Where Is YOUR Vocal Range Pt.2 | Tutorials Ep.20 | Find Your Voice

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I'm Terry with Terry Simon studios and I'm coach Nicky and today we are gonna be talking about how to find your rage and this is the female version if you haven't already check out the male version we released it already with coach Jeremy we tapped him out we about to tap out coach Nikki I don't like how that sounds bad hahaha better her than me so we're gonna find out her top chest her bottom chest and her top head voice okay so that you know and then where to combine the very lowest and the very highest to give you her total range at the end all right now I will say it again like I said it in the other video this is a very vulnerable very scary thing for any singer to do it's kind of like being mekin right it's like well this is all I got this is right I've all my pieces yeah all my wobbly bits here right so this is this is bland and out here we're being super vulnerable and honest to you so be nice right and and we're gonna whatever exercise Nikki wants to do it on we're gonna oblige her because we want her to be the best climate possible locally to get the best range possible we're gonna talk about the difference between doable and singable notes Nikki what does that mean to you doable means yeah I could do it technically a single Bowlmor means I can sing it like right now if I were to go on stage I'm comfortable I'm free to do it whatever but but doable and I'm gonna practice a little bit right you can eat squeak it out right but it's not something that you necessarily want someone else to hear okay so there is a difference and a lot of singers even even students coming up like when they're excited about expanding range they want to go perform it and just because you can doesn't mean you should all right keep it though yeah Wow so that's why we like to knock doable and singable down by a half or whole step so if you're doable is say like you know I don't know a c5 then your singable should be like a B or B Flynt you know it should be somewhere around there a little bit lower half or a whole step lower okay just to give yourself a little bit of headroom between this is all I have versus okay you may wonder how much higher I can go by singing this note and we always want to leave a little bit of mystery where a little something for the imagination to the listeners ears as to okay well they did that note really well I wonder how much higher they could go versus oh that's definitely their talk yeah we've got great so what exercise would you like to do on going high or low which would you want to go higher low in chest first if I do if I go it really doesn't like I could do hey now okay now go up and yeah okay do you want to go low or high first like you know high first okay rip the band-aid right off all right let's start here yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that is crazy okay so I was thinking you're gonna stop like Austin to go on camera you just decide to like freaking out Jennifer Hudson razón Oh better than me for sure dang Nikki okay so um well I don't know what to say now b-flat and then you stop there or was an a I don't even know guys I I'm like I don't even know what to do I did not expect that I mean we don't rehearse these things right so I just drugged her in here and I thought she was even stopped at a reasonable note so let's think it was I think I was here let's just say it was a because that's freaking high as heck anyway so let's say your high was a and that you stopped on a sharp which I could be wrong you couldn't I think you stopped on a and it was a sharp so let's say it was a um that note was good like like you I mean you were using your whole body to get it out but it didn't crack didn't splat you just sort of like it that's all I'm giving you right now I frankly think she may have gotten even one more half step higher she wanted to but that was first of all a beautiful example of going smoothly between a full chest into a chest mix and then into a pure mix was I mean that's not what we're here for today this is not the tutorial but bonus you guys got to hear what a great example is of going from chest to mix flawlessly and fluidly like I dare you to tell me where she changed in between cuz yeah anyway so we're we're at a crazy crazy high note here we are at a six alright yes a six and that's really where her top end ends for what I would say is a really solid chest mix or a really good 50/50 pure mix okay now some singers some female singers will end up stopping at a full chest because they don't have the ability to do what Nikki just freakishly did and switch from chest to mix so beautifully and flawlessly so again was inspecting that we're kind of punting here if she weren't only singing chest like I thought she was going to it probably would have stopped for a female around like anywhere from C to e okay up here but she went up until a so we're gonna call that high note her doable and I'm only gonna back it down a half step because she's got beautiful technique it really wasn't an issue note anyway her a I I think she could have done on stage so just for principal's sake we're gonna back down just a half step so it's a little more comfy for her if she were on a stage and let's say adrenaline and nerves were taking place that would be a singable note a flat okay G sharp a flat however you want to call it now let's see how low you can go miss perfect so we want to hey now going long yeah yeah I'm gonna start like down like yeah so that it doesn't take forever like that buzzer range is ridiculous alright so how about here okay all right Nikki you ready yeah all right drop it like it's hot so you keep telling me to do that and let's just see here we go we have way too much fun here one two ready go [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] yeah Hey like right yes okay I gotta hurry up okay so Nicki's a man on the inside okay so maybe a man like that's on the internet interwebs okay maybe that's crazy so you're you're in an a3 on the bottom as a doable alright and I'm gonna say because we went solo I'm gonna go up a whole step and say that a b3 would be your single would you say that's fair okay so here's what we're working with guys we're working with one two and almost three entire octaves between chest and chest mix for Nicki okay we were just shy by a minor third no we're just shy by really like yeah if we counted that weren't really shy of a whole step essentially two semitones of three whole octaves girl you be cray I didn't even know all that like how did I feel like I'm just knowing you for the first time right now so much that you don't know about me so we're just gonna do have boys now so bad boys Nicki what do you want to do for an exercise to show people that you can go off the key piano it's like 4 headboys yeah you can be is good hallelujah okay um you want to start so when you want to start on the top note and work your way down for Halle hallelujah yeah okay alright let's do it where do you wanna start let's start maybe [Music] yeah so we're doing okay and you are so bad don't kids don't try that at home okay not just tell me to do that guy did not all right I'm just following instructions but let's go you're fired yeah ready [Applause] very nice thingy I support a beautiful mouth first in the face we're with the app or you got it [Applause] ready and okay Francis you lie to me Poirot that's my job is to be a terrible counter it is kind of her job okay so we're good that was great that was great so we're gonna say that you hit an e' above high C right but we're also gonna say that this East X was your doable alright and we're gonna say that I would say you know you kind of started to like when some use your shoulders a little bit around high C but you you kind of crossed a threshold there and after that I feel like you accessed a little bit of whistle tonality that got you a lighter brighter tone it wasn't so heavy and then you were able to geek out a few more notes so I'm gonna say that with a little bit of practice in getting from that heavier mask into that lighter whistle mix it really was not whistle because it's not high enough quite to be whistle it's it's really on the cusp but I would say that because you had elements of that in in your mask that we're gonna go whole step down into that d6 area okay so I'm saying that d6 is Nicki's topped forehead voice which means starting where the heck were you on bottom I think you were an a right yeah you were at a three yeah so uh Mandy voices okay so now this is a one octave two octaves three octaves so you've got three octaves and a fourth here that's amazing that's really really nice just for prospective guys Mariah Carey has a four octave range Wow just saying I think she might have a little over four but I mean Nicki's in a three octave and and four so just because you don't have that by the way does not mean that you can't say okay these are vocal coaches who are personally trained by me and they're amazeballs so just throwing that out there don't let yourself measure up to them and be like one I'm failing so I'm bad that's not the case okay but we're just giving you an example of what truly tapping out means doable versus singable and context of my coaches who are kind enough to be vulnerable with you on camera and show you what their top and bottom truly is and again it's a really scary vulnerable thing so mad props to you Nicki for doing that it really it was alive say that no I'm skinning the make sure that you shower out my comments guys show her some love and hopefully this helped you because we want you to be able to define your image for two reasons one if you're able to define your limitations you're going to be able to know really in a very in a very confident sense what your capability of doing within those limitations and then 2 you're able to expand upon those limitations if you know that your before vocal picture is an a3 versus an e6 well then I know months later if I'm doing exercises and working on my technique that it's expanded that I've gained range I'm now to an a-flat to an f6 or something like that you know I can see the difference because I've written it down and over time then it morphs and it changes just like if you were at the gym and you got before picture and then hopefully you've been within life right and working on your fitness name and then you see changes right that's the goal listen she's over there trying to be genuine here and she's over here messing around so that's the goal right and and we want to voice is so intangible and we want to give you guys tangible things to hold on to and me like ok I know that I wrote this down five months ago and now I'm here that's really good motivation and inspiration to keep going so that's why it's important to know your range it's also important by the way guys to subscribe to this channel and click the notifications button nice very good we work on it we work on a consume a sure that you do that guys and if you haven't already check out coach Nikki as a coach she's amazing there's a description in the description box there's a link that you can click on to get into her schedule in particular she is hand trained by me she's amazing and if you haven't noticed already has an insane range and if you want to learn from her you absolutely can make sure you email her call the studio we'll be happy to get you in her schedule we love you guys we're proud of you and we will see you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 268,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #how to sing, #how to Find your range, #vocal Range, #singing Range, Finding your vocal range, Tarasimon, Tara
Id: MNe821IgUjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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