How To Find Your Tone | Find Your Voice

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Oh Tara with their assignment studios and I've got to be key and that may have been a cringe intro but it goes for this video how to find your tone and we were just giving you a demonstration and the intro of two different completely different actually types of tone one that's higher and more flute like bird Lake and then one this you know like a gorilla got some tasker's Wow that's irritating that's a word okay so how do we find our tone and the thing about this video that I want you guys to understand is that this is all about classification and that's not an easy thing to understand so I'm gonna I'm gonna put it out there this video is going to give you the opposite end of the spectrum and then there's gonna be gradients in between okay however we do recommend and it doesn't have to be with us okay and I want to put that out there because we don't want you to think like we're selling this but we really recommend that for finding your tone classification you get with some coach it doesn't have to be us we'd love it to be but somebody at least for one lesson that knows what they're doing to tell you hey yeah you have a really earthy a thick deeper richer tone or you're more of like you know an alto rich versus a soprano hi belt rich there are different classifications and once you know exactly what you are then you're gonna really benefit from another video that we're gonna be releasing how to change your tone okay but right now today we're gonna give you a video on how to determine your tone what is your tone okay where do you stand so work by doing this we're gonna give you some examples okay coach Nicki how would you define your tone I mean you've heard her in other videos if you haven't check her out she's amazing but how would you classify your tones and in this video well Marton it's a little bit more meaty it easy yes I would say more like an Adele Horin tweet me just gonna fill the room type of yes I agree with that so it's thick its booming and we try to create visuals around defining tone as well so if I had to define Nikki's tone in an image it would be something that's like like a velvet piece of fabric that's like a like a cobalt blue it's a deep dark bold tone and it also feels really nice I like the way you're talking but I believe that to be true right there's definitely no thinness to Nikki's voice she has to create that and that goes to that video how to change your tone we're not gonna get there today but that would be Nikki's definition now if if I already define my tone I would say that my tone is a little more in the middle of a very thick gorilla like a slash of flute like bird like I'd say mine is a little bit more forward and pointed and frontal and I think it's thick but I don't think it's anywhere is booming and deep as Nikki's I have to change my tone to make it sound like that I can still do it but that's not my innate natural medium baseline tone and there's a difference okay so let's let's talk about you guys who are watching this how to find your tone let's talk about some artists that they can compare to okay so let's give you said Adele break alright so if when you sing you feel that you kind of err on Nikki side that you you are you've got this some texts shirts sound to your voice it's it's got more more than just ha like this one kind of one layer one level but it's got more uh it's kind of starting to sound like that you're you're not necessarily not so because you have you could have soprano range or even lower than sorry but the tone of your voice is gonna be thicker and deeper and texture okay let's say you're a guy and when you're watching this video and you're comparing say oh do I do I sound like Ed Sheeran or do I sound like Jeff from Voice play it's not a matter of how low Jeff goes in voice play because he's like yeah he's great right but it's also not a matter of how high at Sheeran sounds it's a matter of how they sound how their voices sound within what they're singing so ed how would you how do you classify Ed's voice this is I think this is more similar to yours like for a man though okay I'm not super super high but it's not it's more in the middle yeah angry more for and and I think Ed's natural tonality is also have more also has more breath than I do as well I can put in put that into my voice because I know my baseline tone which is why you guys are here today but his has more natural breath I think unless he's manufacturing that I just don't know but I hear him all the time sing his songs in the noah stones this the same in toenail d so i want to say that that's his natural normal okay most singers don't don't go out with the intention of affecting their voice alright so i would say that if you're more like IDI then you're let's put an image to it right then then you have more of like you know a light blue silk type of voice like raw so like there's some there's a little that she's like oh no Ross there look it up people look it up you want to put images to this so it's it's more like a light blue Ross up where there's some texture but it's like it's like finer there's there's um less of a drastic dramatic kind of feel to it it's smoother with a little bit of texture to it right and if you resound and resonate with that then that's more like you but if let's say you are like Jeff from voice play you would be like black theater fabric you know like the curtains in the backdrop of the stage like that's Jeff's voice I can't even come close right never in a million years but if you if you resonate when with then you've got you've got to know that if that's where you're starting and you want to manipulate your tone which we'll get to in the next video there are ways to do that but you don't know where you're starting from let's do one more let's do someone that's maybe a female that's singing super high you know she hurt her reign is high but let's maybe Ariana yeah yeah okay so let her honor okay that's actually that's actually that's really good example so let's compare those two I'm not saying oh I'm watching this video and I sound just like Mariah or even Ariana right what I'm saying is your tone something you don't even have to hit the same notes but let's talk about Ariana's voice very bird-like very flute like lots of air if I had to compare her voice to an image it would be like you know that curtain back there white see-through not opaque very airy right that's probably know that you're getting married every example that you're giving is fabric because you're picking your dress and the napkins and everything you just tell it on yourself what I'm painting pictures I'll be talking about some macaroni and cheese salad like food hungry I'm gonna different place in my life oh my god you are such a fuss anyway we're talking about Ariana Grande she's often mac and cheese Lynn let's get back to it so the fabric people the fabrics white beautiful I can see through it it flows in the wind that's our anyways to me if I'm talking about Mariah Carey who by the way can hit the same notes this is a great example guys her voice especially when it comes to even her head voice there's more there's more tone there she's got breath but it's not as breathy as Ariana's and so if there's a top of the nose yeah right it's a little more pointed or word you know think of like a much less exaggerated version um mariah is I think of a more exaggerated version like Kristin Chenoweth who's like super pointed right but Mariah's you've got that more frontal forward placement kind of like mine but the one she goes up into her head voice even if it's a same you know Ariana's you would not hear the same tone when they're singing the same note there's a totally different tone of classification there so I hope that that gave you guys a little bit more of a tangible way to hold on to it let's give some audible examples right now of my tone and Nikki's tone we'll just saying like I don't know let's just sing happy birthday and that way they can hear so tell us guys in the comments if you agree with how we classified our tone and again if you're if you're still unsure after watching this video of how to kind of go about comparing yourself to other artists out there from what we've what from what we've said in the video I highly recommend that you get into the schedule of a vocal coach whether it's here at TSS or somewhere in your local area but we do teach online all over the world and we would be happy to help you it would take a single half-hour session to be able to classify this for you so they begin you can go to the next video and then know how to change your tone because it's super important yeah yeah don't you think you'd be happy to help you with that so let's do a happy birthday why don't you give an exaggerated version of your tone happy birth what do you want to do didn't want to do happy birthday such a bit but it's not what would you like to do cool you know we're hydrating so go coach well that just please you gotta come correct oh is it oh no okay fine then do you don't have to do an exaggerated version just just sing just do you girl just do you sing part of the anthem go on well if I'm a singing [Music] nice keep going I think anybody's ain't on you for that okay I want to follow that I don't what you do to me make it okay for it for the sake of the video all right I'm gonna sing the same thing the same key curse you if you can hear the difference between tones okay I have to do the sitting over here you can custom ember support sink your stance someone don't do it right all right here we go - there see one thing I do I carry mine issues put it down anyhow guys if you can tell Niki's was much more booming and resounding and she's just got this huge microphone in her mouth so to speak now I could do that and change my tone again you'll hear it on the next video but that's not the way that my voice naturally is without me doing anything to it that's how I sound that's just how my voice wants to smell so there's a more pointed forward and yet a slightly thinner sound to my voice than there is to Mickey's okay there's a heaviness to her voice that mine doesn't have and therefore it creates that depth that you're hearing from hers which I can again manufacture but it's not innately within me okay so I hope that this helped you guys kind of determine your again if you're still confused please call us up you can reach us at four four four three seven seven nine one nine if you're in the States or you got one inch somewhere or whatever or email the studio info at terracina studios comm will get you to Tammy our sales exec and she will take great care of you and get you into one of our coaches schedules and coach Nikki is available for those single session get you done and you will then know your vocal tone hopefully this video helped you get some clarification though we would love to help you or just again get with someone locally if it's not us just know at first before you go to change it okay thank you so much for watching guys we want you to know that you watching these videos means the world to us because this is what we love it's our passion and the fact that we just share that with you is truly a gift and thank you for being passionate along with us about your global journey so if you're wanting to go from good to great check out these videos get into it one of the coaches schedules make sure you also subscribe click that little red button and like us put in the comments box below as well what you would like us to do a tutorial to next thank guys they says we love you we're proud of you and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 133,629
Rating: 4.9162269 out of 5
Keywords: tara simon studios, tara simon, tara, vocal coach, Tutorial, tone and voice, my voice, how to change my vocal tone, vocal tone, voice, increase tone
Id: egMMxq_Ul5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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