Nicest Bus Conversion I Have Ever Seen!!

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i don't know guys i don't think i've ever been more impressed by uh a bus in my entire life all right guys i'm over here at premium coach group and right now i'm doing an inspection i don't know if you guys know this about me i like inspections because they're a lot easier on me and they're a lot more fun and normally i don't do inspections because i don't get any uh any views on those videos but this is a pretty unique exciting and interesting uh bus conversion that i have over here and uh right now i have it to myself uh i don't do rv reviews for the most part because my co my my main customers wouldn't like what i have to say for the most part about rvs but uh andrew's on the other side of the country right now and i'm here all alone and this has to be shared with people because this is awesome now i'm in a showroom full of beautiful coaches i understand that like i got a mountain there an american eagle a newell a marathon even those beautiful liberty coach what i want to show you guys is this guy right here this is the most beautiful coach i've seen ever well i mean not ever but obviously what it is is a thing of beauty and what i'm excited about because i'm a mechanic and a technician is how well it's been cared for i'm not trying to shame anybody out there with their bus their rv that you take care of it however you want but there's a 97 american carriage on the eagle bus and i cannot believe the kind of shape that it's in let's take a look at this thing so now this is on an eagle bus i've never even seen the eagle bus before and i've never heard of a american carriage before my understanding is they went out of business well they didn't close go out of business they closed down in 2007 as the owner converter kind of got tired of building these because he was just so particular the first thing i noticed about this is this is a 97 and there's not a flaw in this paint at all other than one tiny little dent that you'll probably ever ever see and then all this metal down here this is not stainless steel this is aluminum if you can see that right there this is extruded aluminum all riveted together in panels if you take a look at this there's no scratches there's no dents there's no dings it's like it came off the showroom floor and this is a 97. now this thing just came in the premium coach i don't know anything about uh pricing on it or availability on it i just was really excited because i got to do the inspection on it and how do i put this nicely i didn't have much to write down there everything actually works everything's in beautiful shape now the first thing i'm going to show you is not going to be the inside we will get to that but i'm a mechanic and this is what's really impressing me we're going to take a look at the roof first now as part of my inspections i have to take a look at the roof and i've never seen a roof without peeling paint on it it's not dirty it doesn't have some issues or some dents this one was so nice that i couldn't i could not bring myself to walk on this roof it's just in too good of shape it still has the original satellite dish on it that still works uh right over there it's actually the exhaust for the generator two power vents and i don't know if these are original factory uh or original solar panels but i think they are and that system still works because the system bad in the in the galley is the original one but this is one thing that impresses me is how pristine and beautiful this roof is you don't you don't see that very often all right now i'm going to show you the next thing that i'm impressed by all right so again this is a all aluminum on steel doors and uh if we go into here we'll go into this car compartment right here this is a very rare sight i want you guys to brace yourselves all right i don't know if you can see this is exposed to the outside look at the inside of this door it's actually clean there's no buildup of schmuck garbage debris somebody's really keeping this thing in great shape this is what i would expect to see from somebody spending a million two million three million dollars on a bus go back to the engine bay it's back here we have a detroit diesel it's a two cycle detroit diesel i don't know if you can see how i i'm gonna call it pristine this thing is two years older than my son and all this insulation the lacing wire still in great shape all the the cover on that muffler it looks brand new almost and this is even trickier cause check this out if you wanted to get to uh to those it's gonna be hard to get to the alternator unless you don't build these side panels look at that service access this is fantastic service access it's almost like it was built to be serviced and worked on that's insane to me that's so beautiful all right so we already looked in that compartment now this one's completely exposed so you can actually see the ground through there right that's the engine and look at that door look at that door so beautiful and this aluminum hangs over if it's ever gonna get dented it would be dented right there if it was going to be bent it would have been bent and it hasn't been bent just such a thing of beauty and something else you won't see on many buses if any buses is you have hydraulic leveling jacks you don't have to deal with airbags as far as leveling you're securely anchored to the ground one thing i wasn't aware of and they had to tell me about on this bus it seems a bit strange the tag axle is actually the front axle so the drive these are the drive wheels and that's just the tag axle right there on a normal or a modern or a standard bus like this liberty right here on the previous chassis that's the drive axle and that's the tag axle that just supports weight and that's what actually moves the vehicle down the road whereas this one would be that one's moving the vehicle down the road and that's just supporting the weight and this is on a uh i don't remember what it's called like a torquey lift it just uses torsion uh instead of airbags and it still has a lot of life on it they just had a diesel mechanic look at it who actually specializes in these and there's a lot of life left on that the suspension so again you don't have to worry about the the coach settling and leaning which is one of the bigger problems with airbags check this trick out because it doesn't have airbags you have ground clearance you can actually put a step on this thing so you have to worry about get bringing your own step with you that's really neat [Music] so this uh this love fest i have for this bus continues on the other side obviously the owner had this scoop made to help direct air right into the side discharge or radiator and there's a 97 again so it has so many modern features that you wouldn't expect to find this has aqua hot heating three basement acs look at that look at this that's how you fill up right there that's massive you don't have to worry about anything and look at this door again it lines up pretty quickly um this generator you guys are ready for the condition of this generator it looks like it's brand new look at the insulation in this compartment it's like it just came off out the factory i don't normally see generator compartments as clean even straight from factories they seem to have a lot of uh shmag on them already but look at this you could probably eat off of that and be fine so you guys may not be excited by it at all but i don't know if you can see all these little lights all those lights work that this is a 97 i can't tell you how many times these these little guys seem to be burnt out but it's well labeled you can figure out everything that's going on right behind this panel right here are the batteries and of course you have the inverter right there i don't know if you can see that piano hinge right there this thing completely opens up for service access these are the things that i really appreciate just your water compartment all right so as a 97 look at that manifold it's still working no signs of leakage right down there of course that's just your central vacuum cleaner and all your valves your freshwater tanks right there this is just again more fountain space little cubby hole for your freshwater tank behind it because right there i don't know if you can see this little tube you can check your fresh water tank level right there too so that's where the level of water is and that's how big the tank is that's pretty good of course underneath right here that's gonna be where your super hose hooks up and you have a little hose hookup right down there yeah look how nice this is underneath i mean the undercarriage is clean that's a pass-through storage bay right there all the way to the other side and there's some cool features in here that i'm going to show you towards the end besides the built-in storage right up there you might notice some vents over there and a little thermostat and we'll try to get back to that one because that's my favorite part even down here these are the original chairs that came with it you can't have a bus conversion without these uh chairs these zippedy chairs they still have the original monograms on it again look at that sidewall this is metal so you have to worry about checking on that whatsoever we're not sure about the conversion if they had to lift it or not but based on the front cap i don't think they did because it's got the original bus windows up front there the second set of wind windows right there you can see them better right there so if they would have had to lift it they would have to change all the parameters of the windshield and the front caps and this all looks original but even these mirrors normally these mirrors get beat up and this is this is actually aluminum this isn't a chrome covered plastic this is aluminum you won't find that on modern stuff all right i've showed you some of the fun things that i've noticed on the outside we'll finally go inside and take a look around guys i know but be warned no don't be warned but be aware this is a 97 it's still original so it still has the original tv refrigerators fabrics and the thing is yes they're aged but not only are they fun to look at and remember life but they're in great shape too let's take a look i still like that stair right so this is mid-entry even the diesel mechanic that looked at this said he's never seen mid-entry on an american bus before this has no slides but i don't think you missed the slides at all i don't know if you can appreciate this see all those backlights they still work all these buttons work every single one of them here's the big reveal on the inside so behind right there is the tv and your entertainment center right there but this is like suede i don't even want to touch it because it's so it's in such good shape no signs of leakage no delamination nothing falling off it's got a unique floor plan so you have the two couches uh that one's kind of like entertainment couch because the center will fold down and of course that turns into a bed too now i'm gonna unofficially call this a bunk house even though there won't be any bunk beds on it that's just gonna be a special surprise i'm gonna save towards the end because that's my favorite feature so i'm gonna go ahead and shut the door so you got that private private feeling in here you have to walk past the driver and passenger area to come in and out so you have straight into living space now again this is solid surface material and this is before in lane that was even something that most people did and yeah i'll get you it gives that 90s vibe a little bit the late 90s vibe but it's that's probably the easiest thing to fix if you wanted to update it but i don't even know if i would update it because it it just works so well it still has a convection of a microwave the original one so you can easily change that out to a stainless steel one you can go get a stainless steel dishwasher and trash compactors and rvs i don't know if you guys live in rvs but it's actually nice to have a trash compactor the refrigerator is an rv refrigerator so it does have propane and electric uh that's just straight i wouldn't say the strangest thing it's not very common you don't normally see gas stoves so you got your gas stove top right there and then a propane electric refrigerator and again this is still the original one and it's still working fantastic it's nice and cold in there i don't know if you can see the ice it's got ice maker it's got everything i just i'm just baffled by the condition of how great everything is in here get your eat-in kitchen two sofas entertainment center right there and i did say it had three basement acs so you have one right there one thermostat right there for the dash area one thermostat right behind this plant this is going to control the uh the main living area i know there's a lot of people that don't like basement acs um i don't know if you could there's a great service access on this so i already like it because it has great service access but there's really some important things about basement acs one there's no roof penetrations so you don't have any worry about uh water coming in through the roof uh so it also lowers that your your roof height uh there's you don't have water leaking on the roof from the condensation where you that you have to redirect through the the ceiling down to the ground so it just goes straight on the ground and the most important thing is that they're quiet uh you don't have to have a a complicated bath roof baffling system so that the the roof ac's aren't too noisy so there's a lot to like with this with three thermostats you can actually because uh the front ends of motorhomes generally get a lot hotter because of the glass windshield whereas the bedrooms usually are cold even in a in normal weather so sometimes a bedroom you still have to keep a little bit warmer than the sometimes you have to run the heat when the front's actually kind of hot so some thermostats won't allow you to heat one zone and cool the other one you don't have to worry about that with uh three different thermostats all right so i got that in cool mode go down with it now when i was doing the inspection i was testing the acs out and i couldn't get them to turn on i thought maybe i was doing something wrong or something was broken but the thing is they were running i just didn't know it because they were so quiet now while we wait for the ac to turn on i'm going to go ahead and walk up there but obviously i don't want to walk on the carpet now i'm going to put my booties on but i don't know if you can see right here there's little snaps on the floor and there's these little uh covers these are actually runners that would snap down for servicing or for storing and all these are the original ones and they all exist so even in the bathroom right there you can see that they would go right right there so rather than putting those down though i'm gonna put my booties on so we'll do a quick walkthrough right up here now there's again all original uh materials and this this leather is in fantastic shape i can't explain to you how rare that is it seems like even the steering wheel is not beat up your leveling system is right down there it still has uh the the howard uh uh trim for the steering control and just nice instrument cluster the backup camera still works and it does still have a cd player but i always recommend changing those out bluetooth anyways in behind right there this is of course your amp and your cd changer i mean this is the 90s you have to have a cd changer right you have all your light switches right there control from here except the generator if you forgot to bring the step in you can actually still retract the step right here even though it's automatic now this does have hydraulic heating look at this this is the original dash radio remote and it's still there and it still works and this is just this should be in a museum just just the engineering behind that my favorite feature of course besides pink shades is going to be that they're manual because i'm not a huge fan of power most things or smart things now this window doesn't open it's been sealed shut the front two have been sealed shut so they don't open you know if you guys can hear it the ac did turn on so i have one coming out right through there and the other one coming right above the refrigerator right there and that's it i hear the refrigerator fan more than i hear the ac i didn't see the blender i'll grant you that this has the built-in blender but here we go back to the 90s easy upgrade to a nice uh take this door off put put a built in put a wall right there you can actually still do a storage cabinet behind there and you have a nice flat screen tv just be beautiful the speakers are hidden right behind there and they sounded great you actually do have a lot of storage space over here they did at one point upgrade to a dvd player so look at that original vcr still mounted in there again the sink covers go into your uh custom molded sinks right into the countertop so this is pretty state of the art for 97 because we're still doing it today we'll go past kind of the boring stuff i will show you probably the oddest monitor panel i've ever seen in an rv so there's the solar system there's your inverter controller there's your generator gauges and of course uh your hydraulic heat so you can turn on your wabasto or actually there's an aqua hot so it has i'm sorry with the aqua hot diesel burner you have a tankless water heater and you also have hydraulic heating hydraulic heating that system works too off the same thermostat you have the heat that comes out of the floor right there you can kind of see the heat exchangers behind there that thing's just beautiful that fired up without a problem without any issues whatsoever uh you can turn the air compressor the auxiliary air compressor on and off right here but right here this strange guy is actually the monitor panel this one's gonna be hard for me to show you with one hand but it uses a air pressure and you have to pump it up itself right there so if you want to check your diesel tank you'd push that button right there and pump it up and if it's full it'll be at 30 inches uh if you want to check your black or your gray tank you it's hard to do yeah pump it up and yeah push the gray button whatever it goes up to is i from what i gather how full it is i mean it's interesting i'll grant you uh you could probably upgrade that to something a little bit more useful but the fresh water tank you can actually see from the outside has its own level sensor on it your pocket doors are still very very solid back here of course right there you do have your central vacuum cleaner i don't know if you guys can hear that but it actually works still which brings me to this is how well it's been maintained the central vacuum cleaner attachments are put away exactly where they're supposed to go and they still are the original ones got the ac going right here got that cold air coming out just so nice now this has a uh how do i put it a mid coach uh bathroom so you do have to walk to the bathroom you get to the uh to the bedroom but it does have a private bathroom toilet so you don't have to walk to the toilet area to get to the bedroom which is a nice feature too because i think this is a really well thought out floor plan for no slides and sometimes i you might be surprised to know that i'm not a big fan of slides unless they're adding to a lot to a fantastic floor plan or creating a lot of livable space sometimes uh no slides is a good option too so let's go ahead and turn our fan on right there this does actually have a exhaust fan right above right here you crank it up it still works this has of course that same toilet we haven't made a video on before this one's not leaking like that one it's working fantastic so it's got its own pocket door to there there's its own pocket door to the bedroom itself in this shower i can go ahead and get in the shower and it doesn't have brass surround so it's a little bit better uh turquoise might be a little hard to sell on some people but i think it matches the carpet pretty well i don't know if you guys can see it even the carpet the trim right here follows the uh the curve of the shower but let's go ahead and get in the shower there's so much room in here now i'm six foot tall so it's perfect for me probably perfect for somebody 6'5 i didn't have to duck to hit my head on this sometimes you still hit your head on this thing coming in and out not on not on this one it's got very high ceilings here so again let's see call that about a foot right there it's pretty crazy now again i'm not much of a salesman i'm more excited by features like all these lights and all these switches are actually working so in the back there you have that smoked glass and then there's a glass accent if i turn off the bedroom lights you probably see it better turn up the scotch lights so if i turn that one on and off you can kind of see that light up and up there's a little nightlight back there but all these things are working and this is the other things that impressed me at this it's all working these are just all your 12 volt circuit breakers you can turn off individual circuits right there of course your 110 circuit breakers are right there and it's labeled so well everything makes so much sense oh nice all right and of course you still have your uh bedroom tv these were uh really nice tvs at the time so there's the bedroom it's still a great viewing angle for the bed i like this because it kind of feels like you're on an airplane that nice overhead storage right there very very solid in here and with one hand because i only have one hand free i can lift that up and there is [Music] this is a huge amount of storage just under the bed right here that's insane to me i don't know if you can see this the ceiling it's been nice brushed this is how the owner keeps it no signs of leakage you guys saw that roof that was just a beautiful roof and point out there is of course another vent in there i didn't turn the lights on or the shower in there all right so obviously have your sculpted carpet in here has a snap down cover right there this is actually granite flooring granite tile okay i'm back in the stairwell i'm coming back up again all right i don't know if you guys can see it yet that right there is not a handle to this cabinet that's just a wraparound wall part of the countertop or part of that uh that cabinet and you have drawers right there so what does that handle go to the best thing ever so this the whole thing lifts up that's how well concealed that is right in the grout lines and you can go down into the basement and it's got a built-in ladder so here i am i'm gonna go down into the basement now so here we are in the basement now this becomes the bunk house where you know if you were like me as a kid you'd want to hang out so there's the the ladder that goes up to the to the floor so you can go up to the next level has his own thermostat with his own vent for heating so you can stay nice and warm down in here and uh you have a shoe cubby if you need a shoe cubby you can see that storage area right there more storage back there again this is just found space that could have just been behind a bulkhead nobody would ever know all right let's go ahead and take these off all right so you have another way out of that motorhome or that bus if you need to so there you have it i'm calling it a bunk house we'll go back inside real fast all right now i can close that and now maybe you can probably see it maybe in the grout line it's so well concealed that nobody would ever even know that was there alright guys so there you have it just a quick little tour of this uh 97 american carriage uh bus conversion i'm definitely not the best showman or salesman for this uh i don't know know the price i don't know anything about it other than what what i've discovered about i don't even know for sale i'm excited by it it has almost everything i would want in a bus uh it even uh parks that have their their limitations on the age of rvs that they let that in a letting apart i they're not gonna have a problem with you driving this thing in here because this does not look like a 97 this looks like a 2017 to me it's a very very beautiful coach uh and i got to take a look at it before anybody else so i'm i i was just excited to do an exp inspection on this thanks a lot for watching guys uh i don't even know if this is on their website yet but i would get in contact with uh with chad and if you want to take a look at it i'd take a look at it i i can't imagine this thing lasting very long now i'm gonna have to get back to work um i appreciate you guys uh watching this with me being excited as i am to see something so well maintained i mean i think about supercars uh modern supercars the engine compartment has a window into it so you can see it and everybody that owns one of those keeps everything pristine and and perfect it keeps it in the showroom the owner keeps this thing in the showroom uh it's carpeted uh jacks come down keeps weight off the tires keeps this thing very well maintained takes care of it and you can tell it you're just looking at it you can tell how well he maintained it and how proud he is of it and i'm i i can appreciate that because this is not again the idea wasn't to shame anybody just that i really appreciate people that take care of their stuff about the only blemish on this entire bus [Music] is on the back cap see a little bit of a paint right there and a little bit of chipping right there but that's not too bad when you consider how this is and of course that pop-out camera that still works there it is american carriage well i hope you guys enjoyed that little tour i really enjoyed looking at it and wow that's just beautiful thanks a lot for watching guys [Music] it's just a little cubby hole at the front and there it is all the way to the back really nice and down there is going to be your here's oh i shouldn't have showed the safe should i they even hit the satellite crank handle right there and of course the obligatory master switch bye
Channel: AZ Expert
Views: 928,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prevost, ealge bus, american carriage, bus conversion, rv walk thru, torsilastic, rv roof, vintage bus, premium coach group
Id: 7LGaLx0XWYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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