because god will give you what you need right anytime someone say their friend many people claim to be a friend because they got a very limited understanding of what a friend really is but a lot of folks with a friend when they can get something out of you that's right but uh very few so-called friends will commit themselves to god's order sweet language will multiply friends do you hear this in the book of ecclesiastes chapter six and then verse five sweet language will multiply friends doesn't it another word so-called friends or impostors love to hear what don't hurt them that's right that's why the religious world love false prophets and hate us that's right my job my mission my heaven-given mission is to bring you the wisdom of god the intelligence of god the statue of god the language of god the thoughts of god that's my mission not lean to my own understanding or bringing my opinion but bring you the standard of god that it may liberate your soul from the hands of the devil that's right because if you examine yourself the devil's gripping you somewhere oh yes isn't it oh yes and uh our objective is to be totally liberated from the powers of satan that's right thank god and nothing can liberate you like god word that's right the bible says sweet sweet language we'll multiply friends we'll accumulate friends and a fair speaking tongue a fair speaking time we'll increase kind greetings you tell folk lies they'll hug you and kiss you rock it back and forth that's right folks love a false prophet yeah i mean they love a false prophet i'd rather go to sleep with ten thousand tarantulas and be stung by all of them after what bitten by a viper after what be chewed on by a komodo dragon that's right after what pour gasoline on my body and throw a match and let me turn the ashes then follow a false prophet that's right because if i go through all that and repented of my sins and baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ and have the holy ghost speaking in tongues and can turn earnestly for the faith once delivered unto the saints my hope is beyond the grave a false prophet can ruin your chance for eternal life with god that's right the false prophet is dangerous in a black widow spider oh yeah and you can be healed from that sting oh yes but a false prophet yeah if you get one lie in you just one you die believing that lie lost if the watchmen don't warn you give me the book of ezekiel quickly now amen listen at this i want you to follow me in the bible bible follow me in the scriptures now in the book of ezekiel chapter 33 come on zach at verse seven what is it so thou o son of man i have set thee a watchman what did he say i have set thee a watchman read it all again i want to make sure they understand what you said in ezekiel chapter 33 and verse 7 listen so thou o son of man so thou o son of man i have sent me a watch man i made the watchman that's what the preacher's supposed to be he's supposed to watch out for your soul that's right that's what got me preaching so hard and so firm and so solid and so detailed to atomize what god's spoken in the scriptures that's why when williams read i have to atomize it that's right take it apart detail it interpret break it down that's right so you can have an understanding then you'll realize what root you're on amen whether you're on the root towards god or root towards the devil out of hell that's right listen so thou o son of man so thou o son of man i have set the a watchman unto the house of israel do you see what god do that's right god make a watchmen watch man these men they are not a watchman for your soul they are watchmen for your wallet they don't give two cents about your soul if you die that night you better make sure the preacher is not in the hospital room with you you may steal your water like your pocketbook while you're on the respirator that's right you know these pulled pit crooks are horrible amen i've heard of cases coming up where preachers when uh they went and visited the sick and they tried to coerce members to sign over their property from the death bed try to coerce their members signed over their house signed over their car signed over their bank account while the members was on the death bed with tubes running up their nose that bunch of crooks they ought to go to hell that's right the bible said the love of money is the root or the source of all evil that's right and when a person loves money they have no boundaries what they would resort to just to get a dollar that's right when god make a preacher i want you to understand this when god make one he loved god above everything and everybody glory to god amen you won't pay him to sell out at all for nothing that's right and for no one that's right god hath to possess his mind soul body and spirit and god must own him that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right don't you know the bible says you're not your own not your own jesus died so you can be purchased you were bought with the price amen god don't want the devil to rule your life and that's why many of you out there are running around the streets like a fool and many of you in here too out there like a fool but god don't want the devil to rule your life and at the same time many of you don't want god to rule your life that's right but there's a conflict of interest here god wants you to serve him and yet you don't want to go to hell but yeah you don't want to let the devil go that's right that's true yeah that's right hey man you asked the average person you want to go to hell and baron why no man you want to let the devil go well you know he's pretty cool he's pretty cool they know if they hang out with the devil they can still live together not married and have your pants hanging down showing your drawers like a male prostitute you can wear your hair long like a woman and you're supposed to be a man that's right you can smoke you can drink you can gamble and to kinda feel a little bit better you'll wander in some fake church that's right on sunday after you spend the night over your girlfriend house you left there sunday morning and wandered in the neighborhood club that posed at the church no man can serve two masters and uh you heard the choir singing and yeah connor was moved by the song and you clapped your hands and got a little pat on your feet left out the fake church and lit up your cigarette right on the church grounds or smoke some weed in the church lobby that's right are you listening to the old man that's right you got to choose hypocrite you got to choose when now right now you're either going to choose god and go back with him or you're going to stick with your father that devil and burn throughout eternity in matthew chapter 6 and verse 24. pathogenic you don't know how it is in the streets i came up in the hood i came up in the hood that's right we knew how to hold our hands and i helped them well with great joy amen when you called me out i stepped to you smiling wondering what's taking you so long to hold your hands up give me joy unspeakable that dropped you in the street when i came up we wasn't worrying about knives and guns only cowards carry them that's right our hands did to talking not allowed by biblical law to use my hands now so i use the old testament and the new testament get in behind a young man who's a gang banger who's a thug who's a hoodlum want to be a gangster and can't complete a sentence without mf that's can't complete the sentence without saying god so and so god will reconstruct your tongue and give you a new time that's right give you a new mind in order to change the man and change the woman you got to change the thought thank you for retake god and nobody can change your mind like god can that's right [Applause] how well do god change it he makes you hate what you used to love that's right and the things you hate that's what the devil wants you to stay in the devil wants you to stay in what you love and the devil wants you to fight against that with your hate for the good that i would listen at the apostle paul in the book of romans chapter 7 and at verse 19. listen for the good that i will the good that i would i do not did you hear this amen romans 7 and verse 19 the god for the good that i would that i would i do not bring williams up something bran give away him some more juice you know our flesh don't want to do the good will of god no you've healed as many of you watching me now got a six pack of beer in your house and some of you here watch me on youtube crack open a can of budweiser falling out laughing and say yo that dude patrick jennings is off the chain man that's right you'll be sitting there with your boys yo did you hear what he said that's my dog man that's right well i'm growling at you with bible amen amen i'm laboring to keep you out of hell that's right are you getting what i'm telling you for the good that i would the good that i will that god wants you to do i do not you won't do it but the evil but the evil which i would not but the evil but the evil which i would not that i would not that i do hold up you know the flesh called evil good that's right and good evil the flesh is totally the opposite from god go unto them that call evil good do you hear this in isaiah chapter 5 and at verse 20. it feels good to that man or woman to get a buzz from that liquor that's right feel good that's right so drunk he thanked the keyhole of his doors at grand canyon that's right a crack in the sidewalk then got bigger in his eyes amen smoke some weed and sitting in the car and he look at his rear-view mirror he'd think the back of the car still haven't came round the corner yet get so drunk make him beat up his wife that's right get so drunk he'd get his daughter mixed up with his girlfriend that's right that's right yeah go ahead brother make him approach his own daughter amen sodomize his own son so high make you cuss god that's right make you slap your mother yeah that's good to you good but it's evil to god go unto them that call evil good and i guarantee you all this truth preached you're finding with a thund a thumbs down on social media you know why that's true because the evil out there wants to do the evil that's right and they evil don't want their evil spoken against that's right that's right the viewers know their pastor ain't gonna speak against it because he's part of the problem amen your pastor is just a thief and a robber he got a few babies in the church not from his wife congregation dwindled down in size so nobody won't come in he figure he'll make something that's right amen amen hey man make some he makes some deacon big son the little jack leg jerry curl slick hater reverend makes something amen amen what is that well what are them that call evil good you better get this viewers isaiah 5 and verse 20. one unto them that call evil whoa whoa i mean i'm sorry for you that's right god is warning you why want you them you know you got to take on the intelligence of god and to do that you got to take on his mind oh yeah apostle paul said let this mind be in you that's also in christ jesus that's right let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus when i take on his mind i find myself slowly but surely turning against the thing i used to love that's that's right as it stands now we've got a colonel mind oh yeah and the bible says to be carnal mind it is death yes but to be spiritual minded life and peace is life and peace and peace for the carnal mind is not subject because of the law of god neither indeed can be oh the colonel mind is rebellious that's why your viewers can't stand pastor jennings that's right your pastor can't stand it he's a colonel-minded heathen he's going to mind you some that come visit us when we go to different parts of the country and foreign countries sometimes enemies come that's right they come can't stand me but they come they're coming and sometimes the word of god will work on them they'll be having their arms fold sitting there but by the time it's done even they rocking their heads saying that's right that's right what happened what is breaking them oh yes yeah oh yes you know like the cowboy ride the ball soon he breaks them amen i don't care who you are the word of god will soon break you get this in your mind mr and miss that's right nobody is tougher than god no nobody nobody you could be with the bloods you can build the crips you can build against the disciples you can be with the mexican mafia you can be with any group you want but nobody is tougher than god that's right you thank you a man because you sit in the car and drive by and shoot yes and innocent boys and girls is dead somebody's son dead that's right somebody mother dead somebody father dead and you think that make you a man that seemed good to you ask yourself why does murder give you pleasure that's right how did you get so barbaric that's right full of hell yeah full of the devil you know when you're like that you're full of the devil that's right and only god can cast that devil out of you that's right then give you a love for life yeah you want to love life love god that's right amen and you'll live a life that's give god the greatest satisfaction you can think of it that's right you know we got a message that breaks everything yes i got men all around the world from different gangs i baptized men from the italian mob wonderful and the present wonderful what i've got you know you know a lot of folks say that man is too rough and too vulgar come to jail with me amen you think i hit hard over there i'd invite you to jail come on and hang out with me in prison that's right i love going to jail thank god when we go to jail and bring the word of god sitting there in a room packed with hundreds sometimes the chapel can't hold the people when we come so they give us the gymnasium that's true they be lined up around the wall murderers rapists thieves gang bangers everything everything and i love to go early that's right i love to go early so i can sit out there with them amen i don't be in the office with a little chaplain and he asked me you're ready to go out i said let me go early i want to sit among the wicked that's right that's what you do that's all right go right out there sit with him that's right hang out with him hang out with him why paul said i become all things to all men amen that's right i went to one president one day and amen man told me that he was in for murder and how many men he killed and whatnot and he said pastor jennings i got the same man you use a tough man he then he said i don't mean no offense but you know you got a lot of nerves and uh he said i don't kept a lot of folk in my time pathogenesis he said do you know the kind of men you're sitting around i said that's all right brother that's right i don't murder more people than you [Applause] i said that's all right you in jail for murder i'm in here now for murder that's right i say i didn't kill more than you have in your whole lifetime he said pastor janice i said i'm a murderer god made me a murderer my job is to kill and destroy your fleshy will that's right that's right bible say you're killed oh the day long baptized many in the italian mafia mexican mafia black mafia nation of islam five percenters sunni muslims and everything everything even in some cases the chaplain got baptized that's right in the name of jesus christ that's right i was in one prison in uh skinhead and uh very tall white brother was in the aryan nation white supremacists or they govern the word of god went and knocked the whole prison over amen and i came in their language that's right and the language that they just had to understand that's right and i used an example and got the white gentleman up and when i asked him to stand up i want to use you as an example i didn't think he ever stopped going up he was so tall he stood up and kept going and kept going and i didn't see the swastika on his arm until he got up amen and when he stood up he had that swastika and he was flexing it i ain't getting about no swastika you flex i flex bible but i can't think about a swastika but then i came in their language and uh and that shocked the whole prison even the guards started rumbling i said that's all right that's all right we we got this you know because i have experience and some brothers that are here can bear witness to go inside of a prison their whole two three four thousand men that's right one chaplain one wharton said pastor jennings never in the history of our prison have a preacher came here and every inmate wants to come to the meeting amen he said most times a preacher come here and nobody want to come he said but the word was put out and it was posted on the board pastor geno gender is coming such and such a date he said it seemed like every religious group counts with everything they have and they want to be there that's right amen i mean the message is so strong in upstate pennsylvania there was a race riot and i speak the truth in christ jesus and why not and there was a popular chaplain in allentown pennsylvania and he got a call it was a race right he said uh if you want that riot to stop he said i know someone that can stop the race riot they asked him who he said call pastor jennifer amen he i guarantee if he come in there all the inmates will listen you see in god let me break it so plain you just got to get it you see god don't make go ahead go ahead they're the old troublemaker now [Applause] god don't make crackers that's right god don't make chinks and god don't make spicks that's right god say let us make man man [Applause] are you listening to what i'm talking that's right the devil made that's right the devil made crackers that's right the devil may speak and the devil made thanks god make man that's right that's it [Applause] thank you and we preach it just like that in the prison just like that we had that aryan nation racist fellow standing there i said in order for me order for him to respect me as a man he got to stop looking at me as a that's right i say in order for me to respect him as a man i can't look at him as a cracker that's right and when the word went to work before you know it this man whose shoulders was towering over my head i actually want to be baptized this big bodybuilder aryan nation swastika was crying like a baby and we took him down in water that's right in the name of jesus christ that's right what make this message gloria take god so different from the others we touch those subjects that the preachers are afraid to touch that's right and what makes them scared is because they're scared of being threatened scared of being shot at scared of being sued i'm not afraid of none of the above that's right that's right amen amen when i look at my white brothers they're just a brother to me i don't care about you i don't say that's my white brother what's so big about your whiteness that's right you just my brother that's right when i see my spanish brother i don't say it that's my spanish brother i just say that's my brother my brother i don't care what nationality you are that's right all of us got the same mother all of us eve is the mother of all living [Applause] so you that go through this wicked racist trash religion trash that bill up black and bill up white and bill up yellow and bill up brown and nobody build up god that's right that's right holiness is for everybody for everybody [Music] hallelujah go and take off that's right it's for everybody that's right alright take out every nation under the sun got to repent of their sins and go down in water in the name of jesus christ and let god fill you with the holy ghost speaking in tongues yes all nations all nations amen amen what did he say there one went to them that called evil god under them you mean to tell me you're going to cut a man because his skin color is not the same as yours that's right i want all you inmates that are watching around the world to get this amen and all you religions that got are stuck for a leader yeah that give his followers charge to go murder and kill people that's not of the color of your skin and that's made of one blood what in the book of acts chapter 17 and verse 26. what god says and has made of one blood of one blood all nations of men all nations are made of one blood not here yeah yeah and old fool would say well you know that can't be true because there's a type and b type it ain't talking about tight they talk about blood condition that's right not blood type blood condition that's right amen some got a type some got b type some got type o ain't talking about that no but you got one condition yeah that mean what is that condition you're born in the world with sins and shaped into iniquity that's right regardless of the color of your skin everything is born with that adamic curse that's right born in sin fashioned in lust full of that devil out of hell that's right that's why you out here now murdering robbing killing oh yes gang banging getting high that's right hating each other because of race that's right that's right a black brother marry a hispanic so so he didn't marry out of his race no when you marry out your race you go outside of the human race that's right that's right huh you marry out your ratio there's a human race human and then there's the race of beasts that's right that's right are you listening to what i'm talking that's right amen and as made of one blood of one blood all nations all nations fought to dwell on all the face of the earth everything under the sun was born of the devil wicked wicked adam transgression when he fell sin entered into the world and death by sin and paul said death passed upon all men for they all had sinned never left death reigned from adam to moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of adam transgression who is the figure of him that was to come which means adam wore the same shape that the son of god would wear when god will come manifest in the flesh that's right all right let's go back to where we were give me the book of ezekiel now go back there amen let's finish up ezekiel let's get the watchman back in ezekiel chapter 33 and at verse 7. i want everybody to follow me and get this and you racist bigots i want you to get this you little cheap colored things out there that's right black power you and your black power gonna go to hell that's right black folk can hold your fist we'll see how tight you have it in hell amen white folk you can hold your arm out like hitler we'll see how limber your arm become when the flames of hell hit it that's right yeah that's right what is that in ezekiel 33 and verse 7 what is it so thou o son of man so bowed amen racist is so strong even communities are divided yes amen they think if someone come and move in a neighborhood someone of color they say the value go down that's right as if your skin is more viable than another right amen you take a white brother brown brother yellow brother black brother and then let me cut all of them let me just cut you yeah see what color your blood is that's right yeah that's all that's all you got to let me cut you that's right say you bleed white blood or black blood or brown blood or is your blood just red amen amen one thing i say about the worms they're not racist they waiting on your body you don't find no worms down there and say you gonna eat that worms ain't doing that you don't find the worms down there whites only you're dumb and this is in religion in religion this is religious folk that's right many of them claim they're christians that's right like upc united pentecostal would brag for years that they are the largest white pentecostal organization in the world who cares what color you are that's right you don't obey god you're gonna go to hell that's right [Applause] get this now so thou o son of man so thou hear the old troublemaker now son of man i have met i have set thee set thee a watchman unto the house of israel of the house of israel therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth you want to hear the word of god at god's mouth and warn them from you know what warn them play with them warn them pacify them warn them tell them religious jokes and warn them turn the church to a religious comedy club warn them from me my job is to give you warning from the most high that's right and the most i want you to know human family he ain't impressed of none of your colors out there because he made you that's right you can join your black religion white religion yet a religion as stuff don't impress god no god made all of you that's right that's right get me now so thou o son of man i have set the a watchman unto the house yes therefore thou shalt hear the word in my mouth and warn them from me what is it when i say unto the wicked one i say to the wicked o wicked man thou shalt surely die you're gonna die if thou doest not speak to him from his way to warn the wicked from his way that wicked man shall die in his iniquity and what god going to do but his blood will i require at thine head if i don't tell you the truth god gonna get me that's right and i'm gonna keep god off my back that's right i don't care how hard i got to hit you amen doesn't matter amen whatever it take to keep going off my back i'm gonna hit you with the book that's right don't like me i'm not over the air to be liked or loved by nobody that's right i'm over there to tell you what's right whether you like it or not amen sometimes viewers get upset with people when they say ill things about pathogens over social media why get upset i don't don't bother me at all that's right remember the devils are watching so let them talk that's right and then let them come back the next week and watch again amen and let them talk that's right a day will come they will cuss the day they spoke anything else against god everlasting word that's right what is it when i say unto the wicked o wicked man shall they die to the wicked o wicked oh wicked man if you don't speak to one of them that wicked man shall die in his iniquity and then what but his blood will require thine hands yes nevertheless nevertheless if thou warned the wicked of his wages the wicked of his ways to do what to turn from it turn from it stay in it turn from it these churches now ain't teaching you to turn from nothing no that's why the people love the uh little watered-down cherokee little watered-down religion that's right go to church have negan and act like a food and have bingo and raffle tickets in church and all that stuff and and then go on christian cruz and their little women half naked on bikinis on a boat and preachy he got his swimming trucks on and his wife she got a bikini she's 98 years old my lord it's an awful sight pastor yeah amen all the elders all the border bishops everything everything i remember it was on youtube some time ago uh kenneth copeland's false church his club was giving him and his wife a wedding anniversary celebration this was right in church so they played the music that played when he first danced with his wife when he was a sinner and he was right in church slow dragging with his wife off the worldly song these things are full of hell oh yeah don't you know the bible said if any man being christ he's the new creature there got to be a change you folk that claim you want to be saved but you don't want to make no change you don't want to be saved therefore if any man be in christ do you hear that in second corinthians 5 and verse 17. your change is not based upon your terms that's right your change is not based upon your feelings right your change is not based upon your thoughts that's right your change is not based upon how you think that's right your change is based upon one thing what god said how he said when he said what you got to do how you got to do it all of it is on god's term that's right that's right you thank god who you are you came in the world miss thing yeah mr and mrs thing that's right you came in the world lord thank god and you shall return therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature in christ he's a new creature all things have passed away you're not new overnight no to better understand this you look at a caterpillar at the appointed time the pilot the caterpillar was spinning silk and make what is called a cocoon while it's in their cocoon it's being born again that's right being converted that's right it's being changed but to be changed it goes to its secret place glory to god ah that's right thank god and at their appointed time when the chains come the cocoon is broken open but what come out yes look different that's right from what went in that's right go in caterpillar but it come out butterfly that's right so what happened it has a new characteristics it has a new name and it has a new body and it has a new function that's right but don't go in the cocoon and come out overnight no so when you come in god's cocoon the church you have to rid yourself through by the word of god's help of the sin that's right because the sin is weight that's right which does so easily beset us and run this race with patience that is set of force but while you run it says look to jesus looking unto jesus that's right look unto jesus the author the originator of what we believe that's right that's right so while you're in the church while you're in the cocoon takes time to go through conversion change change that you may become a new creature you go through metamorphosis that's right that you may become a new creature and gradually all things old behavior oh lust oh wants passed away start hallelujah glory to god start to pass away slowly that's right some of those old things grip you so tight it's hard for that thing to pass away oh yes especially when you got that second wife oh yes and that second husband yeah you don't get a lot of amens on that you know amen that's right that second wife taking her they just cross-eyed each other they look at each other amen they were they was with me until i hit that huh they were with me throwing their hands bombing their head clapping their head and saying you go boy oh boy that's right i might say a second wife they'd be like i don't i don't know about that what about that part that's right give me the tenth chapter of the book of martial say mark chapter 10. let me put that eight ball in the corner pocket then we'll go right back to the book of ezekiel saint mark chapter 10 we'll start at verse 11. all right let's wreck all the adulterous couples on the table and let's cue the bible and let's go ahead and put them right in the corner pocket same mark chapter 10 and at verse 11. follow me in the bible your second wife and third wife and second husband and third husband heathens out of washington including your pastor that's right including your bishop that's right your fake apostle your jack leg elder your half pint pastor amen listen saying mark chapter 10 at verse 11. that's what and he saith unto them whosoever i want you to get this united pentecostal church that's right i want you to get this p-a-w penny a couple of cities of the world amen well you trade wise like someone three cars yes listen and he saith unto them whosoever holst give chapter verse saint mark chapter 10 and at verse 11 in that verse one quickly at verse one all right and he arose from vincent cometh into the coast of judea by the father's side of jordan and the people resorted unto him again and as he won he taught them again yes and the pharisees came to him and asked him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife tempting him yes and he answered and said unto them what did moses come from i did moses and they said moses suffered you to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away no they love moses then they love moses now that's right right away they jump on moses but moses won't help you now and jesus answered and said unto them jesus said to us for the hardness of your heart why did moses let you do it for the hardness of your heart he watched why did moses let you do it for the hardness of your heart what kind of people was divorced for the hardness of your heart that was for people that got a hard heart that's right that's what divorce was for those that got a hard heart a heart a stubborn heart that's right bless you love us flesh seekers amen when you got a hard heart god saying he gonna take away that heart of stone to give you a heart of flesh that's right i'll let you know that divorce was not for god's people that's right it was for a certain kind of people for the hardness of your heart they've got a hard heart people that haven't yet been converted people that have not yet serving god that's right the flesh lovers that's right for the hardness of your heart the hardness of your heart he wrote you this priesthood he let you had a precept but from the beginning of the creation but from the beginning of time god made them male and female and while and one scripture says from the beginning it was not so for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cave man clear to his wife you better read that white you got on glasses read it right now mark chapter 10 and that verse seven don't adjust them glasses you better read that right i i i'm going to get it right past i want it to be good in case i got any homosexuality yeah that's right that's right any men on a down low amen if you're a dyke you ain't right that's right yeah that's right listen for this cause shall a man get this cause to the man leave his father in mind give his father mother and cleave to his wife amen mean to tell me all these women out here and you looking at a man my lord my lord i admit fornication is a sin but if you're going to do it don't you think you should do it right that's right someone said pastor jenna ain't no such it ain't no right way to do sin oh yes it is yes it is yes it is oh yeah when you smoke a cigarette you don't smoke the part that's burnt that's right when you drink whiskey you don't put the bottle to your mouth with the cat still on it that's right you got to open it so you can get drunk and get in the accident and die and go to hell you need to tell me all these women in the world all these women and you want a man that's right what a totem pole want with a totem pole amen you've got to be full of the devil out of hell god knows for this cause shall a man leave his father in the middle of the father and they twain shall be one faith shall be one flesh so then they are no more twain but one flesh be quick what therefore god has joined together and that man put us under and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter yes and he says unto them what whosoever shall put away his wife put away his wife and marry another this is playing whoever put away his wife and marry another tremendous adultery against her but he's a bishop committed to adultery against the whole thing and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another commendeth adultery against her but he's an apostle and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery against he's an overseer whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery head of the deacon boy whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery against him he's watching us now on youtube whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against he's watching us now on television whosoever's whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery he just got up from the altar speaking in tongues whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against performing baptisms whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her he's a republican whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery he's a democrat whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adulterer against he's the president whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery against us he said he's a prophet whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed for adultery against he's a rapper whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery basketball player whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another football player whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed ball player whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committee whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another commander no player whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth a dog whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed adultery against her he's rich whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committed for adultery against her we got your box then got your boxed in that's right [Applause] that's right you go on and jump and shout now and jump over this jump over this yeah amen you know i was in school i used to run track and jump hurdles but to hurt all the hurdles with the same height yeah amen but this scripture is higher than the hurdle that's right my god man is higher than heaven deeper than hell and broader than the scene longer than earth you can't go over you can't go under you can't go around it amen you got to come jesus way that's right and jesus said glory to god that i am the door that's right and he saith unto them unto them whosoever shall put away whosoever that whosoever got everybody that's right you can hate me all you want but what do i care amen whosoever is over you bishop elder pastor apostle prophet evangelist half pike deacon junior elder assistant pastor i don't care who you are that's right hey man you're gonna be a sheep farmer and uh hey man uh a peddler selling balloons a goat herder a goat herd that's right hey man you can be william's twin brother that's right that's right whosoever if you related to pastor gentiles what is that amen the holy ghost whosoever shall put away his wife you are preaching being used of god and got a large movement got a large organization yeah but the bible is on you that's right the bible is on you and he saith unto them whosoever shall put away who whosoever whosoever whosoever whosoever whosoever whosoever whosoever ever whosoever amen now speak in tongues see can you get your tongue moving off that that's right huh that's right say can you run around your church now like you're in the indiana 500. you won't whosoever hypocrite that's right the word of god said whosoever shall put away his wife whatsoever whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another commented adultery against us jesus said it and if a woman and if a woman shall put away her husband no get rid of her husband and be married to another and she get another man she committed adultery all right mother of the church that's right all right you women on acquired all them passion marks on your neck showing your cleavage that's right and got red hair orange hair yellow hair blue hair showing you're so confused you don't know what god made yeah that's right that's right and if a woman if a woman shall put away her husband supposed to be a woman preaching you got about two and three husbands amen you old hypocrite that's right the word of god said and if a woman shall put away her husband and be married to another she committeth adultery p-a-w amen what's wrong with this scripture that's right united pentecostal traitors that's right what's wrong with this scriptures amen you've got many traits humbling and wise like someone trained stocks amen do you hear this and if a woman shall alex apostolos used to preach against it yeah now they trade women in like someone trading tires that's right the religious world have almost gone to hell that's right everything fell apart amen and the preachers love it they don't want no strictness they don't want no discipline they don't want no order when moses was up on the mountains getting the commandments of god the scripture says that the people rose up the place and just as it was then so it is now that's right the whole world is having a big time having fun playing church can you imagine the way it was before the rain came and noah's dead i know a preaching they didn't pay him no mind but can you imagine when the rain when the windows of heaven open up and all the fountains of the deep were broken and water began to build up in the earth and noah and this household and their animals came in the heart can you imagine the wailing and moaning and hollering and the yelling and people banging asking no other letters in that's right that's right hey man that's what it's written in the book of joshua there was yelling promoting for noah let us sin you better stay ahead of me and hear this there was yet let us in there we want to come in now in the book now it's too late i said it's too late now joshua chapter 6 and verse 19. listen i know with a loud voice answered them from the ark gets kept in the verse again joshua chapter six and we'll start at verse 16. real quick and all the sons of men that were left upon the earth became exhausted through evil on account of the rain wait a minute they their own evil made them tired that's right imagine you do evil so long it makes you tired the way you're out that's right hey man you get you get you drank so much until you can't even lift your leg up what's the matter with you man i'm tired yeah the bottle is too heavy yes that's right already god come on son and all the sons of men that were left upon the earth became exhausted through evil on account of the reigns yes for the waters were coming more violently upon the earth and the animals and beasts were still surrounding the ark and the sons of men assembled themselves together about seven hundred thousand men and women yes and they came unto noah to the ark and they called to know him they called the noah saying open for us open for us that we may come to thee in the ark and wherefore shall we die open it up noah open for us unless we die and noah with a loud voice answered them from them what did noah say saying have you not all rebelled against the lord when i was preaching and i was teaching you rebelled against god and said that he does not exist and yet you are saying that god don't exist that's what the bible says as it was that noah's day that's right shall it be when the son of man comes people are saying it right now that's right you got people over youtube yelling about me preaching there's one god that is speaking ain't no one no god don't exist one man said god is a fairy tale my lord my lord my lord glory to god but you're going it's the same spirit now as it was back then that's right that same devil that's right that was in them then is in the people now have you not all rebelled against the lord do not all rebel against god and said that he does not exist yet god don't exist and hear the bible say the fool have said in his heart there is no god and therefore the lord brought upon him the lord have brought upon you this is upon you this evil to destroy and cut you off from the face of the earth cut you off from the face of the earth god did it god did it be quick it's not just the thing that i spoke to you of 120 years back amen that's what is meant when it says the number of the man shall be 120 years that's right that's right amen not that god will offer man's age no the 120 years with 20 years was the whole lift of time that god used noah thank god to warn man to get right that's right 120 year was a 120 year warning that's right it's not just the thing that i spoke to you not that's the thing i spoke to of 120 years back 20 years back and you would not hearken to the voice of the imagine god give you 120 years to get right get right and that's still not enough time for you that's right [Music] you mean to tell me 120 years and that's still not enough time amen for you to get it right a whole 121 whole 120 years it's not just the thing that i spoke to you of 120 years back 20 years back and you would not hearken to the voice of the lord and you wouldn't listen and now do you desire to live upon earth and now you want to still live and they hey amen you still want to live and reject the council of god that's right and yet you still want to go with back with jesus that's right you want to lie smoke and drink and try to discredit god from being the almighty and think he's too incompetent to do everything by himself so you give him two more little helpers amen you gonna remember go ahead brother thank god hallelujah don't worry hallelujah in that kingdom of man you're gonna remember you stiff neck self real arrogant high-minded things out there you can cuss and huff and puff and blow and fight but you're gonna remember when you stand before god woman that show good looks man your gun your knife your pants hanging down off your behind walking the streets like a gangster cussing and raping and carjacking and stealing you're going to remember when you stand before god and he throw you in hell that's right you're gonna remember that's right that you reject the preaching of the gospel have you not all rebelled against the lord remember go ahead man why are you falling go ahead brother that's right why you're burning that's right never come to the surface yes god gonna take your physical body that you got right now and by his divine power fix it that when they go to hell it will never burn up but yet it will continue to burn as long as god remained god that's right that's right flames of hell is the anger of god that's right you're gonna remember how you reject god's word amen you're gonna remember hallelujah are you fought against it yes you're gonna remember how you made mockery of it woman i ain't wearing those long dress i'm gonna wear my mini skirt pathogen and i don't care what you're saying never mind pastor jeffy never mind that i didn't wrap the bible the book of scripture says that the shame of your nakedness not be seen that's right it says because the scripture says cover the shame of your nakedness now if a style came out and uh and a female movie actress said and she made some clothes that was down to the floor oh there were oh work their word for fashion but here we come the bible tell you cover up your body cover up the shame of your necklace so it's not seen well i don't want to do that it's too high but let a celebrity let a celebrity come out with a style with something on the head something covering the sleeves something even if it was up to the neck up to the chin let oprah come out with it that's right if their neck was so high her bottom lip was over it now they're gonna go out and find a seamstress to get it made yes they would that's true you respect peace of flesh yeah more than you do god's will that's right all right listen at this in the book of joshua read fast dylan joshua uh 36 and verse 19. all right have you not all rebelled against the lord and said that he does not exist that's you viewers yeah many of you now over youtube and over social media and right on television in the neighborhoods and the churches god don't exist pastor general is pre he got a myth god his god is a myth talk your foolish talk but you understand that's right all right and therefore the lord brought upon you this evil to destroy and cut you off from the face of the earth very quick is not this the thing that i spoke to you of 120 years back yes and you would not hearken to the voice of the lord and now do you desire to live upon earth and now you want to keep living and they said to noah we are ready to return to the lord oh we're ready to come back now only open for us that we may live and not die ah open it just open up the open up the ark so we can live we don't want to die like this that's new viewers that's right that's you that's right oh you want to go back with the law but you want to keep your cigarettes you want to keep drinking you want to keep partying you want to keep smoking you want to keep gang banging and then you go to some church on sunday or saturday that make you feel good you didn't do god no favors no you think cause you went to church you've done god a favor god don't need you you need him that's right he was god before you were born that's right you ain't done god no favor amen you go like like rich folk go to church and put money i remember years ago some fella came to our old headquarters frankfurt avenue and they put a hundred dollars in the offering i didn't know it until he came at my office door and told me the passenger i put a hundred dollars an offering today i said thank you brother you said uh i don't think you heard what i said he said i put a hundred dollars that's true you know he he he got the head with it i put a hundred dollars and often today i said yes brother i heard you and i appreciate it he said i don't think you heard me i put a hundred dollars i said look brother i thank you for your offering but i don't care how much money you put in there that's right did you give god your life that's it what do you want a bouquet amen you give god a hundred dollars you still live like the devil you're gonna go to hell after your hundred dollars is given that's right you can't nothing about your money amen the greatest offering you can give is not cash it's your body that's right what if god said present your body that is follow your living sacrifice a living sacrifice holy holy acceptable unto god hallelujah glory to god and acceptable unto god all right take god and then he said which is your reasonable service you see god wants you to give them service that's right that means you got to perform scriptural duties in behalf of god that's right what are the duties i got to do pastor janice obey his rules his regulations and when you do that i guarantee you you will be so busy you ain't got time to look at nobody else that's truth because you're going to be exhausted trying to obey god yourself that's right real quick and they said to know we are ready to return to the lord yes only open for us that we may live and not die that's where many of you are the moment you get sick get in the hospital down and the doctors tell you got three months to live now you want to come to jesus call some old weak cheap fake catholic preaching he come in there like he gonna make smoke bacon out of you put a basin of smoke going around the bed like he gonna make you some smoked pork that's right huh that's right he walking around the bed and got a book open with some laying in latin language you don't want to know what he's talking about what do you say [Music] that's right i don't care if you build a campfire under your bed or take god if you don't repent of your sins and go down in the water and you reject it and fought against it all your life and then you on your be about to die in hell you're gonna lift up your eyes that's right you better get this while you're living you better get this while you're living and they said to noah they said to noah we are ready to return to we are ready now to come back to god only open for us that we may live and not die fast i know i answered them saying behold now that you see the trouble of your souls ah amen now you're in trouble now you see the trouble of your soul what is it you wish to return to the lord oh you wish you got back now why did you not return during these 120 years why didn't you return during the time that i was preaching to you which the lord granted you as the determined period lord granted you as a determined period he gave you 100 years 120 years that was the space that's right that was the period for correction that's right that was the time for modification there was a time for submission there was a time for obedience you mean to tell me a yes 120 years that man still can't get right that's right you know man is wicked god knows but now you come oh what but now you come that's where they are get tubes all living in a hospital they wouldn't paint a mother no mom when their mother was kept telling you listen jimmy won't you come on and go to church change your life left running the streets smoking and you get all with the gangs and you in and out of jail yes why don't you get yourself right before jimmy got shot oh mfu mama that's right get out my face old woman yeah not jimmy lana in there without five bullet holes in them yeah dr teller miss cunningham yeah your son only got three weeks at the most jimmy you hear that um yeah you only got three weeks before that now jimmy mom that's right say me one of those songs am i right that's right before then jimmy was waving his hand at his about my face yeah now he want mama hold his hand and now he's holding his mama's hand because jimmy is on his way to hell that's right there's a whole lot of you jimmies that looking at me now yes hate god cause god can't stand god about to die yeah with no god that's right some of you dying from covet from your shot yeah stabbed got the vision laid on you that's right and now this is your mindset but now you come now amen now you want to come but now you come and tell me this on account of the troubles of your souls now you come now you want to get saved now you want to get right now you want jesus before then you say mf jesus that's right that's right that's right then you tease church people yeah but now you're about to die or in trouble or in prison now you come now you come and tell me this on account of the troubles of your soul wait a minute why are they saying this now this on account of the troubles of your souls god i told you all this is in the book that's right but now you come and tell me this on account of the troubles of your soul what is it now also the lord will not listen to you lord my lord and my lord amen you better come on that's right hallelujah you young men that is out here acting like a fool and you young women and middle age out here acting like a fool you better come on on god's side that's right however you find it easy to hang the streets out all night smoke and drink and don't even want to work that's right live like an animal you're worse than a dog that's right but the moment you get in trouble now you want now you come now you come and tell me this on account of the troubles of your soul and what now also the lord will not listen to you amen i don't ever want to get in that predicament i don't care if your girlfriend listens to you that don't mean nothing that's right if your boyfriend listened to you that don't mean nothing no no here's the one you want to listen now also the lord will not listen to you you out there that get mad at me preaching about there's one god and you call god or mf and all that yeah and then when you get in trouble now you want god now you come now you come and tell me this on account of the troubles of how do god feel about it now also the lord will not listen to you that's something whether it is that neither will he give ear to you on this day so that you will not so that you will not now succeed in your wishes you won't you you won't get in you wish to get in that's right you see the art when coming of the art represent the coming of the lord yes noah represent the preacher that's right that's right amen and only his family that got saved represent the remnant going to be saved like the bible said when jesus comes that's right only eight was saved by water bible talk about the coming of the lord only a few gonna be saved just a remnant that's right you can make mockery of holiness tease it all you want i will take god but the same consequences or should i say it's gonna be worse worse it won't be water this time that's right it's gonna be fire but now you come and tell me this on account of the troubles of your soul yes now also the lord will not listen to you neither will he give ear to you on this day so that you will not now succeed in your wishes yes and the sons of men approached in order to break into the army they want to break into art break it down to to to come in on account of the rain yes so they could not bear the rain upon them and the lord sent all the beasts and animals that stood around the ark and the beasts overpowered them yeah and drove them from that place and every man went his way and they again scattered themselves upon the face of the earth and the rain was still descending upon the earth and it descended 40 days and 40 nights and what and the waters prevailed greatly upon the earth and all flesh that was upon the earth or in the waters died amen amen family the devil don't want you to hear this message that's right if you look at social media the devil don't mind you hearing any anybody else that's right but he don't want you to hear that geno jennings fellow that's right they got because we're giving the devil a whole lot of trouble here oh yes this message of holy attacks the devil on every side that's right the devil makes you focus on how i sound he sounds mean he ain't got no love he'll make you look at how i sound he don't make you pay attention to what i said that's right if your house is on fire and that firemen yell at you get out of that house before it burns and you don't like the way he sound what you gonna do come through the window you better say nicer than that i'm not leaving that's right are you that big of a fool amen hey your house is burning burning burning and of course you don't like the tone of the fire man that's it don't like the way you sound the way it sounds you're going to tell them like you're going to have to say it nicer then stay in the house and burn up like a fool that's right go back to where you were quick now so i can knock off back in ezekiel chapter 33 and verse six so thou o son of god o son of man i have set thee a watchman unto the house of israel therefore thou shalt hear the word in my mouth and warn them from them back to the foundation of everything now back in matthew chapter 15 and at verse 12. what is it then came his disciples and said unto him knowest thou that the pharisees were offended after they heard this saying and but he answered and said every plane every plan which my heavenly father has not planned it god did not plan shall be rooted up he gonna rule them out let them alone let them alone they be blind blind leaders and god knows you have so many of you you can't count that's right i'm the time to lead the people right and i'm glad i'm not blind that's right many of you out there that hate me you you think i'm blind but i don't care if you're thinking amen okay i don't mind you can call me every name you want i'm so happy i'm so happy that you watched it long enough and it burned your head hot enough for you to say these things that's right that's right i want you to come back again and make sure you say some more amen and you better obey me and do like i tell you what is that let them alone let them alone they be blind leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind say what both shall fall into the ditch preach your random members will go to hell that's right all right action 38 what did he say then peter said unto them repent all right amen time for you to get born again that's right mr and miss young man young woman out here running the streets like you ain't got nothing else to do with your life but waste it that's right amen i have hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of men in the truth of god we got more men most folks have never saw these amount of men in church no no we've got more men in church than most churches have women that's true why these men know if they live a hard sinful life this old weak stuff these men god can't contain them no they need something that's rougher than that monkey on their back amen [Applause] you know in the hood in the hood we box two ways body box slap box you know when they slap box they try to show off this style and all that stuff you know a body box toe-to-toe i mean then we we put it in you that's great slap box that's laughing right but body box told a toe brother baby grunt [Applause] [Music] body box that's right your pastor is a slap boxer me body boxer that's right that's why a lot of you don't like it amen too hard for you don't like it that's right you young man get rid of your gun throw down your blade pull your pants up and stop looking like a male amen a real man don't advertise his butt like you're making a booty call that's right am i right amen i listen to what i'm talking amen then peter then peter said unto them repent god wants you to repent god wants you to be sorry about your sins that's right you're getting older you ain't getting younger yeah a lot of you young boys you already a father and you ain't nothing but a child yourself yeah you lack the skills to even raise your son right that's right and look at your son two and three years old with an earring in his ear you want to put him on little timberlands and try to have his pants hanging down showing a pamper my lord how ignorant how ignorant that's right so besides calling him your son you say that's my little pimp yeah you already give him a disgraceful name that's right pimp is a womanizer if you don't call him pimp you say ask my dog why would you associate your son with a beast yes i believe a lot of folk would do better if they have someone to teach them that's right these churches here ain't designed to teach you nothing they set up by the devil pastor by false prophets and attended by hypocrites amen and that's what turned a lot of folks off from church because the same trash they do out in the street they see in church right because there ain't no discipline no different ain't nothing being taught that's right god wants you to repent when you repent you're sorry about your sins you get convicted that's right hey man you know like when you get caught by the peace the police and they throw them cuffs on you and then when that judge said 11 years all of a sudden his toughness go that's right he walking in with them cuffs on still trying to stroll judge up there here you're standing there yo what's that you want to say did you understand young man well you see what i'm saying all right 11 years where you say judge 11 years [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right he ain't stolen now that's right now you face facing reality now reality hits you now that's right now those babies you made you can't even be a father to raise them yeah because your stupidity your ignorance your arrogance your barbaric trifling lifestyle got you out there in the street running like a fool that's right the greatest gift god ever gave you so far is life yes and they gave you that gift is you just lent to you you're just borrowing it he gave it to you for a period of time so you can decide what to do with it destroy yourself or save yourself that's right the bible says save yourself from this untoward generation repent and be baptized every one of you be baptized it's time for you to go down in the water because you're the center that's right needs your sins washed away washed away the sin singular that you inherited from birth and the sins plural s-i-n-s that you committed since you've been here that's right the baptism in the name of jesus christ wash those sins away and then you must be taught the teaching of holiness which is the standard of god the thinking of god the intelligence of god that's right they teach you how to live a life to reflect the whole character riches of god line up a line priest upon precept hear a little bit there a little repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ all right for the remission of sin for the removing of your sins any promise what and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost holy ghost mean you'll be filled with the spirit of god anybody don't want to burn in hell and is tired of living this full life out here and for once in your life want to do the right thing and give your life to god and if you want to be baptized in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet if you want it all of you that are standing all of you that are standing go right to the back there all of you that are standing go right to the back [Applause] all you that are standing go right to the back this is what god ordered yes and this is what everybody and i mean everybody you better watch it i hope to see you next week in dallas texas doubletree by hilton dallas love field hotel 3300 west mockingbird lane this weekend coming be there i don't care what part of texas you from one gentleman i think it was if it was a man or woman posted they say where they coming from they got to drive five hours they said that pastor jennings we got to drive five hours but we're looking to come there to see you to be baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ [Applause] this thing is worth traveling for days it's worth traveling for days just to get right with god all right come on back at five o'clock god willing let us all stand and brother williams again will close us out in prayer father god we do come to once again in the name of jesus christ we thank you again for the word of truth by the god that was taught in our hearing bless us now lord jesus not only to be hearers but to bless us to be doers of the word remember the man of god dear god continue to strengthen him and help him continue to preach the words of god through him that will give us a chance at eternal salvation remember those that desire to repent and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ remember them and fill them with the gift of the holy ghost my god speaking in tongues as the spirit of god does give utterance remember everyone that's here lord god this afternoon my god that you encourage every soul every heart and every mind by thine spirit now father god bless us and help us and keep us until we meet again father god we pray and ask all these things in the name of jesus christ amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 107,598
Rating: 4.8963342 out of 5
Id: pcP8-ZUNPfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 50sec (5690 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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