Finding What You Already Have | Kevin Wallace | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey pastor kevin wallace here from redemption to the nation's church and i believe today god has given me a word that is going to speak to your life listen we need strength and we need comfort and today we're going to find it in the word of god hang on and i'll see you at the end of this message for prayer receive the word i want you to take your bible i want to open i want you to open your bible with me to ephesians chapter one uh i'm i'll start today and if i get finished today great and if i can i'll finish next week this is just uh something that's been in my heart i carry this in my heart i believe i carried in my heart because it's what um leaders in the kingdom of god carry in their heart for the people that god has called them to lead and how many have ever heard me say when i pray or when i'm talking god give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge how many have you ever heard me say that before some of you heard me say that you wonder what that is i want to talk about what that is today and and we'll see how long it takes us but i i want to preach today from ephesians chapter one on a thought finding out uh finding what you already have how many know there's some stuff that you and i have that we just need to discover it's already ours i said it's already ours and uh we already have it in our possession we just need to know it belongs to us and we need to know it's there so look at somebody tell them today we're gonna find what we already have would you help me welcome our athens family that are watching right now pastor come on tell them good morning pastor chris and amy pastor devin and ingrid we love you and all the leaders and the family there the church family there an amazing thing god's doing in athens and we're thankful to be a part of what the lord's doing in that house today for a few moments today i'm just going to teach and i want to take an opportunity to explain uh what what i believe paul was talking about it's important that we understand what paul was talking about if it weren't important i wouldn't take your time to tell you but it is important so ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 when you have it say amen therefore i also after i heard of your faith in the lord jesus christ and your love for all the saints do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory watch may give to you say give to me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints watch verse 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he worked in christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heavenly places far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also the age to come and he put all things somebody to say all things he put all things under his feet and gave him who christ to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him who feels all in all and today i want to talk about finding out what you already have some of us are looking things for things that we think we need that we don't have yet but there's something i think even greater for us is to discover what we already have and who we already are it's in our possession but if we don't know it i said if we don't know it then we could actually live a life beneath all that god has intended for us to walk in the key to having everything god wants you to have and being everything he called you to be is knowing it so that you can walk in it as a reality not just think about it as a dream or a fantasy god wants you to know who you are in christ look at time i tell him before we pray god want you to know god is not keeping secrets god has mysteries that will only be accessed by the holy spirit most of us don't know who we are not because god doesn't want us to know but because we haven't lived in the spirit enough to access who we are but it's going to change beginning today for somebody jesus thank you for the holy spirit i pray today that the spirit of the living god would walk in this room right now and that you would let us teach and preach the word of god and receive the word of god with a spirit of wisdom and revelation let us find out what we already have in christ in jesus name i pray amen to be seated in the presence of the lord so i'm pretty sure this will be a a couple of weeks i don't think i can get through all this today but that doesn't matter because this is it's really good that we understand um what god is trying to say through the apostle in ephesians chapter one now remind yourself of this please ephesians is one of the greatest greatest and the richest most uh it's one of the deepest theological books in the bible there's so much in the book of ephesians it would take a lifetime for you and i to plumb the depth of all that god was speaking to his church his people through the apostle in this uh letter that he wrote to the church at ephesus ephesus as i've told you before is a prison epistle it is one of the epistles it's one of the letters that paul wrote while he was in prison at rome awaiting for his trial before nero and uh he wrote this and he sent this to the church at ephesus and some people some theologians believe that this was a general church letter not only written to the church at ephesus but to be read and known throughout all the churches of asia minor because the content of ephesians is not just something that identifies a problem going on in ephesus it's actually a message a sermon a word as it were for the entire body of christ and if you read ephesians 1 there are six chapters in ephesians ephesians 1 through 3 is the theology that paul is trying to communicate and then ephesians 4 5 and 6 is the practical walking it out how many know it's important that we know what the bible says but we also understand how to apply it because the the greatest danger that we have in modern day theology is that we know things we don't know how to practice it's that we would have a knowledge of something that we cannot apply and we cannot live by and god doesn't just want you and i because how many know knowledge puffs up there are a lot of people who can quote to you facts and theological truths but they do not have the ability to apply it paul wants us to know not only do we need the truth but we need to understand and know how to live it out monday through saturday and put shoe leather on the gospel and actually do what jesus has called us to do i don't care and god doesn't care how much you know if what you know doesn't produce transformation and behaviors and actions and a lifestyle then you need to go deeper and i need to go deeper in our walk with truth because truth that is known should be truth that is applied and ephesians one through three is truth that can be known ephesians 4 5 and 6 is truth that can be applied and and so um there is so much i contemplated doing the whole first chapter of ephesians and we may get back to that because if you read the first uh well verses 3 through 14. if you read those first 11 verses there you will find out how awesome your god is that he blessed you and he chose you and he adopted you and he gave you everything you will ever need and he washed you in his blood and he gave you redemption from your sins and he calls you and i his own and you didn't choose him the day you got saved you caught up with the fact that he chose you before the world began and you said yes to the god that loved you enough to come knocking on your door and say to you i want to know you and you said i want to know you he started the dance and you said yes how many know that god is a good god and chose us come on we were like the person that was not going to be uh worthy to be on the basketball court because we i didn't have the height growing up i didn't have the the skill or the ability but there was a man in my neighborhood an older guy that chose me on his team every time he was a captain he didn't choose me because of what i brought to the table he chose me because we were brothers i didn't have to play well i just passed him the ball and he shot the eyes out the ball and we won every time we played how many know jesus chose you not because of what you bring to the table but because you know he's the one that won the victory and because he won the victory he gets all the glory and he just allows us to be on the team how many glad you're on the team so it's a it's an amazing thing the first uh 14 verses of ephesians chapter one are deep you ought to read it ingest it take it in but this is what i felt like god wanted me to focus on in the 15th verse paul says and and we read over this but we really shouldn't paul the apostle says i pray for you he said i uh uh verse 16 pardon me i do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory will give you something how many would agree paul is an apostle and he prays a lot and he in fact he is the man that wrote pray without ceasing and you say pastor i don't know how to pray without ceasing yes you can it doesn't mean that you don't have a job and you don't have a life it means that your job and your life are full of praying without ceasing how can i do that it's a conversation that never ends when you pray and when i pray and when we talk to god prayer ought to be a conversation that is continuing from what the last conversation when i pray and talk to god rarely do i have to take 30 minutes to get wound up because if it's an ongoing conversation i'm not trying to acquaint him with stuff he don't know about he knows what i need before i open my mouth when when we pray we pray from this place of relationship with god and paul says pray without ceasing and then he says much of the stuff i pray about is the people god's called me to lead and there was something specific that paul was praying for the people of god and here it is in the 16th and the 17th verse he says i'm praying that the god of our father our lord jesus christ give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of jesus wisdom everybody say wisdom and revelation both of those things are accessible only by the holy spirit now this is interesting i want you to circle that word spirit if you're taking notes because some of your translations have a small s some have a capital s and the age-old question is is he talking about a human spirit of wisdom in revelation or is he talking about big h big s the holy spirit of wisdom and revelation and the reality of it is i believe he's talking about if somebody asked me is he talking about a little s or the big s the holy spirit i would say yes well which one yes i mean tell me is that the little spirit or the big holy spirit is it my spirit or is it god's spirit yes it is my spirit that has been molded shaped informed and given direction by the holy spirit do you understand that and this happens a number of places in the bible because in the greek there was no capitalizing the word holy or the or the word spirit you you don't have capitals in greek like that they had to determine who and what he was talking about based upon the context of what he was saying so when the bible said i will sing with the spirit does that mean i sing in the holy ghost or i sing out of my spirit yes i sing out of my human spirit because my human spirit has been infused with the person of the holy spirit do you understand what i'm saying so when we say operate and walk in the spirit of wisdom and revelation are we saying that it is the holy spirit of wisdom and revelation or is it my spirit of wisdom well it's it is my spirit that has come into a place of wisdom and revelation because the holy spirit gave me wisdom and revelation am i making sense this is why some people are so jacked up because left alone my spirit would lead me astray and yours would too we need thee here it is the influence of the holy spirit in our life the holy spirit is not a feeling the holy spirit is not an ethereal shadow he's not some ball of energy the holy spirit is as much a person as god the father or jesus the son the reason we have a hard time knowing that is because he is spirit and we are used to knowing things by the flesh but you can know the holy spirit in your spirit just the way i know devin in my flesh are you following me there is a place how many how many in this room are married lift your hands okay how many want to be married but are not wonderful this is great to all those of you who want to be married but are not there is a level of knowing someone that cannot be or should not be known until you make covenant with them you you there is when the bible said that adam knew eve in genesis chapter 3. that is not a that is not a neat way of saying that he checked her out down at the a w root beer stand and he knew about her it means that there was a level of knowledge an intimate level of knowledge that occurred between adam and eve and and while god and and while we read scriptures about knowing god and we we never get it we should never get just weird and we should never get perverted in our understanding of it there is this understanding of god and an intimate knowledge with him that we understand don't look at me funny because paul said husbands love your wives y'all ain't with me today husbands love your wives like christ love the church there's a knowledge there he he said husbands love your wives like and we always focus on husband love your wives but like christ love the church is a revelation that this is more than just a relationship with a homeboy this is more than just a relationship with my friend this is the lover of my soul [Applause] and and many people want a revelation of of wisdom a spirit of wisdom and revelation but no intimacy with god you can't have a spirit of wisdom and revelation flowing and operating in your life if you don't have an intimacy and a knowledge of god knowing him and let me help you understand something that is beyond a sunday morning two-hour date this is an ongoing this is ongoing relationship do you understand he don't just have a room outside my house he owns my house he can walk in any room i'm walking and he can live in any room i'm walking he could come in my bedroom my kitchen he could in my lift he lives with us are you listening to me the holy spirit lives with us and what paul is talking about here is that your spirit and my spirit yield themselves to him in relationship and intimacy in such a way that all that the holy ghost knows he makes known to you and i in our spirit a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him because some people get claim i should say claim a spirit of wisdom and revelation but it ain't in the knowledge of jesus at least not the jesus of the bible you got to qualify things i told chris this past week there's a there's a reason why sometimes you hear me say the jesus of the bible because there's some other jesus is floating around yeah people will put their j they'll put his name on their mess [Applause] i don't have time to go down this road but it's a long nasty road i will tell you that there are people who have created their own theology their own kingdom their own way of their own way of living their their own church and then they throw his name on it to sanction their foolishness but the jesus of the bible will not wait on he will not come in your direction so that you can he you can make him more like you he will pull you by grace in his direction so that he makes you more like him [Applause] and this is why so few people come into christ's likeness is because we want god to move toward us in our own wisdom and our own revelation and we rarely expose our spirit to the holy spirit long enough to bear upon us the impression and the and the image of god in a way that it shapes us to look more like him now paul says i pray for you that that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory make may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him look at this verse 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened okay now how many have an niv version okay it says what the eyes of your heart so as of your understanding eyes of your heart what's the difference nothing they're both the same because an understanding of this word will bring you to a place where you see that the heart is the location where understanding in your being happens okay you begin to understand in your heart you process things in your mind you process things you hear in your spirit it is your heart the seat of understanding where you and i begin to know something okay now watch this the bible said that the eyes of your heart the eyes of your understanding everybody following me how many how many hear what i'm saying right there say eyes of your heart say eyes of your understanding let me explain something to you because people listen to me right now like wait a minute my eye my heart don't have no eyes my head has eyes but my heart don't have no eyes um i want to tell you right now that there's a difference between seeing with your eyes and seeing with your heart let me teach on this right here there's a difference in seeing with your eyes and seeing with your heart sometimes you'll see with your eyes what your heart knows can be changed but you walk according to what your eyes are telling you instead of what your heart is telling you there's a scripture over there in mark chapter i believe this is it let's go on a search and see if i wrote it down correctly mark chapter oh no that's not it but this is good anyway let me let me give y'all this i forgot this this is a good nugget this is a good note we need this okay rewind and go back up to the part where i was talking about knowing god you need this man some of y'all need a smile look at this everybody say no god when we talk about knowing god i'm gonna go back to that heart thing in just a minute but listen this when we talk about knowing god we are not talking about knowing god like this mark chapter 1 verse 23 now there was a man in the synagogue with an unclean spirit and he cried out saying let us alone what have we to do with you jesus of nazareth did you come to destroy destroy us i know who you are do you understand that some people with demons got more sense than some religious people teaching people in churches i know who you are you are the son of the living god but that's not the kind of knowledge we're talking about and then that quickens me to be reminded of what paul said in romans chapter one uh over there around verse 15 he said in their mind they knew god but they did not they did not follow him and they suppress the knowledge of god and they become unthankful in all their ways and in the futility of their mind and he winds up and and and they're in a place of hardness of heart let me tell you something when i say knowing god i'm not talking about knowing him like demons know him demons know he is god demons got more sense than some people sitting in church and some people sitting in their house this morning demons know that he's god and even gentiles who are on their way to hell in some capacity know that he is god that's not the kind of knowledge of god we're talking about it's that intimacy with god now back to this issue of eyes in my heart say eyes of my heart not just my head your heart has eyes this is why jesus said i teach them in parables because seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear how can you see but now see and how do you hear but not here i'll tell you what he's talking about he's talking about seeing with their eyes in their head but they don't see with the eyes in their heart they look at the man jesus and said this cannot be the son of god because he came from nazareth and is a galilean and he is mary's son and he is joseph's son and he is a carpenter and all of his brothers in mark chapter 4 said that is this not the carpenter is this not our brother they knew him after what they saw with the eyes in their head but they never transcended what they saw with their natural eyes and were never able to see who he was with their heart eyes it's why they almost lost their life and their soul and it's because they did know him in their heart hear me people of god you and i cannot just know jesus by the flesh and by what we see with natural eyes he wants to open up our spirit so that we can see with heart eyes and know in our heart that he is a good god and a loving god and a merciful god and he's got plans for us and he's doing something great come on tell somebody near you he's doing something great in your life he says i want these eyes in your heart to come open and be enlightened because some people are sitting in the dark and the only thing you need to do to come into the light of who god is and how good he is is just turn the light on i promise y'all if you'll just take this word in it's like turning a light on i did it this morning it's been a crazy week we've been in all these places and and and the time zone and tired and sleeping plane flights and demon-possessed people and i was tired and i said you know what here's what i did today when i came to my study i said lord today i know what i'm teaching and what i'm preaching i know what you laid on my heart but i don't want to study my sermon i just want you to feed me from your word i want you just i'm gonna open my bible and i'm gonna start reading and still until you start talking to me do you know how long it took and the spirit of god you just read a couple of scriptures you know i ain't getting nothing out of this well turn your phone off because this is how we read the bible today who like like like that ain't how this works anyhow this works this is eternal life we're talking about if you want to find the life that is in it you've got to invest yours you don't quit when you say i'm not getting nothing out of it your spirit says oh but keep on digging keep on digging there's something in the word for you now he said i want the eyes of you he said i'm praying that the eyes of your understanding the eyes of your heart be enlightened and this is what i want us to focus on so that you would know everyone say no k-n-o an intimate knowledge a very real knowledge and here's what i want to tell you i am all about the focus that our generation has put on imagination even in the church how many have heard more teaching and talking about imagination and if you haven't it's out there i promise you more and more people are talking about how god works through imagination i have no problem with that at all i believe in the teaching of imagination i believe god speaks to you in your dreams and visions and in a matter come on sometimes we need to think outside of the box that we're living in and see something bigger in our spirit amen but hear me very carefully we should never reduce the importance of knowledge and fact and embrace the conceptual and the abstract that exists surely in imagination that's like a thirsty man having give me my bottle of water chris real quick throw me that bottle of water yes okay this is the difference between knowledge and imagination if i were really thirsty and chris brought me a bottle of water imagination says close your eyes think that you have a bottle of fiji water in your hand but i'm still thirsty i got it in my mind i see it it's a blue bottle man that blue lid getting ready to come off imagination but knowledge is you don't have to go dream about it just open the bottle it's already there [Applause] this is where we are in the church we're dreaming about things that we already [Applause] [Music] have we are we are trying to imagine we have stuff that jesus already gave us i don't have to imagine freedom i am free i don't have to imagine being blessed i am blessed i'm talking to you you ought to be saying this in your mind right now i don't have to imagine what it feels like to be clean i am clean see we keep people living in a pipe dream when in reality he already paid for it and it's already theirs come on you don't have to daydream and imagine about being free there is a real reality existing for you and i and the and the truth the truth is we just need to step into what's already there paul said i am praying for some stuff to come open that's in the dark i'm praying for your eyes to catch it so that you can know the entire reason paul would pray that their eyes the eyes of their heart come open the entire reason paul would pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to come upon them is so that they would know something the enemy's plan is to keep you from knowing it let me teach let me teach i was the lord reminded me of this last night when i came to see uh moses exodus chapter one look at this exodus chapter one verse 8 there arose a new king over egypt who do not know joseph and he said to his people look the people of the children of israel say god's people he said the new pharaoh said the children of israel are greater and mightier than we are come let us deal shrewdly with them lest they multiply and it happen in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us and so go up out of the land therefore they set task masters over them to afflict them with their burdens and they built for pharaoh supply cities python and ramses but the more they afflicted them the more israel multiplied this freaks me out that pharaoh looked at the people of god and said they are mightier than we are what's the point the point is this pharaoh knew something about israel that israel did not know about themselves i'm going to say something right here i believe that the enemy knows more about us and our potency and our potential and about our future than we do ourselves it's why he stays up at night trying to find a way to divide us and destroy us and get us off our task and cause us to lose hope listen you ought to go to sleep and let the devil walk the back alleys of hell wondering what to do about you because greater is he that is in us than the one that is living in this world you are mightier than you know in fact i want you to karate chop your neighbor and tell them neighbor you are mightier than you know why does paul pray for god to give him a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of jesus why does he do that so that they find out what they already have it's already yours it already do you know what happened this past week true story every now and then i get this nudge to go to the unclaimed funds of tennessee some of y'all don't even know that's a thing you go to a website put your name in and it tells you if there's anything that's yours that's outstanding i did it i did it on thursday do you know what i found i have two checks i don't know what they're mine i don't care if you get excited i'm gonna go to roost chris with devon when the checks come in the mail they were written years ago i never cashed them but they're sitting in a place waiting on me to claim what has my name on it already all i had to do was send them a little letter check a box and say that's me i'm still alive and i'd like for you to send me the check that i never deposited god i feel like preaching somebody i got like a thousand people going home to check the site tonight it says kevin wallace one of them is a check from comcast do you know how much money comcast has taken from me i'm getting ready to get paid by comcast what i'm trying to tell you is that there are some of you who have blessings some of you who have anointings some of you think you're holy ghost you have open doors and opportunities and you simply haven't said i know that it belongs to me but today that is shifting we're not living the rest of our life with a woe is me mentality we're the head and not the tail we're above and not beneath we're blessed in the city we're blessed in the god i feel like preaching and paul said i'm praying for you that you know this do you know this man do you know who you are do you know what belongs to you do you know what he already paid for what i'm talking about is not discovering who you are because he came up with it this morning i'm talking about discovering what's been the whole time the enemy's just succeeded in keeping you and i from it and today the success of his strategy is being dismantled and broken in this house and i rebuke the devil that tells you you'll be locked up in an ignorance all your life that'll keep you broke busted and disgusted and messed up from the chest up and tore up from the floor and beat up from the feed-up you're a lying devil these people are gonna know who they are in god they're to know who they are when they put a resume in they're going to know who they are when they walk in a doctor's office they're going to know who they are when they walk on the car walk they're going to know who they are it's so funny when this you come into an understanding of this it'll change how other people perceive you now i'm not talking about arrogance i'm not talking about a cocky arrogant proud demeanor i'm talking about a humble confidence in your god there have been times in my life i didn't know who he was in me and i didn't know who i was in him when he began to open i'll never forget when we tried to build a building in 2008 that was 13 years ago we talked to six banks it was the worst economy in the history of a generation we talked to six banks five of them walked in and said you're not in a position to borrow two million dollars and i thought how dare these people the last person that walked in was a a baptist deacon he walked in he said i feel god in this place and they loaned us the loan and you know the story god gave us a miracle and we paid it off before we ever started praying principle on it fast forward a few years now people want to lend us money and we don't need it to god be all the glory what's the point the point is i believe that the spirit of the lord will give you a revel lord i feel this on me right here he'll give you a revelation of who you are in him and when you know who you are in him you do not have the capacity to continually see yourself bringing up the rear at the back of the line the rest of your life but you see yourself as more than a conqueror i'm not just a conqueror you're more than a conqueror look at your neighbor real calm like good methodist and say you're more than a conqueror you're more than a conqueror you don't you don't listen you're not just a conqueror you are more than a conqueror come here this is my buddy tyler tyler was born in church raising church preaching church shouting church run beat tambourines dance turn around letter by seat this is a conqueror stand up puke pq this is q q was was in some ways had some church experience when he was growing up but but but lost his way and and and y'all know this story he he he was part of gangs part of drugs part of all this stuff and then god brought him out broke the change and set him free he's a conqueror he's more than a conqueror do you understand what i'm saying more than a conqueror and really you're more than a conqueror too i'm trying to paint a picture for these religious people to understand that just because you were saved and in church all your life doesn't mean you got one up on the rest of us because where sin does abound grace does much more abound i would have praised god this morning for keeping me i was born and raised in church i want to thank god for keeping me in the house of the lord but i also need to jump up and give him praise for everybody that he had to rescue everybody that he had to save from the depths of this lord john can somebody help me praise him for his mighty power today [Music] and you gotta know who you are you can't tell me who you are if you don't know who you are you can't tell the enemy who you are if you don't know who you are there is a reason why john the baptist was baptizing jesus and jesus comes up out of the water and a dove descends and the heavens split open and the father speaks from heaven and said this is my beloved son what was that that was that was exactly what paul was talking about in ephesians 1 i pray that the father of our lord jesus christ give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him your eyes being enlightened so that you may know what was god the father doing to jesus the son when he came up out of the waters being baptized he was giving him what a knowledge this is my beloved do you think jesus knew that of course but he had to speak it in the earth realm so that those standing there and the enemy circling his life would know who he is that's why god i feel like teaching right here that's why the very first thing satan questioned when jesus was in the wilderness is if you are the wait a minute jesus is the son how do i know because god the father just said this is my beloved and it is always the enemy who will arrive with a challenge to the identity god has already declared over you anybody that shows up in your life trying to re-identify you as a person you used to be can't you can be sure they were not sent from god they were sent by the devil because satan is the accuser of the brethren and will always try to re-identify you and you gotta know who you are and the only way to know this is for your eyes to come open and a spirit of wisdom and revelation to be given and granted to you in the knowledge of jesus so let me just i'll start with one and then we'll probably pick this up next week okay go back to ephesians one all right let me get my notes here so he said i want you to know something look at somebody tell them i want he wants you to know something i want to dispel the myth and the notion that god operates in confusing ways okay he may confuse your natural mind but how many know god is perfect in all his ways and he wants you to know things not circle around your whole life wondering things but knowing things okay the first thing he wants you to know i think this will be very important for all of us to know according to what paul writes here in first part of me in ephesians chapter 1 he wants you to know what is the hope of his calling in us how many see this come on let's just slow down and teach this right here uh-huh verse number 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling there are three things he's going to tell us we can know all of them are his his hope his inheritance and his power i'm getting ready to unpack it for you today and next week say his hope say his inheritance say his power okay so the first thing that we need to pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to come upon us so that our eyes become open and we can know the first thing he wants us to know is the hope of his calling the hope of his calling it's not my calling it's not your calling he does the calling now this seems rather elementary but let me break this down for everyone there are two kinds there are two um there are two ways in which this manifests number one the hope of his calling in your personal life and the hope of his calling in our corporate life okay so let me break this down you have an individual calling and then you are part of the body of christ and the body of christ has a corporate calling you understand that let me start with the individual calling because the book of romans says listen to this the book of romans says that the gifts and the callings of god are without repentance what does that mean well first of all who gave the gifts and the calling god god gave gifts and god gave callings and how many know when it says repentance god doesn't repent like we do when we sin we repent but the word repent doesn't mean like for god it doesn't mean he has to apologize for making a mistake it means he don't change his mind because when we repent what is repentance changing your mind when the bible said the gifts and callings of god are without repentance it means god will give you a gift god will give you a calling god will give you an assignment god will give you a direction and god says it's good and i'm not going to change my mind about what i want them to be [Music] i'm not going to change my mind about the gifts i gave them to do what i wanted them to do that doesn't mean you and i always do it if i hear one more person say well the perfect will of god is always being done you ain't reading the bible this foolishness i see on the news every night is not the perfect will of god stop blaming god for foolishness he didn't have nothing to do with we live in a crazy godless world and people who don't know god make their mind up to to do godless things and then somehow we point our finger at god like he did it god doesn't kill people like that god doesn't steal in line god doesn't burn buildings down and terrorize lives and blow buildings up with planes and quit blaming everything on god the reality of it is god sets a person in a place with a choice abraham now i know you ever read that in genesis 22 he's about to kill isaac and he's about to drop the knife and god says of the angels that now i know because there are some are you saying god is not omniscient no he knows it all but you must understand you and i have the option to walk out the perfect plan and the perfect will of god he doesn't take that choice from you and i if he made me love him it wouldn't be love if he made me hate him it wouldn't be hate somebody said why in the world was the snake in the garden because you must have a choice for there to be true love present oh that was heavy adam and eve adam and eve had to have a choice for it to be true obedience why don't god get rid of all the evil because the only other option is good and you've got to make sure you in your heart he does not want a bunch of cosmic robots walking around loving him because we he was made he made us to love to him he wants us to choose it that's why the bible said the day they're set before you life and death choose life see we don't like this we'd rather blame god god is so mean god there's somebody sitting here right now you blame god for everything and you haven't looked in the mirror one time to understand that half of the havoc in your life you created yourself god had nothing to do with it you have a personal calling and let me help everybody understand something he gave you gifts to accommodate the call and i'm gonna change the world with singing no we heard you sing [Applause] i'm cause there are plenty of things that we're all not good at but everyone in here has some gifts something god gave you and a sweet disposition an attitude a skill have you ever seen me up here painting on the stage do you know why you've never seen me painting on the stage because my paintings although they would honor god and make me feel good they would offend you it would take the gift of discerning of spirits to know what that thing was when i got through painting it now you take carolyn smith and she gets up here and she moves gracefully and she got that that little paint stroke and all these beautiful children up here painting and they have a gift why do they paint they use their gift to glorify god why do these banner waivers that people praising god and people where why it's a gift and god gave them why do these people dance because they got rhythm quit being bitter that you don't don't try to dance but don't criticize people who do celebrate the gifts all of us have a calling this is why i preached a message a series of messages a number of years ago seth help me i'm going to start transitioning to the close it was called the metron how many remember that teaching and the metron is essentially god giving you a slice of grace and shoving it in your direction and saying that metron is for you that's what the word metron is in the greek when it says god gave you a measure it's a metron he cut off a piece and said i'ma give you this grace and it's on your life now if you use it right i'll anoint you by my grace to accomplish the calling i set you forth to do [Music] when god called you there was a hope attached to your calling [Music] he's he's got a hope for you he sees man i feel like i'm supposed to just speak life into you right now there is a hope in your future [Music] if you think about your future constantly and you are depressed as you think about it you have been listening to the wrong voice [Music] i just afraid i'm gonna lose everything i'm afraid i can't live the life i'm afraid i don't have what it takes to be successful i'm afraid y'all i've been there i've been there i've been in a place in my life where i say lord this is too big for me i can't handle this do you know when it broke over my life when a spiritual father looked at me and told me this one time i'll never forget he looked me in the eyes and he said to me you're going to be successful and god is going to anoint you for the long haul it melted something off my life because you like i have seen so much in the church world where people lose their fire preachers lose their ministry i i would plead with god lord i don't know how how can you do this and and do it for for a long time i want to live a long old life i want them to prop me up when i'm 120 on the side of the stage i won't be preaching i'll be shaking my cane moving my foot right how can you do this for a long time and be success and here's the thing it's the plan of god it's the will of god for you to be humble walk with god and be blessed as you perform his calling for your life look at ephesians uh chapter four i therefore the prisoner of the lord verse 1 ephesians 4 i therefore the prisoner of the lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called my calling is the pastor and to lead my calling is to be an apostolic father and a shepherd over spiritual lives i didn't ask for that that's just what he called me to do and he gave me the heart to do it and the grace to do it i see other people in this room your call is not to be an apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher your calling is to be a schoolteacher or a police officer or a physical therapist or a mechanic or a construction worker or a business owner hear me he gave you the gifts and the skills to fulfill that calling whatever you do don't disconnect that calling from your spiritual walk with god everything he gave you every the brain the the mentality the smarts there are road scholars in this room there are people in this room that are absolutely genius he gave you that the church has tried to demonize people who don't have a five-fold office call growing up if you weren't a preacher you weren't worth your salt that's why everybody's mama started calling them to be preachers and they started preaching and we thought they can't preach they were never called to be a preacher they were called to be successful businessmen but because the church had no mentality of advancing the kingdom we tried to force them in a box but there is a wave of there is a wave of revelation that god is raising up and god is anointing apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints to understand that we don't have to make everybody a preacher we need some doctors and lawyers and ceos and politicians who are full of the holy spirit who operate in their call [Music] you will change your world more than i ever will if you'll operate in the call and the anointing and the gift god sent you to and you got to know who you are and i have a sneaky suspicion that god touched my heart to teach on this for the next couple of weeks because there's too many people sitting in our precious church too many beautiful precious people sitting in our church who don't know who they are and you don't know what is the hope of his calling you have this individual calling and then we have this corporate calling you ready for this stand with me i'm through teaching what's our corporate calling we individually are going to be brought into conformity with the image of christ i'm gonna say something i'm grateful for kingdom teaching i've been teaching the kingdom for four years and i'll teach it to the day i die but the only thing you must be careful with when you teach the kingdom is that you don't get your eyes off of this one fact that although we crescendo in our kingdom of understanding and crescendo in our kingdom activity and we crescendo in advancing the kingdom it does not fully consummate until the lord jesus returns jesus is coming back do you hear me i said jesus is coming back well they've been saying that all these years he still ain't come yet he hasn't come for one reason because somebody's lost and he loves them too much to stay lost that's the only reason [Music] listen i want to pray for you today i believe this message is bringing a strengthening to your faith in fact some of you have needs today in your life and i want to pray for god to meet those needs if you need healing i want you to know that christ jesus is a healer if you need provision i want you to know that your god is a provider whatever you have need of today nothing is too big and nothing is too small for god to meet it father we thank you today for every man and woman that are watching this broadcast i pray today for those who have needs in their life they need you to heal them lord they need provision they need strength many of them need to be freed from depression and heaviness and i just ask in christ's name today that the power of your precious holy spirit would come up on them wherever they are break every yoke meet every need jesus you're a miracle worker and by faith we thank you that the power of god is working in their life right now turning everything around in jesus name amen friend we love you we can't wait to see you next week on this broadcast until then we're praying for you you're in our hearts and we'll see you soon god bless
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 6,715
Rating: 4.8439026 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love, athens
Id: Z-pxJBo9hcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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