First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1544-1545 June 13th, 2021 Sunday AM Jackson MS Live Stream.

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praise the lord and greetings to everyone certainly we give god all the honor and all the praise which he so richly deserved again i thank god for who he is i thank god for being here one more time i thank god for uh my pastor i take joy uh in saying my pastor apostle geno jennings certainly give god to praise for him and him allowing god to use him to work through him i thank god for also minister williams i i can't express it through words to the point to where you would understand just how i feel i can only say it if i take off running because of excitement you probably think i'm crazy but but i can't do that but i won't but i do praise god for him you know again i come up i come up in the church and the church that i was in i i certainly praise god for what i did know started off as a child started off real early and i started off hearing strict teaching strict teaching seeing the mothers of the church conduct themselves and dress the way i see now but over the many years the teaching has been watered down people have gotten away from that and it's become taboo to this younger generation they don't know anything about it so now when you hear it you think you're talking crazy but it's biblical teaching that god is allowing our pastor to bring to all of us and i feel about like peter felt on a mountain of transfiguration it's good for me to be here and i think that we all should have that echo that same sentiment it's good for all of us to be here so continue to pray much for our pastor uh we do a lot of traveling continue to pray for he and mr william and all of us that are laboring because we're doing it because this is what god has called us to do and we love what we're doing it's not easy but we have to strive to see what god uh to see the end in other words and so continue to pray for us all that we'll continue to strive to be what god will have us to be in the name of the lord [Applause] jesus greetings brothers and sisters again we strive to give the highest possible honor that can be given to our lord and savior jesus christ we honor the former prophets and apostles we honor our leader teacher and guy pastor jennings we thank god for all the brethren and labor and word and doctrine we thank god for the entire household of faith and we thank god for just blessing us to see another day in the land of the living we thank god for blessing us to be here in jackson mississippi on this weekend and some people may be saying it's hot but i'd rather deal with this heat than get thrown into the lake of fire so if i got to deal with this heat and hear the word where i can get right with god i rather put up with this than my body being wrapped up with everlasting hellfire thank god for moreover for the preaching of the word by pastor like pastor said last night he have no plans on going to the lake and uh i'm in fellowship with him with that statement so i this word will get us into the kingdom if we obey it we'll do just that so pray for us and may that god forever keep us and be with us and bless us to come together and see each other again [Applause] greetings saints we thank the lord jesus for his mercy and kindness towards us we thank him for all that he's doing for us in these days we're thankful for pastor jens pretty much for him brief testimony when i first started listening to pastor jennis i had no intention of being saved i thank god for him some of you heard this testimony i i didn't listen to him with the plans of being saved i had no plans for that i was having a good time i was enjoying myself i was a young girl man i'm still young but i'm a young girl i was a younger man and i was enjoying myself i was enjoying myself to where i was in the club and i heard his voice saying what are you going to do if you die right now and my answer wasn't i want to be saved my answer was i need to stop listening to that man i didn't want to be i i was having a good time but i kept listening to that broadcast i just couldn't stop listening to it and the more i listened to it the more i started wanting to change i started striving to do something different in my life that i had no plans on doing as i stick around the world and as i stayed around the world i started growing closer and closer to god started changing and my mind said changing in life and all through that word all through the teaching and holiness i'm not where i want to be but thank god i'm not the same as i used to be stick around the word it may be hard but if you stick around it you'll start seeing changing in your life you'll start growing yeah you start obeying this truth and god will one day show up my god and bless you with the holy ghost speaking in tongues as he give others stick around don't let no one pull you off if you get tired along the way my god still keep coming keep pressing your way until god bring you to perfection and he's able as long as you stick stay around it don't let nobody pull you off thank you for it for listening to me [Applause] let's give god around a handclap [Applause] shoot a blessing and be back in the house of the lord one more time truly thank god for the man of god truly the man of god have made a different round smith county warren from my mississippi by the grace of god this word that he's preaching his right he's tough but his right and he'll stand hello somebody hit a stand huh get a stand it ain't popular to a lot of people but brother was saying by the grace of god hell think about hell we got an opportunity to get it right and time is now and i'm excited about it what about you science come on good god of mine [Applause] truly thank god truly thank god by the grace of god i tell you what man i'm excited man when they come this gospel i'm gonna i'm gonna get out of the way i told him in church uh at new birth i said there's two things that i run behind him that's the word of god and the grandkids what you mean by that when you love something you run behind it and chase it hello somebody but there's so many there's so many claim they want it this place ought to be packed it might not be no standing room hello somebody come over here thank you [Applause] amen thank god for the remark from the minister at this time it's the most important part of god's service is god's word we ask you to stand and receive the pastor of pastor general jennings at this time thank you ladies and gentlemen we greet all of our beloved brothers and sisters in the name of the lord jesus the one true living god of heaven and earth we thank him for his divine wisdom his perfect and infallible understanding of all things we thank them for being the true sender and true teacher of holy prophets and of holy apostles we are blessed to be in the way of holiness the way of god the way of holiness is the way of god ellen mclennan and elder butler and to all the other brothers that are here that minister and to all of our beloved brothers and lay with us in word and doctrine that are watching around the world we thank god moreover for his divine guidance and for his perfect understanding of all things this message of holiness is so real and so strong no one can change it and nobody can defeat it to defeat holiness you've got to defeat god there's none like unto him there's none equal to him we associate none absolutely none with the almighty he is god alone he has no equals and he have no rivals and remember he have no partners we had a blessed meeting last night so far 24 was baptized in the name of jesus christ all of my viewers we're back in jackson mississippi as i have mentioned we started a new work here in april of uh of this year when we first came we baptized uh rather when we first started the work of the lord here we baptized 112. and in december when we first came we baptized 92 and last night so far 24. that's way over 200 souls and man as i said before more than what most men would be doing and their lifetime i believe it was last week we was in colombia was it last week last week we're in columbia south carolina we baptized 66 in the name of jesus christ and a week before that we were in chicago 57 went down in the name of jesus christ [Applause] so we thank god moreover i received a text message from my international secretary this morning 50 went down today 50 in mozambique in africa amen and two was baptized in johannesburg south africa so as the word of god continue to grow if you wise and most people believe they are if you wise you will walk with what god said in the scriptures if you're wise now if you're a fool and i meet more fools than wise people almost everybody you meet in life is a fool that's right it isn't that many wise people from pulpit down it isn't that many wise people they make a lot of noise in hollering and whatnot running around churches falling out getting tied up in the carpet book dancing behind the fuse and but uh when they come to god's word they're not wise our objective is to point the entire world not just jackson my job is to point the whole world to god that's right amen the whole world everybody that will hear and obey my job is to point you to god not the dollars not the money [Music] not to wealth not to man-made foolish slogans that's right not to motivational speakers my job is to direct you to god and uh if you turn towards god you're going to turn your back on satan did you hear what i said the lord says they have turned to me the back and not the face that's right so i want to change your position stop turning your back on god and turn your face towards him that's right amen have a listening ear that you're ready to hear god's word that's why everywhere we go i don't preach my opinion or my philosophy because god ain't impressed with it that's right and if god ain't impressed with my thinking i'm not impressed with no one else's i believe what is written in the scriptures is enough here in that bible that take care of creation that's right there's only one gospel get me for everybody everybody one truth one church one set up i was talking to a minister last night here in mississippi introduce himself to me and say you mind if we take a picture together i said no sir say what's your name he said minister so-and-so he said i i got baptized in the name of jesus christ i say you're a minister he said yes i said what is your belief he said well i was non-denominational i said are you still uh he said well yeah i am non-denomination i said you're not in the bible then he asked me well what do non-denominational mean i said why would you claim this something and you don't know what it mean that's just like you can't tell the difference between a stick of dynamite and a candle and here we're in a dark room and i know what dynamite is and you say oh geno uh i found the candle and then you light it now i'm not gonna stand around and try to explain to you i'm gonna tell you what you got in a running mode because when the fuse is lit that mean is getting smaller and something's about to happen i don't want to be around that's right so when you enlighten it i'm going to tell you from a distance it's dynamite but i'm going to make sure i'm far away that if you die you die by yourself and uh the brothers seem to be sincere and i told them i said well give me your name in them i want to call you and talk to you and check out what you have there's a lot of sins here preachers and preachers got this thinking in church people that it don't matter what you believe we all one down inside that's one of the biggest lies one of the biggest lies that ever been told every preacher yeah hear the old troublemaker now every church member got to believe the same thing that's right and every preacher got to preach the same thing that's right oh god telling me god gave you something and that thing is not what the apostles had that's right nobody in the world have ever preached the truth and deviated from the apostles that's right nobody i don't care nothing about your bible college the cemetery school you into they get your cheap debt degree i don't care nothing about that foolishness you know one thing about the south they always got revivals amen always got some liar coming running a whole week's meeting so he can collect money to put gas in his car that's right he make a sucker out the bishop make a sucker out the members and each night he got a different topic with a different slogan yeah monday night the lord spoke to him and tell him today's subject is you can lose with the stuff i use am i right that's right tuesday night had come up another story church after tuesday after monday night we had such a good time i couldn't sleep i was tossing and turning and the lord spoke to me and i got a message from god on tuesday night and if i use for my text tonight the tape over the window someone said palliative that don't make sense now you see what i'm talking amen by wednesday night he didn't sit up all night and watch cartoon network [Music] and by wednesday night he got another topic thanks of god for a subject i want to use dexter laboratory something that's so far out of hell amen and then you get people jumping up who tell it like it is tell it like it is waving the hands you could have had a fool fool your bad mind when god come he ain't coming for slogans oh no he ain't coming for motivational speakers he's coming back for the same thing he left here preach the word and god won his word preaching that's all i have to offer everybody can you bear in mind i'm not getting paid to preach this no you're not i travel and travel and travel and i'm not getting paid that's right the breach dips i'm a working man ain't nobody gonna pay you for breaking up their home no breaking up the church blowing up the full tail and killing their pastor murdering the bishop and decapitating the apostle and hanging their elder and burning the deacon that's right they're not going to pay you amen don't you know when god sent a preacher god make him a murderer that's right i want to say what i say when god send a preacher god make him a murderer a killer killer let me get bible give me the book of jeremiah and see what god told the prophet the prophet that's right that god made him that's right pretty sure someone logged on now and said you see that man lost his mind that's right when i was demonstrating boxing and hitting you with the word last night brandon you know his eyes you know sometimes when brandon look his eyes just be all big and round the camera hit him last night and someone commented and said when pastor jenny was throwing his jabs at brother williams that one minister and back eyes were so big he like he was saying pastor jennifer lost his mind i want to show you my occupation that's right not only my occupation every man that guards in that's right god send a man to kill the devil in you amen kill your will amen assassinate your way of thinking yeah break up your folly ground that's right tear up your life dismantle your pleasure that's right and then tell you come on back to god and be happy that's right listen at this in the book of jeremiah 51 and we'll start reading at verse 20. follow me begin at verse 19. jeremiah chapter 51 and verse 19. yes the portion of jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things yes and israel is the rod of his inheritance the lord of hosts is his name yeah thou art my battle axe listen at what he's telling the prophet thou art my battle at no thou up my pocket knight thou art my battle ass yes amen you know what a battle axe is in ancient times it's two type of battle axis that's right long hand and shorthand that's right a long-handled battle axe was held with two hands point it on end so they can piss you big blade on the side so they can slice your gut open that's right shorthand battle axe you can have one in each hand yeah in the asiatic world they still use them that's right well look at what god tells the preacher what he is god designed the preacher here that lets you know right then 99.9 of every man that's over social media television radio god didn't send them to preach because they're not using the axe these fellows are tickling you with feathers that's right that's right got to the prophet not my battle axe you don't take a battle action take it in and someone just go oh no he tells the preacher thou art my battle will i break in pieces the nations with thee that's what god sent the preacher to do that's right not to walk hand in hand with the nations break in pieces condone what the government have going on that contradict the word of god that's right when god said a man he don't have democrats and republicans in the political church running for office no voting booths is not in the church that's right because the word of god said for with thee will i break in pieces the nation the nation the nations when trump was running for office and hillary was running the democrats and republicans came down to the church passage energy got a nice campus here thank the lord flattery don't get you nowhere no you got plenty of room for voting booths first the republican party came i think jennifer we would like to rent your space for voting booths i said not here that's right not here that's right we are ready to invoke jesus won he won long time ago he had a trump a fly of trump he said oh i guess you're not a republican i'm not a republican or democrat [Music] i ran him off the property then it wasn't full on republicans came i didn't even give him a chance to finish his statement he said do you mind i say yes and no yes i'm mine and no we don't want your boobs here that's right democracy of the devil and souls republicans that's right i might say well the democrats justify uh abortion and same-sex marriage so through some of you republicans yeah the republicans claim your christians and many of you nothing but a bunch of bigots that's right are you listening that's right i'm not a republican i'm not a democrat and i'm not an american and got sense enough to know it amen i want to say you're not an american no oh no i'm not an american i don't see no american dream all i see is an american nightmare that's right are you getting what i'm telling you amen i believe in holiness holiness [Applause] holiness is the intelligence of god the thoughts of god the understanding of god the knowledge of god that is in book form displayed by prophets and apostles to bring the lessons of god to the world to get all the human race in line with god commandments that's it wonderful just like the planets are in order to rotate around the sun yeah god word here to put us in order that's right or if they've got to rotate around his law now on my battle axe my battle axe that's why we preach so hard and you get cut amen and that's why some people run out of here with their hands up oh that man is crazy i can't take it no more that means they're bleeding that's right ah that's right over there god they need to run through the false church run to bishop and bishops try to banish them and give him some cotton swab watered down then try to patch up the head amen and then the men under the sun can fix what gotham broke amen with thee with thee will i break in pieces the nation well i break in pieces the nation the nations amen look at how god used the preacher this is what i'm telling all viewers and all listeners look at the preachers of the world and then look at the scriptures and compare them that's right did you hear what i'm telling you that's right look at the preachers of the world and then look at the prophets look at jesus and look at the apostles and compare them that's right let's add just as different today than it was yesterday oh yeah the fear of god was among the preachers and god's people yesterday the faith of god today have been replaced by the love of money that's right the love for fame the love for notoriety that's right the prophets and the apostles wasn't looking at nobody feelings when they preached no no today they look at your feelings they are afraid to offend you when you are good uh contributor yeah when you are a good tide giver now big offering giver that's right preacher won't say nothing no you're gonna be a transvestite as long as you're writing that check he'll overpass the deeds of the wicked that's right he won't preach against none of you are wrong that's right you can be drunk and be a deacon yeah you can be a lesbian and be on the choir that's right you can be a prostitute and play the organ that's true long as you bring in that money they are waxing fat can you hear what i'm telling you in jeremiah 5 and verse 28 jeremiah 5 28 said they are waxing fat they are increasing they are waxing [Music] or they ignore the deeds of the wicked the deeds of the wicked they judge not the call and if you look at the tv evangelists and the social media preachers who's crying out against the sins of the world amen you can't find a mega preacher in the world speaking against the chaos of the world no he got his bentley he got his rolls royce that's right he got his jet that he got from the church that's right he got his mansion that the church boredom that's right that's right so he felt as though he ain't got no reason to spoil what he already have amen amen already god so god come back a preacher amen and make him give you a close shave that's right not with a razor battle axe but the bleed of a battle act now what about battle axe battle amen amen so we can come between you and your second wife that's right we need something shocked sure that's right they come between you because she's emotionally tied to him go ahead man he's emotionally tied to her and it takes god to bring pain you know you know you know to train a puppy when you train a puppy a pup is not obedient right away that's right you have to train it and bring pain to it that's right so you tell that puppy sit puppy don't sit put a master make it a roll of paper yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] that's right so then the puppy began to identify the sound of sit and the pain that's right that's right and uh the puppy starts sitting yeah we are like animals that's right untamed unruly yeah barbaric that's right stubborn yeah self-will oh yeah and the only time we go to god is when we want something that's right that's right get sick begged god for something make a bunch of lying promises lord if you get me off the hospital this time i serve you not even out the hospital yet just start feeling better that's true lord i know i said i serve you but it's all if you deliver me this time i'll do right is that brown paper bag i remember what i said lord yeah some of you here now say you're christians yeah and you're nothing but liquor drinkers that's right cigarette suckers club dancers yes party goers and you hide in some hypocrite and no good club called the baptist church amen am i right that's right and you and your church members go to the same party do the same dances with the deacon and the jerry carroll head cigarette sucking pipe smoking reverend that's right that's right and you know why you keep going to your church because you know you're evil your sin your wickedness will not be spoken out again that's right that's right god saw you that's right and the devil know you god spoke i believe in the book of joshua to the devil bring me your report joshua chapter 22 i want you to follow me in the bible you that are listening here here yeah amen here's this warning now joshua chapter 22 we'll start at verse 46. folk come watch me because they never saw the person and some in person they see on television right i was in piccadilly's and it's a group of policemen came in pastor jennings i said how are you he said we watch it we watch you we watch it we don't miss you wonderful uh-huh i said all right thank god for you i don't care if you got 28 guns on your hip and a badge big at this table amen you got to repent of your sins and go down in water in the name of jesus christ or that badge and that gun will not get you into the kingdom that's right how many here is making plans for death you got your insurance policy you wrote a will but you haven't yet obeyed god so therefore you're not ready to die that's right let me let me educate you the most scariest predicament to be in life is to die a sinner that's right someone said i go to church every sunday so deroses i'm up there now fighting to fly how many keep coming around bothering me and troubling me he's coming around here hey man because you go to church on sunday i don't move that don't prove nothing no don't you know folks go to church at a routine on saturday and sunday and all through the week yeah god want obedience here that's it god said if you love me you'll keep my commandments my commandments what did god command he command all men everywhere to repent to repent i want you to notice the conversation that we are about to read just between the devil and god that's right follow me joshua chapter 22 we'll start at verse 46 chapter and verse again the book of joshua the 22nd chapter we're at the 46th verse all right and the day arrived when the sons of god came and placed themselves before the lord yes and satan also came with the sons of god before the lord and the lord said unto satan what's come is thou devil where you coming from and satan answered the lord whenever anything is of god guarantee the devil's around the two that's right and the reason why the devil will come around it they try to discourage you from walking with it that's right i know the preachers here in jackson mississippi tell they members don't you go see that geno jennings don't go see that gino jennings i was in one uh city and the telecast was so popular until i when it was announced i was coming in town it was in the newspaper the word got back to me how preachers start calling each other around town to have a big service on saturday to try to keep any of the members really ain't got confidence in what you have no amen this thing is of god and nobody can stop it that's right amen i want you to realize viewers and listener your pastor is playing with your soul oh yes amen when you die and he wrote you in the church and give you some fake homegoing service amen where you going when your eternal home going to be yeah you think you're going to heaven you died with your second wife's second husband and some old jerry carroll head reverend gonna get up and tell you i saw your mother [Music] up there with jesus that's right i see your father yeah over there with jesus i see us there [Applause] over there with jesus let the church say yes [Applause] and you falling out like a bunch of heathens that's right you doubt without god you're going to hell that's right that's right you're not a christian you're a cigarette sucker beard guzzler living together not married going to the club partying amen you're not a christian that's right okay if you go to church and set up a tent and the boy scouts help you set up the tent and you spend the night in the church that's right you gonna come back the bible and do it like the bible said or die a sinner and lift up your eyes and the burning hell that's right that's right are you listening joshua chapter 22 and verse 47. hear this now i want you to hear this warning and the lord said i'm just satan what's going on don't leave your churches in mississippi stop wasting your time going to these fake churches yeah they're nothing but a bunch of feet whooping and hollering loud mouth hypocrite that pose as preachers in church going that's right all right and the lord said unto satan which comes thou and satan answered the lord yes and said from going to and fro in the earth i'm going in there and from walking up and down in it i'm walking up and down in it and the lord said to satan what is thy word satan what is your word to me concerning all the children of the world to me concerning all the children of the earth now notice the lord asked the devil tell me what's going on with all the children all the children of the air and satan answered the lord but notice the answer that the devil gave him and satan answered the lord and said i have seen all the children of the earth who serve thee wait a minute the lord they asked him just report about them that served him what is that i want the report of everybody in the world all the children of the earth but the devil narrowed his report down i have seen all the children of the earth who served this oh i look at the ones that have been serving you lord and remember thee and they listen listen closely they remember you when they require anything from them when they want something and we hold it amen only when he wants that's right and when you bless them they turn their back on you they go back gambling go back party go back smoking they pray lord bring me to the knowledge of the truth lord i want to be saved lord i want to be right lord i'm getting older and then next thing you know they flipping across the television and here's this hardcore hanging and banging message come on amen and they say that's what i've been looking for but then they find out they got a lot to give up to walk with god that's true and they don't want to give up that second wife that's right they don't want to give up that second husband he don't want to give up that bar you mean she don't want to give up that liquor they don't want to give up living together not married because she living off of them that's right and she don't have a job of her own living off the income while they shack up yeah mama's shacking up with her boyfriend daughter shacking up with her boyfriend that's right are you listening to the old troublemaker that's right listen and the lord said to satan what is that word to me concerning all the truths and everybody in the earth and satan answered the lord and said i have seen all the children of the earth who serve thee i've seen the ones that have you and remember thee when they require they remember you when you when they want something and when thou give us them the thing which is why you give them what they want they sit at their ease they sit back and forsake thee and they leave you and they remember thee no more and they forget all about you that's that's right that's right amen there are many men now with large buildings yeah but when they had a small what is called storefront church some of them are strict that's right some of them help bible policies that's right some of them help firm standards amen until the offering plates turn to trash cans that's right and then the little storefront church got as big as a supermarket yeah now every old piece of trash is allowed in church that's right now church dating services yeah church lottery games oh yeah search comedians amen that's something now they dropped the name church and put center that's right love sinner loves him the name the word trump is too aggressive for him want to make it more down there more passive sinner love sinner yeah the will of god and the purpose of god is not that any man perish but all come to repentance that's right but because the devil sent men in abundance oh yeah and the people been brainwashed to believe that trash is good food that's right did you hear what i just said that's right imagine you've been so brainwashed that you believe vomit comets is good eating that's right that's right in the book of isaiah chapter 28 i'm gonna get bible for this isaiah chapter 28 and that verse eight isaiah chapter 28 and begin at verse seven but they also have everything yeah all right through wine okay let's chapter and verse again isaiah chapter 28 and we're starting adversity at the table and somebody vomit throw up and you get a big tablespoon scoop it up and slurp it or get a straw and suck it up my lord how many of you will do that raise your hand oh i got a group of intelligent people in here mm-hmm amen all right here give chapter isaiah 28 we'll start at verse 7. listen but they also have aired through wine and through strong drink are out of the way what is it the priest and the prophet have ever drink and the messages have ever through strong dreams oh wow wow what happened to them when they got that strong drink they are swallowed up of wine you shouldn't have a bishop in the a.a that's right drunken so-called reverend drunken priests drunken apostle drunken elder drunken past that drunken deacon they are swallowed up with one an alcoholic pastor that's right up there hoping and hollering and sweating so bad he smelled like an entire state store amen he's your pastor amen i want to take my time and soak you a little they are swallowed up with wine they are swallowed up a lie they are out of the way they are out of the way meaningless god will through strong they are envisioned they can't see right they stumble in judgment and they can judge right for all tables amen uh-oh all tables all tables are full of vomit vomit and filthiness and filthiness so that there is no place clean i told you we got bible for this that's right now when it says all tables let me give you a broader understanding the table is where you go eat that's right where you go to dine when it says all tables that represent all churches that's right because the churches is a place where you go gets their food that's right but instead of giving you food from heaven the preacher give you the lies that he threw up he worked the bible college and got a bunch of educated lies in his gut and he throw that trash up which is nothing but unscriptural hellish man-made vomit under the pretense of religion that's right because you are ignorant to the bible you cannot tell the difference between stomach and god's food that's right that's right hallelujah are you getting happy and jumping and shouting all the what [Music] that's right that's right playing the organ behind the preacher while he throw up spewing vomit vomit the whole pulpit standing behind the false prophet boosting him on that's right and all he's doing is throwing up vomit that's right when you condone woman preaches that's a lump of vomit when you justify divorce and remarry that's a vomit relationship that's right because you're bringing up a lie you believe for all tables methodist vomit presbyterian vomit now the nomination of vomit pentecostal vomit seventy aventis vomit five percentage vomit mormon vomit apostolic vomit now all this vomit gotta help that food didn't come listen i recognize god food yeah because i go to the supermarket of the scriptures and i see it on the menu that's right that's right hallelujah if your religion came from god you shall be able to read it in your bible go ahead go ahead sound it off brother [Music] the reason why you can't find it in the bible because they didn't come from god that's right hallelujah everything that god wants us to know he got it in his word that's right everything that god want us to obey he got it in the word that's right every manner that god want us to live he got it in the word that's right everything he want us to stop doing he got it in the word that's right every way of how to live holy he got it in the word everything he want preached he got it in the word that's right and if he got it in the word i don't need a seminary school no no no he said preach the word preach the word not preach what you got from a no-good university no he said preach the word preach the word so then when you go by a church and see the church sign free will baptist church reverend dr cunningham phd lld he letting you know he went to cemetery school and now he's an educated false prophet that's it that's right anyway you hit sitting here now bragging about some mississippi false prophet that's your pastor because he got a dd yeah do you know what dd stands for in the bible in the bible do you know what d d stand for it don't stand for doctrine of divinity in the bible not in the bible give me isaiah 56 chapter 56 and verse 10. isaiah 56 and verse 10 that way when you go back to your church now you know what you really got in the pulpit that's right follow me in your bible isaiah 56 and verse 10. i want to show you what dd representing the bible his word don't represent don't represent doctor no divinity oh no that ain't god eyes no no listen at the old troublemaker now get this isaiah 56 and verse 10 his watchmen are blind all right now the first thing that god does is show you the state of being that's right of the preacher that's right and tell you his position and it tells you why he can't perform in his position his watchmen are blind watchmen let you know his position that's right blind let you know what state of being he's in while he hold a position that's right watchmen leader blind blind leader that's right thing don't only mean he can't see naturally but it also means he can't see spiritually that's right blind is not just blind in the eye but he's also blind in the mind because he cannot understand or comprehend the scriptures of god that's right are you getting what i'm telling you his watchmen are blind that's why he tell you there's a trinity yeah three in heaven amen he's blind to deuteronomy 6 4. that's right that plainly are you getting what i'm telling you his watchman of blood the preacher the bishop the so-called apostle the half pint prophet and the two inch elder that's right it's blind all right they are all ignorant what they are all ignorant no he's educated ignorant they are all ignorant how much how much how much how much how much they are all ignorant oh what else they are dumb dogs what do dd stand for dumb dogs what do dd stand for dumb dogs what do dd stand for dumb dogs all you dumb dogs that are watching that's you that's right they are all dumb dogs how much they are all dumb dogs oh how messed up are they [Music] god word that's right thank god when someone put out on the house beware dog yes thank god when you jump that fence that dog job is to come over and start barking letting the master know intruder that's right i'm coming to get you that's right what good is having a sign beware of dog that old dumb full-legging thing come lick you amen amen i never saw a mute dog a mute dog no before the bark any jesse you're going looking like uh look at you like a silent movie that's right look at what if god describes the so-called apostles of the day the prophets of the day the pastors of the day the bishops of today the elders of the day the only time they bought is when they want money that's it [Music] that's right the holy watcher they're all dumb dogs the watchmen his watchmen are blood they are all that's it that's right that's right they're all dumb dogs what else they cannot bark they cannot explain the scriptures that's right that's right they're what they're all dumb dogs they cannot bark they can't teach america they're all dumb dogs they cannot book they can't interpret the book they are all right now they are all dumb dogs they cannot borrow they cannot rightly divide the word of truth that's right what else they're all dumb dogs they cannot believe they can't make all men see within the fellowship of the mystery they are all dumb dogs they cannot explain the bible at all they cannot bark amen god have a preacher he's a barking preacher that's right that's right your pastor is not a barking preacher he licks the devil amen he's pit by the devil oh yeah he in love with the devil that's right that's right he's running hand-in-hand with the devil yeah that's why every foul and godly thing that's in the world today the preachers are hush hush that's right that's right scared of getting sued that's right scared of getting threats so same-sex marriages go on in your church oh yeah rainbow flags is all in your chats that's right that's right dumb dog they are all dumb dogs president biden he's a dumb dog amen i said biting is a dumb dog dumb dog go ahead anytime you ain't got sense enough to know that two men can't marry you a dumb dog that's right that's right any time you got you don't have sex enough to know god damn purpose for two women to get married yeah you're a dumb dog it's a dumb dog they're all dumb dogs amen order in the church that's right that's right they are all dumb dogs they cannot bark you get a preacher stand up in your church and tell you that god got a miracle with your name on it with a blessing plan you got a dumb dog that's right you've been lied to that's right well you in a church in the preacher teach you grout and touch things and claiming you got a dumb dog amen are you listening to what i'm telling you his watchmen are blind the bible have never taught this vomit no it's vomit [Music] and touch and claim it no you are vomit lovers vomit that's right when you go out and do it you slurp the vomit that's right when you go out and do it you are eating the vomit all the tables are full of vomit your chest just flooded with vomit full of vomit and openness fall out full of it that's right the devil doesn't put on rotten doctrine in the belly of the false prophet and he throw it up and the members are like swine they're like halls licking up all that dirty rotten vomit that comes in the form of teaching that's right looking it up when you say amen to a lie you're a vomit lover that's right when you're jumping shouting off a lie you're just wallowing in the vomit that's right when you're in your seat just shaking oh a lie you're just walling and vomiting like a pig in mud that's right hallelujah be the great god of april all tables are full of them and filthiness so that they are follow what vomit and filthiness and dirty so that there is no place clean there's what no place clean no place there is no place [Applause] so that there is no place clean no place no place clean when the pulpit is dirty it goes over there where the musicians are that's right it goes where the ushers are that's right it covers the deacon staff it covers the ministerial staff that's right because the word of god is talking here so that there is no place clever place no place clean no place no please hallelujah hallelujah that's why god's in the preacher to clean up the valley that's right clean it up that's right got that vomit all over your mouth come wipe your mouth off that's right get assistant pastors and women bishops and women elders that's vomiting that exists in the history of the bible that's right that's right all tables all of it are full of vomit and filthiness dirty church dirty churches you're a member of our dirty church that's right and when you believe it you are dirty bishop that's right what dirty apostle you are dirty elder you are dirty minister that's right that goes for you up here that's right that's right if you've got women preachers you are dirty you are dirty guests amen there's a vomit slurp leather that's right that's right you don't have an icy you got a cup full of vomit vomit with a nice wide straw oh my god oh my god don't get clogged up that's why when that woman preached grown men out there god bless you mother yeah timmy just like her god bless you hallelujah that's right hallelujah that's right brother go ahead man go here [Applause] well you don't like this preaching you're a vomit lover that's right that's right that goes for your mama that's right your daddy your grandmother amen your son go ahead your daughter oh [Applause] that's right if they're not holy hallelujah you are buried that's right if you're not holy you're a daughter amen one of god speak plain blessed yes and holy holy is he how in the world did we get so messed up we cannot tell the difference that's right between vomit and the food from heaven that's right they don't even smell the same no but the religious world have eaten vomit eaten it in the churches that's right so long they have gotten used to the stench that's right they have gotten used to the taste that's right that's right they want the truth of the gospel that's right don't want it that's right they eat up the sin of my people you hear this in the book of hosea chapter four and at verse eight give captain verse again in the book of hosea fourth chapter and eighth verse oh this is out of my so good here they eat up the sin of my people and they set their heart on their iniquity they eat up they eat up the sin of my people and they set their heart on their iniquities and they shall be like people wait a minute amen not just the peoples like this that's right but there shall be like people like the congregation like priests it's just like the preacher give chapter and verse hosea chapter four and that was at verse nine they just like whatever way the people are that's right just like and there shall be like people like people like priests look at him amen that's why we preaching so hard come out of your churches don't you think it's about time for you to make a change by now that's right you've been walking around claiming you're saved with a vomic salvation that's right bow your head and raise your hand accept christ as your personal savior that ain't never been in the bible no that's farming salvation that's right that's right amen preacher said anybody want a church home and become a member of free will baptist church stand up and i give you a home and they stand up and come on up while the choir is saying and for you i'm praying for you i'm praying that's right and the preacher come hold your hand and you repeat some sinners prayer lord jesus i'm a sinner watch me cleanse me why that snow and after you've done you said lord come into my heart the preacher said you're saved my friend you no more say it than that duck can get drunk and lay triangle eggs that's right that's right you've got a vomit religion vomit you're getting older now oh yeah you got pains you never had before oh yeah and you out here still living like the devil that's right you women still out here your shorts half naked amen about hair you men out here half naked don't want god don't care about god parents hanging down showing your behind like you're a male hooker that's right you young new young middle-aged old women want to wear mini skirts hot pants because you go through these fake churches that say god ain't looking at your outfit you're looking at your heart god wants your whole body that's right inside and out that's right that's right i don't blame you when you don't know i blame your pastor amen there's many things that's in the bible the preachers know but he's scared to preach it because you're paying them and he won't preach it because he want to keep getting that check i don't care if he was making a billion dollars a day and you gave the church 20 million dollars an hour i'm going to tell you what the word of god said if you fill this house with silver and gold i cannot go beyond the word of the lord to do more or to do less that's right that's right come on back to the bible yeah come on man amen are you listening to the old man that's right the word of god says what back in isaiah 28 and verse 8 listen at this for all tables are full of vulnerable you see that's what god make the battle axe for yeah cut you up cut you up hey man you need to throw up that rotten teaching get it out your system that's right that's why god make me a hard rough tough detox preacher oh yes get the lies out of your mouth what did he tell jeremiah go back to where you were back in jeremiah 51 and verse 20. nothing good not my battle acts and weapons of war i want to show you the way god's picture is supposed to be now what my battle like these things out here today running hand in hand and everything every old false prophet running revivals here here why in the world hear the bibles against women preachers so why in the world will i have a man running a revival in a church who believe in women preachers and yet i say i don't that's right i'm strengthening the hands of evildoers that's right that's right amen i believe what's written oh yes did you hear what he said that wasn't my battle axe got three guards and ain't running a revival in a one guard man's church you're not a preacher you're not fit to preach no that's right you're not fit to preach to nobody no the bible says happy is the man that condemneth not himself in that thing in which you're allowed you believe in one god and you let a trinitarian come in there running revival in the church talking about three and ones hey what amen anytime a person got more than one personality he's schizophrenic that's right and if a human being got more than one personality he's schizophrenic why are you trying to make god like a human family that's right amen by the way he never said the word trinity is not even in the bible no it's not that never came from god that vomit came from europe from rome italy that's right it's from constantine yeah and the rest of the european devils amen and we come along with the bible clean up the vomit that's right amen that's right hey man when i was blind i had vomit in me too all of us who came to walk with the truth came out of some form of vomit yeah amen oh yes and truly walk with the truth god got to get all the violent god up hallelujah and i can say thank god he got all the vomit out of me i don't have no vomit in me whatsoever that's wonderful i mean i can stand for my one god with all good solid meat that's right amen that's right how the drop of vomit is in me at all at all when i preach there's one god i don't care who challenge it i take my one guard and knock over everything on the design that's right i don't i don't need a bunch of guards to fight for me no my one can handle creation that's right yeah that's right amen my one can handle creation i'll need a bunch of gods no amen amen what did he say i want my battle and i want to show you how god makes a preacher amen and then look at what the bible said and look at that little timid phantom weight thing you got who don't preach against nothing that's right that's right all he do is preach about his songs amazing grace how sweet the sound the sage i saw he preached songs once he done with that song glory glory hallelujah song that's right we go to the next song this little light of mine and you think he's preaching that and hypocrite ain't doing nothing but reciting songs that's it that's right hallelujah a lot of us don't know what preaching is because we've never been taught what preaching is jesus said the spirit of the lord god is upon me yeah have anonymity to preach the gospel that's right it takes an anointing to preach the gospel oh yes your anointed by god to preach the gospel you are a bible interpreter you analyze the letter and then god gave you the spirit to open up the letter thank god to take the letter apart and show people their transgression in the house and jacob their sins that's right and then able to put [ __ ] on the right path by god's permission yeah i already made now on my battle axe and weapons of war and no one get hit with a axe feel good after no oh no i'm an axe slinging preacher amen where the act the axemen that's right yeah that's right not x-men to accidents x-men that's right hurled acts at people oh yes amen they trying to get away already god but this axe go around the corner that's right that's right they try to run from it we throw the scripture they try to dash through the door when they look the axe right behind me that's right you grab that second wife and try to run the axe hit her right hit her right in the back ah that's right honey i can't save you what the word got you that's right oh god this is so wonderful hallelujah i'm knocked the cigarettes out of your mouth yeah they don't just cut it and knock it out that's right hallelujah hallelujah hit your eyes and tell you to have a single eye that's right that's right amen hit your mouth until you don't be hasty to utter anything before the lord yeah the acts of the word hit your hands until you touch not handle not come hit your feet and tell you you can't go anywhere you want to go until it says don't be quick to run in the mischief that's right amen but the preachers are afraid to sling their ass because they're getting paid good yeah and then but uh you better sling it now that's right before the great act comes that's right yes that's right well when god come brother ain't no one can sling it like him no no do you hear that my battle axe listen at this that with my battle and weapons of war for with thee will i break in pieces of the nations i'm gonna use the preacher to break the nations and with thee will i destroy him i'm going to use the preacher to destroy kingdoms and with thee will i break in pieces of the horse and his riders the preacher to destroy the horse and his right and the rider in other words today it'll be your car and the one that's driving it that's right you get your car unlawful the preacher's gonna break your car up and break the one that got it unlawful that's right you're enjoying it now but when the word of god come and gonna break it all out and with thee will i break in pieces the chariot they're gonna bring the tear up the chariot and his run is right with the also will i break in pieces man man and woman that's why i don't care who you are that's right woman i don't care if you're built so good someone can take a hot wheels car and roll it on you my lord when i came up we played with the hot wheels hot wheels little racing track that's right brother i don't care if you got so much money until you your bed is made out of it god told me to do whatever with thee also will i break in pieces man and woman some years ago a man came to the old headquarters on frankfort avenue and they came to my office and said i just wanted to speak to you before i gradually leave you see i just want you to know that i gave a hundred dollars in your offering today i'll say thank you okay i was done amen he said did you hear what i said i said yes he said i put a hundred dollars in your offer i said i said thank you he said i don't think you heard me pastor jennifer i said fella what more do you want me to say you put a hundred dollars in an offering i thank you i wouldn't care if you put a billion dollars in the office [ __ ] you came in the world [ __ ] you shall return that's right i am one preacher that is not moved by a dollar no i want everybody to understand you came here without a dime that's right you going out the same way someone said i don't believe it i don't care what you don't believe you may not believe the sun is shining and it's hot down here in jackson yo unbelief don't stop the humidity or the heat no your unbelief don't change nothing in the word of god that's right listen with me also will i break in pieces man and woman that mean the preacher got to get his wife if need be yeah and get his children if need be that's right anytime a preacher can't condemn his wife and contend his children when they're wrong but always want to reprimand people in the church you got a church that got favoritism get out of that that's right that's right in other words if the preacher wife do something wrong openly then she should be chastised openly openly and if he can't chastise her openly for her open wrong then he's not in condition or in position to chastise you openly that's right in other words he got to be closer to god than he is to his family that's right ah that's right did you hear this with me also will i break in pieces man and woman breaking pieces man and woman and with people i break in pieces oh and young all right grandma and grandpa i'm getting you dude that's right i don't care how old you are here you is in your 70s and 80s with an ankle chain on yeah that's right cutting down your blood circulation old as you are supposed to be a preacher with all these finger rings on and wearing bands and bracelets around your arm wife got all these fake fingernails supposed to be holy and sanctified toenails painted fingernails painted pink eyelashes walgreen hair and cvs hair that's right i brow silver in your hair as indian black amen what's wrong with the way god made you why is grandma with along with got indian hair grandma what long hair you have that's right why would you do that that's right what's wrong with the way god made you yeah when i came up we was we were told to respect the greyhead amen amen preachers die in their hair preachers dying their beard preachers dying they mustache that's right patients preachers who you trying to impress amen the worms still going to get you when you get in the ground that's right who you trying to impress that's right you should be old and living for god trying to get close to god but you're so full of pride and full of the devil you go to the wig store and ask the asian wig owner how does this wig look and she said very good very good very good very good very good very good look very good very good wig real material high material good wig and she said go to that mirror and you go there go ahead man i'm out feeling young and full of hell that's right that's 75 years old and come out with a wig and now you want to dig somebody 18. um your food that's slow of hot that's right how did you fall in love with vomit this bad it's bad how did you get so brainwashed to believe that a preacher can tell you it doesn't matter what you do that's right if it don't matter what you do what good is even having tracks that's right think of it you can't even stay employed at a company and do anything you want no without being fired that's right so if that's the rule of a company what dumb preacher can manipulate you and believe in you can do anything you want in church that's right and it doesn't matter that's right amen amen even companies got standards companies got rude that's right you don't know bob that's right but we've been sitting at the table with vomit so long yes just enjoying it serpent is a bunch of noises [Music] that's right repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of jesus christ that's it you've never done that you ain't never been saved no let the lord flee with the holy ghost hallelujah speaking another tongue spirit at the spirit of god give others just like they obtained on the day of pentecost that's right that's how you're born again if you ain't gutted like that you don't have it yes anybody bow their head and raise their hands you ain't never been saved since you walked on the planet that's right pray to sinners prayer you ain't saved no you've been baptized father son the holy ghost you ain't baptized that's right join the church you're not safe that's right you've been lied to all of that is vomit from it and you drank it and licked it and sucked it and slurped it and dancing and slipped into that shout in it prayed in it that's right that's right i am listening to the old man all tables of come on back the bible or sit still and get ready to go to hell that's right you know when i came up the old preachers preach hell that's right these old demons don't preach hell now oh no no all they preach is prosperity yeah joel osteen you do good if you even mention the word devil amen you do good if he mentioned the word that's right these men are not sent to give you the acts no they are givers of vomit that's right these mega preachers they are vomit lovers that's right god preachers are axe swingers man mm-hmm now my battle axe battle axe and weapons is wait a minute i'm gonna get the young man that's right the young man and i'm gonna get the maid the young woman i'm gonna get you too that's right i don't care how young and spunky you are i'mma get you that's right that that young man no you can't walk around a whole new outside with shorts on yeah half naked oh yeah you can't be out here with a girlfriend spending the night at her house and didn't want to come to church running around with your hands behind your back like you in a marathon that's right that's right get me and with people i break in pieces the young man and the maid that's the job of the preacher he come along and break up everything that goes out of everything no way you do good if you find five men that sling the axe that's right that's right five minutes that's right do you hear this and with thee will i break in pieces the young man and the maid kill the young man kill the maid i will also break in pieces with thee the shepherd the shepherd and his flock i got the pastor in the churches i told you that's right amen that's what make me talk about all these religions in the world they're being pastors by somebody so why should i stand by and let the preachers keep robbing you and keep lying and tell you and got this old lion the lord spoke to me and said there's 10 million dollars in the house and the lord said whoever give this 10 million dollars you would get it back one million fold one million fold and all you got was harper that's why the preacher's head mississippi don't like pastor jennings no we come put them out of business and now they got to get a job and go to work that's right don't you give these false prophets another dime that goes for if i got any preachers out there in the congregation that fit the description amen if you're not an axelinger you're a phantom weight preacher that's right pocket knife preacher that's right take a little pocket knife from out of the crackerjack box homosexual don't take you seriously that's right take a little pocket knife it's homosexual you take it from me hey that's cute that's right oh look at here that's cute old testament new testament that's right i'm at just swinging that's right [Applause] that's right wonderful man if you try to duck hit you that way oh yeah they try to run forward at you that's right then when you hit the floor stand over here oh god [Applause] hallelujah wonderful brother we're not getting paid you're not scared to preach that word that's right that's right hallelujah poetic god glory to god glory to god living in the hallelujah days don't you see this in the last days and the church is playing more and more and more and new false prophets is coming up every day that's right [Music] you know what i find interesting one man said to me is that pathogenic out of all the freakings on social media when anyone yell about preachers they all yell about you black white brown yellow and they be yelling too because they don't like the fact so many people's turning to this that's right they can't stop a tsunami that's right and i mean they be speaking out out and making little podcasts while they're driving making little podcasters in the bathroom while they're on the toilet oh in the lord in the room my lord my lord amen and i don't even turn my back that's right when i look at this thing how god spoke to me over 47 years ago god spoke to pastor jennifer yes he did i'm able to say it and don't tremble what do you mean i'm not lying that's right the god of abraham spoke to me god did your lord your creator gave me the gospel told me the same thing he told the apostle paul that's right i have a period that's right every city every state every country never made a failure been pastoring 37 years amen and haven't failed that's right can't go in any state any town any village and god will bring more in one night that than repenting of their sins and got baptized in the name of jesus christ in all the years these men been preaching on earth that's right i'm not out here on my own no no no i was not korean i was made a minister that's right i didn't go to seminary school at all i never took a bible course since i fell from my mama's womb that's right i was made a preacher what i know i got from god that's right that's why i speak so loud and so bold and with such authority that agitates the devil that's right my authority come from god that's right and the people are turning black white yellow brown red one man gave a testimony and uh brother wayne was telling me the man was talking to him last night flew from california and the man never heard of me before in his life and he said he prayed yeah and asked god please show him the truth he wanted to walk in the truth man never heard of me in his life never saw me never heard my name but he prayed and uh he said my message popped up on his phone never heard of me since he been born that's right hallelujah there are hundreds of testimonies testimonies like that people never heard that's right praying i thank god for the truth and then god brought me to them that's right that's something brother imagine god bring somebody to you that's right not nobody introduce you to him god bring it amen amen i remember i was in uh california and a man gave me his testimony and said he was having a cookout and uh he hooked it had his cell phone up and had the speaker and he said he was about to put on some blues and when he programmed for blues music i came up he said he never heard of me amen and i certainly don't sing the blues amen he said i came up so he thought i was a blues musician and when he tapped it the word came through the speakers he said he forgot he was at the cookout and it was his cookout we went to california he came and went down in water wonderful in the name of jesus christ amen [Applause] when the california a sunni muslim was there on the front row that's right in his sunni muslim clothing that's right kufi y'all in the word of god preached he said he was a sunni muslim for years we actually want to be baptized he jumped up before anybody that's right went down in the water in the name of jesus christ after service he came and talked to me he said i've been waiting for over a year to go down in the water he said i'm a sunni muslim he said but god almighty brought you in my life and you start to rebuild me i said i didn't rebuild your god word rebellion he said well that's right pastor jennifer god worked a bit he come to walk with the truth we have a gospel we don't have to get a bunch of false prophets that have a fellowship service to make it look like a bunch of people no doing nothing no no everywhere we go the people are coming out of the woodworks that's right why god is in it that's right that's it you know beautiful that no god is in something i don't need nobody to come around and try to convince me no oh no we got the battle axe that's right and the holy ghost said i will also break in pieces we see the shepherd and his flow that got the churches in the pastor and with evil out breaking pieces to husband man and his joker box they ain't going to break up the farmer that that's right and with thee will i break it that's not only natural the spiritual truth that got the preacher again because the preacher practiced husbandry he plant scripture that's right and when he don't plant scripture right then we got to root up what he planted that's right root it up get it out get it out and then plant something right the bible says if those plants of my heavenly father have not planted shall be rooted up real quick and with people i break in pieces the husband man and his joker box and with people i break in pieces captains captain and ruler i don't care what and who else and rulers can be a president you can be a king you can be a queen you can be an ambassador you can be a emperor you can be a dictator that's right i want you to hear this human family every country that are watching today it doesn't matter your position it doesn't matter your status of wealth it doesn't matter of your status of poverty that god of heaven is going to judge the world in righteousness by that man christ jesus whom he hath ordained amen nobody gonna get away from it everybody got to accept the standard of wholeness the intelligence of god the thinking of god the character riches of god the way of god and you must obey that sin that's it what if god says what and with thee will i break in pieces captains and rulers i don't care what you stand ahead of the word of god going to break you too that's right i want my battle against my battle axe all right let's go to action 38 and close out now then peter said unto them repent all right mississippi mississippi you've been watching the telecast we come on every week here and you keep going to your false church some of you come in to visit get baptized then go back to your false church that's wasting time that's right you got to obey the word of god and then you're going to take your time and walk with the hardness of the word that's right come out of your false stretch and people get mad he keep telling people leave their churches gay no bible tell no about that given the book of correctness second corinthians chapter six and then verse 17. give chapter numbers again ii corinthians chapter 6 and verse 17. wherefore come out from among them and be separated saith the lord get me out of it that's right leave your church that's right save the lord and touch not the unclean thing just to unclean and i will receive and god said i'll have you but you've got to come out come back you want god to have you that's right 38 says this is how you're born again viewers and you that are here this is how you're born again this is how you get saved this is how you get bible right you got to get it like the bible have it and this is it then peter said unto them repent the apostles never told nobody about their head and raise their hand accept christ as their personal savior no the apocalypse have never said hold a preacher's hand and repeat some old pharmaceutical prayer the apostles have never said go to a catholic church and then let the preacher throw water on your baby's head amen none of that that's vomit vomit i don't care who you are now and i don't care if you claim you've been a christian 20 30 40 50 60 years if you don't have what he's reading you've never been saved since you've been born that's right listen acts 2 38 then peter said unto them repent repent and be baptized every one of you i'm on every one of you you got your mother your father your husband your wife your child your son your daughter your grandparents all the generations on the design every one of you in the name of jesus christ the name of jesus christ for what for the remission of sin that's how you get your sins washed away and what did he promise and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit is the promise for the promise is unto you do i answer your children and to all that is a as the lord our god shall call anybody here want to obey the word of god and get on god's side and once and for all get it right and be baptized in the name of jesus christ if you want it stand on your feet wonderful stand on your feet now come on stand on your feet if you want to get right you want to get on god's side stand on your feet you might as well the lord is coming hallelujah all of you that are standing go to the back all of you that are standing go to the back oh if they got all of you that are standing go to the back do you see how good this is do you see how good this is amen all of you that are fighting on social media ask your pastor how many baptized in ten years that's right otherwise in that you might if you can't beat it you might as well join it that's it all you preachers that are hollering no need to holler now you might as well humble yourself and be obedient like the puppy you are come on and be obedient that's it everybody got the line up with holiness in the world everybody got to do this everybody i didn't say some of you everybody everybody it ain't nobody gonna be saved that's not holy that's right nobody nobody i don't care what religion you profess if you're not holy you won't be saved all right give me the correct time quickly if you will 151 all right the evening session begin at five o'clock come on back amen for the final round and remember service go on in this building every week every week this is where our temporary location is right here services every week right here every sunday morning at uh 11 o'clock and every sunday evening at 4 30. you come on right here leave your church leave your church don't care about your position leave your church stop wasting time and get right service go on right here every sunday where you can hear the word of god and get yourself right with god come on back at five o'clock you know some folk go to church just once that morning they said i had enough you come on back that that evening that's right and get yourself right don't sit home and watch the lakers watch your famous ball game or take a break and go to some wawa 7-eleven and get a scratch off from mcdonald's that's that devil out of hell get on out of there and go to church you party long and you then you stay injection that's true i'm trying to get you right so you don't burn in hell that's right you better take advantage of this opportunity of your wives all right let us all stand brother minister martin will close us out in prayer all right david and father we come to you in the name of jesus christ i ask you lord god to hear our prayers lord we thank you for your mercy and your kindness towards us we thank you for this chance to be saved lord god we ask you purge us of all sins have mercy on us forgive us lord lord god give us a mind and a heart to run after you all the days of our life lord god be with us and keep us as we travel the road and while we're here lord god remember those lord god that are seeking for the holy ghost lord god that you've dropped your spirit upon them lord god those that got a mind and want to be saved lord god trouble their hearts prick their hearts so they turn to holiness and seek you out of a sincere heart in the name of jesus christ we pray amen
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 129,979
Rating: 4.8282146 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 27sec (5847 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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