Finishing the gable rake trim and ridge cap on the pole barn

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well good afternoon and welcome back to the homestead is a very cold february 1st it's about 48 degrees and very windy so this evening i'm going to try to work on the barn a little bit do the trim work on the metal the gable rake and if i can get started on the uh ridge cap so got my little helper here all bundled up yeah so let's get going he gold so first thing i'm going to do is take my rake trim here so it's this is shape here it's actually rake trim and kind of a fascia all in one that came with the barn kit i'm going to measure in one inch and i'd mark the line all the way around and that's where i'm gonna do my cutting and bending for uh closing in the end so it looks good oh so so my tin snips are uh a little bit on a dull side so i'm gonna have to clean this up with a little bit of like a rasping or you know get a file and just kind of clean it up but you can see what that does basically with the first part about an inch in that corner uh bend that over first and then bend this part here you know i cut in cut in here cut this part off bend this tab down and cut it off straight and bend this last piece down over that so that way it closes that whole entire end in and it looks a lot better when it's finished okay so i just got it uh just dry fit do a dry run and you can see how by doing the trim on the end it will it closes this off on the end where it gives it a nice finished look so now that i got it up here everything looks like it's okay looks like it's going to look good um i'm going to pull this back down and throw some butyl tape on it to seal the edge off so this is beetle tape basically it's a like a gasket double-sided sticky gasket uh that goes along the inside edge up here so that way when this is when this is up like this on the metal roof this is sealed off and water won't get underneath here and then you'll just screw along this edge through that butyl tape that'll give us a nice nice water seal so as you can see it's it's got a paper on one side and that paper will peel off it's like a almost like a taffy that'll give us a nice uh watertight edge [Music] so [Music] do [Music] that is piece number one right there got it all screwed off on two foot centers just like the metal was it looks pretty sweet gives it a nice finished look so i can get down my ladder here so that's what it that's what it looks like so i ran out of daylight last night and uh but i didn't and i didn't get very far but this learning process so what i did i went ahead and finished pretty much finished this one side here uh that way i could spare you all the pain of having to watch me learn so i've got to screw this side off still but what i did was i i brought this side up and i trimmed the bottom part here and then uh just kind of cut a notch out and let it let it hang on past let it run what passed up here and then this this side when i put it up i actually cut it where it was supposed to be so and i just put a screw in the face just to hold it in place screwed up top of course which i'll show here in a little bit and then uh screwed at the at the joint down here where the two overlap uh and then i come up it these are 10 foot pieces i came up five feet so split the difference and put a screw here so this is all it's solid it's not coming off all right one more down so we'll show you real quick what i did here everywhere the purl ones are all the way down they come on out this is where i put the screw in this part so i've got the butyl tape underneath and then i just screw it on the seam where the rest of the screws are it goes right down into the the two by six so and that's the finished look [Music] [Music] float [Music] okay i'm getting ready to mark out the ridge cap i'm gonna mark it on both sides snap a chalk line that way i can keep it straight going all the way down um so i'm gonna turn the camera around show you what i did here so i brought my ridge cap to where it's even and then i marked the line right here on the edge now i once it gets when i get ready to put this i'm gonna actually extend it over and cut it and bend it down so it benzo wraps over the front edge but that's that's how i'm marking it i'm getting it where it's perfect mark blind i'm going to do the same thing on the other side and then pop the line all right i got the other side marked around my chalk line it's a little bit too damp for this uh chalk to stick so what i'm doing i'm just going to use the chalk line as a straight line and i'll leave the string attached on both ends and just run it to my string foreign well that's two pieces down this ridge caps pretty basic stuff so it's it's not all that impressive looking and it shows any imperfections in the wood and whatever you can see it the imperfections in the ridge cap but hopefully from the ground it won't be noticeable but i'm just running it along this string and i'm overlapping it all right there's one of the overlaps i'm overlapping it so you can't see the overlaps looking at it from the front side it's facing the back same with the metal i did that the same way because that's where the prevailing winds are usually here so then i'm running a bead of caulk underneath i run it under the edge and i run it underneath the overlap and i'll do the same thing here so um [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so right [Music] over here [Music] well that is all we lack right there about three and a half feet and the rage cap will all be done so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so okay this is ugly as homemade sand and but i didn't really know how else to do this transition from where it come down from this peak down to this i am open to hearing any ways that i could have done this where it would be prettier but it's not really going to be seen you can't see it at all from the ground so what i'll do is i got it screwed and then i'm going to come back in here i've got the butyl tape underneath it as acting as kind of like a gasket and then i'm going to come back and add some silicone on top of it and then that should be good so if it were anywhere else i might would be worried but right here on this edge i'm not too terribly concerned about it uh and we weren't going for any beauty contest or we would have failed on that so anyway i'm gonna do the uh face now and then i've got one more screw down at the bottom down there and we'll be done with this foreign okay well that just about wraps up this part only thing i'm lacking is that piece of ridge cap up there which i'll get hopefully on monday but uh the rest of it's good to go pretty excited all the trim parts are done got the unboxed in well that's gonna be about all for today we uh we really appreciate you guys watching and uh we hopefully hopefully this is helpful to somebody if not at least you can get a good laugh out of us so thank you all for watching we'll see on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Maynard Family Homestead
Views: 4,031
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pole barn, Milwaukee M12, Metal roof, Steel trusses, Barn kit, Big family, Homesteading, Farming, Homestead
Id: Y7Fys6kRDwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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