Are Shrouded Rooftop Wind Turbines the Future of Energy?

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About a year ago, I first talked about  the Aeromine rooftop wind turbine and   its unique “motionless” design. Now,  a new rooftop turbine is hitting the   scene. Norwegian company Ventum Dynamics  just released its shrouded wind turbine,   the VX175, to the market in February.  It’s also deployed in the same way as   the Aeromine: along the edges of large  industrial and commercial buildings. What makes the VX175 so different, though, is the  lantern-like structure wrapped around the body:   a shroud. Shrouds are anything  but a novel idea. Researchers   have experimented with amplifying a turbine’s  power output by covering the rotor for decades. What is new is a misunderstanding that Ventum’s  approach is tethered to an even older concept:   a Darwinian invention, to be specific. Well, yes,  but actually no. What we’re about to dive into is   more than an overview of the VX175. I always  like to put these technologies into context,   especially older concepts that get  revived with new approaches. However,   this one really threw my team and I for  a loop as we learned about the origins. How did that even happen? And how much  of the VX175 is a rehash, if at all? I’m Matt Ferrell … welcome to Undecided.  This video is brought to you by  Surfshark, but more on that later. We’ve featured a lot of fascinating wind  power designs here on the channel, from a   mega-flyswatter containing multiple mini-rotors  to a track with “wings” flying laps around it.   But we’ve yet to cover… a covered turbine. This  story isn’t just about fluid dynamics or design,   though. It’s a lot more convoluted, and  it starts in the 18th century. Kind of. Before we get into that, let’s set the stage.  For a variety of reasons the primary goal of   wind turbine construction has pretty much  always been pushing the limits of size. However, it’s becoming less practical to build  them this way, between the nail-biting logistics   and the terrifying consequences of mechanical  failure. While the industry changes its approach,   decentralizing our power supply through  smaller wind turbines also has significant   benefits. One major motivator? Even if  we were to perfect monolithic turbines,   we still can’t fit them into most areas. That’s where rooftop turbines can come in, and  after five iterations and about six years of   development, the VX175 has made its debut. What  makes the turbine so noteworthy is immediately   clear: the “shroud” that encases the rotor. In Ventum’s words, it “accelerates the wind,   allowing a greater volume of air  to pass through the turbine.” We’ll discuss how that works later. For now,  I want to focus on that burning question:   what’s Charles Darwin got to  do with it? Well, nothing,   actually. The Darwinian windmill at hand  was developed by Erasmus Darwin. That’s   the English physician and notably less famous  grandfather of none other than Charles Darwin. Yep — that’s not Photoshop or a DALL-E AI  generated image. What you’re looking at is   a photo of a museum display showing a model of  one of Erasmus’ many inventions at the Darwin   House in Lichfield, England. And here’s  a drawing of his creation. Look familiar? To be clear, this patent diagram is for  a prior version of Ventum’s turbine,   not the one that was just released  to market. But even more importantly,   despite the fact that the two may seem  deceptively similar, there’s a lot more   than eras setting them apart. No, the VX175  we know today is really a new form of this… …the IMPLUX turbine, which was originally  invented by engineer Varan Sureshan. And   neither Sureshan nor the Ventum team  based their work upon Darwin’s. I know   this for sure because, well…we asked. As  Sureshan himself said in an email interview: “I would be lying if I said I was inspired  by the Erasmus turbine, or any other turbine,   as there was no internet or any search engines  when I started working on some of my ideas.” To put things into perspective, neither I nor  my team had ever even heard of Erasmus until a   viewer suggested I look into Ventum. In  their email, they referenced a YouTube   video that identified Ventum’s models as  Darwin turbines. My lead writer took this   information at face value and threw himself into  researching 18th century history. For weeks,   he prepared a sweeping, dramatic narrative  about the sociopolitical woes that might   explain why the shrouded windmill had effectively  remained trapped in parchment…until now. Later,   while scrolling through Google Images results, he  stumbled across the IMPLUX and thought to himself: “What the hell is that?” So why did I ever bring up  Erasmus Darwin in the first place? Before I get into that connection, I need  to talk about another piece of tech that can   really help in your daily digital life and that’s  today’s sponsor, Surfshark. Surfshark is a fast,   easy to use VPN full of incredible features  that you can install on an unlimited number   of devices with one account. Most of the time  when we talk about VPNs we’re focused on giving   yourself security as you travel around the  world, but it can do way more than that. Since   you can make it look like your IP address  is coming from somewhere else in the world,   it unlocks geofencing blocks on content, like  streaming services. But … that’s not all. Even   shopping services will sometimes gate prices based  on your location, so you can change your location   to make sure you’re getting the best prices.  They also have add-ons to their VPN service to   unlock things like Surfshark Alert, which will  let you know if your email or personal details,   like passwords, have been leaked online in  a data breach. Right now they’re running a   special deal … use my code UNDECIDED to get up to  3 additional months for free. SurfShark offers a   30-day money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk to  try it out for yourself. I’ve been using Surfshark   for years and love it. Link is in the description  below and thanks to Surfshark and to all of you,   for supporting the channel. So why did I ever  bring up Erasmus Darwin in the first place? The answer is simple: because if it weren’t  for the false notion that Darwin had laid the   groundwork for Ventum’s new turbine, I wouldn’t  be talking to you about it at all. We wanted to   investigate why Ventum adapted such an old idea,  and why it had been left in the dust for so long.   In reality, there was no adaptation. There’s  no connection between Darwin and the VX175. To make a long story short, our confidence in  the misinformation stemmed from the fact that   it wasn’t just anybody comparing the  VX175 to ole windmill. It was someone   from an engineering background who had been  studying the Darwin design for over a year.   And you gotta admit…the resemblance to the  older proofs of concept is a bit uncanny. Another element at play is that we don’t  know everything. A lot of the time,   we approach video topics with very little  prior knowledge of the subject. This channel   is as much about science communication  as it is taking you with me on learning   journeys. That’s why I have science and  engineering advisors that help fill in   the gaps. The research for this script in  particular took a lot of twists and turns. Now, the elder Darwin did tinker with shrouded  windmills when he wasn’t busy tending to patents,   writing plant romances, or designing mechanical  spiders. But to say that the VX175 represents an   evolution of one of Darwin’s many side projects  simply isn’t true. The people who created the   turbine weren’t aware of the comparison until a  few years ago…when they watched the same videos   that inspired this one. The VX175’s actual  origin story is an interesting example of   humans thinking alike across time, just not  in the way that we had initially believed. Hold that thought, though, because the  scientific experimentation Darwin dabbled   in outside his medical career is legitimately  fascinating. So, for the sake of keeping   things chronological (and not letting  my poor writer’s research go to waste),   let’s dig a little deeper into his windmill and  where exactly this comparison came from. One   thing that the two designs do have in common  is the potential for increased power output. Take it from the man himself, who wrote  this in his 1800 book “Phytologia;   or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening”: “And as the height of the tower may be made  twice as great as the diameter of the fail,   there is reason to conclude that the power of this  horizontal wind-sail may be considerably greater,   than if the same fail was placed nearly vertically  opposed to the wind in the usual manner.” According to historian Jennifer Uglow,  Darwin claimed that his horizontal   windmill produced a third more power than  the…run-of-the-mill…vertical mills of his   time. And like Ventum’s VX175, the  windmill worked omnidirectionally,   meaning it could take in winds from all  angles. On its journey to the sail, wind   would push through the slatted boards that made  up the shell of the turbine. You get the drift. But that’s pretty much where a comparison  to Ventum has to end. Setting aside the   fact that the tech is more complex and  that the applications are worlds apart,   there’s a couple critical differences between  the designs. First of all, the VX175, as a unit,   is a new form of turbine. The novelty  of Darwin’s creation was that octagonal,   “smoke jack”-style tower: an air catcher. Not  a turbine. Sureshan explained it like this: “...The IMPLUX works because it is  part of the group of wind turbines   where there is a "static turbine"  and "dynamic turbine" combination,   which enables much higher power extraction well  beyond the "catcher" turbine concept…Whilst   increased air flow is important, it does not  lead to automatic increase in power efficiency.” On top of this, the VX175 is, like  the Aeromine, entirely stationary   besides the rotor. As Ventum’s COO, Rebekka  Stumpf, described it in an email interview,   one of the main objectives in designing the  turbine was promoting air capture while also   preventing air leakage, regardless  of the wind direction. In her words,   that meant “no physically closing or opening  mechanisms, such as air shutters.” Meanwhile,   the tower of Darwin’s windmill was composed  of flaps that fluttered in the breeze. Well, did it work? It would seem that it did just  fine, considering it was actually put to use. In   1778, Darwin’s colleague Josiah Wedgwood installed  it at his pottery factory, The Etruria Works,   in Staffordshire, England. There, the mill  mixed clay and grinded materials like flint   and enamels for a solid 14 years, until it  was eventually replaced by another engine. However, we don’t remember grandpa Darwin  as a kooky scientist for a reason. He feared   for his reputation as a physician and very  intentionally opted to keep his engineering   pursuits to himself. I think it says a lot that  he published Phytologia in 1800 and died in 1802. But while I can’t say what was going through  Erasmus’ mind when he designed his windmill,   there are multiple advantages to shrouds. Part  of the reason why the wind industry places so   much emphasis on taller and taller towers  is because the higher you go, the faster   the winds you can capture. The faster the winds  you capture, the more power you can generate. The thing is, in the U.S. the majority  of the country only receives average   wind speeds between about 3 and 5 meters  per second (or about 6 to 12 mph) when   measured 10 meters off the ground. In  Norway, Ventum’s country of origin,   the windiest areas range from 5 m/s  to 8 m/s at that same 10-meter mark. Of course, this becomes a problem in areas  without much room, vertically or otherwise,   to place towers that can reach for the  good stuff. That’s why companies like   Ventum are seeking ways to make use of  the low wind speeds that are accessible   from rooftops — especially in more  densely populated areas like cities. And one possible way of doing just that is by  creating turbines with shrouds…or diffusers…or   lenses…or ducts. Whatever you want to call it,  this type of turbine is a class of its own: a   DAWT, or diffuser-augmented wind turbine. Y’know,  like a HAWT or a VAWT. That’s “horizontal axis   wind turbine” and “vertical axis wind turbine.”  I’m not trying to sound like the Cat in the Hat. “Shroud” and “duct” and “diffuser”  can be used interchangeably,   but I’m going to keep using “shroud”  because it sounds the coolest. The main idea here is power augmentation. Think  about it like this: urban and residential areas   have enough wind to spare, but oftentimes it’s  not fast enough for turbine installations to   be worth it. In other words, you wouldn’t be  able to justify the costs vs. power output.   What if we could somehow speed up that wind?  So, in theory, shrouds have this to offer: Concentration of wind energy Low exit pressure, which leads to   increased airflow and faster wind speeds Avoiding what are known as tip losses,   which are reductions in efficiency caused by  vortices that form at the tip of turbine blades  Overall increased efficiency Overall increased power output Basically, shrouds increase speed — and increased  speed means increased power. As early as 1956,   studies have shown over and over again  that shrouds can increase power output,   and the numbers sound impressive. Figures of  approximately “2 to 5 times increase in power   output” get thrown around a lot in scientific  literature. But I probably don’t have to tell   you that sounding impressive is different from  actually being impressive. Of the papers we   reviewed, most are based upon simulations  or experiments conducted in wind tunnels,   which aren’t fully representative of  the much more chaotic outside world. And as you might have already guessed, a  consistent drawback is cost. From discussions   that took place at the United States’ 1979  Wind Energy Innovative Systems Conference to   conclusions drawn from extensive wind tunnel  tests in the present day, researchers have   repeatedly indicated that shrouds just aren’t  economically practical. However…a lot of these   observations are also made within the paradigm of  your typical turbine. Attaching a component that   heavy and that big to an already massive tower  would threaten the structural integrity. Of course   it would be ludicrous to stick a shroud on one  of these. But that’s not what Ventum is doing. In any case, it seems like shrouds become trendy  on a cycle, like jeans. For example, in the 1920s,   inventor Dew Oliver created his “blunderbuss”  ducted turbine, which might seem like a far   cry from anything we’d see today…except it  looks somewhat like the SheerWind INVELOX.   I wouldn’t be giving you the full story  if I didn’t mention that both designs were   ill-fated. Oliver ended up convicted of fraud,  and SheerWind filed for bankruptcy in 2017. Anyway, if the superficial similarities between  Darwin’s work and the VX175 didn’t already   convince you that researchers have tested  variations upon shrouds for a while now,   I don’t know what will. But  if neither the IMPLUX nor   the VX175 were created with Darwin  in mind, how did they come to be? Here’s where the accurate comparisons really  lie. Over the course of his engineering career,   Sureshan designed systems like a  hybrid rooftop air-conditioning units,   and took note of the bountiful supply  of wind available atop buildings. So,   after over 25 years of similar projects,  he founded Katru Eco Energy and began   developing the IMPLUX, with some of  the earliest patents filed in 2005. Unfortunately, despite successful prototyping  — including Honda’s Formula 1 team taking it   for a spin — the IMPLUX never made it to the  market. Manufacturing and installation stopped   not once, not twice, but three times across three  different years in three different countries. You could say that the IMPLUX was too ahead of  its time. According to Sureshan, the problems that   prevented its commercialization were political,  not technical. And after three attempts, it’s   understandable that he and his company’s investors  were hesitant to try again. So, that’s one way the   IMPLUX specifically is like Darwin’s windmill.  Both were long-delayed for political reasons. Meanwhile, it seems like Ventum founder  Christopher Bisset-Nilsen had basically   the same lightbulb moment as Sureshan  while working atop buildings in Stavanger,   Norway. According to Stumpf, Bisset-Nilsen, as  he installed rooftop HVAC systems, he wondered   “Why are there no turbines on the  roofs to power the heat pumps?” And   the rest was history. In 2018 Ventum  filed its first patent for its V1.0,   which was lovingly nicknamed the “Death  Star.” It’s easy to see why … that’s no moon. Then, in 2021, Ventum approached Sureshan for  guidance while testing one of its earlier versions   of the turbine. And through this collaboration,  the Ventum team incorporated features from the   IMPLUX into the VX175, eventually acquiring  the patent for the former. As Stumpf explained,   the two are “basically the same machine,”  except the VX175 is optimized for manufacturing.   You can definitely see where Sureshan’s  influence emerges on Ventum’s timeline. But what does this successor bring to  the table? While all DAWTs have a shroud   of some kind to direct airflow through the  turbine, the VX175 has a specially engineered,   omnidirectional shroud. This allows it to be  mounted on the tops of buildings and capture   energy from the turbulent airflow. The idea is  to get even higher efficiencies out of higher   speeds, particularly from the constantly  changing, rough winds common in cities. Here’s how Stumpf described it: “We focus on wind acceleration that  can be seen in urban environments   due to wind “hitting” a wall and being  redirected upwards and accelerated. We   call it the edge effect…The turbine is  built in a way that it can harness that   upwards skewed wind and accelerate  it once more inside of the turbine.” Plus, the fact that the VX175 has no  moving parts other than the rotor helps   keep maintenance costs down. After all, it’s  usually too many moving parts that gets ya. This feature also contributes to  a higher quality of life. Ventum’s   turbine is pretty quiet, at least  at the lower end of wind speeds. It   produces noise at about 40 decibels in  6 m/s (13.4 mph) winds. For reference,   the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  identifies 55 dB outdoors as being A-OK   for human health and, you know, not wanting  to bang your head into the wall repeatedly. According to Ventum’s website,   the system amounts to these estimated  values for annual energy production: However, there isn’t any publicly  available performance data yet.   That’s a reasonable cause for skepticism,  especially in the controversial world of   small wind turbines. But it’s worth  remembering that the more attempts   engineers make, the sooner we can  incorporate SWTs into our arsenal. And it’s not like there’s no recent data  on shrouded SWTs. (Or SDAWTs?) In 2020,   researchers at the University of Tehran  published a study comparing the levelized cost   of energy (LCOE) and annual energy production  (AEP) of traditional turbines vs. wind lens   turbines at two sites in Iran. They found  that the wind lens turbines “yielded an   average decrease of 56% in LCOE and an  83% increase in AEP” on Kish Island,   and “an average reduction of 59% in LCOE and a  rise of 74% in AEP” in the city of Firoozkooh. I’ll go ahead and say the line: this is  another example of picking the right tools   for the right job. It ultimately doesn’t matter if  this turbine isn’t as efficient as a giant HAWT,   as long as the installation and  operational costs are practical   for bringing turbines to more populated  areas. Each is meant to serve a different   markets. As for how well the VX175 can  do that, we’ll have to wait to find out. But will we be seeing these turbines on  residential roofs anytime soon? To that,   Stumpf says that single family homes have better  options elsewhere. For those in apartment blocks,   though, Ventum’s got you… covered. Alongside  commercial buildings and offices, the VX175   is a good fit for apartments. The company is  also in the process of releasing the VX300,   a larger version of the turbine for industrial  areas like warehouses and storage facilities. In the end, if researching this  video has taught me anything,   it’s that it’s worth remembering the  humanity behind the machines. What might   seem like a technological failure could have  a story more complicated under the shroud. But what do you think? Do you think that DAWTs  have a place? Jump into the comments and let me   know and be sure to listen to my follow  up podcast Still TBD where we’ll keep   this conversation going. I’ve got to tip  my hat to my team on this one … from my   lead researcher to my science advisory board  … this was a massive group effort. It was a   wild ride. And thanks to all my patrons  and one of my newer Supporter + members,   David Borin, for your continued  support. I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Undecided with Matt Ferrell
Views: 405,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeromine, aeromine wind turbine, design, engineering, erasmus darwin, home wind turbine, shrouded turbine, shrouded wind turbine, turbine, turbines, undecided, undecided with matt ferrell, ventum dynamics, ventum dynamics wind turbine, ventum wind turbine, wind energy, wind power, wind turbine, wind turbine design, wind turbine for home
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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