First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1572-1573 August 15, 2021 AM Sunday Cleveland, OH Live Stream .

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of holiness revealed to his servants for our learning we're glad for all of you that are here this afternoon 49 last night was baptized in the name of jesus christ and we are grateful how the word of the lord continue to open the eyes of them that are blind one scripture says blessed are your eyes for they see and it's a blessing for you see god bless you brother for you to see understand god's divine word concerning you i don't want to be going to church year in and year out until it become a ritual so much of a ritual until i just finding myself doing what everybody else is doing going along to get along and then when the lord come all my years of church going mounts up to absolutely nothing people have forgotten that this is a heaven or hell situation and the purpose of church have been underminded the church supposed to be equal to the ark that noah built when he was living it was for the saving of his house and all of those that heard noah and obeyed what noah preached were saved or delivered from the destruction that god brought upon the earth jesus taught us as it was in noah's day so shall it be when the son of man come and in other words just like noah preached and people ignored it the word of god is being preached and people are ignoring it now but there are few whether it's several thousands or several millions that are not only hearing it but have accepted it and willing to obey it and walk with it now let me say let me make this announcement to all of my brothers and sisters that's in ireland and the country of ireland our minister taj the evangelist we're sending him to dublin ireland at the radisson blue hotel dublin airport september 4th and september 5th september 4th services will be at 1pm sunday september 5th services will be 11 a.m and again at 4 00 p.m all of the truth of god viewers throughout the country of ireland dublin ireland the city of dublin this is your opportunity to get bible right you come and be a part of this service at the radisson blue hotel in dublin airport september 4th and september 5th september 4th with the saturday service will be at one o'clock fifth service will be at 11 a.m and again at 4 00 p.m now for any information regardless of this service regarding the service you can contact brother joshua at 353-89953 [Applause] thus you can reach brother joshua 353-89953-2725 or you can contact brother nathaniel 353-89927-8524-353-8992785 24. amen so we hope that all of our viewers throughout dublin ireland and surrounding areas you come on now you'll be a part of that service and god willing give us some time we also will be in ireland god has sent us to go everywhere we can't even keep up with the pace of opening in churches compared to the amount of people that's giving up being baptized in the water in the name of jesus christ we can't even keep up because the people are hungry and people have never seen nothing like this happen before that so many people by the number are repenting and going down in water in the name of jesus christ for one reason they want to be right with god i don't want my church going to be in vain and sometimes it'll make you angry to think of the years you've been going to church 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 years and then find out you've been lied to all your church going life you've been lied to you meant well but you've been lying to i know how that feels and i know williams know how it feels oh yes lord to god we both were x-men coming out of falsehood but his falsehood was kind of more worse than mine at least i believed in one god he added two more to the one amen the greatest day of your life is when your eyes come open and your understanding thanks be unto god have been enlightened so you that are in ireland ireland you come on and walk with the word of god go to the church website and you also will see the same information in reference to ireland also we'll let you know when the message will be coming in person in scotland as well as other areas we thank god to all the brothers and sisters of the first church of the lord jesus christ in the netherlands and in great britain and birmingham england and i wickham england and germany and united arab emirates and the message is just reaching the people all over and and uh dubai and throughout the continent of africa and throughout the caribbean as well and throughout the wicked country of america this message is for everybody that's willing to be right and for everybody who don't want to go to hell that's right and i mean everybody i don't care how tough you are like i often say i come from the hood and when you're from the hood you got to know how to hold your hands and i had no problems holding mine very well and uh but now i have to use the old testament and the new testament that knocked the devil back that's right and then i have to knock them back now with bible coming from the hood there was two forms of boxing that we did we slap box we body box when you slap box you test your speed and whatnot body box it tests your stamina not only did we give out punches but we also had to know how to take them that's right amen so now we're giving out punches with the bible and you have to know how to take them and uh i strongly advise you when the word of god hits you don't run that's right take it it's hard i must admit it is hard because god is asking you to live a life that's totally opposite from what you're used to living and what you heard about how to live but uh you will benefit in the long run that's right because the greatest time in your life is when you meet god all right let's go to work in the book of scriptures now and the book of second corinthians if you will and if there's any more hair ready to be baptized in the name of jesus christ you make sure you obey it because you ain't never been saved since you've been born unless you have it that's right not only you that are here but you that are watching from all around the world remember next week we'll be in milwaukee rather this week we can come in we'll be in milwaukee at 924 east juanita avenue at the astor hotel saturday at five sunday morning at 11 sunday evening at five o'clock 9 24 east juanita avenue and to all my milwaukee wisconsin's viewers we have a local telecast there that's doing very well uh service will be every week after i leave there you're able to come back every week now that will be our temporary location until we find a permanent place for milwaukee uh until then you'll be able to come there every week and hear the word of god preach cincinnati ohio and i hope all my brothers and sisters here in cleveland just you know drive whether it's an hour two or three or four amen over to cleveland and hang out with me there we'll be there in cleveland ohio or rather cincinnati ohio 2110 north michael street at the sanctuary that's 2110 saint michael street at the sanctuary and uh that's the 28th and 29th you want to be there you don't want to miss it tell your mother tell your father tell your second wife to your third amen bring your homosexual son and bring your lesbian daughter amen and drag your false prophet out the pulpit tie him up throw him in the trunk and bring him to the church amen you might as well get ready to come and get right with god all of you governors and mayors and politicians democrats and republicans and liberals it doesn't matter who you are if you're white as snow black as the street brown and cinnamon clear as water or yellow as a school bus everybody got to come and obey what god gave his apostles that's right he made his apostles his witnesses of these things and gave them a commandment to preach the gospel to every creature and he plainly instructed them that he that believe and is baptized shall be saved that's right if i don't believe it shall be damned then that being down may believe many of you have professed to be all kind of things and have claimed all kind of denominations i advise you don't claim it too loud or too strong if it's not what god is take it be quiet about it go in the little room turn the lights out so nobody don't even see you believing in it find the nearest tallit cough your belief up and throw it up and flush it down the toilet that's right glory to god because i tell you right now if what you have is not according to the word of god it will never get you into the kingdom that's right how loyal you are toward how much money you give to promote it how dedicated you have been through the years if you help if you're one of the original founders of that church or of that religion it won't help you at all it must be the exact same thing that jesus gave his apostles that's right all right listen at this now second corinthians chapter four we'll start reading at verse one no you better begin at the second corinthians the third chapter and begin that verse one follow me and get me second corinthians chapter three and that verse one all right do we do we begin again to commend ourselves do we begin again to commend ourselves or need we as some others yeah epistles of commendation to you or need we or some other epistle of commendation to you or letters of accommodation from you yes ye are our epistle written in our hearts yeah you hear that ye are our epistle written in there apostle paul an apostle of jesus christ is telling the church you are our epistle ye are our epistle written in our hearts written in our heart known and rid of all men knowing what known and red of all men knowing in red what do you mean the church is known by their works that's right and the word of god have to be written engrained [Music] in the heart of man that's right that's why we preach it so hard and make enemies mad you know a hit dog will holler that's right yeah that's right ain't nobody so about it that's why you find folk all over social media hollering about this and don't like it that's a hit dog hollering hey man you hit a dog i don't care how tough it is it can be the toughest pit ball in the neighborhood if that hit dog get hit by a car it's going to holla that's right amen so when we come with god toughness toughness of the scripture and that's what it is oh yes if you want a sugar daddy preacher you met the wrong man i advise you to go back to the church you came from that's right amen you got these sugar daddy preachers and they make a sugar baby congregation no sin is preached against they are afraid to offend you they don't want to hurt your feelings everything is lovey-dovey ice cream cake and candy and almost playing hopscotch and church that's right everything is so dandy and fluffy we come along with the word of god let you know we want to obey god come on come on you reject god you go to health throughout eternity and burn throughout eternity that's right there is no substitute there is no other option that's right i wish it was i wish it was too bad don't you will oh yes yes i wish it was something else other than having to have that's right i really wish it was this is one time one time that i wish purgatory was for real that's right i really wish that purgatory was for real think of it you're not too good for heaven you're not too bad to go to hell sell you between both that's right just resting on an everlasting cloud drinking eternal pina coladas chilling out just play eternal games all year a eternal poker game that's right eternal tennis eternal batman ain't nothing like that going to happen oh no heaven or hell that's it that's the way it is now right or wrong that's right obey god or reject god that's right submit to the precepts of god or rebel against the princess of god that's right either you are saved according to the word of god or you've never been saved at all at all ain't no such thing you have saved no no no no you ain't no half-scene no if you got it like the whatever god says or you don't have it listen at this you are our epistle written in our hearts yeah known and read of all men that's what we're doing laboring that the word of god may be written written and everybody's heart so when the public see you all they see is all jesus that's right that's right that's how they see that's right it's all jesus how do they see god's epistle in you for i determine not to know anything of this and first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 2. first corinthians chapter 2 and verse 2 says for i determine not to know anything among you i don't want to know anything among you among you save jesus christ jesus christ and him crucified hold it paul said i don't want to know nothing among you except jesus and his crucifixion that's right then in another place he declared that we are crucified with him that's right now i am crucified with christ listen at this in galatians chapter 2 and at verse 20. i am crucified with christ but what nevertheless i live hold it amen i am crucified with christ nevertheless that's right i'm living a crucified life that's right notice he said i'm crucified with christ yet i live i live that means i'm living a crucified life that's right what is a crucified life when jesus i want to take this apart and break it down when jesus was crucified on the cross he was nailed to the cross that's right that means it deprived the freedom of the usage of his hands nailed his feet couldn't walk nowhere that's right so paul said i am crucified i am crucified with christ with christ and the crucifixion he had pain hurt agony until he cried out early only which meant my god my god were hostile for seconds so if you crucify with christ your hand is being nailed with scripture the things you used to do with your hands the freedom the sinful usage of the hands now they are constrained that's right with god's eternal word that's right the freedom usage of your feet you used to go places you know you shouldn't go you went to the party and dance and shake your hips fellas would be there bumping and grinding on every girl that he can find that man dancing going to the club and then go to church and say you're a christian he's a hypocrite and a club going heathen that's right that's what you are that that goes for if i got anybody here and you know you go to club you know your party you know you're dancing you know you're not saved that's right and if you don't know it here i come along here now in cleveland as your friendly neighborhood news reporter with the before news flash you are sinner that's right i don't care if you go to these fake churches here in cleveland every sunday and we're going to usher board use a sinner that's right are you getting the old troublemaker i am crucified with christ are you crucified this afternoon and if you're not you might as well come along and offer your hands and your feet so we can nail the word of god and hammer you to god's word that's right why do god want to crucify because there's too much activity thank god in the earth that's right and the earthly hallelujah activity is against god oh yes he want to nail your hands to his word that way you can't you don't have the freedom to lift up your cigarette that's right hallelujah they want to nail your hands to the world so you don't have the freedom to vape anymore and touch nothing and you don't have the freedom to smoke your joint and snork your crack you don't have the freedom to open up that can of beer that budweiser and that jack daniels and that whiskey and that liquor you don't have the freedom now to step in that gentleman's club and look at that barbell boy sister step out of that fake cake with a gold thong in his behind like a fool i am crucified with christ i am crucified i'm crucified now that's right amen crucify do you see what i'm telling you that's right amen the churches today they're not crucified they are sin loving churches sin loving churches hey man they remarried and divorced much as they please because the preacher don't have the hammer of the gospel to nail the congregation down to god's eternal word that's right that's why and god made me a a hammer hidden preacher that's right i mean i'm not tapping you with the word of god you see when you go to church you go to the church and the preacher just tapped it let's play let's press play with you you don't feel nothing nothing and man you don't feel nothing thank god but we come along and set the prophet up thank god and bring the word of god and drive your hands right down to the word of god it's not my word and then when you reach out to go after that second wife and that second husband we nail it down to scripture that's right i said touch not that's right [Applause] hand no no i do not think god we got to nail you down to scripture that's right it's not my word notice the book of jeremiah here jeremiah 23 and verse 29 that's why they hit dawn the hit dogs over social media hollering that's right he's a cult leader he's mean he's angry all the time i'm not angry i'm a happy man you're a happy man that's right i'm a happy man that's right all right you just mad because you're filled go ahead brother the hammer of the gospel hallelujah nailing the tank got your hands down hallelujah and you are convicted now that's right hey man you can't smoke like you used to without hearing the word of god in your mind now yeah i knew you're glory to god you can't drink like you used to that's right amen and enjoy the hot buzz that they give you that's right the word of god is in your mind now that's right can go to the second wife house and enjoy the pleasure go ahead thank god like you used to hallelujah crucify with christ thank god you got to be crucified with christ with christ you think jesus wants you to die with him that's right that's right hallelujah he wants you to die with him nail your eyes shut go ahead that way when you look at something you look at it the way god wants you to look at it that's right and then nail what you listen to down so you can listen at those things that only god pleased with that's right come out of your mouth it's in keeping with god's everlasting word that's right i'm crucified i am crucified with christ are you crucified hallelujah when you come to church you got to someone said where you going i'm going through the crucifixion that's right that's right i'm going go ahead all right to god to the crucifixion that's right many of you been going to church for years but not one of you in most cases have been crucified with christ with christ don't you know when you go to church you're supposed to go there at a time come in your life you must experience self-crucifixion self-crucifixion why is it why is it now you've been going to church for years and you ain't never hung up that's right with jesus that's right never felt the pain of scripture that's right never died never offered up yourself that's right alright take god hallelujah god you've got to be crucified whosoever listen that this and i think of saint luke chapter 14 and verse 20. does not bear his cross do not blast cross and come after me and come after jesus can not be my disciples listen listen that was jesus how he got it and who you got here you got to bear it that's right i mean you got to carry it that's right in other words you're on your way up when you hear the word of god and you agree to walk with it right then you picked up the cross go ahead right then you picked it up you didn't die yet go ahead bro you're not crucified yet but now you got the bear that's [Applause] in that fake religion that men started and then you hear god say be holy be holy and you're making up for your mind i'm going to repent and be baptized in the name of jesus christ and i will seek the lord for the holy ghost that's right right then when you're making up in your mind right then you start burying them across you ain't nailed to it yet that's right you just carried it that's right on your way up thank god to hear a gospel then nail your hands right amen and when you nail your hands it can find you yeah and that way you can't do what you used to do that's right nail your feet it can find you can't go where you used to go that's right thank god in the word of god come piss you give your pain that's right you know when you obey god it hurts oh yes family members may turn on you yeah loved ones may turn on you hallelujah it hurts does it be god but it's worth the pain and whosoever and you've got to say like jesus said not my will yes oh i said god hallelujah that thing will be done that's right thank god amen i may be a preacher of righteousness and uh and i'm crucified with them now oh yeah and it's hurting god but the hurt is worthwhile that's what it has to be thundering the word of god moreover that's right thank god the preacher to the world that they may suffer this crucifixion that's right so viewers you've been going to church and you that are here but have you been crucified yes now many are not crucified with christ that's right that's why you freely divorced and remarried that's right you ain't crucified yet no that's why you live together not married you ain't crucified you're crucified yet that's right amen that's why you're a lesbian and a homosexual you ain't crucified yet that's right that's why you're preaching the alcohol anonymous yeah you ain't crucified yet that's why you're a black bigger than a white bigot that's right because you ain't crucified yet that's right that's why you got women preachers women pastors women elders you're not crucified yet that's right when you crucify your offer up your body yeah hey god that's a sacrifice that's right hold on hold on right god acceptable one to god that's right which is your rhythm amen when you find that young so-called christian man and that young so-called christian sister going to the prom and a half naked gown showing her cleavage back all out dancing all night and they claim they are christians you ain't no christian you ain't crucified that's right they say when you're crucified your prime is nailed down oh yeah can't go there yet hey man you can't you're not wearing pants no more that's right man can't go there that's right woman not wearing pants a man ain't out here wearing shorts no more makeup and jewelry looking like jezebel that's right i mean you all pray the woman will pray with the head covered that's right that's right crucified with christ justified now crucifix and a man would go back home and take a sludge hammer and knock the bar down in this house that's right get rid of all his six packs of beer that's right throw him outside that's right what i am crucified with who's outside amen until this transition take place in your life you ain't crucified oh no that's why you're still kicking that's right you're still living thank god he hears the word of god come to bring biblical crucifixion that's right that's why you had the churches with the so-called christian comedy club yeah they ain't crucified no raffle tickets in the church that's right they ain't crucified that's when your crucified pain is being brought and there's nothing that come in that church that bring pain like god everlasting word that's right give me god bring and said how the word of god is jeremiah 23 and verse 29 hey lord it's not my word like as a fire god talking it's not my word it's not my word like as a fire i don't care how tough you are you let someone they let that that tough person someone throw gasoline on them and throw a match on them you ain't tough then that's right uh man i don't care if his voice heavier than mine he gonna scream louder than a woman yes he will he's gonna be all on the ground waddling and hollering and making his voice go and go to the levels he never thought he had that's right why the fire bring pain that's right god told jeremiah make the people wood and thine word fire and they shall devour them that's right that's why the preachers over social media they're hollering because the word got them hurting hurting then pain because they can't bring their false teaching now like they're used to comfortable because the truth of god is shining a light on them that's really exposing them as hypocrites false prophets and liars it's not my word full child of hell that's right it's not my ah you get mad at geno jennings but it ain't my word my word you wouldn't like to blame me but i didn't write this that's right and if i could write it i wouldn't write it that's right it's not one word it's not my word like as a fire said the lord is after the lord unlike a hammer it's like what like a hammer what does it do that break at the rocking pieces you see you're hard-headed yeah you're stubborn and we come at the word of god that crack you over that stubborn way of thinking that's right you don't want to give up that second wife you come along with the lie in your mouth while your first wife and first humbling the living and saying god put us together god gave me my second wife that's what your bishop said god told me to get a second wife you old adulterous liar that's right you're the liar out of hell that's right i'll see what the bible says it's not my word like it's a fire saying and then we come along and burn down the adulterous relationship we set the whole corporates on site that's right and then burn the church down that's right burn it up the holy ghost it's not my word like it's a fire it's not my word like it's a fire i don't care if you're here this afternoon in cleveland you and your second wife and man when you go back home driving in your car or if you're riding on a horse and bugging that's right man we're going to set it on fire on fire yeah it's not going to set it on fire so until she going to look at him and he going to look at her going to feel uncomfortable because they riding back in that adulterous car going back in that adulterous house that's right signing those adulterous checks paying that adulterous bill ain't got an industrious mortgage that's right not my word is not my word like as a fire said the lord fire sayeth the lord fight fine it's like fire fire say it before god save the lord and like a hammer like a hammer that breaketh a rock in peace break rocks and peace and so on and we will the word of god come and set you on fire and you run right and when you run you think you're getting away you run right into a hammer that's right that's right you're running from fire burning on one end and when you run down here our hammer is waiting on you that's right you might as well get ready to give up grandma grandpa young man old man middle-aged man i don't care how young or how old how cute you think you are how much money you have i don't care that's right the bible says you came into the world you shall return you don't own nothing that's right amen you might as well get ready to give your mind your life your body over to god and let god nailed it to the bible in the book of ezekiel chapter 22 the holy ghost in ezekiel 22 and verse 22 ezekiel 22 22 as silver is melted in the midst of the furnace who repeat that god has melted in the midst of the furnace and the midst of the family so shall ye be melted so shall ye be melted in the midst of amen we come along with god's word to melcher melchio the preachers are melting too brother oh yes they're melting that's right amen their members are melting and sliding right out of the churches that's right that's right hallelujah amen we have a gospel that light the world on fire oh yeah hallelujah i thank god for the power of the gospel that's right how regardless of what city what state what town what village what country oh yeah this thing bless god is so strong so sound so fine it melts the colonel mind that's right melt that stubborn man and melt that stubborn woman that's right make them give up their position as an elder let's make them give up their position as a bishop make them turn and they deacon license make the woman preach and get out the pulpit and repent for lying on god saying god called her that's right they sent her to preach as a fire saith the lord is that what like as a fire sale who said it saith the lord not geno jenny saith the lord lord take god said of the lord and like a hammer and like a hammer that break up the rock in peace everybody today go to some old wicked hell deserving church oh yeah and most of you not sitting in some church on your way to church or came back from church having given no thought whether your religion practice your religious beliefs whether it was started by some man or is god what you profess that's right where one in the world might got permission to take your religion and compare it to the word of god yes see is god what you claim you are that's right i'm not acting too much you bragging that you're god's sons and god's daughter well god is our heavenly father yes he is shouldn't you be what the eternal father is and the lord speak unto moses listen see what the everlasting father is in leviticus chapter 19 and verse one leviticus 19 1 and the lord spake unto moses saying look at it and the lord speak unto moses saying not geno jennings the lord speak not geno jennings the lord you you wanted to be genogeneous chester because that'll kind of make you feel better no no no no no no hey man somebody logged on last night and said i just logged on your website just to say you're a false prophet what do you think about it nothing nothing i don't think nothing of it that's right at least you logged on and you heard it you don't like it but you heard it that's right what was that that was a hit dog hollering that's right that's right that means you can get mad as you please call me whatever you like thank god but when you come back we're coming back for round two that hits you again and hit you again with god everlasting word that's right amen you know in the hood when they throw a flurry on you go in the shell yeah and then sometimes you can cover up but my god when the prophets and your pastor started coming down on you you ain't got no shell no no you don't have nothing i don't care how you hide how you're trying to drop the word of god hit you that's right until they catch a while your sleep that's right go right in your vision of the night that's right hand get away from run away from it oh it's a god he can't get away from it that's right what did he say my doctrine shall drop as the reigns in deuteronomy 32 and verse 2. you don't have no shell to protect yourself from this message no god says in deuteronomy chapter 32 and verse 32 2 and verse 32 we'll start at verse 1. all right give me o ye heaven get there go attack god oh heaven and i will speak god say i will talk and hear on earth here are the words of my mouth the words of my now my doctrine wait wait wait wait who doctrine is my doctrine not passages that's right ah you folk write me and get mad at me would you get mad at me for that's right why are you getting mad at me that's right here's the mailman brought to a light bill for five thousand dollars you need to cuss him out amen you need to cuss him out and chase him down the street that's right he just brought you the light belt that's it he didn't make the light bill that's right why are you getting mad at me amen i didn't write the bible hey man william got my bag of letters and i'm just your friendly neighborhood mailman that's it and i've come to bring you the letter of scripture that's right listen at what it says my doctrine shall drop as god talking my doctrine go repeat to god glory be to god my doctor my teaching shall drop as the rain it's going to drop out as the rain that's why you hear me say over the air won't soak you that's right now i'm going salty because the stuff's gonna fall like the rain my species and my spirit shall distill as the dude god gonna make sure you get all covered that's the smoke calm down all your ass rags that's right they're gonna cover you like dude until you can get away from it that's right nobody said god that's why i hear people amen they're just logging on from all over putting their requests from one foreign country to another foreign country please send somebody here to baptize me we got several several response and it's picking up out of japan please come baptize us here in the name of jesus christ in the all-arab country crying for baptism in the name of jesus christ throughout europe baptism in the name of jesus christ throughout africa wonderful what the baptism hallelujah in the name of jesus christ is not pastor genesis no it is god's word that's right that's having a international effect that's right upon the world that's right glory to god these are the last days and without question this is the message for the last day oh yes all right my doctrine shall drop as the rain my doctor my doctrine blessed be god how sweet it sounds amen my my doctor so god wants you to be crucified viewers and you that are here he wants your hands nailed feet now he wants your whole body hang up that's right hanged up on scripture amen and when it's nailed that mean the power of the gospel the toughness of the gospel the roughness of the gospel got you nailed to god's will that's right and believe me you're gonna be hurting because you're gonna trying to pull those scriptures loose because you want to do what you want to do oh yeah amen thank god but then when you find a man how it'll do you good to obey god you give in to the pain amen and sometime in the midst of that hurt you will find yourself feeling the same way the son of god felt amen when he said my god mind god will has that forsaken me that means the flesh and blood body that god was in the body was an example to leave us in a pattern of good works the body felt as though that the spirit left it or the spirit wasn't with it because of the suffering that it was enduring that's right that's exactly the way you would feel sometimes you feel like god is nowhere around oh yeah amen but my god it is god that's keeping you while you're going through the suffering that's right ah that's right what did he say i am back in galatians chapter 2 and verse 20. i am crucified with christ i am crucified with christ nevertheless i live i live yet not i yet not i but christ liveth in me wait a minute who is helping me to do this yet yet not i yeah but christ liveth in me who's helping me to do this christ yet not i yet not i but christ that liveth in me and live in me and the life which i now live in the flesh and the life that my flesh is living i live by the faith of the son of god i live by the faith of the son of god or i live by my belief that's right jesus christ who loved me or what who loved me loved me and gave himself died for me i do not frustrate the grace of god you hear this amen so that's how we're able to do it our belief our faith in the son of god we believe that the son of god walked here on earth because god manifests in the flesh god formed the body then took on the body that he made and god was in that body and the body consists of flesh and blood that was god's son or god's servant or the mediator it wasn't true god it was two natures that's right the outer nature was flesh and blood and the inner nation was the eternal spirit which is god himself like the outer nature is the body of christ the church but what's in the church is the spirit of god which is the holy ghost that caused the church to function that's right and the life which i know i live in the flesh god the light which i now live in the flesh we live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god all right let's go back to where we were at third chapter second corinthians and that verse two listen like this we are our epistle written in our hearts we are yeah the epistle written in the heart known and read of all men for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of christ yes ministered by us men are said by us written not with ink it wasn't ready with him but with the spirit of the living god ah that's what we're doing with god help traveling around the world with god's spirit writing that's right writing with god's spirit that's right to get this thing in your heart to get you on the right path in the book of jeremiah chapter 31 says what and we're at verse 33 but this shall be the you know when you want to be right you will come out of that religion you're in yes you will when you want to be right no man-made religion will be able to hold you that's right none none doesn't matter how long you've been in it how you patronize it if your mother's still there if your father's still there or if your wife or husband is still in there and don't want to come out then i advise you to do like the apostle peter preaching or their pentecost save yourself yourself save yourself from this untoward generation which means save yourself from this generation that's going to hell that's right jeremiah 31 and verse 33 jeremiah what chapter 31 and verse 33. but this shall be the covenant that i will make with the house of israel this shall be the pact the agreement that i will make with israel after those days saith the lord what happened i will put my law i will put my law in their inward parts and their inward parts and write it in their hearts you know you know when the commandments was written on the stone yeah now here come god with his word he want to put it where and write it in their hearts you wanna put it where and i will put my law in the inward part they want it on the inward part inward part inward part in other words you have to get guard precepts god's order god commandments god's law god's statue god instructions got to be located where in their inward part in order for it to get in your inward part you got to have a preacher that's handed a book a scripture which is the precepts of god and know how to put it on the inside that's right that's right that's right you got to know how to put it on the inside amen in other words you got to form open heart surgery yes open your eyes thank god and place god's word in there that your body may live by the precepts of the heavenly father that's right after those days saith the lord i will put my law in their inward part and and write it in their hearts what else and will be their god and what and will be their god and will be their god and they shall be my people he didn't say i'll be your g-o-d-s and will be their g.o.d i'll be there you're there god one one all of you that got gods no no that you you just you just lost you're confused yeah you're you're just confused god knows that's right amen somebody wrote me and said that uh god have a father god god has a father god you're an idiot that's an idiot that's a supreme fool that's right god god you're not just a fool use our ultimate supreme fool in malachi chapter 2 and verse 10. god have a father god god god he never told you that you're heathen no never did by jahidians that's right a bunch of social media heathers that's right here let's see what the word of god said malachi chapter 2 and verse 10. have we not all one father wait a minute hath we not all one father and what else has not one god created us that same one god is the one father that's right that's it you're so blind you're so deceived of the devil you'll the devil come out with a lot of revelations yes not from scripture no but from hell that's right god have a father then he went on to say god didn't create nothing god didn't create nothing my lord genesis 1 1 genesis 1 1 in the beginning genesis 1 1. genesis tell me in your bible you social media healings heathens heathens that got your pastor your mama is a heathen your wife is a heathen yes i say your mama your mama you don't like it your mama and your daddy are healing that's right and your sons and daughters that's right your bunch of heathens your pastor your bishop your elder including you that's right a bunch of social media healers amen do you hear what the bible says genesis chapter one and verse one that's what in the beginning and the beginning god created the heaven and the earth hold on god created the heaven and the earth and malachi says what it has to be not all one father what did he do has not one god created us you're so foolish that's a fool you're so blind that's why viewers viewers viewers you leave these social media pulpit crackpots alone that's right because with the stuff they with the stuff they believe they must be vaping that's right that's right they must be vaping with this stuff that they believe amen god is not the father god you know this is devil's teaching yes it is because the devil been trying to discredit god from being god since the devil was made that's right and the devil has sent countless of men black white brown yellow red of every ethnic group in the world and the devil tries hard to discredit god because even the devil know some bible carrie and sucker gonna believe it yes he will they gonna believe it that's right what if god says what have we not all one father half we're not all one father that's not one god created us created us all right let's go back to the book of corinthians now back in second corinthians chapter three we're at verse three follow me quickly for as much as you are manifestly declared to be the epistle of christ yes ministered by us written not with ink but with the spirit of the living god yes not in tables of stone not in tables of stone but in fleshy tables of the heart we want to put it in your heart and such trust have we through christ to god yes not that we are sufficient of ourselves but right to think anything as of ourselves you hear the apostle paul that's right dr paul said i don't think anything of myself that's right until the apostles say let no man think no higher than you ought to think but thanks overly but our sufficiency is of god our sufficiency is who is of god paul let you know he wasn't doing this thing on his own oh no no his sufficiency was not of himself that's right his sufficiency relied on god and ours is the same way oh yes amen church and viewers and sinners and everything else our sufficiency is not of passage energy no way our sufficiency is of god jesus christ is he that's right who also has made us able ministers what who also has made us able ministers of the new testament you got to be able to table minister and when you're able minister you are able to lay in scripture i believe scripture i don't want to hear nobody opinion about nothing i don't respect your opinion about scripture no many people write me sometimes they write me letters too long to read five six seven eight one man wrote me and made a small magazine of about 60 or 70 something pages my lord fighting me about the baptism in the name of jesus christ a whole magazine took his time and wasted energy and the title was why pastor jennings is a liar for preaching you must be baptized in the name of jesus christ took his time wrapped it up typed it up had it printed or did it himself and amen paid for his postage and sent it to me and the title was why is pastor jennings a liar for preaching a baptism in the name of jesus christ when i saw the title i took all his hard work and threw it in the trash that's right that's right amen that's it i just took all this hard work and threw it in the trash that's right if you haven't repented of your sins and been baptized in the name of jesus christ i don't care if you claim to be an apostle or prophet or bishop or elder or evangelist or pastor whatever whatever or a mother in the church or on some hypocrite in church choir that's right you have not repented of your sins and went down in the water in the name of jesus christ you're not saved no no if you bow your head and raise your hands you're not saved you're still an old center that's right if you went to some fake church and prayed a sinner's prayer no such prayers in the bible you're still a senator that's right who you that's right your grand mama is a sinner you snap happy grandpappy your pastor that's right is a sinner if you are preaching a paul pig get out of it oh yeah the cost is stealing your sins that's right because the bible says repent and be baptized every one of you amen this is what everybody got to do cleveland cleveland cleveland and you can attach the entire state of ohio all the midwest all the east coast the entire country of america and bring the rest of the world and link it on down to the in the florida that's right the holy ghost then peter said unto them repent all right all right you you you that are here are you born again yeah well pastor didn't i accept christ that's my personal savior that's nice i didn't ask you that actually are you born again that's right oh that's how i got born again according to who well i thought i was saying you thought wrong that's right the way you accept christ you accept this teaching that's it not getting up and tell some lying jerry girl preacher oh i accept christ as my personal savior he don't i don't mean nothing no you're not a christian you're not saved no well i go to church every sunday so do roaches that's right you don't have a save rocks there amen am i right i said amen go ahead take off acts 2 and verse 38. listen at this then your salvation got to be right where he's about to read that's right you better give me john chapter 3 first john chapter 3 we'll start at verse 1. now begin at verse 1. i want you to follow me and get me in heaven all of you that are watching and listening amen i want to call your attention again everybody in the world that's right everybody every pastor every bishop every would be preacher every man or woman on the planet the way you're born again the way you're saved the way you got the new birth have to come along here in scripture now that's right listen at this saint john chapter three we're at verse one look at here there was a man of the pharisees named nicodemus a ruler of the jews the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher that would a teacher come from god and no man can do the things that you do unless god be with him jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again here it is amen except the man be born how except a man be born again all that [Applause] again again you was born the first time that's right but you mean your natural birth right came from your mother's womb her water broke that's right and the little wicked fella come out and begin to grow up and know right from wrong and chose wrong over right that's right and he came out born in his sin that's it shaped in iniquity born in darkness that's right innocent but born in darkness that's right and he grew up manifesting the wicked nature that he had amen hey man that's why you partied and drank you was wicked in your mother's womb yeah you just couldn't act it out that's right so your mother acted out for you that's right that's why she drank while she carried it yeah seven months pregnant she's still out there trying to dance oh yeah shaking her big belly that's right shaking her head the whole curls falling out or somebody else's hair on her head got twisted cause the bobby pins came loose that's right amen wicked mama carrying a child because some woman lay with a wicked man and he discharged his wicked seed amen so the whole family is wicked until they accept the righteousness of god that's right it doesn't matter how harsh you sound or how bitter it sounds it's the truth amen you're either wicked or you're righteous that's it one of the two that's right do you hear this except a man be born again are you born again born again how are you born again viewers viewers viewers and you that are here how are you born again amen did you accept christ as your personal savior like you thought you're not born again born again you went to some church and a liar stood up and said anybody want a church home i open the church doors and give you a home and you come up with a choir singing for you i am praying you for all that that really worked on your heart it works on your heart how it works in your heart you started crying your fake eyelashes about three inches long got disconnected from your eyes that's right that's right i mean looking like particles of a mop hanging from your eyes amen amen amen choir get this singing for you you and your third husband come up for you i'm praying and then the preacher said i'll open the church doors and give you a home and they tell you to confess with your mouth the lord jesus that he rose from the dead and you're saying and you say i believe that jesus christ died and rose from the dead i believe he the son of god and then the preacher said you're saved now and you walk bro back to your seat smiling and crying with your mascara running down your face and your lipstick is all smudged gripping tightly the hand of your third husband that's right you no more saving that duck can smoke crack and have relationships with the chicken and birth little puppies amen you ain't saved at all oh you've been lied to isaac that's right order in the church go ahead go ahead brother go ahead do you hear what it says family verily i say unto thee god talking except a man be born again you've got to be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god now look at jesus going to make it more plain and detail it more saint john chapter three and that verse well we'll start in verse four real quick nicodemus says unto him how can a man be born when he is old demons represent everybody that's right what you mean lack of understanding full of education that's right but because the lord brought him something spiritual his education couldn't help him he couldn't grasp it amen he was so carnal and looking at things in the colonel perspective he actually thought look just i just want you to pay attention to the man's question how can a man be how can a man be born when he is old what can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born that's really dumb amen i don't care how you look at it that's ignorant that that's ignorant man you know good and well jesus was not telling a grown man that's right you got to clam back in your mother's womb that's right can you imagine that he'll imagine that for us to be born again here we are grown full-grown and we got to say mama look i'm ready to be born again my [Applause] that's right oh lord help me here go mama sitting down come on my lord come on oh lord you see how blind nicodemus was that's right i want you to look at the man's question how can a man [Applause] you see how blind he was blind he was educated that's right but he couldn't get the things of god that's right until the bible said the things of god no man know but the spirit of god amen amen jesus answered verily verily jesus said except a man be born of water now he's breaking it down that's right he told you be born again again now he's gonna break it down until you are being born again consists of except a man be born of water you got to have water and of the spirit and then you've got to have spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god ah what else did he say that which is born of the flesh is flesh oh that's talking about your first birth that's right when you're born of the flesh that's flesh that's the first birth but now and that which is born of the spirit you're born of the spirit is spirit experience that i said unto them so jesus said don't be surprised of what i'm telling you he must be born again you don't have to do it you must be born again you don't have to do it you must be born again if jesus said you must do something you got to do it that's right now let's see what is being born again of the water of the water listen at this acts chapter 2 and add verse 38 all right then peter said unto them repent not the time to get nailed down now oh yeah time to get nailed down now that's right if you want to bear the cross you got to pick this scripture up that's right ah that's right god if you want to bear the cross you got to pick this scripture up right here then peter said unto them repent what is repentance repentance is when you're sorry about your sins sorry about you're wrong and you truly go before god with the broken contrite heart acting god to forgive you for your sins because you're sorry about it that's right you are convicted that's right and you repent for them that's right all the wrong you ever done you repent for repent and you're ready to make a change that's right he ain't never told nobody bow your head raise your hands no accept christ as your personal savior you look at some liar on television or on youtube or some form of social media tick tock or whatever it is and look at some blind devil deceived liar and tell you you that are watching me now touch the screen and let god come in your heart and repeat after me say lord jesus i'm a sinner wash me while the snow come into my heart and then the preachers say if you've done that and you said this you saved my friend you're no more saved then you are related to gabriel that's right [Music] and if you've done it it ain't none of your savior that's right now get mad now get mad much as you please but it won't change the fact you're still a senator a pipe smoking cigar sucking joint sucking crack snorking beer drinking party club and dancer center you ain't never been saved since you fell from your mother wound that's right you ain't been saved since your mother pushed you out go ahead then penises back the bible repent you got to repent to have this right that's right and what and be baptized how much every one of you how much of ohio every one of you in the name of jesus christ you gotta repent of your sins you gotta be sorry about your sins and then your mother your father your sister and brother and you yes you can't send your children to be baptized because the children gotta repent too that's right and if they don't know what repentance is then uh don't bother don't bother them amen the bible says whosoever will let them come they got to understand what it is that's right how can you repent if you don't even know what it is right repentance is when you convict in your heart and then you're ready to make a change because of the wrong that you're done that's right repent and be baptized repent repent woman you know you got somebody else's husband and you married him that's right you better repent for that abductor's relationship repent mister you know you got a third you got a third wife that's right you know your wife is still living yeah mrs white is still living that's right you and miss white broke up and now you got a wife number two who used to be miss carmichael that didn't work out you went to wife number three that's right amen miss clark [Music] that didn't work out now you're working on wife number four yeah miss lucifer that's right you to repent repent go and say well pastor get in the church tonight man they allow it oh i just know they do that's right i know they do that's why you don't want to be crucified with him that's right you know what you don't want to be crucified all churches that condone this trash it ain't none of you crucified with jesus no that's why you freely party freely dance freely smoke freely exchange why the pulpit all and several wives and several husbands living together not married ain't nobody crucified with jesus that's right nobody nobody lori take god what it is that then peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized be baptized every one of you everything i thought would be this house in the name of jesus christ all right for the remission of sin the mission of sins means for the removing of sins and what did he promise and ye shall receive the gift of the holy ghost when you're born of the water he said water and spirit when you're born of the water you repent of your sins and baptize in water in the name of jesus christ that's right and now he said born of the spirit let's see what happens when you're born of the spirit and acts chapter two begin at verse four and and and they were all filled with the holy ghost they were all filled with the holy spirit that's the holy ghost when you're filled with the holy ghost you're filled with god and began to speak with other tongues you speak with other tongues as the spirit gave the mother as the spirit move on you had the spirit utter through you that's right thank god so that's where you have the new birth that's when you're born again you're baptizing water in the name of jesus christ amen and yeah when you're born of the spirit you come through fill with the spirit of god that's right because that's what put you in the body that's right you ain't in the body of christ you're not in the church unless you have the holy ghost the bible says in the 12th chapter first corinthians you're baptized for by one spirit isn't that this first corinthians 12 and verse 13 by one by one spirit by one holy ghost are we all baptized by one god that's right we all are we all baptized at that into one body into one jet whether we be jews or gentiles it doesn't matter your nationality whether you're a jew or gentile whether it be we'd be bond differently and i've been all made to drink into once all made to digest god that's right that's right just one spirit what you mean how am i going to drink one spirit you gotta drink the spirit because i'm serving you the spirit now that's right i'm serving you the spirit because i'm serving you scripture scripture amen when i'm serving you scripture i'm serving you the teachings of jesus that's right jesus said the word that i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so you come along and digest this now that's right digest this now get rid of that rotten food you've been eating bowel in head and raising hands and father son and holy ghost baptism well didn't jesus said baptized father son the holy ghost no no no he just said baptized in the name name of the father son the holy ghost that's right and he didn't say what the preachers are saying today no in the name of the father in the name of the son no in the name of the holy ghost these three are one three what that's right three one and one that's right i dare you to tell me jesus is the second person in the godhead i make you find that lie amen i dare you to tell me that the holy ghost is the third person i tell you to tell me the holy ghost is a person at all a ghost is not a person that's right a ghost is a spirit spirit holy ghost holy mean the character and the spirit mean the nature so the nature of the spirit is holy holy that's right order in the church that's right repent and be baptized every one of you the name of the father son the holy ghost what is the name of the father son the holy ghost what is it what is it that's the way the catholics baptized so if all any of you come out the catholic church you're baptized wrong that's right and if you come out the back the methodist church you're baptized wrong any of you that are presbyterian lutheran jehovah witness non-denominational or any of that stuff all of you baptized the same way you misunderstand the bible you didn't get it right and you're baptized wrong that's right that's right what do everybody got to do then peter said unto them repent and be baptized everywhere every one of you i'm talking to the world now that's right thank god we're preaching to the world that's right how about every one of you i don't care i accuse you i i don't care if you got someone so many cars that when you step out all traffic just stop and all the creation move in slow motion rain slow down until the matrix is right in front of you open up and all birds come and bow at your feet put the feathers over their eyes and gets dropped that's some curves brother that's some curves anytime creation do all that you are curvaceous that's right repent repent and be baptized every one of you to the heavenly father hallelujah you got this to do brother that's right hey man if you don't do this get out the pulpit stay out of it until you're born again like the word of god says it that's right or else be old disobedient to hardhead and die and go to hell that's right what did the holy ghost say then peter sent out to them repent that's why we got to open up we got to open up a church in cleveland got to i mean i have to do this that's right we're and this is what god had me doing it's not a viewers this message that god gave me god gave me this message he gave me the same thing he gave the apostles god did it that's right if god would not have done it it's impossible for us to get the results that we're getting that's right and every city every state every town every country every village yes thank god we got a local telecast now dropping in africa amen and i received the letter amen three church organizations want to be baptized and none of the church organizations know each other so we fly in the ministers to another part of that country to baptize all three organizations that come to over 600 souls going down in water wonderful wonderful in the name of jesus christ amen amen and you wonder why i don't pay these little half inch by a eighth of an inch false prophet's mind because they're yelling about the truth of god because they're not waking up nobody nobody's coming to christ by their teaching amen if you look at these men that are hollering about the truth of god look at the work they have empty crickets that's right nothing that's right not even a chicken go there amen nothing amen bad mind a holy message guarantees holy results you're not going to make me believe nothing else that's true the apostles had a holy message that's right and they got a holy result preacher's been preaching 10 20 30 40 years amen having baptized no more than six people three people amen god god made me an apostle he made me one that's right amen i'm not i'm not i'm not shaking when i'm telling you this no i say hallelujah god god almighty made me an apostle like you did the apostle paul that's right a man spoke to me hallelujah and said i had a paternity for this purpose to make the minister and brother he made me a preacher yes it is every place we go victory is ours before we get that that's right before we get that that's right amen the moment i tell my secretary all right i'm going to this city that city that city that city that city now you don't just find a place to hold service you got to find a place where i can have the people gather permanently that's right but you ain't never been there it doesn't matter doesn't matter i know what's going to happen before we get there that's right why the lord said all souls are mine that's right i can't help myself amen hallelujah i said god all day yes it did and the people can bear witness people have never seen nothing like this since they've been born that's right hundreds hundreds but now it's turned into thousands that's right when you think of it alone think of 2020 alone when the pandemic hit yeah church is shut down truth of god we didn't shut down no amen this message carried thousands and millions through the pandemic that's right hey man while they were sitting home that's right and then the pandemic turned out to be a blessing amen many folk never heard it amen never heard the message amen ran upon it while they was home relaxing from a false church break that's right that's right ran up on it and then sitting home man man them with a second wife i have thousands of letters people wrote me and said we never knew you lived i mean we saw you throwing the uh doing the pandemic amen sitting home watching you come up on youtube preaching one god preaching baptism think of it church is shut down wonderful and because the cities didn't open up my last area i traveled to in 2020 was miami florida that's right right while the pandemic was going on that's right and after miami florida all the states shut down we couldn't go nowhere so we kept preaching out of philadelphia every week and do you know even though the states were shut down over 4 400 souls went down in the name of jesus christ throughout 2020. wonderful amen throughout 2020 amen over 4 400 hallelujah over 4 400 souls yes went down in one year one year during the pandemic that's right and we only in the seventh month that's right of 2021 and we're almost up to 4 000 already and we're in the seventh month i was made a preacher the gospel that the holy ghost put in my mouth is very strong and man he told his apocalypse i make you fishes of men one scripture says you're gonna catch men touch men amen so god made me a fisherman oh yes and uh the line is going out of the old earth and the words into the end of the world the gospel is dropping everywhere yes it is amen and god has given the truth of god results i don't want to be in nothing where the preaching claim is of god and then two and three years go by nobody baptized nobody received the holy ghost nothing nothing nothing that's right and you claim you're sent by god what god that's right there's the god of heaven and there's a god of this world which one sends you that's right amen god had put his word in my mouth and made me a minister yes indeed amen and that people are gravitating to it that's right amen so i want to say to cleveland ohio give us some time god willing we're going to be uh we're going to be searching for a place my staff will be searching for a place saint louis missouri uh kansas city missouri amen we're still searching for a place amen i want to say to jackson mississippi we were temporarily written a hotel ballroom and i'm thankful for the hotel that let us use it amen but i decided to pour the people out of the hotel i didn't like the smell of the mold and i want to keep everybody healthy while we save them and uh so we decided we'd define a place another place so we found a place there in jackson mississippi and uh a freestanding building i liked the building and i told my uh uh one of my secretaries i said i asked them are they interested in selling it she said i asked him i said ask them i mean just asking what they're interested in selling and they got better they said well yeah if you pastor jenny want to buy will sell it and man i never thought it would be it would be at a point where the work got so large because the folks have been around me no building is my specialty that's right building an architect and designing and uh usually i go to every building before we buy it but things have gotten so large now i can't even get to every building that's right so i sent my church [Music] family with what i would like and what i want and what i don't want or what i would say no to that's right and uh i said ask them because you know most people don't want you to give their property an inspection until you give them an offer wherein i rather give you an inspection that way it will determine my offer right amen so uh she said all right i asked them they got back to it they say well the general wanted to inspect him first and fine and then so we're going to send our inspector down there and then after we get our inspection report we're going to give jackson mississippi our offer hopefully they accept the offer then we'll have jackson mississippi on the map and out the way wonderful in that one amen amen so cleveland uh we want to put you on a map now amen put you on the map we've been dropping it from the air by god help and now we want to shoot you from the ground that's right and cincinnati yeah man we want to do the same thing there i want to get the acura and accurate uh what is it called akron akron ohio ohio and also i want to get the i believe it's called the daytona they told me dayton they stayed in ohio i think they told him the indian 500. i want to get the uh date in ohio i just want to take the whole state and burn it down with bible that's right amen if i don't know the name of your city i want to get it anyway that's right yeah that's right i may not remember what city and all this little city here sitting there but i can say ohio and i want to say to every preacher every preacher that claim to be apostolic or pentecostal whatever stuff you claim you got to be holy oh yes that's it i don't care how long you've been pastoring you got the line up 100 with what the word of god said or you and your church gone go thy hell god knows that's right i don't care if they claim god call you a god sent you or god made you whatever you're gonna come back to the bible or you're gonna die and go to hell like anybody else that's right what did peter said then peter said unto them repent are you listening amen the holy ghost repent repent and be baptized how much every one of you how in the name of jesus christ all right for the remission of sin and what is the result and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit all right cleveland anybody here want to get on god's side of me right and be baptized in the name of jesus christ stand on your feet if you want it you might as well escape hell stand on your feet if you want it your might as well lord take god do you see it do you see do you see all of you that are standing go right to the back there all of you that are standing go right to the back amen well thank god for my brother here my brother here is a baptist preacher amen baptist preacher came want to be baptized in the water he said i found out i was baptized wrong wonderful found that i was baptized wrong amen what everybody hey man that viewers bills i want you to see this i want you to look at this the cameras looking at viewers that's what you got to do that's right all of you that are watching around the world you got to join that group that's right amen repent repent and be baptized are you look are you seeing these robbers and who can change this isn't it this is the message for the last days that's right god this is it right here this is it no need to look around for nothing else this is it right here god has proven that this is it right here oh yes oh gloria thank god amen god says hallelujah god says my sheep will hear my voice my voice thanks be unto god in a stranger they will not follow if you have not been baptized in water in the name of jesus christ you're not saved after you repent of your sins and go down in the water in the name of jesus christ you may as well stop going to that man-made fake church that's what you've been going to that's right because if you keep going you're still going to go to hell even with the right baptism that's right all right we'll give me the correct time brothers all right 154 we're going to let you go we're going to break now amen we're going to let you go we're going to get ready to stand we're going to have brother william close us out with prayer come on back now you come on back at five o'clock hey man don't go sneak into that old devilish church you took a break from come on back at five o'clock don't go stay home and watch the game hey man you come on back at five o'clock and hear some more of the word of god amen and uh get right with god all right we going now brother williams going to close us out in prayer father god we do come to you once again in the name of jesus christ we want to thank you and praise you once again for another day father god we thank you once again for the word of god that was preached and taught in our hearing bless us oh god not only to be hear us but bless us to be doers of thine word remember the souls that wander baptized in ward in the name of jesus christ strengthen and bless and help them and fill those souls with the holy ghost speaking in tongues as the spirit of god gives utterance my god that don't have of thine spirit remember every one of us that's here this day help us oh god strengthen us bless us and protect us remember the man of god continue to strengthen him continue to bless him and help him and keep him father god would you pray and ask all these things in the name of jesus christ amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 212,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xzlrGvf6IJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 51sec (4911 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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