Tainted Laz checkmarks, Everhood finale

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oh oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay [Music] so [Music] uh hello my foot my foot fell asleep i gotta get the blood back in it my leg [Music] feels like tv static what is going on back in the upright sitting position ready to uh to uh be in pain because they're playing change last resolution okay okay this song actually i remember this song being much better than it was it was actually not that great it was decent it was decent but mine was nostalgia that song is from metroid prime 2. one of my favorite games as a kid song this song isn't the same about the environment it's just not the same prime was so good yeah i mean i really opened three prime four it's uh on par but it seems to be in development hell so we'll just have to wait and see i'm cautiously optimistic we'll see [Music] thanks i'm going to need luck today because luck is what's gonna essentially win me the game essentially okay now i'm ready why is my chair so uncomfortable today dude i don't understand what's going on what's happening we're playing lazarus we're gonna do uh we're gonna do a bit by bit okay so we're doing a last round check mark but we're doing like one successful run with lazarus then we're doing a challenge then we're doing last rounds again then we're doing a challenge that's gonna be like the scary because i i i don't want to i don't i don't want the two in a row of this guy let me turn let's see turn this on clean yourself thank you for the batman baby samus be like the baby no no she doesn't tarnished pardon thank you for the two months and a fancy dragon thank you for the tier one man a creature thank you for the sub brush thank you thank you thanks chad stream is looking okay okay let's just go down my r key my arc has been placed back on the keyboard now it's it's previously i put it in the trash for good reason for no reason at all but they put it back with good reason it's on the keyboard and we can use it if i want to for example when you find stuff like this it's very convenient it's very convenient to just not not take it okay like oh that's garbage i'll just not add stuff like this wow good start today now that is actually fine that's fine not great but it's you know no problem what's this now all right that's fine good morning xqc with the doctor disrespect moustache oh excuse on heroin good morning my cops works mike [Music] anything good here yes a card that i might afford maybe it's a good one or maybe it's trash i haven't looked a lot of tired cards so actually i have all of them now under the reverse sorry uh the reverse ones are what i i just unlocked that it spawns a trapdoor wait is that like a floor down or is it uh no it's not a crawl space it's like yeah that's garbage yikes i don't need that gaming moment i don't want or need that yikes dude what's the sticky [ __ ] it can be a crawlspace okay now we did actually get funds for a alabaster box and the card i take that on him uh okay that's the greedy well we can get some money with this actually now that i think about it there's wait the most don't disappear damn i thought the money would disappear like on the tainted keeper but they just they just okay well the more you know i was taking damage there because i thought that things would go away but yeah i got 21 more coins to spend i think there was a key there maybe some bombs you know i'm just gonna spend if i can no but there was a bomb though and a sec that could have kissed or two bombs that's actually not bad sure you want to do a gamble i never would have guessed i never would have guessed uh win run yes or no you don't even know what i'm gonna do yet i'm not gonna tell you you're just gonna you're just gonna you know will i win the run yes or no chad yes or no would you [ __ ] off whoa got him all right oh this is aids can you just like come out here thank you oh they still go holy [ __ ] dude that's crazy will you stop [ __ ] what does this guy go just keep it for the entire floor oh right they do that okay thanks [ __ ] [ __ ] again well now it goes away okay aha holy [ __ ] dude where do i go [ __ ] more on spike dog shits of [ __ ] well this guy's gonna die fast he can't pick up so large i think i'll have to peek a bit you set him on this guy and then and then uh yeah anyways ah oh look at that yes that's cool [Music] it should be fine damage up for him that's that's uh yeah that's that is fine with me that is fine with me i like it uh so we are doing what do we need we need like everything we need like literally everything a ball switch would be terrible but yeah we'll see how it goes we're not doing mother i don't believe a mother is there right right call here okay [Music] because that's a hard that's a hard route we need the easter egg because i'm a little [ __ ] can you thank you and die all right oh your turn okay dude okay no let's get all the ass range the other guy needs to range the more the more the more yeah he needs the more okay did you [ __ ] off speed is nice but look at the range in this guy he has like literally nothing so he needs range maybe it's a little bit more and it's a bit faster which is nice [ __ ] it i'm not gonna get a key cause i have nothing so that i can go in there into the shop oh look at that swollen to redheart well if i use this what happens if he uses in this guy nothing well it's a good opportunity to put this on the other guy so i put this on here now just to get a news item and then the other guy can pick up the box so this guy can get hit hearts because if right now this guy cannot get hearts which is aids so you want the other guy to charge the box that would be better case yes this guy has decent stats so like it doesn't really need any items from the first couple of floors he's good he's good there we go all right all sacred offering the nice part about eating on the buster box is that you get the hearts back when you use it so it's not like they disappear it's pretty good value you just gotta be scared for a little while it's like an investment passive income baby a heart i'm nice who's a strong boy against the boss yes this one charges four times i think which is not good because there's like a bunch of [ __ ] flies i want to remove one at least two maybe i don't like that i need to make that space though cards i like cards cards are good the hierophant that's good for this guy you know the lovers well this guy won't die immediately now so that's good uh oh we can have that cool that's nice okay red hearts on think on dead last gaming i'm gonna pick him that so we get some flies sick i'm so bad at this but i'm pulling it off i'm pulling it off oh so probably here i would guess nuts okay who should buy stuff should it be this guy hmm who should have the nuts well this guy is has some he can he can be the boy every buyer he can be the buyer that's fine wow i got nothing usually you get a lot of coins but i got [ __ ] jack [ __ ] that's fine don't worry about it i want one bomb so i can blow up all those keepers and get some money can i get one bomb maybe maybe not i'll pick up the fool and go into the have we done we have done beast right okay all right probably gonna do her shirt i'll probably do like the cathedral or dark room or some [ __ ] just focus on that chest or darker i mean uh chariot this is a problem all right okay no i have a better idea i'm not gonna use fool in costume there's a better way never mind there was no enemies let's make some bombs here [Music] oh sure um here's some money taking one for the team over here and the only thing out there in the shop was a pill so we're not going to go get that but yeah no bombs so no low low blowing up the keepers for money that's a bit sad but what can you do you know this turns into a [ __ ] heart there we go uh yeah we're good should i grab that on that last race instead why yeah that's that's that was gonna happen you know what i probably wouldn't got an angel anyways [ __ ] it considering my luck i'll use the emperor and explore them just get to the angel groom fast before anything bad happens stop [ __ ] i've never killed this room this slow ev in my life ever this is the first time i've ever done this this long holy [ __ ] too good at the game all right getting somewhere now do this one as well you're [ __ ] okay you're a [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] there we go oh i got a heart for the other guy when is the kratos beard coming but i'm like 40. okay it's a promise finally you're using your brain what are you talking about so what am i not okay chill holy [ __ ] no secret from there i guess nice oh not nice nevermind when i get one bomb i can get like oh but i can i go okay good nice we got bombs good bombs boys bumps for days three whole [ __ ] bombs gold [ __ ] damn aren't you 40 already but it's like right around the corner i'd say you know what i'm greedy there's gotta be a shroom in all this [ __ ] off [ __ ] off i gotta find the icing room wait actually i could did i check it no i didn't hello okay okay no he's taking the damage actually i don't want to lose in his whole hearts the regular hearts though yeah [ __ ] that this just mirrors a quality garbage well i guess technically they both have red hearts so what am i [ __ ] talking about uh bounce off uh let's see what's in the shop though well there is a card here there is a card and that those cards usually are good does this guy have the nuts he does have the nuts so why don't we just spend some money with our nuts yeah you know what let's spend some money with our nuts chaos card god [ __ ] damn [Music] tremendous let's just buy some random [ __ ] they don't need no that's the trinkets is so slow it's like super slow like zero nine six i guess he could he could use that though the item i found the [ __ ] um what is it called again the uh uh [ __ ] [ __ ] you could use a thing there we go there it is there it is okay there's a damage guy for the boss i have no bombs why am i dude i'm [ __ ] uh [Music] i kind of wanted that on the other guy but whatever [ __ ] it whatever you can do oh whoops oh [ __ ] god damn it looks like it can you stop thank you okay we got it we got curse the blind though nice [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] room oh i missed this [ __ ] [ __ ] we get that oh okay i missed the trump [ __ ] i was like oh let's use the car this one why did i even use it it was so dumb it was like i could just use this one like a i could have used it on hush i could use it a [ __ ] gosh i was like ah this is usually i have residue on full damage just shorter than angel destroyed on the [ __ ] angel that's fine albino finally using your brain for once yes uh-huh yep anyways gotta [ __ ] stoop [Music] let me just buy a temporary damage up and be able to kill the boss in two seconds and throw the [ __ ] chaos car down our streamer can this spider shut up can you actually shut up i hate this room i i also just realized i didn't even get the angel item i didn't even get it like i didn't even get it dude oh we got the magnet though we got the magnet though that's fine oh what could this be little monster god [ __ ] damn you see i got a lot of damage now monster is a beast these guys always just refuse to [ __ ] die man stop la boomba i kinda want to blow up that uh [ __ ] um uh the mushrooms the mushrooms i wanna i wanna you know i know perfect we get to spend the money on the other guy who actually has the the ballsack that's nice nice double solar that's nice what's this very nice he will walk into the rooms and get some [ __ ] three four five swap and get some so hard for the box very good very good no [ __ ] the gold pill we're not gonna get that i'm sorry chad that will not happen this guy's gonna get the magnet now because he wants to saw this he wants the solar so he's gonna have the magnet and pull them in and just oh my lord time to die okay why am i missing every straw what the [ __ ] this game man yeah [ __ ] him up chain reactions so you win we're gonna do mega satan because then we get uh that chest thing we get the oh hello what does this guy drop wait what does he give again this guy he gives like envy gives some specific items but i forget what it is shoot the whoop well it's better than the converter that's for sure funny 2006 meme thank you edmund well i know they were the secrets but i've done the shop i've done much more or less everything here and i'm not gonna yeah i'm just gonna go slow but surely and do everything i can oh i'm surprised i got [ __ ] mega jump scare oh okay uh okay [Music] yep that's fine good [ __ ] torn photo yeah let's just just do we bomb this guy no i want to save my bombs for something useful this is this is the angel room replacement for getting bedroom yeah i mean my engine's room was was literal trash like there was and i did get health on the other guy which is nice i gotta admit it wasn't can't really complain i got something but it was like two heart containers and a solar for my box so it's like i'll take it i'm not gonna mold about it like i'm not gonna cry but you know it's kind of like getting socks for christmas it's like yeah i got socks now but oh i gotta not take damage on this guy though that's not gonna happen i hate this room kill him oh that's a two-way i thought it was a four-way [ __ ] damn i hate this guys this guy's going to blow up into balls there we go yeah damage is kind of tapering off now but he still has some good [ __ ] he's got the keeper buffs and uh some nice nice thanks go on the bottom okay not the other world there we go is that the rock i don't have money for it so we're not getting that and unless something very good happens honestly holy [ __ ] i hate skeletons [ __ ] maggots folks why didn't they just die that's one way to do it where is the shop though i mean it's a chest with the empress in it i'll just use that pop oh wait he lost the thing yikes die thank you oh what i'm getting molested dude what did he how was the most reactive it's so fast what the hell man you're very rarely seen at the time when it when it does happen it's just like i instant damage xd funny all right i definitely want to use this guy for this room don't you get molested again funny erase car morals okay all right god i can go in here what's this garbage and uh when getting hit you know what when this happens i'm actually just gonna go look for a um a dice room i'm going to just look around and see if i can find uh anything to make that not be what it is to make it be something else because i don't really care much for that hello perfecto oh you [ __ ] god all right double kill i pick where is the shop man sword hearts and just in time for this dude only one more now dude one more soul heart and you know what's gonna happen we get actual items of course it was red epic yeah i kind of saw that's coming do not take my money okay i'm just bad at the game all right book pills oh big pin look at this looks like just [ __ ] in it it's time if i could i would do a separate bet now being uh like is it going to be a breath of air and the holy shield or is it going to be something actually actually useful that would that would like to be the best but let's just see what happens [Music] i would say that's good the stairway uh that means if we take it to this guy we would have to finish the floor on him stairway is really [ __ ] sick though especially when we have the sack and like actually get money for using it that's that's nice um yeah we'll try to steer me on this guy i think order on the other i think i'll have to take it to them because i take it on him we kill the boss with him yeah unless there's a battery here somewhere it means i will have to have swap ready for each floor stop needs to be ready each floor if you take it on dead guy now then we will kill the boss and turn into this guy again we do not have enough rooms to reset the flip uh and that in the in that case i didn't use slip no i'm saying if i flip now and turn it to that guy and take it then okay and only then uh will i kill the boss get turned into the this guy again and then i don't have enough charges to charge flip before going down to flip back to the other guy to proc the ladder so we're gonna have to take it on this guy and just have a little bit of inconvenience basically uh connected on him and i'd like this on him as well there we go oh it's not like it's a [ __ ] item i don't really care acid i'm not taking that pill by the way it's not gonna happen so the the the dead guy is going to be our main dps or like the boss fighter and this is going to be like a utility character i suppose i'm glad i didn't go for the like claw game because now i can't really afford it there was an item down there um and i think actually because this is going to be like the utility character right to make clearing rooms a little bit better did we have backstab here with the tears ghost bleeding which oh that's not actually good ah spiders when you get hit or tears and cause bleeding which deals temperature and damage of the enemy's total health with five seconds like the these are both decent on a character that can't really defend himself if he takes damage he gets spider but the spiders are based on your damage the backstab is based on their health so i think i like that i think i take that so that he will do like no matter what part in the game he is in the uh baxter will do like consistently with the same damage kind of to demand it to the enemies now this could be a secret room by the way out of this we got a key for a bomb we can bomb this guy and get a heart all right we'll also bomb the game machine over here and maybe get some money from it so we can have more to spend in the all right dynamic duo i just want to get this guy out of the way first like so with this guy surprisingly low health in these guys honestly range up look up we got an ancient room god damn i got a dark carton just dude yeah he has a very low lock so it doesn't have any more luck on him his own item grants a hail that spawns a beam of light on the enemies inside of it the halo glows grows larger the more damage you're taking this floor um was that five percent was yeah because the chess it sounds like [ __ ] i i was like wait what what happened just now i got angel room on five percent like oh i have an idea i have an idea wait so we kill an angel and then we yeah we kill the angel with this guy gets flipped over to the other guy he then picks up the salvation and he gets to use this ladder without having to use flip genius we also get our key for [ __ ] i can make a mega satan oh yikes that little guy's bad news and there we have it [Music] he has pretty good like damage around him right now and now since we leave the floor with this guy we will have flip available available for the angel shop we have 15 coins too that's good that was actually that was actually really good that i got the danger holy [ __ ] i mean the item is decent but like now now is where that shines because then we can go up here and buy the wafer for who who gets the wafer i think we have enough defensive [ __ ] in this guy uh i think i'll get the wafer on the other guy this guy has has like uh extra lives with guppy he has and the other guy has the ball stack so he will get the stats from buying it so i think when it comes to use these shops i'll actually buy a sword for this guy maybe let me think how much health does the other guy have i wish there was a mod that added like a separate health bar here so you can like know the health of both both like characters it's i keep forgetting but i think he had like decent he had like more than one row they are more or less the same so i think i'll just go over to him and buy a wafer let's see if the stats actually come into play they do i got one damage i'm doing that that's actually very nice just bomb this guy for extra angel chance and for some money that's actually very good bomb refund as well uh the soul art i can probably do without well would you look at that pills who takes the heart i think the other guy will take the heart so he can get like some uh some stats do i need anything here not really at least oh nice [Music] gulp okay the other guy is going to gulp his trinket that's for sure good was good what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that's sick brainwarm i oh he's going to gulp this he's going to grip the [ __ ] brain worm that's nice to have tremendous it's quality too because it's really short and it takes i guess like better the more damage to take which would have pretty decent synergy with uh the wafer but i cannot spread them out a bit yikes oh there's a gap okay there can't be a secret from there yes dude no damage okay oh he has to be killed last right rainbow i'm good though brainwarm good though [ __ ] flanked jesus goddamn oh we got options on this guy so where does the other guy have options oh he has the option this guy does not have the options okay i forgot about that double tapping fire button sneeze wait this is the options guy never mind yeah that's why we got two i keep i don't i have no control over what's going on what do i get those things are kind of bad but like both of them are kind of trash they're both actually kind of garbage uh sneeze 5200 damage per second they're both uh as if they can find a reward or something despite being my quote-unquote damage character he's not doing much damage i just realized that's good blank card is actually a really good find i think he's gonna buy that on blank heart with strength i'm gonna have at least 15 for the next floor so i'm just gonna bounce [ __ ] a bit this is the last character i have left to do so i'm just gonna [ __ ] siphon these ones man [ __ ] it now drop your strength the other guy wants it black pill let's see what it okay is wrong don't appeal okay so hello what's the cooler on this it's actually not long at all [ __ ] like six [ __ ] damage but it's pretty dope nice i think i'll bring ace of hearts or two hearts with me i could use the troll bombs to book ah no no don't forget shop it was in the shop oh right this guy this guy could use a knife yeah he could do he could use this [ __ ] that's fine would be nice to have this is a really slow run holy [ __ ] i don't like this room coins instead of hearts which now we have this guy on boss which is fine because he's like kind of decent now uh this is necro this mother oh it is okay and then he's gonna turn into dead eden yeah that's fine it's pretty dope very good to mother this thing very good uh so are we doing darker more hmm they're both the same in my like in my book doesn't really matter yeah it doesn't matter i i gotta do one or the other it does not matter at all does it make a satan or isaac i think chest i think a dark room is harder so i'm going to do that besides interpret some damage right uh this guy has 11 damage this guy has five so he takes it he's also the one that's gonna be descending floors because he has the ladder uh we might as well check this out i guess oh that sucks we got flipped oh [ __ ] that's that's really bad we missed it yeah that's actually really [ __ ] bad [ __ ] man oh that sucks okay we get we miss one deal but whatever it's usually you don't get enemies in there but yeah that's that's just sucks what all right okay so it's such a good like stay closer and that's just really annoying oh god bless having range got him okay it's really good for stuff for monsters like that or endless like that is actually really [ __ ] sick oh it's it's [ __ ] popped but this guy's the way first taking damage the name is not the underworld yeah i want weather tears it's better oh [ __ ] there we yes you can't make a path with this right i'm gonna test oh we can the more you know [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] morons those eyes are just taking up every [ __ ] damage is it possible to kill these things holy [ __ ] without piercing i'm gonna yeah just going to cash to absorb what happens first nice two of hearts now we go down with him we get the ladder okay good i didn't [ __ ] it up but now we don't have flip ready so he has to buy it okay that's actually gonna aids but this is how it's gonna have to be there's no way around that um let's buy it i guess it's decent i could just kill the angel i could just i could just [ __ ] kill the angel honestly i forgot about that does he want to reuse a holy card or political blanket is good but like strength is also good because strength gives you two hearts he has wafer so he has a wafer getting two hearts for a boss fight is much more important than having a one hit extra no [ __ ] that but now i know i can i can just kill the engine and it's all good blenders thank you for this prime amuse [ __ ] library holy [ __ ] oh [Music] two books i'm not sure what to do with this but i'm going to keep the blind card i mean it's atomic bible it's like it's good but don't use the bible in this car i think the other guy gets the bible this guy has a lot this guy has enough tankiness the other guy gets the bible so he can get some hearts this guy tends to do more take more damage though yeah maybe he should just take it honestly this guy is genuinely stronger now for some reason [Music] yeah actually better cash right now all right i'll get yeah get the blind card to the other character so you can get homing this guy gets used uh get some healing it's good that i use the bible on this guy or the wafer i guess where are they these rooms take forever because these guys just never show they're so annoying jesus christ so get the magician on this guy magician is good but because it's like yeah it gives homing but also gives you a bunch of range so definitely want to use blank card or magician on this guy having range is epic not that i need it from bother or yeah it's nice for for eyes actually pick up the item next to the pill it decreases the red heart drops no right it disappears there goes my intense i guess i still got it wow on him i forgot to switch them around [ __ ] [ __ ] i forgot i [ __ ] forgot it's over how to snooze oh i have one left well either i lose bible or we lose an angel deal i think i'll rather have the angel deal actually so the other guy has to keep his [ __ ] bible let me go to darkroom the game that crushes my game the item scratches my game anyways uh yeah i'll have this all right i don't have money so unbelievable how good range those guys have we go does it lose dismantle every time i know what happened one more coin now oh we got it back okay nevermind um i can have a sword that's fine this might take a while with very much appreciate to use the other guy for this room but whatever i guess my attack speed oh my god wait wait yeah the holy cow went away what the hell [ __ ] broken game no i i i lost it in this room yeah i could never mind it didn't go away i would just i just forgot that i lost it that's why that was just too many bullets for me to deal with there we go hello there you are holy [ __ ] the salvation is pretty good actually i like it it's a bit weird to use but it's good big money with metal was off again what the hell um the other guy has the color right yeah he does hmm yeah it's gonna be nice for darkroom more chest and darker more items this is good i don't want to use mike i don't know i don't think there's enough levels left to uh i shall die now please yes yes [Music] [Music] all right all right i wanted to get those things over there but i was really worried that i was just i just lost the game if i lost my saver dude holy [ __ ] jesus christ man two more if i can i get two more rooms please wait now if i kill the boss if i kill the boss with this guy then i'll turn it into the other guy okay that's fine i'll i'll use this guy to kill it next goodbye all right i forgot it was i forgot how satan works and this guy has the thing he has the portrait we're not doing the lyrium we're gonna do finish the darkroom first okay we also have the key to mega satan which is epic i mean i could swap and just get some more some stuff in the other guy there we go man it's better than the [ __ ] bible [Music] does it give that what the [ __ ] well [Music] if we want to we could always just yeah they weren't any good items anyways i don't care i'm not mad i wasn't gonna buy them so it was either that or nothing like i wouldn't pay for it i wouldn't pay for that [ __ ] i wouldn't give that a heart you know i need my hearts so that wouldn't happen anyways it's been a while since that thing just has like worked out for me are you mad the food all right oh chest it's over i should have found them beforehand but in case there was like a super good item inside of them i didn't want to penny like preemptively so i went with after just to check them first and then you know i mean [ __ ] i might as well all right thanks big brain now i've gotten some really underwhelming angel items i think money they haven't been like mind-blowing or anything goodbye there we go admit there we go thank you oh i'm stupid all right goodbye i think i'll flip on you still to go for the boss i can just do a room i guess you want to give me an extra lighting this time [Music] it's been an hour and this is my the first one of the day an hour by the way oh okay that's that's a that's a free win from reggae satan cool all right goodbye then uh we'll pick up the card on the other guy i think he's gonna go in there how many rooms do we have i can flip this guy yeah this is fine you should pick up that guys it died okay that's done no swap and then we do one room at this guy and swap again and then we do the boss yes actually what would be more optimal x is taking damage in this room like a [ __ ] clearly holy [ __ ] the thing is annoying the swap some cooldown though let's just put this to the boss without walking it's everyone basically hello purpose hoping oh my god bottom [ __ ] the sponsor man shoots fast holy [ __ ] okay what's just that there we go okay final face final face it should be fine it's gonna take a while because he's uh yeah i can get boyd yeah if i do get white i'm gonna go in but uh probably i won't i mean it's 50-50 it's not probably either way i don't like to attack i'm just i should just suck it up and take damage oh my god i'm actually gonna die with [ __ ] arrow walk on but i have die now don't i my dad nope where the [ __ ] do you go now i died when there was nowhere to go what the hell i tried to sneak in between but damn i guess there was more there was more space in the right but then on the left there was like a literal wall of flames but nowhere to go yeah i could have charged the uh swap and use the other guy first and then use this guy but i should have charged that we got we got some decent marks it's just so as far as the uh it's it's not in the world because like when we do um we gotta do chest as well we finish dark room but next time we do chest we can try again on mega satan while still doing other marks at the same time so like we can we can still do that run where we do like uh boss rush uh hush uh and then uh cathedral dark room mega satan so that's that one is still theirs it's not like yeah you you tactically have two tries to do a like good run for mega satan you got me back into isaac third game somehow killed lam before i could even unlock the polaroid and the negative nice thank you for the sub for the 43 dollars cinnamon cinnamon toast hal poryan thank you for the prime man uh the video challenge now i guess yeah i did finish the run i mean i i didn't finish the run but i also finished the run i think that's a little bit unfair because like that was an optional thing that i think about it that was kind of unfair it should have been like a because i beat one of the final bosses and i could have just ended it but yeah it happens darkness is that satan or sheol or mega city suss of you mr albino mad i think i'll do do i do a devil like reduce my health and get so large i think i'm going to do a solo art on because we could horror babylon it's not like a huge deal but oh [ __ ] i can definitely i think it's regular satan this is like one of the first like one of the like first five challenges i don't think mega city was in the game back then like for real oh hello hello we got um oh this okay now i can just keep it like this that's fine yeah since we have the race race i don't actually have the devil i can just keep myself at low health and we're good get that move speed get the damage all good follow up on my sequence breaking isaac i just killed mega satan before i could kill satan for the negative best one coin from soul heart can i buy that please i would like to buy that x maybe the boss gives me some money or something which has some bombs what double bomb god [ __ ] damn okay i know what i'm gonna do with that i'm going to bomb up with this chest over here first and foremost and use a key that's going to go into the sleeping room there could be a trap door there but until the bombs for it nice dude [Music] i'm gonna spin the bomb instead of cool yeah to the secret amazing that's just tremendous isn't it three hearts are very good very good very good very cool thank you gamblino okay there you go another better what the [ __ ] but i don't even one-shot these doors key blocks and golden tests can be opened with explosions oh [ __ ] i like that the lovers diplopia that's pretty epic i gotta get some money all right get him can i get a bomb dude or like a money or anything was that's the entire floor dude he's sucking him up holy [ __ ] health up here's the red heart regenerate health okay well region health on this character is not great but we still have the eraser we still have the eraser now take it oh we can spend so much in here or not because these items are trash i would i was hoping for something like somewhat decent but these are terrible imp is good i mean would i pay a solod for it probably not but you know what [ __ ] it i'll take it whatever dude that was entire floor right yeah yeah there's nothing more to do it's over no bombs such knife one money thank you edmund that's just what i need [ __ ] bullied a bomb would you look at that at last another bomb drop damn he [ __ ] him up [ __ ] off that speed up is fine well this razor gives me damage when i use it okay i see when i save it for a room and just like damage yourself a bunch like oh look at that we have regen we can oh that's actually good it triggers that huh so we region and then we use that to generate soul arts that's crazy thank you joker what [ __ ] let's get that god damn fast what the [ __ ] society card emit the vessel would actually be six right now make an empty vessel dude that's crazy that'll be sick oh and they drop red hearts gimpy mixed and drop red hearts i use the red hearts to take damage myself and get damaged and then oh and i also region god bless them and i damage myself a bit and maybe get so locks that's cool though good synergy actually pretty sweet i'm gonna make sure it's not loose so large though because i gotta i mean it's gonna take a while to stack up on those i suppose i might as well kill the boss [ __ ] he's so fast i like i can't cope with it actually not bad right now there we go we got a heart epic i like this i like this this is nice oh nice thank you the a shop i got gameplay coins not great not terrible oh yikes this is all the way over there hello i will buy a soul heart yes yeah the racer uh is also decent but the the like the racer hurts me without doing damage which could trigger the solar effect however this one also lets me manage my health very well this one manages health and i can use it whenever i want and i regen so it's better than this one it's like totally totally fine let's check out the leveler all right but that's fine oh it's a big boy he's gonna hit hard i did it twice [ __ ] there we go and it's so hard look at that we're actually doing very well now it's good at least in terms of health this is totally fine this is actually really good you got seven damage which is like thought that's fine now since i used the joker card explorer and like didn't spawn they have a little naturally i think the next floor is going to have like a 70 chance or something basement modellist needs an update upgrade we have we have a paste bin what the [ __ ] since one i could use a little bit more damage maybe some attack speed attacks more damage i need either works nice [Music] this is our way to thank you i [ __ ] hit him oh yes at least emotional spiders that's nice what crowd is that would be really nice if there was a secret room like right here no wait it would have been right here [ __ ] i'm stupid what am i yeah we're striking if i didn't check it i could get the boss item which would be cool but yeah look at that some sort of damage upgrade i need though i'm i'm sitting for [ __ ] right now it's like i get this it's decent with the horror babylon but like my attack speed at least we're immune to curses that's pretty nice all right back all right i'll save that for when i need it you know i could do the angel [ __ ] honestly we've got 80 chance i'm gonna do the sacrifice room [ __ ] it since i might get as hard every time i use it it's totally fine now we got a double up there [Music] have some farts [ __ ] you [ __ ] them to death no drops oh god my first prague holy [ __ ] don't teleport me oh you [ __ ] well that's actually very good definitely gonna take this seven seals now we've got that certainly we've got really good damage um seven seats is nice it's not bad h h thank you for the prime man uh do i want that no i want to keep some health bars [ __ ] it oh thank you oh we got redemption too i'll be smile thanks for content streamer i think i've never had that never i've never had redemption that's crazy i got like buffs we're not taking devils so if i go in and i get the garbage and i get to get stats that great [Music] lesser blood is so nice oh my god please leave me alone [Music] do i just give him hearts let's see what happens oh crud blackheart can have that [Music] good fine with me oh kill the [ __ ] and get damaged i can't tell where zitbox is i can't like use the knife really i'm just not gonna do that goodbye uh yes go in we don't take it do we uh get the thing now we get like redemption it didn't hang over her head oh the order they took i guess i mean i got redemption after but whatever fine i guess mustard showers how are you doing i am doing good thank you for the sub characters gaming today we got 12 damage wait only what am i saying anyways wait something was a scam what was the scam again i forgot but i got scammed oh what the [ __ ] i got scammed i'm worry about the details but i think it's camp can you die thank you oh you [ __ ] two bombs expensive card but a good one actually i see so large conversion go no yorks dude uh anyways you know i probably should have uh do you like this challenge so far uh it's all right it's not very limiting and it gets pretty good damage to start off it's all right die thank you for the best select fruit there's my heart this bill is good man i'm glad about gimpy will this blow up that's will it please that's good to god [ __ ] then if you use it half a heart it takes a soul out okay i just want to test i just want to test i have to know okay we are a tank that's one so i can just go in here get this [ __ ] okay that's not even yeah why did i do that look at this spike man nice more damage from me goodbye no procs man no procs nothing yeah [ __ ] damn it's kind of sad actually that's fine actually mm-hmm i want to make me to fire [ __ ] wait oh there is a shop okay i was like where where the [ __ ] is the shop i've done the entire level let's say it's there you are there was a sacrifice you might have done actually [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] there we go and there we go it's neat again epic any hearts in here nice well i guess we're done here next floor hopefully i get a satandor hopefully i think i might have to go buy some snooze soon i'm just gonna sprint it's gonna sprint and buy some snooze drive the model list i think i've done before like a million times i've strolled through my mods like once a day basically [ __ ] [ __ ] this room you're not this is a darkness fall challenge this was like a base game challenge i'm pretty sure there we go go because i'm pretty sure that like it's it's probably a regular city i wouldn't mind mega satan but do we pay this guy i'm gonna pay oh but if i pay him he's gonna disappear and then get lower level chance i think i would rather just blow him up right i'll get to i'll get like 90 or something you know what i'm just gonna hope that 80 works and we're gonna pay him and hopefully get an item that's like not garbage [ __ ] it okay what's this well that's not garbage this is not gonna do anything for me oh hello thank you dude these guys are based man they're so good holy [ __ ] that's pretty nice he's surprised i don't want that all right let's go god [ __ ] damn minecraft sword let's go let's go let's go we got minecraft sword we got to them goddamn minecraft sword god get over here [ __ ] you anything else i should do i haven't done shop yet so let's just shop mine yes my case yes oops honestly let's just save my my hearts for uh devil beggar he was actually pretty cool he was nice to me today where's the enemy oh there i didn't see him i didn't see the guy what the hell oh hello yeah keybagger we don't do that here thank you green no greed we got the soul heart we get a uh what's this the devil which is okay to have i'm gonna buy this and trade it for uh to the [ __ ] blow up this guy or some added chance and then we go sacrifice some hearts yeah oops well would this drink it i could just give this girl my case [ __ ] it what am i going to do with case when i don't donate them you want to give anything at all you [ __ ] greedy piece of [ __ ] wow oh nice nice dude god [ __ ] damn that's pretty good i think back everything mean i said about this guy convenience i have two of this pill ooh ranger speed well the speed is nice though i guess [Music] oh but the range actually does get but the range actually works that's kind of cool i didn't expect that you do get more range it's like twice the range now hold a [ __ ] look at that dude that's crazy cry about it there we go dark the 85 i should have killed the beggar i should have killed the beggar it didn't actually 85 didn't work that uh yeah i should have just uh and believe i mean to be fair i did get angel chance engine room on like a five percent chest chance last run so i guess it's fine but yikes oh it deals damage now because i have the [ __ ] we got i'm gonna spin got a thing the negative do the microsoft's epic okay oh wait what was this again it does something hold up thresherman shop in shell that's gonna help out that's actually kind of rigged what's going on i thought i'd get both in one [ __ ] pretty sure i have a serve so hard over here though hold up yep that i do it's gonna be a treasure maybe if there's oh it's a challenge so it might not work actually yeah you're right there it is health up lock up heals the heart uh sure what we got here oh that's so ah it still rises well with this spill but this late it probably doesn't matter it's very good for this build i agree i agree i'm self-damaging all the time i'm going to piss about it so so so i made food i'll take it because it's funny if i was trying hard if this run was like uh you know dangerously close to being not a good run then i wouldn't take it since we're gonna be self-damaging all the [ __ ] time i'll just take it and because it's funny just like all right since we get back [ __ ] back here since the run is basically one i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take it i don't have patience for you [ __ ] off no foreign [ __ ] get him and take it can't even take it i'd take some damage okay i'll take two damage because i want to get a minion [Music] let's clear some more rooms because why not i'm gonna get some i want to get some minions what's that emperor is this gonna be a soft lock if i use it here it's always a soft lock man if this game worked if it wasn't a broken mess i would use this item it's like 50 chance of soft blocking your game so i'm just not gonna no i'm not gonna do it because i've been at floors that is not one floor and still gets a soft locked like doesn't matter where i am i always get stuff like that okay go back here where am i going with my minion man hit me i have a heart it's fine cool it's like the most underwhelming [ __ ] but okay that's just a mom it only puts you on future floors so you already passed the mom bus for always that it okay okay [Music] let's use redemption now it's fine look at this first ever redemption clock 0.69 damage holy [ __ ] that's also good [ __ ] [ __ ] off got here got him again oh there we go oh [ __ ] make your knife we do get a sharp at least you know the game is too hard so we're gonna do this and by that game too hard man nice fat there we go and this loss okay nice goodbye we're going to spin yes [Music] we got it the gas yes almost true yeah wait i didn't get an achievement i've already done this one i've done this one i didn't get an achievement for this because i already have it on the on my old save from like 2014 wait oh that's not that's not why that's that's quit in the game there's no there's no confirmation prompt for creating the game i don't know why yep that's fine that happens i'm gonna i think i have a snooze box in my backpack hold up isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill isaac kept to himself drawing pictures and playing with his toys as his mom watched christian broadcasts on the television life was simple and they were both happy that was until the day isaac's mom now what do you know the day is saved here it is mcmillan you love [ __ ] you made a [ __ ] of peace with your trash isaac it's [ __ ] bad this trash game i will become back my money i hope you will in your next time a cow on a trash farm you sucker let's do some more tainted last shall we this is this is the old save file this is a safe file that i had like back in the day before i i was a uh i was a clown for a living um back when i played um when it first came out when this game first came out you wanna see my old check marks look at this this is what i had on my old slime it's so sad look at this oh my god i didn't even play on hardware i didn't have at least these weren't released to be fair [Music] and this this here these check marks were enough to get godhead i got god i think so what no it was it i did unlock got it so it's weird it's not here maybe i had like another save this is like a super old cloud save because i did have goddamn before but i didn't have to do too much for it i also had to do the um i also had to do the scuffed way of getting the last where you dive to like a bomb by the first floor and you get stepped on by satan that's one character like getting the last in the beginning was like really complicated uh but yeah wait how how do you how do you get the cathedral on hard mode but not mom's heart how does that happen corrupted save maybe the state is corrupted or something it's like a scuff set because like how do you how do you get that without getting mom's heart on hard [Music] and like you get dark room on hard mode but not shale floor skip maybe a floor skip it's like unlikely i had done way more i've done all i did all of the challenges except for solar system i couldn't beat solar system but i beat all of these before i didn't have these i've actually done all of this already why am i doing them again god the darkness falls [Music] anyways this [ __ ] compare that save to this one all the [ __ ] is like whoa everything is done it's satisfying to go to the regular characters just be like it's all done i like it anyways lazarus is really that bad i think he did he's really hard and there's like it's kind of a mind [ __ ] to decide who gets what so yeah he's kind of he's really bad i think so he's just uh he's a weak he's a very weak character that's that's the thing he's yeah i don't like him and most people people are gonna find him boring because like you find items but you don't really get to use them and you don't get you don't get you don't really get to do synergies on this guy that's the thing you don't get to have like all of the cool things in one character so you don't get those funny combos with like different like because for a lot of people the fun of this game is doing synergies and like seeing how they work together and when you can't do that in this guy they're just like yeah this is boring i don't want to do this like and that's understandable i think there's been like a ver a very few like couple of moments playing this guy where but where i think it's like yeah it's a cool concept but like the execution is not great something should maybe be tweaked or changed double pickups yeah i don't like it but it's only for one character so it's like i gotta get a cool item but you know only half of it it especially hurts on items like that where you like get roomed clean room clear rewards for an item uh because then you literally get like half of it it doesn't work most of the time you get guppy's tail it only works for half of the rooms you get this [ __ ] it works for half of the rooms but it's it's it's interesting on things like um jesus christ it's a in some cases it can be cool but yeah it's the exception not the rule generally it's just a boring character i'd say for example when i had to decide who to get the the uh eucharist on on the green run that was fun to figure out but uh yeah now for the most part it's just it's a bit of struggle to play this guy honestly and but i think the worst part the the worst things are done the worst uh like part of this i'm not going to pause it is the worst part about this character oh that's actually very good uh it's the um what's it called the beast i'd say this is terrible because you swatched you switch characters during the boss fight not only do you switch characters like you know regularly but also during this the boss fight itself which is really annoying so if you have like a if you you like stacked items on one character and you're like i'm gonna i'm gonna kill the boss with this guy i'm gonna kill it with with a live er lazarus then you mix to the beast and you switch like four times before fighting the actual beast it's like super scuffed wow yeah that's really bad and same with greed mode the green mod is also like hell on with this guy at least until one of the characters is like relatively strong but yeah that's my thoughts on this guy i guess luckily i was able to use the tainted cane eden soldiers can you just like [ __ ] there we go they become piercing but they don't become respectful well that's very nice thank you [Music] we do a gamble i can do one i guess bomb batteries and i have nothing to try i have the you know the thing i guess it's only gonna do that all right the live it has like really [ __ ] range for some reason i would like to get this in this guy but i think it's it's the play here is to pick it up on the other guy because he needs range this guy has like all of the and they both have [ __ ] range actually i'll pick it on this guy oh nice yeah that's good about a really good start now what's the one most fun character for you to play um i genuinely have no idea i think we'll do modern now mother is also like a pretty bad uh i have a really good start so i'm gonna go with uh for a difficult one using the fire killer that's pretty cool oh [ __ ] hello nice good one so far at least not any keys oh you're gonna stay alive for a bit no leech okay we got one i [ __ ] had it what we can do though i'm sorry i don't know if the bomb is gonna hit that chest as well but it might just [ __ ] well there's my key problem solved we get to fade turn on this guy or the other we get this guy fires your tears and copper tear down actually this guy's more damage so we're gonna we get two of that two piercings that's really good actually that's a really good familiar uh gamba yeah not again we're doing other there's that to consider i'm keeping both of our characters balanced this is good oh it almost followed me a bomb okay i might go for a secret room actually don't think i'll go shop because i have like no money at all but okay i can get the chest and i can get a secret room i think it's up here but it could also be below or it yeah it can be we can't below here below or above let's see what's on top here it might be blocked no it's not okay so it's either honestly it can't beat it right there so it's better to no it can't be either i'm just gonna blow it up good all right now we can check this one and we can check below good it's below that's better because then i should have checked that first because it's more most preferable it's next to a course room so i can go get free entry oh okay two items do we get both or we get to choose i don't know you get both got them who gets it though um key item doesn't matter i can just take it on this guy it literally doesn't matter we got we got the keys anyways this is the rarest secret room in the game or like the best one in the game three two items and you don't have to pay health or uh keys to get it let's read this is a really good one flight i mean it's good i guess i'll have it in this guy [ __ ] it which means we can go into the room for free or do we just bomb i'll just bump i don't want to lose health anymore all right well we got to check it out we got all the keys in the world so might as well check out the shop deck of cards i really want that but i can't afford it that'd be very nice to have there is one coin over there so if i get one more coin somehow then i can i can buy it but not likely i guess i get too big of this now all right it's probably one of the easier bosses in this area i would say the easiest four startups two step downs let's try it damage damage was not changed movement speed was changed health was changed but everything else was better okay that's fine health kind of hurt but we got attack speed moving speed also hurt a bit to loose but whatever did you get knife that's on this floor this is the mirror floor i know i can turn this into platforms but we have light in the other guy it's fine oh my god that's such an annoying pattern it's just it's a key right wait i have 99 what the [ __ ] am i doing because we're not getting that one um this one oh that's so nice that's so nice though it kind of hurts for faith internal because he got he gets lower damage now but this is good it's better than that other [ __ ] should put the legs in the guy actually capable of having health but um since when did i change that oh that's too risky that's way too risky i guess i'm confusing this for tainted jacob why are we getting so many [ __ ] things man what the hell okay anyways game's just giving me [ __ ] yeah i don't even know what's happening rig run but it's still going to mess it up yeah probably probably i won't be surprised oh that attack was it's so fast jesus christ man jesus the the movements on these guys are so annoying no heinous he needs it i feel like i kind of need to but this guy has so little black hearts that i'm having a stroke i gotta do this [ __ ] [Music] actually give that to the portal i guess oh my god okay wait this guy he doesn't have the ghost form but he's still here he's this is the only one that's a ghost what the hell that's really weird [Music] this is normal all right of course this guy's way more damage should be fine that was so close to damaging me holy [ __ ] that's so good oh my god oh that's so good that's actually so [ __ ] good man this run dude that's actually so good there you guys this guy is not lost yes he still has his flight because he got the news but he still doesn't have spectral tears and his his health up here is not like greyed out so it's what's going on what's happening all right well worth a try [Music] lakefruit thank you for the one bit man one dollar like one it's not there it's probably straight over here i believe in secret rooms today or not i got my bum refunded i'm not gonna complain that's good good we need to do a regular floor now because we wanted to have enough bumps for the uh alternates so we're just gonna go down one floor into a cellar two and then we'll open the ash pits here that's how it works can you do a finished accent i already have this stream i should do this at some point believe it or not this guy needs some soul arts though at this point it's not need to lose them like that would be nice if it didn't so any health if i get now i gotta go on the other guy basically all right let's check out the arcade it's garbage okay the three biggest scams in the world what's the goal of this one mother basically i can't use bombs this floor because i need to well i might be able to but i'm gonna avoid it i want to get the bombs not keys bombs worst case scenario i'll have to use a scam machine to get bumps but let's hope it doesn't come to that you need both knife pieces on one character okay that is the that's this guy actually no no you don't what do you because the knife is still following this guy even though the other guy has it i think they i'll do it just in case it's not it's not like a hard thing to do but i i think it they have kind of thought about the knife is always there you know oh my god that's a good one the other guy should have it though there's a bomb okay so this guy i might yeah he gets homey now that's nice it's pretty cool pretty pretty sick pretty bonkers it's getting bigger i can bomb one here and get two bombs yep there's no way to move those i [ __ ] hate the way those guys attack it's so annoying he resets every oh that's that sucks the portal resets every time so you gotta like make a bunch of do that or if i give him that let me give him these where's that go okay nice i want that i don't want that i guess i'll take it uh okay that box right there i need to get the money i wish i didn't feed the portal i paid the federal like two coins i was like surely there's gonna be something super good in the shop right [ __ ] this guy man there we go okay we're go anyways just do the boss i guess i mean yeah i just gotta focus on should we transition this into a mega satan run no it's a good one that's a good one i i i'm like i could bomb the donation machine and get money to go to the engine room with the uh with the coins um but that would be very greedy i'm going to try to the mother [ __ ] it this guy again stupid mom didn't even get the room okay cheerleading on your left eye it's gonna need some damage whatever uh i guess we'll just go here let's make it into ash pits and we're good the boss is called like big horn but the boss is me it's just he made himself the boss that's it that's the mod that's great blood and arcade for coins i could actually have done that yeah you're right that would have been the play i forgot about the machines whatever [Music] three months of brain rot thx for the content love you thanks man flames i don't have bombs i pop pop it's piercing piercing pop is good piercing pop is good i'm gonna get piercing pop on the other guy next hello uh it's better than this guy because the other guy has the thing that shuts one of his eyes the other guy has to tear up on one of his eyes so you don't want to have the tears up on one eye and staple that shuts one of the ice so we're just gonna stapler and teardrops stapler shuts down one of the ice the other item increases the fire rate on one of the ice the left eye i think [Music] it cancelled 220 oh it cancels 2020 oh [ __ ] yeah let's go to the other guy then let's get pop for this guy and then this tape trailer guy waste i'm taking the other guy but i don't know how it waits stapler it doesn't [ __ ] with 2020 it [ __ ] with eye drops okay i guess we'll just get in this guy then yeah it literally still shoots okay whatever this guy doesn't damage though still this guy is like a burden when it comes to damage actual burden character [Music] really [ __ ] of course of course at least there's a slow to like kind of carry him let's just go all right talk [ __ ] secrets let's go [ __ ] off [Music] it's such bad damage oh my god it's horrible i want to use this guy to do the boss actually do that basically sponsor swords okay yeah sure 15 hearts picking up hearts i wanted on the other guy actually do i kill the angel slippers [Music] i got a little bit more health and he gets the benefit for picking up feelings containers and just like that they're gone right nice room back here again oh the right where's the key this guy has the key piece [Music] [Music] someone the other guy too yeah there are clear room one room at this guy if there is one i guess there might not be [Music] there we go there's a room uh [ __ ] it it is time i hate this curse man this car sucks balls his curse sucks thick it doesn't matter which has the piece okay [Music] we'll get it either way [Music] [Music] if it doesn't matter then you know i just want to i just want to be sure so i don't like waste if i can run on it there we go go on [Music] i don't even need the [ __ ] bomb just take my time foreign [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] i want this coin my coin now there we go all right got the knife oh my god i gotta give you the my soul arch for the boss though that's annoying just even have the leech it does it's just chilling in the rocks no this guys doesn't even have the leech the leash is there but it doesn't have it [ __ ] with the leech doing this wait down here where's the boss man edmund what the lich doing that's that's mother okay um excuse me that's the sharp this is probably near the boss right what's this pill oh i need that nice now he's better off there's the boss okay we're good now here goes my sword hearts yikes no curse nice nothing on the other guy i think i mean he has [ __ ] damage but right now he has at least the knife to make up for it some to some extent hey this guys these guys also suck you'll suddenly just like shoot a [ __ ] barrage that's smooth oh hello well i guess he's the only one who can take it what's this then five six i could totally reel this guy's item but i don't know if it will reroll the other guy's items too will it is like real both this guy has kind of ass items all right uh let's google uh i almost closed the game by accident um tainted lazarus say anything about ruling items [Music] so [Music] i know key beggar i lose the keybagger first no [ __ ] that was quick i mean i might as well have him all right oh [ __ ] the one time i have like a million [ __ ] keys to give then we just get that real coward i don't know though i don't know [ __ ] uh dice [ __ ] man yeah but i don't i i really i need to know if it rerolls both of them if it rerolls both of them then that's terrible but if it reels only this guy and that's great no obsessive lasts so no one knows do it for science okay let's do it for science let's let's let's do it for sirens only him glitch crown by the way glitch crown okay good [ __ ] he lost his flight but he has the he has a heart now he can have hearts he got dog food he got jesus juice it's not the worst it could have been worse he also got suplex which is epic he has eight damage actually that's pretty nice yeah it became stronger he's working epic now what oh this room is aids jesus christ oh really dude they usually stay longer than that as far as i am anyways uh what do we want what do we want these aren't like great items but options is only going to work half of the time it's only it's it's options question mark it's not the real options it's the one that is the one for room pickups but i guess that can let me like a solo art form sometimes maybe i'll take that none of my characters are flight anymore that's nice it's a bit oh that's uh okay that's gonna be another guy yeah i get him skeleton baby that's right man i wish i had my flight [ __ ] [Music] all right okay so item room done let's do the balls i guess on this guy with uh yeah he has small health so i think i'll do it in this guy yeah i don't like this boss all right i should have saved that [ __ ] homing wait what did he have to be home as well we died what at the walk again okay that was that was a real scuff but got him at least he needs that that was a real [ __ ] fight it glitched crown didn't work there why didn't it work because oh okay okay okay so it said the wiki that glitchground works no matter who's active but the if this guy needs to kill the boss so that when he switches over to the other guy the item spawns and it's glitched around so i kill bosses with this guy and i open item rooms to the other guy currently yeah this guy does not have the good [ __ ] so i can i can't kill him with the other guy and then switch back before the boss dies that's one way to do it but yeah i gotta check this card okay maybe a secret oh i should have gone with the other guy [ __ ] hell man placebo is like isn't i guess we'll have to pay a heart for it it's cringe i really got two items spawns on this dude come on man that's so stupid if i got it in there man it would have been [ __ ] sick that's so stupid just flip no it english crown doesn't work retroactively so there's no point in that i guess a little skiff to keep moving on grab it i don't want to sacrifice the health for it it might be good but i would have to find like a good pill and then like identify it again and like mimic it i could just mimic to use like unused pills maybe but like i would have to sacrifice a heart to get it i would just swap and sacrifice the heart but it could change a lot i have to sacrifice a soul heart with this guy switch so i don't lose the tournament on the other guy and hope the iframes to carry over i can't dash over gaps suplex rocks what uh i think but i'll have to leave at any either way unless i want to have the pill on this guy let's try that you can't suppress a rock can i suplex the straw man you're kidding me okay we can probably dash over it i just got that and then i left the switch and suplex out it was on cooldown dude it was on cooldown kill me okay well i holy [ __ ] but i can't suplex rocks i guess that doesn't work it's annoying but it wasn't [ __ ] cool now it just had to be [ __ ] hell man [Music] what the [ __ ] [Music] are you kidding me dude that's one of the bullets i didn't even see theirs of course oh [ __ ] off i'm not gonna do it [ __ ] off let's go to the we have glitch round active so let's just go in here okay the english runs triggered so let's get the tech zero on the guy with pop texture on the pop guy down [Music] i really hope i don't [ __ ] it up [Music] wow that would have been so good we've been stopping good we've been so [ __ ] good man i'm actually so mad you give up it's a free win really what's that what's the exploit what it do it actually like broken you use it launch and activate again what what ah and the block shots okay [Music] that's really weird but i mean hey it works i guess it doesn't make me immortal but only towards bullets i guess potentially when it works across characters okay interesting i really had to get this from the guy with pop jesus christ literally scamming doubters with exploits frown try if it's in the game it's in the game i even had the right character selected and i didn't get an item yes okay okay okay dude jesus i'm so [ __ ] mad is uh my god [Music] we got that list let's go yeah can't get hit nice nice all right look at this [ __ ] oh bad that's great i know what i'm doing for mother if i can just make it to mother we're good if i can do that we're fine maybe decap was a blessing in disguise uh i'll pick that up at least jesus these guys are annoying you know but i can't when i can scam the doctors i will i definitely will but that's perfect because if we kill the boss with this guy and the item spawns as a glitch item with the other guy so that's actually good that's risky but i do want those chests one for each oh hey [ __ ] this little piece of [ __ ] god damn it i've gotten everyone first try oh three secret reminders in one run god [ __ ] damn god [ __ ] damn god's [ __ ] dead cool uh oh i wish i had the [ __ ] other guy active when that happened what's the odds man what's the odds yikes more on game open chest [ __ ] [Music] whoa i think you're getting more than one had to do this to be like safe i guess okay hey there's such a long cool down though what the [ __ ] what's that have a cool god [ __ ] damn all right okay the setup is ready i hope it's not the boss that sucks you in and puts you into the amugu spit because that will change the map and make you um mold thx for making my day and what up with this mod is full with drips is two enough really i want to get cool on back on again there we go so i think now they will reset right yikes i think i i want to go with doley here on this character and just get some hearts on them i want to go with dolly with this guy and just get hearts honestly thank god okay it's going well so far it's going well so far i'm really like to do having rock bottom on one character and gliss crown on the other and like all this [ __ ] garbage is really real like on its own like it's kind of a mind [ __ ] with two characters it's like a ultra double [ __ ] mega mind [ __ ] jesus christ man i would not step on the [ __ ] maggots i didn't want to use the magician there but i felt like i had to because i just want to get over the boss as fast as i could these guys go all over the [ __ ] place what the hell they were so quick can we get everything get it again now oh no i don't feel like in the beginning today fun again it says moment no i'm good thank you very necessary for room with two [ __ ] maggots do i need more than one speed up i think a good one he's never gonna [ __ ] struck anyways that was [ __ ] bouncing bullets i think i'm actually gonna make it like i i was like no all right bottom oh [ __ ] that was that was really really rigged spawn of the room but whatever this might be an item end of this i'm gonna be mad oh yeah we're gonna open the other guy no we have the boss now and for the boss we want to be the other guy so we're going to switch into the other guy right we're switching to the other guy who has sneaker tapping going to the boston we fight the boss we do want to have the we know actually we want to have sweep switch over manually to by clearing a room keep flip ready that's important i want to drive it just in case we finish this from here switch over without any like dog [ __ ] and then we go into the boss after picking up a soul heart okay i had no hopes for this run but it's like the circuit room rig the [ __ ] there's so many stupid things that happens this run holy [ __ ] all right let's go with this guy here we go boys if she comes practically immortal oh nice this can still launch without but i don't have to worry about the bullets we should be fine as long as they take contact damage like an idiot it should be good [ __ ] i had never seen this attack because i could always kill her faster but i guess yeah there's my lucky [ __ ] day phase two is easy though avoiding like uh contact damage on phase two is much easier than on phase one i can just have it like walk over here walk over here does not ever land on you don't get sucked in that's good that's like attack the damages are the most because she like goes through my bullets without me having to like shoot them i'm so glad i [ __ ] up tax zero i'm so glad i [ __ ] it up genuinely look at this [ __ ] i don't even this is better if the vehicle is inside of her right and she will just take all the damage doubters we haven't adopted chat long fight but in the end we're just like in the end we're just good at the game in the end we're just like very talented gamers okay we're just very talented at playing the binding of isaac repentance and we make it through and get the achievement it's it's that easy it's that easy just gets good at the game it's simply that easy payday yes the served deserved now we have a pretty nice checklist for this guy it's getting somewhere still need uh what's one over there wait mega satan i guess that's mega state now yeah mega satan could this do a cathedral run we still got to do a hush or undelirium which is going to be a bit aged but we unlocked one of the worst trinkets in the game what is it torn card what does that do torn card is a drink other than the binding advisor repentance every 15 shots isaac would fire an ipic plus my reflection here with very high range value material follow isaac until it hits an enemy or lands where it will explode what the [ __ ] that's a suicidal death awaits it's just it's just death awaits that's like why would you want that i mean if you have a if you have a latest in the wiki here if you have a story milk then you like every 15 shots is a lot like all the time and it will shoot like a 40 damage ipad shot all the time but you know if you have if you have host hat and swimmer if you have those two specific very rare items then yeah it's a decent trinket there might be like one person in the entire world who's gotten that combo maybe perhaps it's like a big if big big maybe it's a terrible drink okay all right yeah let me uh let me go take a piss i just read the i read a bit about the trinket and it seems utterly useless i will never i would never use it unless i get something like extremely broken okay no yes you'll be my phone what anyways i lost my phone oh so oh so uh i want to find my phone i have no idea what it is it's usually my pocket i'm gonna check over there it's probably over there man okay no phone next oh [ __ ] oh all right so we did him we did um we did the mother i would say the worst ones are are done but no boss bastards should be should be easy enough buster should be doable in this guy definitely it was only on take to jacob it was the worst because you're basically the last and that's bastards on losses kind of rough as usual no i would say beast is maybe worse but because i'm beast you need both characters to be able to take out ultra ascents on the other like one mother you only need one of them to be able to clear rooms and the other to be able to take the boss so you know but we kind of chased it with a exploit but you know that's that's fine bolster switches too yeah that's fine though the bosses there aren't that bad and you have more than one health so it should be fine hmm shoes are king let's do the tank this is run nice [Music] you take some pills i think nice oh welcome [ __ ] i'm not fat on sale no gotta get some more money almost there i'm actually so [ __ ] slow oh [ __ ] that's what i need yep well actually it's good for floor 2 because then i can avoid taking um you know without damage which you don't want to do on floor 2. i can trace the marks for devils agreed sure also exactly the health i need to be full you wanna you wanna bet probably all right this is probably one of the easier challenges this one's pretty pretty easy shouldn't be too hard this killing shit's gonna take forever with one more coin and i'm set i'm getting an actual good use item any coin poops good coins plus one damage that's very good now i have like actually decent that's five damage holy [ __ ] i forget i'm just gonna go next i can't afford it let this run this actually pretty simple nice oh actually that's nice okay should i ever need it i know where to find that it's just to speed that i want to pick it up afterwards so i can like because i'm going to lose solos if you take it and then i'm going to lose swords let's cringe big um [Music] [ __ ] increased chance for devil deals no curses i can take that yeah sure can i get a bomb please i have a family no speed down ah i got damage though but i got speed down again oh hello any doubters oh my god any doubters though are there any doubters this one is so [ __ ] like i've like negated almost all the downsides right now can we get like a sick w light just to make it even better waste range up nice no that's that that doesn't work now ah [ __ ] it it's speed you get some speed from it you get some speed wait i got so many [ __ ] black hearts though jesus got some damage too i want to go pick up the old thing just for the speed i need speed oh that's the other one [ __ ] me 0.3 speed let's go oh zero five now oh i'm so fast unreal there's a thing over here [Music] what system no the hanging man maybe maybe that would come in handy i guess goodbye okay okay [Music] it's the most rigid [ __ ] this is the most rigged [ __ ] man i lost some more money this is actually the most rigged [ __ ] challenge it was already the easy challenge it didn't have to get easier it didn't have to get easier it didn't have to it didn't have to get easier but it did but it did okay it did get easier it did get easier we're going to get pokemon with this [ __ ] pick up this it's so unnecessary i'm working just because i can i don't care if there's a [ __ ] explosion just healed right back anyways yep let's just use it to get a wisp hmm oh [ __ ] some no dude balls okay that's fine only good like this is this weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] man tank challenge by the way tank challenge by the way just just do we use it cry about it cry about it cry about it cry about it we get eaten soul yeah let's do that oh we get both god [ __ ] damn [Music] okay let's go oh [ __ ] what did they what did this trigger i'll be pls i bet all my coins i'm crying and [ __ ] i and ah you're gonna go bigger you gotta go home man we're almost at the [ __ ] boss seven percent outers we gotta spice it up we gotta you know go big or go home is what they say oh i gotta be careful now holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] demogors watch my reaction speed with the chariot when that [ __ ] sword falls on my balls epic [Music] what's this then no we're fine i'm not gonna take damage chad stop worrying about it what happened hmm self-damage with does it can i make it can i make it a little more on but i i need red containers actually that doesn't work oh please i want a secret room now so i can actually use the the mucus in there oh this is bad this guy sucks oh we got him we got him now we're good we got we got the dps to make up for this [ __ ] okay oh [Music] wait a minute [Music] stop stop work yeah yeah give me that [ __ ] [Music] ah vanishing twin i don't know i don't know democracy and vanishing twin i'm not sure i'm not sure but i'll take that [ __ ] [ __ ] four items for a boss [Music] go bigger go home go bigger man this is scary though this this is scary now okay now additionally additionally we're going to damage myself down to one heart because there's literally no reason not to we're going to go to the bathroom okay we're not going to do it there we're going to do it here [Music] damage up though a coin i don't [ __ ] know we got i gotta find a secret first oh oh but we should kill the boss and and use eden soul in the angel room and get like a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of garbage oh my god i'm doing this oh it's a worm with the helper worms the mini maggots okay we can do two bosses at once don't worry about it worst case i pop the chariot it's gonna spawn four items from the boston four items from this garbage dude [ __ ] she temperance bits here oh my god do i use it here four four four secretive items angel is better if we get angel we'll probably get like a sacred heart or some [ __ ] no you get two but if i have the vocals i get four do angel boss first i think angel is probably better in like the yeah because here you can get rock bottom which is cool but right now we just want pure damage in here like because the thing about the secret trim is that they're very like high risk high reward uh you can get things that set up for a good run but they don't make it good immediately i think i'm going to go for angel because like this is you know it's definitely stronger to use in the rooms like then and there and what we need is then and there we don't need like good we need to be good in like 10 minutes we got to be good now so definitely uh i'm feeling angel room on this one that's granted we killed the [ __ ] boss and i gotta not step on this [ __ ] mushroom who snuck back why not you gotta push it away from me [ __ ] hell man there it is here we go who is it this guy how do we get two of those okay it's over that was a really unlucky boss that covers the entire [ __ ] screen get that [ __ ] we're gonna get this [ __ ] we're gonna pop this we're gonna get [ __ ] uh [ __ ] this [ __ ] [Music] i'm gonna do all of it because like it's not a choice even [Music] [ __ ] me man all right all right goddammit damage go speed on the [ __ ] [ __ ] off [Music] get me out [ __ ] off i want to get out this is the tank yeah we gotta be quick now we got it oh okay okay okay it didn't fall it didn't fall it didn't fall oh my god 8 2738 2555. good good holy [ __ ] now we're getting a decent list of challenges now decent list ripped outers okay i'm starting to like feel constantly a message like you can always i can always feel that it's there it's like so annoying it's like it feels like i have something that's not supposed to be there maybe it's a sign it's not used to it lakefruit thank you for that water bits times four and my uncle thank you for the two for the vibe another suicide king i think i'm gonna switch games to a neighborhood and like grind the fin like the most difficult boss in the entire game it's about time i haven't i've been like i i did every couple of days and then i almost beat the game i think but i just like stopped so we're gonna we're gonna play that and uh try to beat a really really really really hard boss that's gonna be the the goal of today it's like a secret boss you gotta collect some gems and you get to fight the final boss or like that some really difficult one um it's uh the game is basically like undertale but more to the point more battles and less talk and it is pretty good cool lore and it is like some say it's a rhythm game but it's not really true it's more like a bullet hell with like music music oriented bullet hell anyways let me switch the title where the game at there we go [Music] you do an ineffable tale of the expressible divine moments of truth 364 is probably the one now i didn't save it okay nice uh oh this looks great that's more like it there we go [Music] beautiful the mushrooms were never truly alive [Music] now we gotta do something stupid which is not there [Music] all right now do the thing this might take a little bit there's a 10 chance of uh the boss spawning here it's like a secret boss so like one yeah one in there it is a three statue a faded description under the statue says bring me my eyes and i will allow you to meet your maker you insert the emerald you insert the ruby are you sure you want to certify last piece yes you inserted the aquamarine here we go wait great moment this is so yeah one of the hardest fights in the game i don't know if it's dr if it's like the hardest boss but it's like probably up there so at some point it will show that these are dark notes uh when it gives me bright notes i can use those to kill the boss but uh it's difficult to dodge the dark notes so i still having to kill him because like you're gonna you gotta like use the notes to like reflect him on him and kill him with that it's a bit weird if the lawnmower extends soon boys i promise it'll all make sense i'm a bit better practice because i don't play this for like a week but we should be good and i can start part [Applause] i can just live through this i should be good should be good unless i like royal [ __ ] this up all right how's the volume by the way though like am i actually i can't even reach up right now why am i asking why bother what's the point [Music] the annoying part about this fight is that like there's such a long intro before you can actually start falling boss you know i gotta go through all this every time i fail and uh like i will absolutely i think i'm gonna try to pacify my way through the boss first and then go for the for the camera here not sure comes the hard part pretty much so this is like light notes and you can you can use those blue ones to kill the boss like i tried with it there but it was a mistake yeah there now i go to the entire thing again that's a bit annoying i wish there was a checkpoint i should i should wait for the slow parts to kill him like trying to kill him they're so stupid thanks we're also playing on the hardest pickup of the game which is expert and this is the blind players are probably about idea but it's been working out well so far like the hardest was other than this i thought so far is the chest pass where you get the emerald it took me about like two hours to beat that was mean i might die here actually yep a little bit of [ __ ] secret boss if it has checkpoints it's just that it's like such a grindy boss you know because i think it goes for this part like every time it's just like i like the the chest was more because very good um there you could like damage from the start and you could like if you did bad damage in the beginning you could just reset but here you got to go through this long section and then you can start doing damage and like to be fair the boss doesn't have much hp this boss is like just barely an hp compared to the chest boss my case like less than ten percent of that guy has but still i can never get that one right i like this part i like to focus when they get to go both together and do like a dang thing it's really cool [ __ ] okay i'm at it now you're just gonna make the part where they go both go to back together which is in like [ __ ] five years just gotta like sit and wait through this [Music] that's a sweaty i don't like it [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] here it comes oh i was just about to ah [ __ ] dude that was so close man let me sit through the entire song again and like that's why this is annoying because like it's a bunch of like slow grind and then it gets to like the actual like really hard part so you gotta go into this every time triple and i need to have one out there the song is okay i like the the chest one more but i shouldn't be dying so early though that was really bad i'm like underestimating i was like i can do this no problem you can't do that i'm bad here comes a triple i actually did it holy [ __ ] and i [ __ ] it up immediately i always talked about input next three months maybe no this is gonna take forever i should have taken a one week break from this game i gotta like basically learn it again i can jump cool down dude that would be such a [ __ ] sick i thought they would beat everett no this is the first time playing it just going for like the hardest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the game on my first try because why not keep trying to do that i got it and i fast fingered that of all things nice i'm probably dead that that [ __ ] right there is so scuffed i can't even do the first face of that now i haven't just like gotten progressively worse the game for the first time i fought this boss i made it past that like literally the first time i tried this guy nice fast part of this is like so necessarily hard how did yes the [ __ ] getting [ __ ] by this freaking twitch let's jump right into the to the into the damage yeah i can't even do the first [ __ ] what i'm like i'm [ __ ] it up so bad why am i doing it i'm just playing like [ __ ] today man i keep forgetting that stay in the mood little boy you have more options xd this is like fast enough for me you know and then there comes this part let's move it like a [ __ ] triple in the beginning wow i actually made it past it time to die the second part so [Music] my hands are sweating [Music] [Music] still playing smash the same note again the same note the same note the same [ __ ] note that note that red note has killed me twice now okay so really but yeah i know it's the developers i mean literally said meet your maker which is the developers right all right let's just stay on the left i'm done i'm dead yikes the fight is called dead no service oh yeah i should have known for the fact that it said you're now gonna fight the dead notes right that hello alicia this will take a while right those then like those that guy over there like i think i love that's like the devil or whatever but like he reminds me like madness combat i character out of trailer that game this is the final boss uh this is a secret boss like an optional one so no it's one of the most hard ones in the game i think let's bring chats thank you for watching why didn't that click literally standing still i stick that that moment [Music] has it beaten the game rather than doing this before hundred plus uh i haven't played the game now i got like backseated a little bit by like when i killed the brown match they were like oh maybe you should talk to him first and i was like all right i'll talk to him and then i just yeah got the stuff i guess and they told me that i could like because the first time i caught the chest boss he um didn't die so they told me like how to refinance because i obviously wanted to try again to like actually kill him instead of just like doing pacifist but i'm bad at the game now apparently there's another secret boss you can find by walking around the fast travel air area randomly until an invisible emphasis in my loading university okay what would they hide there's like they're hiding those bosses in like the most stupid areas possible like you really don't want to define those normally you'd like literally have to look up a guy to find those things going into this part with low health or like one damage is not like very good might live no we will might not we might die and do the fast attacks in the song sticking to the right side of the board is helpful because it gets less notes okay i'm trying to get to the right i've had this habit of sticking to the left for a lot of fights so yeah that's why it's good for me nice it's a neutral speaker yeah it's it's so awkward for me to be on the right it's like it's like i'm left-handed and i and being on the right is just strange for me like it's just like why am i playing the same game like it's so weird it was much more comfortable on the left for some reason i have no idea of course that's like triplet so precise so [Applause] okay barely it seems like they were less notes sir i guess maybe a little bit bbs were taken thank you what's up man [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] it's still at me oh dude why oh man what are you okay so you can't you can't break dark notes with light notes if you do that they don't break when you attack in this game you're stuck in an attack animation for a little bit and usually if you're attacking a light note it will go through it and hit the boss but you can't attack dark notes do their attacks go to go through them i forgot about that or i didn't know you can you're setting them lucky timing okay that's unfortunate that's very unfortunate because i don't remember that being like a thing when i played but then again it was like a week ago so i was like i guess it's just that's just how it is you know i was doing pretty well though nothing well now but i usually take those hits of damage i guess i forgot about that you get a double one there yeah you gotta do so staying on the on the left there [ __ ] you up because you get a double note double like wall in your face if you stay there and you also get like the initial like gigantic wall of greens so on that first fast part at least in the first one maybe on the second one too you just stick to the right but only when it's like the fastest part i think i'm getting the hang of it now though a little bit i'm not consistently getting a little bit further and further so that's that's just nice so here's another brush there like it's more or less the same everywhere now [ __ ] it up like that and i get like a double like that okay if you shoot too late the note will go through but you'll also get hits if you should your shot will go not go through normal laws okay yeah i remember that from the box fight i could shoot and still take damage and he would take damage as well so it was like for him that was important because like taking damage doesn't matter it's all that matters is the damage you do to him so i would like sometimes just hit a bit late and go through a note instead of like yeah just for the sake of doing damage because it's like much more important with this fight he doesn't have much health for life and if you die there's such a long you gotta go through all this [ __ ] every time which is annoying nice okay i'm probably gonna die here [Applause] that's yeah i shouldn't jump there i don't know it's wrong like i've been doing it's good to get into shooting early habits i guess didn't catch the stream today good night norwegian funny man good night maggots good night take care of yourselves thank you for the for the five dollars and i died because i read that they didn't die but in damage all right what's that part oh yeah this time i knew that was going to come the last note there it's a bit scary but i was like prepared for this time we just like slide left and then jump in instead of like doing it at the same time taking damage again like small consistency like that it's gonna go a long way in this fight in the end i just gotta grind it i guess like knowing what's to come and uh but it's hard to take note of what's the comment like it takes me a while uh that it's just so fast let's remember everything nobody i guess it will just play the fight and eventually i'll get better [Music] eventually i will beat it but jesus christ it's just like go having to go through all this [ __ ] every time it's like aid [Music] so like if i get past this next really hard part and it's like i'm not through it it's just like now i actually get to fight the boss that's it that's just basically damage i did it again i did it again jumped jump through it and jump again too early because i'm a [ __ ] ah that's the third time that notice killed me that specific part has killed me three times now that's the very specific part foreign so [Applause] stop jumping like a [ __ ] please i jumped slightly too late unless you have three minutes pissed you should be fine even with this attempt but it's it's only three minutes long it feels like it's [ __ ] forever was like the part where you can actually damage them is that like the final stretch like it has to be is the song much longer than that like when i go to the slow part where it's only like the longer notes and the blue notes is that like the very end of the fight at that part i'm just like i'm dying because all right i'm taking damage because i'm getting really with damage basically i knew i should have been right there got it it loops oh okay also if i just get consistent at doing all of this then it's fine i can just so it doesn't like the song doesn't end until you kill them it's like the um there was one more fight like that where like he wouldn't stop it was the vampire i think or the disco vampire or whatever he kind of looks like a vampire that guy just looked when he was done and then you have to try to kill him again i guess okay well then then that's like a very big uh way of my shoulders because then i don't have to stress too much about like damaging them it's not like the end of the rule if i miss like a little bit of damage because in the end if i just i'm consistent it is no problem in that sense i think this boss is actually easier than the well not maybe not but that does make this level fight a lot more i'm a big fan of it this is not the final boss it's a optional boss this is as far as i'm aware is optional i have never like finished the game so i don't know but it seemed very optional because the things you have to do get to it are not like very straightforward so [ __ ] why it looks now okay it looks now okay so if i just get to that part and make that i can do it okay so i i thought when you said it loops it loops like uh the entire song but it only loops that part that makes it really easy so you're just gonna make it past that hard part a couple of times and just do the easy part and get a couple of hits and then the spine that's actually a lot better that's way better it's basically like having a checkpoint so you know i i thought when you said loopy i have to do all of this and then get to that part again and do like maybe a bit of the damage but that's just like that's so nice i should be able to beat this guy pretty soon then it shouldn't take me long to beat this but now i know just knowing that is going to be making me a lot more calm and like confident in the fight and that that mindset yeah it's kind of important in this kind of things if you lose your flow it's over i still think [ __ ] damage like a [ __ ] but yeah i'm like i feel like i'm getting more consistent at this now i have some stress for that first fast part and uh i guess to some extent the second one as well i i know kind of what to expect at the very end of it it's gonna be like a big chunk on the left and the big chunk on the right so you're kind of forced to like stay in the middle sort of when that part like drops uh so if i just do that and don't get hit by those chunks because they're like if you're on the right and stand in the chunk then you're kind of bound to take damage that's like one damage off my my health bar if i can manage that so if i'm like super low and get there i shouldn't yeah shouldn't buy at least shouldn't i still might but yeah at least yeah i know kind of what to expect [Music] all right so now we're at the port working damage now we made it this is the loop we're in the loop now why i should build the region before the fastest part starts yeah i should be on bottom with that now let's check i almost know it holy so now we are consistently making it to the blue and i feel like i have a strat for it now it's bad yeah okay but it's not it's not that bad it's not that bad it's not that bad i think in maybe like four within three or four attempts i should be able to beat this boss if i make it to the loop wish i should it's still a mindfuck because like right now the notes are coming towards me very slowly and if they were this if they were doing that during that like part it will be fine but it's so hard to like react to all the [ __ ] that's happening you know when they're coming that fast like you bear you see the note for like a [ __ ] split second before it's too late and you're kind of gonna know what to expect because right now the note speed it's like it's like doing like hyper speed 8 in guitar hero right the notes are just going so fast that if you don't know what to expect then you need more than that to like yeah make it i guess let's jump into a [ __ ] got it now we'll most likely just we just gotta wait for a look now and we're good this part is basically we made it to the loop unless i have like a [ __ ] gigantic brain fart and a stroke unless i genuinely like suddenly [ __ ] my pants i should be good now [Music] but then knowing that there's just knowing that about that loop is just like such a such a [ __ ] big deal you know at least for me because then i feel like okay i know what to expect i can make it [Music] there we go it's not like the music matches up sequence it kind of does like the general feel of the music does match but they are more or less spread out randomly on my first play like on my first couple of bosses i was like are they actually predetermined or are they like literally random i couldn't tell oh i i was like if i could achieve it unlocked agile what the [ __ ] is that do 1 000 jump rolls okay 1 000 now if i could practice that part if i could like take the game and make it to only that part for me until i get it right i really want that in a game like this that'd be nice being able to like segment bosses or something like i want to practice this part you know because again that's like the only part i really struggle with like being good at this part here doesn't help me it doesn't have to be the boss i mean it's a it's a story driven video game i guess what can you expect it could probably ruin like the vibe of the game i like the feel of it if you do that [Applause] there we go [Applause] it would be nice though what if i could download the mod to do that be like i want to i want to practice that part i want to get good at this because if i can be good at that and everything else is irrelevant this is the only hard part giving me trouble and the issue is that i have to wait through all of this garbage we're not garbage i gotta go through all this [ __ ] every time i want to get there you know it's annoying i just want to get you know i go through all of this for like what two minutes and then i get to practice for like a little bit [Music] [Music] there we go here it comes i almost know it [ __ ] consistency consistency we'll select all this up now probably a new record of how long i've survived [ __ ] this is definitely a record here foreign now i'm getting like nervous okay uh where did they go for that let's find this party oh no okay one more one more no oh [ __ ] okay i was so nervous when i took damage there i was actually so [ __ ] nervous oh my god dude oh [ __ ] grip created by ripping oh jordy rookie and chris nordic gran they're both dead you just killed him [Music] what's good about this fight yeah i figured that it was like a story because like one is like making it's literally assessed ever he's like making it and he goes tired and the other guy comes along and he starts like push you know doing stuff with it so it definitely makes sense [Music] uh chris starts the project then burns out and jordan takes over for a little while then chris comes back and him and jordan both finish the game together that's the reason there's no checkpoints or ability to kill them before the song loops great job gamer thanks man please write to us and tell us how our game made you feel our email list in the store page but that was an ending [Music] that was like a way to beat the game this game contains splash wait i actually [ __ ] beat the game [Music] really it was one ending but you can still get the main one okay yeah so that's that ends the game i had no idea joke ending one of six okay that's one ending check now we can actually yeah everything is probably gonna seem easy compared to this now though maybe there's like a actual hard final boss yep cool let's go talk to the ghosts let's see what to say the blue slime is working hard in the course of the castle okay the energy plus boss even harder okay but to be fair like once you you understand this boss once you understand it and you don't try to go for attacks when it during the fast part and whatnot like it's not that bad but yeah i believe this was the castle the door is locked is there another way through castle i i spent so long since i played this is it uh do you go through the blue door maybe yeah blue door is the castle wait there's nothing alive in here green door was the castle where's the blue door down robert ludovos town there was a desert yeah but doesn't desert lead into the castle or hey red hood what are the differences both of us had our own goals me trying to stop you you walking all over me and not showing any sympathy it hurts my feelings hurt my finances but right now my friend i understand that you're on some sort of killing spree we can't just let the slide you know okay now we actually fight him let's go but first uh 30 second gamba [Music] first a normal fight it's been a while [Music] [Music] i hate those so much there we go that was actually close i almost died hey you sure you're a tough guy you little red alright 10 more to go yes the album be the dev goblins i did yeah [Music] [Music] shut up no more ghosts i didn't know it was a boss i couldn't gamble but no there we go [Music] [Music] what do you have here you ain't going nowhere you won't stand the chance against the two of us let's get him zob we're going down dolly there we go [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] first one [Music] uh first [Music] there we go impossible yes [Music] you found the loop in our contract wow much appreciated based there's a save point can i save here somewhere what do i save there you go [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] yeah basically the this world like this [Music] regular society was seen before and then people found a way to like make himself immortal and go into some other realm and this is that realm of this realm has been people have been immortal here for like eons and eons and eons and the frog guy wants us to kill them all because being alive for this long is just pain apparently either pal wow he seemed i found your arm great news hey buddy good to see you again you can't come here and cause of ruckus i don't like the vibes you're putting out man someone should teach you a thing or two about bad behavior i think that qualifies us to help mac you're done right flan you won't go easy on your kid all right i couldn't like no hate this one he's small oh not [Music] [Music] [Music] stop blocking my [ __ ] man [Music] foreign [Music] he's dead you horrible creature i hate you five left they got modeled [Music] let's kill the creature in here i guess i think he was like wasn't he like only dark notes or did he have any light ones as well [Music] pink spirit don't trust pink spirits known to be quite mischievous i guess this is a good that's any place to die it's cold and comfortable would you like to die all right that's one less four left no what about the my god in here are you here i hear him this way but i think like the direction you hear the noise is just random doesn't actually indicate where he is there he is can you actually catch me like you're not doing your job at all he's running away how do you catch him then is he actually running away from me was just random just have to be lucky there we go finally let's see if he has red light notes this first [Music] so [Music] i almost clicked the [ __ ] buttons [ __ ] [Music] there we go i failed master gold pig there we go [Music] don't trust pink spirits hmm let's just trust the spring spirits see what happens number two bubble gum face hello red keep following the candy canes and you will arrive at bubblegum land you sure pack your punch republican plans the [ __ ] [Music] is there a jump scare if there's a jump scare i'm just gonna do this i don't like jump scares [Music] [Music] wait is it like uh is it just an endless halloween meme again [Music] like there's this is the second time the game does this if it's if that is if that's what it is [Music] so is there anything to kill here do i just leave it's not endless but is there any point in doing it turn back there's something to kill okay yeah but i want to kill everyone i gotta kill everyone [Music] oh i guess i found it [Music] so you found out about my backup secret hideout that's your family what are you gonna do are you gonna finish me off because i took your arm or are you gonna stroll off to where you came from [Music] so you're here to raise my existence you've destroyed my empire you've ruined my reputation you've forced me to flee of my life yet you're thirsty kill me does not end only because i took your arm you disgust me if that's my life you want i won't give it away i will make you walk through hell alright gumbo [Music] first first [Music] these are so bad i hate them [Music] [Music] you're literally killing me first [Music] got him it wasn't that bad i wish thousands of millions of years to torment upon you a piece of he has some boned himself like a million times why maybe someone else [Music] there's two people left [Music] only again erased inhabitants of this realm it's an incredible power which only you possess some life is supposed to be extended into centuries while others are shorter if one is in the loop where they cannot die yet they fear death that is not a pleasant way to live that's why you as the human have a gift you get to experience the world within all its dualities and fairnesses and chaos with an expiration date that someday this will all end it's truly the most special sweet feature of your existence i give you only my words of advice [Music] you're doing this for a cause a course that is good do what you think is right if you do not agree then who is to stop a god of death much has been said we must go on all right true [Music] the only thing that's really hard to kill this game was the golf girl at the race anyways gaming [Music] i'm not gonna kill say points that would just be annoying that would be very annoying let's go check if there's anyone else here i'm going to try going up i think the purple wizard is there something [Music] everyone here is dead if you're lost come to our chamber and we will help you okay i guess i'll leave that thank you performance up then why are they telling me to go what the hell did everyone want that the ghost light then if purple feathers up because like she's literally alive again again you won't stop killing no i admired your determination but i can't stand here the choices you're making i can't be a part of this murderous crusade one of our quests must end now what the [ __ ] mouse the game does not [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] mr good [Music] foreign [Music] thank god your questions end idiot [ __ ] i kill the ui this is a mirror right [Music] [Music] many years i have been told that this mirror tells you the truth i spent many nice thinking on this if you have anything any decency left i ordered you to leave just stop this act and leave you're not a killer refund this game if you can just leave us alone [Music] or the gamble right it's the menu theme so your camera to kill me maybe this was meant to be although i won't give up my life easily can't buy again thank do you have knives dude she has something [Music] sounds like a recess time you [ __ ] i'm traveling [ __ ] [Music] so [Music] dance he fought well i never stood a sense she also had one god [ __ ] damn well she's dead go to the court of the lost spirits it's me i talk now where can i talk the [ __ ] i'm free again thanks to you the majors locked me up the worker is done thank you g now [Music] oh it's i'm the last one i gotta kill myself yeah i gotta die everyone needs to die including me i'm also stuck here you've done a massive task everyone's dead except one some of the ones you've explained might not approve your actions for those who felt wrong there will be a reconciliation the frog is alive we didn't actually kill the frog it's time for you to come out did we kill the frog we did hit him but he like talked to us afterwards i didn't see him die hello human or should i say hello red you've done well it is time to go back home now close all the doors permanently [Music] the hardest part is coming out [Music] you're doing the right thing it's been awesome but finally piece of blast until we meet again another plane of existence we had some good times now it's time to say goodbye finally some pace in this world thank you for staying persistence and helping us next stop the waiting room that's it right well done this world has lived for a long time you've done this tremendous task you could have quit anytime you wanted them would you push through even without even when it got difficult this is a great feat that should only fusion could accomplish use this determination wisely now only one remains as long as the last star shines we can't depart from this world we will grant you power to kill our son the [ __ ] rabbit the final battle has begun we must hurry the last star needs to die for us to continue okay so to kill the sun this is probably about to win but let's see i'm assuming this is a hard one pretty high up though this isn't traveling time this is one tank [ __ ] i don't know if you can just see the notes from far away i like that's like one of my main complaints about some of the fights is that like [ __ ] notes are like already up in your face when they spawn this is nice you have less region here i feel like i'm not reaching at all mrs what hit me let me do that how are they granted me whilst being able to shoot through more than one or two of these things so i like lost killing it i'm gonna do something wrong oh no i'm not definitely not doing something wrong is it dead was that it that was the final boss there's probably more right there's gotta be more that was like really easy for final boss we're still here i'm assuming there's more i'm blue something is definitely happening if i die here and i get reset to the point i am at now then the previous fight was a win it's a door this is a new fight well let me do a gamble for this one as well actually i'll have to see when i die if i die i'll i'll decide if i win then you just get one gambit i guess [Music] okay [ __ ] race moments [Music] i'm attacking nothing [Music] oh i bother i'm not going to take [Music] i said nothing welcome back [Music] is there anything to kill you [Music] it's been quite a ride [Applause] i'm just not attacking and see what happens because i'm not doing damage to anything oh thanks i can't see where i am thank you checkpoints [Music] still can't do damage [Music] all these lives i saw my wife for a second [Music] it does not matter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well this was for you it will be a reconciliation for those who were wrong [Music] [Music] hello ghosts [Music] what did you take my life [Music] i was happy i really was happy i was happy i was happy i was happy i don't know if i was happy she didn't say i was gonna die [Music] i'm tired of this [ __ ] meme stretchy screen garbage stock stop it [Music] i like the songs [Music] [Applause] it's really cool this is this is a cool one i don't want to play because this is a cool song i want to hear it [Music] [Applause] big fan [Music] playtime is over oh okay you thought you got away brown mage hello with no physical constraints we have the upper hand now [Music] which really [Music] you're kings you're one of us foreign oh it's him again [Music] [Music] what you [ __ ] pink but that's been helping us we just didn't know but they killed us yes they did they did what i couldn't do i thought i did the right thing by not killing [Music] we should not fear death [Music] as it has come to free us okay you can't understand how you went through with this monstrous act to be the only one with powers to kill in the world of immortals against their will you took their lives was it my purpose to kill everyone was a center for on a mission i forgot my destiny don't be mistaken i have thought about this for many years someone wanted to end their lives and didn't struggle somebody wanted to end their lives and they destroyed me even if they had asked me i don't think i could have killed them what are you talking about you were the one that killed us what no it was a doll a tall body was burned up in the incinerator pink but as always the main problem was what was inside to cope with losing your body you created an illusion what don't go no after everything you were still the killer it wasn't me it was not me i did not kill you all it was red am i stuck here now was this all it has i can't do this alone please right you have to help me i beg you you have to help me i cannot do this alone [Music] okay [Music] the [ __ ] thank you it's not the entire body but it will have to do control me like you always have done please guide me [Music] i'm trying [Music] this is really all in my head [Music] no i couldn't have them i know you're out there what if i [Music] blew my eyes i trust a new human got me out of this cellscape it works i can't believe it sorry i don't mean silence as long as i trust you you can guide me out of here okay i'll make white now [Music] the [ __ ] [Music] a door frog hello pink hi no you accomplished what i asked of you it made me very it makes me a very happy frog your biggest challenge is to come so please stay and relax until you feel ready let me know if you have any questions okay [Music] your journey is almost over now you want to save yes [Music] great good luck thanks [Music] what is behind the door beyond there lies the end of your journey i understand i can give you a hundred different explanations for what's behind the door but in the end i wouldn't want to be called a liar so you just have to find out for yourself okay do we kill him oh we gotta pay up yeah yeah [Music] expect this i'm sorry don't worry pink okay in the beginning a heart [ __ ] am i it's black now no it's not the [ __ ] is this okay follow the lines i guess or don't hmm [Music] so is that the ending this is the ending you're just stuck okay i just walked outside then i guess it didn't work like long enough the water is getting deeper oh [ __ ] i'm getting molested [Music] let it happen it's cold it doesn't feel good let it happen no yes age will always get you human but some of us found a way out but it requires immense determination the only way out for your pink is to surrender yourself but i think you already knew that do you have what it takes to say pink yes good good you see things true that is a good trait but it is far from over look into the darkness face the abyss it hurts everything is burning inside it's freezing cold this is truly the end let it happen i'm dead it's a battle it's been some time since the cube from the beginning for the beginning [Music] the more [ __ ] cute [Music] do [Music] all right then i'm hungry she'll get some food hopefully i can beat this game faster i can wait i'm gonna [ __ ] oh no water it's green i don't like this [Music] i'm not like a huge fan of how this game just [ __ ] you with visual effects like the game is already like i would rather just have a challenging song right [Music] i just really need this it's fine but like [Music] is it necessary it has not been easy your fault well the most important one is [Music] it's the box the game itself before the ending is just a crash [Music] like in circles again i would really appreciate if you didn't do that like i can do some wobbling but if it goes in circles i'm gonna probably die i can tell yeah same i it says something about the seizure same [Music] something is [Music] wrong you're not like make a bunch of [ __ ] shields for yourself piece of [ __ ] eat a dick man thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think i will [Music] no no circles please i hold that one circle money [ __ ] [Music] pink is packing some uh mediocre cake though you are [Music] beginning of the end [Music] still true [Music] buenos aires okay what does that change exactly [Music] we can't end this way [Music] if i could see i would be comfortable killing this guy let's see i i can't really do that i can't see but [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's doing a lot of damage [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks [Music] [Applause] there we go [Music] yikes am i gonna die [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's looping that was pretty obviously obvious [Music] [Music] can i get like [Music] [Applause] okay you dead he dead we killed the [ __ ] cube oh [ __ ] oh we still isn't going what's happening this is this just this thing just will not die will it it's really not over like i feel like that was a pretty decent climax i mean do we need more it didn't crash it's just black where am i this knee seeing soap thanks for the sub am i dead now what am i hello oh it's [ __ ] buddha do not worry you have done well what times have i said i've done well i mean i haven't done pretty good this is the end of this life before we venture forward i have something to show you it's me well it's pink okay red gnome you're awake you're free to run from the immortal realm to the waiting room this is the place of reconciliation the place after death the end and the end of this game it has been an absolute joyful experience to see you go through on this journey someone waited for you here wow it seems like a good place for a fresh start you can call me fridge oh wait ton b is better when you killed me i was like this is where it all ends but then it did i'm ready for something new i'm sorry for attacking pink i thought i did the right thing it's both exciting and a bit iconic that we are going to leave as well i have lit for so long that i feel like there is so much more for me to discover thank you for all the good times pink thank you rasta beast for always looking out for me i'll be honest with you pink i never expected after life would look like this that has been nice but if you feel a bit sad are you sad no yeah what a stone you know maybe that is how you were able to do all this where's my wife how are you doing actually i never got the chance to really meet you for so many years now for so many decades i have been living in a world of terror i was a prisoner as prisoner by professor orange they gave me things so i wouldn't couldn't leave i'm just happy it's all over now i do feel regrets regret that i didn't take it into my own hands and free myself from professor orange if i just gather encourage i could leave i don't know but still i'm happy for to finally free now i am thankful i was hurt you you helped me out professor orange not so nice to me i'm curious about there being additional layers of consciousness after that but the russian rationalists and materials in me couldn't let myself truly indulge in that fantasy in any case i'm glad there is life beyond death i'm sorry for my actions of malice against you i was tackless oh i can't stay here well i guess this is goodbye though thank you for all our counters i'm sure the blast goodbye you did well we can finally know peace i wouldn't have been it it wouldn't have been possible without you [ __ ] off do you think you're supposed to leave ah nothing goes past you huh all right i'm out of here you're [ __ ] off if i come back and it's still there but i'm killing him again is it you read you've changed quite a bit how long has it been since we saw each other i can't tell i know we didn't live on good terms but i want to let you know that i'm thankful for what you did i've had a great life with lots of friends and fun but when i was alone i didn't have such a great time anyway i'm glad you helped me i'm sorry for you know lashing out at you i was shocked with everything that has happened but i'm happy to know i'm happy with how it all turned out i think flan is happy service goodbye blue red hi blue i'm so happy to see you again once i died it felt very cold and everything became dark and it was a bit scary but after a while that frightful feeling disappeared and when i opened my eyes i was here i knew you weren't a bad guy wow who could have believed that there was more to it all i'm so thrilled i assumed the world would just cease to exist flop and then nothing you know this is truly astonishing i wonder where we will appear now look what a strange place sometimes i can decide whether it's not nice or not i can't decide whether it's nice or not sometimes i know you added in you it gives me great pleasure that you were able to free the souls we can finally venture onward and leave this space i didn't know i wasn't immortal but knowing that there is more sorry it really makes me feel invigorated oh hello really i can't believe there was another rule of the death i thought everything was just stop and turn black for all every eternity maybe eternity has already passed i don't even know anymore but i'm glad it seems there's more to life than what i thought there's this guy that i killed hello thank you for freeing me you truly are a great warrior this world still has secrets left to uncover okay i feel so stupid i thought we were already in the afterlife but i'm happy there's another journey coming i'm a bit sad that i've become quite accustomed to my body but that existed three ounces maybe some change is good i must have been hard for you to kill everyone but i'm glad you took the role of reaper i've lost everything the world doesn't exist i'm not really me anymore all of these things i used to care about they don't matter in a strange way i feel relieved across the elder realm i see it will be a pleasure not showing you this world brad unfortunately for you human you will not be judging joining us tonight but don't worry your time will come you've done well what a strange place you brought me to all right this is it huh what was the point of it all i got some thinking to do rez wherever you really are i did good job good looking forward to the reward you've done volume the inhabitants have been here a long time it's great to finally see them come back for you as for your pink i hope you understood what needed to be done it was a hard task something one should be forced to do nothing for us to do it is not good for the soul to be immortal you need to come home yeah i think so it seems is that all what the lamp was doing could finally see you admire if you're going through this i wouldn't have it felt right if there wasn't a physical reason for dying thank you for everything do you want to say it no but i bother one now when everything is something right true i was worried i put so much pressure on you what have i asked what i asked for you isn't suitable for you had a reason for coming here didn't you even as we are ending our chapter i have a strange feeling there is more to this world hello human are you ready to end the game yeah there's been a spectacle watching it will stay for a while in a way it deserves to end hello buddha actual [ __ ] buddha dirty o lord [Music] [Music] [Music] notes [Music] my wife and the fish as well they're just [ __ ] jamming [Music] [Music] yeah this this way so the device here have been like pretty chill i kind of i kind of like just having some chill fights in the end the the optional bosses were pretty [ __ ] tough they were really cool but they were really tough [Music] i never found the third truth i'm assuming there's three because there usually is three javix thank you for the prime man i hope you found this experience interesting and enjoyable before we close the curtains send this improper fashion [Music] maybe now it gets hard perhaps through going down okay [Music] so [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] if you believe [Music] [Music] the dead you're healing them wait really thank you for everything what you did will never i will never forget filter hell bar yikes here we are at the end of the world we have witnessed an eventful journey many words have been said some thoughts a bit have been shared [Music] before you leave do you wish to hear the last absolute truth oh there we go yes there are no absolute truths you are free to wrap wrap your half truths into whatever that is the true beauty of it you can make the rest up you still have a long time left and some after that take care of yourself a friend question mark come and visit us again [Music] cat cat jumpscare it never ends never okay created by jordan chris nordgren what do you think uh well i've got two endings so far the secret cat statue boss the the developers i guess and then this one those sort of two i have [Music] it was a good game though it is a good game loving the stash thank you harry appreciate it [Music] i'm sure you'll love it more when it's fully grown [Music] that was good i'll i'll do the ng proof plus boss and some stuff i mean i'm sure i haven't have i beat have you like fought the hardest boss in the game yet because that's probably the ng plus one though no it's the engines okay yeah thank you for playing [Music] yeah try today but don't beat no i'm not gonna do that the game is over now and it's uh just about midnight i usually end my streams like 11 30. but today i uh you know went on a bit longer because i wanted to finish the game so we're gonna we're gonna call it today or it's been what six hours you know thanks for watching is that cat always there or did i just not did i just press the button what the [ __ ] anyways yeah i'll see you uh what is it today thursday i'll see you tomorrow then it's just friday but that's because it's over midnight yeah yeah tomorrow we'll do uh some more uh lazarus check marks i mean we're gonna get death certificates soon man it's getting is it's getting there you know anyways yeah see you later thank you for watching thank you for the subs thank you for the bits take care and um yeah enterprise next stream next time next stream we play this i will venture close anyways good night
Channel: Albino Archive
Views: 5,181
Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Id: CpvUWsyDEtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 367min 6sec (22026 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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