Fire proof Magnesium water batteries will rival lithium in only 1-3 years

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experts are saying that magnesium based water batteries will replace cheap lead acid batteries so you still get lead acid batteries in all these internal combustion engine Vehicles you got to replace your battery pack after a few years of owning it in your car you know obviously we're talking 12volt battery here it's a bit of a pain in the butt I've had problems with that happening to me over the years where I've had to get a you know call a tow truck or try and not know what's wrong with your car you think what the hell is why won't it start and that's what it is the 12v battery has died some EVS Tesla EVs and not but most of them don't but some EVS have a lithium 12vt battery so you have less problems with those but it's said that within the next few years researchers believe those crappy lead acid batteries could be replaced by new magnesium based water batteries which are cheaper and will eventually rival lithium batteries new research has revealed breakthroughs with water-based batteries making them much more commercially viable hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking Australian researchers have made what they say is a breakthrough with water batteries researchers at rmit University here in Australia have found a way to replace the electrolyte in lithium iron batteries with cheaper and possibly less flammable water this is an innovation that would remove fire risk from devices entirely say the researchers actually this is quite an interesting concept because we're talking batteries that are very similar in construction and instead of having a flammable electrolyte it's just not flammable at all so if you were to crash into someone else or someone was to crash into you or if there was a fire in your garage your EV it it wouldn't really burn because there there's nothing to really burn you don't have fuel you don't have a fuel source you don't have diesel or petrol gasoline and you don't have a flammable electrolyte which could be a really really good solution for a lot of a lot of situations well for example here's a point right let's say you board an electric scooter or electric bicycle or an electric skateboard as in my case try going on an airplane with that try just going to you know a different location you can't I mean you literally can't unless the battery is really small it has to be the same size as the largest battery you can get in a in a in a computer my my Apple computer here has the largest battery you're legally allowed to take on an airplane you can see how a battery pack is a huge a lithium ey battery pack is a huge problem but airplanes would allow you to have a water-based battery because there is simply nothing to burn it would be a perfect scenario so far the team has created small batteries that have achieved an energy density of 75 W hours per kilogram um that's a little bit less about it's only about 30% of the energy density of say the batteries in a Tesla vehicle but that's all you would need in a lot of cases say for example 12vt batteries in your car we use materials such as magnesium and zinc that are abundant in nature inexpensive and less toxic than Alternatives using other kinds of batteries which helps to lower manufacturing costs and reduces risk to human health and the environment so the lead researcher on these batteries the other thing here worth keeping in mind is water is much cheaper than lithium and electrolyte like the electrolytes used the electrolyte formulas used they're not exactly expensive but they're nowhere near as cheap as water so these batteries have the potential to be much cheaper than lithium batteries and at the same time to have zero fire risks what we design to manufacture are called aquous metal ion batteries we call them water batteries addressing endof life disposal challenges that consumers industry and governments globally face with current energy storage technology our batteries can be safely disassembled and the materials can be reused or recycled now it's very common that um researchers or Rivals to lithiumion batteries in they will come up with those kinds of comments which are completely false the truth is that um lithium own batteries are if they're you know anything over say this size they are recycled because the lithium all the metals in them are very valuable and so don't don't don't kind of read into the hype of these lithium batteries piling up and not being recycled they actually are the rmit team isn't the only Australian group looking at Water batteries in January University of New South Wales researchers made a breakthrough says renew wauu with aquous rechargeable zinc Battery Technology after they found a way to solve dendr problems now dendrites are the biggest problem with batteries not lasting um for a long time dendrites form for pretty much all types of batteries doesn't really matter what the chemistry is and that leads to the life or this at least the usability of the battery being shortened and the overall lifetime of the battery declining lithium on batteries have long dominated the market from the tiny devices that run the smallest Electronics your watch your phone all the way up to grid scale energy storage but of course there's a lot of Pros with lithium batteries the the chemistry has been around for a long time we understand it quite well but the thing is think about it this way heat causes thermal Runway right batteries can catch fire thermal Runway means that battery packs definitely can if you've seen laboratory tests of this they can they can do some crazy things the Flames create a chemical reaction that creates even more heat and even more chemical reactions in a disastrous spiral and it can even happen Dangerously in Mobile phones you've probably seen some Samsung mobile phones and other mobile phones that have had those sort of reactions and cause some serious issues the researchers should say that so-called water batteries are The Cutting Edge of an emerging field of aquous energy storage devices with breakthroughs that significantly improve the Technology's performance and lifespan water replaces the usual organic electrolytes in metal ion batteries a process that came with its own challenges including the formation of dendrites or spiky Crystal growths on the anode of the battery with aquous batteries the zinc anode dendrites cause batteries in some cases to short circuit to cure this problem the team coded affected battery Parts with a metal called bismuth and its oxide otherwise known as rust as a protective layer to prevent dendroid formation our Batteries Now last significantly longer comparable to the commercial lithiumion batteries in the market making them ideal for high-speed and intensive use in real world applications with impressive capacity and extended lifespan we've not only Advanced Battery Technology but successfully integrated our design with solar panels showcasing efficient and stable renewable energy storage which is also apparently cost effective the next step is to increase the energy density of our water batteries by developing new nanomaterials as the electrode materials now researchers believe that the Magnesium based water batteries could replace lead acid batteries in the next 1 to 3 years and give lithium ion a real rival between 5 to 10 years years from now where would these batteries be used well in everything I mean mobile phones watches cars energy storage everything you can imagine will this take off I mean will water batteries take off I think they will it just it just makes too much sense I mean a battery that doesn't set fire to itself has decent energy density um isn't really affected much by heat it seems to solve a lot of the issues that lithium batteries actually have thanks for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 35,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: cWU0neCCuTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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