Finally Using The Breeding Farm in Palworld

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[Music] it's time put me down put me down right now get in there rayhon come on all right you two get to work I need better Ray hounds please a wait cake right right okay I got the cake please hopefully I'll get a rhound with maybe Swift Nimble and lucky that'd be nice Swift Runner lucky that that' also be nice so uh I guess we'll just uh yeah we'll just wait here them eventually oh man oh they're done that is not an electric egg that is what the hell did you guys make it's like Pokemon right where the female usually that was my first mistake thinking it was a Pokemon again see now I'm curious maybe there should be like a feature in the pow box that says hey do you want to cancel out some of these work suitability traits or whatever it's like yeah of course that way I could have certain power specialized in only one thing we got it we got the quiver inside oh thanks oh my [Music] God I'll admit yeah quivering is definitely slow I would maybe a little bit slower than Nightwing but I noticed that there's a lot of Quin has a lot of stamina I I think yeah has a lot of stamina this is fine this is genuinely fine I'm I'm okay with this I just need to make a smaller version of qu though yeah I yeah this will definitely replace Beacon it will most certainly replace Beacon now since Beacon was already electri type on the team and I had rhound as well I would rather have oh God sorry about that two hours later okay we're back home uh I went on a little Adventure uh I went to grab some more points so I could actually fly with quiver so I don't have to use Beacon anymore the egg is done so let's see what a a bipedal cat and basically a dog that watched too much bolt Bolt the [Music] movie huh what okay all right so you mean to tell me that a cat and a dog made an Android meiku deo's what do I even say to that he say lucky that's something I expected I you know what I don't know why I expected a rhound I'll be completely honest I don't know why I expected rhound to come from a kativa and hell I expected an Abomination like a cat dog a a baby was born and a c a little stir no blue bu no three-eyed frog with a feline Kine little cat dog cat dog cat [Music] dog so someone told me that I can mix a Bouie and a pan cane I want to see what they make apparently I'll get a legendary this way so yeah let's see there yeah okay I guess I'll do a bit more exploring while I wait for these two to finish that is a big Bur bir you got that r sox they [Music] just all right let [Music] no nice yeah you know I might need to do something about this base cuz um I thought I could fit everything here but doesn't seem to be the case right doesn't really seem to be the case at all so I might when I relocate my or base I might just also put production there oh thanks to presso and the caters that decided to help later down the road don't worry buddy you're you're finally done that expression is really just me while I'm editing and I see that adobe is just pulling some BS must pet the depresso you must nurture the depresso must pet the depresso must make him happy I'm very curious on what this so-called legendary is oh it's almost done it's done all right I don't know what to expect it's a rocky egg from a fire and water pow here we [Music] go a nubis once scene as a symbol of nobility and an idol for those who shunned wealth and power yet over time this PO this pal became a token of death holy why why does why does a pirate and a samurai make an Egyptian pharaoh cat Jackal thing that when fighting together applies ground damage to the player ooh ooh okay sometimes Dodges attacks with highspeed side step while in battle I feel like they should just you know maybe give some of that to the powers that we already have that'd be nice has a level four in handiwork a level three in mining a level two in transporting holy [ __ ] okay that might I think that's the one hang on before I even okay let's think about this for a moment here I think this is the completed team actually so the first one that we've caught that was added to the team in the series was depresso which is a dark type makes sense and then the second one or the second one was chillet but we don't we don't talk about that the third one was boui I will fulfill my duty what are you aggro to right now what is happening flame breathing that's a chicken that's a chicken that's a chicken biei you got all that out your system we just got quiver I still got to make a smaller version of quivver but that's our flying M now Dragon rhound will be the the ridable Poke or ridable pow to use when on the ground I got to get a better rooll of rhound with hopefully Swift with Runner and hopefully Vanguard as well so that's our electric M and now the final one is Anubis I'm not going to lie I'm not surprised cuz looking at this design look why why are you doing this he's confused you're confused that me give you affection what is that run n no no no you not about to just what is that run let me see the d i [Music] [Applause] stter yeah I'm not surprised this dude has the Run of Naruto yeah I'm not surprised because if I if I could have a bit of your time right if I could just show you this note I have of the old Pokemon team that I had before right so it says here that my starter modon was either a samur plus the the new Samurai which was in Legends archus or a Greninja of course you know Greninja water and dart that's always going to be my starter no matter what they come out with that's always going to be the starter Greninja if they have like something that's close to Greninja design which is you know a ninja frog Shinobi thing then that's on the team regardless right though someone's going to have to get replaced and I'm not I'm not liking that reality that I'm about to come to you so the next one is AIS slash stealing ghost right it's it's a sword Pokemon with a shield which would be like Bushi but Bushi doesn't have a shield or anything think he's just a samurai or swordsman which is which is fine yeah which is why he's still here but as you see here on the next one is Lucario which is a fighting in Steel type and I'm not going to lie Anubis looks very similar to Lucario and that's not a bad thing like I don't I listen I don't give a [ __ ] if the design is close or whatever if it looks good [ __ ] it I I don't care it this is this makes me want to use Anubis even more cuz Lucario was definitely on my [Music] team so I I I don't care next one is Gore psychic and fery that's not I know maybe like Batalia or whatever would probably be close to that but no I don't I don't think so uh then obviously the electric types which would be pachy Ru squirrel thing flying squirrel Joe tion which you know of course and then obviously Lux Ray and unfortunately I mean Ray Hound is a close second so luxray is not happening don't don't worry rayon you you're good enough don't worry about it you're fine come here yeah all right so the next one is GL score which is a flying ground I like GLC is on and then we got Talon flame fire and flying which I debated whether or not to have ragna Hawk on the team to be honest yeah doesn't really look like Talon flame but it's definitely a close second that would have definitely a close second I would have for you know a Talon flame replacement but we have Bushi which is already a fire type anyway so I can't really do that um the next one is noer which is a dragon and flying type and yeah I really like nor no's design right plus Noivern in the anime was just just the best genuinely like that was one of my favorite um and yeah that's really about it the six Pokemon would have been a legendary but I think my team wouldn't have any sort of legendaries at all I I think yeah someone told me that nubis was a legendary which makes sense design and the the statue it makes sense but this is the only exception that would have for for a legendary thanks for the tip um I appreciate it this was definitely worth it cuz um yeah that's basically the entire team now and a noob is actually good for working so I might actually breed more and get them around the base as well hell even for mining too that's it's really good so thank you I um I appreciate it now if you excuse me I have work to [Music] do
Channel: The Last Kyanite
Views: 2,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Stm8DL0Qob0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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