ROBBIE KNOX | Having Testicles Removed, Locked in a Room with Noel Gallagher & Soccer AM

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[Music] hello it's me jack mate and welcome back to the happy hour podcast I am joined by Stevie white white white third time I thought it wasn't good the first two but that's my thing there I've brand Jordan vlogs that's it it's got the name change is coming it's actually right yeah are you doing all right I'm all right I haven't seen you in ages yeah we'll talk about it in a bit because today I'm very excited I'm joined by a great friend of mine I was like I was reading from a script I'm doing Bobby knocks how you do Robbie it's a pleasure mate now Robbie is obviously and you've recently become a youtuber yeah but you you started in the kind of like showbiz like many moons ago you were a researcher on soccer I am and then since they're always that the correct turn started off as an editorial assistant and then I became no I said was a production Junior then I became an editorial assistant and then I became an assistant producer oh right okay so I got two completely wrong with research since then you've gone on to do many different things and we've had countless sort of like beers and and spoken about some of your stories and I think that a lot of them are [ __ ] brilliant so I I want to bring you on just to share your stories with the world but before we get into it if people do want to check out Robbie after this after this podcast then how can they find your channel hey here's a better question so his name's Robbie Knox not Knox as in knock on the door but KMOX so you'll find it just just sum up what you do on your channel real quickly especially killing time till I die you are here to promote it potato growing I went to the tip once that was quite popular [Laughter] that's kind of it really to video stuff in the garden I are filmed why I basically was I talked to James about his heart attack and that's got like two hundred and ten thousand views get the big we we met when did we meet now I do I can tell you roughly how many subscribers you had if that helps date it for you you had about 70,000 subscribers remember I've never met a youtuber before really I was asking dr. probably quite annoying questions yeah yeah seventy thousand Jesus Christ and I had a manager no wonder James James connected me up okay no we actually met and bizarrely on a cooking show with both we'd both been roped in to do a cooking show where was it was in Camden wasn't it yeah there's a bit in Britain as well it was it was very tenuous why I was there Ready Steady Cook yeah this is quite a long weird story but I started off I I got really wait in Sainsbury's 1 before Christmas and then I didn't go to a supermarket six months this is coming around I don't even know about the YouTube thing now what annoyed you in Sainsbury's so much to not go back for six months for Christmas nothing it could have been any supermarket but I just Christmas and everything ordered my supermarket shop everything's prepared and then someone invite us around for like Boxing Day or something I thought I'd make a cake or something because I want to be like a good guess I'm going right back so I thought I have to go same reason I went now it's just the 23rd of December like the worst experience of my life the queues were like 45 minutes back the there was nothing there what was that was all for though like carrots or the worst carrots I've ever I've ever tasted I had you mess up carrots carrots and everything about it was horrible and I just left there was so sad just there's gotta be a better way of doing this I'm not gonna get a say pockets from yeah I thought wind every year then after six months if I've learned as much I'm gonna go where did you do all of your shopping which makes it a lot easier like if you like you're probably not as practical but I'd go to like I've got milk delivered from a milk fan your YouTube you wake up at 1:00 p.m. yeah I still get milk delivered now as change the way our shop we're going slightly off topic I appreciate independence I get a veggie box delivered sometimes I'll get a butcher's to buy meat and getting vaguely back to all we took them out so then I did this for six months I didn't tell you I was doing it but my wife it got increasingly annoyed when I was gay I need to get some turmeric so I've just got five three hours to find and those are the things that we're knowing of things that you just yeah just going get and then you didn't even check in French so she got quite annoyed and then I wrote just on Facebook I just wrote a thing saying I've been to see one for six months that's why I've discovered unless tonight six or seven points and so what I knew who worked at The Huffington Post said oh you're to write a blog about this been a running theme throughout the Scottish Sun and some local radio stations throw me out to talk about this anyway so read that blog I think I might have written one other blog about something a car remember what for them and then they phoned me up and said oh we're doing this this thing for a more this this Chinese cooking petition and do you want to be in it like a team of bloggers as a team of YouTube isn't a team of comedians I like Barry my I've written two blogs in my life me so it's me and I was a team with this girl factorials very nice second twenty-five heard blogger type thing which gave me a massive advantage and she knew about food yeah and stuff like that and we had and that's where I met you you were the YouTuber team absolutely yeah so you said you was only a blogger because you had two blogs I had 70k and James as my manager so I was barely a youtuber I don't like to been on the comedian's team but I'm fully fully aware of why I'm not it was funny though because we it was across what three days two days I think we did a few days then there's like a grand final wasn't there oh yeah that it was it was it was long-winded something that you very much do and and then kind of regret halfway through but Robbie I don't if you remember this I my first impression of you was that you were mental well I thought you'd lost it right but you came up to me my manager at the time and the first story you said was yeah I nearly had me my bollocks cut off I can't I can tell you more things that happen around that time and together we can work out it was because the day I nearly have my bollocks cut off was the day I went to film The Libertines is the day after I went to film The Libertines talking about their reunion announcing they were doing a reunion so find out when that was it would have been February after that I think after that we met right okay and and it's not important I think Jordan I think what is important and I have what people gonna want to know is what The Libertines like no how did you nearly have your balls cut off so I never really go to the doctors just ignoring everything everything just kind of everything kind of gets got better historically so far for me so I kind of ignore it but then I woke up one day and I had like sort of pain in my testicles I felt like there was a twisted round I'm the cause sort of thing like that and so I went like straight irony you're not messing around without ID okay I'm sorting this right out yeah so I went to I lived in Balham in southwest London the time had the choice of Tooting or Chelsea Chelsea and I was there for a few hours I saw a succession of increasingly more attractive female doctors it was a bit more embarrassing now eventually they went they did an ultrasound on my testicles yeah yes or basically I found a lump near the tube yeah went to the doctors doctor said it might be some sort of cyst then went to to the hospital at the area of the the ultrasound again female doctor female nurse embarrassing let you say and and then she said she couldn't see anything so I won't it was winter and this is quite bad but basically so I had the doctor say yo yeah thing is there's a lump there so you better good thing then had the ultrasound they said there's nothing there so I was like my mind went I'm gonna listen to the last piece of information of her cuz that's the best for me see you later yeah so I might be dying I don't know one of those things where I said everything's fine yeah if we go to the doctors if you've got yeah Oh without a doubt without a doubt yeah yeah yeah I hadn't ultrasound had a few things like that eventually I saw a consultant woman who said you've had a thing called torsion D torsion where basically the testicle is twisted around its cords and as then it untwist it's helpful you fiddling around as untwisted it whatever's happened and it's it still hurts because there's bruising there but you did the right thing to do to come here because if you don't get it sorted you leave it within 24 hours the testicle can draw it can die and drop off Oh in such a fall out happen once it's more likely gonna happen again but don't worry there's like a there's a small procedure we can do hope brother I have I ended up to about constable eleven minutes in welcome to happy hour there's a small procedure you can do happening I mean sans absolutely fine a small procedure no problem at all just out of interest while we're here what is this small procedure not macho he did come in one morning or one afternoon we'll just give you general said it was slice open your scrotum and we were so your testicles - your scrotum you but like I'll tell you I save my scrotum is a pretty major surgery just sewing my yeah testicles something never mind to my head that's fine yeah she's like well otherwise your balls drop all right fine we'll do it so I went along before you before you have an operation with general anaesthetic you go along for a preoperative assessment I discovered and I never had an operation before and so I went along to this this thing and there's a nurse guy called David and he said I'm Scottish a few questions to check if you're all right for to have anesthetics went with you he said right first of all what's the procedure having done tonight I don't know the name of it but you're gonna say my testicles to one scrotum you went right we're not removing them I said and he said I'm sorry have to make a phone call and it's basically it came down to the doctor's handwriting and it's so orchids something is that is the name of it and the word that means so testicles to scrotum and the word that means carpet is they're very similar I have once cake [Music] as far away as possible having an argument with a woman on the phone I can tell you is right so he was good then he said okay sorry about that I said no problem you could see the hospital for no testicle favors so let's maybe chalk this up as a will okay no problem any fur anesthetic have you got any questions about the procedure am I gonna get my testicles chopped off next Thursday and his honest answer he said I mention it on the day so how are your testicles now I went to the thing of the day and said this is and I met with thee before had I said look this is gonna sound really weird but when I claimed my people to have assessment and he tell you it it still said that this morning I know we're not dropping off your testicles even Shane changed so okay that's good so then but then it wasn't like in I've seen films that they put under anaesthetic we all you into a room I'd like I walked into the room for the surgery then they lie down and give you the anaesthetic there so the surgeon everyone was around there so I said that I know I said there's like 10 people all around so I know this is gonna sound weird but when I came before they were gonna they said they were gonna chop off our testicles so I just need to make sure you know that you're not chopping up our testicles the surgeon went yeah I know and everyone in the room some guy some guy just nodded I said I'm sorry I'm gonna have to be safe and if I was I took those since I thought if I was the obesity of the surgeon are definitely as I was going under don't go right let's get this guy's but I woke up with the first thing I did was feel get nervous quite possibly be my favorite story one type of balls to another soccer am that you you you went to uni and Norwich didn't you because it weirdly we have that Norwich connection but obviously as discussed that's not how we met no before we get on soccer am let's go back to the cooking show say he's not good on the cooking show I just remembered Jim FFA Robbie he said to me one day in between shoots he said he had I think he had like two iPhone cases I had one I Drive one I kept taking it off oh yeah he kept taking it off and on and I was like why is he keep doing that and he was like because I want people doing really well we've get him on is obviously pop you know you won that show though didn't you and then I suddenly thought the prize was so we got it was like they they weren't allowed to see you as paying their payment we can pay you like an amount as expensive there's a lot more than my travel card to London so I did that and as I was on the team with this 25 year old girl Victoria and created the prizes like a holiday to Hong Kong I think great my wife's go up to the airport by the kids a couple of weeks let me have the cash instead yes you do work and you can win more money for what checkout Tesco's but if you scan the most things this yeah and then what was it during the UEA that you got you got a drop on the sock um no I went to UVA then I left didn't know what to do couldn't we know what it's like economics at university but didn't really want to work in a bank or anything at least in radio and stuff while I was there right live why it's called and then I went to Canada for a year and just [ __ ] around in Canada and I worked in a coffee shop for a bit and I got sacked then I went to work for a garage what'd you get sacked for they're not being very good at it I was talking too much to people I think I was it was quite I dig 'no fied sacking because there i got sacked from the coffee shop but the guy here and the coffee shop also owned this gas station so he said no you can't work here at the coffee shop terrible but you can come work at the gas station to say mummy right so sort of the best possible sacking it's not like yeah transfer yeah it was a transfer but it was this off it was also a transfer you're terrible because I was talking too much to the customers and chatting which is I thought was quite good and they all said they want to get the line down they want to get a coffee yeah I get it right so you came you came back and then I came back I know wears a ski resort for a bit there and then I came back and within a week I got a job working as a runner at TV studio other do things like fifteen to one first here is the weakest link she was alright yeah more of a character not that much of a [ __ ] she was she was fine I mean I didn't have massive problem saying hello and then changing towels and making coffee another yeah she was fine yeah and then and then so yeah I've been away to stock really so you won't you won't select uni win because like with with tubes he got we got work experience didn't he is it something that you applied for that job I I was working as I was working a TV studio and someone the guy got me the job there was a guy I went to uni with and who'd work there before and then he was working for Tim Lovejoy who was the presenter of Salome at the time his agent and he's seen your watch soccer I am and liked it and he said oh they're looking for someone you should send them your CV so I did I went for an interview and they gave the job to someone else he can start in time so they gave the job to me wow that's the most ideal thing that's a bit of luck isn't it yeah it's a bit like that's like that's like when I was probably five or six years ago at a competition one night online have I told you this Santander well you probably know about anyway buy anything to come I came home drunk one night and I saw I was watching nothing probably my own YouTube video back to see how it was doing he's on the fence now and there was an advert for Santander and it was like you know how they do the mobile like Mo Farah demo it was like make one up for Jessica Ennis in the 2012 Olympics competition I do remember really yeah so I was like and I read the T's and C's I know never normally were Bo probably could just cuz I had a few and so and it was like the most liked entry when decent not even judges like I could probably become the most liked entry and I remember looking on there and I think the most liked one was like 12 so I was like right I'm definitely gonna do this so I wrote a note on the and the winner will win five thousand pounds so it's like write a note on the phone next day I did it and there's a reason I tell you this story but I won got the five thousand pounds but also it said if you win you get to meet Jessica eNOS and spend the day with her and I was kind of like what about that and then I got an email a week late again so sorry Jessica's schedule will not allow us to honor this so can we just give you an extra tooth [Laughter] that's like the second best thing so it's like that's kind of that ties into you not getting the job and then getting getting the job I want a competition once a day remember entering what was the prize an art print straight is nice I've got up in the house five stars in The Guardian it was I think I would sign up to a mailing list for something called own art you can buy art if you want like subsidized yeah I think you've got interest free terms or something like that I've never bought art but I was on this mailing list and I think they must have had a competition of entity and not remember because I got an email it was to do with time out magazine I think they were running it got an email from time out saying you still want this art print because it's like we've got it in our office you don't come to collect it and I hadn't had any email saying you've won or remembered entering this competition so I just sort of went alright yeah I'll come down tomorrow I thought I don't care I've got something to pick up and I don't think I remember I knew what it was I just he was a prize and then I got it back and so yeah going back to something so Graham how what was your first role on that show so the first thing I did was it was basically getting booking the costumes and props for the show was the main bit you do bits of editing or being in edit Suites and so that but generally we'd they'd have all we do sketches on the show and things like that so I have to get the costumes in already props we did and it was all weird stuff as well like we had some and when my first few weeks had to get in a donkey for a horse for free a real one a real one to go in the car park for a sketch about Dexys Midnight Runners he may not remember Karen what there and a lot of the time I didn't get a lot the culture reference excels on the youngest yeah I didn't know why I was getting in a horse or walk and so better measure doing just fine up late people adventure go can be a whole she could bring people just look up farms locally and just phone him up and say I'm calling from Sky Sports we're looking for a horse to come down they must support enough people someone give you a horse that's the quote man as long as you put the work in you can get anything like that I mean if you if you wanted to get anything you know something like if you fail enough people someone's gonna go yes if you got a horse if you got nothing doing Saturday my girl I'll come down and be fun for the TV studio Wow so you moved from calling up people to get horses to callin up celebrities didn't you yeah yeah yeah so that's my first thing then eventually I was doing I was doing the music on the show I was sorting out of the music stuff and then I was also doing all the guest stuff so either myself it was a music guest or someone else Fame as one of the other guys would book a guest and then they passed me on their phone number or their agents phone number whatever right and I'd take from there so I'd do I'd phone up them or their age and I do a research chat with them where you go through I just have a chat with about 15 minutes or whatever and then you write the interview from that and then we'd have a meeting on Fridays and you take you to that and then I know any any issues with it all change change bits and bobs and then and then on the show you look after them and make sure they get away did you and who who was some of the bigger guests that came on the show during your time Ray Winstone come on quite a lot no Gallagher meatloaf yeah can never remember we have 40 shows 42 shows a year and between three and five guests each time Wow Artie Monkees Kassabian well the majority of them quite nice yeah almost everyone really really most who was your who was your favorite guests a lesbian light there were people that I read my eighteen Holloway was always brilliant yeah he was he's always just it's just a really really nice guy I think he'd been a few times so and and quite a few I'd find them up when they weren't on the show okay but you might do like a I am you might want to get quote for the bass something and other things like this or just asks about something a little funny he was on the show one day and it been a range of his agents I found them up as I I it's Robbie from Socrates I said if you've got ten minutes we just go through a few a few questions no problem I'd like to chat what he's doing how the team every was managing the time I think APR and just had a look at 15 20 minute chat with him and all that said all right so should I sort your um just thought your taxi out for the weekend then yes oh my coming on the show am i 20 minutes [Laughter] he does come across like that kind of character yeah some of his quotes I think that was a quote ones that he said he's hung like a hamster he said and Cristiano Ronaldo's got it all speed pace looks I hope he's hung like a [ __ ] hamster I was good when we had PE on who's obviously tubes he he spoke a lot about the drinking culture around soccer a.m. and stuff like that was he very much part of that yeah like I yeah more than tubes to be fair like I think he went home quite a lot it turns out now to go because he didn't relive nearby so he had to but yeah because because I was the Gothard guest more often than not I take him over to there's a rugby club opposite sky there's not pub for quite a distance you had a rugby club and just sit there and watch football perhaps or just have a drink and and do you ever go out with any of the guests that you had on the show yeah well there was no like a hierarchies you never know when you were gonna have a like a sort of massive drinking sessions there was like they were like fabled drinking sessions and vital if you'd been on them or not I missed out on the one where Neil work with weed and Frank Lampard's shoes one being in Germany I think it was and they went out there what the deal was with that the biggest one we went to we had star sailor German star so remember them I know the name but enemy award in like 2001 that's off yeah popular and and I their music sort of quiet soft probably going to get quiet absolute massive losses yeah we'd had it was one of those shows where everyone was was down I Tim and Helen were there and some some weeks would be of people in the pub some people some we should be be a lot and it was the weekend of Chelsea Bolton and Vernon Kay being on a couple of weeks before he was a Bolton fan and he came along just just after the show to go drinking with us and he just sort of escalators of the day went on and was going in in various taxis place places all around I remember being really really drunk by about four o'clock and we were all going to meet somewhere in West London but I the taxi I was in I was drunk I took in the wrong place I think we were going to like Bayswater I said to guaran scheppers butch right well we got out and then it was just after the football things could keep your just knows because I was on the show at a time you get recognized quite long I remember some people can probably knock sorry I'm I just think it Humpty drunk it's like middle afternoon just of ran away down a cab we all got in this cab guys and we end up getting back over to this pool room snooker club or something the others have been out and then we have another pub so we made a vow they were about to Vernon Kay's house and I don't sound I've never been slow it was very weird night good night market you've met Martin lawyer yeah my mark had come down to visit the first I've never been to soccer am right not really then we were and Vernon Katie hey Doc he's like dining room table was also like a pool table so you take the top off and it was like a pool table underneath right says its class it was [Laughter] playing pong on this eventually and went home about one when you started 12 it's quite a bit of a session yeah and then the next day I woke up in the morning without felt absolutely terrible and vert turned on the radio and Vernon was on doing his radio 1 show at the time and he was the first thing oh my god say anyone's talking about this they'd been drinking all day and and sort of talking about it or that and then he said I said ah if anyone's round my house and they stole my pool Mikey someone stole the cue ball from my table can I have it back over and check my jacket what why did was he so fixated on having that specific cue ball back well I'm a hassle than that particular one here was if I tried you get cue ball we have to go sprays are for Amazon you could even get on Amazon now but it's very more hassle yeah I mean it also invited people into his house for something to be stolen yeah she said isn't it mad but the triangles in Paul and snooker fit perfectly over that amount of balls what yeah it goes perfectly over the access you know it's been made specifically to find a triangle that's how you pay Paul we're trying with the balls in that formation and also this thing existed that you just get on that that note will then we'll go for a break and when we come back we'll be speaking to Robbie about his time locked in a cupboard with one of the Gallagher brothers ok [Laughter] [Music] welcome back to the happy hour podcast I'm still here with the gang including Stevie what's how's your work going by the way that's bloody marvelous actually really well yeah you look tired I've been working a lot yeah spent a long weekend I've got a few comments which I probably should have come equipped with really but some people have been taken stabs in the dark at what you do yeah and some people there seems to be a collective of people that are landing on the same assumption and they think that you possibly I don't know if you can confirm or deny this but you work for the Queen for the Queen some somebody said you was a Queen's Guard and it got a lot of likes and then the comment underneath was like you definitely works with the claim I've seen quite a few like that and I've seen a florist don't know where that came what if you were a florist why would you not be able to talk about where you were well florists I can see you as a flower arranger as there was one I've had this morning it's got a few lights and a stir the thing is it's so much more dull than all of that so is it that the one day when when it eventually comes out everyone's gonna [ __ ] hate us you think more than they already do do will it come out one day I'm sure I think it's gonna be a bigger letdown and at the end of like The Sopranos I was gonna say lost that was that was bad but I think that lost its way way before the end I was lost sort of halfway through that anyway no one knows what my job is by the way Robbie before the break we were talking about soccer a.m. and the drinkin sessions that come with that and and you mentioned having another story about something or other we were talking about the other other big session we Adam we have one when Gavin Gavin Henson who was the Welsh rugby player who was married beefcake Charlotte Church he came on it was around the time he just started dating he's suddenly become this song all over the tabloids all the time and he came down here and he made it like a weekend in London with his mates from wherever he was in Wales really lovely guys and we went over the Rugby Club afterwards and and he was it was really fun then after his again I was so tired without relay editing do I turn in the morning or something I've been doing not work that way can the show and he's gonna have some drinks in a dam in Richmond you wanna come and I'm not sure though then come on come on come on officially all right all right come along everybody go to sleep okay I'll come on for a bit something weird and just rank by the river all afternoon in Richmond and he and cuz he just become really famous yeah from nothing he was really enjoying you in a nice way he was having a laugh with his day people just keep saying to each other come to this club and I don't know I don't know what what to do he'll be funny sort of thing so he fed up for this she said oh he said I've got this girl's number to give ring said I it's Gavin Henson Oh got asked if they wanted to come down tonight King yeah my favorite drink types of years and we went out and then we went into town and rocket was with me crow at the time and and we went we went out drinking but obviously we're getting followed around all these clubs like six or seven clubs what was like bars and Pepsi right it was really weird and when people when you see celebrities I'm not doing about at the very biggest level but when they say Oh like icon it's hard to avoid paparazzi no missiles there were no paparazzi in Richmond we're drinking in a pub there yeah yeah go to these pubs if you go these club spotters who are at these McCarran these places and we got more more drunken at one point we went on a rickshaw between place rickshaws in London yeah those and things that like men and when pedal yeah I don't know I can't speak like a big trike where you sit on the back yeah rickshaw at one point between places and then later on because Charlotte Church was was out of the time we wouldn't end up some club and they were there we've sat around in this club I've been drinking for him 12 14 hours by this between something I'll sat in between Gavin and Charlotte obviously never met before or or since and and those are balls of Chris now and all this stuff around and I was thinking I've really have been able to spit the bit on this news thing it said the Pope had died together the Pope's died he goes I don't care I'm not really just tell Charlotte for the Pope Charlotte maybe she was announced that there for the Pope and then the Monday morning I woke out you have something Mondays office guy and I woke up and I had something like 50 text messages from people I just saw over the list of names people hadn't seen for years and if you ever want to get in touch with people from school you haven't seen from years of you seen for a while I'd suggest you get photograph [Laughter] and I came out of it quite well just like a bloke in a rickshaw rocket at one point and it was just like cooking in the Sun with Kevin Henson years later there was like a couple years later maybe having some marital difficulties there was nothing like clothes on all these women's about the saying how Gavin's parting with his mates is the problem and they use this photo of me originally the question is in those photos did you have the 20-pound stories from soccer a.m. and soccer am probably gave you while it did give you an interest in life perhaps more so than most jobs what what was one of the best things to happen to you from from that coming out of that show I'd like a really good a lots of good things I got play football at Wembley as I was the first row at the new Wembley Stadium ramped up events before they could open the stadium you can't just build a stadium and have the FA Cup final in it yeah have these sort of various events or the first one they did when it opened it was like for 20,000 people they had like this community day where they invited 20,000 local people to the stadium to test it out and check it all works there there were three teams was like a soccer am team and two other teams only one might be no es one bro Ambro I thinking poly would have been or someone like that and there was another one can't they were and we've played like a round-robin tournament we played both teams and whoever won the most one that won the tournament and we we won as straight as Sonny straight off the show so they had the other game the other teams played first Iona but it was brilliant yeah you got together a bus like ending wave from athletes underneath the stadium and all that and a lot of people around coming down - it was amazing that's my feeling and and then it all says also very nervous I'm not plating goes not that great right in goes all right thanks Sunday League Wembley yes and and you're playing its pros next pros and all this thing's and and and things like that and then John Aldridge in our team when I was going I was like eh I said Liverpool fan and he's one of my heroes and who's going am I was a bit nervous he think I probably jump me to warm you up I like okay like literally no idea what like me [Laughter] it's the changes like a soft astroturf e-type thing just I can just like ivory not dismembers of this but a bit bigger and you just like just ping balls at me to catch that okay this is brilliant thirteen-year-old Robbie we went out and won that was the players do the warm up on the pitch then a little room next to the changing room like a warm warm up it's just to like kick a ball about or do something before you go out and do you I don't know that should be in your Twitter bio that you're the first goalkeeper to win the trophy the new Wembley Stadium I was selling knowing that first half I can't find anyone in the Rugby Club watching it I'll just whatever the thing is when you're out there brilliant Liverpool was rien to a stammer favorite band absolutely obsessed by their own something 17 or whatever when I think when they first came out of here and I had this week we're on because no Gallagher been on the show quite a lot of time I never met him at the time yeah and he'd been on the show quite on the Sunday it was the time they released the album that come it's called it's got the importance of being idle and later and always called anyway no yeah and they were playing at the cotton grand which like a quite a small venue a really small venue for them and I went along I was to get tickets through someone I knew to the music and I was so excited to be there I took my weight Jim along who he's right like an oasis web site in the really early days and and it was great but I was stood quite towards the back and there was a woman in front of me they were playing live forever one of my favorite songs yeah lovely and she was texting and this is good sounds but she actually was texting her friend about shopping and I'm not about like just generally like about I Johnny like [ __ ] same place get in there so we went down down quite near the front and it wasn't as it wasn't that big a place I was like proud five rows back and I got to the end and they started playing Wonderwall and at the start at the start of it Liam saw me the front that said they've met but I knew what sucker am I putting them in alright lad how are you doing that into the microphone like that I just might I think Liam Gallagher doesn't mention because he could be talking to anyone or I'll oh I saw Noah look serious talk out see me and started laughing I think you think he was talking to me no no definitely definitely definitely wasn't definitely wasn't maybe the song Liam went off before no did it back in anger and no just let me Michael win well well maybe it's a different and then Wednesday I went to Istanbul to Liverpool within Champions League after being three kneel down AC Milan big game and so that was that was my week Wow too much have you have you bumped into the Gallagher's before no sorry since after that we met Leah weared to party once about I think it was after a Isis won the outstanding contribution to music at the Brits or whatever it is I think that they give to someone who's been around for a while yeah they'd won that at a party afterwards and we were at there is a really weird night cuz lots of people they like at one point first met Liam and I was with Neil who do you think'll Kurland ah crane at least two F was pilots and I'm Liam : gingerly it's great I guess that that's your Definitely Maybe joshi pedo used to work with and we were sat at table with Liam and then someone I thought was and we didn't look up so chatty with a woman came down and sat next to him and sat next to Liam inside chatting I looked up and it was Steven Tyler from Aerosmith Joe and I it was it was a little bit after we'd been to watch the Champions League final in Paris that the Arsenal one where they lost coming who they played now but we'd be we got taken by PlayStation was a Barcelona yeah it was yeah yeah and we've been taking a PlayStation for some reason we because we got put in Euro Disney to stay only so we went to Euro Disney like a day and there's like a Universal Studios the bit and it's got an Aerosmith rollercoaster in there and we went Minjae went on it quite a few times Terry like sound like steam times one of Joe's here oh yeah and he and he had one chance to talk to Steven Tyler hi Steven yeah guys I guess I went in your need isn't it me and Joe Perry read on it 57 times I like how much he appreciated but if you ever go to go on it just sobering because when you're queuing up by the way go on the roller coaster there's a video that they play a Cartman what the premise of it is something like they're on tour and something's happened and they have to do something you've got to help hey guys can you help us and they do this video where they're acting in it and it's the most like one take phoned in might as well at the end of turn and go can we have our bag of money now so it's like Michael Jack Michael Michael Owen and have you ever seen his advert oh they're so bad when he's in that when he's in the Hellenes and he goes Oh what is he saying now there's a famous what he says but you have to check what he's like is that Rory McIlroy Tiger Woods he sees him down there it's like ah he's just playing some golf he hits the ball up at the wind yeah oh I can't remember but it's all like we are going to take it flight over Manchester or something like that isn't it it's it's because all these producers and that are so scared to just go should mind doing that again Michael they'll just go that's great that take is perfect like he's done a new one with a new advert with Joe Cole have you seen it no and it's it's promoting the the new Huawei phone and it's actually really good concepts have you seen this no so they sat there and they're going yeah when I when I made the switch it was it was one of the best best things I've ever done and then yeah it was it was hard to leave obviously I've got a lot of love for them but now I'm onto the new thing they're talking about obviously moving from iPhone to wow it's just good idea but it's just the flattest thing you've ever seen when I made the switch it was the greatest moment of my life you don't have any time you've got very limited time with these people like I do I've got a production company now we make a lot of soft with brands and sports and you they'll have a brand might have an hour with a football team and three players and they will try and fit in so much stuff so the standard for what's acceptable is so low like if they say the words in any order they go yet fine and move on to the next thing because they want to fit 20 things into an hour it just it should be quality over quantity really I guess not but to be fair also again how bad Michael Owens things are makes it a shared exactly if they were decent you wouldn't be talking about it right now yeah I would say definitely switch to our way over iPhone because out their phones I mean if you want to sponsor us I've got iPhone while we actually pulled out of a branded will me the night before because they said I was too too out there research the train ticket book to London everything as personal vendettas I shouldn't on the podcast I do apologize guys it's rubbish time not mine Robbie you were you were was a party that's it that's one of the best stories I think I've ever heard okay so so later on that night I think we get it was after that album that had never and this hadn't been much talk about a next album or anything like that and I would take I was with Tim Lovejoy and we were chained to Liam me and he was in an excited mood and and he was chatting to us a new about excited about the new album yeah yeah it's so great that's new I was amazing with these songs and all this sort of stuff here's you want to hear some of it yeah I mean this is incredible this is I'm alright like my favourite ever bands and and catch also hear this album I didn't even know existed proper pain yourself follow me she went through it he went in this cover made hideout in London we went through like the kitchen and into my this pantry made Tim and Liam I suppose in his pantry this clump and I'm and some bloke came in and said he worked there and and I was like guys you can't be in here but then obviously saw it was Liam and realized that he can do whatever the [ __ ] he wants yes who suffers like you're not really supposed to be in here at that and we were sorry and and what would have been sensible just go look we would just be a second mind them and then we'll get out no problem left yeah well we'll just be a second is our veggie self left hers alone on it and I thought Liam's gonna get like a phone or something like that and play some tracks guys okay so that the first song it goes like this and it was and it was still great and he was but he did like the fool like five minutes song including all the instruments [Laughter] that is incredible is he alright as a person that name yeah a sound yeah he has kind of like that a public image that he's two fingers up to everyone kind of like I mean no people I know who've who weren't on Sakai we don't know we've bumped into him and man when he's gone just giving them tickets to gigs and stuff like that he's generally with me was a really nice song amazing nice guy and I bumped into him last year something was I mean little checked him yeah that's cool that's called I remember when I first ever step foot in Manchester there was a guy ever a lot of men in Manchester trying to emulate the Gallagher's like they all wear the parkas and they think that they've got to be rock and roll and I it sounds like a making up it was the first stranger I'd spoken to him Manchester yeah come at the trip station see a guy my phone had died didn't overtime went up to him and he was walking struttin doing a Galaga strap with the big parkour on I went excuse me mate have you got the time and he went [ __ ] off and just put two two fingers at me and then just walked off sure that's how the Gallagher's are great lives through not from me you know Joe Teddy Wilson who died now he was like and the haciendas and all this not fancy records of his famous figure in Manchester music and I heard this story apparently and we had this from Mike Pickering who's a music industry guy said him so Mike Tony and Liam were out drinking in the middle of Manchester once I've got but I got no I did this is true yeah so here and apparently they've been they've been watching the football some of that and they'll get their self goading Liam and winding him up a bit but I finally got really at one point and just picked up this chair there's a big glass window from this just through this chair and smashed this entire front window of this pub like that and Tony Wilson is really funny give us a chrome ones and Liam that was absolutely marvelous so rock and roll just head over to [ __ ] off I just hope it's true it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on mate thank you you're welcome on again whenever you want what's what's the plans for your channel going forward so we're having a potato growing competition a minute if any wants to grow potatoes you can have not really thought it through there'll be some kind of competition a prize last year we gave away potatoes so I grew some potatoes and people enter to win a potato and luckily there were so few entries like about 35 I think entries so [Laughter] lot of potatoes stuff really if you do see Robbie after that enthralling self description then go to forward slash Robbie Knox also on Twitter and probably on insta and stuff like that Robbie it's been a pleasure we'll see you again soon on the happy hour thanks TV that's all right thanks doodie jeez see you next week [Music]
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 256,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robbie knox full episode, robbie knox, ROBBIE KNOX - THE MAN WHO'S FRIENDS WITH CELEBRITIES (FULL EP), happy hour podcast robbie knox, robbie knox happy hour, happy hour robbie knox, noel gallagher story, ian holloway story, robbie knox soccer am, tubes happy hour, tubes heart attack, jaackmaate robbie, jaackmaate happy hour, robbie knox happy hour first episode, soccer am tramp
Id: 2pmSFQk0sMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 17sec (3377 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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