First Church Truth of God Broadcast 1552-1553 July 4th, 2021 Sunday AM Headquarters Live Stream.

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throughout the entire world to all the minister and brethren uh that are scattered throughout the various countries we do always greet you in the name of the lord jesus and to the saints in the various countries as well as here in the united states uh we always are very very thankful for an occasion to be in the house of god for no other reason but to hear the word of god is that right and not just to hear it because we need to be doers of the same let us always be mindful my god that this the worldwide truth of god radio and television program is on the air for the edification of men and women everywhere its purpose is to open your eyes to the truth of god's word that you may get yourself ready for eternity is that right we're living in a time now which is uh as we all know there's a pandemic uh it has not wound down fully yet it's still here in the land and uh across the world and uh many people have died because of it is that right uh we're so glad that god has spared us to be here at this time uh the world has come along and the manufacturers have uh put together certain vaccines uh to try to combat this virus as plaguing mankind it's a pestilence and many people come up with different notions about what this vaccine represents and uh because of that some believe my god that it's actually the mark of the beast is that right we do have a guest here today uh minister dawa israel from the state of michigan who contends just that that the vaccine that has been distributed or the vaccines that have been distributed throughout the world are in essence my god the fulfillment of biblical scripture that be and it represents the mark of the beast we've invited him here today to state his position and so that he can be very uh well understood what he believes and at the same time to bring you the truth of what it actually represents is that right we believe and we all our teaching is based on scripture and on scripture only and today we're going to have a discussion between pastor jennings and minister dawa israel from the state of michigan on this very subject we're going to start off by uh having or allowing mr dawah israel to have 10 minutes to explain his position as to why he believes that the vaccines that are being distributed throughout the world are in essence the mark of the beast after that he stated his position about 10 minutes we certainly then will ask him and pastor jennings to come to the podium so there can be a fuller discussion the purpose being that everybody may be edified is that right and walk away from the discussion with a full understanding of what is the truth concerning the vaccines so at this time we're going to introduce to you minister dawa israel from the state of michigan [Applause] comes forward before mr israel comes forward we're going to ask pastor to introduce him all right greetings everybody we bear witness there is no god but one [Applause] bear witness there is no god besides him equal to him greater than him and i see that mr israel is not miked so i'ma ask you back there so there are no delays yes is he mike yes i am all right good so we want to make sure there are no delays when he and i occupy at the same time and dive into the book of goodness here i want to greet all of our beloved brothers and sisters that are listening and watching into you that are here before we get into the conversation i want to re-announce to all of my brothers and sisters and remind you that july 22nd through the 25th is our international holy convocation and uh every saturday and every sunday is normally our minister's council meeting this year our minister's meeting will only be on saturday at 10 o'clock sunday at 10 o'clock i want all the brothers and sisters the first church of our lord jesus christ to pay attention all brothers and sisters that have the cdl license and that have experience in dispatching as well as contract negotiating also that our diesel mechanics be here on the 25th which is that sunday morning at 10 o'clock there will be an important meeting for all of you in the minister's room of council remember all of you that have your cdls experience in dispatching also contract negotiating and that are diesel mechanics sunday morning at 10 o'clock on the 25th i want to meet with all of you uh so we can discuss business of importance all right but let me get those in the way and out the way and update you of those that were baptized in the name of jesus christ so far five in headquarters two in rocky mount one atlanta georgia two in detroit one in fingersburg virginia two in baltimore one in jackson mississippi three in north chicago five in sacramento one in orlando florida 16 and brock's new york 28 in dallas texas [Applause] now as brother dan the man stated i'm glad to have mr israel here from michigan and uh we're going to discuss this mark of the beast business whether the covet 19 vaccine is that the mark of the beast not is it leading up to it not is it part of it is it that are you listening so i want everybody to listen to mr israel clearly without any interruption without any disturbance let's listen at him clearly and patiently he will have 10 minutes because more than enough time to get his bible and get busy go to work and after that he and i will come up to the podium here and exchange dialogue based upon one thing god everlasting word brothers and sisters mr israel [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i give on unto the ancient of days written in daniel 7th chapter and verse 9. [Music] the father of creation on december 7th of 2020 i was in the hospital with what they call a cobra 19. now i had my doubts before that [Music] i had my doubts before i went to the hospital i felt like something i felt like the government had put something out here to uh sicken the masses and kill many of us off i feel like it is war i know pastor gino said that there's no war that comes through neither but today i'm going to show you that that's not true anyway when i was in the hospital i noticed some strange things i noticed that they said that the coronavirus was easily destroyed by lysol but there was no lysol in the stores where i lived it had been removed from all the shelves now if the government cares about you getting healthy why would they remove something that can kill the virus then in the hospital there was no no lights up and a sister came in to my room and she began to talk to me really down the earth and she said that the state had given all of the first responders five hundred dollars but the hospital staff the higher ups in the hospital decided to take the 500 i thought that was kind of peculiar because all over the television there was all this hoorah about the first responders and all over the internet they were making videos about the first responders and how we should love the first responders and show them respect and honor and all of this but in the hospital where people were sick and dying that wasn't happening so that began that continued my skepticism of the government and she told me also that they wouldn't allow them to have a bleach in the hospital and bleach is known to kill germs but every time they came in my room they had this whole body suit on and they told me i couldn't even sign a piece of paper because anything i signed was contaminated and i'm looking like this doesn't make any sense but anyway that's the narrative that they were given and on the 14th which is the day donald trump introduced his warp speed program and the first word in warp speed is war he introduced it with an army general a military general which really caught my attention well i don't know if it was a military army it made one of that one of the armed forces but it was a general letting us and this general was in charge of taking these covet 19 shots chemicals to various locations vaccine sites hospitals and things of that nature and i told the people i'm ready to get out of here i gotta i gotta get out of here today i don't wanna be nowhere around when they come with this so-called shot and uh before that though that was a guy that was used to work on he was in charge of the uh the uh oxygen machine that i was on and we were watching the news watching them come out with this so-called shots and listen to the general talk and he said man i know people that are doctors i know nurses good doctors and nurses that don't want any parts of this and i said that makes a lot of sense to me some people are smarter than others some people don't trust the government some people can see the devil moving within the government like the ancient prophets could see the devil moving into government a long time ago let's go to jeremiah chapter one [Applause] i started verse four then the word of yah came unto me saying before i formed you in the belly i knew you and before you came as for out of the womb i already sanctified you and i ordained your prophet unto the nations then said i i yah almighty behold i cannot speak for i am a child but the most high said unto me say not i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send you and wherefore or whatsoever i command you you should speak be not afraid of their faces for i am with you to deliver you sayeth the most high then the most high put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the ancient of days which is the most high said unto me behold i have put my words in your mouth see i have this day set you over the nations and over kingdoms to root out to pull down to destroy to throw down to build and then to plan so this is uh what i'm here to do rudolph wonderful throw down build and plant later back to what i said about warp speed and the general that was to let us know that the government was coming once again with biological and chemical warfare just like they place biological and clinical warfare on our ancestors that were called the native americans of this land i heard pastor gino say his father was a full buttered cherokee that's an honor my uh great grandmother on my mother's side was a full butter cherokee indian i never got a chance to meet her but i was told that she was a dark complected woman of beautiful skin and smooth skin and things of that nature and then my father told me that his great-grandmother was a full-blooded zulu from africa so i encompassed both of these energies both of these heritages and both of these cultures but what we have done is let's go to jeremiah the 17th chapter we have discontinued as a people from the heritage that was given to us by birth to join the denominations of pale faces and most of these gay they gave us these religions while we were in on plantations getting our backs beat out being castrated being raped the men were raped the women were raped the boys and the gals were raped and they were the people that was giving us jesus what a christian pale face slave masters that is a fact we knew nothing of a jesus before they gave it to us there was even no j in no alphabet nowhere in the world until 1489. and the man named peter galatians is the one who gave us the j and it came from the y then it became the i then they made a hook and gave you the to jail we all got hooked on jesus yeah they just hooked us right on in and we decided to leave our own culture and our own heritage we decided to leave the cherokee faith they either choctaw our heritage choctaw chickasaw washington all these great indian tribes and when they took us away from our land they gave us the name negros that's the name they put on all the natives of our land of this land that was our ancestors and they erased our history and removed us far from it and so then the european settlers from all different parts of the world came here and they gave us denominations now if you take the n and the m in denomination and switch them you get demon nations now why was the most high the ancient of days the father creation allowed something that he gave us to be so closely related to the word demon think about that you could just spell it out if you want to write it down on a piece of paper denominations it means demon nations your ten minutes is up you can stay up there you can stay up there okay i gave you ten minutes to state your case of why you believe that the covet uh vaccine was and is the mark of the beast i was waiting for you to go to the bible and prove your case and and you didn't do it i uh script as you read had nothing to do with the mark of the beast i agree with you 100 in reference to the wicked and the ungodly and the perverseness of the government of america how they have used chemicals all down through the years to destroy people of color and not just people of color just to destroy members of the human family at large during the vietnam war they dropped aging orange on their own military event so i agree with that 100 percent uh in reference to the native american the indian and other ethnic groups a lot of things you say you don't have no problems out of me with that this is where we differ the subject is not native american the subject is not chemical warfare the subject is covet 19 vaccine the mark of the beast according to the prophecy given in scripture and that's what we want to discuss all right now you must look at the event and then look at prophecy never look at the event first look at prophecy first are you familiar with the mark of the beast well in revelation 13 chapter yes yes you familiar with it yes i am all right so but so you say that the covet 19 vaccine is the mark of the beast yes i do it is are you sure now and this is why i stated donald trump came to our to the world okay with this warp speed program all right and he brought a general which is again letting us know that they're waging war that's what the military is using okay but let me ask you something yeah uh the covert the covet 19 vaccine certainly was already out in europe and other countries before america got a hold of it correct so donald trump did not start or was not the originator of the virus or rather of the vaccine in fact america was kind of late on distribution well he brought it to us he may brought it to us but it was already out was already been given out throughout europe and india and other countries so therefore the distribution of the vaccine was already in existence and america was far behind scheduled yes all right now let's strike this out with bible okay 13th chapter i want you to get your by i want you to follow me too yes because i want to get your input on this because because either what you said is correct or either what you said is wrong either you understand the 13th chapter book of revelation either you lack understanding either your interpretation is biblically correct or either your interpretation is biblically wrong is that agree 13th chapter of the book of revelation now being that you said that it is the mark of the beast which beast brought it the first one or the second one well i believe that if you're going to go back to bible as you all oh i have to do that you can't go no further than the so-called old testament because again well let me see the new testament was given to us by once again the slave master that's not true yes it is all right let me show you that it's not true give me the scripture all scriptures miss move quick yes let me let me let me certify this with bible because now you're giving your opinion your opinion doesn't mean anything i'm going to show you that all the scriptures are divinely inspired right and i'm going to show you old testament for an example and then i'm gonna show you new testament for fulfillment yes to show you that you're wrong when you finish that give the 22nd chapter of the book of psalms and then give me the book of matthew right i want to get jesus on the cross and before he got to the cross i want to get king david what he said before all right all right i want you to follow me now the book of second temperature you get your notebook because i'm gonna take you to school while you're here are you kidding me oh yeah all right now i want to show you that he's incorrect when he said the new testament came from the white man let's listen at this second timothy chapter 3 and that verse 16. turn williams up i want everything to him listen second timothy chapter 3 we're at verse 16. all right all scripture no just the old testament all scripture all scripture is given by inspiration of god and why do we have all the scripture and it's profitable for a doctor for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished onto all good words do you believe that did he read the truth or did he read a lie he read what's in the new testament is it the truth or is it a lie it's a lie so you don't believe that no i don't all right good i'm glad he's honest can i can i can can i say why oh yes tell me why yes tell me why a man named marcion i don't want that i don't want martial i want bible uh i don't want martial this is a biblical discussion israel okay well let me explain let me say it like this all right the spirit when the spirit of truth has come yes it said it will guide you into all truth right i agree okay i'm giving you a piece of truth that's not in there i don't want that i want scripture you agree to discuss scripture israel so let's come on second peter let's come back to the bible i don't want nobody else but the prophets okay jesus all the apostles okay i don't want nothing else okay well let me say it like yes sir in the new testament you got the four gospels which is supposedly to replace the five books of moses that's not true that's not true then you have a bunch of letters paul wrote most of those letters that is not true but keep going that is true no it's not brother no you're telling me that paul didn't write the letters paul didn't write letters he wrote psalms paul wrote most of the letters in the new testament all right now is that not true let me help you out no is that not true though no it's not oh no wow really really so why does it say why does it say that romans was written by paul romans chapter 16. all right hold it let me correct you i'm gonna show you that paul didn't even write the book of romans but then i'm gonna go back and show you that the new testament is correct let me educate you paul did not write the book of romans let me show you who wrote it and then we're gonna get the 20 second chapter book of psalms romans i'm gonna take you to school all right listen romans chapter 16 and verse 22. i tortillas who wrote this epistle who wrote disciples salute you in the lord salute you in the lord no paul did not write the book of romans the one that wrote the book of romans was a man named tertilius get chapter in verse again romans chapter 16 and verse 22. all right now give me the 20 second chapter book of psalms and then i want to get the new testament with jesus on a cross i'm going to debunk oh yes i'm going to debunk mr israel because he said the new testament was written by the white man because you're giving the white slave master too much credit israel yeah you're giving them too much credit don't do that to him don't do that i expect more than that out of you well let me ask you this yes did we have the new testament before the pale face came and gave it to us on the plantation uh yes no we did not yes we did i'm gonna prove it to you second people i'm gonna show you two no we did not all right this is your opinion that versus bite you can't even read their english that's all right we didn't have this before they gave listen let's go to bible i'm gonna give you a bible for everything i'm not gonna further nothing but but historical facts yes are true right not always historical facts i said historical facts are true right that depends how does it depe you know why what because it can be a fact to a man but not facts to god okay okay okay let me put him like this would you agree the reason why i said that doesn't that man says does not man say according to historical facts that we come from apes and you know we ain't come from norway so that's a historical fact to man that is not a historical fact to god okay now you say god right yes where's that word come from never mind where it comes from hold on no no no no no no no no no no no no no we're gonna say well one thing at a time you won't let me get nothing across oh you can get it across but let's stay with the subject first i'm going to debunk you that the new testament is wrong and we're going to get back to the mark of the beast because that's what you're here for the word god came from the germans that's very nice very nice that's very nice that the germans built the world wonderful all right very wonderful more if the germans came up with the word god uh thank god for the germany now let's strike this out with bible i want the 22nd chapter of the book of psalms and i want everything watching to hear me because he said the new testament came by white folk it ain't a white man on the planet that i will credit for the inspiration of scripture no way [Applause] are you listening all right now follow me in the bible psalms 22 read verse one listen at this my god my god why is thou forsaken i want you to follow me israel listen now listen listen john give give chapter i want you to follow me psalms chapter 22 and verse one and begin at verse one and anyone watching they can't say that i'm not giving you a chance to talk but we're gonna stick with the subject and as you begin to tell lies i'm just gonna debunk them for you because i want to help you oh yeah all right i'm not i'm not trying to show uh myself big or nothing i really want to help you all right right all right come on let's add psalms 22 and verse 1. listen at this my god my god why hast thou forsaken me why i got so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring would you agree that was a prophecy given yeah who was the prophet talking about well this says uh my book says the messianic prophecy so who was he talking about well i guess the messiah he's talking about the messiah who i believe again is a brother okay okay a brother fine it can't be no pale face okay but i i don't care what color this skin was but see that's foolishness no no no that's foolish let's come back let's come back the bible okay the bible i'm not getting the skin color i was trying to go there to prove it but i i don't i don't i don't want skincare i know you don't want it i don't want skin scholar we're going to deal with bible we're going to deal with bible and then after we straighten out the mark of the beast if you want to talk about skin color i can dive into that with you too but right now let us finish the subject on hand is that all right yes we'll do it your way all right now we're not going to do it my way we're going to do it the bible way oh okay so because you you came here to discuss bible the mark of the beast all right you said that's talking about the messianic talk about the coming of the messiah which i agree that's the old testament that prophecy that's given in the old testament is that a legitimate prophecy i believe so so it's true i believe so all right now it has to be fulfilled somewhere was it fulfilled in the old testament or was it fulfilled in the new well exodus 4 and 22 says israel is my son even my firstborn that's talking about us okay but we ain't talking about israel right now let's stick to the no i said you asked me where it said i said exodus 4 and 22 yes it says that uh i just said let me go to it yes you go here exodus 4 and verse 22. israel yeah you want to read it please exodus chapter 4 and verse 22 yeah and thou shalt say unto pharaoh thus saith the lord israel is my son even my firstborn right that's the messiah we are a messianic people and the european took that thought from us and gave us one individual that's not the case so jesus is not the messiah no he's not no not nowhere on the planet let's get the woman at the well yeah listen at the bible yeah no before hold it now before before before you read that before you read that i won't because i gotta i want to teach the viewers and him simultaneously now let's straighten out the 22nd chapter of the book of psalms of psalms he said that's talking about israel correct no i didn't say it the book said no it didn't yes it did psalms 22 and verse one let's read psalms again you didn't just read 22 and verse one are you serious yeah i'm very serious exodus 4 22 didn't say israel is my son yes it's that setting we ain't talking about that we're i agree with that but the 22nd chapter of the book of psalms that prophecy that's not about nobody different than the one in exodus 4 twenty two all right let's see that'll be a contradiction to the most just a minute let's see now let's read psalms psalms 22 and verse one listen my god they're talking about jesus yahushua or is it talking about israel right listen psalms 22 and verse 1. listen at the language of the scripture my god my god why hast thou forsaken me yes why i got so far from helping me and from the words of my roaring all right and let's see when was it fulfilled saint matthew chapter 27 and at verse 46. says what and about the ninth hour jesus christ jesus christ no israel cried jesus christ jesus cried with [Applause] [Music] that is to say that is to say my god my god my god my god why hast thou forsaken me did jesus fulfill it no that's that's a lie too i just told you to try to tell you but you don't want to hear so that's a lie too you don't want me to prove you don't want me to show what i got you don't want me i want you to show up i'm just asking you is that a lie to you it is a lie i just told you that all right so he said that new testament scripture is alive i want the hebrew israelites that are watching one of your brothers here who's calling the bible like i'm not calling the bible you got a very interesting representative i'm not calling the bible lying all right represent anybody i told you that sitting right there i'm independent you know that all right you independent but you still consider something hebrews you're like correct i told you where my foundation came from and i told you i moved from that to the old testament you can't go no further back the bible than the old testament where the creator didn't give us no new testament he didn't the pale faith gave all right that's your opinion all right let's go to the 13th chapter of the book of revelation let's start talking about this marketing beast business revelation chapter 13 we'll start at verse 1. all right now he says that the covet 19 vaccine is that's what it says the mark of the beast sure did so which beast brought it the first one or the second one well you want to deal with the beast of revelation you can't do it really until you unless you go to daniel the seventh chapter okay you can go to wherever you like that is the beginning of that prophecy now the new testament uh writers the the uh with the translators they gave uh what i believe should be given to daniel to some john the revelator what oh that sounds crazy i know because you never heard it before second peter chapter one no i know let them finish williams oh yeah that sounds very crazy because you probably never heard it like that before but as i keep trying to tell pastor jennings and you all because i'm not your enemy i didn't come all this way to be your enemy i've said and praised with you listen i wasn't ordained i was ordained as a bishop at 25. uh brother israel listen i'm not interested in that i don't care if he was all day in the bishop at three i want i want to deal with the mark of the beast that's right you said you know what's your way when anybody come up there to have a discussion with me i pinned them down with bible yeah i'll do it i'll be quiet israel all i want you to do is give bible chapter and the verse even if you want to go to that you'll be my guest you just told me to continue i want you to get started listen because you want to talk about where you was ordained we ain't here to hear that that's right all right what i was trying to do is let the audience know i'm no different than they are that's all i'm they're not interested how do you know we ain't are you interested now will you come on back the bible like i said come back tonight you can't go don't go ahead israel you want to go to daniel go to the book of daniel and certify at the vaccine no we'll stay in revelation 13. i'm actually you will go to revelation 13 all right let's go let's get into that and just show me okay let's get it just a minute which beast like i said which beast yeah okay let me say it like this yes in daniel the seventh chapter all them beasts are described one of the beasts is rome that's pale faces another beast is greece that's pale faces there's someone there at one point the the the roman beast uh was slain or something happened and he rose up again but these two basic these basic beasts were nations and of white folks now if you think i'm lying just do the research everybody everybody be quiet please daniel the seventh daniel the seventh chapter describe those beasts and if you go and look at the prophecies they were rome and greece so greece gave us the the new testament is written in greek period that's why i say it's already debunked uh mr israel will you please get the scripture that certified or justified there's nothing terrified there's nothing that the covet 19 virus is you jumping all over the place i'm asking you i'm staying at one spot i just want bible to prove that it is i just told you you didn't give it prophecies all right let me ask you a question then because being that you won't prove it because you can't okay did the scriptures did the scriptures prophesy that the mark of the beast will be given in our shoulder it didn't say as you said before you don't know where it's gonna be played you said that in one of your videos wait a minute wait a minute i never said that yes you did all right yes you did no all right you're lying then they keep saying that the bible did not say where would be placed i want everybody to follow me 13th chapter book of revelation revelation chapter 13 and now we're at verse 16. follow me in your bible israel follow me in your bible revelation chapter 13 and verse 16. listen and he calls us all both small and great you better go up to verse 12 at verse 12 and the exercise with all the power of the first i want to get all of it you better go up to verse 10 quickly revelation 13 and that verse 10. he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity yes he that killed us with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and faith of the saints yes and i beheld another beast another beast coming where out of the earth out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and what and they exercise with all the power of the first beasts before him yes and cause of the earth and them which dwell there in to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed right and they do with great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast all right saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast and then what which had the wound by a sword that did live now we're at verse 15. listen and he had power to give life to the image of the beast had power to give life to the image of the beast that the image of the beasts should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast verse 16. all right and he calls us all both small and great you know what rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand and their right hand or or in their forehead or in their forehead is the vaccine in your right hand or in your forehead or is it in your shoulder uh psalms the 91st chapter since you stuck on right hand and you can't get off that forehead is the mark of the beast i'm going to answer you answer me with the bible i'm just saying psalm 91 ain't that bible yes read it i'll show me where where's that psalm 91 because you stuck on the right hand thinking that's got to be literal when they don't all right just show me where the where the mark gonna be you're gonna get to it yes you do that yes sir you're a pretty cool guy thank you brother psalm 91 and verse 7 a thousand shall fall at the side and ten thousand at thy right hand is that literal i want the mark of the beast i don't want that is that i'm just showing i don't want that i know you don't i don't want that i know you don't want to hear that because the scripture you brought ain't got nothing to do with the subject that come on israel listen israel yeah yeah see which will be different we have issues here because i told you before the new testament was not given to us by i don't that's your own that's not ungodly perverted which i don't want that is a lie and i got the proof right here i don't i want scripture you don't want to hear well the vaccine is the mark of the beast let me just say it like this this say it anywhere you want long as you bring by it let me say it like this when you go to the clinic when you go to the doctor yes what do they do don't they put the little red uh a gun on the forehead and the right hand i don't want that i want the mark of the beast not the clinic that's right i want the market basically okay why do they put the mark why do they put it there they did they checking you for covet 19 correct i want the mark of the beast it didn't say the clinic gonna put it on there i didn't say it stay at the clinic i said when you go to the clinic you're talking about covert 19 this is in correlation sir yo i know you're smarter than that right this is in correlation yes when you go to the clinic or the doctor yes i don't va clinic wherever they take the little red light and put it on the forehead when they take your temperature and they yes and they put it right here destin correlation brother brother brother israel and let me say this yes brother israel let me say this yes you please do that this shot that you get in um it don't really matter hold it just a minute it doesn't it doesn't matter because what's going to happen what happens with the shot is that there's no new bots you may not want to hear this either in the shot and they spread throughout the whole entire body exactly just a minute brother israel just a minute that you can finish do any of the nurses here got the temperature gauge let a nurse get it please and bring it up they know how to use it that know how to use it no break come around here brother come around here come on come around here real quick come around here and uh look trying to turn it on now it's the light no light so the mark of the beast is coming out of here did i say that did you hear me say it you see it that's the light now wait a minute did you hear me say that i'm asking you see that's disrespectful no i'm not to you i actually say that you know i didn't say israel i didn't say that i said this is in correlation all right i didn't say it it was i'm actually i didn't say that i'm asking you a question why you ask me something goes to the doctors and they point this at your head for coverage october 19. right is covet 19 the mark the vaccine is it the mark of the beast yes or no i already said i believe that all right now would you please show in the bible with a mark well you don't want to talk about it the mark is it given anyplace else other than the forehead or right hand or or is this giving it to you that's in correlation like i said in other words you ain't got nobody no you don't either you don't have anything revelation 13 because i'm about to bring this conversation to an end because you can see he ain't got nobody you got your time on television got your time on television not that it helped you in it because i'm telling you whenever you come to passage in and with the discussion you have to deal with me with bible that's right i don't i'm telling you i have no interest or concern for your opinion when it touched scripture i wasn't given opinions your ideology i'm not giving out all right let's see what the bible says revelation 13. and it causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond yes to receive a mark in their right hand and right or in their forehead and and that no man might buy or sell no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name now you said you didn't get the shot right i wasn't there i'm not that crazy all right so you didn't get the shot so that means never will all right so israel so you didn't get the mark of the beast correct right right when the last time you bought anything and that no man might buy or sell save he that hadn't let me let me let me deal with that let me deal with that didn't it say a time this thing shall go on in revelation for a time a time and a half a time it's got three and a half years and we ain't in but a year and a half or so so it's not finished yet they're not done as a matter of fact this day is the day that the president said he wants to have his 70 of the population vaccinated and he said that the unvaccinated are going to pay he only got 7.4 million more than he needs to be vaccinated so when buying give out the vaccination is he giving out the mark of the beast did i say that um you said that the vaccine if he giving it out then yeah it is if he's giving it out then he's giving the mark of the beast but check this out let me ask you a question okay so if someone got the vaccine down they got the mark of the beast i would say they do not never mind what you would say according to the bible but i want you to answer according to the bible i don't want your opinion how okay how can i prove that the vaccine in here is worth it it doesn't say the word vaccine you already said in one of your videos you don't know how it's going to be administered no i did not yes you did oh i don't know how the mark of the beast right going to be administered that's what i'm just saying but you said you do know because you said it's the vaccine you're funny hold on all right now would you please come back keep saying and just answer the question um everywhere you go the bible says revelations and he calls us all both small and great rich and poor and fun to receive a mark in their right hand and then one or in their foreheads yeah and that no man might buy or sell wow say if he that had the mark now you don't have the mark because you says according to you the vaccine is the mark of the beast the scripture says you won't be able to buy or sell unless you got the mark yeah but check this last time you bought something well you know i come on and answer the question let me answer when the last time you bought something uh today and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark but you don't have the mark how are you by yourself that's right i said again that's right i'm gonna say it again for the hearing impaired it said it's going to take three and a half years for this whole thing to complete biden has to come and tell us what his next plan is going to be they want to double down i'm pretty sure on those of us who are not vaccinated now when you have a mask on sometimes you go in the store you can't even buy nothing if you ain't got a mask on but it's not happening everywhere all the time because you it depends upon the managers of the stars some are leaning on mass and some are not and that no man the bible then says depending upon the magnitude and the knowledge said [Applause] don't act like you don't know did the bible change don't act like israel don't act like you don't know what are you doing buying anything you ain't got the mark man i just told you what are you doing three and a half years you acting like you don't hear that you know what's in the book yeah three and a half years i said now i'm listening right now listen now right now once again i'm gonna say i'm gonna say it no more don't have to it's in your bible where in your revelation that the mark of the beast will know three and a half years three and a half year period for what for this whole mark of the beast thing to take place three and a half years we're not there completely yet so who gave out the mark the first or the second beast what difference does that make well what difference do they make they both pale all them pale faces who what difference does it make i'm dealing with it makes a difference because we're dealing with scripture who gave out the mark the first or the second beast one of them pale faces gave it out i don't want that what different do i mean who gave out the mark the first or the second beast okay maybe it was bill gates maybe with dr foster oh lord they don't want bill gates gave out the mark bill gates the first is the first or the second beast you don't want see you don't want to deal with the fact that those beasts are pale face nature that's your problem cause you're stuck on these white folks religions my life uh israel yeah who gave out the mob like i said the first you do not want to deal with the fact second that the first beast of the pale face nation and the second beast is apparently listen i don't care if they're white it's snow black people the street brown is cinnamon come on back to the bible israel come back to bible let me say this i'm at the bible let them go to bible daniel 7 and 9. let's read it all right let's go let's read it this is what they do they start calling a bunch of scriptures they ain't got different squad to do what we're talking about this is going to prove something here come on we're going to prove something yeah all right let's go through it now daniel 79 says i behold till the thrones were cast down yes and the ancient of days did sit who's certain that whose garment were white as snow and the hair on his head like pure wool okay not describing no pale face what they got to do with the mark of the beast no i agree with that 100 percent right so don't tell me that you that nations are not described in this book and it's not important that's a lie there ain't no pale face that's nice now come on back to the mark of the beast go ahead come on back let's go back to the revelation which beast is giving out the first or the second i don't care which one all right one you don't care no just like that so that means you don't care about the bible i know i don't care about the new testament you don't just like you don't care what color the creator is which is nonsense so you described it right here you're going against the creator all right creator said he had wooly hair and you saying it don't matter what color that's a lot so mark of the beast you made it clear you don't care how it's given out no i didn't say that i just what i said i don't believe in the new testament you don't believe in new testament that's what i say i keep telling you that all i believe though you may not believe it do believe that again i'll say it again i do believe that some of that stuff written in there given to john the revelator whoever that was should be back should be in daniel to make it complete because because in daniel's seventh chapter it's talking about the same thing in revelation you wouldn't even have revelation 13 chapter without daniel first and daniel don't say nothing about the mark of the beast so again i believe the translators the pale face translators took it out and put it in revelation to give revelation a little more so you don't so you just believe it the white man just took it and threw it any way he want that's what he does second peter chapter 1 we'll start at verse 20. all right we're going to bring this conversation to an end because he made it clear he don't believe it don't believe it let's listen at this second peter chapter 1 verses 20 and 21. all right knowing this first there's no prophecy of the scripture don't don't get out the williams now let's get make sure this sounds stay right the bible says second peter chapter 1 verses 20 and 21. but knowing this first that no prophecy knows that no prophecy of the spirit no prophecy ever given in scripture is of any private interpretation can't blame no personal race of being responsible for any contents of scripture because when you do that you're giving them the authority to have private interpretation what else for the prophecy came not in old times how by the will of may the prophecy didn't come at all time by man's will but by man's opinion how did it come but holy men of god speak what kind holy men of god speak what time holy men are god's spirits no just holy black men holy men of god no just a bunch of holy white men holy men of god that's a bunch of holy yellow men holy men of god what did they do spank as they were moved by the holy ghost all right israel you can have your seat oh okay you can have your seat now you brothers can take the microphone off them disconnect them that's right disconnect them get this thing together disconnect them please and you can have your seat and uh you can have a seat in the pulpit or you can go disconnect this mic please because basically he done exactly what i told you he was gonna do just read different scriptures it ain't got nothing to do with the subject and don't know what he's doing you know i've talked to different gentlemen that say they're of hebrew israel i say now thank you for coming to israel you can even have a seat or uh you can ready to leave whatever you want to do all right you can have a seat there i want you to hear i want to make yourself comfortable and uh relax and uh so we can take you to school now i want everybody to understand this the religion of men is one thing the revelation of god is another that's right i agree with mr israel 100 when he said that the religions of this earth come from men he's 100 right started by men promoted by men to make people ignorant blind deaf and dumb of all races but touching what god declared it is god that told us be holy no white man told him white man that's right no black man told us leviticus 19 verse round man told us let's go to the old testament that he said he believed leviticus chapter 19 and that verse one that's what and the lord spoke unto moses saying the lord speak to moses ultra moosa saying speak unto all the congregation of the children of the speak unto all the congregation of israel and say unto them say to them he shall be holy he shall be holy and what was the reason for i the lord your god am holy now viewers no white man put that in there no the lord declared it ye shall be holy and the lord is of no ethnic group that's right the lord is of no eth in fact the lord is before ethnic group that's right are you listening that's right before there was any ethnic group in the world god was here that's right god have no beginning right god have no ending god always was psalms 90 and at verse 2 god always has been give me his script in the book of daniel yeah that talk about the hair like whoa yes i want to explain that and then give me the first chapter of revelation because he don't understand that's right and man he don't understand what that is that's right and then i want the 53rd chapter book of isaiah right which will establish what the world is that's right amen let's take it apart you see we just don't read bible we explained it yeah take it apart yeah strip it back yeah thank god they give you an understanding that's right let's go back to the book of daniel daniel chapter seven and verse nine follow me i'll be held till the thrones were cast out the hell to the throne was cast down and the ancient of days god yahweh yeah elohim jehovah the father that's right the creator and the ancient of days that got the ancient of day did sit that's it whose garment was white as snow whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like hair of his head like the pure one night he didn't say it was like the pure wool it compared his hair that's right to the comparison of wool that's right at no time it said he had a woolly hair left the pure it said like it's like if you see a man who's dressed like a woman you say he's like a woman but he's not a woman so god the scriptures compare that's right his hair and the hair of his head the hair of his head left the pure world it ain't never said his hair is woolly no and they never said that god had woolly hair no and they never said that no that's why i love to stay within the confines of scripture that's right listen at this and the hair of his head liked the pure it was like the pure wolf his throne was like the fiery flame his throne he didn't say his throne was fired his throne was like the fire but it was like the fiery flame showing you the brightness of it the power over the authority of it and his wheels is burning fire all right now 53rd chapter of isaiah now isaiah chapter 53 we'll start at verse one i want to show you what will represent that's right listen who has believed our report yeah as a whom is the arm of the lord revealed now we're down in verse six listen aren't we like sheep are falling asleep we are like sheep going astray we have turned everyone to his own way and what and the lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all so the spirit of god laid down the messiah the iniquity of us all in other words jesus was the escape goat that's right jesus was the sacrifice that's right you know aaron took his hands and thanks be unto god laid it upon the head of the goat and then confessed his sins and the sins of israel upon the head of the goat and then a fit man came and led to god away so meaning the goat took the blame for the sins of the people yet the goat did not do the sin that's right isaiah 53 at verse 6 and says what all we like sheep have gone all of us are like sheep blessed be god gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and then what and the lord hath laid on him the lord laid on him the iniquity of us all the spirit of god laid on the son of god or the messiah jesus the sins of all of us he was oppressed listen now's talking about what jesus went through he was a prayer he was a preacher and he was afflicted he was a flick yet he opened out his mouth he wouldn't rebel he has brought as a lamb to the store he's brought as a lamb as a lamb to the soul and as a sheep and as a sheep before her sheer response so he openeth not his mouth [Music] that's right you see when the sheep is brought before shearers the shearers is removing the wall off the body of the sheep that's right are you getting what i'm telling you that's right so woe represent the messiah jesus son of god being a sacrifice that's right he was brought it was talking about how he's been brought to die that's right he was brought as a lamb he is brother that's right he's brought as a lamb to the killing that's right and what he is brought as a lamb to the spirit and as a sheep and now jesus is dumb wait a minute well you got to share something about to be removed that's right something about jesus the lamb of god that's right the son of god wants to be moved that's right something had to be cut off that's right and the thing that won't be cut off will be his natural life that's right the lamb was the body but there was a lion in the lamb that's right [Applause] what if god said he's a lion of the tribe of judah judah the root of david hath prevailed so he hung on the cross you couldn't see god because god is the spirit but god was in christ jesus ii correct this real quick now yeah stay ahead of me second corinthians chapter 5 i want to show you where the spirit of god was located second corinthians flesh of the son of god that's right second corinthians 5 and verse 19. listen to women that god christ was in christ in christ in christ doing what reconciled himself god was in the flesh that's right god was in that son god was in the lamb god was in the sacrifice and when he was in that sacrifice when the sacrifice died the spirit of god offered them up it was an offering a sacrifice for the world so whoa represent he's a sacrifice that's right first chapter book of revelation revelation chapter one and that verse let me dive into it deeper than that i want to atomize what god looked like that's right listen revelation chapter one we'll start at verse 12 amen and i turn to see the voice that speaks i turned to see the voice of him that speak to me i've been turned i saw seven golden candles i saw seven golden candlestick the seven golden candle since representing the seven churches of asia and and in the midst of the seven candles one like unto the son of man unlike unto the son of man he saw god with the same shape same form same fashion and the same figure and the same image that he had when he was walking here on earth he didn't change the form but he went from natural to spiritual that's right with the garment down to the foot and good about the paps with a golden girdle and his head and his head listen listen listen listen his head his head and his hairs head is one thing hares is another that's right notice the language of the book his head and his face hairs which come out the head that's right hairs were white likewise listen his head and his hair his head and his hairs were white well it's compared to the whiteness of wool and what else does it compare to as white as snow snow is one texture wool is another that's right it dealt with the color of his hair yeah not the texture of it that's right listen again his head his ears and hairs were white was white were white were white like why that's right light wool as white as as white as snow it was dealing with the color not the texture that's right so you that's walking around here worrying about what color god is you're wasting your energy i don't care what color he is you don't obey him your black self is going to hell right next to the white man that's right get me now his head on his head his head in his hand white like white like whoa as white as snow won't mean he's a sacrifice that's right hey man when god was manifested in the flesh that flesh was called the lamb amen and when this body died on the cross and the spirit came out that body he left the lamb on the cross he left the sacrifice on the cross because they pleaded for the body that's right and when they pleaded for the body getting it prepared for burial they had to wash it and when they washed it they was washing that which was offered there was washing that that was called lamb there was washing that which is called sacrifice they was washing that which was called sun they were washing that they had the title mediator they was washing that that was a minister that's right that's right are you getting what i'm telling you amen whoa simply mean he was a sacrifice sacrifice lord said god all right his head and his hands were white blood's hands was white like wolves as white as white as snow and his eyes i remember i was in louisiana and a fellow who was contending for the same thing that israel was contending for god is black and when i when williams read that that his eyes were as a flame of fire brother jumped up it said you see there god eyes it's red just like mine i said no yours is red because you're drunk that's right his was red because he's drunk notice the bible and his eyes were eyes talking metaphoric manner a symbolic term it didn't say it is fire no it's air so for you to understand why his eyes had the appearance of fire now you got to understand how fire worked you know fire is good when it's burning just right it comforts you yeah amen you can burn a nice fire at the fireplace you can sit back in your rocking chair read a book talk to your wife and make it sleepy it's comfortable so that fire comforts you but when that fire that's in that fireplace go beyond the fireplace and go up the wall and go up the ceiling then it ceased to be comfortable now it's out to consume so when the bible say his eyes in the fame of fire that means he's a comforter and he's a consumer in the old testament the prophet elijah thank god caught fire down from heaven hallelujah that's right amen he called fire amen he come along and told them they they came to the prophet and said the king wants you amen and he let them know let fire come down from heaven and consume thee and die 50 men so he did come back again man of god the king want to see if i be a man of god let fire come down from heaven and consume thee again that's right and then 50 men thank god and even when baal prophets was gathered after sacrifice after the prophet rebuilt the altar after they called on bail from mourning to the evening sacrifice and said oh belle hear us and they didn't get an answer the prophet come and reconstruct the altar got 12 stones that represent the twelve tribes of israel he put the wood in got twelve barrels of water hallelujah and then they caught on god that's right then they do something like the fire then the fire the lord fell that's right thank god and that same holy ghost that same holy ghost it come within us that comfort us in a time of trouble that's right authority god what the holy ghost and his eyes thanks god come along and comfort us with things and glorify you the comforter started working that's right now that same fire blessed be the name of god that come to comfort us now that same god is a consuming fire that's right he come along and burn up your eyes that's right they said close your eyes from sin and evil he come along and burn your hands he says touch notch handle now he come along and burn up your ears and say [Applause] that means god is a comforter that's right and god is a consumer that's right that same spirit they give you comfort he come to burn up everything in you that's right that's contribute to his will that's right that's right when brass is burned in the fairness it ain't black no it ain't white no when it's burning it's like a bright orange that's right that's the color of amber that's right now what is brass blessed be the name of god it doesn't mean god is black no it don't mean god is colored that's right god the scripture is talking in the hieroglyphic hieroglyphic form you know in the study of egyptology the egyptians didn't have the alphabets like us so they left the history written in stone by using images symbols and pictures they call it hieroglyphics where the scriptures have spiritual hieroglyphics it talks in symbols but then you got to go to that scripture and see what that symbol represents that's right and the bible says what and his feet likely to find his feet like the fine breath as if they burned in a furnace but notice the brass was pointing at the feet that's right and then let's get the book of numbers if i'm correct not in the book of numbers i'm going to show you what brass me that's right he said we just don't read this stuff we'll have to dive into it that's right pirate we dive into it yeah and strip it apart why is his feet the color ass the color the color as bread add fine brass as if they burned in a flavor as if they burned in the furnace i'm gonna show you what burning represent what feet represent blessed be god and what brass represent listen at this number chapter 21 we'll start in verse six all right and the lord sent fiery serpents among them fiery serpents among the people five receptors among the females and they bit the people and much people of israel died you see israel was hard here that's right it was rebellious israel was stubborn so god sent fiery serpents to bite him and many of them died therefore the people came to moses people came to moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken we spoke against god and against thee and against you pray unto them against god and against you pray unto the lord that he take away the serpent god take away the serpents from us and moses prayed for them moses prayed for the fault and the lord said unto moses look at what god told moses to do make thee a fiery serpent and set it up upon a pool make a fire it's happened that's right his feet his feet and his feet like unto fire undefined brass as if they and the lord told moses to do what make their fiery serpent get a make a fiery serpent make their fiery serpent and set it up upon a point and it shall come to pass that everyone that is bitten when he looked us upon his shoulder everyone that's bitten it would look at the seventh day left and moses made a serpent of brass moses made a step in the brass and put it upon a pole and then and it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man what happened when he beheld the serpent of brass he lived yes he brass me god is the liver that's right oh god is a healer that's right amen that's why his feet was ass and his feet like unto fire undefined brass as if they burned in a furnace so for you to be delivered from something you got to be moved away from it that's right you have to be moved away from it so brass means he's a deliverer just like he was they were told to make a brazen surface a serpent out of brass and put it on the pole and lift it up yes and whoever looked at the serpent will be healed from the bite jesus come along in the book of saint john chapter three be quick and add verse four says what and as moses as moses lift up the sabbath in the wilderness and the will of the lord just as they looked at the serpent when moses lifted up on the pole the serpent represent jesus you see it was a brazen serpent letting you know god is a deliverer and the pole represent the cross and when they looked at the serpent they were delivered from the bite we were bitten when we were conceived and we inherited the sins of adam thank god and we inherit that bite thank god of deception because adam and eve were deceived they were tricked and sin entered into the world and the venom came into every human being on the planet you know and in the natural to get delivered from a snake bite that got venom they got to go to another state and get venom that's right you get venom to fight venom that's right that's right now here you have god being styled as a surface serpent so he can fight the serpent that's right yeah that's right he was a pig come along as a brazen serpent make a serpent out of bright branches so whoever will look at it will be delivered from the bite if you look at jesus if you're looking to god that's right if yourself that's right and i thought it was a god you will be delivered that's right from your sins that's right you will be delivered from the bite of the serpent that's right overtake off and his feet and his feet are fine breath like fire and breath furnace brass me he's a deliverer that's right brass me he'll bring you out of what you're in that's right just like israel if they follow those instructions and look at the brazen serpent they'll be delivered from the bite jesus said look unto me all the ends of the earth for i am god and there's none of none else when you look under jesus the author and finisher of your faith thank god you'll be delivered you'll be healed from the sting of sin the bite of the serpent that runs through your veins in a form of sin that's why you got to repent now that's right god wants you to repent to get that venom out of you that's right you gotta look after jesus that's right and repent and be baptized that's right every one of you who will take god in the name of jesus christ what else did that what else did the book of our revelation say and his voice his voice as the sound of many waters that mean he speak with authority that's right that's the sound of many waters when god talks he troubles you yeah and he had in his right hand seven stars he had in the right hand what seven stars cut into the right hand seven stars and then right hand mean power you better give me the old testament quickly now right hand mean power right hand mean authority star in the natural you don't see the star in daytime the star come out at night but the star at night reflect the light of the sun that's right and each star differ in glory or differ in appearance bless god the bible say in his right hand i want to show you what the right hand means and then i'll show you what star means yes read quick exodus 15 and verse 6. thy right hand o lord and right hand it's become glorious oh lord has become glorious in power you see the right hand mean power that's right and right hand over my right hand oh lord come on has dashed in pieces he's going around smacking things with his right hand he's talking about his power that's right smash is the enemy that's right and he did all that with his power he did all that with his authority go back to revelation now back in revelation 1 and verse 16 why is it and he had in his right hand seven stars he handed the right hand seven messengers seven stars seven stars are the seven angels that's right sent to the seven churches of asia that's right the preacher got to be in the right hand of god in other words the preacher got to have the power of god in other words the preacher better have the holy ghost that's right yeah that's right if he don't have the holy ghost he can't break down the scriptures right he'd get all confused he'd get all balled up what do you mean he has the holy ghost he got to have jehovah in him that's right he got to have i am in him he got to have the creator in him he got to have the spirit of christ in him he got to have alpha in him he got to have omega in him he got to have the beginning and the ending in him that's right and he had it in his right hand and his right hand having stars seven stars and i know the preacher got to be in god's right hand and when he when he's in god's right hand he has shine bright in the midst of darkness that's right and he handed his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth out of his mouth in a sharp two-edged sword i don't mean the blade literally was coming out of his mouth no to a sword represent his word and the power of his word that's right it comes from his mouth you know that's what makes folks so upset with this message because we got a sword yeah we have two edges and give you a good close shave that's right is that what the power of the word do in the book of hebrews hebrews chapter 4 and verse 12. for the word of god is quick wait a minute oh yes they do a quick job that's right it dismantle you fast that's right break it down quick that's right shush it up [Applause] for the fast of god is quick go with god hallelujah the word of god is quick and powerful powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword sharper than what any listen it's sharper than any two it's sharper than any what any black man can put together that's right it's sharper than what any white man can put together that's right it's sharper than what any race can put together that's right this the word of god is the is the language of god that's right the word of god is the intelligence of god and the word of god is the instructions of god and the word of god is the doctrine of god and is implemented from god through the prophets through the apostles to the world that's right are you listening for the word of god is quick and powerful powerful and sharper than any time and what does it do piercing wait a minute amen person got to make his way in you that's right i do it come in piercing go ahead take off hallelujah they gotta make his way you gotta make an entryway that's right what does it do piercing go right to you that's right what the hell even to the dividing asunder of souls the moment come in you it starts separating that's right it come in to divide that's right a comment to brain division that's right that's right someone said that god is not the other confusion that's true that's true but when they come in you he come to bring division that's right what do you mean you already cooperating with the devil so he come to bring a conflict that's right you and satan that's right hell piercing one word come to peace even to the dividing of something of soul and spirit soul and spirit hold up [Applause] [Music] depending upon how it's used in scripture soul points the flesh and soul points the spirit of the spirit in the book of genesis genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 that's why i'm the lord god for man of the dust of the ground and then what and breathed into his nostrils he breathed into his breath of life the breath of life or the spirit of life and man became a living soul i was talking about flesh that's right then man became a living being living man became a living being that's right when the spirit of life come in man man become a living soul man become a living being that's right all right booker estrus now now in the book of estras chapter three be quick and at verse five that's why and gave us a body unto adam talking about how he made man that's right he gave a body to adam without soul but a genesis says what and god bring and the lord god breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul estrus says what and gave us a body unto adam without soul you see the body was from the dusk the soul of the body or the spirit of the body was from above that's right that's what was breathed into him that's right and when the soul was breathed into man man's body took on the title of the breath that came in him that's right that's right that's why when you die there's a separation of the direction where your spirit goes and where your body goes that's right book of ecclesiastes in the book of ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse seven be quick then shall the dust when they shall die return to the earth as it was so go back to the earth where it was and the spirit and the spirit shall return unto god that was breathing to man go back to where it was that's right so i mean the total completion of man yeah go back to the book of hebrews quick now back into hebrews chapter four i want to itemize this get back to the power of the word hebrews chapter four in verse look the new testament we believe all of it yeah we believe all of them that's right oh every drop from from genesis from genesis 1 1 to revelation 22 21. that's right we believe all of you that's right everything we believe it that's right why god said all scripture all scripture is given by inspiration that's why you had around the throne 24 seats which set 24 elders clothed in white raymond the elders represent the old testament and the new testament 12 plus 12 is 24. he had 12 tribes of israel and jesus came and chose 12 men and made them apostles around the throne is 24 seasons representing the old testament and the new testament they were arrayed in white robes letting us know the same spirit that was the prophets dealt with the apostles and the had on their heads rounds of gold letting you know that the prophets and the apostles was anointed by the holy ghost that's right for the word of god is quick the word of god is holy holy god it's quick and powerful powerful and sharpening shiny two-edged sword piercing amen i want to pierce you today that's right and piercing i want to cause havoc in you that's right i want to separate the devil from you that's right amen disconnect you hallelujah from the powers of hell pearson passing even to the divine soul and holy spirit and of the joints joints of the marrow and as a discerner of the thoughts wait a minute that's what the word does that's right look into your mind that's right it designed your thoughts and the thoughts that try to hide and even go into what the heart planned to do and didn't do that's right it says what and it's a discerner of the thoughts and whatever an intents of the heart the entrance of the heart is what you felt like doing but didn't do it yet you just making plans that's right and the holy ghost see those plans before it's done you're only going to see what you plan to do at 25 before your mother and father meet that's right yeah that's right it's the intent of the heart neither is there any creature that is not manifest what neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight any creature any creature any question neither is there any creature any fowl of the air fish of the sea beast in the field and any color of man and woman neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight it's not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open everything is open unto the eyes of him without in other words nobody can hide from god that's right that's what that means that's right nobody can hide from god nobody nobody and i mean absolutely nobody nobody all right go back to where you were real quick back in revelation chapter 1 and verse 16. that's what and he had in his right hand seven stars seven stars represent the seven angels into the seventh church of asia and out of his mouth when a sharp two-edged sword two eggs represent the word of god cutting men and cutting women that they may be right with god and his countenance was as the son he didn't say it was the sign it was as the sun it was as the sun that mean it was bright that's right strong powerful and blinding at times and his countenance was as the sun what shineth in his strength yes and when i saw him and i saw them when i saw him only got one here when i saw him we ain't got no them up there that's right we got him up there when i saw him you man-made religions that crawled from the pits of hell and made it to america and europe and africa and any other part of the world that got more than one guard your pagans that's right you're a heathens that's right you're a devil worshiper that's right you are satanist yes and when i saw him when i saw him i fell at his feet and fell at his his feet i saw him and i dropped down at his feet and he laid his right hand over me as dead as dead what do you mean i was like a dead man that's right and what and he laid his right hand his power came on me saying unto me fear not don't be afraid i am the first and the lamb i'm alpha amen what amen what amen and the bible says thus saith to amen that means god bears witness to himself that's right and have the keys of hell and of death i have the keys of hell and of death write the things which thou has seen you'll write it and the things which are and the things which i'll be here after and whatever the mystery of the seven stars which thou sauce in thy right hand what is it the the mystery what is it the seven stars which the source and the light what is it and the seven golden candlesticks yeah the seven stars are the angels like i told you that's right and the seven candlesticks which i saw are the seven churches there are the seven churches all right we thank god for the message you out there around the world they want to blame white folk for all your sins sin starts with satan that's right before there was any member of the human race their satans which caused black white brown yellow to rebel against god you let go to all black churches you're just as wicked as them that go to all white synagogues that's right you're the synagogue of satan that's right i don't care how black you are how white you are if you don't repent of your sins and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ blackie whitey you're going to go to hell that's right blackie whitey if you don't seek the lord for the holy ghost blacky whitey speaking another tongue of the spirit of god give unrest blacky whitey blacky and whitey is gonna go to hell that's right all of you that serve a black god your pagans your heathen that's right and your liars liars and i'll blast your black god religion back to hell that's right you that serve a white god i'll blast your white bigot cheap frail religion back to hell for all have sinned all have sinned come bring pastor jen is your black god i beat them back to hell that's right did you hear what i said that's right come bring pastor jail is your white god you blind black folk that walk around black power and you blind white folk that walking around holy hitler salute i beat you with the bible with your hand this way and i beat you with the bible i'll beat you with your hand open and with your hand closed that's right for all have sinned all have sinned they hear what i'm telling y'all that's right that's right this symbol don't mean nothing no to god let every soul don't mean nothing to god that's right let every soul be subject the holy books in romans chapter 13 and verse 1 let every soul be subjugated be subject unto the higher power be subject to god for there is no power there is no power blood of god blood of god the powers that be the powers that are here are ordained are out of grain of god whosoever therefore whoever resisteth the power this god resisteth the ordinance of god and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation all right white man black man wiggle out of that that's right wiggle out of that word of god speak plain let every soul be subject unto the higher every soul black man every white man everybody go out of that let every soul be subjected to every black man that don't obey god is going to hell all of you that's right every white man blind hair blue-eyed pale skin the hell you going that's right everybody under the sun that's right that don't obey god let every soul be subject unto the highest powers just black folk let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for why for there is no power but of god and no respect a person that's right no respect ain't no favoritism no no you black folk ain't better than nobody else that's right you white folk you ain't better either i know you've been told this you white folk been told this for years yeah that's why many black folk looked up to you because they thought you knew the bible yeah they didn't know it that you was just as dumb of the bible as anybody else that's right [Applause] you introduced the trinity yeah not the scriptures that's right you introduced it with more than one god not the scriptures and because black folk was ignorant to the reality of god they took what you said that's right and the black and white came into the knowledge and realized to understand the scripture i need the holy ghost that's right when the black man and that white man yes both repent of their sins that's it [Music] baptized in the name of jesus christ had the holy ghost speaking in tongues that's right that black man will look at the white man and say you know what there's one god that's right i bear witness there's one god that's right he have no rivals he has no partners we associate none with him he is god alone god is not begotten god always was always have been always will be always will be all right listen let every soul be subject unto the higher powers amen amen so all of you black folk that's getting caught up in your blackness all of you white folk getting caught up in your whiteness no you're gonna find out when you die i tell you what you do if you don't believe me that's right go to the cemetery that's right and see all the worms eating any different on a black body then they are a white body that's right you don't find the worms in the ground saluting black corpses no ain't no worm down there with no black tam on and a red black and green flag that's right walking on the black body that's right saluting it that's right that's right there ain't no worm on the white corpse down there no saluting it no white power oh no no i'm just eating it though the the worm shall feed that that crank it up job chapter 24 and at verse 20. that's what the worm shall feed sweetly worms gonna feast give chapter and verse again job chapter 24 and we're at verse i want it to be good for all races that thank you or something that's right that's right do you hear this job chapter 24 and verse 20. that's why the womb shall forget him wait a minute where you come from we'll forget you the worm shall feel your very womb your mama yes the womb shall forget him your mama that you fell from that's right she gonna forget about you that's right the womb shot how old my mama get never forget about me don't believe that lie don't believe that you can be gone so long your mama forget about she had 10 kids that's true or alzheimer's set in that's right you forget about she got any kid any kids god is showing you how worthless you are that's right without him that's right until god said the world himself forget him shall forget him right where you come from shall forget him you know they call it the birth canal yeah you know why they caught the birth canal because years ago when laggers would cut down trees in order to get the trees downstream they'd cut them down and take them to a canal a body of water to traffic all the logs and then there's an opening in that canal where the logs come down and then they can bring them when they drift ashore that's the way a child does once the water break it it's already in position to go south god take that for god say i'll make the people wood and make thine words fire and they shall devour them so god takes the wood it rotates that's why god is called a potter that's right because anyone that does pottery when you take clay and work it on the wheel the clay spins but in order for the clay to get its shape the man that's or the woman that's doing the pottery gotta keep it wet in the book that's why you find a child is formed in water that is formed in water because clay gets the shapes when it's wet and then fire is there to keep the shape in the book of seconds you talking theology let's get somebody in the book of second estrous chapter eight and verse eight second estrus chapter eight chapter eight and verse eight verse eight for when the body is fashioned now in the mother's womb amen when the body is fashioned now it's fall in the fashion in the mother's womb in the womb of your mother and thou gives it members glory to god god given members thy creature is preserved then creature is preserved in fire and it's preserved by fire and water and water at nine months nine months do it thy workmanship endure thy creature water is needed for fashion that's right fire is needed to confirm it that's you know when you hard and clear you confirm in shape that's right so that's why in the wound of the woman there's fire and water there someone said well what is the fire the fire is the power of god the creativity of god that's right that horns the shape and god decides whether it's a male or female that's right i say that to debunk the medical profession now the uh lgbtqist and the uvws and the xyz says the reason why they want to be called other or some kind of now because it is the doctors that decide what they are no doctor no doctor got the power that's right to the side whether you're a man or a woman god decides that's right before i forgive the belly i knew thee first chapter of the book of jeremiah by the book of jeremiah and at verse four i don't care how sharp men become in science or studies you're not sharper than god no first chapter of the book of jeremiah says what then the word of the lord came unto me saying the word of the lord come to me saying before i form thee in the belly i knew thee wait did you hear it before i formed the underbelly before you and your mother even met yeah i knew that i already know what you was gonna be before that's right before before i formed the individual what is god saying i already had you in mind that's right i already know what she was gonna be that's right i already knew your height i knew your failures i knew your upcoming i knew your shortcomings i knew the mistakes you would make and i knew a day will come whether you would choose my law or reject my law before i formed me in the belly i knew thee [Applause] amen i saw you going down in water yes before he was born that's right i saw you with the holy ghost before you was born that's right i saw me being your healer yes before you was born before you were before you was born that's right that's right [Applause] and you bragging right about how black you are yes how white you are amen you ain't nothing but a piece of miserable worthless dust that's it and every black man a white man who thank you something without god when god snatched your breath out your body yes and you be planted in the dust you go back to where you come from oh yes you will realize later on how worthless you are that's right a human being named nothing that's right without obeying god that's right nothing nothing i said in the book of isaiah chapter 40 and verse 17 hallelujah if the only thing you got to offer me is your black that's all that's all that's nothing you ain't offered me nothing but a color that's right the only thing you got to offer me is white you ain't offering me nothing nothing hallelujah you can say well black is the color and when you know the historical background i don't care when you talk about god that's everything that's everything that's right that's right isaiah chapter 40 and verse 7 your mistake is self-identity black scholars say you need self-identity all right white scholars say you need self-identity yeah you can link yourself up to one of the tribes of israel if you like a indian nation if you like you like the zulu tribe or the europeans or ham shem jfaf sons of noah you can go back from go back to adam the first african first of all go back to eve the mother of all living that's right but you still haven't started with self-identification to truly identify yourself you have to go past the human race and go to god that's right book of genesis someone said well how can you say that let's see what god did when he made man how he made him how he made it quickly son genesis 1 26 just get in there genesis 1 and verse 26 tell you what and god said let us send us make man in our image let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and what and over the fowl of the air and over the castle and what and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so god created man in his own image wait a minute that's where man identity starts that's right so god created man it is in his own image in the image of god in an image of africa in the image of god in the image of you in the image of god in the image of india in the image of god you got to go back to god to get accurate identification that's right that's right you may differ in bone you may differ in your cranium you may differ in your ability to hold information but that outward stuff do not determine the makeup of man no no you got to go all the way back so god created man god in his own image and this is what you this is over the head of the scholars yeah this is over the head of the historians that's right this is what they don't go after that's right they go get phd this dr phil and lld that mr cunningham and you know i don't care nothing about that trash that's right [Music] that's right what they learned they got from another scholar yeah and then they do more research for who are they researching other scholars other scholars but god who does he answer to that's right who's more wiser than him that's right who's more deeper than him the scholar said when he made to us the us hang on turn on axles god said no i don't no we don't i hang to us on nothing [Applause] genesis says what so god created man oh god this is where your identity starts that's right so god created man god created man in his own and god placed his character within man he didn't place in man a european character no he didn't man was made in africa and man did not have the characteristics of the african that's right that's right the first man the first man that was made and god said he did not have the characteristics of the african that's right because before there was an african there was a characteristics of god and god said let us make man in our image let us make man in our image our image after our life god want man to be like him that's right what do you mean clean pure holy upright upright discipline well-mannered so god created man in his own image in the image of god created him god created man in his own oh you scholars you going to the wrong place oh yes to find out what man consists of that's right you got to go back to the to the assembly line yeah are you listening so god go back to it don't don't don't don't don't worry about it don't pay no mind just listen so god so god created man in his own image in the image of god created here african is better than the european european is better than african the asian is better than a hispanic all of you is of hell that's right huh that's right all of you black white you race promoters come to passage in and see if i don't beat it out of you yeah i point you to god that's it i don't point you to black i don't punch you the white i don't point you to no ethnic group no i point you to god so god created man in his own image what so god created man in his own image this is where your characteristics start that's right and that's why man failed because man when man fall it wasn't because he met another ethnic group no he fell because he got entangled with another spirit that's right and the spirit of satan changed man's character that's it are you listening that's right the spirit of satan tricked eve and after eve was tricked that spirit went on to mingle with adam and then they both was tricked by the same spirit he was tricked direct by satan adam was tricked indirect by satan by being tricked through his wife wherefore as by one man but they both was tricked by the self-same spirit that's right one direct one indirect that's right one had direct communications with the devil the other had communicated with the wife whom the devil was in that's right all right anthony that's right hear the old man now so god created man in his own image this is where it starts yes this is where it starts that's where it starts you need the dna of heaven hallelujah the dna of heaven for the true divine makeup of man the laboratory may figure out your natural kernel dna and they ain't got that right at all times yeah but there's a heavenly dna that's right there's a spiritual dna that's right that's why man has to learn what is god's character it's bigger when it says you're made in god image that's bigger than a shape a person image is bigger than shape a person's image is their character that's right but when god made adam notice adam demonstrated god's character flawlessly to the degree he named all the beasts but the only one that know all things is god that's right but here's a man that had god's character and was given permission to name all beasts and adam gave names to all cattle he gave name to all catholics and to the foul of the earth and to the beast and to every beast of the field to every piece of the field but for adam that was not found in help meet for him that was genesis 2 and verse 20. god gave him that ability that's right on his own he couldn't do that no what did he know what to call it you look at one animal with horns another animal with horns that's right what do you know but see when god made them he was standing up with the characteristics of god that's right that's right that's why yeah that's why the garden of eden bears the same title of god's kingdom it's called paradise [Applause] that's right called paradise paradise it ceased to be paradise when corruption said and notice what happened to heaven when corruption set in while it was corrupt he had to get rid of the corruption that's right so to all my black brothers white brothers spanish brothers asian brothers indian brothers russian brothers german brothers south pacific brothers across the atlantic ocean brothers my caribbean brothers regardless of what ethnic group you are you are all of you that think your skin is more valuable and more important than another that's a lie that the devil told that's right they get you against each other yeah do you not know you're made of one blood and blood given the book of acts of the apostle 17 yes acts chapter 17. seventeen chapter of the best time again that very very quickly acts 17 and verses really quick now i'm on the time and the brethren immediately sent away paul and silas by night verse 20. we're at verse 26. all right acts chapter 17 that's we'll start at verse 24. all right god that made the world what god that made the world how many god gop right back at one again that's right same god that made israel made pastor janice the only difference is i know who he is yeah that's right i am god that made israel made me yeah the only difference is he's caught up in the black and i tell the black you're going to hell yeah he believe you that's your god people because you're black i ain't a black man on the earth god people unless you obey him that's right is that bible yes adam died the moment he disobeyed that's right represent he ceased to be of god because he disobeyed him bitter the fruit he died for god said the day you eat there up you shall die so you may say well wait a minute pastor jesus adam didn't die until 930 years later he died a natural death at the age of 930 he died a spiritual death the moment he built up the fruit of the fruit are you kidding me immediately he died spiritual death that's right amen he kept that spiritual death right until he went to the natural death of 930 years old are you getting what i'm telling you that's right listen genesis 7 rather acts 17 and verse 24 follow me acts chapter 17 and verse 24. it is god that made the world god that made them and all things therein how many made the world god that made the world you that said a second person helped god you see how the bible strike you down god that made the world remember i was debating the nation of islam and one of them said that a man made the world some man some man i asked him who made the world he said a man i said who was he he kept telling me i don't have that knowledge i don't have that knowledge how can you talk about something if you ain't got the knowledge that's right if you don't know a thing shut up about it that's right pastor jenny you don't know how important being black is there are two views of blackness the view of the world and the view of god and when you look at god's view it ain't like the human family no black folk killing each other white folk killing each other spanish folk murdering each other just killing it yeah yeah why yeah white folk do use suntan lotion and then some of our black folk use botox so ain't one better than the other no so i don't mind you bearing witness or saying amen or shaking your head to what i'm preaching but you're not going to interrupt me and stay here all right don't don't interrupt me all right then you be quiet then that the spanish folks say kayate you do that all right let's have it act 17 and verse 24. what is it god that made the world and all things therein god that made the world and everything in it seeing that he is lord of heaven and earth he not they he is lord of heaven and earth he is lord of heaven and earth well it's not in temples made with hands and what neither is worship with men's hands as though we needed anything what else seeing you give it to all life and breath and all things and that's made of one blood what and it's made of one blood one and it's made of one blood it made a one block all nations of men no one said wait a minute pastor jennings i told you that's wrong because you got a type b type you see that scriptures over your head oh yeah they didn't talk about blood type that's right let's talk about blood condition that's right ain't talking about blood type it's talking about blood condition that's right what is that and it's made of one blood he made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth the bible says the life of all flesh life in the blood so it's not talking about a typo b type or type o and or other types i don't know about and talk about that there's talk about condition what is the condition of the blood all the blood whether it's a type b type o or some other strange letter that's off the chart the condition of the blood is this he was born in the world with sin and shape and iniquity and regardless of what type you have or what condition that you may have in your blood you have sin sin that's right that's what he mean when he said he made all nations of one blood one blood all nations of men that's why every you was conceived and lust and fashioned in sin in the womb of your mother in the same transgression when it hit adam after he fell it hit everybody else from that time now that's right i agree it's a type that's right b type and uh o or p or whatever it may be all right but you still got one blood one blood and it's sin that's right that's why i took the shedding of one blood will take god to wash away your sins that's right and it's made of one blood he made a wonderful all nations of men for all nations of men to dwell on all the face of this on the face of the earth and that's determined the times before appointed at what the bounds of their habitation all right action 38 says then peter said unto them repent all right you that are here glory to god you might as well come out of your false churches lay down your false religion lay down your blackness lay down your whiteness and pick up god that's right [Applause] lay down your whiteness lay down on your blackness some of you white viewers don't like me because i'm black so you go to a white church a white a man ain't a preacher because of his color no no a man color don't make him truthful you've got white lies and black lions that's right you got brown lions and yellow lions that's right a man color don't make him truthful no no no no no so when you get these people say oh black power white power you're bothered of the devil this is the devil both are folks hopefuls of the devil that's right i remember years ago a white man called me a that didn't bother me i asked him i said i'm a yeah yeah that's right you're a okay i said what does a mean he said well to me it means someone ignorant i said oh does that mean you're a [Applause] [Applause] those little cheap titles and that's name calling don't bother me you can call me all you want this is the one preaching you got to obey oh yes you going no bed that's right what if god said then peter said unto them repent lord be to the father amen repent and be baptized any black man must do repent and be baptized let every white man must do repent and be baptized oh you've got to do it repent of me baptize every one of you in the name of jesus christ gotta get it in the name of jesus christ for what for the remission of sin get your sins washed away in what the god promised and ye shall receive the gift of the holy spirit anybody here want to get right with god and don't want to burn in hell and want to get right according to scripture not according to europe and not according to africa but according to scripture that's right be baptized the right way stand on your feet if you want it cat on your feet if you want it glory to god all of you that are standing come on to the front come on round good job amen it is good amen real quick now it's good i said what a mighty god we said [Applause] yeah what a mighty god we can't yes angela [Music] yes hallelujah hey what happened hello so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] amen let us all say amen once again we thank god for the word of god coming from our leader pastor genesis today as always that we pray that the word of god meant something to you and that you take good heed to the word of god is that right let us all pray heavenly father in the name of the lord jesus we do thank you again lord god for your loving kindnesses and your tender mercies oh god that you've shown towards us we thank you oh god for you're the one and only true living god who has made heaven and earth and all things therein we pray o god you continue to bless your word as it goes out over the airways that men and women everywhere o god may take good heed to thy word consider their ways that pray oh god be forced everlastingly too late open their understanding i pray lord god that they may come to a full knowledge of the truth to understand that thou art the god only that rules in the kingdom of men help them to realize that they must repent of their sins and be baptized in water in the name of jesus christ and seek the oh god for the gift of the holy ghost and continue steadfast in the faith of the apostles thereafter oh god give us strength i pray continually don't let the devil take advantage of us great god but give us strength oh god because we know god that thou art the one and only true living god oh god bless us continually remember our pastor give him strength oh god and all the ministering brethren everywhere oh god for we know that thou art my god the one and only true god who has made us all hear the sorrow i pray god and give us the victory these things we ask in the name of the lord jesus amen you
Channel: First Church Truth of God Broadcast
Views: 469,886
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Id: v0Y_LaBE7qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 38sec (7658 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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