Firearms Expert Reacts To BattleBit Remastered’s Guns

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If he is breaking down your guns, you made it guys. Congrats.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/GSR_DMJ654 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/IrregularDave 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2023 🗫︎ replies
this is Jonathan Ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the Royal armories Museum in the UK which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and this week he's taking a look at the low poly massively multiplayer shooter battle bit remastered which it's fair to say pleasantly surprised him I just want to say with the ejected cases on in this game here they are barely visible flying speed out of the gun at extreme angles because that's how guns work this game with its very simple Graphics is doing a better job than a lot of mainstream AAA games have done historically with that particular aspect make sure to subscribe and let us know what other games or guns you'd like to see Jonathan break down in the comment section down below right let's take a look at the guns of battle bit remastered so my first experience of this game is going to be a pretty detailed but untextured take on well it says M4A1 I don't know if that's an M4A1 assuming that's not meant to be a suppressor on the end and is in fact the barrel which looks very large in diameter but not enough to be a suppressor so it does say Barrel so let's take it on it at its word considering the view polygons that go into this game because I know that I'm ready to see that much detail like we've got the selector switch now I've just I've grabbed a um this is a lantac battle Raven with a relatively short but very heavy barrel and a little short suppressor on the end it it has the Magpul butt stock on it that the CTR stock that is being replicated here so it's the closest thing I could I could find on the racket short notice um but it's it's not an M4 I'm not entirely sure that this is either but loads of detail the selector switch the rear takedown pin the front pivot pin the all the angles on the receiver look good it this could have this could afford to be a lot less detailed I think considering the the sort of world and character Graphics that that we're about to see all right this one is rather relevant to my interests not so many depictions of the LSW light support weapon variant of the sa80 the l86 A1 or as I have um I've actually picked up the wrong one this is an l86 A2 but you know what given the given the graphics of this game it doesn't really matter so the only thing that the game could represent given its Graphics would be this cocking handle so this is that comma shaped cocking handle and the idea of that it is also a case deflector 5 case deflector so it's easier to get hold of than the old A1 cocking handle and when it's at the rear like that it is it's got a sort of facing on it to help it resist the damage of being hit repeatedly by hot bits of sharp metal it's helping to get that casing clear of the of the receiver conspicuous by its absence is the bipod which is a permanent fixture well not permanent it can be removed but not meant to be user removable the bipod is an integral part of the weapon system as the British military calls it so it ought not to be missing from this gun so I'm I'm hoping that it is bitable at some point as a sort of optional extra but it shouldn't really be optional um it's it's critical and integral to the role of this weapon as a support weapon albeit in the long run not a very successful support weapon thank you another British military firearm it's nice to see that looks very clearly in l96 A1 gun looks great for I keep saying because of the low quality Graphics but you know they are consciously low polygon they're not low quality per se works really well the bolt handle lifts up the Vault comes to the rear the cartridge case comes out all the stuff you'd expect to see just with less detail the only quibble I was going to have was the fact that it has what appears to be a full power ACOG sight on top of it which you could do with a Picatinny adapter because the the A1 did not have a um Picatinny Mill standard 1913 rail on it the 80 rifle had to have a an adapter interface to take the acob and indeed the the modernized A3 receiver has the the picatinny rail on there as standard but um this generation no so you can't just slap on an ACOG you can only install a sousat now In fairness to the to the British that was a NATO standard rail it's just that only we and the Spanish I think used it so we kind of we tried to do the right thing and uh it didn't help foreign gun here the P90 fnp90 of course I can make out the the cocking slide as it were on the left hand side all the various screws that hold the the clamshell polymer receiver together you know all basic features of the weapon of that and as it's demonstrated we can see the cartridge cases and even gases effectively the exhaust gases are firing the cartridge coming out in little paths from the bottom of the gun which I think if you looked hard enough you'd probably would see on the real firearm because that's the that's where the breach is so you're going to get some gases exiting that ejection Port which is on the bottom of the weapon and we don't normally don't look look at look at it or for it but it is there and it has a pivoting little cover that you can shut to make sure no dirt gets in I did notice on the reload there that the gun is locking open when the magazine is being changed and then something is releasing the bolt forward P90 has no hold open device guys you replace the magazine you then have to run the charging handle as they say to chamber around from the magazine so I'm very much enjoying the fact the game has inspection animations that's really good I don't think unlocking and lifting up the P90 magazine is going to show you very much this is a closed Bob weapon the bolt is closed either on an empty chamber or on around you can't see that from lifting up the magazine nice touch but not not really necessary not particularly helpful what you need to do with the P90 is remove the magazine press check essentially and then reinstall the magazine it's a downside of the design in some ways because you you know on another typical like an AR you can simply check the chamber with the magazine pull the Press check as it were with the magazine fitted well the P90 magazine gets in the way of that foreign we've now got the RPG 7 here and another good job look you know good modeling I'm not sure you'd want to hold the round that way around because we'd make it very hard to insert now as this weapon was designed to be used you would have an assistant who loads uh the round for you we have although the Warhead isn't super detailed we have got enough length there to suggest that it has the expelling charge screwed on the back of it which is a something that games have consistently failed to do and movies actually they don't realize that there has to be a a charge that screws on the back of the wall head to get it 15 meters downrange before the rocket motor kicks in remember this is a recoilless weapon with a rocket assisted Warhead and then the effect on target is is fantastic better than what I've seen on um a lot of fully featured graphical games it might be perhaps a bit excessive for what the RPG 7 actually does but in terms of gameplay that having the roof blow off slightly is just is very cool and to be fair it hasn't blown the whole wall down or anything it's made a it's knocked out part of it now the effect of an actual high explosive anti-tank shape charge Warhead is actually quite disappointing if you if you look this up obviously not if you get one shot at you because it's essentially a if it's if it's fired at not armor then it's going to function a bit like a large Granite hand grenade lots of fragmentation and some blast that's not its primary purpose though although there is an anti-personnel version It's meant to create that jet of particles to penetrate steel armor so it it has that very tiny little hole with a sort of black smear on the outside of the wall and then whatever damage on the inside so in a way this is unrealistic but I think on balance it works really well and we have a crack rotation round so that would be the og7 we're not calling it that we're calling it fragmentation the OG 7 round has because it has no rocket motor is super short and does not stick out massively from the front of the the launcher like basically all of the other rounds do this is sticking out quite far and it's shaped like a sort of miniature missile so it doesn't doesn't look like the standard Soviet type frag round anti-personnel round but maybe it's another another one or based on on another one but the fact that it's even in the game like how many mainstream Shooters let you use different Warheads on your rpg7 virtually none of them foreign Go full Magnum I guess it should be pronounced Asha 12 or sh as in papasha I'd better check that for the future but um 12.7 50 caliber uh revolver firing the same ammunition as that insane um Ash or Asher 12 rifle thing that we know from the current generation of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare which is a real Russian design as is this and as we saw from the external view firing the barrel is at the bottom a bit like a Metabo or something in order presumably to help tame the significant recoil of this really powerful revolver I can't quite tell what's operating on this Hammer cylinder but that obviously the cylinder swings out and is reloaded with a speed loader it is kicking out cases somehow which is not possible so maybe that's an engine limitation in some way that the way it's set up guns have to have to eject cartridge cases obviously the number of revolver revolvers that are Jack cartridge cases well very few um for obvious reasons it's not usually worth doing mechanically difficult to pull off so that's just a that's essentially a glitch but it's it's probably a baked in glitch for now until they can code that out foreign can't go wrong with it roughly uh I guess it's an A3 uh or close enough in the game anyway now if I've got this MP5 in Half-Life one I'd have been very happy because it's really very detailed but yeah by the standards of that game certainly but yeah really good really really well modeled you can't have an MP5 without the HK slap not in my book and uh there's a very blocky rendition of it here I'm gonna say it's like the Neo style closed fist slap but it seemed quite gentle I think maybe it could be a little bit more assertive in reality you can of course do it that way just slip it out of the notch with your thumb and let it travel forward and it's going to travel the same distance as if you hit the thing but the HK manual as I respond to pointing out does say to slap it I suppose if I have any criticism of the the MP5 in the game it would be I have seen the traditional polymer 4 end with I think a rail on the bottom and I might have seen the odd section sort of jury rigged to one or one side or the other for attaching a light or something I don't remember seeing a Tri-Rail version of this where you have a rail on the bottom and a rail either side as we see in the game I'm sure someone's done it but in any case it's not my preference but I get that we need to be able to accessorize I suppose if you're going to do that though just go with a railed handguard like the um the MP5 as it comes from HK now has a railed handguard fitted and a rail claw mount adapter on the top as well so I'm purist about these things but that's because I don't have to use them practically so that's probably the way I would go rather than try to keep the classic silhouette but still have representations of rails on there write some variety in the reloads here which is interesting obviously it applies across the game but I'm currently looking at the AK-74 retaining magazines clearly important if with realistic ammunition management but there seems to be a separate button for an emergency reload where you dump the magazine and just put on a fresh one I presume you can't pick it back up either so sacrificing however many rounds you've had left for the sake of a faster reload that kind of gun based gameplay I think is fascinating and based in reality you know operating the charging handle at one point underhand or close to don't really have hands in this game and then another reload I saw there was done with taking the right hand off pistol grip which was the traditional way to do it even in the era of the AK-74 by the way the Soviet manual for the for the AK-74 still has you doing everything with the right hand recognizably in AK-74 in terms of the curvature of the magazine the muzzle brake on the end of the barrel and even a couple of Minor Details of the shape of the thing the I guess a slight downside out of the the way these models are done is that the top cover doesn't appear to be a separate piece which it probably could be at the level of detail that the game operates at but we do have the push button for the for the top cover removal the little Tang for the attachment of the butt stock now I will say um I've been fortunate enough to to shoot an AK-74 once or twice The Recoil is minimal that muzzle break is incredibly effective the cartridges is low recoil inherently as well and so I think this has too much recoil in particular in automatic fire bursts of fire whatever you want to call it where that cumulative effect starts to bring up the muzzle that just doesn't happen with the 74 as long as you're pulling it in with any degree of skill as I have proven um it just stays on if you have to fire automatic fire from the shoulder with a rifle which is very much not not the fashion these days then an AK-74 is right up there for one of the best options okay right couple of things clearly these weapons are even more customizable than I thought they were because we've got uh what appears to be a middle finger front sight and uh just just fingers and hands and I I haven't even seen someone do that on a real firearm that's special I I hope that the game overall maintains the sort of serious tone with the sit with sort of cutesy Graphics because that works well um too much of this kind of thing might take me out of it but that was funny now also in the same as I'm trying I'm trying very hard to focus on an on-screen indicator that says combining magazines that I don't think I've seen before so we've got realistic ammunition management we might have one round in one magazine five in another you can combine pretty desperate if you did this but you can combine the one round magazine into the five round magazine and get one magazine of six rounds which is going to give you ever so slight Edge in an encounter can you do it this quickly obviously not you'd have to take cover but you're pretty assured you're not going to get overrun and shot um and then look at removing rounds from magazines stowing them or throwing them away and inserting them into your other magazines it would be a much longer more involved process but very interesting that it's in the game I'm kind of astonished and mechanic I've never seen before is debuting for me anyway in this particular game again not to disparage the game sniper rifle M200 I'm sure you'll recognize if not the name then the design of the rifle it's the shytac M200 or M200 intervention one that we don't have in the collection regrettably but very distinctive and popped up quite a few times in various popular culture settings what's interesting about it for me though is the rangefinder that's been implemented so it's there's a there's a physical Rangefinder device on the side of the the gun with a readout and what I think you must have to do is sort of scope what you want to do then you have to unaim down sights as it were look at the readouts of where your reticle currently is to get the range then go back into the scope and then hold over by well I guess you would learn by trial and error what the whole logo would be I very much doubt you can do it from any kind of data but I love the idea there might be someone somewhere with actual data cards or sheets for their Minecraft sniper rifle yeah foreign I was just thinking that given the lower powered Graphics engine here that we could push out our sniping in this game to realistic distances because there's far too much bullet drop in Battlefield and that's to do with the size of the levels as well as graphics and all of that and I've seen a load of kills done in this footage 200 meters for 300 meters maybe 400 and I just now saw an 842 meter long distance kill come up which is astonishing I don't I've never seen in any game I've played kills out to that long range now that's that's still nowhere near what a rifle like this is capable of and in the right hands on the right day but it's way more than I've seen a video game do so that's that's really impressive stuff just as a measure of how impressed I am with this with this game I accidentally skipped past the preview of the weapon and what I got at the next gun was the iron sight View and I instantly recognized as the FN FAL just from that view with these graphics and that's I think that shows you how effective and how well done they are and it's a really nicely done FAL somewhat modernized it's got rails on it I guess if you're going to use an FAL in Modern Combat you would want that the top cover is in this version of the gun anyway um it appears to be a separate piece in a different color I'd like to see that on the okay maybe there's more differentiation here in terms of color and component parts maybe this one's been modeled more recently I don't know selective selective fire I haven't mentioned but all you know all the guns that should have it seem to have it flick from semi-automatic which is what the fal is best at click and you're on automatic which seems to work okay and I think that difficulty in controlling automatic fire is translated over to this game as well because we're definitely getting more muzzle rides with firing an automatic we've got the correct rocking magazine reload even though it's you know it's glossing over some of the stages because it has to could easily just be magazine magically attaches to gun out of thin air but no we actually see it get rocked in so there are there are hints of everything that you would expect to see foreign the squad automatic weapon the FN mini me um it I could actually identify this as a 249 if I didn't know that's what it was supposed to be because it has the heat shield handguard on top of it a bit of an odd Quirk is that the bipod looks kind of tiny and is mounted too far back under the handguard which is really a bit weird but easily fixed I'm sure and then as I'm watching the thing fire really nice job with the belt of ammunition in the first place but when it runs out we still have empty links on the left side of the gun coming out of the belt box if that all ammunition's gone through the gun all the links should be separated and on the floor by now there should be no belt on the left side at all but instead it's somehow like I guess the the belt model is persistent the rounds have all been fired so there's there's a kind of a glitch there or an oversight maybe I just want to say with the ejected cases on in this game something I've been pointing out for a bit recently it feels like is that we don't have that perpendicular perfect procession didn't mean to alliterate like that of cases coming out of the of the gun which is in so many games here they are barely visible flying speed out of the gun at extreme angles because that's how guns work they you know the the physics of the whole thing spins them out of the gun and they go at some speed so this yet again this game with its very simple Graphics is doing a better job than a lot of mainstream AAA games have done historically with that particular aspect thanks for joining us guys for The Guns of battle bit which is a new game to me absolutely fascinating cool to see what they've done with very limited resources essentially if you'd like to see more of our collection here at the Royal armories we have our own channel also here on YouTube and various social media channels as well if you'd like to check those out and free museums so there's lots to lots to see if you'd like to engage with with us here at the Royal armories regardless of that we'll see you again here on this channel next week
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 298,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BattleBit Remastered, BattleBit Remastered expert reacts, BattleBit Remastered firearms expert, BattleBit Remastered weapons, BattleBit expert reacts, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, loadout
Id: yXa4msMYO_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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