Why the world's largest solar farm has created so much controversy...

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Michelle Lewis has just reported that the world's largest solar farm has just come online it's actually in China now I want to point out guys some of the biggest solar farms in the world have actually just come online in a number of countries in particular though in the United States where some of the biggest solar Farms you can possibly imagine I mean literally go to these solar Farms you can't see anything except solar panels look around you for miles it's just solar every everywhere covering these fields now by the way you can actually have farm animals on these fields as well these solar panels actually essentially act as shade for farm animals however the world's largest solar farm how big is it actually well it's insane hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm Sam Evans you're watching the electric Viking great to see you the Ia has just said that it's very likely in spite of the media continually basically bullshitting to us telling us n n the Renewables are not doing that well coal is skyrocketing um you know we're we're nowhere near getting anywhere near the targets of the Parry agreement to Triple Renewables they're saying the Ia is saying actually that's not actually true so very likely we will in fact meet those goals by 2030 it's thanks to these enormous solar farms in conjunction with well Chinese energy storage or batteries the world's largest solar farm is actually located in shinjang and that is connected to China's main grid the 5 gwatt 200,000 Acres 200,000 Acres I mean guys most Farms are not even a fraction of that size it's outside of shin jang's capital and the state asset Regulators website cited the Power Construction Corporation of China said it came online on Monday now how much power how many homes Could you actually power well this solar fun will generate 6.1 billion kilowatt hours 6.1 billion kilowatt hours of electricity annually that's more than several coal power plants if you assume an EV uses around 3,000 kows per year now I use less than that but you know that's say an average then 6.1 KW hours could power 2 m million electric cars every year in fact a bit more than 2 million um anyway 2.03 million says electric now that's insane that's crazy and that that is actually the equivalent probably around about 4 million homes the world's largest solar farm in shinjang is part of China's Mega base project a plan to install 455 gaw of wind and solar that's more than most countries have across Ross their entire country 455 gaw of wind and solar connected of course to batteries as well the mega base project is cited in a sparsely populated region a resourcer area and it will send that generated electricity to Major Urban centers you know places where um China has apartments and you know places for example where there's not the land not massive amounts of land in order to build these kinds of solar Farms now guys a little know fact here there's there's actually enough renewable energy capacity today as in right now to power every single home night and day 24 hours a day in China everyone all 1.4 billion or nearly 1.4 billion people solely there's enough Renewables there for every single one of them to have enough the thing is though most of the stuff we use by phones Etc is made manufactured in China and yeah PR predominantly they're using fossil fuels to power that man facturing so the stuff you're buying good chance there was some coal burnt to make that product maybe but proba maybe maybe not but you know probably but here's the thing China is in it's installing solar wind and battery power so fast in fact faster than the rest of the world combined this means it won't be that long before good chance whatever you're buying is made from energy generated from the Sun or the wind or battery power China now boasts the three largest solar Farms in the world the ninga tangil and the gmad W I don't know how to pronounce it guys the gmad solar farm has a capacity of 3 megaw both of them do and they're already online Shin Jang is a significant and controversial player in the Solar industry says electric besides hosting huge solar and wind farms it's a major hub for the production of poly silicon which is the raw material used in solar panel manufacturing now apparently there's a problem there that UGA Muslims are used in forced labor other ethnic minorities they say are used sometimes to manufacture this or basically to refine this polysilicon that goes into solar panels no one really knows the truth to be honest there's a lot of speculation in that area and it is possible that this is happening but getting back to this story a lot of people are wondering how does this compare to the biggest solar farm in America the largest solar farm in the United States it's currently called solar star and it's well actually only the 15th largest solar farm in the world it's kind of surprising that the US has no no solar farm that's in the top 14 biggest solar farms in the on the planet however the solar star solar farm in California is one of the most advanced solar farms in the world it uses the more expensive crystalline silicon for its solar panels which gives it better efficiency while covering a smaller surface area than other solar Farms with a similar power output it puts out 58 megawatt over 12 square km of land now the second biggest solar farm in the world is actually located in India the badler solar Park and it has an astonishing 2.7 GW of capacity guys I'll have a new video coming up with the 15 largest solar farms in the world showing you their size and just how incredibly enormous these are but these will be probably considered quite small by the time we get say to 2040 when solar Farms are going to basically be covering the planet thank you for watching bye-bye
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 45,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: HYRrXBp-mco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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