Wiring our Generac generator transfer switch to the meter can

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good morning friends it is a very foggy morning here on the manor family homestead but it's been an exciting day it's friday morning and uh got permission from my boss to come in late and we're gonna get this transfer switch uh hooked up to the meter cam so i contacted the power company yesterday got the uh cut loose lined up they're on their way now he'll be here in about 15 minutes and then i've got the inspector lined up he's gonna come look at it as soon as i'm uh done which hopefully should only take me about 45 minutes but we'll see um so yeah it's gonna be an exciting day we're gonna get this wired up and i'll uh i'll put the camera up on a tripod that way uh y'all can see how it's done so thank you so much for joining us [Music] [Music] are you ready to have it dead ready is it gonna be okay glad you were ready some people are still asleep oh really i'm gonna go uh top side i'm gonna go pull the jack okay oh okay um this come on baby so this way uh there we go okay so meter can is done am i gonna like so hmm one down one to go so all right um anything smaller than two and a half inch is not gonna work for all these wires [Laughter] but we got them i had to stop for a second and admire that sunrise it is beautiful with all that fog okay so right down here is where the uh the upper terminals you have upper terminals and lower terminals upper terminals are the generator source so these are the wires going coming here from the generator i'm going to actually move those out of my way for right now because i can't access these lugs back here so the customer load it'll show right here is is right here that's the lower connections so that's where i'm going to hook my feeders to my panel um so uh all right now we'll hook our generator wires back up come on there we go transfer switch is done awesome so this is no longer going to be my first means of disconnect um totally slipped my mind this is no longer my first means of disconnect this is so grounds and neutrals are going to be bonded together here over here they've got to be separated now um where i had them before they were together um i've got to separate them so i'm gonna have to take the ground off of here i'm gonna have to get a ground bar probably put it across down here maybe um and put on my grounds on that uh uh ugh ouch all right so we got her done took me a little over an hour actually i had to run and grab a ground bar because i totally forgot to get one before so this is how it works so we've got our power lines coming in from the power company from the transformer they come over here these prongs for the meter transfers over to here through the meter we've got our two hots and our neutral those come all the way over over here to where it says utility source connections those are our two hots there's our neutral okay so that's our line it's our breaker that comes down so then down here we've got our lower connection is our customer load which it says on that sticker which is our panel and the uh upper terminals here are the generator okay so those go to the generator they come down go over here to the generator that's what feeds the generator feeds it back into here this plunger switches what switches the power back and forth from the generator to the utility so then our wires come out are two hots and our white neutral here and our ground they're bonded here because this is the first means of disconnect from the meter they'll be separated from here on out they come over feed into the top of the panel with the main breaker here of course the neutral and then we separated which i've got to take the screw out real quick i just see that um we're separating our neutrals and grounds here which is why i had to add the ground bar to separate everything here okay it's actually super simple um this is definitely not a pretty setup i really like to have my wires nice and neat but it's existing and this is what i kind of had to work with in a very short time crunch so trying to get the power back on for the kiddos and mama so the inspector will be here in just a few minutes and he'll inspect it and hopefully we'll get it turned back on shortly foreign okay [Music] we're good to go ready for the power company to come hook us up bolts all right staying clear all right stand clear all right we have power awesome hey thank you sir man y'all have a good one you too well that's wraps it up we got our power turned back on took a little longer than um the plan was to get it only have power out for about an hour and a half but we ended up was about three hours right at three hours but nonetheless it worked out good they came earlier than i was expecting so it worked out good it's still cool enough it's wasn't a problem so hopefully this is uh helpful to somebody out there and uh if it is please leave us a like on the video and we'll see you on the next one thanks for joining us
Channel: Maynard Family Homestead
Views: 507,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Generac, Standby generator, Homesteading, Big family, 10 kids, Maynard family, Transfer switch, ATS
Id: f_VMf14UbFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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