5 Things Oblivion Did Better Than Skyrim

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skyrim is a great game but after many hours of playing it I've come to the realization that there are some things that oblivion did a lot better and while Skyrim has its improvements it's really hard to overlook these issues so here are the five things oblivion did better than Skyrim [Music] if you were to ask me what my favorite genre is the answer would hands-down be RPG all of my favorite games fall somewhere in this category but in Skyrim the RPG aspects have pretty much disappeared and while I definitely don't miss some of them one that I really missed from oblivion is the class system and while you could argue that a lack of classes means that there's more freedom I would argue that there really isn't now you're probably saying that's absurd because if you're playing as an archer and then decided you wanted to be a mage instead you could just do that and you can't an oblivion except you kind of can and in Oblivion you could probably do it easier because even if destruction is one of your minor skills you can still get all the same perks that you would get if it were a major skill and while increasing a minor skill won't affect your level at all you'll still get points to put into your attributes every time you level up while in Skyrim if you spend a lot of perks in archery all of a sudden you have a lot less perks to spend in magic and now you may never be the best at either of them or at the very least it's gonna take a lot longer to level up to get those perks which means when you start a new game you still have to decide what skills to focus on anyway now I'm not saying Skyrim's perk system is bad I'm just saying that not choosing a specific class doesn't make it any easier if anything it makes it more confusing now of course the Dragonborn DLC added a way to reset those perks but you still have to do a lot of questing to get to that point but really that leads me into the real issue I have with no classes which is the lack of identity who are you no longer can you choose your backstory now you have no backstory as if you didn't even exist before you hit that start button you can't even choose your own special birth sign anymore instead they're now these dumb rocks giving you bonuses that you can swap in and out at a moment's notice only adding to my theory that the Dragonborn was never actually born [Music] one of the common complaints I hear about Skyrim is it's not diverse enough they're not enough elves not enough argonians not enough Breton's and to some extent that is true and why should there be this is the home of the north's there should be a lot of nerds I mean morrowind was mostly dark elves and that was fine cyrodiil had a lot of Imperials and that was okay too but the truth is there's a lot more diversity in Skyrim than people give it credit for the problem isn't that there are too many Nords is that no one can tell the difference here's a Nord and imperial and a Breton can you tell the difference here's a bosmer and out mer and a dark elf do you know which one is which I'm sure if you really thought about it you could probably figure it out but when you're just passing through you probably won't realize what race they are and at first I thought it was just me but lately I've had multiple people tell me that they've never even seen a bosmer in Skyrim but you know what I know that they have since this guy in Whiterun is a bosmer his brother is a bosmer FanDuel is a bosmer hell even that albert girl i just showed you was actually a bosmer which was a big surprise to me and that's my point all these races look too similar in Oblivion i always knew who was a bosmer because they were so short when i saw a tall beefed-up human i knew it was a Nord and if there was a tall golden elf I could tell it was an Elmer I could even tell just by their voices okay guess who I am came long Romain lon I mean sure that was partly because oblivion had so few voice actors but Skyrim didn't improve that much and instead now I hear voice and it could belong to anybody and that only adds to the confusion I have as to who is who and sure you could argue that the Argonian Sinkin jeet looked pretty distinct but even they aren't as unique as they used to be back in morrowind their legs were totally different I don't know what happened there but that's a topic for another day this isn't five things morrowind did better [Music] Skyrim takes itself way too seriously I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing I fight because I must alright that's a bad example but even moments that shouldn't be super serious are still too serious even when you meet Shia gorath which should be the very definition of not serious is still unbelievably serious I mean seriously even though there are some jokes thrown in during the quests the things we are doing are not even that absurd and on top of that we are constantly reminded of the urgency of completing this quest this isn't something we're doing for the fun of it unlike Shia Goths quest in Oblivion instead we are focused on trying to escape and it takes away from the quest itself and that's the problem I have with it Skyrim seems to think that the world has to be at stake all the time but it doesn't and that is something oblivion was aware of it knew when to be serious and when not to be if you're doing a quest for the god of madness then that should be a quest that is a light-hearted and fun and even when the quest are doing is pretty serious the game devs would still find a way to help lighten the mood ah I was just getting used to being retired you can see how good my painting is getting and honestly I find that makes oblivion as a living world a lot more believable [Music] in Skyrim you are the greatest hero that ever was your powers almost no one has and only you can save all of existence and you know what no one cares no one gives you any respect and no one actually acknowledges your power it's stupid in Oblivion you aren't even the true hero that title goes to Martin Septim sure you did a lot to save the day but he's the important one but he turned into a dragon God and that's hardly sport but despite that everybody cares what you do you walk around the streets and people go it's it's you the hero of kabocha this is truly an honor and when you become a guild master people will actually recognize that yes master you need me I mean hell you even get your own statue which not only makes you feel more important but it makes you feel like this is actually a world that you existed that everything you do has an effect on the events of the game even helping just one person can change how people interact with you but in Skyrim I don't get that feeling instead I feel like anybody could have done this and that when it is done it didn't make any difference to the world whatsoever even when big things happen such as becoming the guild master of the Thieves Guild people still treat you like the first day you walked in there I don't care if your best buddies with the guild master I'll still smashing your skull if you try anything I am the guild master you prick and while you might see some thieves running around in the wild now they might as well have nothing to do with the guilt since they don't acknowledge you whatsoever which ultimately means I don't feel as connected to this world as I should be and that's just sad [Music] all right this last one shouldn't be a surprise to quite a few of you because I've made it very clear in the past Oblivion's quests are better I am NOT saying that Skyrim doesn't have any good quests but none of them compared to even the decent quests in oblivion as a matter of fact Skyrim's bad quests aren't even as bad as Oblivion's bad quests which probably isn't a positive thing but I'm using it anyway because at least I remember them in Skyrim I can barely remember the good ones and I've played Skyrim nearly as much as I played oblivion honestly it just feels like Bethesda didn't really try that hard with sky arms quests most of them just kind of feel the same speaking of which the quest lines themselves all follow the same basic structure especially the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild if you put it on paper they're practically carbon copies of each other oblivion however understood that variety is the spice of life every single guild quest line felt completely unique some guilds were doing badly at the start and then you help bring them back into prosperity while other guilds were at their height of their power at the beginning and only spiraled into disarray as you went along and that was great and this variety extended to more than just the guild but to all the quests even the ones that had similar premises were still totally different and that's what's missing from Skyrim it doesn't matter that Skyrim's dungeons were designed by actual people unlike in Oblivion because instead is the quests that feel like they were made by robots maybe I'm being too harsh here but I don't think so so I want to hear your opinion on this topic what do you like better about oblivion and Skyrim or is there something you like better in Skyrim than oblivion perhaps you disagree with me on one of these or all of them these are the kind of things I'm really interested in hearing about also make sure to hit that subscribe button while you're at it and don't forget to check out my other videos I have one on the five biggest jerks in oblivion and another on the five biggest jerks in Skyrim so whatever game you prefer there is a jerk for you to get angry at
Channel: The Cantina
Views: 1,777,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Cantina, skyrim vs oblivion, oblivion vs skyrim, things oblivion did better, things oblivion did better than skyrim, Oblivion is better than skyrim, why oblivion is better than skyrim, oblivion did better, oblivion did better than skyrim, Oblivion, Skyrim, Elder Scrolls, oblivion 2017, why oblivion is the best, the elder scrolls, the elder scrolls iv: oblivion, elder scrolls oblivion
Id: IP7ThsiHgjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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