FIONA | Meeting Jaack, Proposal Chat & her Medical Condition | #8

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/This_Cost_7725 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
it was like a zombie like lining every anyway my mum told me that they were actually testing for leukemia [ __ ] you on Sunday yeah Alabam hello guys it's me Jack mate welcome back to Jack makes happy hour podcasts TV white white white again and we've got the first female on the face of planet Earth joining us here [Music] woman exists because no because if you were the first woman to exist I'd have probably not been we're because he didn't exist no but if you're just settling for the first woman you ever made it's gotta be better out there hi my name's you never stayed with the first person you meet there because you only think what if there's a ripe Apple around the corner but you're not you're my ripe Apple you know right pissed he's found Oh God so we've been here for years this is for anyone that doesn't know who's not a fan of the channel [Laughter] fiona is my fiancee it does sound pretentious what I mean it means I cream my eye when you first proposed and it was new and fresh now I'm just over it but why well I love that ring back then please when you first rose obviously I was like introduce us talking about my fiancee it was also exciting now I say it and I'm just like he's my boyfriend oh is it fiance for both well yes as if you ever seen yeah but I'm a fiancee well no no bunny or to eat but I feel like yeah I feel like your other fiance and he's if you don't see I'll be a fiancee if you don't see like I feel she looks today no it's which is what doesn't make you cringe now it doesn't make me cringe I really cringe if I was engaged you what we thought we'd do is there's a lot of people on the untrap on YouTube and Twitter and and the the ilk say that they've requested you you'll probably been the most requested guest we've ever had on the show that's crazy that is crazy to know so welcome what's it like I obviously force-feed you every episode I do of this genuine when you said what's it like I fought your first question Tara's gonna go so what's it like being engaged to me in the studio that you've watched for huge fan of her it's hot isn't it that's the one thing people can't see yeah [ __ ] yeah but we did we did we did an episode last week with Doody Ryan and Chris MD and it was so [ __ ] cuz it was hot outside as well it's sunny outside we had that weird kind of like weird end of February heat wave in it Jesus Christ it melted me so we do we do we do work for are we struggle for our crops a bit strange being in here and seeing all the cameras everywhere as somebody that's been with a youtuber for a long time now are you okay with cameras in case you think that I've been on your channel a couple of times I'm used to you filming around me and I'm in like you know little Instagram videos and Twitter videos and stuff I've never I never get used to it you don't really have any social media that I don't have any which is really weird that's very rare for you to but not to be like this Miguel Franco follower here yeah and a new post and everything about your lives outside of YouTube yeah and I see all the comments on your Instagram like say you post a picture of a in you they'll the comments will be like oh what's Fiona's Instagram listen I don't I don't have anything that's just true Geordie as well no but I kind of like it I kind of find that pretty cool I just people say why and I'm just like why not that is really cool though that is really cool and it's effortlessly cool like I used to have a made the I say used to because I think he's a dick now he just one day decided he didn't want social media but because he was he would do anything to try and seem cool dude I mean so yeah he'll go backpacking like and just look out a lake for a photo this mean hashtag travel mysterious it's whittling ham lake in North but yes so I find that very country but you do it in a very natural you do it from the mount of met you'd and yeah just never get Fiona will just lay there and Fiona will constantly and I can't stress this enough to anyone out there that maybe think I'm over-exaggerating I am NOT if you Anna will lay there and scroll for her phone and go and read it and read all that kind of stuff which I've never been on but you will also lay there and watch gifts and videos of animals for hours you just look like come on on your tour is just boring stuff like online the football school or something why don't you want to see like a capybara swimming oh you say look the things fellows capybara is a capybara in it it's a capybara but irrelevant are you saying what he follows so every time you scroll and all he sees is like it's just social media in general here's a little runt you spend a lot of your time on social media because it's your job but a lot of what you absorb through your social media is waffle is absolute waffle yeah and so yeah I'm Alex now Joe campaigns are for me oh yeah now I know you mean like I I got that little thing that comes up on iPhone now screen time yeah and it told you I'm roughly sure we have a look now yeah how did you get to it cuz I'm intrigued because I use my phone a lot but then when I'm at work I can't use it so think about what kind of screen time you think we'll have right so what do you think is my average screen time even screen this is specifically I'm microwaving as well ordering which is screen time oh it's gonna be horrific I feel like the amount of time you spend sleeping is equal to the amount of time you spend on you so you say hey you know when you say to someone like guess something me over shooter and then it makes the original thing yeah yeah maybe you should say fall it's actually six hours 15 minutes a day we're gonna be specific I use my phone for six hours 14 minutes a day on average are we going higher or lower force t-v lower I'm gonna be I think you'll be surprised now I do think it's lower okay it won't be much I think it's lower because he works and with the job he does he can't be on his phone much I think that'll bring his average down but then I also think that when he's away from work he'll really boost that back up I think he'll be on it from the moment you get leaves worked and when he sleeps yeah so I get public transports I've never decided to learn to drive so every time I'm on the bus I just said on my phone I might think is actually I think five hours 42 what [ __ ] off he was just on today which is four hours forty so like mine goes up a little bit for travel to London obviously I'm sat on my phone the whole way here and then travel home as well so on a day like today like we're only halfway in today yeah four hours for home so that's gonna make it big but then my actual thing is games seven hours only play one game no no for the week mine's Twitter seven hours what's your social networking for the week twenty hours but Jack started telling me to like actually put a fan and from the accountant stats are true takes hours to do a tweet so if you are out there and you've got an iPhone and you don't know about this app and you've got the latest iOS go to general then click screen type then click your username and then iPhone and do you have more or less than us yeah let us know tweet us at Jack's happy hour or leave a comment on this so this very YouTube video if it exists hashtag add screen time but in touch I was Steve Jobs got me a well good friend he's dead Fiona so we spoken about your social media and stuff but I think we should just go back to the start and back to life where were you born yeah how was conception of you when you were the little semen did you feel that thing oh well my day went swimmingly how did we meet we do we have to say don't we say this is a three-way I was there the day you guys met the day the night I want to say it was lovely and romantic I want to say that I saw him from afar GOx glistened in the light of mantra yeah we are we didn't know really my main thing I remember about that night is we weren't gonna go out we chose to last minute and the entry was ridiculous he's crazy okay so jack will probably button and tell the story because you know the details but you've told me this Jack and Stevie were not meant to be out that night and I wasn't really meant to be in that place at that time so it's just by pure whatever you want to call it one question I've never asked you about that night were you out alone yeah I was not alone your friend had left you though no we didn't meet anyone else at you remember what happened I was with another friend he must have had to be drunk to be so I was with a friend on a night out and I think it was it was getting late when we got into mantra we didn't they would not have gone midnight so I remember paying 20-pound to get in which is another 500 tree yeah and we were pissed so I was I with a friend and I somehow got into the nightclub without the friend and I spotted you carry strange when two girls want a night out you don't just leave each other seemed like I'm not a believer in fate I'm not a believer in any of that kind of like weirdness but I think if there was any reason to believe in something like that and that is a good good example because there was four things because one was I was at yours before your sisters remember I think I'm not saying yes what a poor guy yeah yes yeah yeah so we were at yours and your sisters your sister was going to come back from like a meal or something should because it was just after Christmas I think she's doing the Christmas type thing and we would then do two then leave the we're babysitting your nieces and we were gonna leave and go out but your sister came back like an hour and a half late so it was like 1:00 in the morning or bath 12 so we like why the [ __ ] would we go out now there's that December the 29 and then we realized we're us oh yeah you're right I think it was the 15th actually because I think I looked back on my aunt's there to find a phone at that poster from that night to find out but yeah so we went out the taxi almost didn't come remember we have to then order a second one I remember this yeah I I remember little things from notes like that and then we got to the place I think I don't know if that was our first choice or not but it was about to close no asset it was about to close but you said if you want to get in now you have to go in now because there's a lot an hour left and then he said it was 20 and we went out [ __ ] that and walked off and I was so like we're already here now that we ended up paying so all the stars on lined and then we met you came over to us I did yeah I approached you guys [Laughter] was just me yes so I you I remember my first thought was oh I know him my second thought was bloody hell he's tall because something I'm sure you get that a lot I know you get a lot but something you can't see when Jack does online stuff you can't see how tall you know people do that all say that all the time yeah every time you get mapped by anyone yeah I'm just like there's like I'm not even sure no I'm 511 with shoes on I'm pretty much six-foot yeah I know next to Jack I still look tiny I love how anyone that's fine any male that's five eleven has a reason to be six-foot it's just a most active my own crews getting married and he was like I'm 511 who's like it kills me that I'm not saying it is [ __ ] [ __ ] it's like cuz it's an in difference an inch isn't that much no matter what you gotta say this is what I always say like fake it till you make it if I was five eleven year I would just say I'm sexy everyone it's obvious yeah well just when people like when girls like five five they can they can tell that makes a difference can right that's why I just quit my hair up really what do you want to be do you want to be six foot but what will be six foot that's just easier in it I'm six foot well not on 511 well I don't think that having to say you're 5a 511 is not easy but I said sure my shoes tend to have an inch heel basically Jack stole I'm six foot I'm between six foot three six foot four yeah I feel like you're half a foot taller than me when you're next to me then every time you've invited someone onto this bloody show the one I miss Chris Andy looked short as anything very short guy and then everyone else Bobby missing it was about seven [ __ ] true Jordi like short he's taller than me yeah Lawrence was tall yeah ksi was short that was kind of it that you posted on Instagram of you in case like ksi looks tiny yeah he was to me I look bigger than ksi and then when you put me next to Geordi I look like a baby so I want a photo with ksi and Jordi everywhere you know if you watch the boxing he's the Rory's the so what you really want the street doggy next to Alex which we've had yeah exactly so yes you came over yeah that was weird I remember this because one of the first times the first thing someone says to me is my name you came up was like Stevie what yeah I remember I feel like I said something to Stevie first to do it was it was like three months after hip to be a hipster was released wasn't it yes because that was the year we released that say mmm anywhere we went in Norwich okay you you introduce yourself as Stevie the rapper did he say that up in there I still do Stevie the rapper Stevie Vanessa as a reference to podcast might be out but then because because otherwise if you do that and it gets a laugh people gonna be sad again they're nutty laughs and I want people to know I'm actually very wedding I do bring stuff back up and I just go around coming on people to me because explain this I did not want to ask you for a picture because you have no social media to post on no I didn't even think of asking you for a picture I knew who you were I knew that you were a recognizable face and you did YouTube because I watched you I discovered you when you went on the homepage you're 25 things and I started watching you regularly from then so I'd already been watching you I knew who you were and I spotted you in this nightclub and I came up to you and I didn't even think of asking for a picture I don't know why that I was just like I just I just want to talk to you I think you said something about my photo being on the wall in your college yes we both went to the same College Oh see I I only went there for one lesson now I had to specifically go there to go and study further maths it's kind of guy I am what's the picture there for Menace X dawn not anymore X dawn of the college okay yeah it was just a picture me and it just said ledge what why is there actually a picture no just saying like you a always brag about ever Matt Smith the old doctor doctor who's probably an ivory statue of me in the little shopping center they have at the UVA outside budge ins me there just dab it into a zoella caliber [Laughter] you undermine Eddie joke if you laugh and then say quality at the end that don't think is not dude did you you should apparently a few years before I met you and I even knew you existed I did this is rather embarrassing to admit argumentatively or like I think I've seen Jack get chased down the street by women like angrily not like I said I've been watching him should have seen me and you cuddling quite a lot there yeah three bushes move on from my comfy comfy purse oh yeah but for the purposes of the pot yeah go for the body was basically Jack's stalker [ __ ] off this is what you tell people when this is an actual story no no so I knew I knew I did think he was attractive he's funny like a lion he was mine I watched your videos for a long time I knew you lived in and I knew like I saw your poster in the college that kind of thing and I was out in this city no no no just out shopping in my in the city and I saw you down the road and I instantly know actually because you'll rather recognizable and I was with my boyfriend at the time and I shouted I just shouted jack I don't know why I don't know what I plan to say to you probably just like you're right just something yeah and I shouted over you didn't turn around I think I was too far away my boyfriend at the time said oh yeah don't don't do this he was like yeah I know him yeah we're mates like he's a prick and I was like oh okay when I broke up with my boyfriend he was a serial liar like looking back but I believed him at the time I was once that's really weird go yeah we're mates he's a prick for then I just realized we're made you are because I was a bit closer and show again he's mad I'm mates with him I know him through I think he said through sky once listen to Avril Lavigne intimidated by is devilishly good looks and then uh he was worried you'd instantly leave him yeah fair enough he probably saw my poster on the wall Big B play around a picture that's about me more about you I want to go back to just because a lot of viewers took like don't really know much about yeah I guess so what was going back way before you met me and stuff like that what what was your childhood like good what would you like what what would you like at school because I it's different each school I feel like you have very different personalities like throughout all of them like primary school or I went to infant school and a junior school and all throughout that I was very good intelligent not to blow me and trumpet but I was put in like the gifted and talented yeah must have been gifted if you could play your own trumpet tribe and I cannot so when did it all go wrong you went to a lot of schools I did and I always thought you know that one kid at school that would go to a lot of different schools I always used to think Sun's up join me Oh what was up me what was wrong would you did you not get on with people people so I went to school I went to my junior school went to high school went a really really rough high school really really bad reputation and a teacher slept with the student it happened somewhere every school and then someone got stabbed anything happened to you then no I mean she stabbed people [Laughter] what did you want to be when you were no I wanted to when I was really really really really really little say before the age of about 6 I wanted to do something with animals and I still do on YouTube that is why I spend all day every day when I was little I just wanted to be six-foot remember anything I thought before the age of six Jack has this weird thing he said this to me before he doesn't remember being a child he has like no school memories I'm like hi I don't have too many I have one or two I have a few nothing amazing I think you need some things like trigger when somebody says hard you remember that when you got that big duck from aster I remember stuff like that that's my earliest memory but I reckon I was still a six then like I wanted a big duck from as demand that went in a bullet for me and I was buzzing my mum for a while was one of the dinner ladies in my first school and I you nanny was as well my nan worked in the poor in the preschool so I used to I think I must remember some things from my childhood yeah yeah well my old nanny she's still my nanny are you Marin preschool I remember my mum was a yeah we got my mum was a like a little lady just at my first school and I'd used to purposefully get in trouble at lunch so that not did a lady she did something with like the kids naughty kids at lunch so I used to purposely get in trouble just so I could spend more time with my mum like mrs. white miss white and just be like she for two years when I went she was school times when we didn't have to see you do [Laughter] something with animals I wanted then I got older and I got into dancing and gymnastics and my absolute passion which is something that I was really serious about was becoming a choreographer a dance choreographer how does this with animals you could be like the choreographer on cats the musical then you win winning a song doesn't change them into animals alright so I was so you wanted to be a dance choreographer and you want work with animals you work in retail now Thanks now I mean why what's stopping you from doing one of those things what genuinely yeah well I did dance from I don't know the age I started until the age of 14 and I did loads of different types ballet tap modern jazz lyrical acro like we're talking anything and everything lyrical dance yeah singing no what style is that to be literal about the words is that way you dance there were like a few baby [Laughter] anyway Korea morena joy dab to the tune of baby and this is why you should be watching on YouTube what I think this may be the worst thing I've ever done sorry yes why don't you do a dance show and so with the dance show you do you perform for two days you have the rehearsal on Friday and you perform on the Saturday and Sunday this was the Saturday so our first life proper show and I was backstage getting changed with my mum and I bent down to tie up one of my shoelaces and a searing pain went through my knee and I told my mom and she said oh well you've you know you've probably just overworked it you know you've been dancing constantly with the rehearsals and the show and everything so we brushed it off and then after the show was finished on this Sunday maybe this is on the Monday or something I was like man my knee still really hurts and she said okay well show me and I showed her and my one of my left knee had ballooned it was massive swollen swollen swollen so she she took me to the doctors and we I was exported thinking anything serious I was just oh you know I've over worked it up and dancing constantly and loads and loads and loads and loads and loads ridiculous amount of tests later I got diagnosed with arthritis in my knee the end of my dance career before even become basically yeah a lot of people assume that only old people go exactly that's why it was such a shock because I also had a swollen thumb so I've got arthritis in my left knee my right thumb it's very weak really yeah very strange it's usually asymmetrical as well so if you have it on this side somewhere else you'll have did they say how it happened obviously wasn't tying your laces it's to do with your blood your immune system is very strange but yeah like you said jacket you think there's old people that get arthritis and I was like I'm 14 I can't have it's common I was like but I'm 14 how can I have arthritis especially when I'm an active you know I don't just sit there and I'm not I don't live a sedentary life you know I'm trying to say and I'm active and I dance so how can I have this illness in my knee and I was absolutely devastating do you remember your mum thought it was something more serious oh she got told it could have been so so I don't remember much about it yet I feel like I've blotted this out of my memory cos we've so so so so awful a time but when they were doing all these tests on me because I had this weird swollen knee swollen joints all these kind of tests I'd have I test blood test everything years later my mum told me that they were actually testing for leukemia at the time but luckily thankfully she didn't tell me and so so so thankful I didn't have that because you're some obviously that's bad but you are somebody that you don't take well to like no one would take well to knowing and I'm not saying that like you might have leukemia fair enough welcome back to the app yeah no but you're someone that don't deal well with anything like that are you I remember I remember that Fiona actually fainted on our first date I had never seen anyone faint natura ly seen any one thing the only time up until that point in my life when I've seen people fame was when you drugged him no is when they did that game at school where everyone remember the fad where you'd like put your hands on your knees go press your chest next thing you know boom you wake up on the floor first date let me guess Nando's much more higher class than Nathan's now think of a movie yep cinema cinema yeah but but think about what movie it could be what is that sound let's get it on yeah it's a hint that's a hint that's a sexy song when we got he had lovely surprise to me booked tickets to see 50 shows great on Valentine's Day we got there we tried to print our tickets didn't work we had to call over an assistant oh yeah Jack can you put these for the 13th but I wasn't really used to sort like booking cinema tickets I usually get invited to the premiere very red in the face it was very awkward and I was like oh sorry but luckily they changed them for us yeah big up yourself Odeon we went and watched Fifty Shades agree I hated everything about it and then on the way back because I couldn't drive and Fiona could so this is embarrassing we needed to get back didn't we we thought we might have a couple of beers and stay out yeah but we didn't but anyway so we didn't have a car so we got my granddad to pick me up good ol good hotel Mitsubishi Shogun and I got in the front finally got in the back first should I say in the back arena I sat in the back with the ladder didn't say another word yeah no II went how was the movie when she got that call what you've been in a crash yeah and then Miranda dropped us off where your car was parked and you left you famine the Dourdan here yes so I got out of Jack's granddad's car and shut the door and went to walk away and I got stuck and I felt something pulling on my hand I looked back I had shut my thumb in the car door mate and it was on the nail yeah so it was like bang on the nail bed and to this day Fiona has a dodgy nail yeah you've obviously got your nails painted at the moment it's essentially not attached to the nail bed just in the middle yes look at that nail but so Fiona went bang oh no it starts a trickle Blood Donor thought and obviously couldn't drive so she started to drive back to her mum's house I had just wrapped my son in my luckily the drive home back to my mum and dad's house was only did you go with granddad so I'm there not only previously I think up until that point make your mum and dads once each at the same time and you drive in and you were like aha I saw it you'll be all right you'll be all right you'll be home in a bit and then you were going I feel like I'm gonna faint I think I don't get it I've never seen anyone do that I was like we haven't even played the game like the breathing game he walked it showed your mom and your mom made you put the thumb under the tap and then she fainted and it was a proper feint and then you hit the floor and then your four limbs went really stiff your hands were pressed against your knees like damn you like it was like a zombie like lightning going through you anyway back on the floor what the [ __ ] I think because she died in my thumb you're on the floor and your dad was like comforting you putting a pillow under you you just and your mom come up to me and when have you given her any drugs but yeah so then there was the second time I saw you feign that was when we were at your sister cut sister Charlie's husband's house we was watching her sister's husband Kyle used to be in Afghanistan fighting and in the army was in the desert it was the most stereotypical Afghanistan video you can imagine yeah of course yeah sorry yeah so you showed us a video and he was like yeah yeah this is where I nearly get shot so he's just walking with his Mane and then you that's what you hit that's that and then they both fall to the floor and they're laughing yeah in the video and they're laughing and and I was like what's that he's like that's the bullet going past my helmet-cam and I was like no way I was like wait laughing his eye that's just an instinct like a reaction we didn't know what to do I've always you're gonna cry and I was sat on the chair watching over Kyle shoulder and Fiona was watching yeah and then I just hear like that and I look and again all the limbs tight on the floor Wow come up and she didn't come around for about six minutes that was weird cuz I didn't know people actually fainted not made up one day people react like my dad fainted once cuz he got cuz he got in the laughing it was too hot to be fair men cannot handle hot baths the difference in temperature that women like their baths is insane yeah yeah and then like I said Lawrence when came on because you've got you had anxiety or having no I attend the don't care but I do and that's when you had a panic attack on the Covent Garden floor and I was like what the [ __ ] is this yeah I don't think that was the first time you ever had a panic attack but III without I'm gonna run the risk of sounding like a knob it but is what it is like when you had a panic attack out and about like out clubbin I thought because you're not a drinker you don't drink really do you not properly do so when you come out and you would drink and like cuz not being a twin drink people who aren't drinkers try and keep up with people that are drinkers they can get way more drunk so you would come out and drink keep trying keep up and then have a panic attack but I thought that was a result of you being drunk right and I didn't know what drunk what kind of drunk he was do you know I mean so when you like shaking cold like I think oh that's just cold you're drunk you're you feel ill and then when it happened in Covent Garden and there wasn't any drink involved I was like holy [ __ ] this is a thing yeah so so that was when I first discovered that she faked a [ __ ] fainting was faking panic attack but you can understand why I think it because I'm somebody that has never luckily fainted or never had anxiety not until huffing doing that stupid game in the playground I never fainted I've never had anxiety I've never had a panic I've never been depressed and I'm very lucky so anytime somebody says something like that it's hard for somebody especially said like a young guy I'm 21 at this point it's hard to empathize with that person because you don't it's alien to you it's alien I mean it's like saying ah don't you hate it when you're no buts when you're saying that just happen often or look randomly being with you opened my eyes to people to mental health in that way so that's a positive from a negative for you well no because I've learnt to help you in this that's gonna matter by Jack mate beyond fantastic right after the break we're gonna come back and we're gonna speak to Fiona about what it's like being with an internet sensation she's not [Music] you there we go we are back in the room you're back here you're back in the room Steve easy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so we've been together for four years now yes what's the best thing that we've ever done in your opinion maybe funny to see if we have the same one mr. and mrs. but we could cheat because we're both gonna take turns in answering instead of revealing a paddle how it could have played mr. and mrs. we should have done I don't know jack and I've already done mr. and mrs. on his channel so he could have been arrested you could have been a ref what's the best thing that's ever happened what or not that's a bit that's a very broad question what has been your favorite memory of our relationship I just think any Christmas in particular anything where one of the Christmases something big happened you are a fan of Christmas that one I love Christmas but I hate winter hate it I love Christmas where we differ yeah Jack hates summer Oh ginger no I hate winter no I love when know you hate winter and vice versa with summer but Christmas got boring for me it's much got boring with me and then I met you and then it got fun again it's not I'm just saying like it got a bit boring I was doing the same [ __ ] for 21 years and then and then I met your family and they still love Christmas like your mum's like a 12 year old at Christmas so that was that was nice because then I had something new to do something fresh and because they I always loved Christmas as a kid so he was something I thought yeah I didn't think we could ever recapture the Christmas magic again but we've definitely done that last year they are because fans big Christmas fans in their family when your dad's not do gun [ __ ] well we need some contact that's gonna say see some pictures of my nanny is the antithesis of my dad right so my dad is the antithesis the antithesis is the complete opposite of something it's gonna be context everywhere and so no so my dad is is is slightly javi I guess you'd say he's from it he's okay he works in a factory does that make him Jack he's from London he's a man's man he's a man's man like basically [ __ ] it's a cage to me but your dad is a very well-spoken worked in a decent decent job he's a Christian man doesn't swear doesn't like any thing any obscenities really good I mean and I'm funny because one of the first times I met her dad because because he's a bit bumbling as well isn't he you know I mean like it sometimes he gets things wrong like he'll say like aminals well my dad's 48 how would your dad 67 67 past 19 years older than my dad yeah but anyway so so he he came down one time and Fiona's mom said to her dad or - Fiona's dad oh I could say it first I'm Steven how come every time after you [Laughter] every time you use the laptop I can't see the history thingy I don't really use the laptop apart from googling Cox I saw him there almost spat Mattia all over their kitchen I'm like what and then he's like yeah I just he knows everything about sorry my dad didn't say that he does delete the history but then there was another time when you were ill and can I say this on here as well and we'd been up into her room all day because he was genuinely like I had a cold or flu or whatever and then we went downstairs when we haven't a dinner and I was sat there II and then and Fiona's mom looked at her and when Fiona what you were coughing weren't you and and and you went oh I've got a sore throat and then your mum went I'm not surprised you've been upset he went upstairs upstairs blowing all day and I was there again the second time just spat over your vagina walls in the walls inside of you need to do some biology just an empty space once you get some it is welcome to happy hour what's the best thing that's ever happened it doesn't need to involve jack relationship the proposal is pretty special yeah obviously happened this Christmas didn't know should we tell people how that happens here's what I did if only you uploaded a video on your main channel I missed I missed the boat cuz we the ring broke didn't it yeah got me a really cheap crappy cracker ring and the diamond fell 20 Peru yeah no because proposed on Christmas Day just got on and the ring I filmed the whole process because it was like a month long process the idea it wasn't it so I filmed I filmed the whole thing and I was going to upload it but Fiona's ring actually broke three days after proposal so what's the point of us filming a video if she can't actually show the ring in it that would be weird and the stars didn't align so I never really knew yes only just now been fixed isn't it but that right is that wrong has been right it's all good but so yeah so that so proposal Christmas Day who's gonna upload the video still got the footage still got the hot loads of it if enough people want to see it I will post it at some point but it's very festive the videos very fast yeah so if I post that in March it's gonna be a bit weird isn't it but you want to tell people how it came to be I knew nothing about the proposal until Jack gave me an advent calendar on the start December and he'd made this advent calendar it's like a giant poster and it had a lovely picture of me and Jack on it and all these doors and behind each door that are open each day it had like a little riddle and then I'd solve the riddle and the answer was a place or somewhere in the house and then hidden in that place in the house was that dates present so I got loads of lovely things you know that the chocolates the pajamas dressing-gown smelly's all sorts of things sushi it's mad because it was like bath bombs some-some presents were better than others like so one day there might just be like the bag of sweets or something like that but then another day there might be like the new Sims so some things are better than others but it was an advent calendar and and and the I filmed Fiona's reaction to opening every one of these doors I'm writing in the answer and go into the location and getting the thing out and when one of the things her favorite food is sushi so one of the times I do I ordered loads of sushi on delivery and from the Oh sushi and put those of through in it and made a platter and that was the only time she cried she cried over raw fish mental yeah but anyway so yeah yes so I just thought not just nothing else of it and it got to Christmas Day and Jack had done advent calendar up to 25 days because he's an actual proper calendar and so I opened we've got a little bit behind because of Christmas so on Christmas day I was sitting down with Jack in the living room and I opened just a few doors up towards the final door and Jack was had set up a camera to film it and I didn't think anything of that because he filmed the whole process anyway and so I thought nothing of that and then he was hurrying me a bit and I thought you know why are we why are we home this is the end of Christmas days in the evening we've got nothing you know we're just chillin why are you hurrying me a bit and so I was get a little bit confused and then the 25th door the final door I opened that and it had the riddle in it and it said basically to take the first letter of each clue one each answer sorry to the riddles 1 to 25 and what does that spell out so my first thought is [ __ ] I can't spell oh my god I'm gonna have to do some work no my first thought I had didn't think of a ring or anything I thought wow that's that's genius that is so clever that is so so classy was amazed I was [Music] Fiona South will you marry me and then and then where where you write all the answers in for each day the door day 25 had three boxes didn't it remember yeah because how did you say that sorry no so I'm just saying like what I thought at each moment oh okay absolutely blown away the next thing that I thought of was so I started to spell it out and it it started with my name Fiona sigh because it was like fridge yeah fridge and then I stray near the door yes that's everyone yes an anagram wasn't it so I was spelling out my first thought so I didn't know what this last present was but knowing Jack could be something big something amazing I thought it was a holiday or something so then I start spelling out said Fiona scythe and I was like oh no like this isn't a holiday there's only one question that starts with my full name including my surname Fiona south want to go Tenerife yes spell out Fiona sighs will you marry me and I was just absolute because I did not expect at all I had no idea there was no hints or anything I didn't have any inkling we would we hadn't talked about it we'll had the you know I didn't know there was one time when why not because I obviously it's there in black and white for me when she's full of in the answer so I can see it she's writing any answers as she's written for it I and I'm reading it across a film and her reaction and then you kind of like looked across like the board so you sort of like went from the F to the I so that I don't think I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] because if you work out before the day it [ __ ] the whole and then when it comes on Christmas Day your actions not gonna be as genuine and then I but then I kind of thought like you you go to one then you go but you're looking to see if there's any of missed so I was like [ __ ] so when she left I thought she's not gonna remember what clue was what day so I just scattered some of the doors around again okay and it was only until we got to date door 24 when she was due to open the last one on Christmas Day that I had to go through put them all in all that and then and then yes you read it and spelled out for yourself will you marry me and he cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and yeah so you got the ring and then three days later what happened so back to work three days later in the office at work and I was just plain playing with the ring and it felt really spiky really sharp so I looked down and the diamond had fallen that's mental crazy three days after having it it's not a cheap ring but you found the diamond yeah so my colleague found the diamond they say what would have happened if you didn't have the diamond with it I would have no proof we probably could have taken it back but it's like good job the bloody diamond so big so yeah we've managed to sort out the the engagement ring and get a lovely replacement but so that's probably why we haven't done the video yeah so so I don't know I don't know where that footage is ever going to lie or if I'll ever see the yeah well maybe I'll do that like when we go to America and all these holidays i vlog every single day i vlog every single log everything we do and it never goes up and people think it's a waste of time but it's not because I put on a hard drive and then I have all the footage there yes I would love to make a mini little dock you film that I could have and people could say because it would be epic like we filmed everything of everything we do and we do do some mad stuff but it's gonna take me a couple of weeks to edit that and two weeks of not doing anything apart from that that will won't make me any money this is my job now this is the kind of like the hindrance to when the hobby that you love becomes your job you have to prioritize the things that then help you financially didn't I mean but yeah so there we get dear do you going back to just what we're talking about and that do you find it weird that people when the people recognize you now yes very strange navigates that has happened not loads because if I might with you they'll they'll go to you obviously but it has happened I can think of at least three or four times when you're not even been when I'm not with you once I was with my mum just in a you know boots or makeup shop or something and a young girl came up to me and she said girlfriend and my mum was just like what is going on like have you staged this that is quite mental because because you're not on social me yeah if you had instrument happened a lot more but like because you're not it's only based on anything you pose so if anything it kind of comes out good on you again which I kind of don't want to say but it's only because you're known enough that someone can then see yeah because she doesn't have our own social media I don't dislike it it's just strange it very very strange because it's like you know me just because of who I'm in a relationship with strange another instance was an old job that I worked in sort of like a theme park that was for younger children you know like toddler sort of really young children and a mum came up to the entrance to get admission tickets and she did a double-take at me she was a mum would like to toddlers and she was to young man note a frige age average age not like you know of extremely young man and she recognised me she's like are you that youtubers girlfriend and I was like thinking all you toddlers don't watch him yeah he seemed a little bit you know not the target demographic I found that really strange that she recognized that doesn't doesn't make you want to start making your own channel because a lot of people online stand knew more than they stand me whatever that means but people say that does that ever make you tempted to make your own channel no why because I like supporting you I feel like if I did my own thing would be too much maybe not at the time but then you do you do support me well when we do like events that summer in the city and stuff like that I'm not too comfortable I don't know I don't find myself too comfortable being on camera I'm not I guess not a natural like you up but go into places like summer in the city and any kind of meetup I love because everyone's so friendly you do end up speaking to the viewers more than I do really yeah I mean I only get like a very short amount of time of each one then you'll stand in the queue and speak to all of them then q so I think a lot of people really appreciate that and they see how kind you are MA and they enjoy it yeah thanks for thanks for helping me with all that we've we've actually we've actually got to to wrap this up which is a shame because it had been lovely to have done longer a lot of people asked you a lot of questions on Twitter and stuff like that but we've we've actually run out of studio time so we need to get you back on if you want to do another one in the future let the audience decide I'm sure they do I'm sure they want that but yeah if you know it's been fun thank you I've learnt some things about the happy hour podcast with Fiona and Stevie we will see you again very very soon over on forward slash happy hour podcast or on iTunes or any other podcast provider just go on and work in Jack makes happy oh there's been a very very fun one and AH this is usually the point in the show in which I would link the guest social media / Fiona doesn't Avenue so if you want to support Fiona in all of our ventures follow me make a petition and and get a letter become of that because I should if not if you've got any animals out there I'm sure there we go thank you very much and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 421,533
Rating: 4.9594111 out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, FIONA REVEALS ALL ABOUT HER RELATIONSHIP WITH JAACK, jaackmaate girlfriend, jaackmaate proposal, jaackmaate video, jaack fiona, proposal video
Id: nwgvVyDlgEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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