Scenicruiser safety issues

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the tool truck from today brought the creeper down things the alpha wet ground hydraulic jacks air compressor the jackery to power the compressor towels impact wrenches wheel nut sockets regular tool sets already down here socket sets all that kind of stuff so cleaning wipes the broom good little tool truck just by a glance i don't like the look of this tire the biggest tire problem that i noticed is on the other side so tires are definitely on the agenda look at that that's the sidewall of course and that goes pretty deep and there's a couple of them like that that being the worst some people have said they thought that the front part of a scenic cruiser was the same as a 4104 it just kind of at a glance looks similar because the lines are kind of the same but it is not at all the same um the 4104 is actually taller in the front than the scenic cruiser is which might throw your brain for a loop but even if you count like the fluting here you'll see there's more fluting between the headlights and the bumper than there is on a scenic cruiser the windshields on the scenic cruiser are much lower down um i mean if i walk up here this is to me right about my titty height if i come over here and i keep my hand at my titty height it's right there that's how much taller it is so they are not the same thing they're definitely different they just have similar lines you know you have uh the d window and everything that kind of looks it's just not the same some people can't tell a 4106 in a 4104 a party there so that's it's about the same similarity so as soon as the owner gets here we're going to get this all uh jacked up on the front end and we'll get looking at these kingpins and stuff i don't know what they're going on with it's crazy lug nut covers here probably hiding too short of wheel studs oh they're glued on too even better no they got the right studs all right so what are we doing top one up top one lift it up it's a momentary switch for the starter it's already in the rear right yep let's let's stop let's let's i can't say for sure that he has everything hooked up on here there's a lot of safety things on here um let's go and try to start from the front you know he may have a an interlock or something that's not hooked up with an engine transplant that's modern and electronic i don't know what's uh [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] trying to come up looks like it though yeah i've never seen that in another one why do you need a hatchet is that for the driver the passengers i mean i don't know yeah i think there used to be like a road flare there and then another like registration probably stuck in that other little pocket that i don't know what kind of looks like i have to look at the manual you have the manual for it yeah okay i'll probably show you don't say greyhound one that's not good if i hold your brake pedal down and hear the air escaping that's not good we tightened up one line we tightened up a line [Music] what was that it builds air pretty fast that's good the bus wouldn't have plus the airbag maybe no no it has to do the brakes that's that's on [Music] this is your master shutdown right here just flip that to off shut the engine off uh yes i believe that the first switch you flip just before you start it and then you hit your starter button [Music] what i want to see without it running how long you're holding air for it's leaking a little bit wait for a minute and see how many psi we're at i thought she was leaking a little bit what those what they call those air cans that leaked and like a diaphragm or something in there yeah but i think yours is something with your treadle i don't think it's actually i think it's something up here so you're you're pretty close to being okay there but this is a problem when i step on the brake pedal you have that noise because if you're at a stop light your air pressure is just going down and down and down and down and down and then and down and then that causes the jerk uh well if you don't realize that you lose your air pressure your spring brakes are gonna come on in the back and then you're gonna be dragging a break until you build up your air pressure again i wonder if i wonder if any of this had to do with with the way sometimes it locks down on me oh yeah well if you weren't paying attention what your air pressure is at i mean like i could start it up and we drove it like five miles come back and then we're slowing down slowing down slowing down and all of a sudden it just jammed on the brakes like that's what it's doing it's putting on your automatic spring brake in the back which i have once that gets below a certain pressure in the back it automatically goes on and you can't it resets the valve you have to flip the switch in order to get it to release again where you're supposed to you're i don't know what you have going on this is an icc switch that you have over here which isn't the real the real deal but that might be what it's doing but yeah we got are you taping all this yeah okay because i need my brother wanted me to do all this but my phone doesn't have enough storage oh yeah no problem um a good screwdriver maybe you can try i'm always afraid we're gonna crack the plastic if we do that but he's not going to go his hands slipped off of here and he hit the yeah you weren't bleeding [Laughter] almost you have a very bad problem in your hub i can already see it just from what i can see do you see any issue going on in there yeah it looks like that water it's got water and rust in there which means your bearings and races are probably shot and if it's over on this side it's probably on that side yeah [Music] that's the center disc on there i'm never that lucky all right i don't know about you but you're about you're hanging out about the most unlucky person sometimes well since i'm an expert now pulling these out watch me crack it yeah it has to be because it's so cold by that rubber stopper don't want to come out and it's not it'll it's a really old rubber stopper so it's kind of lost its elasticity you think like i said usually the the plastic breaks before you yeah well you can buy new rubber plunger things too the little stoppers stemco is the company that makes those caps i don't want to tear the blue thing too you know yeah okay almost you know use these damn spike things as a wedge okay so this side doesn't have water that i see from here so let's i've got a finger to stick down in there i'm trying not to use it and if you drag the bottom of the case with your finger and we're going to see if any little particles come up metal and stuff right there at that ridge now that looks at least looks like oil so you can get your finger down in there further the oil looks pretty clean it's awful what is that 90 white 90 way right it's probably at 80 98. yeah it's clear it's almost clear in it yeah yeah i don't feel anything metal or jabby or nothing we'll have it apart to inspect it later but at least we know now it's not the issue that the other side has eight psi i'm sorry 30 okay 35 or something okay go ahead and step on it and hold it i found it it looks like the brake pressure switch i just want you to rock the play out of it so just nope just a little bit left and right till you feel the play how much are you let's move it like one inch left one inch right so now move it just a little bit where you feel the tension just start and then stop i can feel something loose in there okay hold it still how much is it moving there maybe an inch that's an inch of movement boy that's just a fraction down here i'll get to the other side in a minute sometimes that slick slip yoke there is where it gets to play but pretty good wait yeah that was uh just just keep the tension on it we see it wiggling yeah a little bit that's kingpin the whole thing is moving yep [Music] oh my god oh my god i'm not laughing at you [Laughter] my walls i just heard it cry i heard it it started to vibrate do that again no i don't want to hurt too much oh oh my god well we found the reason why it pulls the one side oh okay well we got to find out why it might not be the kingpin it could just be extremely loose wheel bearing um no no oh my god it's probably kingpin but we'll see yeah it's probably kingpin milwaukee fuel is very impressive for an electric tool isn't it yeah it is where's all our parts you say shocks got to be changed over here they're bad yeah while we're here right yeah by looking you can see why i know your shock is bad because all the oils so the bottom half the shock is wet and the top isn't yeah i see that oils come out of it there new hose though yeah that's a bonus the brake's not adjusted very well back there yeah it is kind of loosening yeah what i'm saying this comes up oh it's definitely not the color the strawberry milk or the chocolate milkshake it doesn't it doesn't feel loose though we caught it just in time yeah i've done this a hundred thousand times is that the only one they bent over looks like i always been two of them yeah you want to just wipe off a couple of those surfaces i want to look at them oh these yep they're rust we don't want that no you don't want that not not this heavy of a vehicle put this here somewhere yeah let this drain for just a little bit longer i'm going to pull it forward that's me taking the pointy things off i know what the part the term is but okay now here's something you need to learn about this you see on the end there do you see what's right on the end of those studs yeah i don't even mean goes left hand that is correct that's opposite yep so you're gonna have that go clockwise we can swap them out while we're at it no huh why not just leave them but to the person that don't know any better than a millennial they won't know any better you're not everybody stealing your wheels how do you reverse it it's right here push it the other way there you go you thought you could trick me huh i told you before you tried it all right can you rock it any more than that or that's all you can get i've been in the bar now pull it back down to a little bit i don't think it's that bad really you just want me to bend on this bar that's all i do not do okay do what now you told me can you can you wiggle it downward too can you wedge in there we go down there you go right there that's fine go upside maybe where's the bigger one it says the dominator on the bridge put the dominator on it all right you want to push this just wiggle it right okay i can't push down on this part right no like here yeah we don't hurt the brake shoe okay so go okay let's leave the bar there and then i'm gonna let you there it goes that looks good i'd run that yeah i'd see what happened the bearing went bad on this side and they said oh the kingpin pad i said we're gonna put this back together again and put these fancy nuts on and uh nobody don't think there's nobody they said damn if somebody did some work on it looks like they had a beaver in there working on that nut too yeah look look let me i need to hire that metal beaver i got some let me get you a bigger um this slips out right yep okay and this comes out that's that spins the spins see turn it the other way first i don't see how much out of adjustment it is it's pretty close yeah that's good okay um what's all that vibration listen oh my god that looks like kingpins i like how you're creating like a jackson pollock down there in the world is that what that is know they look like ink plots yeah looks like dollar signs to me yeah well yeah to you to me too do you think you sell that you can try i don't like the rest that i see in this one though even though it's a lot more a lot less watery than the other one there's definitely rust in there all right let's chance these bearings just there you go i'm impressed you didn't shoot it out to the ground so yeah i've done this before once or twice it's been spinning on that hot look yeah yeah what do we do here another egg yeah now we can pull the whole drum off but hang on let me get something for the oil two lug nuts that were stuck but that's good you can probably try the tool now you go they're different sizes something close something maybe not yeah they're all right where am i going with it um i'm gonna set it in the bus stand it up on ending the bus somewhere maybe definitely see metal flakes there's a lot that's a little shiny shininess grab that nut and make sure it's not loose with the rag yeah it's not okay so let's grab the four inch socket the great big gray one is it behind the bus still yeah what the hell we're gonna hope it wasn't heat cooked down there is what we're gonna hope try pulling the hub back and forth a little bit see if there's any kind of wiggle in the hub can you like grab those yeah does it want to pull forwards and backwards at all towards you like straight towards you no okay that's a good sign okay so let's grab that next little ring you're gonna pull it off sucks in the cold weather just should pull straight towards you yeah come on ah come on you try turning it a little bit one way or the other that's so disgusting okay so now there's another nut in there you should be able to get with your fingers and i want you to turn it tighten direction to see how far it turns to the titan direction before you take it off okay ain't no tight you can't turn it off but it is coming okay ah okay so it wasn't too bad out of it just not too bad right yeah it's going and take it all the way off because we're gonna inspect the the bearing but i don't like that i saw the metallic stuff yeah yeah i'm sure it's gonna be fixed i'll tell if you don't all right so now this smells like a damn nastiness getting ready to flow out of there there is 100 though there is metal he's like can you see all the sparkly in let's hope you it me differently i was hoping you tell me his pixie dust but not that no [Music] maybe it's the rear end all heat up too the good news is i don't see it sparkly in the tube which would be the rear end and because these are separate and that that keeps that from going into the rear end that's that block off plate is good for clear sign of a seal leak in there it's not quick enough yeah quite a few turns so what you're doing is you're pulling the spring back right now the spring is applied there's no air pressure holding the spring back okay so that's you're manually cranking the spring back inside there so once you get the couple inches on that then it'll spin you know right this is loose [Music] a little tap and that should come right off of there just paint it on [Music] yeah time to get a rag and dig in hang on let's get a cleaner egg in there it's just it's just grease that's a lot of grease okay we're gonna put the big socket on it's not caged or anything nope just make sure you can't turn it by hand first we just want to make sure it just lets us know that it wasn't crazy loose i'll turn this yep yeah yeah does it turn the other way no counterclockwise yep oh yeah that's loose as keep going take it off there's there's zero chance that these bearings were properly adjusted that outer nut was that loose so good thing we took this apart because you would have lost this at some point no no tools required where i put it um here just lay this on the ground put that on top of it yeah we're gonna hold a hundred dollars for eggs the good news is my patreon members buy those rags for me so they're donated for free what now my p i have a my patreon members they buy those for me should be i'll just grab it maybe take a glove off yeah you're gonna have to because i'm gonna i need your fingers in a minute anyways my arthritis well this grease might be good for it okay now the nut that's in there now there's another nut you can't really see it but it's there just reach in there and go for it indiana jones style okay let me get some of this so i can already see it's super loose try to turn it to the titan ways i want to see how much you can turn it that's already at least a half a turn you turned it keep going ah that's it okay so yeah i was definitely out of adjustment go ahead and take it all the way off it's easier you can put the socket on it now and and turn the socket i'm i'm already there committed to the nastiness yeah i'm all about the nasty documenting all this is like well he was all right when he came in it's definitely leaking but hadn't made a huge mess here i'm just glad these bolts here so he's going to take these hubs home and clean them get all that out of there that way he can save time when he brings it we have the parts here on tuesday and then he'll have all this cleaned up for us ready to go [Applause] okay so we got this all apart everything looked pretty good um the bearings look pretty good there was some signs of wear in there we're going to repack them there's some dimpling on the hub so there's they've been wearing in the in the past he's going to take the hubs and stuff home and get them all cleaned up brake drums uh while these were leaking uh with the wheel seals uh you know they're all still pretty clean though we're just going to clean them up and break clean still see the holes they're not all filled with crap um we ordered all new wheel seals back here there's some wear on those radius rod bushings we're going to replace some airbags uh the one front airbag that's really bad brake springs we ordered on the front uh that is the brake uh the stop lamp switch that's one if you know earlier i wasn't sure if that pressure switch was the low air pressure switch or the brake but once i thought about it happens when you step on the brake so that's definitely the brake lamp switch get this all cleaned up up here that spring is bad in the back there and the other side one of those springs is missing so we're going to replace that the wiper is good here on this side we're going to replace the wiper the surface that the seal rides on on the other side tie rod ends feel pretty tight um i have to have all new bearings and races for this side that has these were all rusted and pitted nasty the bearings and the races are real pitted and then that wiper in the back you can see is just disgusting so we're gonna get that off of there these we ordered i don't know if you can see it or not but they're bad there's big rust holes in them chunks this is the airbag that's super sketchy so we're gonna replace that the power steering is leaking um there's a puddle of pink fluid under there obviously tires they know they're gonna need those we talked about that entire safety there's a puddle of transmission under there um i don't know if that's gonna have to get sent out and rebuilt or not that is finger loose on the end so i don't know if that can just tighten up i've never messed with that so we'll take a look at that though there was plenty of water in the air system back there [Applause] but uh for one day's work we got into a lot of things we ordered a bunch of parks luca us coach hooked us up uh we're trying to get shocks a bunch of shocks are bad but luke didn't have those in stock until he thought tuesday uh of this week so i can't think what else okay well that's all for today on this we got a lot done uh parts will be in on tuesday wednesday we're going to start putting this thing back together we did pretty good diagnosing things today
Channel: Bus Grease Monkey
Views: 137,384
Rating: 4.9304852 out of 5
Id: ybTYNVo08FQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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